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The Exeter Times, 1889-5-16, Page 5
L?ISTRIOT DOINfaig. The Woolen ml of 11 in Mitchell is eV empt from taxation for five years. The Mitchell e to h0 11 iliac -water • 's $3 per day While et work. 4r i pard A base -ball team has been organized in Mitchell. ' The club will enter the proposed eountry league. I actually believe that 'Evereet'y Cough Syrup saved my life.—Jar. E:iteepatrick, Merchant, Forest P. U, The official announcement of the disbanding of the Seventh Fusilliers of London has been gazetted. The senior office retire e ire ret in'n a i g rank. Dr. Bright, of Chatham, arreated on et charge of furnishing chugs to pro- cure abortion. was released this fore- noon ou $10-000 bail. The opinion gaining ground that the case is not a e very strong one, A By-law to borrow four or five thousand dollars in order to parry out the electric light and water works' scheme in Mitchell, will be submitted to a vote of the electors of that town, at au early date. While levelling the ground the other day preparatory to the erection of a new house, Mr. Wm. Manabridge of St. Marys, found an Old. Country Crown stuck fast to the root of a maple tree that grew near by. The coin bore the date of 1797. The other evening as Mrs. Harnett, who is employed at Leitch's cheese factory in Caradoo, was leading a horse to water, the amimal suddenly sprang back with suchforce as to copse a Revere dislocation of Mrs Ws shoulder. . Mitchell is the moat quarrelsome town in Canada. " Scarcely a year passes but some member of the Coun- cil Board resigns ere his time has half expired. At the last meeting of the Council Mayor MoClay resigned, it having been charged that he took the seat instead of Mr. Dougherty, law- fully elected. EVEREST'S Liver Regulator worked wonders on me and made me feel like a new man.—Leyi H. Slip,rer, Forest - A young woman named Rose Moony, whose habits and reputation for the past ten or eleven years has been any thing but good, was found dead in bed at her mother's place in Luoknow on Wednesday morning last. It was rumored that she had taken an over- dose of laudanum during the night. Joseph Cook, Herbert Hales, Grant Milligan, Edward McCann, Frank Housinger, and Win. Patterson were arrested in a gambling den in St. Thomas on Wednesday evening while playing poker. McCann, who was running the bank, was Hued S50. and each of the others $20. each. On Monday last Mr. Wm. Hanson, of the 12th con. Fullerton, delivered to an American horse buyer in Exeter, a fine entire draught colt two years old, sired by "Young Rover," for which we understand he received the sum of $BOO. This colt took several first prizes this spring and was the beat in this section. Mr. Hanson always raises good stook. One day last week a hen belonging to Mr. R. Ward, of the 13th concession of Fullerton, laid an egg which was quite a couriosity. The egg was a very large one and contained inside a smalleregg also having a com- plete shell, inside of which was another or third egg also with a per - feat shell, thus making three eggs within one another. Mr. J Lowrie, of Listowel, made the largest shipment of horses the other day that has eyer been made from there at one time, there being seventy of them, ail mares, and most of them particularly fine animals. About an average price of $I40 was paid for them, the amount disbursed among the farmers of that seotion for the lot footinglup to close $10.000. They were purchased for Sir John Lester Hayes' ranch farm in the North-west,` and were shipped to Calgary. The 9.10 train from the north, on the H & N. W. R. , on Friday night last ran down a young man named Peter Brennan, who was walking on the track, about 15 miles north of this . city, near the village of St, Anne. Brennan was instantly killed, and his his body was fearfully mangled. Deceased lived in Hamilton and had been working on a bridge, near St. Anne, as rivetter. Brennan was 25 years of age, unmarried, and his parents, live in Hamilton. A man named Samuel Rairden, of the township of Blanshard, was robbed of $127 between St. Marys and Strat- ford early on Wednesday morning. He took a drive with a young man named Mack Stewart, who has been employed for some years past in the livery stables ot Mr. E.. Hanham, of St. Marys, and upon hie return the money was found to be