HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-08-30, Page 10Nee 1.--1ieslogbikaa iedvarneo-Timaes Thuraday Auguet 40, 1V13 For Sale WOOD for sale, hardwood sllabs, seven cord lots,, $4.60 per cord delivered, Craig's S4'iv MU Auburn, MI2201. • rib Oct.18 BERG STABLE icleariers and stabling. Ow* feeders and water bowls. Lloyd Johnston, RR 3, Rolyreod„ Phone 395-5390. rrh TEN AND TWELVE foot wide mobile homes for sale. Reason- able. Will deliver. Apply Bender Supertest, 6 miles north of Teeswater at Highway 9 and 4. Phone 39270158. 20.2,23-3o AFRICANVIOLETS 'in full bloom, Some new varieties.44Mrs. Leslie McDougall, Wingbam. 23-30 "WAREHOUSE' SALE:" Brand new, furniture at the "Esquire CaSb and Carry".` outlet, Highway 4, One mile west of Hanover. 'Two-piece daVenport and swivel rocker from $149a set, rrb *STEEL BARRELS, 45 -gallon, with open end, good for burning garbage or feed barrels on farm; also barrels for making docks at cottage, $3.50 delivered. Phone Blyth 5234461 or write Ron Baird, Miscellaneous SHARPENING SERVIcE. Wood chisels„ planes, lawnmower blad- es and garden teols. Apply A. Raird 3574155 after 5 p„rii, 2i,30 • AllSteelwOrk " Pailing Mortar Joints •Spaying with Silicene 'JACKHAMMER AND COMPRESSORS FOR BREAKING LIP CONCRETE LEARN TO DRIVE ' TRACTOR TRAILERS NOW YOU OM TRAIN RIGIIT HERE IN Canada! ,Tuition Tax Deductible! Placement Assist- ance Guaranteed! Weekend training alsodavailablel For application and - interview, write: Safety 'Department, The Canadian Institute of Tractor Trailer Training Ltd., 207 Queen's Quay W., Toronto 117, Ontario or call 416-864-9381. (For- Merli,Trans Canada Transport Training). • , 30;6;13 PIANO AND ORGAN SALES. Piano tuning and repairing. Low- rey *and Thonias organs. Call Hap Sieatridgee ,Winghami 357'2785* Representing Garnet Farrier. • rrb Tha454.1ilyth.' - • rrb ELECTRIC RANGE, four bur - tiers; also. electric cash register, recommended for grocery store. Both are in excellent condition and priced very reasonably,,Call 357-491 anytime. 30h LABRADOR PUPPIES, yellow, registered,. Shots.. Alto Welsh fs one 305-2430.. ,• VY RENS' for sale. Phone. rrie 330-8237. , • - A MET framed baby carriage 00d4conditiont $15. Phone Corgi puppie• s, registered, sli ts. , , • ' • ' 54 WEST1fttt tit5 passenger road cruiser. All; Areasimable Offerswill be con.; siderect Contact Salvation Army, Ylingliani.°1* phone 357-1951, low, 12 x 60 Windsor PiraMid. mobile home, three ;bedrooms, furnished (r *furnished, good condition \Phone Alex Craig 3$74438. •.• 1869 4.GMC ia11400 truck, one owner, *good condition. Call 357-2813. • s • • • . ONE PAIR, of M and H Race - master slicks 'on rims, $35 for • pair. Phone 3572508. I • t , Livestock' For Sale OW! otormilLi 4+, WOril , VUIW° air .‘.proximately -400 lbs. • and seven white-faced 'calves approidinate- ly 400 lbs, Murray Marks, 3574890 or 357-2319. Miscellaneous, DOG GROOMING CLIPPING -STRIPPING Call John Visser, 22/ John Rosa St., Listowel, 291-4817 after 6 p.m. tf LORENZ DEAD STOCK. $20 for horses; $1.0 for cows over 1,000 lbs. Over 500 lbs. .according to siz4. Phone Durham, 369-2410, collect. rrbDec21 • ANYONE wishing to have hand- saws, circular saws, tools, ete., sharpened, call 357-3644. rrb That if thou shalt confess with. thY mouth the Lord Jesus,.and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the 'dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart mar* believeth unto right- eousness; and with the Mouth confession is made unto sEdva- • tion. For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth in Him shall not be ashamed. Romans 10: 9-11. Phone354763. 23-30 CAN YOU USE old newspapers? We have a big stock of folded and tied back issues. Yours for the asking. 