HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-5-16, Page 4Established 1871. AN&ER, ONT. EXETER, - Transacts a general banking business. Receives the accounts of merohante and hers on favorable terms. Offers every acaom,nodation cousisteltt with fe andoonservative bankipgprinoiplee, Five per cent interest allowed on deposits. Draftaissued payable et any o$ieo of the Merchants Bank. NOTES DISCOUNTED, & MONEY TO LOAN ON NOTES AND MORTGAGES., Zlis' esvtgr 6aL► i t baa. THURSDAY, MAY 16th, 1889, THE JESUITS The position taken by Rev. Dr. Her- ridge, moderator of the Ottawa Pres- bytery, at the Presbytery meeting last Wednesday, deserves a passing notice. We think the Rev , Dr. should be com- mended for the fearless, logical and un- biased position assumed by him. A petition was drafted and presented to be signed by the Presbytery, Dr. Herridge spoke as follows:—He said he could not sign the petition as the pro- positions were thoroughly against his views. He would ask the Presbytery to excuse him. He could not sign, be- cause he did not think the Jesuits' Act was in anyway an invasian of her ma- jesty's power of prerogative or injurious to the country at large. While the church and the state wexe separate, it was not unconstitutional for a govern- ment to grant money to a religious so- ciety. He did not think the Jesuits were given greater power than they had before, and Christianity would not suf- fer by it, if the people were true to the principles of religion and Christianity ; besides in his opinion it would be a waste of time to discuss the;matter. The results would be nil." Just here we would once more call attention to the utter futility and hypocrisy of circulat- ing petitions. The fact is if every man, woman and child in this Dominion sign- ed this petition to disallow the act, the Government could not and dare not dis- allow it. It would be a gross breach of consti- tution under which we are governed— Hundreds of people will probably sign such petitions without knowing or thinking of this fact, and will after• ward blame the Government for not granting the petitions. No Government under the present British administra- tion ever did such a thing. The Gov- ernment of this country is ruled by par- liament. We believe that there is a sinister design to injure the Govern- ment by these petitions. They are be- ing circulated by persons. who know they cannot be granted, Therefore as Dr. Herridge says, it is a waste of time and the results must be nil. It is worse than a waste of time, it is a gross de- ception on a great many innocent and unthinking people. The public cannot be too often warned of this aspect of the ease. This agitation is detrimental to the best interest of religion, and the best interests of this country. If Protest- ants be true to their religion they have nothing to fear from Jesuitism. Dis- claiming against .Tesuits will never bet- ter Protestantism- This whole ques- tion should be relegated to the courts for settlement. That is the only poss- ible solution of the question now. COMMUNICATIONS. ' Directors 1 only men engaged in the bread ing and maeegement of Live, .$tock are competent to #ill such posittema at spring faire, > tie concludes bis letter in a some, What sympathetic tone to the Hensall people, but I think it needless, for the peo- ple of Hensall eau hove a good shove, an are noted for baying such, and x eon safely say that the Mosinee of W. W. will not injure their reputation or darken their future in the least. He seems to have a similar opinion of Exeter and Brucefeld shows, more ,especially the latter, But that being near his home he deems it ed. visible to barely mention hie dieeatis- faction, Ile better have a little fair of hie own. arid bimaelf be judge.. Now to many readers of the Exeter TIMES, it would appear from W. VP.'s letter that the way the judges were appointed was some- what mysterious,, -more particularly lily, self. I will explain how it occurred. I went on business to Brucefield on Tueaday April 9th and reterned with a gentleman to Hensall fair, about 11 o'clock p. M. Shortly after my arrival, I met Mr I. Eby, Shakespeare, and Mr. W. 1. Thomp- son, London. I saw by their badge that they were