HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-5-16, Page 1'-c co Tee Taut!-. Goldsmith 4. Hall! x'o -sz'ov .. WATCHES, CLOCKS,-- JEWELRY, --- SILVERWARE,- -AND ILVERWARE,--.--AND SPECTACLES. UNEQUALLED VALUE. 1 Personal Attention given to repairing of watches, elooks and iewelry C. REICHENBACIEE, Opposite the Market, PARKHILL. ,LEGAL'. L Fi. DICKSON, Bstrrisler, Soli•. blic ConveyancerofCommissioner=. o. Monreme ey to Loan. Odle >h ei F cn n an s s Block Exeter, x , R~• 11.. CoLLIN s, �,4 Barrister, rr er Solicitor, tcr Conveyancer, . c . rPlZETER } - ONT. 'r OfficeSamwell'eBlock Hall's old office.) ARMOUR W. FORD, Solicitor in the Supreme Court of Ontario, Cottveyanoer,0ommiasi.oneri&o., &o. Special attention given to the collection of : olaime in the UnitedStateg Patents procured, money to loan at lowest rates. Odice i Opera ;Rouse Sleek, St. Marys, Ont. ELLIOT & ELLIOT, Barristers,' Solicitors, Notaries Public, Conveyancers &o, &o. tR Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest. OFFICE, - MAIN STREET, EXETER. a. v. 'LLIOT. J. ELLIOT. DENTAL. �1 L. BILLINGS, • xlmismxsT, OFFICE; over O'J1^EIL'S.1Tank Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction. KINSMAN ,DENTIST.L.D.B SemwelPs Bieck, Main•st, Exeter, Extracts Teeth withoutpain, by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold .fit F kings end: all other dental ,. ; work the beat possible. Goes to Zuni= on lastThuredayin each month: MEDICAL W. BJOWNING M. D., M. (1 CY • 11.8 ,4 raanate YictoriaUniversity.08ice tndirenidence,Doncini,onLaboratory• Exeter L)R. RYNDMAN, coroner for the ,•10ounty of Huron. Office, opposite air. Ca rag's store, Exeter. DR. J. A. ROLLINb, M. O: P.8 O. Office, Main 8..5 xeter,Ont. Residen. eellousereoently occupied by P. McPhillips, Esq. AUCITONEERS. HENRY EILBER, Licenced Auc- tioneer for [iay,stephen,,and MoGilli- rray'Townships: Silesoonducted al oderate rates. office -At Poet-offiee,Orediton, Ont. JOHN GILL, Auctioneer for the Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborne and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly' attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Salsa arrangedat this office., VETERINARY. Tennent & Tennent VETERINARY SURGEONS, Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College. ()Priest : One door South of Town Hall. MONEY TO LOAN. ONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6+ per cent, 325,000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L. H. DIOiiSON, Barxister,Exeter, INSURANCE. TuER E WiuTREAROo. MUTUAL Established in 1803. HEAD OFFICE - • WATERLOO, ONT. This coin) any has been over Eighteen Years insuocessfnl operation in Western On- tario,andeontinuee to insure againstloss or damage by Fire ,Buildings,Merchan di se,Man- nfaotoriee,andaii otherdesoriptionsoflineur= able proppeerty. Intending insurers .haye the option ofinsnringon'the Premium Note or Cash System . During the past ten years this Company hasfssued 57,096 Policies. covering property o theamountof340,872,088 ;and paid inton- es alone$700,752,00 Assets, 81176,100.00, consisting' of Cash n Bank, Gov,ernmentDeposit,and the nnasa- essedpremiuIn Notesonhandandin force e, W,WSLnnsteD,. Preside'. t. 0. M. T .yLon, Secretary. J.B. RUGHEs,Inapector. ORAS: NELL A entfor I+1 t g ao ers,nd -intuit y. Dress -Making. Mra, ker,ofCreditor. begs to inform the nubile th'Tat oho has emovod her business, and wilt now be found one door west of Mitchell's Store, Drosiemaking done in the very latest styles! Cutting and Fitting by the new tailor system. MRS. DICKEY. Crediton CENTRAL Barber FANSON'S BLOCK. A. Hastings, Prop p Saving And Hair ontang in the Meet styles she art. OveltyAttentionpaid to Cutting Ladies and Children's Ha. IMETER AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." VOL. XVI, NO, 38. