The Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-08-23, Page 2vi ie lin' a uR y0 An t I97
Egan 'e reIUnUi.
Donald Hartung of Gowans -
town spit a few diays, Feisty at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrd c�
with Mnold toCowaraoiviD for a
nity to Mr. and .Mrs. Ham-
mell (Phyllis McEague) on their
molt paulage.
Mr. aro Mme. Wilfred Johann
414 60133 were fiats at the wed-
ding of leer niece, Joyce Fmke,; to
Irian MizenhFlmisacd.
Mr. and M. Man Darling
visited t ecently with Mrs. Arthur .
Poste h . Fergus. F, ,
Mr. and M. Art Carter and
family of London and Mr. and
Mrs. Jam. Tyler of St. Marys
visited with aTom'y Darling and
Afraid You're
Going Deaf?
Vibntreai-A free offer off
special <nterest to thee who
hear bait do not understan
words has been announced by
Beltone.A non-operating model
of the Smallest Beltoze aid, ever
made will be mailed to anyone
sending 0$ for postageand
Try this non-operating model
in the privacy your own home
to see how tiny hearing help
can be. Lt's yours to ke0p, free.
It weighs Iees than a third of an
ounce, and it's all at ear level,
in one'uait. No wires lead from
body to head.
These models are 'free, so
write fortyours now. Thousands
have already been mailed, so
write today to Dept. 8081
:eltone Electronics of Canada
Ltd, 3637, Metropolitan Blvd..
E.,Montreal 455, P. Q.
attended the Darlirig-Sangster
reunion- in l e1nio a Monday.
n l diwarda of 541 Pane
Street, Nanairno, 1540., ..passed
away '{� Monday, August 6tbiy'� in his
4 'st yea%. Uu wast eldest SS of
the •late Mr. and Mr -s. William
Edwards and the brother of MA
Herb Busby. of 1 4 ire.`
Steven Magill seat a few days
at Victor
Hartung me of Mira. andper.
f etor IMr#ar of l�Iuwanstu .
Mise Darlene, Beverly and
Glenda l allagh and Misses Lois
and Eileen Darling attended a
play at the Stratford Shakes-
pearean Festival with their
aunts', Miss Isabel Darling of
Kitchener and Mrs. John Tyler of
St. Marys. Later, all visited in St.
Marys with Mr. and Mrs. Tyler.
Tom Darling attended a party
honoring the 92nd birthday of his
aunt, Mrs. Ella Barton, near Fer-
WhiI.chtrch WI mit rest hom. '. 7 A of d••_r+ev imn
made Mies was ass served..
Darts firs limb period bliss WII
son prowitod die nine ware
and eight mon having birthdays
is Agent with gets.
-- ♦ vow to
*weskit Haws Rest Memo at
WallharIss marled der Amt 14
gaduries of die W's
**Mo. Kies Merle Wim, Ord -
dant, pr rdd.d ever the amp.
Rhonda Gibson, Debbie
ibehey, Deana ibampena and
Linda Moore sans 0 Cased*, My
Skinabiine, Put yow H in the
Hs and My Bonnie Lease, with
the residents joining in on semi
old favorites and Mrs. Garnet
Terrier pruvdiag music on that
?we readings T. Pump
Handle art ?tw Pack Paddler
were given by Mrs. Victor Rimer -
um. *4 Walker then*bowed slid -
as et the wootorti provinces
&kWh Columbia pr'ov a
lively and interest*
+ mrrs
Doctor: That habit of talkiest*
yourself is really to
worry shot. e Maybe not,
but rot such a bore!
Leland Harkness. Ross Jaffray
and Mark Renwick left Thursday
to spend some time in the western
Mr. and Mrs.'Alan. Darling, and.
family visited Sunday with Mr.
and. Jim Rae and daughters
near St. Marys,
Marilyn Kieffer, Carol Kieffer,
Kathy Fischer and Denise .Ken-,
nedy left Sunday for Camp
Brebeuf at Rockwood.
Miss Isabel Darling and Mr,
Tom Darling were Sunday guests
of Mer. and Mrs. John Douglas
and family.
Lorne Fischer is a patient in
Wingham and District Hospital.
following a farm accident.
