HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-5-16, Page 8POWDER Absolutely Pure. This pmid er never varies Amarvel apex, itp,strength and wholesomene,at, More ooone ambled than the ordinary kinds and cameo be sold in competitionwith the multitudes ot low test, short :weight, alum or phosphatef Powders: Sold R CO 108 Wallet ee rAN. Y' �;- INSURANCE ERNST 1JLLIOT.AGENT FOR ALI THE WESTERN' ASSURANCE COM- PANY, of Toronto ; also for; the PIVEN1S FIRESFIRE[I?SU>iAlZCE COMPANY, of London, England, the ROYAL CANADIAN, of Mon- troel, and the BRITISH EMPIRE LINE AS, SUBANCE COMPANY, of r,ondon. England. established 1&17. A:rsets over $5,000,000; claims and bonuses paid, over 510,000,000. LOCAL NEWS.—We shall bchoppy to re- -five at all times, from any part of the Count, items of local news, such as ac- cidents,or any intereating•incident what - e ver, frons any of our subscribers or read- ers generallyfor the purpose of public ation. u Onto: %two. THURSDAY, MAY 16th, 1889 LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Rai Steads. Many ot the roads throughout Stephen township are in a bad state- Some of the made least travelled upon are dangerous, The culverts and bridges at various points are dilapidated and the approaches to which are "caving in The pathmastere will soon commence roadwork, and it would be to the interests of the township and the comfort of the travelling public to have these repairs attended to at the earliest moment. Warning. The public should not need to he re- minded that it is an offence punishable by lav: to atternpt to use postage stamps that have done service. The evil has become eo common that an example will be made of persons guilty of such as attempt to defraudthe revenue. All such letters have to be sent to the dead letter office, where they are opened and a record made of the names of the would•be-thieves. Fall Wheat, Fall wheat in some of the localities to the south looks well, while to the north and west the cereal has none too promising appearance. The fields are patchy and in some places dried out. A shower of rain every few days might bring the wheat along alright, but if the hot and dry weather sets in the wheat this year will be a failure. Spring grain looks well, the meadows, :generally, behind. Pasturage as a rule is good. At the present time it is difficult to determine --it all rests with the weather for the next month. Nuptial, Oa Wednesday of last week the resi- elence of Mrs. James Brownlee was the scene' of a happy event, the occasion being the marriage of her youngest daughter, Nellie, to Mr, W, T. Roadhouse, of Kirk• ton. The ceremony was performed by Bev, . S. F. Robinson in the presence of a few friends of the contracting;parties. The young couple will make their home in Kirkton, where Mr- Roadhouse in Com- pany with Mr. Wm. Brown carry on "The Spruce Carriage Works." We wish the newly married twain long life and cootie - lied happiness. --.0— Must Publish it. The importance of publishing a dieso- ane of i fes in the eventof a eh ut n not d vg, firm is shown by a case recently decided. .A note for 2,500 was given by a former member of the firm and the firm'a name signed to it. It was discounted at the bank and the maker of the note appro- priated the proceeds to his own use. Be- ing unable to collect it when due the bank brought suit against the firm for the amount. They showed that his connec- tion with the firm had ceased before he made the note, but as they had not pub- lished the dissolution notice previous to that time, as required by law, judgment was rendered against the old firm. Bowers of Kien. A. fellow (he's not a man) who styles himself "Prof. Johnston, the seventh son of the seventh son," and who assumes to do many wonderful things, visited Exeter last week. H eput up at the Ceatral ho- tel,and advertised himself freely by speech and bill, guaranteeing a full reals- action of the many features be advertised He met with little auccess,he no doubt finding that the people of Exeter have brains. On Saturday night he was mita- ing, having unceremoniously left without Baying hie board and printing bille. Peo- ple elsewhere will do well to beware of this crank, He makes up in cheek what he lecke ht brains and money. Daring the pass few weeks nursery men 'have been busy making deliveries of fruit and ornamental trete. It is surprising Stow many trues of the various kinds are planted here every year. Mr. 3. W, o- Barth of Stephen net eat" about 500 fruit tress,.tliis spring. Person going tothe old country or those Wishing to bring out iricnde, will