missing. Rairden laid an intormation against. Stewart and a warrant was issued, but his whereabouts cannot be ascertained and it is expected he has skipped. On Thursday night last a son of Mr .T. H. Price, St. Thomas, being ill with croup, was given a mixture of glycerine and whisky. The bottle, .containing about two ounces ct the mixture, was left on a stand in his bedroom, and about 4 a. in.. Charles, a three-year-old son of Mr. Price,, got up and drank the whole of the { contents, His parents were awakened and the lad shortly afterwards became almost unconscious. The doctor was summoned and though the child re- mained in a, semiconscious state for l a long time he is now out of danger. A sad accident Occurred some dis- tance outside' the, city of Guelph on Wednesday of last week whereby George, a 12-year.old son of James. Thatcher, of Cambridge street lost his life. He had gone out to his ,uncle's ,with a message, and waited for a ride in on a lead of gravel. He got up on the seat and by some cleans slipped p1P ed down under the horses feet, 'lite. animals started off and the heavily- loaded waggon ran over him. It was thought for sone time tliet the boy was not seriousiy hurt, its lie took things; very )uietly, t>,nd half a hour before .he died, got up off the sera and and undressed himself. Before the doctor: arrived, howeyer, he was dead, Chilcii'Oil daisy or Pitcher's Castorit Zone& were found in the well. at Springfield into which It has been rumored a young Mani was thrown seyentaen yeara ago, but Whether the h0 ea U n aro human or not remains to be establrahed. 15AD a bad cold on my , lungs for two years; everything I tried failed me till I got Everest's Cough Syrup, and it oured me.—Mrs. D, A. ;Fraser Park hill P. 0. $t. Marys has organized a lacrosse team, The players expect a good sea. son. When the grounds are fitted up St. Marys will have one of the best ath- letic o yrouads in Western Ontario. Mr. Swindlehurst, of Turnberry, bas a. goose which laid an egg lately, meas- uring 8 inches in diameter and 12 in. ches in eiroumference. We would like to hear of•a goose which has laid a larger egg. At Pelham Union, during a regent thunderstorm, Benjamin Comfort's barn was struck by lightning, striking it on the peak and running down both sides, slivering four rafters and two corner posts to atoms. A hen setting at the foot of the post in some straw was not injured, and still continues to sit. Mr. Alex, Brown, of Downie, , met with an accident on Wednesday. While proceeding home from StrMt- ibrd by way of the ninth concession his rig tipped over the side of a cul. yert in front of Mr, Teller's place, tip- ping Mr. Brown into the soup. He got out and secured assistance. Th e horse was nearly drowned when he got back and he had to sit in the water and hold up its head while the rescu- ing party disentangled the harness and buggy, the latter of which was badly smashed. Mr. Isaac Metcalf, of Wingham, has a mare which foaledher eighteenth colt on Friday night last. In 1874 she had twins one of whioh died. The old borse is now 25 years of age and as lively as most ot the three year olds. Mr. Metcalf has sold $1,100 worth of her colts and has now six en hand. One span brought $32o a few years ago. And still score farmers will grumble and try to make us believe here is nothing in the business. The Supreme Grand Orange Lodge of British America which meets here on the 28th next, promises to be the largest meeting of the kind ever held in Canada. From Information already received, it is evident that there will be a full representation from every province. A large and influential committee has been formed fbr the purpose of arranging for the entertain- ment and reception of delegates, and at a meeting held at Clinton a few days ago a programme was made out and full arrangements made for a grand reception. A banquet is to be tendered to the delegated on the eve. of the 20th inst., and on the same day an excursion on the lake will be given the delegates. HONESTY AND INTELLIGENCE. It pays to be honest, you say. Granted. Yet how many are diebonest through ig- norance, expediency, or intentionally. One can be dishonest and yet say nothing. A clerk who lets a customer bay a dam- aged piece of goods, a witness who holds back the truth which would clear the prisoner, n medical practitioner who takes his