The Exeter Times, 1889-5-9, Page 80.t,wm067-
a,Ot V P
Abs luteIv Pure
This nowt) ernevervaries A marvel ofpur-
ity, strength and. wlfoicsoniet,ess. More ecou.
omioal than the ordinary kinds And cannot
be so/din competition with the inultitudesof
low test, short weight, alum orphosphat e
Yowders.Sold only in cars, -ROYAL BAh-
ING POWDER CO ,106 1Va11etreet N.Y.
PANT. of Toronto ; also for the PHONIs
England, the ByfAL t:dNADIAN. of Mon-
treal, real, era the BRITISH EMPIRE LIFE AS
LTRANCi: COM N:\N ]', of t,ondou, England.
established 1817. ascots over $5,000,000;
claims and bonuses „tis, over $10,003,000.
LOCAL YENS.-li'eshall bchappy to re-
ceive a t all times, l'i'om any part of the
County, items of local news, such .ts ac-
cidents,or any tate resting incident what-
ever, front any 03' uttrsitsiecribers or read-
ers generally for the pu'pose of public
THURSDAY. MAI 9th, 1889
REOPENED. -Boots and shoes at and be-
low cost at C. Eacrett's, Harness making
in all its branches s:iil carried on as usual,
opposite Central hotel. Exeter, Ont.
Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for
Coming Entertainment.
A. grand musical ant literary entertain.
ment willbe given in School No. 3. Steph•
en, one mile and :1 quarter west of Exeter,
on the evg. of Friday, May the 10th, in
aid of a new bell or lilaary for the School.
The committee has secured the very best
talent possible and promises a rich treat.
Everybody go. See programmes.
Admission, 15c,
Sec. of Com
Answers to Previous Problems.
1st Question. -Weights are 1 lb; 3 lb,
9 lb, 27 lbs, and 81 lbs. Solution was
Mu lengthy to enable tis to publish it this
Answer to second question: -This is a
1uestiou in indeterminate equasions and
ind cannot be solved itintegres except in
:an of 2 which is barred by the question.
Let r and y = the numbers
rel equals r+ y. Let r equal 3 . •. r+ y
equals ry, 3 plus •q equal 3y. - 2y equal -
3. y egtEals :3+2 or 11 and r equals 3. -
Again let r equal 4 . •. r plus y equals ry
4+y equals 4y, - 3y equal - 4. y equals
lir and a' equals 4-Ans.
Many ntun berscan thus be obtained.
Answers 3and 14; •l and l4; 5and. 1:1;
43 and 1 fifth, etc. Fractional with nega-
tive values can a'so be obtained as: - 2
and R. -1 and 3, - 3 and ,', -4 and t}.
Third question: -124.12 -i- yards or
372,30 + feet from outer edge.-Ans.
'Solution: -1 acre= 4330 sq. yards
It) :teres equal 48400 sq. yds.
dia x..7854 equal the area
dia- x 7854=45100 sq. yards
ilia = = 4840 ;- .7851 = 61624.6498 yds.
dial V 4t624.040S plus Yard:
dia = 248.24 + yards ; ?; dia =.- 121.12
+ yards. 121.12:: yards or 372.30 ft.
from outer edge of circle.
In last week':: issue of the Trxrs
solutions and :tnswets to former conun-
drums ate given. Tn the first we all
agree. To the• secoud, although my
' •',
. right, 1 haye made ami a
reasoning i f,l y mistake
in placing the decimal point. Thus 369
.5041 rods or the side. squared, should be
3695.011+ vols. The root of this gives
60.7S rods for one side on triangle.
Therefore the difference is `2.:34 rods as
Mr. Doyle and -tIr. Hogarth have.
W. W. Tait.
1 Any number of pounds from 1 to 121
may be weighed in balance scales by using
the following weights: lib, :3lbs., 9 lbs„
'23 lbs. and 81 lbs.