thud it to their interests to per6hase tic- ketsDominion t leets .,Lineof S eameh s. Capt. George E'.em is ,the local agent, mid he Will be leaned to note you v er I3 tl y low rates. One of the old pioneers of Hay, in the person of Mr. Imo. Petty died at his home in Reneell on Saturday afternoon. Hie remains_werye interred in the Exeter eeme- eery. ?artieularit tiltewhere. ,Surprise and Protestation On Thursday erg,last the metpbere of the choir of tint antes et Melhodtst eburoh assembled at the residence of Mr. Frank Ruse, their late leader and pre - rented him with a geutlemeu's chair and a well tilled purse, and to Mrs Ruse a beautiful ladies' chair. The Address nae read and presentation made by J. P. Clarke. Mr. Rise has beau a respected resident of Exeter for some years, and leaves for St. Marys, this week, The following is the address: To Mr. and Mrs. P. #luso, Doer Friends, We the members of dames St. Methodist ohuroh ohoir having learned of your intention to remove from our midst to, the town of St Mares where having entered into an engage- ment with the first j'resbyterian Church as Ieader.in the service of song, we deeply regret that your services eould not have been retained and knowing that a separation must soon take Piece We the members of the above mentioned choir deaire to assure you that after the elapse of nearly 5 yearsattended on your part with earnest, persevering, unlravering alerts. Dur- ing that time we have ever recognized you as our much esteemed and valued leader and looked upon you asa man worthy of our con- fidence and of whom we have felt proud to earl our nautical director. We feel we cannot allow you to pass from our associations with- out expressing our approval of your impar- tial and candid dealing with ue while under yourd instructions. halevrcknwldgmsbarpatience fisted when endeavoring to bring us to a better knowledge and understanding of music and voice culture for which we trust we shall aver be grateful. Those memories will ever form a Pleasing part in our lif es voyage and cause ue to remember your devotion to us, and the service of song in which your sympathies aro inlieted. We shalleonsider them among the most oherishableremembrances of the pail. We must as responsible persons ever feel our indebtedness to you forth , healthful des- eipline, you have exercised oVer ue during the hours of praotioe,thereby enabling us the more efficiently to act our part when called so to do. Those years just, paseed are Iike the rehearsal of apleasing incident in life's pathway and will ever bring to our Hinds pleasure and pro- fit when our hearts shall muse upon the same. It new becomes my pleasing duty in the presence of the ohoirnow assembled to present to you "Mr. Ruse' this gentleman's chair and purse with its eontenta and to "Mrs. Ruse" this ladies chair and we do not wish you to estimate our value of you or yours by those mementos, but as you leavens you do so with our united wishes that you both may be made a blessing in your new home and field of labor and when it shall be yours to occupy those seats of rest at the clew of the days toil. You will be able to recall sweet and pleasant reo- collections of your associations with us, the members of James•et Methodist Church choir, Exeter. We again loin in wishing you each a place in the mansions i of our heavenly father's abode, where among the ehoister of the re- deenied whose garments are beyond tarnish, you may take a noble part in the great coron- ation song and Crown him Lord of all, and where we all hope at teat to unite and help in that chorus of everlasting praise to him who was midis and ever more shall be the song of the Heavenly choir. Signed Sames-st Methodist Choir. At the same time and place Mies Edith Brown, organist of the church was alio made the recipient of a well filled purse by the members of the choir, out of esteem and in appreciation of valuable services in the past. Min Brown still retains the position of organist. In each instaaee the recipients made suitable replies. We join Mr. Ruse's many friends in wishing he and his estmiable wife long life and continued prosperity and happiness ; and take pleasure in commending Mr. Ruse to the St. Marys public, as a gentleman and tutor of music. Meander eterm. The first serious thunder andlightning storm of the season visited this neighbor - `hood last Friday. It lasted for a oonple of hours, during which time the lightning flashed and the thnnder peeled and rolled Incessantly, Telephone wires and poles suffered destruction, several instruments in town ware burned out; and it was late on Saturday erg. before the trunk line south could be used. The lightning struck the residence of Mr. I. Handford of Exe- ter. The ball entered the chimney and passing down into the dining room pene- trated the floor and made its exit by way of the cellar, tearing several boards off the verandah• The stove pipes were smashed into small pieces, and the we't and floor damaged. Mrs. Handford was passing out of the room as the lightning entered and fortunately escaped with fright. At the same time a barn in Steph- en township belonging to Mr. James Har- vey of Exeter was struck by lightning and burned to the ground, together with 900 bushels of grain..