'Call Advance -Times 357- 2320. rr ' ••••., ' t , Do You Feel Like . . Fifth Wheelat a Party? Fifth Wheelers, let us organize! • Meet singles, widowed and divorced people between ages 35 to 5, Mr companionship and or- , poked goed times. Writd Bot AO, Wingham Advance -Times, 13.104 FOR YOUR " Insurance Needs.ln Automobile, Farrn Liability, Accidents and Sickness Home Protection • • Call Your CO,Op Agent,- • LLOYD MONTGOMERY ..',53 Maple Street, Whigham 1141857-3739, .nturi or galvanized. : Estimates without obligation„ R. .E.,•#*tta Aritigliam,:3574077, „ rrplOktn • . .• ANDY'S • , REFRIGERATION AND': APPLIANCE SERVICE 24 -Hour Emergency Service 357-3484 ttlyi i* -4 7GLOSON;IJP11.910•5TERY• Furnittlre,car': and. truck Seats' recovered, rebuilt. Phone • 35?-" 121/ rrb • 1,EAliS-ON-WHEE.tS .5 PART-TIME. CAR. driver, male Phone Miss Mary Scott, 357-236• or feinale.AP_plY Cameron's Sun - Or Mrs. H. L. sherbo dy, 357-25524 . oco Winghain. • • -4' ' • rr Miscellaneous N AVON TERRITORY is now open in the Ternberry area. Would you like to call on AVON Customers there? Write Mrs, Carolyn ThOnlir$0111 RR 2, Sea - forth, Oet. AMAZINGLY quick relief for disconifort of mouth sores,White canker spots, dental plate sores, tender gums with Fleteher's Sore-Moutb Aledicine. $1.00 at Lee Vance Pharmacy Ltd. 2-23-30 Wanted TIMBER WANTED Immediate payment for good standing timber and bushes. Write Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig for freeestimates, or phone 2324450 before 8:30 a.m. rrbSept. 13 BEDSITTING ROOM with kit- chen privilzges or bachelor apartment with fridge and stove, Ca11357-2320. rrb HOUSEiEEPING CON1PAN- ION. Light household duties. Must be over 50 years of age. Apply to Box 271, Wingham Ad- vance -Times, THE HURON COUNTY Board of Education requires for the.F. E. Madill Secondary School, .Wing - ham, the ervices of a Teach- ing -Aide: Hairdressing. The posi- tion will be for apgroximatelY one half- day' per week ..iduring the ,school year. Written applications are to he sent The Principal, F. E. Madill S.S., -BOX' 120, ‘. , 23=30 WOMEN AND MEN to pull tur- ;nips' around September 15. High school girls and boys on week- ends. Applicants must be able to woi steady.Apply Pere.A4,1s '-'523-1452fter 5;30 • • 13413-20 Int ...7rfr 'PART-TIME service, station help, Involves nights • and week- ends. APPil" Cameron's 'Sunoco, VVirigharn • BROKEN BARN WINDOW? Daugherty Pro Hardware has Lexan plastic; 250 times stronger, than glass and lc a Square foot cheaper, . t • •• • rrb PERSON TO aparentice tor mechanic in local garage. Apply to Box 272, Wingham Advance Times • . PART4IIVIE help wanted for • snack bar: Apply to Box 274, SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED All work guaranteed. Twenty years of experience, Write Louis Blake, IR 2, Brussels, Ontario. Phone 00e4000. rfpNove 15 • Wingliant Advanc-Times. 30-6 FULL AND part-time job avail- able. No experience required. Regular hours. 1Vlanjin Farms, 2 nines southeast of Teeswato. Phone 3924360. HELP WANTED Folt • Foundry Division Apply to Lee Grove, FOUNDRY $UPER1NTENDENT WESTERN FOUNDRY COMPANY LTD., WINGHAM, ONTARIO. HELP WANTED We Have Employment Opportunities For You Due to expanding production facilities, we are e'er cepting applications for employment within various areas of our plant. WE OFFER: —Exellent earning opportunities ---Shift Premium Attendance bonus —40 hour week with paid lunch period --Comforting prospect of steady wOrk • Apply In Parson S WRITE YARNS LTD LISTOWEL, ONTARIO Help Wanted llELP WANTED We are in need et an experienced LCTRICIAN'S HELPER apply to ROYAL HOMES LTD• . Arthnr Street, Wingliam, Ontario or phone 357-2606 ler appointment WorkWanted, WILL BABYSIT pre-schooler in my home. No diapers please. Phone Bluevale 333.6147. 304 YOUNG LADY, experienced sal es clerk, seeks permanent posi. tion in store. Please call 367-2032. rrb October 4 WILL *.BABYSIT in iny home Monday to Friday. Photo 357- 2813. • •3076; . SWATHING and.'combining,. Gary Thacker 887-6198. 