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 16th, 1889. For Sa1�! . IN KIRKTON K. T 0 A large and well assorted stock of General Dry Goods, Millinary, Hats, Cas . Bouts Groceries, Crockery, Classwars, Wallpaper, Stsa tiorery, Paints, Oils, Glass, ,Pltty, Nails, Books,Salt,Boot-jacks, nd everything kept Iii a first-ciass Store. The whole Stock will be sold in lots to suit you. Come and get, a lotthe prioe will suit you; it will make your wife and child.' ren glad, your sons and daughters happy,. and general contentment will; prevail in the whole family. Highest prices for Batter and Eggs, Yours truly, OU PE & CO.. --STONEMAN'S-- JewelryStore HENSALL, ONT. }S TRE BEST PLACE TO BUY Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware, Spectacles, Stationery,! School Books Fancy Goods, Musical Instruments. A full line of Spauld rags Bats and balls on hand Wit make a specialty of Watch and Jewdlryrepairing-All work guaranteed Our Motto -Neat, Prompt ,'.0n4 re- liable. 3'. 0, Sto eman, BENSALL, ONT Chanzo of Business JOHN C. YO'tJ I 'O, Having taken into partnership, W H KERR they have decided to extend the business by adding a full stook of : Staple Hardware! PAIN TS, OXLS, Etc. FULL LINES of TINWARE IBA! B AND OTHER WIRES, MACHINE OILS tae Remember we buy for cash and will give our customers the benefits of the die. counts. Atrial will convince that we sell cheaper than the same goods can be bought elsewhere for. Sole ngent for this locality for Lawrence's celebrated Spectacles. Atlgrades ; all sights. It is tbe Best Speotaole in the Market to -day. A call solicited: YOUNG &.KERR. Crediton, March 21st,'89 The Larges.t TES' E BENT,. TSE NICEST, THE . SWEETEST --Assortment of - Confectionery IN TOWN. JUST IN, & FRBSH. Away down in price. FOLLIC Bread, Bons, Oakes and all kinds of Part ry, still take the load. Headquarters for Confection- ery al onf @Ct1.0D- ery°at Er As l'OLLICK'S, lydAlN.p1'y.. EXETER Lucan Topics. Spieey Items Gathered by our Wide a- wake Correspondent. COIINCII, Ou&MnER. ,Regular meeting. e _ n B Members Jonathan p$odgino a ditGeo. Ifo ging. Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meet - lug were read and confirmed. efo edb yF.- A.O,Neilaeeon ed b . Y J. Hodgins, • g s, that Jo. Sceiit a tender for digging ditch advertised, be accepted at 24c. per rod. -Carried. Moved by F. A. O'Neil seconded by J,. Hodgins,that;Geo. Hodgins be appointed poundkeeper in the place of the late John. Judge, and that the clerk draft a bylaw legalizing the same; and also that by-law No. 86 for this municipality be repealed. Carried. Moved by T. Kitt, seconded by Geo. Hodgins, that the following accounts be paid andithe reeve sign orders:-.. Jas. Soeli repairing bridge on Townl3ne and piling Lumber $1.75. G. A. Stanley salary as olerkFeb,, Mob. and Apl„ $11.25. Stationery scot. and posting notioes,..45ots. London Free Press &cot for advertising and printing by-law 14o. 5, $19.95. -Carried. Moved by Geo. Bodging seconded by Ti Kitt, that the clerk be instructed to adver- tise for tenders for gravel screened and un - marooned, to be delivered on the streets of Luean, from John Bodging' gravel pit; also from Welsh's pit, and the river. Tenders received not later than May 27th 1889, Carried. Med, Moved by J.Hodgins seconded by T. Kitt, that the court of Revision for Lucan for 1889 be opened in the council room . the 27th' of May, at 8 o'clock p. m. --Carried. Moved by T. Kilt seconded' by F. O'Neil, that by-law blanks be filled in for the opportunity of pound -keeper. -Carried: Moved by F. A.. O'Neil, seconded by Geo. Hodgins, that by -lay No. 6 be read :a third time end passed and signed by the reeve and elerk, and the corporate . seal Attach- ed. -Carried . Moved by -T. Kitt, seconded by Geo. Hodgins, that this council grant 850.00, for improvement in Jonathan Rodgins's division for, grading and gravelling Beech street from Market street, -Carried. On motion the council adjourned. G. A. STANLEY, Clark. Mayday is here and the whither is exquisite. Mr. O'Donoboe sad family leave Luoan tor Winnipeg next week. Mr Jonathon Hodgins is about purchas- ing a DOW^ bus, for the Clandeboye route. Mr, Fitzgerald of London. ipent Sunday here. Mr Rutherfoyd of London East paid us a -reit on Sunday last. Mie Ralph O'Neil" has- purokaaed. the Virestern Hotel and. hat net about vener- ating it. A young couple hailing from CIandeboye took the•town by storm last Monday night. We could not find out who they were but it was enough to know that they were made happy. Mr. Wm. Stanley