&c. There was a very heavy fall of rain. Personal. rs. Mr. Collius and family on Tuesday left for Blenheim to reside. -Mr. Hepburn, formerly druggist of this place spent Sun- day in town.— Mr. A. Lammie, druggist, of Detroit, who was visiting friends in Exeter last week left for Detroit, Monday. --Mr. Thos Prier has returned from the old country whither he had gone with a load of fat cattle. He reports the mar- kets fiat. Mr. Prier attests that he en- joyed the trip.—Mr. W. LT. Hutchins of Parkhill was in town last week. -Mr. W. J. Carling. is the owner of a mastiff dog.— Mr. James Ramsay leaves in a few days for Cleveland, 0. Mr. Ramsay is a prin- ter and a good one, he having graduated from Teams office some four or five years ago. For three years he has filled the position of "add" compositor in the office of the Guelph Herald, and when he Ieft to seek a higher position the employees made him the recipient of a beautiful present and a nicely worded address as an 'nvi• dense of the esteem in which he was held. We join in wishing "Jim" unbounded euocess.—Messrs Crossley and Hunter the revivaliecs will arrive Saturday, and on Sunday morning Mr, Crossley will preach in the Presbyterian Church, Mr. Hunter to officiate in the Main -at Church.—Mr. John R. Jaynes moved to London last week to reside. -Messrs. N. D. Burdon, John and Bert Knight visited Mr. George Knight and family at Saturday,ay They returned home Monday morning and brought three dozenof nice speckled trout along, --Mr. Bert Shipley leaves t a forther l rann to,day e Lucas,--•I.Bu d is finishing buggies fora carriage builder in Goderich.---.Che Poet Office Inspector is in town arrangitig for a daily mail between Exeter and Dashtvood. The new route will connect with Sarepta and Hay. Rsorenen.—Boots and shoos at and be• low cost at C. Eacrett's. Harness making in all ite branches still carried on as usual, opposite Central aotel, Exeter, Ont. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods. Mechanics' Institutes are being formed 14 the towed and village 'in Western ertern Ontario. Exeter end Strathroy tie the latest, The officers for the former for the current year are: ---President, R. It Archer ; Secretary, E. Roherte ; Treas. B. S. O'Neil. --London► Free Press, Our esteemed totem. ie laboring under a delusion. We cannot say es to Strath. ray, but we 'wiah to inform the Free Fettle that Exeter hat had a Meehaines' Isiah• tuts for yearn. A Begird of Trade watt formed here last Week end possibly a mistak. hue been Made by our' cotem, When you hoar a men .decrying the tovtn in which he lives, you eau prat' it down bo ower more titan he can pay, The Board of Trade mot )ort evening. Tice eommitte appointed to theft by-laws presented their work which, with few exceptions, was found to be well done. J. $. McRoberts on li1ond+ty shipped 40 tube of butter front Exeter to Montreal for Mr, Hutchins, The price' of butter is declining somewhat rapidly. Mr George Bissett, who some time ago unfortunately lost hit right leg, and who. has since used crutches, last week received' an artificial limb which he wears with al- moet natural, grace. The close season for pickerel stetted on April 15 and closed April 3P, and the close season for begs from April 15 to June 15, Trout fishing is lawful after May 1. The public park at the south end of the village at the present time presents a beautiful appearance. The trees which were eat out fast spring have all lived end now the foliage is thick and green. The open season for bovines in the vil- lage commenced yesterday. The streets are well filled. Accordfng to the by -taw. in this connection, the cows will have to be closed up at night, as was the case last year, Mr. Jay. Down has sold his wag- gon and carriage shop to Mr. Wm, Treble, Mr. Down is improving in health but has no intention of mainengaging at his chosen avocation. Rev. Jammer