Seconal. .An endless number of cor-
rect answers may be given to this question
by observing the following conditions:--
onditions:-Take any two improper fractions, each of
whose numaratos is equal to the other
numerator and also equal to the sum of
rho two denominators: thus the sum and
Third. The distance of the liberty
pole irons outzidc of field equals the
length of the radius of the circle. Let r
circle, then r x
ofcr c e 3.
,,,guar the radius
1410 equal the area equal 1600 rods.
r squared equal 1000 + :3,1415
T equ-1 ✓1p00
'..i:410• about 22 roils ]Oft. If 3
and owe 1 th be used instead of 3.1416, the
:result will be slight`y different.
Henry'Doyle's solution of the prob-
lems that appeared in the TIMES two'
weeks ago,
let. .All around a square field contain-
ing 10 acres would be l00 rods, and all
around one enclosed by three equal sides
•wonlrl be 182 :ode and 0 inches. One be
lung 22 rolls and a inr.10:4 more than the
'other. 'nil. lie the fence arortnd the
'prairie fields 11 would be 12 miles eq.
nt contains 921111 acres, -Proof: 12 x
20 egtis's 3310 the Ride of the field in
zeds. Then 3810;r 4 r, 0 equals 92160
- fails.
Wata't t aStfe (nr rii s r rvot1 nes
: nseniine, h stnrt.t and aettralkin. Why 2
beettniat tliorn pro Pyinf toms of en'imut'e
.:condition of the f l„otl, canosil by unhealthy'
kidney setiot). The poi (Mons lull« land;
brie nail hrftrt retained lir the bleed,
tidy = o. Ra tt dlaeaao fait
Canse tr19 HyLt` l.Y m t f l y
The monthly meeting ;of the South
Huron Ministerial Association was held in
Carmel church, Hensall on Monday the 5th
lust The following members were pres-
ent; Revels. Messrs, Fear, Bridgeman, Cool:
and Henderson of Hensall, Acheson of
Kippen, Pletcher of the Thames, Road, Cle.
went, Wilson and Martin of Exeter. The
hist item of business after tthe reading of
the minutes, was as to what action should
be taken on the Jesuits' Estates Bill, The
line of discussion was in the same direction
as the citizens' Committee of Toronto, but
no definite action was proposed for the
present, Rey, Mr- Wilson, of Exeter then
read a thoughtful paper on the "Millen-
iutn,"-a subject which has always, given
rise to Hutch discussion in the Christian
church. The afternoon session of the As.
sociatiou was devoted entirely to a conver-
sational discussion on this topic -princi-
pally on thelquestion as to whether Christ's
second ads ent is pre or post-Milleuial-
The scriptural difficulties of both views
were freely admitted and very thoroughly
discussed from the Greek Scriptures, It
was generally felt that so many plain pas-
sages in the scriptures make the general
insurrection, the judgment and the second
advent simultaneous, that the highly s) m-
belie language of Rev. XX, where two
resurrections are spoken nf, must be taken
to refer to the same resurrections that
Christ Tpeaks of in John 5, 25, etc.
After a most profitable afternoon spent
in searching the scriptures "whether these
things be so" the association adjourned to
meet in the Main st. methodist church,
Exeter at ten o'clock on Monday, June 3rd
when the Rev. Mr. Bridgeman, of Hensall
will read a paper on "The present aspects
of Christianity throughout the world,"
Mr. Shipley, operator at the depot here,
will remove to Lucan shortly, where he
has been appointed to a similar position
on the railway service. -Mr. V'm. Grey,
formerly of Exeter. has accepted a
position in the wholesale drug establish-
ment of Kennedy & :Co., London. -Mr.
Harry Santwell, who has been absent at a
distant mineral spring has returned home
feeling as well as ever, having fully recov-
ered front a severe attack of sciatica, --Mrs
Bobier, of London is at present visiting
11rs. Triyitt.-Mr. Trueman Brownlee
of Illinois is in Exeter visiting.