Scott Act returning officer along with Mr. Wm. Porte were in London Monday counting up the ballots. Mr. Wm. Quigley, his brother John, Andy Murdock and several other absentees were in Luoan last Thursday, to record tbeir vutes against the Scott Act. The base ball match between the L11tan public school base ball club and the Gran- ton haymakers was 'von by the Luoanites on the 14th, by a score of 6 to 4. The game was hotly contested and witnessed by nearly 400 spectators and was more than enjoyed. Middlesex piled up one of the handsomest majorities against the Scott Act yet record. ed, and Biddulph same to the front as the banner Municipality bearing her strange bevere. No more will we linger no cold ob- livious spring creeks to trickle down the crevices of barren rook, but henceforth we will regale ourselves on lager and old por- ter, and have a little of old time diversion by way of rememberance for ould tang Syne, This week our village was called upon to administer the last cad rites to the remains of one of our best citizens and most honest and honorable members of oar society, Mr. John Judge, The funeral left the residence on William -sl, at 3 o'clock p. m; on Mon- day May 13th. The procession was led by a very targe body of Foresters and A. 0. U. W., of which Societies Mr. Judge was a member. A number of Foresters having come from Parkhill and Ailsa Craig to attend the funeral. Our deepest condolecee is extended to his family in their hour of sad bereavement Sharon. Mr. Moses Airy and Albert McCallum paid us a flying visit on Sunday Use Mr. A. T.i Hn d o fhe t Tarns >ze o flies was pack to gee the boys on Sunday last. Mr. Thomas Ilartneit, of Exeter, preach. ed in the Methodist Church here on San- d last. t The wife of Mr. Nelson Kestle presented him with a tine baby girl on Thursday lest. Nelson tells them all she hae bleak hair, Mies Martha "Castle has gone to work in the dressmaking, establishment of Mrs. Crooker. Mr. Joseph Daunooy, whose eye was injured some time ago is rapidly improving and he hupas soon to be able to see out it, but it is not likely- he will ever bef able to eee as well as formerly. The other day while Mr. Thos. Amy jr. was feeding his fowls he noticed a large mud turtle among them, and thinking it was not a•vory good kind of fowl he at oncecaptured. it. Tom says he would like to get the Shelf but it won't stick out its head while he outs it off. • Kirkton. Mrs. John Mee qrd) is away visiting her sister at Georgetown. Mr. A. Brethour has completed his warehouse for implements and has brought home a quantity of machinery. A number of .our citizens took the opportunity of hearing Mr. Scott Siddons in St. Marys last week. There will be no service in the Matha- dist•Churah on Sunday evening next owing to the re -opening of the Church in the sis- ter city of Woodham. Some ill disposed person has been busily engaged of late boring lute the trunk of the beatiful shadtrees for which our 'village is so noted. We, venture to warn the offen- der to keep his tracks well covered if he wishes to elude the vigilance of some who are on the watch. Another of our young men has joined the noble army of benediote. This time Mr. Thee. Roadhouse, blaokamith of our village taking unto himself a wife inthe person' of Mies Brownlee of Exeter, whom we gladly welcome to our village, Alt join in wishing the young couple many years of happiness and prosperity. Five Yak. There la yet;; hope for the G. 0. M. if we may judge from the enthusiasm with which the following masterpiece of oratory is recited to perfection by some of the elec tors in this vicinity: --:You may build a wire fence arounda winter supply of,,,eummer. weather, skim the clouds from the sky with a teaspoon, patch a thunderbolt in a bladder, ground sluice an earthquake, put a aloud in the Grater of an active volcano, hang out:the ocean on a grape vine to dry, pasteon the eutLbnd moon "ro Lee" but never delude yourself with the idea that you. `can' beat Sir John. A. ' •a,• Blanchard Council. Council met an May 6th, All the mere - bars present. Minutes of this previous meeting were read and confirmed. W. Atkinson appeared before council in reference to a