Wilson, of the Main-st Methodist church has received a unani- mous call from the quarterly board to re- main as pastor of the "church for another year. M.I r I. Handfordf` Exeter o E to has aaId his farm on the 2nd con. of Usborne to a Mr. Bowden of Bright for $6,000. The pro- perity will be known as the Walker farm, and it is said to be a good one. 674 narasole to be sold for just half price at the Big Bankrupt Store. Get one quick before you are too late. - Dress Goods, Cambrays Flannelletts, Gingham®, Print Muslin, Embroideries, and Corsets, all 25 to 35 per cent. off at the Big Bankrupt Store. The Huron Presbytery met in the Caven Church on Tuesday. The attendance of ministers was large and much work was done. A more detailed report will be found elsewhere. The new maebinery building of the Verity Agricultural Works is almost com- pleted- The work of constructing the finishing department will be commenced at ence. Several local anglers went to the lake lest week on a fishing expedition. They failed to catch any fish the stoim being so severe as to rile the waters. Seine fish- ing commenced Monday. Persons who anbseribed for the Empire with this office, and who have not receiv- ed their premium bust of Sir John Mac- donald will please calf at Time office and get one. There are a few left.. See those Ladies' knock about hats for 25 cents at the Big -Bankrupt. Store. They are worth $1.00. Straw hats of every kind less than half price.' The Howard Clifton Company silver - then a free concert for Mondayevg., but they did not appear. The streets were filled with.expeetant visitors, and when it was found that the Company did not put in an appearance the crowds seemed vexed. The school Board has issued rules' and regulations to be observed by the pupils. The laws are sot stringent and any pil found violating any one of the seven should receive revere punishment. The s cholera will have to deport themselves in a careful manner. 35 per cent. saved by buying your car- nets and lace curtains at the Big Bankrupt Store. The Very Rev. Dean Annie of St. Paula Cathedral, London will preach a special sermon to the volunteers in the Trivitt Memorial Church on Sunday next May 19th at 3 p, m. The Company will march to the Church headed by the Exeter Brass Band under command of their officer Capt. Andrews and Lieut's. Dickson and Bil- First she said she would, then she said would'nt, then the smiled and said she could'rt resist but would take one of those beautiful black satin nierv. dress for gict, at the Big Bankrupt Store. As Mr. Wm. Treble, of Exeter, was en- eaged raisinga frame cottage on the 2nd con. of Biddulph, a serious accident oc- curred. A young man named Robt. Mc - Faille of that township, formerly of Exet- er, was assisting and was under the build- ing attending to one of the jacks, when the support gave way and he was fright- fully crushed. He is in a dangerous con- dition but hopes are entertained of his re- covery. Read Carling Bros. change of adv. It is very interesting, Miss Priscilla, the eldest daughter of Thomas and Betty Coates of Usborne, passed thither to that happy land on Wednesday. She was aged 17 years, 6 months, and was a favorite in the com- munity. The deceased had been ill for some months, but death was not looked for. We extend our sympathy to Mn. and Mrs. Coates and family, in this their hour of affliction. No sooner had the mourning over a departeddaughter, who died last year, began to cease, than their sorrow is added to by the demise this week of another.' The funeral will take place from Mr. Coates' residence on Friday (to -morrow) at 2 o'clock p. m. Boots and shoes from 30c pr. upwards at Richard Pickard's. A meetingofe creditors th Thoma a Sims, estate was held in L. H. Dickson's office, Exeter, onThursday last, whena number of creditors d ors w r e eP sea crit The assignee laid an abstract of receipts and expenditures before the creditors, show- ing the receipts to be $959-63 and a balance of about $14.00 to be divided. between creditors having claims to the amount of over $1.600. The creditors appointed S. S. Nash, George Lawson, and Henry. Silber as inspectors, giving them instructions to fix the remuner• atien of the assignee add to give direct- ions with reference to the disposal of the estate and the winding up of same. Aeefdent. James Gould who gathers ashes for Jehn Gould of Exeter, Met with a serious and nearly fatal accident near Eiimville as he was returning fromhas daily round on Tuesday evening. The out came off the front axle on the nigh side allowing the waggon to drop and