2123-306 Cars & Trucks For Sale 1971 FORD half -ton truck under 30,000 miles. Heavy .duty suspen- sin. Economical _six cylinder, $000. Call after 6 pm: 867-6251. GORYLIE AUTO WRECKERS Fairly -Priced Cars • end Parts Phone 335-3490-Gorrie rrb CREERY AUTO WRECKERS RR 2, WROXElEl tte Midway enritg140 and Listowel • • USED *AUTO ,PAII"I'S. f' • • Phone USED CARS. ,& -• LiSiOVVEL2914159k. 01.0~140.110000,040,0014**14,1104.01.0090011.10%**01.1100. ..----,40.0.414.9041040011,0011111010N010.00.0iNgewtuaommom • For Rent Notice To Creditors ar........,-..-a--•,,,,A4aTRAPONWSIONAM***************,;ii;m0.1000.410 ACHMOR APARTMNT, heat and hydro paid. Separate en- tranc0. Partially furnished. Apply to Box 273, Winghatri Ad vanceTimes. • APARTMENT AVAILABLE for single girl to share in Winghani. Contact Karen at the Toro - to -Dominion Bank, 367-2770... wbitecburch(Ktchei,' TWO BEDROOM apartmnt in lwing room and four -piece bath. Elec- tric beat, Available Sepember 1. Phone 3574341. ' rrb STORE for .rent on Josephine Street in Winghani. Suit any type of business . Phone 887,6456. rrb. TWO BEDROOM. apartment on Josephine Street, efinmediate possession. Phone13874456. HEATED ONE bedroom apart- ment in Wingham„. fridge .and stove supplied. Available*tober 1. PhOne 392-6982 or 392-6986. ,rrb Notice WEST vittAWANOSIITOVINSHIP APPLICATIONS. • Applications will be ,received ,by the undersigned up to 0:00 ,p.m., Friday, August 31, 1973, for a persontoSuperintend the West Wawanost Township. Dump for -two days per week, Saturday and Monday, from toifOcl Lin MCI 6:00 p.m. both days.Hourly rate $2.25,. duties to commence 29 September 1073. Envelope should accepted. • Mrs. Joan Armstrong• ' Clerk E 1 • A RA 2, LuclmOw, Ontario • • ' 23-30 I • THE Ttg3EKAg Lodge, Tees - water will r-oPen the extojgery fillgeOternbet 0, 7 and-0at the . ",e.:sglpradingStatir Useedothing I- • Personal r' • be plainly marked' "Applica- tion”. No application necessarily AN IIERBAN. REMEDY Unsightly WARTS on: hands, face, feet, permanntly removed Within 3 to 5 weeks with DEIGIITON'S' .WART REMOV- ER. Not an acid, harmless to healthy skin. • • LEIENAN9EPIIARMACIt LTD. Nausaasmammumam.........i • • Lost LAST MONTH, July 23, a small, black Dachshund with n� collar in the area of No. 86 and 'No. 87 Highways. Please phone collect .357-2508. • SMALL, BLACK and white kitten • wearing a green flea collar. Phone 357-2020. DARK FELT hat lost Sunday in front of the Lower Wingham School. Phone 357-3531. Real Estate RUM S. REED bit Sofa% Illrislair sad wwrel loweramee DIsI 357.21741 WINGleilal, ONTARIO COMMISSIONAT! — 3% ON HOUSES IN WINGHAM ditimirmaire MODERN, one storey, brick home, newly decorated, three bedrooms, finished recreation room and laundry room, situated on a large lot close to schools. Early possession. FARM WANTED 503150 ACRE farm. State full par- ticulars of buildings and price. Will pay cash. Apply to Box 276 Wingham Advance -Times. 23-30-6 For Rent TWO BEDROOM house for rent Teetwater. Apply to G. Nabrotzky 32-6893. rrb TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent. Separate entrance, fridge and stove, heated. Non-smokers and abstainers preferred. $100 a month. Phone 357430. rrb iCommencing September 1st, 978, Morris, Township waste dis- v sal tite,Will be open from 9 a.m.to 5 p.m, Wednesdays and Satur- days . • - i- ' untilfii:ethneDr ,nmotairctein. , Clerk .. , , ••• . • l' ' IS going 40 Toronto •on 'Fhursday merning. Also return in 0/Ciliat Anyone interested call 357-1423. • • NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ARTHUR JOHN KITCHENER • LEWIS late., the Township of TurnberrY • In the Comity 00101" Fanner* deeased. NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Tbe