patient's money when he knows he is doing him no good,—all are culpably dis- honest, It is generally knesai.t .at doctors bind themselves by codes, resolutions and oaths not to use any advertised medicines. Now, there is a medicine on the market which. for the past ten years, has accomplished a marvelous amount of good in the cure of Kidney and Liver diseases," and diseases arising fiom the derangement of these great organa,—we-refer to Warner's Safe Cure, So wideepare the merits of this medicine that the majority of the doctors of this country know from actual evidence that it will mire advanced kidney disease, which is but another name for Bright's dis- ease, The medical professor admit that there is no cure for this terrible malady, yet there are physicians dishonest enough to proem) Warners Safe Cure, put the same into plain four -ounce vials, and charge their patients $2,00 per vial, tap a sixteen -ounce bottle of the remedy, itesexigiaal paokge, can be bought at any drug store in the world for 91 .25. Perhaps the doctor argues that the cure of the patient justifies his dishonesty, yet he will boldly stand up at the next local medical meeting and denounce Warner's Safe Curo as a patient medicine, and one which he cannot and will not ase. Tne people waking up to the truth that the medics sion is far from honest,"and that it does not possess a mon- opoly of wisdom in the curing' of disease, doctoring the many symptoms of• kidney disease, instead of striking at the seat of disease -the kidneys' themselves,—allowing patients to is; rather than use a remedy knowen to be specific, simply becauee'it has been adverts ud when patients are dead from Advanced i ey Disease, still practiotng deception by giving the cause of death in their certificate as pneumonia, dropsy, heart disease, or some other accom- panying effect of Bright's Disease, News Notes. Crops in South Carolina are being seri- ously damaged by drought and hot weather The mercury has ranged from 92 to 96 de- er ees for three or four days. Op. Friday, last during the storm while Mr. and Mrs, ;$. Powell, of Louisville, were driving cows, Mrs. Powell was knock- ed insensible. '' Ono cow was killed and two injured by lightning. CONSUMPTION CAN Bit CUBED 13y proper, hoslthful exercise, and the judicious use of Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil Flypophosphites, which: contains hauling and strengtligiting virtues of these two valnabio specifies in their fnllostform. i1r U..t MoDonald,' Petitcodiac, N, B. says; "I bavo been ,prescribing Scott's Emulsion with good results. Itis espec- ially useful fn . persons of oensumptive tendencies." Sold by all druggist, 50 eta. and $1,00, Ruins I3lintlov, a fanner who formerly lived u: short distance from Ranorer, left the Queen's Eletel to take the early train. this morning fur Miebigau and was fmttnd dead onfhe sidewalk a short time after wards, He was taken into s holiso near by, and the Coroner Runt for, who will hold au inquest. A. large wound wa' found across his left ;Meek, but how re- ceitecl i„; a inyslicry. a"HsMonaai*ax May take place from the kidneys or from the Mums membranes, partioularlythar of the nostrils." So writes T. Granger Stewart, 14, D„ F, R. 5. E,, Ordl ar • Surgeon to P J R H. M•, the Queen in Scotland, Professor of Practice of Physio in the University of Edinburgh, in an article, on Bright',e disease. Ione the only natu- ral inferenoe is that the kidneys must bo restored to a healthy condition before its effects will disappear. Warner's Safe Cure is the most efficient agent for this purpose known to 'ciente Graham, who made a successful leap over the Niagara Falls last year in a barrel, is London. ino . n It is understood ocd he. is having another device made here, and will again attempt his daring feat this summer. NEVER DESPAIR. Been when all seems loot, there is yet hope. Many a despairing, disheartened victim of dyspepsia' liver complaint, kidney oomplaina, scrofula or rheumatism, has been brought bank to health and usefulness by Burdock Blood Bitters, the greatest remedy known for all blood diseases. Buckingham, Q., May 9.