throwing Mr. Gould vie ently forward between the horses which became frightened end dragged him tome distance under the aisle causing seri. OW( bodily y bruises. kindly assistance y arrived and he was immediateijr taken home argains! Bargains Bargains ! A'11 RICHARD_PICKARLYSf We are offering especial values in the following lines, which have all been bought for cash, and will be sold at the lowest possible figures ; Black and Cold Benrietta Clots, with Border and Trimmings;. Plain and Fancy Dress Goods, 7u all the new shades: Black and Cold Silks, and Satin Marvellieux, all over Embroidered Flouncings and Insertions; Parasols. Gloves, Hosiery and: Corsets; Carpets, Lace Curtains, Curtain -poles and Fanny Blinds; Boots and Shoes;'lieu's and Boy's Felt and Straw Hats. OUR MILLINERY OEPARTMENT Is full of all the latest noveltiesand we are daily receiving enstallments of t goods from the Parisian and New York Markets. A. call from the Ladies solicited. RICHARD PICKARD Special Announcement. have made arras with Dr. arrangements We g B. S. Kendall Co„ publishers of "A Treat- ise on the Horse and his diseases" which will enable all our subscribers to obtain a work free by sending their address (enclos- ing a two.cent stamp for mailing same)�, to DAB. J. KENDALL CO., ENosnvnnx FALLS, VT. This book is now recognized as standard authority upon all diseases of the horse, as its phenomenal sale attests, over four million copies have been sold in the past ten years, a sale never before reached by any publication in the same period of time. We feel con- fident that our patrons will appreciate the work and be glad to avail themselves of this opportunity of obtaining a valuable book. It is necessary that you mention this paper in sending for the 'Treatise." Thia offerawill remain open for only a short time. Life Given St. Leon Mineral Water. Geo. Sanders has received a fresh sup- ply of this justly famed water, direct from the apringe. Now is your ehanee to build up a sound, strong constitution. Bring along your jars, circular proofs, conclusive of the value of this natural healer will be given you. Startling cures, how to use the water, &o,, &e. It extraordinary merits are thus commented upon by the Toronto News: From natnre'sabreast.truth priceless rings. Fresh food, fruit, flowers and heeling springs, That truth, lives, prows, convinues all of nature's priceless value. That truth that eminent praetionera to exclaim "Im- possible to overrate the curative powers of St. Leon Mineral Water." The rare element deficient in our far in- land clime, the soul of life, that impnlee is derived throegh the use of St. Leon That impulse that electrifies the vital Pines, giving tone and vigor to the organ ism, till. like nature's bard, we would sing aloud with joy and feel as flowing through, us "The golden hours on angel wings." The pure, rare, rich, ripe, rich fuel tone u the paralysed organs, changes the blood with ripe moleeluar life, food to brain, nerve, bone muscle and flesh. Its amalgamating and gaseous principles seek eagrese through channels and pores leder with posioned waste. Young and old, stiff, sore, sickly, o► even healthy, after fairly testing St. Leon attain heights of vigor and joy past im- agining. All who value life-long, lastingstrength and happiness drink St. Leon ater. Six women were killed and five injuzed in a collision which 000urred between a street car and a switch engine on the Michigan Central tracks in Ealamazoo last evening. The engine was on its way to aid freight train at Oatemo, the first station west of here, and had orders to make extra] speed. .M the same time a street ear, on the Wast :Main. Street line was nearing the knelt, and the driver, not hearing the warning nor seeing the gates lowered, supposed that all was safe and proceeded as usual. While the oars was crowing the tracks the engine struck it squarely and oarried it several 'Macke before stopping. There was a dozen'persons in the car, Of shoeo persons five were almost instantly killed. The annual district meeting of the Exeter district Methodist church will be held in the Main-st. church, Exeter on Tuesday and Wednesday next. Richard Pickard has just received another large consignment of millinery in which may be found all the very latest novelties. The wife of Wm. Galloway, of Ade- laide and daughter of `,Samuel Cobble - dick, of Exeter, died on Thursday last. Jno. Willis intends shipping eight car loads of export cattle frbm Exeter to- day and the Mestere Wood Bros. two carloads. Remember the Big Bankrupt Store will more.for butter