HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-08-02, Page 22a r.r 'r su d 42, ii93 • 511 EEL *TRUCK CAMPERS TRAVEL TRAILERS *MOTOR NOME. -Glendale, Shamrocks Terry, La Salle and Titers -Large selection, Row prices,, ifrr eclia'e *AIM, -Trades welcome, experienced service staff MOBILIFE CENTRE No. 8 Hwy. between 401 and Kitchener - 4534781ff + • IRUSSELS STOCKYARDS LTD. WHERE THE BUYER AND SELLER MEET EVERY FRIDAY %T 12 NOON • Sell your fat cattle. • MIT your replacement stole. • Stockers available every day. • Choice weitern calves and feeders arriving weekly. • blight watchman ac�dce QA all consigned cattle. BRUSSELS STOCKYARDS LTD. 887.6461 HUTCHIN$ON GRAIN' AUGERS The complete line - - 5", 6", 8", 10", 12" Augers up to 11' in length will raise ma- terials to 50 feet in height. Gas, Electric, PTO or Hydraulic Drive flexibie spout for those hard -to -reach bin openings. Heavy duty throughout: 4 and 5 foot hoppers eliminate spillage. . Reduction winch with galvanized cable, for long. service. These are but a feW of, the features that make more farmers. specify Hutchinson Grain . Augers. Get the facts from M NTGOMERY MOTORS Tractar,Division ; uCtcuovr ' ^ 528-3010. FARM Et IP 111ENT SUPPLY' COW RR t, MountaForest :� � W:� �� �a�fcx GAVIN`S FARM,kr 11A , ±EQUIPMENT, rib 5.07424s : Brusseis 887.6365. ,mal Distribu eorge White L Sons Co. Limited .1t-12 What 9a w-ropg walla eato ff the:e 1J • e lisolde Dick road 'II took no farther notice off the two first people the pj ade. 2. The building will be brought to dualmple- tian Next month, and the contractor will be through with his work. 3. `iialis,stom is worsetlharta any II have ever .wtper- len. • 4. The rain had hardly stopped °until vie returned cellac4 bomz. 5. He is still continuing baits studies, which treat on historical subjeC-ts. What are the orrect pronuncia- tions of these words? 6. Regatta. 7. Verbatim. 8. Hydrangea. 9. Applique. 10. Supple. 11. Pharmaceutic Which six words in the following group are misspelled? 12. Resurgence, reeusitate, resurrect, misstatement, missile, missappropri- ate, ' spaghetti, stentor- ,ian, stupifaction, for- going, • forfeiture, fore- cast, defference, daffodil, duffel, dilfusible,clinical,.. clientel, clarinet, cloche. ANSWERS 1. Say, "Others BESIDES Dyck and MEtookno FURTHER notice of the .FIRST TWO PERSONS in the parade." 2. OMR "final," and say, "the .contractor will HAVE. FINISHED his work." 3. Say, "is worse than any OTHER I have ever exper- ienced." 4. Shay, "The rain had hardly stopped WHEN we returned home," omitting "back." 5. Omit "salt,". and say, "He is ' continuing his studies, which treat OF hist- orical', subjects." ; 6. Pronounce ree-gatt s, accent second syllabi and not "ree gaw4 ." :'7. Pronounce .vur-bartim, accent second syhlab1e 8. Pronounce se- cond syllableas"drain," and lot. 'as "drain." 9 Pto- *pp-1uhey, pampal. accent ops 1Ht 'I0. ptaiiou* f p:' , and i Ot, m "soop'l." 11. Pronouncefar- may-syu-tick, 'principal ac- cent on third syllable. • 12. Resu state, ni'isappropriate, stupefaction, . foregoing; de- ference, e, clients ' APublic Serviceaftee Ontario Dietetic Assoc. And Crsraads QUESTION; My itReter was aecid,rnta>iliy disc uw, eted, Is it safe eCt refreeze the feed? ANSWER; It is i tmpe.istble (ro lodge the safety of thawed fes, trazi, . s you know approximately ately haw long each food iias been thawed. If the food +sti i eentains some tee crystals, it may be safely refrrozen immediately. QUESTION; Should the tight transparent f1pm on fresh un- frozen meat and poultry ltry re- moved Wore ,storbg these fob in the MIrigerator or freezer? ANSWER: Yes. In the re,, frigerater a tight wrap will hOid a moist atmosphere that encour- ages neour ,ages growth of microorganisms and developmept of unappetizing flavors and odors. Remove the film and the tray. Place meat on a plate and cosier it leosQly �aRth waxed paper. For freezer storage, ordinary waxed paper is not sufficient. Wrappers that resist moisture vapour should be used. These include heavyweight foil, plastic bags and laminated or cellophane or polyethylene- coated freezer paper. Use wax- coated freezer paper only for short periods. QUESTION: If you acs cidentally left a cooked roaSt out of the refrigerator overnight, would ft be safe to eat? ,ANSWER: Meat should not lie left at kitchen temperature over two hours: No one can predict the presence of staphlococal or. gacisms, but if cooked food that has them is kept at $0 degrees F. to 110 degrees F. for over three: or four hours, a harmful toxin may be produced that will not be de- stroyed by subsequent cooking., When cooling hot foods, it is not necessary to wait more than fif- teen minutes or so before •you place them in the refrigerator..' 