Mr. Anning will leave for the Old Coun-
try to -morrow
Just think «cashing day made shorter
by using London Electric Soap.
The wonder of to day is London Elec.
tric Soap. One box soap free at J. P.
The congregation of the Main-st. Meth-
odist church felt "quite at home" its the
body of the church Sunday last.
The weather of the past few days has
been so extremely hot that the boys have
commenced bathing in the river.
Remember th.s Big Bankrupt Store will
pay more for butter and eggs than any
otherhouse in Exeter.
Men and Boys' clothing very cheap at the
Big Bankrupt store.
On Tuesday the watering cart was put
on forthe season, and to the comtort of
the merchants and pedestrians, the .dust
was once again arrested.
Insist on your grocer giving you London
Electric Soap, it is the best.
Wash woman's friend is London Electric
London Electric Soap will not injure
the hands and clothes and do more work
for the money; try it.
The Giovanni Co. played here !Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday. The exhibition
is fair but somewhat "ratty". The pres-
ents given are apparently good.
The volunteers are being put through
the drill every Tuesday and Friday even-
ings by Capt. Andrews. A corps at Cred-
iton is also being drilled.
Dress Goods, Cambrays Flannelletts,
Ginghams, Prints Myelitis, Embroideries
and corsets, all 25 to 355 per cent. off at the
Bier Bankrupt store.
The remains of Mrs. Pincomhe, mother
cf the late Richard Pincombe, were
orought to Exeter from London and inter-
red in the cemetery here.
A new time table for the G. T. R. came
into effect on May Ist. There is no change
on the Loudon, Huron & Bruce woi'th
The boys made the night hideous on
Tuesday, the occasion being the charivari
of a newly married aged couple.
Mr. Fred Elliot, law student, is in To-
ronto this week where he succeeded in
passing his first intermediate exa`nination
at Osgoode Hall.
Mr. B. W. Grigg, in another column
suggests that a column in each week's
'TIMES be granted to the citizens to ad-
vance their views on public questions af-
fecting the welfare of Exeter. We
are quite willing to act upon Mr. Grigg's
proposal, but on condition that the copy
he sent in early. It might he as well to
state that we reserve the privilege of dis-
criminating between the contributions.
Sugar apparently is getting a luxury
now, and is becoming too "sweet for any-
thing." The latest advices is that granu-
lated is now selling at 9*c at the whole-
sale house, being an advance of of a cent
during this week. Yellow sugars are now
2:t cents higher per pound than they were
two months ago. This perhaps is the
most rapid advance in the sugars that has
been experienced in this generation. The
reason advanced is that the stock in view
will be far less than usual
Special Announcement.
We have made arrangements with Dr.
B. S. Kendall Co ,publishers of "ATreat-
i e on the Horse and his diveases" which
will enable all our subscribers to obtain a
work free by sending their address (enclos-
ing a two•cent stamp for mailing same)
to DR 13. .1. KENDALL Go,,,
ENo7In:Rp1I FALLS, VT, This book is now
recognized as standard authority upon all
diseases of the horse, as its phenomenal
sale attests, over four million copies have
been sold in the part tf.n years, a sale
never before reached by any publication
in the same period of time. We feel con-
fident that our patrons will appreciate the
work and be glad to avail themselves of
this opportunity of obtaining a valuable
It is necessary that you mention this
paper in sending for the "Treatise." This
offer will remain open for only a short
Sinus, Gres. Woonw.(RD, U. S, Army,
says of the rt+sults of oltronio intens!
;mitating: "Disorder of the kidheys
frc nently complicates the condition under
catrsid7rati0n, ' Scanty, more or less
albuminous urine 117 often observed, tu1d.
thele games not infrequently terminate in'
chronic 73rght't disease. Was cotillrmeil•
all,uminnria, oedema or general enaaareti,' .