and eggs ivy ggs than any other in Exeter. Wall pager, window shades, Isco curtains and curtains poles &e, at great- ly reduced prices, at Rd. Pickard'st Both Mr. Crossley and Mr. Hunter officiate in the Tames-st. Methodist church at 6.30 p. m. Sunday. Next week meetings will be held in James -at. Methodist church commencing with song service each evening at 7.30. Men and boys' clothing very eheap at the Big Bankrupt Store. Ladies see our beautiful combination prints at 80. per yd. warranted fast colors, at Rd. Pickard's. Constable Creech impounded about a dozen cows on Tuesday niiyht, and shortly afterward some persons broke open the - pound and liberated the cattle The bovies ate supposed to be kept off the streets front $ p, nn. to 7 a. m., and any animal:foundroaming the streets within the prohibited hours will be inn- pounded. And any poison caught breaking open the pound will be severe- lyOwners of cattle Wilt do well to live upto the by-law, or else a by-law Will bpassed compelling the cattle to be kept "abut up" entirely. seter Lumber Yard The Undersigned wishes to inform tie epublic in general tha. he keeps —constantly in stock— All Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL DRESSED OR UNDRESSED. 4. large stock of Hemlock alwaps on hand at mill prices. Flooring, Siding. dressed—inch, inch -and -a -quarter, inch -and -a half and two inch. Sash Doors, Blinds, Mouldings and all Finishing Material, Lath, &c. SHINGLES A SPECIALTY.—Competition challenged. The hest and the largest stock, and at lowest prices. '`Shingles A 1. All dressed lumber thoroughly seasoned and ready for use. No shrinkage assured. A call will bear out the above, THE OLD ESTABLISHED. Jas. Willis,iMain -st. What is a vgamormsearromiworrifo argain? It is, first of all, some thing you want, need or can use. A. useless thing is dear at any price. To be A Bargain An article must be cheap. that is, it must sell for a lower price than rules for similar goods. To be A Bargain An article must be ,of sound quality. Its no bargain to get an increased quantity of poor goods at a low figure. Bad eggs are dear at a cent a hundred. To be A Bargain An article must be all right in weight or quantity. Many Bargrins are made by stinting the qualityaand sell- ing ten cheaper. Selling goods at cost or below cost as a blind and then putting it on something else to make up the loss. Our Bargains are not made that way. Try them by weight, by mea— sure, these test the quality And compare the price and they hold their own as actual bargains. We invite you to make the test. Remember the Bargain Rouse is CABLING- BROS. Go Now. The Canadian Pacific Railway have ar- ranged for three special colonist excursions. /one 4th, return until July lath, June ne1 th return July 21st, June 18th, return July 28th, 1889. For full information apply to V. S. Carling. The school entertainment in section a Stephen on Thursday evening last was a auceeas, The programme Was rendered to the satisfaction of a11. The proceeds amounted to over $20.00. It caste five cent to register a letter now, instead of three cents as formerly. 1n RENT A first else Blaolisnith short to rest to the Village of Orcditon, the best atand in the vil• Inge. Poesossioncan behad )uno 1st 1880, Nobody but a good goikeral Meeksmitli need. e'Ple- Joan Tneyeemon. Crediton NOTICE `. rho tubiiu are hereby notified that the un- dersigned will not hereafter, holdhimeelf re. eponsible for any debts eentraoted in hie mime unless with his written cider and eon- tont. ti M. x)> NNJN, umtQ y.. L May 1st lees, 16 EALED TENDERS xnarkei ".t'or Mounted Police Clothing Dnp- ples end addressed to the Honourable the President of the Privy Caiiuiit, Ottawa, will bareceived.ep to noon en Prider, Stet Adel 1880. Printed forms of tender containing full in. forniatlon as tee the articles and quentitioa resolved maybe had on tipplloabion to tho undersigned. No tender will be received unless made on snob printed forms. Patterns of articles may be aeon at tho Office of tho undersigned: Each tender mustbe ,,accompanied by an a8eepted Canidisn bank eheque for an .mount equal to ton per cent. of the total value of the articles tendered for, which will be forfeited if the part" decline to enter into oontradt when calledyupon to do so, or if ' he fail to complete the work • contracted for, If the tendor be not ascoptod the ehegne will be returned, No payment wilibe aside to,newspaerg' insertingiota advertisement without anther• staving: fist boon obtained. P >gii'iM1'D11'i'L lk Compfitollert ls. W. M. Pores Ottawa,Me1' 8th, 186)