HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-07-26, Page 5FROM
E S EASTERN ♦F#Rsl Mlr.10, �vie peon#y hilinotd1r, N't. Ytuth
aro: Mrs. Ted Van Y of R,1, Gorrie, Sewivediffprent
.E change visitoew'ith
`kindsof:faritn durin .hie.sta with tie Van Veens. Aove David tries out a rotarillr
' •
`virhile the Van Veens look on. ('Staff Photo)
fl a extra: width at104:. :of this 22' , 22' gar-
age pro; ides <<roo l rstorage•spa00 :arid freedom of
movement. All the attractive, features which give
r y garage, cOtOm lOok are- 04044rdstandard in this
:garage. •Theseasy "to folioiilr "nts'" t you
build it. yourself. Package o tall s
' materialsandn
•` r tioff,,1oun • u
att11001ot n-
Three young members. of the "Well, they're weed snook
etksslsli 1 Fairinelr's Union from test's wl ,"r rooked
Alberta left ter ht families in Wendy."We asesetim+os feed
Huron County on Sunday with a r them hack; but howl wl Yos aaly Idea
mew kw into the pr'ubl+sncas of what they pay for sergeants
farmers in Eastern Adan +tea bent?' she *liked her fellow
�yRWesi y faekaa u /_1�r Calmar, .,,NFU, Youth
members when e
Alta., Valerie Nan** 1AF. New three of ether at the Siefert
break, Alta., and David Leonty of farm on Saturday.
Willington, Alta., spent a total of "'Yes," repliedWk. Siefert, `''we
ldays with host NFU families in fay $102 per too for you
Huron before heading back west. throw out,"
They will attend, a four-day con- Mr. Siefert said he was ,+
yogis* at theFort Gary Hotel in pecially aluitgry about the coat of
'Winnipeg a route home. screenings for a very good
Woody Licks stayed with the reason. "f can remember *KC
Lorne Siefert family at Ford- my father rind' other faraurs
wich, Valerie Nandze with the used to buy carlcods of food wain
Robeart 'eel family at RR 1, Blue-.. front the West at, reduced phis
vale, and David Leonty with the because they were cutting out the
loonieTed Van. Veen family at RR 1, m*ddle mein " lie mild„ " t
ggvarslii'neriat 'tate it
The three were participating in : becanae they said they worn
the NFU's Youth ,Exchange bringing in too Meeh weed Med,
which is financially supported by Well, take a look at the screen,.
the federal government. Cs they send .dowse:. The far -
After hearing some of the 'coin. mer's, 'union had two samples
ptaintse' of eastern farmers, the analyzed and found one Ipaid con -
Young NFU Members ' sued silted' of 05 per cent wild Miseries►
convinced that r"middle'men" and the rest wild mustard seed,
were somehow gettilog the creamy while the other load was 05 per
of the profits while both' eastern . cent wild barley and the rest wild
and western farmers were being :mustard -and for this we now
put off by provincial' and federal , ley $102 per ton."
Wendy also noted that she
foundall the talk- about protein
supplement completely new. "I
never heard of /Area Mtn f came
,governments and other concerns here—or of feeding soybeans for
do' everything they can to keep protein," she said.
• Mir.Ssiefext- out that
theeastern and. western fasrainers.
„ western who ,
• al"t , , David , Leonty said:, rerefer could afford
4to feedalbs: Bch assn beer
hs9we one 'story.�'fQr the fast ..
and for the esat. which. were high in 'protein
According to David, :the same tent, didn't need to w ;about
`policy'held true for such .natil l , finding a.supplemei'#t. • ;
farm magazines as County uide Wen's', Valerie and* David all
which he said had one publication said they were surf ri at the
.for the• sstandone for the West» amount f corn bei r
Wendy j.ickact said: she was the dist. ,They ,ere •iot familiar
amazed at,what had learned with 1)0100♦epi ', they' said.
about the coats', of feed grains to Tkethreewill take their find► ,
the eastern farmer. After talking;; 0 ..back ta their Istirlf locals
to farmer, StanZurbrigg, "Wendy vluch�� ey 'described • as
eas:sand ::she ' f d `out 'die .three t m uch m re active than y acre .
tern farmer to spayingWas a► bore inY East. For example,
great deal ;More "than' what- the +'both ' Wendy and: Valerie. $old
western -farmer received plus the their locals would have app iod-
frei>ght• rate.. f • ,i . natty .200: fibers each, with
"For what' the Western farmer not just the lather, but fail'
gets ` approximately .$50 'per - ton' units attending monthly. meet.
govermx es tss ailike» .
*°After listening to what far.
mers herein � Bad- int have, to
say, `1 am convinced that ,the
pidificity. —
program i> res !ice farmilig
— , 0101.110 COMM& au*
the three visitors i e Mores
County deserthed * as Who "a
union korekag appire .,
On Saturday Mwasobvious that
the three y Iww
thirir tionewillithsir beat
who made a, i effort *rig
a bosy time 0 the yaw le Ow
t�r ais mock asQ eorib
Dueling her le days with the
f ,
Wendy k Warrior.
ing Mr.sr g and t
vetch Feed Mill regarding pubs
ate,. sew a boa .faun M
Goders ch, viiiiiied Georgian lam,
Blue lifoimtain PNabery, worked a
dry with Mrs. pert at the Ford-'
wich Village. Nursing 1101111.,
visited dairy Lama w "View
line milking"and 'ate welter
aim at Beleraet
"I reelb, felt like psiirrt esf the
faniily and I'm *' back,"
e said, If " only to see ;Mir, *ad
Mrs. Siefert".