What Ilt first is recognized as m'alariitfit
aubsegttentty tnifted to he I]r'ipht'e xlineg18
rrhieh Warner's Safe Cure Mires,
In accordance with a proclamation of
the Reeve, a imbibe meeting to
consider the possibility of
foi'iiting a Board of Trade, was held in
the Town Hall on Friday evg, last, The
attendance was fairly good. Dr. Rollins
occupied the eheir, Ho explained that
the object of the meeting was to have the
business men of Exeter forth theuiselves,;
into a Board of Trade -an organization
calculated to promote their several in-
terests. Other towns, he said, had such a
council, and he fully believed that,with a
properly worked 133oard of Trade,. the
people of Exeter would in short time
realize much benefit. In towns and cities
allele such an organization had existed
years age and died, theyhaye within the
past few months ,leen revived, the citizens
realizing that without a Board of Trade
little practical good can be accomplished.
14e told how outside villages were cutting,
off our trade, which could only be ac-
counted for by the fact that the business
men of Exeter were too much for self,
failing to consider that combined strength
is essential to solid success. The reeve
claimed that we have the foundation for
makinglExeter the best town in Ontario.
If people stink together and exert every
energy to bourn the town he thought that
in a short time a great improvement in
things generally would be perceptible.
With a Board of Trade regularly con-
vened, and each member advancing
schemes, their object being for the
general good of the town, the business of
Exeter would increase from 40 to 50 per
cent in a short time. There are certain
indu e
c meatsm must hat
t t t . 1
told out in
order to bring people from smaller towns.
The attendance, he said, was vindicative
of a mutual feeling among the business
men of the town -a state of affairs very
pleasing to himself as it must be to all.
Our markets and everything else want re-
form. There is too much sameness about
the business as carried on here ; we want
changes. The business men haye been
aroused to activity, and willgrapple unhesi-
tatingly with any scheme for the benefit
of the town, I feel certain. The associ-
ation should have seine money that it
could fall back upon -say $200, and I
would suggest, as is the case with such
councils in other towus that a small
initiation fee be charged. The chairman.
asked the opinion of otherbusiness men.
At this juncture Mi . McCallum sugges-
ted that a secretary be appointed, where-
upon Mr, Ed. Roberts was appointed.
Mr. Parkinson. -I have never had any
experience in a Board of Trade, but have
heard of many towns that have one, and
in not single a case have I heard of a town
not being benefited by such an organiz-
ation. Many towns have a chartered
Board of Trade, but I do not think it
necessary to have a chartered Board of
Trade for Exeter. If a Board of Trade
be organized Tarn willing to do all in my
power for any scheme being in the in-
terests of Exeter.
Mr. Archer. I have had no experi-
ence in this point, hut would imagine that
a Board of Trade would be a very good
thing for Exeter. Do not think it near
essa:y to have it incorporated.
Mr. Carling. -Mr. chairman and gentle.
men: -1 feel very pleased to see so many
here this evening, with their presence
giving expression of the interest taken in
a movement for the benefit of Exeter. I
approve of the formation of a Board of
Trade in this town. Such a move should
have been taken long ago and would
doubtless have been taken had not such a
jealous s,tirit existed among the business
men. Business men are jealous of each
other -one imagining his neighbor is do-
ing the better business. I have spoken to
many men as to the business of other
towns, and all concur that no other place
has better prospects than Exeter. There
are interests that should he looked after
and pushed forward. We have not many
manufactories here. We cannot expect
more unless some inducement is offered,
such as exemption from taxation or grant-
ing of a plot of land. Of course these
things can be talked over in the council of
the Board of Trade, and with the aid of
the Municipal Council something can be
done in this direction. I am willing to
do what I eau,
llr. Gould knew nothing of a Boardof
Trade, but was thankful for the inform-
ation others had given. He was quite in
favor of such an orgauizntion and would
do all that lay in his power to help carry
out any scheme beneficiary to the town.