—Rev. Mr. Evans, of the Church of England, Back - Ingham, was drowned this morning at High Falls twenty-five miles aboye here. He was out for a sail in a besrk eanoe, and getting into a strong current lost oo ntrol, and was swept over the falls, which are over one hundred feet in height. Deceased wase, native of England, and had only been in Canada about nine months. OF GREAT SERVICE. "I have used Hagyard's Yellow Oil for touts and scalds on horses' shoulders, and ihey got better at once. I have also used t for sprains, burns, outs and croup among ohiddren, and can recommend it highly as of great value.” W Service, Minga Man, Eighteen years ago Albert Peterson was sentenced to three years in Manitoba penitentiary for receiving stolen horses, knowing them to bo stolen. After serving a year he eeoaped across the line and settled in Dakota, where he hab lived:ever since. .He Dame to Winnipeg recently on a visit and was arrested, He is now a naturalized citizen of the United States and whether he uau be imprisoned for the remainder of the term he should have served is a question that is yet to be settled. The United States Consul will look after hia interests, FAITHFULLY RECOMMENDED. In the Spring of 1888, I had inflammation on the lungs which left my lungs weak. I had a very bad cough, and resolved to try Hagyard's Peotoral Balsam, It did me more good then any other medicine I have ever taken, and I can faithfully recommend it. Miss Mary Kay, Virginia, Ont. MIST ON EARTH. As morning sun, wag strong and vivid ra Dives from the earth the sullen mists away,; So B. B. B., in strength and power grand, Doth rout disease and stay death's heavy hand. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. when she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she cling to Castoria, When oho had Children, she gave there Castoria, sffsmsesessiona. Animism NOTICE. ICE. The Shareholdersof the Exeter Salt Works Co., will please take notice that the annual meeting of the above company will take place at the Town Hall, Friday evening, May 31, 1889. T. B. CARLING, Secretary. Exeter, April 29th, 1889. COURT OF REVISION. Tho Court fir the rovision of the assessment roll of the VILLAGE OF EXETER for the year 1889 will be held at the Town Hall. Exeter on Monday, May 27th at 8 o'clock p. m. All persons having business at said Court will govern themselves accordingly. M• EAosgpp. Clerk. Exeter, May 8th, 1889, OURT OF REVISION. vA Court tor the Revision . of the Assessment Roll of the TOWNSIIIP OF USBORNE. for the year 1889, will be held at the Township B all, Elimville, on the 25th of May 1880, at 10 o'olook a. in. Persons having business at said court will take duo notice hereof and govern themselves accordingly, G. W, HUL]8AN, Clerk of Usborne Usborne. May,lOth,1889 COURT OF REVISION. The Court for Revision of the Assessment rolled the TOWNSHIP OF HAY will bo held at the Town Hall, Zurich on Sat- urday. May 25th,1880 at ten o'clock, a.m. All persons having business at said court will gov- ern ovOrn themselves accordingly, S. FesTER Hay, May 8 Ili,1889. Clerk, OUR'1.' OF REVISION. The Court for the Revision of the Asssssment Roll for OP TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN for the year 1889, will be held at the Town IIa11, Crediton on Saturday, June 1st at ten o'clock a, m. All persons having business at said Court will govern themselves accordingly C,PRMITY Clerk, Stephen, Mar 8th, 1880, FOR SALE. Nutt property known as the "Metropolitan House" at the Market square Exeter. The best Stand in town Centrally located Largo airy roome, heated by hot air Good satnplo rooms; in fact every convenience . Good Stab- ling in connection Will bo sold reasonable Possessiongiven next fall. A rare chance. For particulars apply to J P Ross. on the premises ,(IOUNTYof LIURON TEACH - ,L; MRS Examinations 1880. Seteud and third class con -professional examinations at tho Collegiate Inetitutos and High Schools in the County on Tuesday, 9,1"1 July, 8 10 a. in. First 0., 'Tilly 10th, 8,10 a. in, Oandid.ates who wish to write at Other, Clinton or'Soaforth must notify 0,1)1. MAI,- LOCH,Iesq, Z? 8 Incpootor, Clinton P 0 not later than tlto 22nd of May, stating. whioh of the two Sclaret s they intena to write at, and tlaoso'.wlio wish to write at Godoriob mnst notify,roua 30 Tem, Esq, 0 S Inspector, God. orioh l' 0, at the same date. The notice must bo accompanied by a foe of 55, or $10 if tho 0 and idate appllos tor the tiret class as well ns r'coond class examinations. No name wits bo' forty reed 10 the 7Yopn,rtmont itnlnas the feeaccomponies it. dead nesters of the Collegiate Instttutos or 17iglt' :Schools will 1210080 send the applicn,ti.ons of their Candi- (itins to the Iuelrostor of livisir,n i.0 which the Collegiate Institute or 1ligh School is sittratod. :hormsof application nray be had from the Soorntarv, PIITISIt A17Ah7SON sCT s31;'s txo&Addii,Apri 22nd, 188) 220146 'TARTLET' REPORT'S, at:axrsa , (Corrected atS o'olo>okp.m, Wednesday R dWhea Spring 'Wheat.,. ,.. 