Mr. and Mrs. PI'at Murphy. at-
tended the Trip -Murphy wedding.
in Kitchener last weekend;.
Congratulations to Nancy,
Daniel and Patrick Hofmann,
triplet children' of .,�r and Kit.
Ed Hofman, who celebrated their
third birthday on August 15th.
• Shortreed, Fergus, and accent- Margaret Addison Hall rest- year. All interested are asked to
A MIGHTY HEAVE—Atug-of-war between the marred men and the Single mea was one,.
of the highlights of the old fashioned picnic held in conjunction, with the officialpenirtg of
the Fordwich Community Park on Sunday. Abolve, anchorman tart* Siefert, digs in his
heels for the married men who wen this round bjit were defeated In,the best.of-three con.
test. (Staff Photo).
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Allan of
Toronto are visiting his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Allan,
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Clark at-
tended the Day -Greenwood wed-
dingat the bride's home,, RR 3,
Paltnerston, on Saturday.
rris Gibson, Drooksville, y pointsng f Ira a dinner in Queen
I<lis relatives vas here and . year. lovely iza
� bow d� the
Mrs. R. GiB�on attends
contest for CNE Queen
GORRIE. — Mrs. Robert Gib- formance on,Wednesday«
son was in Toronto'last week, Douglas Palmer, president of.
assisting. with theain CNE the CNE, welcomed •the Ontario
Sweetheart of the coat*.
queens, their parents, President*
Seventy-seven contestant; from and secretaries.. of the participat-
Iran across Ontario were i ai at
visitingel ti. entered this Thesebuilding
renewing old acquaintances.- Youngladies, representing their fi
al day's events. .
Mrs. Harald Townsend speanta local fair, boards, were guests of The Ilowick Agricultural.
few days with Mr. and Mrs. John the CNE for three days at the ciety wants to sponsor a•girl mkt
PROGRAM' the .Farrn Credit Corporation
maintains a liSting service at its local offices,
yOti.are the Owner Of farm, which Y90.
wish, to sell for not more tha, n. 00,000 you should
visit the local officebefore completinglhe
tale arrangeMe.nts to (1st your, firm and inqUire
rant' is available. .
liStings wilt be . available- to arty' interest
purchasers. If you are,looking forland to expand
your present farit you' should check. to see If any.
of the land listed Will Meet your needs. You may
qualify for speclat-creditta buy it.,
:Out icoth
e our
our needs
p rod ucts
archly are
tian c es
'First and Second Mortgages
Available for:
Financial Consultants Limited
47 Eiota Streit Horriston, Ont.
Panic() them to their summer cot- dence, contact the fair board.
tage at Lake Belveood. Elizabeth Neilson of Gorrle,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Noldstrom represented the Howick fair
and Cathrof Grand Bend visitett, hoard as its Fall Fair Queen;
Allan Griffith recently. The judges, Pat .St. Jahn;
: Mrs. Blair. SharP, Twill Dave CRUM Commentator; John
and Sandra of Sarnia spent a Moles, preaident of the 'Royal
conple ot days with Miss Hazel Winter Fair; MisS Mc- 'BretkIM--
Sparlinp recently ridge of United Films and' George'
&die Taylor' was able to ATITISti,14 UL '1 ivrOtitt, Atapie,
return. clad w k from hos- Leafs. fame hadi a mest difficult
Pita) and we wish 'In continued toSk.
Allan Griffith and miss Hazel l'au4 waS the teP choice. She will
Swirling visited Mrs, Kate Grit_ reign as queen of the: CNE, this
nth in /luronview on Sunday and year and was the, ipecipient of
alsn 'With Mrs., Angus' Car- many beautiful prizes inducting
Barbecue will
raise money
Ann .,It,f(Wriae. EXeter's fair
followedby of Paris.
'These tikfk girls Were- alxio pre-
sented With cash prizes and bou-
quets:Of red roses by Mrs. A. Ed -
f arena ite wards, praident the' ladies'
division of the Ontario Associa-
BELMORE — The 29th of Aug. tion of Agricultural Societies and. is a red letter day on the Bel- . Mra• IL Gibson, the immediate
more.calendar. It will be a time Past president of that organiza-
to celebrate the completion of the tion. The presentations were
artificial ice 'system, and- to eat Made at the- band shell pal,
prime Ontario bOef bgbequed to
perfection, served in quantities td
Belmare native
suit- the most challenging ap-
Petites, aceompanied by Idaho
baked potatoes with mitt'. cream, . .
peas, tossed salads and freshly - Cities in Regina
baked rolli, milk and coffee.