judges. In a short time the crowd of people and live stock moved towards the fair grounds, 1 being among them, The aged draught class of stallions was called and I think there were ,nine , competitors. The judges (who were com- petent men om-petentmen and I have reason to know it) after looking the horses over and hav- ing them moved spent much time examin- ing them in the ring, (and one exhibitor, T. B., I may mention called me, asking ine to appromoh him , when at his horse'a head showing him, saying he wanted to speak to me, I declined to go to him,) sent the Secretary, or the Secretary and the Director, to me asking for my opinion professionaily as a Veterinary Surgeon and my judgement in the class. I carefully looked the different stallions over and when we three deliberated on how the awards should be made, it was unanimous that Macalpine was the lst, Golden Crown 2nd, and Columbia 3rd, and was through out all the classes that I acted as• judge on. It would have been better if W. W. had written his letter when I was in Lon- don, as a reply could have been made and signed by all three judges then, but I presume he, knowing I was in the West, thought it might go unnoticed. If he had cunfined his letter to true statements there would have been no need of a reply, but I will not allow W. W. to slander my good name, nor my co -judges at Hensall Fair. I would like to know W. W.'s name in full. --J. D. O'Neil, V. S. Dillon, Montana, May 6th. We del not hold ourselves responsible for the views set forth by our correspondents in this column. To the Editor of the Exeter Times. DEAF. Sin:—In your issue of April 25th I see a letter signed W. W., re "Spring Fairs" ; and pointing particularly to Hensall fair, which was held in that town on April 9th, and in which he makes many statements that are false, and only a few that are true, viz: First prize was given to "Macalpine" a very fine horse. He says second prize was offered to Mr. Berry owner of "Golden C7 own" but refused and rightfully refused. The second prize was awarded the stallion • `Golden Crown" owned by Mr, T. Berry, and Mr, Berry refused to take the ticket, an act, that no owner or groom would be permitted to do at any of the leading shows, without be- ing punished. (See rules of Provincial Exhibition, Industrial Exhibition, West- ern Fair, etc. When W. W. says it was rightfully refused he shows his ignorance rather than his good judgement, which he claims be has ; bnt few know it, In the aged class of Heavy Draught. Stallions there were some good specimens in the ring, and I, as one of the three judges ah • ho made the awards—and allw ere e— n'mou ave ung i ora advised ed it be done, . g the stallion "Macalpine" the red ticket, irrespective of ary feeling of partiality to any person, and I may say I know all the exhibitors - and I consider we did richt in doing so ; and I am prepared to meet the "Sore beads" who are kicking, and judge the stallions in the proper way by a "Scale of Paints," atony time and place they choose. .As for cheering and jeering from spectators, I say there was none but the two. Nordid anymanI saw at Hensall fair, act ithat an ungentlemanly manner, but Willis and T. Berry, two of the exhibitors in the aged class. W. W. says he is Irish, that may be but I cannot say that that is any reason why he cannot be a gentleman when he goes out in com- pany or to a spring show. I saw many Irishmen that day behave themselves. As for offering a wager of $100, I slid not hear that. He says that Mr. Berry did not happen to be a director, nor is he an in- timate friend of one of the special judges who strangely happened to he present from London, It is nothing far Me to he at Faire, and this titian W. W. knows it, and I want him to understand T know how to behave myself, and that is more than ItImleV• clad at Hensall Fair. (Some exous'e may be offered him as he was ira-- toxicatod.) I presume from his appears rtnce'When I met him that he imagined I wield. fear him and keep oat of his way, but having filled the position of judge at allthe I leading t ° 1 a Ts exlaibi ions in: Canada,I' t f7 fear not the noise of W. W., nor ` any man, for when. I actin that capacity. I do justice to myself, and