90 ,to 0 90 usrloy 90 to 0 90 oaf a 35 t0 28 Clover 8 sect • "" 50 to 28 Timothy ,,, "•• 5 50 ,o 6 0066: Pae, "005to053 Corn ,• 040 to 000 Bggs .•, •- 0540 0 11 Batter 18 wa 0 19 l lourperbbl. .. 0 y0 5 8 Potatoes,per bushel -, 28 to 95 dpplos,perbee 0010050 Arloddppleepr b • 0 4 to 004 Geese per lb.. .. 0 02684 0 bo 006: nrke �' reps rl b p 007 to 98 Obi s ensporpr , 0 25 to 0 0 50 to 0 90 g ,dreeeedperl0 « 600 106,28 Beef « 40010500 gidearongh, , 3 50 to 4 OG "' drgssed „• 6 00 to 6 00 Sheepskins eaoL " ,. 0 65 t0 90 Oalfskine. 0 60 to 0 70. l4 co] perlb 0 18 to 0 20 Ha perton Oniyonsnerbuah' 100060:V00 0°6o to 0-7" VPoodper cord ▪ ... • 2 5 to 3 00 sr SSARY6. Fall Wheat 90 to 0 98 Spring Wheat ,,, Q0 0 90 BBarley .. 27 50 Oats ..., Clover Seed. ........•„4620 Timothy • ...150 Eggs ....... ........ ........... 55 Butter.' 16 Potato es per bag ,.... ... ,,: 80 Apples per bush25 Wool perlb 0 Hay perton 8 00 Bran per ton 14 00 Shorts '• �' , 20 00 Oatmeal per bbl.. ....... 0 00 Wheat, 90o LONDON to 930 per bushel, Oats, 26 to 28e per bushel, Peas,Slc to 540 Per bushel. Barley malting, 28e to 28c per bus Barley, food. 3810 to 4510 per bushel. TORONTO TORONTO, May 15„—Weser—spring, No .1, $. to $00.0; spring, No.2. 01.00 to $1.02• red win- ter, No 2, $1.01 to 51.02; No 1, Manitoba hard, $1 18 to $1.20 BARLEY. No. 1 56o to 570 No. 2.51c to 52c; No. 3, 42o to 45e; No 3, extra 45o to 480, PsAs, No 2, 55o to 580. OArs, No. 2, 31 o to 33e. nova extra, 54,40 to 54.50; strong bakers. $4.80 to $5,40. la anitobe 451 29 to 5easier., d No 2 do. at bard No. 3 barley, outside, at She oats, on traok, at 330. 26 6 00 200 58 I6 80 BO 11 180 20 00 7 00 TORONTO LIVE STOOK. The receipt of' cattle to -day at the looal market was la rge and prices generally were steady. Several loads were shipped through to Montreal. Sales of shippers at 4.1 per ib. Choice steers are nominal at 4 cents per lb. Bulls sold at 31 to 4e, and miloh cows firm at from $30 to 350 a• head. Butchers cattle in moderate demand, prices firm; the best at 31 to 4 ordinary at 2c to 31 and common at limited Sheep are best and steady,awith per head; inferior to medium at $5.00 to $5.50 and rams 3c to 3;o per pound. Lambs in fair demand and firm, choice bringing$3 00 to 36, and inferior to medium $4 00 to $6 00 Calves dull and steady. Choice boasts, of 125 to 150 lbs., sell at 70 to 9c dressed weight; rough calves, $3 to $5. a head, Hogs are steady- choice light fat sold at 51. to 54o, store hogs at 4$c to 5o. and stags at 30 to 310. ADVICE TO MOTHER,.—Aroyou disturbed as night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cuttine Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of” Mrs. Winslow's Soothing syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer im modiately Deoendupon it, mothers ; there is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrheas, regulates the Stomach and 13oweis,cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums. reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to thewhole system. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-five dents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mas, WINSLOW's 8'•OTHIN6 s .sup "Rad n0 other Ind. CONSUMPSION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East Indian missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perma- nent mire !of Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca- tarrh, Asthma and all throat and lung affections, a1,0 a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debilityandall Nervous Com- plaints, alter having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands ofoases, has felt it his duty to mnkeit known to his suffering fellows. AOtuatedby tnis motive and a desire to relieve hum an suffering, I w:,lsend free of charge, to all who desireit, this reoipe,in German,Frenoh or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent, mail by addressing w