'When that has settled nicely,
the next phase Of the celebrations
commences in the form of the
first dance on the new arena floor
— to the music of the ever pop-
ular Crippled Ducks, .
The tickets are by advance
sales only, so contact the local
Behnore merchants and mem-
bers of the barbeque 'committee,
Ralph Dickson, Ralph Metcalfe,
Barry Mulvey, Jack Stafford and
Mrs. G. Kieffer. The 84.00 ticket
includesae cost of the Meal and
the dance, while children 12 and
under can eat for s$1.50.
Darling -Sangster
family gathering
BELMORE — The Darling -
Sangster reunion was held on
Monday, Civic Holiday in the Bei-
. more park with an attendance of
105. President Tom Darling con-.
ducted the business session.
The executive for 1974 is:
President, Ron Mawhinney; sec-
retary -treasurer, Ron Harkness;
sports, Terry and Darlene Bal-
lagh,. Harvey and Lois Darling;
lunch, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Machan, Mr. and Mrs. John
Dickson and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Jeffray; novelties, Mr. and Mrs.
Art Cartd.
Games and contests were con-
ducted by Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Darling and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Jeffray. The prize for the oldest
man went to John Aitken, Mild-
may and the prize for the oldest
wonlan went to Mrs. Ella Brad -
Well, Clifford. The youngest child
was ScOttpiekson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Dickson.
Lunch was served by Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Dickson and Mr. and
Mrs. George Darling.
A long time ago aid to educa-
tion meant that Pop was helping
the kids with their hon-tework.
I3ELMORE — There passed
away in a nursing home in
Regina, Sask., George PomeroY,-
in his 93rd year. Born near Bel -
more, he was a son of the late Mr,,
and Mrs. William Pomeroy. As a
young man he went to Saska
chewan and homesteaded in th
Elbow District.
The late Mr. Pomeroy is suet.
vived by one son and two daught
ters; two sisters, Mary- Agnei;i•
Adamson and Elsie Songer
Saskatchewan and one brother,
Wallace, of Wingham.
• Farmers received an increase
of just 12 percent on the productg- -
they s44ld over the last 20 years. Ini
fact, farm prices either decline4
or remained unchanged during HY
of the last 20 years. •
ArtYpne w,ho's tasted frontenac will telt you it
isn't just anotlier ice cream. -
Frontenac is made by Sealtest, the people
who've*made a name for themselves, making ice
Naturally they make Frontenac from only the'
finest, fresheit ingredients. So it's' snlooth
Frontenac comes in many scrumptious flavours.
And Sealtest makes. even yOur favourite 'stand.
bys stand up and .be•counted."
' Next 'time you're buyingice cream, picic up
A nice big scoop of Frontenac
makt you feet good all over;
DOrninicittpairi6 Ltdt is, a iagiSterea flier olSeitteiti a regiswed trade mark of. Kraftco Corp.
Nancy Elaine Gowingl
daughter of Mr. and ,Mrs.
Carl Gowing, RR 2, Bluevale
graduated from Victoria Hos?
pita! School of Nursing, Lon.
don. She has accepted a posi.
tion in the Intensive Care Unit
at Victoria Hospital.
MO, DEALER: Vou wilt be reimburied for the face Failure to produce, 06 request, invoices proving
athount of thecouPori Plus normal handling 01:mite; PutchaSes of sultielertt Stocks of brand, to coVer
provided you recnive it front customer, as our Agent, coupons presentedwill, tit outoptitiii, void coupon
on purchase of brand and size specified. Other fOrwhinh proof ishotshown. COrlStnner rilutt pay
applications constitute fraud: sales tax. •
This Otter expired October pt. 1913.
itria *do ‘,04 • 014 aeidloadra ea* i.;;.6 imko 40. dicp air. hi. dig* ad* tea *gab
• Distributed in this urea by
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