have nothing 1-, dread ,afterwards, ".Ann right will prevail." I1°'ois reflection on nn the Board f Directete as being a host of horsemen. Would he pleasestate who should be To the Editor of the Exeter Tines. DEAR Six:—It is an old saying that it never rains but it pours, and the truth of this has been truly exemplified by the down -pour of attacks made upon your humble servant anent "Jesuitism Tallied Off." At the time the article in question was written a coolness pervaded the atmosphere, and the incumbators did not work for two weeks, but since tben the heat has somewhat affected them and their heated indiguations have brought forth a batch worthy of the writers of them but not worthy of cooler heads nor christian gentlemen as their fervent invocations would lead one to think then to be, It is amusing to see the different effects it has upon them— one has need to be thankful that there is someone still ready and willing to per- petuate the memory of those who figured in the crusifixion— a work that someone had to do, and he has reason to be thank. fill that there were instruments fit to per- form a necessary act. Another leads off in fervent expressions of gratitude, and it isurs ood and encouraging g o g g t o see hitherto ungrateful creatures on their bended knees, and filled with a spirit of thank- fulness. Still another tries to identify me as a class-mate•of his at Myrooth College, but the records show that he is the only representative of that institution of learn- ing in these parts. As it appears a con- certed attack has been made, it will be necessary to reply to any seeming argu- mneets in defence of agitation that have been produced, although the writers, as all agitators do, carefully avoid the question and content themselves with a more personal attack. It is hardly necessary to say that Anti -Agitator does not believe that Sir John Macdonald and his followers in the House onthis,,question have a "monoply of brains" hut it would be paving Sir John himself a mean com- pliment indeed, to admit that, that honor- able gentleman possessed a better know- ledge. of constitutional law, for such the question is, than the average Methodist minister with all his attendant co-agitors It has come to a pretty pass indeed when any layman of average ability un- dertakes to condemn publicly or privately the judgement of, and hurl insulting epithets unsparingly at any statesmen for massing judgement upon a matter of which ninety nine persons , in every hundred know absolutelytnothing• It iN contrary to everyday practice ; for if Mr. Cook or any other of his learned fraternity have a question involving law, in dispute lie engages and relies upon the judgment and council of the humblest lawyer in the land, rather than he guided by his own notions about the ' natter, and yet here, where anlintricate question of Constitu- tional on lawis involved, we find, mini tern of tl al o ved nd s ,n the Gospel and laymen, who know noth n B. of the question, taking a brief in their own hands, constituting themsetvesnplain- tiff, witness, council, judge and jury, and passing sentence of condemnation upon those who have made Such matters a life study, and whose opinions should be respected. Such a course bears upon iia face an unmistakable evidence of the most ridiculous absurdity. Oh! says one, but the Jesuits are a dangerous class of citizens and their motto is "The end justifies the. means." What of that ? That is entirely foreign to the question at issue. If they were all fiends, and perhaps they are little better, that does not settle the question whether the Dominion Government has the right to overleap its Constitutional powers, and do an illegal act to satisfy a feeling whether it be of fanaticism or prejudice. Would not the Government in doing_ so be acting upon the above motto that the end justified the means ? Be it remembered that it isnot here pretended to say what the duty of Government is, but the idea is that they who have givan the question their calm,. deliberate thought, and who have in the oothe ti t of all fanat- near past withstood 1 v or. s i:cal agitators as in the lie] issue should, 08 honorable and intelligent men who the r will that position . by