'"dile Robert Per family teak
Valerie to visit .the high h
andtal iringhlilita, M
Hamar Beach. and the time
nuclear power lei, .to two bog
sideslad a number of daky
farms, to' the Toesweiter
CYPAroPrY, the United Breeders'
iCo rative at Guelph, the
Montrose.~red bridge, to seir
Mennonite farmers, and to at
.David d theaAVeee: hod
Shown him five differs* lois et
farming as well
taking to
Ooderieb and Owen Sound and *
ism a tobacco farm.
i avi g never bes eunoia before,
the young people stmt
unpreparedfmisemeoithe things, .
they law. •
"When I got fel f felt Igoe a
mak," Wendy said. "No
never seen so much water and so
many rocks -4 'ed If there
was :, y farming cOuntry "-
'"And we don't have to pick
r+ar+t off Asir " one of the
i'f�Y? f >, F tv � �•
fide door shown
on'egarage is an
optional extra:
{, 42
'yk?ry}ri.•�''v .
toesd.'lke o'wsaye .y vt, t
• "barley *ark +tl i $� � r�
he said be had <to pay. .!'a it seam'e#id' ` ibo it what They have m
was more expensive then: that• at n.say at ,thee "Winnipeg 'convention.
the mill:"' Wendy noted that the Government Officials ase Well as
western farmer' received, some- .leaders in ;tom.,,a iculturrall lin
where .'between $42and $em. per . dustry attend the er e,and
rt ;anoint. his barley» according. to the y ►pie,
"Theydon't like to ,see: some of
:,And: if the vrest�ern .farn?ser can .,,. �
Complain about' freight costs, so , these facts brought out into e
can° t e eastern farmer, -the . opefl. '
young people found out. The cost x When the federal government
of shipping, beef calves from the .cut back obit Youth Exchange
West to the East 'for finishing is 'grant this year, l► pro-
approximately ` four cents per gram $17,000 short of ai 100,000
pound. ob tive, the NFU voiced • the,
"What abouts screenisngs, 'suspicion "fliat .it wsfiss be a
Wendy?" asked.' Mr. Siefert;. California grape work r tiara• .
"What can you tell us about, setntative .,adder tt ecouven-.
that? tion last y r,. gaining (wanted
mowS • wi ass:
Aerie Ee, . ve been
sit fiwn Park,
ham, eoroat ' to Whmip .
Le9la,iaic and her
end and Philthadiviek,+oi -
flea on Sunday
and i EMaePher t .• ,
uckndw. lI is and
Ewart. MacPherson-
day.a with Mr. and�.
: Victor son.
. •xw. avvw.. ~••µ i',v'.""`^;vr;N,n,h , ..++.F706MM • .[MTS , ryiwvrr..
iv vb!FTT,xw+c
MAW, .�yp}�pl.�.•�e01Mt 0e0pagMgp}
^�•�•�"�.�.'�•^ MOw•TpAtpa ,-�'+neN cf.
tgm+we•.N wFvePrTnp, vb�+"b` 4 ,
'%M.wQ�G9PJNf. ,.•,�,Ft+id.'L7.�,�.YyOyM x An-7ny.�.N♦1'/.
'0`M.4Mr,Y4M�vW'.' W.�^S4?:-• ,�� .�"+OP�r••�.""� �;.SVV OOM1MOMa0?00�'kY{�t: +YM+
%�AC}Y A6jiFNOWY►ilr. JV'.w."" YI"':I+dF. +•o10ki:MCM'b�•4'M?t"5F M'.•
-0,W.♦MMOpp{� N: fMNN� `--'
MN.q��p� ., yy,NyDyWNv..�YYN.1A'Y
z•+.Kw .u�gt.,w,iy ..apaNMM% feTv.M' 'ea^Mw.Mya. „�,T,..q...xr�a •:.
K�i61p PfP00l " fi,,. ,aetad'` y gto- 0+F•
Wim TM1-M'..% - g000f+•" 'MN°v'py'p.M> tea. Ft�io'
4.♦,ifgC�}4C' JP - ,- 044#9MT �OfAN.If.-.aw.•i0u
QUality 210 -Ib. shingles
� your
91ock of Red,
Thi Ultrase& self-
stOrtny;door has a na-
tural aluminum finish.
Cletely prehung.
Smooth: operating window;
sociis fOr complete
vontilatiors control. All
hat caro incl. In 32"
ondoy Friday
8:00 a,m 5:30 pan*
8:06 Mbm. 4:OO ppm
PART OF THE FAMILY When Wendy hlckacz of Calmar, Alta., an NFU Youth
Exchange visitor, left the Lorne Siefert family of Fordwlch to return home offer fi "lO day
stay, Mrs. Siefert said she felt like she was losing part of her family. Above Mrs. Siefert,
left, and her daughter Mary show Wendy the controls of their lawn mower. (Staff Photo)