Trustee Act that all Creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Arthur John Kitchener Lewis are required to send particulars of their claims,, duly verified, to opopay., ik CAMPBELL, Soli- citorsfor the Executor of the Said Estate, on or before the 31st day of August, A.D. 1973, and that after Such date the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of • the ..said Estate, having regard' • only to the claims of which they Shall then have had notice. • 'DATED at Illtingham, Ontario, this 17th day of July; A.P. 1973. John Norman Ross Executor of theEstate By their Solicitors GOODALL* CAMPBELL Box 730 Wingliam, Ontario Solicitor for the Estate 20-2-23-30 , / • NOTICE TO CREDITORS .• INTIM ESTATE OF • Ggitsuom NIXON JOHNSTON ALL Persons having claims against the estate of the above mentioned late of the T n f Winghain in the County of Huro )tetiredrarmerewhO died on the 12th day oflune, 1973, are requir- ed to (4 proofof same With; the undersigned, on or before the 7th slay of September, A. D„ .1973. • AFTER that date, the .executers 4 will proceed* to distribute,. the tate having, regard, only . to the, claims: of which they Op then DATED at Winghani, Ontario, have had notice. • , this 20th day of August A. D./ 1973, •_ CRAwFORD, MILL &DAVIES., • BARRISTERS, AND 111 r1r17:191;;:rifiAlev solicit„ for the Executors. NOTICE • 23-30-4 MORRIS TOWNSHIP • WASTE DISPOSAL SITE 19731441E10ra Stocker anflFeederSales • WIARTON - Thurs. Sept. 6 - 10;00 1800;; SOUTH RIVER Thurs. Sept. 13 - 11:09 ; WIARTQN - Thurs. Sept. 20 .-3.0:00 a.m., 3200; THEss LON Wed. Sept. 26 - 10:00 a.m., 1000; MANITOULIN (Little Cur- rent) -- Thurs. Sept. 27 - 9:39 am.' 2800; LA SARRE (Dupuy), - Tues. Oct. 2 -- 9:30 a.m., 2000; AMOS - Wed. Oct. 3, 10:00 a.m. 800; NEW LISKEARD - Thurs. Oct. 4- 11:00 a.m., 900; SOUTH RIVER - Fri. Oct. io:oo a.m., 1000; WIARTON Th s. Oct. 11 -- 10:0 a.m., 3 WIANITOULIN (Litle Current) --- Men. Oct. 15 - 1:00 pm., 300; SOUTH RIVER - Thurs. Oct. 18 ....11:00 500 For further in- formation write S. MacDonald, Advertising Manager, Box 130, Huntsville, Ontario. POA 1K0 ° Tenders Wanted TOWNSHIP OF • •EAST WAWANOSH • TENDERS ORPUBLIC WORKS GARAGE SEALED TENDERS on the forms supplied and addressed to the Township Road Superinten- dent, Mr. Clarence Hanna, Belgrave, Ontario will be receiv7 Oct by him until 5 p.m., Wednes- day, September 12 for the con- struction of a 50 foot by 86 foot timber frame steel dad publie works garage at Lot 37, Conces- in 9, Township of East Wawa - nosh. Plan, specifications and ten- der forMs may be obtained at the office of the undersigned upon payment of a 510.00 nonrefund ablefee. Each teilder must be acorn- panied by a certified cheque in the attiount of 52,500. LoW0it or any tender not necessarily accepted. M. Ross and Associates Ltd., Consulting Engineers, 41: WetStreet; Goderich, Ontario. • • • NOTICE TO CREDITORS • AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF 'POE ESTATE Or. MIN CLARENCE DEANS late of the Township of Turnberry dineetheaesed.ounty Her* F07 er, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to The Trustee act liat alt ors and otbrs having claims against the Estate of the late John Clarence Deans are re quired to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to GC(OD- ALL & CAMPBELL, Solicitors for the Administratrix of the said Estate, on or before the 31st day of August, A.D. 1973 and that after such date the Administra- trix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then haVe had !loam. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 18th day of July, A.D. 1973. Jean Robertson Deans Administratrix of the Estate, By her Solicitors, GOODALL &CAMpBELL Box 730 Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Estate • 26-2-23-30 • DANCE Danceto the Crippled Ducks o Friday, August 31 from 930 pra to 1:30 a.m. irethe *Ingham Le gion, sponsored by theBelmor Intermediate Ball Club. Advaric tickets may be purchased a Press' Oeneral Store, Bellmore and Firestone Store, Wirigham, 23,30 CONWAY TWITTY Conway Twitty; and the Irwitty Birds" will headline the show at Rock Hill Park on Sn- day, September 2 at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Mike to Jack Reeves after the show. Special feature of this event is the Long weekend campout. Sunday admission: Ad- ults34.00, Children 12 years and under $1.00. Pre-school free. Campers tickets and advance $3.50. Por further information contact J.I Elwood Rill, RR 4, Shelburne: Phone 519-9254211. 2340 SPACE AVAILABLE on those escorted coach tow*: - Sept, 22- 5day Fall Color Tour, Sudbury, Elliot Lake, e Agawa Canyon via Algoma Con- e tral Rail, Mackinac Island, t FrankeriniUtho etc. • Oct. 3day Fall Color, WO Placid and Tupper Lake in the heart of the Adirondack Moun- tains, Oct. 9- 4daY Alt Ontario Fall Color, Beaver Valley, Georgian Bay, Muskoka Lakes, Huntsville, . Algonquin' Park Ottawa River, Ottawa, Gatineau Hils. Includes ' guided tour of OttaWa. Nov. 16- 2 -day vvvity4 Jaw boree in Wheeling, featuring top Startle' .:brOChare$ and itineraries on alt tours. retteS Tours 184 Main, St.' Mount Forest, 519-333- 1545. WEST COAST AND' CALIFORNIA 21 -days Of luxury transporta- tion and accommodation depart- ing Oct. '14, Onialia.:Cheyentie, $*X44ke City, :Reno, San Fran.: -cisee,.-.LoS. Angeles,. Lai, ,e0113, Falgstaff, • Olcialionla, AlbOqui$ que, St. Louis, Indianapolis, The • Oast complete. ,California 'tour . , . , . • BIGGEST 110P00 IN. ‘i ,.• ONTARIO AT EXETER " Professional Cowboys' from' •, Canada and the 'OSA'compete for $4,000.00 '-: Prize,. Money. Orono illntgdil3grrinilaP:B°0141g141Rgi'd'Cinagi,f, RWIPId' ..,,.:.0Cni .0:Minglk'binyg.,4,oeStPer9veltrhidolitn; 'Band. ,.-., if Ex- citing -Clowns. :Saturday Night :•''..*. Three 'Full Rodeo Performances .' ... • '.dtaAaybt,..041'S::''scEpte4mcib; 'N Weekend17S COUNTERS 4. s * ' 2"l'O'OSl' .0 t ,. . Satur- day, - . , • ". r ' . • . • , ' ' • ' . . 5250 60 1d 75c Bleael:ie r, Seats:, ..,,.and7!o4,00.Sunday,'SepteMber • .• ,• 7 , . ' • , . ghd: a t' t' 00 P lil. ' Only 'AdniisSion. • • Only .40c Extra. Available in„Ad Free.' ', Covered. Reserved Seats .• • Notice to all Cajoile .Counters.: Regular • l'. meetings 'h'7trg. ha'rteCr:h.siating rs2!Si'4:4f;::i'l'Ne* an,Oemetnebe.welcome.• i available..Freebroch4res,rettes Tours' Mount Forest. • • , InMemoriam*, KELLY:. In loving Memoir °Ca dear husband passed away September 3).1012, No space • Of time, no lapse of years, Can dim the treasured Past, A loving Memory keeps it dear, Affection holds it fast. Sadly missed by wife Jean. ROSS: Treasured an loving memorieso. of a i;ot *44° 414° )rt Myers, McGregor FO Florida, passed aWaY. August 31, 1971, formerly of Wingliam, Ont-. ario and vicinity. God's Golden Gates stood !wen VirTwi;)1t years ealgIS9jetVt to -day You quietly slipped away,,, I often sit and think of you and Speak of how you died. Many times I've longed for you Many times I've cried. I did not stand beside • To •see your life depart. When hord you were gone it nearly broke my heart. No I only have memories George When we were all together I bless the years I shared with you d Will treasure them forever. • Lovingly remeuibered and sadly missed by sister Mrs. Lloyd W. Little (Jean), ROSS: In loving memory of our dear uncle George A. Ross, CEiji- put Cove, McGregor Blvd., Fort Myers, Florida, who passed away August 31, 1971. A heart of gold Stopped beating, Hard working hands at rest. God broke our hearts to proveo US • He only takes the best. The leaves and flowers may wither The golden sun may set But the Isearts that loved you so dee-I p y Are dile ones who won't