tl e soy'creig s ti rll of the people, be 0etitlecl to otrr continence and we slnull be perfectly satisfied that t as they did j>,istr"ce then they will do it n ' that i • John � The 9tatem grit t o t ,�' 1 a c, rr, i' ie 7 Macdonald is an old political trielcster and, not au honorable statesman as made by tint air 0110 writer in reply ter rny.enu i ,ations , is unworthy of any. Canadian, and merits nothing but c mempt.afd the severestt condemnations rt is liMt insult to the in- teiligence• of electorate bi Ceneda, for any individual to say that he who lass had their confidence as First Minister for quarter of a coptury le nothing but a political trickster and not an honoraf tje etateamap. The writer of such ebows by it his total deprayity ,as a political moral- ist or is chrietian gentleman. In which- ever role he wishes to play in his agita- tion he showshimself as unworthy of con- fidence, for it) is a rule we all observe, to be suspicious of the distrustful. One of these agitators oommends ministers of the Gospel who have such au complus of backbone as to teach people their duty in this caee, then what would he say regard- ing the following: "At yesterday s meeting of the Presbyt tery of Ottawa Rev. Dr, Moore presented a draft petition to the Governor-in.Coun- cil praying for the dieallowance of they Jesuits' Estates Act, Rev. W. T. Herr- idge, who is at present moderator, said he could not sign the petition, as its propositions were thoroughly against his views He would ask the presbytery to ex- cuee him, He could not sign because he did not think the Jesuits' Estates Act was in any way an invasion of her Majesty's' power of prerogativeor injurious to the While country at large. the Church and State are separate it was not unconstitu- tional for a government to grant money to a religious society. He did not think that the Jesuits were given greater power than they had before, and Christianity, would not suffer any if the people were true to the principles of religion and Christianity." I presume that the Rev. W. T. Herridge ahould be denounced as a traitor a cringer to Rome, aconspirator and every- thing that is base and low, all in the name of protestantism and under the guise of religion. We all have con- sciences I hope,and if we cannot see eye to eye with these agitators in the case, all have a right to be respected for express- ing our honest convictions so long as they are consistent with well founded principles of liberty and fair play. It is ridiculous and hipocritical in one of thsoo attacking me, to find him condemning in other quarters those related to him by the close knit ties of brotherhood for exercis- ing that which he commends in others— li berty of conscience. There is surely, no body of men claiming to be Protestant whose individual members claim the power of muzzliug the humblest citizen of the state leaye -clone those of its own naenr bers,and forbidding them on this, free soil to express in words, whether in parlia- ment or elsewhere,their own conscient ions thoughts. It is a mystery yet, and it has been all along, what these agitators are aiming at. They cry frantically: Agitate! Agitate ! but what is the end'of it and when they have spent their energies and lashed themselves into fury they will be as far from the mark as ever, unless it be their object to create on the part of Con- servatives, a want of confidence in the governmen, which will do duty at the next election in allowing the Reformers a walk over uncler the leadership of Mr. Laurier. If that be the object, it may succeed, but we fail to see wherein Pro- testantism is going to be benefited in so doing. We fail to see bow Conservatives eau lend themselves to an agitation which is no doubt fanned by those opposed to the Government politically and who have an axe to grind I ata not drawing on my imagination for this, for it is evident to any one who takes the trouble to watch the movements of John Charlton, M. P., and others of his ilk, There may be another object in view, as put by the Montreal Daily Star which says in speak- ing of the meeting held in that city: "flow far such meetings as that of last night advance the object aimed at would be easier to determine