grant for repairs on town line between Blanchard and West Nissouri. Moved by Johnston and Berry -'That the sum of $20 be granted for this purpose provided the council of W. Nissouri grant an equal aunt -Carried. Mr. Parker appeared before the council in referenne to some necessary repairs on con. 8 and part of lower aideroad, asking the board to make a grant to remedy the same , Ceuta. Johnston and Berry were ap_ pointed a committee to examine the said road, Moved by Sinclair and Hutchins That the offer of J. and B. Bear, Doon, Ont., be accepted for building top for Flat Creek bridge, they to be paid the sum of $300.00; said top to be combination. of iron and wood, wording to plans and specifications. -Carried. Moved by Hutchins and Sinclair --That an order for $7 be granted to Mr C. D. Swanson, for drawing out plans and speci- fications for Plat Creek bridge abutments. -Carried. Moved by Berry and Johnston -That Charles Bailey be appointed to measure the plank required for township and have it laid down at hall, as a salary of $5 for the season.-CArried. Mr. Wm. Bundle appeared before the board with reference to stripping top of gravel pit before the gravel was taken out. CHISELHURSI Bansrs,-The boys of this neighborhood spend their spare hours playing foct•ball. -Mr. John Fitzjerald had ave valuable sheep killed by dogs some nights ago. -R. Varle Es' . intends Y 4 n g going to England next week. --The farmers of this vicinity Inthave t finished seeding. ---Mr. Thomas . Eyre had the misfortune to lose a valuable mare andcolt---WhileMr. F. Pitzjerald wag coming from work a few days ago he saw a neighbor's gander flying to the creek. He left his horses, ran to the Yost Office and borrowed a gun to shoo! what he imagined to be a white crane. After running a eon-, siderable distane• he got elms enough to wound the gander. The Poet Master fol- lowed thia young sportsman with ammuni. tion and kept galling to know if he required snot her charge. e Their sr g leeks may b Y e wider 1mA imagined than hen explained when they found their mistaxe. T. GRANoai{ Srtr.1nr, M, D., I% R. S. E.' Ordinary Physician to 11. M. the. Queen' in Scotland, Professor of Practice of Physio in the University of Edinburgh, writes: "Acute bronchitis iscommon especially in the ad- vanced' staged of Bright's disease, and tends to pass into the chronic state, Phthisid (consumption) in its various forms is found 000asionaliy associated ' with those rine! ki fine ( affeaii Y) ons, It usually proves fatAl while the renal malady is yet in its early stage." It *hue becomes evident thiteon• sumptioh and bronohitia are intimately as oc`et N Ie ed with. kidney , disease y and Witner e Sate Cure should be taken early in the die. easel° prevent the damaging itlftu nee the kidney malady eytertt upon the roopirsiotr7 organ.. He was inetruoted to attend to this and he would be paid for his work. By-law No 146 -to appoint pathneasterg, poundkeepere, etc., for 1889 war read a third time and sealed. By law 147 -Appointing Mr, Hill Batt impounding officer for 1889, at a salary of $20 per annum, ,was also read and rens' ived the seal of the corporation. Moved Hutchins i a t Y n and Johnston -- That the Court of Revision for the town ship bo hold at two p. no., on Monday June 3rd, 1889, and that the clerk be) ^ regaired to hays it duly advertised. -Carried. ---Adjourned. The clerk of the townshipwill al the town hall, Mcrnt re's Corners, y rs, on Monday, May 20, from 9 a. m., to 4 p, tn„ for the purpose of giving out Road Lista to path masters. "It is a fact that many of the beth pro. . t rte ar m ' edict P nes o y £the day," swirl the h tete 0 Dr. J. G. Holland in Scribner's Magazine, "are more aucoessfnl then many physicians, and moat of tbem were first discovered or used in actual medical practice. When, however, any shrewd person, knowing their virtue and foreseeing theirpopularity, se. cures and advertises them, tri the opinion of the bigoted, all virtue wont out of them. Failure of eyesight; fickle appetite, head- ache, extreme wakefulness, frequent desire to urinato, eapeoially at night,, gradual feil- nre o s ren f t ftth and dropsical swelling,-.. these are symptoms of kidney disease. If you neglect. the symptoms you will erosibl- e*.hair* Bright's Disease- Wartier' Safe &ire 1g• the only specific which has over been di eta e v tell for khfs' disHaee, Dr, pia Lewis, over his own signature said, "If I found myself the victim of a serious kidney trouble, I would nee Warner's Safe Cure.'' 4 I JOHN WHITE & SONS P ubllsher sa ud Pre pri etore Hensali. OLTS.