forget. • NOTICE TO CREDITORS • AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GEORGE RUSSELL MacKERSIE late of the ToWn of Wirigham in the County' of Huron, Retired School Teacher, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to The Trustee Act that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late George Russell MacKersie are required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified to, GOODALL & CAMPBELL, Sol- icitors for the Executrix of the said Estte on or before the 21st day, of Sepeeinber, A.D. 1973, and that atter such date the Execu- trix Will proceed to distribute the assets of the said' Estate, having regard only to the Claims of which they shall then have had "DtcAeT.ED at Wingham, Ontario, this 7th day of August, A.D. 1073. Dorothy Elaine Baxter Executrix of the Estate by their solicitors GOODALL & CAMPBELL Box 730 Winghain, Ontario Sol1citort4 for the Estate 30-6-13-20 Ever Remembered and sadly missed by his nieces and nephew, Mrs. M. G. Hurdle (Lois); Miss B. E. Little (Barbara); Mr. L. A. Ross Little, all of Winnipeg, Manitoba. STRONG: In loving memory of Mrs. Jean A. Strong who passed away one year ago September 3, 1972. Sadly missed and ever remem- bered by her husband, Wellesley, daughters and families. HUPFER: In loving memory of a dear father; grandfather and friend, John Hupfer, who entered his Heavenly Home two years ago August 31, 1970. When ties of love are broken, And loved ones have to It leaves a wound that never heals, And a sad and broken heart. But looking back on memories, Upon the paths we've trod, We bless the years we had with you And leave the rest to God. Always remenibered and sadly missed by daughter and family, Betty and Blair, John, Tom, Dave 11//ony can't buy a clear m ad Sandra Sharp and friend, mince square dealing 4 the Hazel Spading • CANSASS • • • Hee t ,h canvass or MuSetilar, tiAtrUPbtoteh:Icula pteings W 10) lirokrcired WinghamifreDepart PORK BARI:1E411E Apork barbegue sponsored by the Blyth Agricultural Society will be held in the Myth Arena On Saturday, September 1. Supper from 5;30 to 7:30 p.m. with enter- tainment. Adults $2.50 public • school children $1.25. • Tickets available from Directors. This event is being held in Conjunetion with Blyth 4-11 Achievement Day. • MAJORETTE CLASSES • Wingham Deb‘U-Tons welcofne new members ages 2 to 18 years. Advanced baton teacher, Patti Robertson. Phone 357-2872. rrb September 27, HANOVER HOLIDAYS FALL TOURS Sept. 15 -15 -day jet air' motorcoach tour direct fibril this area to Phoenix, Adzona (day excursion) to • Mexico then to Grand Canyon-iPage-Zion Na- tional Park -Las Vegas (Disney- land), Hollyweod, 1VIonterry, Yosemite National Park then San Francisco. Our fifth such deluxe tour fully escorted by Ralph Mc Lean of Hanover Travel. Space Is still available. 16 -DAY BRITISH ISLES TOUR •Spending one week in SoUth Ireland including a day at the In- ternational Plowing Match, Wex- ford, Ireland. Then on td- Scot- land, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, In-, verness, Port William then to Tr London. This tour leaves Sept. 30th, returns October 15th., 4 -day Lake Placid -Tupper Lake tour, Oct. 1st. Sept. 17th -5 -clay North Coun- try Tour, Sudbury, Soo, Agawa Canyon via train, NfacIdnac Is land and Frankenmuth. Sept. 23rd -13 -day Maritimes Motorcoach tours still Available. Sept. 26th -3 -day Ontario North to Bracebridge and Hart Lodge. tOct. 5th -Thanksgiving week- end tours to Nashville, Washing. ton, Boston and Plymouth. Space available. Pall vacations to Hawaii, Ber- muda, Freeport and Jamaica. Cruise space now open for win- ter vacations. Airline Flight Fteservations Domestic and International Confirmation and Brochures Contact: Hanover Travel Service, Box 126, Hanovr, Ontario 1-800.265-3007 (Toll Free) price tag.