Expressions similar to the above were
made by several other business men, after
which the reeve suggested that a Board of
Trade be at once organized. Among those
who joined the following are the names: -
Jas. Pickard, Jas, Parkinson, T H Mc
Callum. Jno. Grigg, Hugh Speakman, Dr.
Lutz. B S O'Neil, W G Bissett. Jno.
White, Dr. Rollins, Richard Pickard,
T B Carling, M. J White, Jno, Gould, W.
H. Verity, Chas. Eacrett, Wm. Grigg,
John Elliot, Robt. Muir, JP Clarke, W.
Trevethick. Mr. Archer,
The election of officers then took place
with the following result: --Pres. R H.
Archer ; Vice -Pres. ,las. Parkinson ;
Secy. Ed. Roberts. Mr. Archer then
took the chair. It was moved and sec-
onded that the Vice -Pres., Pres., J Grigg,
and 13 S O'Neil be a committee to dratt
13y -laws governing the Board of Trade
and that they report at next meeting.
The Board of Trade then adjourned to
meet on Wednesday 15th inst. at 8 o'el-rck
London Electric Soap is only made by
Richards Woodstock (Trade Mark Regis-
All first classro tersell London s do
n n E
tric So..p.
(Crossley & Hunter, revivalists, are ex-
pected here in a few weeks.
Richard Pickard, who left Exeter re-
cently has secured a situation 10 St. Paul,,
674 parasols to he sold for just half
price at the Big Bankrupt Store. Get one
quick before you are too late.
See those Ladies' knock:about hats for
25 cents at the Big Bankrupt Store. They
are worth $1.00. Straw hats of every kind
less than half price.
lite Methodist church at Dixey, near
Zurich, together with the furnishings,
S. S. library (fee. was destroyed by fire
0n Monday, Supposed to be the work of
a trainp.
A few evenings ago the bible class of
the Sexsnith S. S. assembled tat the resi-
dence of Mr: Wnt. Caldwell and present-
ed him with a writing desit, as a torten' of
;11r. 'r boat I3ott ertnan of itdcRae. Dakota
formerly of Exeter, n renewing his :sub-
seription'to the Tneiis says: ---The paper
le valuable to Hie -better than four or dire
lettere. It betty he interesting to Mr.
l3owerinan's friends to know that he is
getting tilting nicely and that his crops are
well up and looking good. #ire likes the
country anti thitiks hiss prospects are prom
Bargains ! Bargains!• • •.
We are offering especial values' in the following lines, which have all been bought for
cash and will be sold at the lowest possible figures :
Black,and Cold Henrietta Clots,' with Border and Trimmings; Plain and Fancy
Dress Goods, in all the new shades; Black and Cold Silks, and Satin Mnrvellieux al
over Embroidered Hosiery
dered Flounoings and Insertions; Parasols. Gloves, and Corsets•
Carpets, Lace Curtains, Curtain -poles and Fancy Blinds; Boots and Shoos; Men's and
Boy's Felt and Straw Hats.
EtusszmassmumEmmaimilueze OUE! .
Is full of all the latest novelties, and we are daily receiving enstallments of
goods from the Parisian and New York Markets. '
A. call from the Ladies solicited.
Life Given - St. Leon Mineral
Geo. Sanders has received a fresh sup-
ply of this justly famed water, direct from
the springs. Now is your chance to build
up a sound, strong constitution. Bring
along your jars, circular proofs, conclusive
of the value of this natural healer will be
given you. Startling cures, how to use the
water, &'c., &c. It extraordinary merits
are thus commented upon by the Toronto
From nature's:breast. truth priceless rings.
Fresh food, fruit, flowers and healing Borings,
That truth, lives, grows, convinces all
of nature's priceless value. That truth
that eminent practioners to exclaim "Im-
possible to overrate the curative powers
of St. Leon 14lineral Water."