0--0--0 QUESTION: If meats. ancit cheeses get mouldy in the refrigerator, are they still safe to eat after the mould has been re- moved? ' • . " � ANSWER; Suinmer...rsaxisage, salami, cooked ham, bacon, and other prepared meats as well as cured cheeses, ate all safe to eat after the mould has been cut .off completely. Throw' away ireslb' meat or frankfur,teto that. have '. and Fallacies u ldy, QI # 10N . What fes: tan safely be placed in ail 6664-041011tic °ell at 7 a:in. with ems twit to &tthon at11' iNsW:Elt This can be uger practice. Meat should not be left at kitchen tempera. to . es for over two hours if one is; to present possible spoilage, If meleplacied in the oven is frozen or thoroughly chilled, the safe period la lengthened by the amount oftime it take* for the nit; t to- thaw. QUESTION: Is it safe to eat heats? ANSWER& Since most osganlsws 'lige on the surface of meats, the interior of a chunk of beef or lamb is almost sterile, rendering . ,rare -cooked meats of these types safe to eat, ' Pork, however, should be Well -cooked, and it's a good idea, to .cook poul- try rrionella organisms are to me 'ins testinal'tract. Once :poultry reaches a temperature of 165 de- grees 1?.,the salmonella bacteria are destroyed,. QUESTION Since most refrigerators do not: have a visible thermometer how can yott tell if safe your refrigerator is work, te g a to mperature? ANSWER: 'Buy a good acs curate therinoreter at your hardware store. Thenyen can see what setting in your refrigerator actually corresponds to the de, sired 36 deg. F., to 42 deg« F., range of .refrigeration, You can also test what part of your re- frigerator is warmer or colder by tryng the thermometer' in differ- ent sections. QUESTION: How long can you keep eggs in a refrigerator? ANSWER: Although eggs are graded from AA to C when very new, it has been proved that the ' longer they stay (even in a refr. i gerator) the poorer. the . quality and the lower the grade becomes, No one knows how long as egg may have been in storage hefore it was purchased; Therefore, to insure beat quality and flavour, -i it fs wiseto-use eggs within a week of purchase. QUESTION: Is it safe to use' eggs -with *a slightly cracked shell? ANSWER: The possibility of contamination xists th +-�.�^vq`r-- �eluvvw/ when lei/e shelli crochet, u' with crate sheikwhich net *s-, oowed until welt after the tact- dist ac - riot be it's lee risky! Q E$11OVi When I make soup with all Wads o[ voseitables all meet and buil it several 1104X1. doell it lose nutritive value AN$WE Certain vitamins *specially Vitas C are stroyed by cook1, other simply dissolve i. ; the cooking water, and others are virtually unaffected., Therefore soups retain their nutritive value. quite well, al. though flavour, colour,., and tex- ture of vegetables are more ap- pealipg''if you add thorn: toward the end of the cooking period, QUESTION't. Is it safe to cat uncooked frankfurters? NS ER & Wein+ers are always precooked. • Frankfurters . that hw F i` rt"em y f P r, t and a ad«a9a are:siorelt utak, 'tai sM+�• sanitary conditions .may' be eaten without heating.• QUESTION: (an butter be ANSWER: Yes, thee months is' the maximum storage: 'time re- eorinrnended, because off flavours may develop due to Oxidation of fat. 0 0 .... 0 If you haves question on diet or nutrition, write to: "Food Pacts .St: Fallacies", The .Ontario Dietetic Association,: 86 Bl ur Street 'W t, Suite 665, Toronto,' Ontario MSS 1M5. Enclose a . stannptd, self. addressed envelope for your, per- sonaloreply. Questions of general interest will . be published in future columns. WATEI WELL DIIUNI BY DAVIDSON FOR '13 YEARS, GUARANTEED WELLS AT THE LOWEST COST. +fir Prow064646 40swoomor 306 *ire istwessolia Praire. Strict Salaweiclr ie Iiiasionwaseitn+s DAVIDSON WELL 600 40040M, DRILLING LTD. ,IOX 406 1T1>il�igD cu TO11Agits sw YOUR Nikii,t ADDRESS CITY POSTAL Cone ebb Pierce AND "TESIDESMEN" Direct Front Nashville, Tennessee P.iusBob Galion, Max and Patti Powell, From Wheeling, West Virginia Lomb Weekend Campout SUNDAY, AUGUST 5 2 p.m. and 7:30 Sunday Afternoon and Evening Also featuring Joe Firth and The Promised Land, Marathon Recording Artist, plus Jerry Eli, Matador Recording Artist appearing regularly at the Matador Club, Toronto Dance to follow Advance tickets $2.5O at the gate $3.00; 12 yrs. and under $ 