ith stamp, naming this paper, W. 4 , NOYES 149 Power's Block ricohestsr N 9 mo THE DEAF. --A person cured of I. Deafness and noises in the head of 23 years' standing by a simple remedy, will sond a description of it rime to any person who applies to Nrosfonsow, 177 McDougal street, New York. DESTROYS AND REMOVES WORMS OF ALL KINDS IN -CHILDREN OR ADULTS SWEET AS SYRUP AND PRI NNOT'HARM THE MOST.., ^DELICATL'CHILD Fashionable Sty1c:! THE BEST YET ! CHEAPEST YET THEC,�II;APIJSTYLaT THE BIGGEST YET ! Overcoatings at any price ; Suit- ings at'a,ny price ; Pantings at any price. Best Ordered Clothing rodtioed in Exeter T �n Gentlemen f leave ,your ordure early, for with the test staff of Tailors ; the best stock of Bine Trimmings, and the best Outticig inTown, you are sure of satisfao- tlenr': ,r�+q�.�icp�� Ar r' +eb. Y Reef' �Ehdt t sA. mm Y an Groceries and, Confectionery OF TRE BEST QUALITY, Also best Pies Tobaccos" and Cigars q PETTY' 5 HAMS BACON and LARD Thorley's Improved Horne and Cattle Food Dashwood Roller Flour. G. A. 1IIYND,>a!tAN. JOHN BRAWN UNDERTAKER & CABINET-MAKER, — - f Walnut & Rosewood Caskets ALSO Q08FIN8 or EVERY D ins aRr PTIOri, A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Always en hand. • FUNERALS FURNISHED 4' CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My stock of Furniture is un- excelled, laeGIVE ME A CALL A FORTUNE FOR ALL It is said that every person has a chance once in this life time to make a fortune and if they allow that time to pass may never have the opportunity again. That time has come, You can depend upon it that every person purchasing their goods at PARK- INSON'S saves money by doing so thereby will make their fortunes. His prices are away down. You are not asked high prices to make up losses for debts contract- ed by bad customers. Don't you see there is thousands in it. Parkinson's store is new and consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Tweeds, Boots and Shoes, in fact everything usually kept in a first class general store. See his black and colored Cashmeres at 25 cents and up. You can get the cheapest all -wool suit in Exeter made to order at Parkinson's. Make no mistake- Consent your own interests and examine his stock before making your purchase elsewhere and you will soon save enough for a fortune. You can do befter at the Cheap Cash Store t han any other place in Exeter, Highest market price allowed for farm produce at Parkinson's. First Door North of the Town Hall. J. PARKIN SON. HITS 'MAWS Myrtle CUT' and PLUG Smoking Tobacco FINDR THAN F,VER. See IN BRONZE. On each PLUG and PACKAGE 83,000.00 WOETCI OF DRY -GOODS —AND_ Boots & Shoe►• --TO BE— SLAUGHTERED FOR CASH! -- ---AT D UL M,AGE KIRKTON. DO YOU WANT TO BTJY FIRST—C:L.A.SS FURNITURE AT LOWER RATES THAN SHAM GOODS —ARE USUALLY SOLD- -TARN GALL AT— GIDLEY'S —ONLY FIRST-CLASS— Reliable Goods At Prices Lower that so-cal- led Cheap Houses can give Undertaking in all its Branches. S. GIDLEY, (Successor to C. dz S. Gidley) ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK VfE ARE 1111E11116 OUR SPRING STOCK --OF-- Spades and Shovels, Fence Wires ANNEALED, BARBED AND OTHER MAKES, —Which we are in a position to offer to the Public at the -- Very Finest Prices for Cash —We have also on hand a full line of— SHELF and BUILDING HARDWARE Paints, Oils, Glass, Etc., at Famine Prices. Stoves and Tinware of all kinds, always on hand, at prices that defy competition.: n SeviY Sewing Machines, Baby Carrla,es, Field and Garden Seeds...: Rave -troughing a Specialty. A call solicited. BISSETT BROS. JAMES PICKARD Every Department zn the Old EstablishedJ Establishedis now most eornplete, and full of the latest novelties: The French, English and American Millinery can_ be excelled. The stock of Dress Goods is larger t b than,r� at cheaper ever shown..: All the best makes ofxlcla Bl coloredand shot slurs, Cheap. Parasols and Sun shades of everdesign (bo th long and s h Olt stems. Fite fa lsyto leers, plain zophers. Lateens andPunts in alidleas Var- iety. Aspecial lot of Swiss Embroideries fol. :Dresses, (lovely goods.) Every lady d shod d see e oar .Dress Trim- mings (which contain all the latest novelties. C01'.ti© all and, i speet Dui stock, B. - N T � he ", ttellti 011 Of Dress -makers ` al�ela is s called .spec to '�h0 Dress Goods department, JAMES PICK , `k y ' xeter