The rare element deficient in our far in-
land clime, the soul of life, that impulse is
derived throegh the use of St. Leon
That impulse that electrifies the vital
forces, giving tone and vigor to the organ
ism, till. like nature's bard, we would sing
aloud with joy and feel as flowing through
us "The golden hours on angel wings."
The pure, rare, rich, ripe, rich fuel tone
up the paralysed organs, changes the
blood with ripe moiecluar life, food to
brain, nerve, bone muscle and flesh. Its
amalgamating and gaseous principles seek
eagress through channels and pores laden
with posioned waste.
Young and old, stiff, sore, sickly, of
even healthy, after fairly testing St. Leon
attain heights of vigor and joy past im-
All who value life-long, lasting strength
and happiness drink St. Leon Water, •
I ntii pleased to see that the citizens of
this fair village are taking steps towards
united action for their mutual interests.
I would suggest as a simple plan for pro-
moting general discussion that a column
be reserved in your paper, , headed "Our
Village" and that the citizens be asked to
contribute towards it brief letters,
containing practical suggestions, on any
topics that might prove helpful in any way
in promoting the welfare of the village. •
B. W. Giexc,o.
Few villages in Ontario are so favorably
situated, as ceutres of rich Agricultural
communities as Exeter. 4$75,000 would be
a safe estimate for the amount annually
paid here for horses and cattle alone.
Wily cannot we have monthly horse and
cattle fairs, when buyer and seller can
meet, at a great saving of time and money?
Guelph, Elora, Fergus. Drayton, and
nlauy other towns in Western Ontario,
have their monthly fairs, and with them
they are an establisher) institution and an
unqualified success and yet Exeter sur-
passes any of these places as a live stock
centre. With the dales well advertised
in city papers for a time and so arranged
as not to conflict with the dates in other
places, success is assured. Let the recent-
ly organized "Board of Trade" take up
this question and push it to a speedy issue
and they will reap a benefit for the village
and the farthing community as well.
B. W. GrIoc.
Ask your grocer for London Electric
Four bars of London Electric Soap for
Mr. James Page of Grand Bend intends
leaving on a visit to England shortly.
Mr. James Oke has rented the Agrice
ultural grounds for the summer.
35 per cent;. saved by buying your car-
pets and lace curtains at the Big Bank-
rupt'Store. -
The base ballists have commenced prac-
tice, and expect to soon be ma position to
issue and acccept challenges.
Mr. James Oke shipped a carload of
butchers cattle to Toronto' on Monday.
Dont fail to try London Electric Soap
once, and you will use no other.
Washing made easy and homes made
happy by using London Electric Soap.
Mr. Elliot, of Centralia, shipped two
ear loads of hot ses from Exeter on Monday.
They ' are for the American markets
The International League baseball sche-
duly commenced last week. The Toledo
club has taken the lead and the Torontos
are hanging to the tail end.
Mr. John E. Tom, I. P. S., Goderich, is
in town. -Mr. Arch. McDonell, we are
sorry to announce, is at his home here,
very ii1. He was brought from London
First she said she would, then she said
she would'nt, then she smiled and said she
couldn't resist but would take one of those
beautiful black satin merv. dress for 821
at the Big Bankrupt store.
The West Huron Teachers' Association
will meet in the public school here, on the
22nd and 23rd inst.
Those who owe us will greatly oblige by
setrding in their remittances, It should
be remembered that these small accounts
are often overlooked when considered sep-
arately, at being of trifling importance
let in an aggregate of several hundred
of them they amount to quite a Sum, It
is from such sums that the greaten part of
1 a
the revenue of a noel newspaper a er la derived
__. t withheld
l?. b to
and When payment is wt hheld svelter he
time when it shhuld !lie made, the publish,
er rnuit experience+ disappeintmeute in
meeting his Obligati s for wages, piper,
ink, type, anrd other t' utlaya.