1.00; pre-school children free; campers $2.50 For Merolla or Adrloce Tickets call. J. ELwno11 HILL, $holborro,1125-2211 ANYONE FOR .A LEAN-TO? At the present tilne there is a good deal of construction work being done on farms its this area. Some of this is in the 'form of additions to the sides of a 'sting barns, usually . referred - as "lean-to's". Someoof this. type Of construction isgood-some not so gam! It is good if,. as a• result ()Elbe addition: (1) the resulting layout makes effective use of :the exist- ing structure; (2) ' 'the ' layout allows efficient.and°effective use of labor and .equipment; (3) the 'right environment is provided in both the old and new sections of the barn. Too often, however, this type of construction is not so good. In some cases the resulting layout is poor (a hodge-podge of pens, alleys, mangers, etc.) requiring too much labor, while discourag- ing theeffective use of equipment for feeding, manure handling,, etc. The layout may also be poorly organized, with such things as the feeding and bedded areas in the wrong place. Another matter that is too fre- quently ignored when a lean-to is built is the resulting environment inside the enlarged stable. Often the addition is a steel -clad, single -skin type of construction and unless proper air movement is provided, moisture -laden air from livestock can cause a major condensation problem, during colder periods of the year. Like- wise a lean-to will often interfere greatly with the movement of air through the older section of the barn, thus creating a new ven- tilation problem. Farmers often take the lean-to approach because they feel that building onto the side of an exist- ing building will give extra space under roof for considerably less money. The fact is, however, Chat the cost advantage is often not as great as one might think. Usually the only saving is in the cost of one wall, and depending one,the method of building support this may only amount to saying on the cladding of one wall. Extra cost is involved (particularly labor) in attaching a new building to an old one. As a result contractors often charge nearly as much for a lean- to as they would for the same square footage in a new -Separate structure. The main point is --what will the farmer have when he is done? He will have spent money for a new structure that depends on an old structure for its existence. This may or may not be a sound ' investment. And what of the future? Can this ` unit, after the lean-to addi- tion,.be expandedin a logical, 'straight -forward manner -or is this the end of the line? If .so, possibly the money invested in --the lean-to might better be spent ina way that gives the desired re- sults now--andy 'et can be readily. changed or e nded if this is re - 'nuked ..in the'f0 . ey Personalize your correspondence With 'these padded, gummed, gold -striped labels, complete with your naw CANADIAN POSTAL teoet sol tooiliga to an corral , plastic GIFT BOX: Order ,severel for yourself and friends. Send your name. address, end ec lInt roti With kihncine or money order payable to POSTAL BODE SERVIQESI .'ttari,.residents odd 7 per cent Sales Tax Allow, three weeks for ;delivery.: W YOU. DON'T KNOW YOUR NEW POSTAI CODE Wit WILL RESEARCH IT FOR YOU FREE111 �/o CR+Q,SSR4ADS sox taa Bio°�i�aF+�rast, Ontario CUFF ALL .SUMMER MERE A . .. � No#S Come AND, SAVE AT 224 - loth ST. : ' ` HANOV E Ii,. iC?NT. HOURS TUESDAY TO TH U R S DAY x--10 A, M. -6 P.M. 'FRIDAY.-00A.M.-9 P.M. SATURDAY --'10 A.M ; - 6 P.M. .CLOSED'NON DAY Another concept in window' desi§n. . . The Dashwood Trendline Awning Window is just that, . ' a new exciting "trend"...,tea move to something dtffernt featuring trim and crisp lines..'. it can easily be cleaned from the inside and can /be left open even during those rainy `days because of its unique awning operation. It gives you unlimited ventilation and ease of operation, and yet when closed far' exceeds the required tightness by industrial standards. This. is truly an exciting new "Trend". FRAME: Selected Western Pine Water repellent preservative treated Exterior casing applied • Weatherstrip applied Underscreen operator cover applied Wood stops and exterior mullion casings furnished . Extension' jambs and interior trim by others The Trendline Awrliriq Whidorirand other Dashwood windows mid doors are on display now at tom. following Dashwood dealers; HODGINSMMcDONALD LUMBER LTD. Howes BUILDI tG CENTRE WI NGHAM 337--3630 TOWEL BUILDING CENTII LISTOWEL 2914210 J. M. McDONALD LUMBER L1'D BRUSSELS 110.4277