—Farmers having good white oats to 11 wit1 find that t rtwi I 1 paythem r 1 l them h atth m e Iieneal Oatmeal tine al Mil . 1s A large c quantity wanted at the vary Wettest cashprioe. All kinds of Oatmeal on hand and meat ex: ()hanged for oats. Messrs. McEwen & Hoods loose Karin expired, and D. Urquhart is going. o give o Ywhole time o ss hismot the badness. Robert Morrison wishes to direct the at- tention of thepeople of Bengali and the pub. lie generally to his large stook of new seeing and summer goods, consisting,cof stale and fancy y goods, ds, m ne , youth's and child• gene' clothing -tweeds -hate, caps and straw goods -Gent's furnishings --boots and shoes - ()rookery and glassware -Wall paper -(ironer- lea $o, All of which he is offering at prices 10 meet the closest buyer. Inspeotion invited. No trouble to show spode._ Farm products taken at highest prices in excange fora goods remember the place, Double Stores, Marshall's bleak, opposite Reynold,' Mansion. House. Bazzes,-The funeral of the late John Petty whose death occurred on Saturday laat, took plane on Monday and wag very largely attended, thee showing the esteem in which the deceased gentleman was held in the community. An impressive funeral service was held in St. Paul's church by Bev. 0. H. Bridgman, previous to taking the remains to Exeter Cemetery for inter- ment.- .The frame of Mr. Welsh's new pplaining mill was aaoce'sfnlly raised ori Seturday.last under • the able supervision of Mr. B. Thompson, Messrs. R. Coad and C. McDonnell captained the respective sides. -Building operations are progressing rapidly, all contractors pushing their work through. -Me John Coulter is having a stone foundation put ander his. residence, -Meagre. Cook and Reith are having a new roof put on their gTriat mill, Messn. McDonnell ds Waugh have the contract for the work, which fact is in itoelf a guarantee of a good job: -Mr. Geo. Weston, our new butcher. is doing a rushing business. --Mr. J. Wilson, of Ottawa, wag in town laet week. -Mr. H. W. 0. Meyer, barrister of Wingham was in town on. Monday. -- Mr. A. Caven, Collector of Inland Revenue, was in town on Monday last, pointing out the law and regulations for tobaono and cigars and the manner of opening the package' of Name mo as to conform with the provisions of said law.. -The daily mail will be run from Heenan to Chiselhnret via Rodgerville, shortly. Mr. Doan mil in all probability, be the carrier. This change will:be an accommodation to the Chisel - horst ' people, -Some of our trotters are making good time. We have the best half mile track in Canada. -Dr. Godfrey, of Belgrare, late of Toronto, ie visiting friends in' town. Tan ItAT6 elate Parxr,-On Saturday gat one of the oldest pioneers in this (reality pained to his long home beyond he bourne. We referee the death of the ate, John Petty, Esq whose life merits ore than a palming notice, and to whose artier exertions: tbe.village. oLHensall owe ooh. John Petty was born in Hensel', Yorkshire, England, in the year 1820, and was 68 years and 6lmonihs old at the time of eath. He was the son of John Petty, eq., the noted sheep and cattle dealer of ensall, Yorkshire, England, and besides axing a good education understood lire ook thoroughly. In the spring, of 1850 e deceased married Ann Lockwood, (who rvives him,) and in the year 1851, to. ther with his wife and Iiia brother George immigrated to Canada, settling in the wnship of Hay, on lot 27, eon. 2. The ceased and his brother George purchased 0 acres of land, which they cleared and led successfully for years. In 1854 Mr. orge Petty returned to England and thin a few months again came to Canada, ompanied by another brother, James, o made the first importation of sheep to roe Oounty, procuring as high a figure $700 for one