Exeter Lumber Yard
The Undersigned wishes to inform th epublic in general tha . he keeps
-constantly in stock -
A large stock of .Hemlock alwaps on hand at mill prices. Flooring, Siding,
dressed -inch, inch -and -a -quarter, inch -and -a half and two inch. Sash Doors,
Blinds, Mouldings and all Finishing Material, Lath, &c.
SHINGLES A SPECIALTY. -Competition challenged.
largest stock, and at lowest prices. Shingles A 1.
All dressed lumber thoroughly seasoned and ready for use. No shrinkage
assured. A call will bear out the above.
The best and the
M!T ! CONEY! c".
Through X-mas and New
Years, )2,,
Cheap Store, Crediton
As he is determined to clear out all
phis stock of '
At less than actual Cost
Sale to commence 1st 5an., and
continue until all is cleared out, as I
am going out of the above lines.
N. B. All accounts must be settled
lst January.
Drug Store'
A full stock of all kinds of
Dye- stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on
hand. Winan's
the best
i.n•the mark-
et and always
fresh. Family recip-
es carefully prepared at
CentralDrug Store Exeter.
One Door South
of Post Office
-HE HAS --
Boots &
Sewed work a speciality.
Repairing promptly attended to.
12+ .' ;try$
,F 5o
White Sugar
FOR $1.00.
Exeter North
Liverpool of Service.
Front Portland, front Halifax,
*Sarnia Thur. April 23........ Se t. April 27
From Montreal. Front Quebec.
*Oregon Wee. May 8 Thur. May 9
Toronto ,:.,Thur. May 18 •
Montreal Thur. May 23,..
*Vancouver,Wod.May 20 Thur. may 30
Texas, from Montreal, about 9111 May.
Bates of passage front Montreal or Quebec
to L.xverpoot.
Cabin. $50 to $80, according to steamer and
position of Stateroom With 8Xual se loon priv-
ileges. Soound Cabin, $30 to Liverpool or
llasgow. Steerage, 1328 to ,Liver ow,L• oe-
donderry, London Queenstown, Glasgow or
*Those steamers have Saloon, Stateroom,
Muatc Room and bathr'ootn atnidehipa. whore
but little motion it felt, end carry neither
oattla nor sheep.
Forfret• Mer area e A 1 tin Lt et Fool,
toFinn Ma}nAepMontgoiner 24JAinetIt1Woti
_ -. g Yr '
in Quebec, to W,•bt. Macpheillen;itt sal Grand
Trunk RAtlWep Daises, .
General Agent.
Exeh8nge ildurt Montle 1
CAYI'. cono.EtiMl'.
r ..
XRO t, n ` .Y.Titt"
The royal mail, passenger and freight route
between Canada and Great Britain.
Direct route between the West and a}1 the
points on the Lower St. Lawrence and Baio
do Chaleur,' also New Brunswick, Nova
'cotia,Prinoe Edward Island, Cape Breton
and Newfoundland,
New and elegant buffet sleeping and day
cars 000 on through express trains.
p',yssongers for Groat Britain 01' 1110 coati=
nent by leaving Toronto by 8 Ii. m. train on
Thursday willloinoutwardmailSteamer' At
1alifax Saturday.
Superior elevator, warehouse and dock itbr
cottmodntion at Halifax tor shipment of
grain and general merebandise.
Years of' experience have proved thOlnter-
colonial, in oonneetian with steamship:Iitlot
ioand from Len don Liverpool and. Gle -
gow to Balttax, t01bee the quickest freight
route bet con Cannda and rOatlrttatii.
ion as toarsonger and fretg ht
Taros can bo bad onnppllcAtiott to
ri. WtFATittlits§xJN',
NYS titer 0Nzelgift &c
P asset ger & e
• f131iesbtnliouseBl ok,or Toton40.e.
. D.POT INallt,
Chi f 8ti a to ri'
0 . tl Tin ,nen
R*tI ray:otlSae, ltrerltdton, IV'. itt.4ov; 2d; 'EL