if it were gnown precisely what that object is,,, * It is hoped to see party lines drawn in Canada as they are in Newfoundland to substi. tute Protestant and Catholic parties for Conservative and Liberal parties. Be. fore entering upon •a campaign of this kind, to count well the cost, will be the truest patriotism, the truest religion." In conclusion I wish to say in self defence that no Methodist minister can point either within the lids of the Bible or in his Discipline to a single passage . instructing him to go about advocating the formation of a third political party, and when he does so, and when he flaunts a political cartoon to cause merriment and laughter at the expense of honored age, and that too within the walls of a church how far does it fall short of the tactics of a ward politician or of committing sacrilege ? If ministers and others would lay to heart the noble sentiments expressed by the Rev. W. T. Herradge inthe last clause of of the passage quoted above, or the words of Rev. Joseph Cook of Hensall, uttered at Elimville, at the S. S. con- vention, when he declared that he was not afraid of the ultimate triumph of Pro- testantism, that God was m it, and it could not fail, there would he an end of agitation. And now when we remember that for nearly four centuries Protestant ism has steadily advanced what new cause have we to alarm ? What have we to fear if Quebec sells out to the Jesuits, body and soul ? Yours, ANTI-AoITATOR. The first steamship built in Canada was launched at Owen Sound on Saturday The N. P. andCP. are co -jointly o -j ointl res- ponsible s-Ponsible for this, It is tho largest visaed in the world on island waters. It is generally understood in inside one dies that Sir John Macdonald will visit England this month, peesumably, it is stet- edtoconfer with the Imperial authorities regarding fresh negotiations for a settle- ment of the fisheries treaty. There is trouble in the English church at Waterdown. The rector, Rev. Mr. Francis, will neither officiate nor give up the church, which he appears to hold upon some legal" ground wbich empowers him to do so. He Will biot give way tot younger and popular clergyman, much to the an - noyance'of the congregation, which is in danger of breaking up. • The firm of Carrot, Gaylord and Vicle hag taken up the unfinished contract of the late Lionel Yorke on the new Parliamentary buildings and work will bo resumed at once CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. To me, 1nrron: Please inform your readers that 'neve a positive remedy for the above named die - ease, By its timely use thousands of bopo- less oases have beet permanently cured. I shall be glad to Bond two bottles of my remedy MUM to any of your readers who ;Rive consumption if they will send mo then L'xpr•ess and P. O. address. Respectfully, Da. I'. A. SLOCUIvI Toronto, Out. 37 :Yong° street, 1 Com, A to en lady on r F,F1Ce p too K matts d!a tie her o By YC best office address: Wolfs, Richardson & Co., Montreal, To Advertisers. A list of 1000 newspapers divided into S'P4T]C9 ,AND sZCTION8 Will be tient on aD�oi those who ialit ttteiradvertlsinq to pay vreecu offer no pettor Piot inm for thorough and effective work than the various sections of ow Select. Local List GEO. Y, Ito WDLL & OO•, Newepaper Advertising Bereau 10 Spruce street, NewYork IIPP'ICN MILLS NEW IMPROVEMENTS. D. 33. MoLean in thankinghis customers forthetrliberal patronage, wishes to inform thorn and the public in general that he has re- fitted the Grist Mill and put in now improve- ments, and having secured the servioes of a thoroughly competent miller, is now better prepared than ever before to turn out a good quylity of Flour. Flour and Feed, Cornmeal and Oatmeal kept oonstantly on hand. Chop- ping only to per bag. Don't forget the old stand. 1 will also be prepared to attend to al Custom Sawing. D. 13. MaLEAN. I{ippen, Eyes Tested FREE ---BY-- A . S MURK AY Practical Optician, Graduate Optic School N•Ir• Eyes tested ; defective sight restored by the aid of fine glasses. Large assortment of the enest glasses on hand. .A call solioited. on_ S. SLC CTIM.A'F', 419 17ISCJ3EMCONr.