beast, The three brothers yeara followed the avocations of farm. and sheep and cattle breeders, and by d work and good management y succeeded in obtaining tile ownership 400 acres of land, on a part of which the ming village of Hensel' is built. Mr. n Petty held the officio of magistrate in township for a long time, and in his ter years wascaptain or. the Huron pane of volunteers, at the time of the fan raid, taking part in the fight. Be a member of the Church of England, a Liberal Conservative, ;and a loyal subject, He was welt known ughout the district and was highly acted. He leaves to perpetuate the e name, three brothers and two sisters, rge and .lames residing in Bengali, e William is a merchant in Rowoliffe, land. The two eiders are married, g Mrs A. Croysdale of Whitley and Mary .A, Latham, Liverpool. The Pett brothers surveyed the village of sail, Ont., and called it after their place in Yorkshire, England. 1 t m e m a E h at th SU ge hhe to de 10 til Ge wi ace wh Hu ag for ere har the of thr Joh the earl cow Fen was was good thro resp Gobi Geo whit Eng bean Mrs Pet Hen birth Crediton. PERsONSL.-Itev. and Mrs. F. Hoist are visiting friends R sand relatives here. -Rev. Mr. Fife andwife Ile are away again 'visiting friends, Mr. Fife's health not having iin r proved very muoh.-Mr, and Mrs. Paul Link and son are visiting friends in Detroit. --Miss Mollie Parsons is the guest of Mrs. C, Beaver, Bnxars.-(Grope in the vicinity promise by present indications to be fairly good, fall wheat is not as gcod as was expected, but the rains have helped it wonderfnl; and we may yet see a fair Drop harvested, -On Friday morning last du.ing the thunder storm Mr Wm Seeders barn an lot 15 eon 8 was e tr uok by lightning and e g om Il- ly destroyed, Belore any one could resoh it the fire had teed° such headway that it could not have been checked, and within an hour after the barn was struck the building wag a mega of ruins. The barn oonteined about 300 bug of barley and 600 bug, of oats which were destroyed, but luckily Mr Sanders had his implements deo in hie other barna' The loss will bo about $600, which is covered by insurance in the Hay Co. POLICEMEN h3N sulrl?l;R Itrorn rheumatism, dyspepsia, biliousness, kidney complaint and many ether ills, in exactly the same manner ad ordinary suer. to 1 i , and Burdock Blood Bittern euros them gniolcly and permanently lust as it always doom in every ease, fron, wheiever cause Arisin[irg, ••.11;reil Cry for Pitchers,Gaastorit The Molsons Baink. t(i1A1t�TE1tZD BY RA RLIAMI;,NT,18,,5) Paid up OApitai 32.000,00 RestFnnd .,. ],000,00 Read Office, Montreal. F. WOLFERSTAN T'IiON.i,AS, Eso,, xxsl+AL MANAa5a 20 branelx officos izthe Dominion. Agencies, in the Dominion, V,5.A,,and Europe. Exeter Branch, Open every lawful day, from 10 a. m. to $ p, m SATURDAP$,10 a.m.'to 1 p. m, 3PerCon t•per annum allowed for money oq Deposit Receipts and Savings Bank, R. H. ,ARCRER Manager Eiddulph Bumps. -What might have proved a serious affair ro 00 orad on the Swine line on Saturday S u day last. As Mr, Alonza Abbott and hie sister were' returnig home from Lucian their horse became unmanageable. g 9 tti Pe tt to g b buggy and both out. It soon got clear of the buoy and throwing them both out. It soau- clear of the boggy and nia got The Electric storm on Friday for home. id considerable, damage. Friday last did thirteen telephone 6 Slivering some be- tween Moorp' Posta to splinters be- evllle and Clandebo e T wire like the Atlantic cable ` is tri 1 The a1 in i the mud, g u Dashwood. Pnitsna A2rON.-Before departing for his new appointment at Listowel, Mr Ortwein was presented with an addrea of sympathy in his late bereavementreesrhe address was signed by the members of his congregation and by other friends. Not only was the wording of the. address in perfect keeping with the circumstances, but judging by the well lltedpuree wakes accompanied it, the sympathy reached deeper than words, Fueeniz.-The Zurich correspondent in last week's True made mention of the death of Mrs. Ortwein, wife of Rev.' W. Ortwein, of Dashwood. We also wish to beare tI a o m ray to the esteem is which the deceased was held. The funeral was a very Iarge one. Over eighty vehicles joined in the procession and about 20 more left immediately after the close of the services. It is estimated that about five hundred persons} were present at the services, which were held in the open air WAYSID3 Wears. ---Our teachers had a visit from the Inspector last week, -Just at present our young men aro greatly in- terested in baseball. We understand they are preparing' for a match at Zurich. the 24th. --The memberships of the Dash- wood Court of the I. 0. F. continues ; to increase. The charter is expected about the 27th inst.-Mr. EmanneI Rothaermel` bas sold his blacksmith shop so Messrs.. Snell and Noraworthy. Mr Italia mel flag completed his new laboratory and will now devote the greater part of his time to the manafaoture of medicine. The laboratory has a fine artistic appearance and is a credit to our prosperous village Many of the recognized authorities in civil as well as military oirolea say, 'The material disease is moat dangerous in tha the kidneys are most liable to^ break down. Such men aiDaoosta,Atkinson and Pepper, professors in oar leading medical school, and Soldatou, Surgeon Gen. in the Russian army, Woodward, Surg' Gen. in our Ameri- ewe army; speak of malaria as'a direct coin. plication of ehron'R. ght's disease. The kidneys must be kept"free Irma disease and the poisonoaa'germs of malaria; they must act normally' in cleansing the blood, for 65 gallonsof it passes through them every hour. People in materiel localities recover from both the gauge and effect of malaris by using. Warner's Safe Cure. Every person, in the spring or fall, who has either kidney disease or malaria, should nee Warner's Safe' Cure as a precautionary meeebre. HURON P.tt eest3 Y1L+'RY: The Presbytery of Huron met in Caven church, Exeter on the 14th inst., Rev. Mr, Martin presiding as modera- tor. There was a large attendance of members. The following were the principal items of business :-Messrs. Spence Allen and McGillvray, of God- eribh asked to be certified as catechists. They were afterwards examined and so certified. A call from Walton to the Rev. D. Forrest, of Bayfield was laid before the Presbytery. The Rev. Mr. Ross, of Brussels and Mr. Smiley, of Walton appeared on behalf of the con- gregation calling and Rev. Mr. Jamie- son and Messrs. Elliot, Fraser and Mc- Phail on behalf of Bayfield and Bethany Mr. Forrest intimated his desire to ac- cept the call and the Presbytery agreed to the translation. The session records of Grand Bend, Corbett, Manchester* Smith's Hill, McKillop and Winthrop were examined and ordered tubo attest. ed. The Remit on Vacancies left over from previous meeting was considered and with some corrections approved. The effect of this remit if approved of by the approaching general Assembly will be to limit the time of a vacant congregation to six months, after which if they are not prepared to call the Presbytery sends a pastor for three months for the purpose of effooting a call an dman e r en P tae the meet Circular ar l ett ors were read from m sever- al Presbyteries intimating that applica- tions were to be made to the General Assembly for the reception of several ministers from other churches. Rev. Mr. MoKay reported th'tt he had at- tended a meetin of the Home oma Mission: Committee in Toronto and that y had been grants of money given -from tlleaug- mentation Fund to Bayfield and Beth- any, Grand Bend and Corbett, but that the amount asked for Bayfield road and Berne had not been granted. This led to a to n di sen ' aaltl g no rat he' an attempt to rearrange the cont'regaf tions hying in the Townships Hay and Stanley and Chiso'.Iluie in Tuckersmith. A• committee was appointed to look over the field and report. The meeting adjourn- ed to meet in Ismer Church, Godenicb on July 9th at 11 o'clock. GOOD BOYS DIE YOUNG Unless they aro fed on Vietdala ma with ,imperial Cream Varier Bakin Pow- der. g GOOD FOR ALL. . Dear Sires --I can r000mrnerad a; a , Yellow Oil as a sake Dore for rhennaatiem, from which disoaeo t 'Suffered foe coin time, but was oared with two bolt it't, is the beat thing I can get for Haan t 1 wo$ 4 ale M41►Ittrrr't SIralb&von, On1;,