-ST London. BRICK AND TILE FOR SALE. Any quantity of brick and tile of all sizes for sale at the MOA TZ BRICK YARD, Crediton. First-class brick, $4 per Thou- sand. Tile Correspondingly Caeap. The creditors have a mpowered Mr. Moatz to look after the sale of th e brick and tile, and he will be found in the yara at eli.times. Next year the yard will 'be run by Mr. Moatz as usual. Crediton, January loth ,1889: REMOVED ! Watch this space next week Will be found at Swallows old stand. David so= marcs., WM. DAVIDSON'. JOHN DAVIDSON. REDUCED RATES TO ALL POINTS 1N MANITOBA; BRITISH ANlPIDBW;BRITISH COLUMBIA —AND THE— NORTH WESTERN STATES, —VIA— BEATTY'S SARNIA LINE STEAMERS. 'Terme EMPIRR", "Oaininio" and"CletPlN1" Leaving Sarnia every TUESDAY and FEIDAr night during navigation, (weather permitting) and calling every WEpxnsn/Y and SATURDAY at Goderich and Kineardiue where they con- nect with the G.T,R. train Waving Wingham at 11.10 a. m. for St. Joe's Island, Garden Riv- er, The Soo, Port Arthur and Duluth. connect- ing at Port Arthur with the C. P. R.. and at Duluth with the Red River Valley R'y, Lowasr RATES. BEST ACCOMMMODATION EXPRESS TIRE .AND CHOICE OF ROUTES Ask your nearest Grand Trunk R'y agent for freight and passenger rates. JAS. BEATTY, General Manager, Sarnia, DOMINION LINE. ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Liverpool Service. SAILING DATES. From Portland. From Halifax. *Sarnia Thur. April 25 Sat. April 27 From Montreal, From Quebec. *Oregon Wea. May 8.. .... ...Tbur. May 9 Toronto Thur. May 10 Montreal,.....Thur. May 23 *Vancenver.,.,Wed. May 29., Thur. May 30 BRISTOL SERVICE FOR A VONM OUT a DOCK. Texas, from Montreal, about 0th May. Bates of passage from :Montreal or Quebec to Ltverpool. Cabin, $50 to 580, according to steamer and position or stateroom with emend saloon priv- ilegee. Second Cabin, 580 to Liverpool or Glasgow. Steerage, 820 to Liverpool, Lon- donderry, Loudon Queenstown, Glasgow or Belfast. *These steamers have Saloon, Stateroom, Music Room and bathroom amidships. where but little motion is felt, and carry neither tittle nor r shee o P• Por freight or passage, apply lin Litie t ool to Finn main &Mont timer.24 Jame street; inQuebec, to W.M.Macpherson; at all Grand Trunk Railway Offices, or to DAVID TORRANCE & 00,, General Agent. Exchange Court, Montreal. OAPT. GEO.ISEMP, Agent, Examen. THE INTERCOLONIAL R LILWAY OF CANADA, The royal mail, passenger and freight route between Canada and Groat Britain. —and-- -Direct and--Direct route between tbo West and all the points on the Lower St. t'awrenco and Bale do Chaleur, elgo New Brunswick Nova Scotia,Prinool�,dwardIslend, Cepa Breton and Nowfoundlen rl. Now and elegant buffet sleeping and day cars run oethree] dh morose trains, Psesorsgars for Groat Britainorthe conti- nent by loaviee Toronto by 8 p.111. train on Thursday tele joinbutwarduaail steamer at Halifax Saturday. Superior oievator,waxebouso and cloche ac- commodation at Halifax for shipment of grain and general merchandise. 'Steers of oxperien co have proved the triter - colonial, in connection with steamship lines to and from London, Liverpool tinct Glas- goW to linlilax, 00 be the quickest, freight route between Canada and Gron,tneitain.. reformation ns to passenger clue freight ratos can bo heti ore application to 1\, WII,ATISTilleST'ON, Weston, l+reigbf,&Eaeseineer Agoet 931bo sinFSousei3 - "y , s Block, of 131, Toronto 1, � tile' D.POT'I'INGnu, Chief Strl,brintendent r ' Y n ' 1Zttilwtt olTh30, Monbtoll NY 3,,Nov 20,'88, nlirll'',rr�'et �(a'F Pitcher's s C�Storl v , ► ,. Moiey a d oney M e Goods, Goods! Good Value ! New Goods, New Prices, EVERYBODY SMILES. Our spring and summer stook is now complete, every department being replete with goods purchased at the best houses— selected with care, Everything fresh, In dress -goods our array is equal to any in town -all the newest shades and colors —and are sold at prices positively lower than any. Please examine them and be convinced. In every other department we offer as good value for as little money. Produce taken at the highest market Pric . Roller Flour always on hand, for sale. A Call. Solicited. J. P. Ross, Market Store, EXETER • —EXE TER --- P9010 ::: SPUDIO. For Finely Finished Photos of all sizes, from small album size to 11x14 from life, try EN IO I He has iso an elegant display of Photo- graph Frames Sizes : Sx10, 1x14 an I. 14x17. AT ALL PRICES It wi 1 be c the advan age of th having pictures to frame to sxamine his stock of Picture Mou!ding. Get prices be urchas ng where. JOS. SENIu tt. t-xallery Opposite Post-Offic`s One Door South of Post Office --HE HAS -- A NEW AND COIVIPLE'IE —STOCK OF-- ' Boots & Shoes. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON, MONEY MOITEY! IF Y013 WANT TO SAVE MONEY BUY YOUR GOODS FROM THE Cheap Store, Crediton As he is determined to clear out all his stock of DRY GOODS, BOOT & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, ETC., At less than actual Cost +=x=x=+ TERMS — CASH. J. MIT CEIELL, D inin&abatry REAG4UflRTERS Pure Drugs; Patent Medi- cines Dye -stuffs, Perfumery and Toilet Articl es. School Books and Stationary, Photo Frames, Albums, Purses, etc. Cigars Pipes, �e s g l , an d Tobacco: Also a large assortment of Toilet and Bath Sponges always on hand Prescriptions tions careftlll ,pre- pared carefully pared from the purest Drugs. R,elnelnbor the place,Sign, t' GOLDEN DTN ,N.fORTAR Main St., ronia CF Tx A D x'11 �"�OI'@► A full stook of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's -- Condition Powd- er$ the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at CentralDrug Store Exetex. 43 LUTZ. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA DROPSY INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every species of disease arise, from disordered Ll VAR,.KIDNEY STOMACH, BOWELS'i.fl BLOOD. T. MILBURN & CO, "3"ZIONTO, YO (J CAN GET 20 POUNDS —0E -- Raw :-: Sugar FOR $1.00. 12 Lbs. White Sugar FOR $1.00. —AT -- J. MiTEON'S. POST OFFICE STORE, Exeter North, DR. Washington Throat & Lung Surgeon, Of Toronto, will he at the Ceutral Ho tel, Exeter, TI-It7 M . MAY 2234. Until 6 o'clock. Caterrh,Bronehitis,Astha, Consumption, etc, permanently and effectually cured. A few Prominent Testimonials, of Permanent rmanen Cures Mrs. John McKay, aY. Kingston, Ont., Catarrhrrh and Consumption.. John McKeivy, Kin gaton,Ont. , catarrh . Mrs.A. Hopping, Kingston, Ont., Broncho Contumption. Mr•E.Scott,Kingston, Ont,, Catarrh, head and throat. Read W. H. Storey's Original Testimonial. Catarrh Throat Cured. Listen to W 11 Storey, Ese , of the ,firm of W H Storey & Son, Acton, (glove Manufactur- ers, also President Manufacturers' Association of Canada. 1sHlxtamo DR r W x,21., Yonge-st.. Toronto, DNAs Sin. -1 assure you I feel grateful fon the radical cure you have effected in my throat trouble, and though I dislike having my name, appear in connection with the tostimonialbus- iness,yet, having regard for those who are similarly affected, as well as having a desire to. reeogniee theremits o. your treatment Imak . a departure '0 this ase, Prior to me acquaints- once with you w I `sed suffered fort arse from repeated r ! lacks of catarrhl sore throati eachsucacedii ettack being more grolonged,. and violent le enthoformer. AtthesetimeoI, had violent lits of coughing, and would 'dis-.. charge large mientities of moons, Foaling. aln,rmed, I sought thebost medical ski' l avail- able, inoludir,g a vail-able,inbludir,ga moll -noted Specialist, and took almost everything known to inchoino without experten ringapartici o of relief. Last spring l wont to Europe. The change did mo good, but on my return the old trouble was re---• newod. Seeing you advertised to visit ,this, place, I thought t would consult,you although I eon foss with notninelr 110110 of res lving.aany benefit, however,' was fa monis? 'm pressed with your minder, and rosol rod give your treat,nenta trial. .i 1t0 resul1., itnppy to' info u• ' a •l „ rm c ,as com is , r r Y r .m� . ,a ho so inerltedinitseharact tast•'.isobotl self and any friends. �Frow the i,nit yo11'tned-, i etne seemed' adapted to 1ny;case and Kave.. re- lief. In two in os, I ivavontiroly11,0114141d orb soomitiritted thrcegb the rnost.ujfavorablo season of year, Yeu aro al libort,+ to Inalro ie whatuso yett p n,scof th;RI mttar,'iintl 1 sl,lla be itis l answer i r` b e b to a saves ar .ear a t t y nrar.orrb] � vo fo' m ease. Veers verstrot �, tilt II.STOREY .. Aron' jean 101887. (Ionsultetion :Free