HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-5-9, Page 5DISTRICT DOINGS. "Mr. C. Walker has been appointed Postmaster of, Ailsa .Craig in place of Mr, Sh:i,ekleton HF•y, who has been Postmaster continuously for 27 years, Mitchell ,has a population of 2,223, Mr. Hugh Grieve has sold his hue.. Bred acre farm, near Seaforth, to Mr. R. Ccommon, for $8,500. 1 meter believe Everest's ()high Syrup saved the Life of my wife,—Jas; A. Fisher, Comlachie P. 0. The electric lights at Mitchell have been shut down tor the summer months, whereat the ratepayers kick: vigorously. Mre. P. Patrick, of Mitchell fell ono day last week while carrying a tub of > water outside to empty and broke two, of her ribs. Mrs. Peter Patrick of Mitchell fell ona and door -step the otherday a brake. three ribs. The other evening Mr. John akin - n C,sgreenhouse was part- ly . ly destroyed, by fire. About half the. building is a total wreck, and dearly all his summer plants are destroyed. Dr. Coleman, of Seaforth, has been se ected as one of the throe to value all the salt works in the United States for an English syndicate that is about to purchase them. A public meeting is to ba called at Goderich for the purpose ot deciding on some plan of celebrating the 24th of May. It is probable the opening of the water works system will take place then. . I ()AN also recommend. Everest's Liver Regulator and Blood'Purltier, it having proved very effective on a friend of mine, -Eliza Sproul, Lieut, S. A, .Army, Antrim P. 0, A little child of Mrs. Brown of Russeldale was badly burned the 'Other day, her clothes catching fire from a. burning stick, with which she was playing. Frank Murray, a prisoner in the Goderich jail awaiting transportation, to the Central for ater of 18 months, while outside doing some work, made. -an attempt to escape. He was cap- tured alter a long run. On Wednesday of last week one of the old pioneers of <ioderich townshi Mr. James Cox, died at his residence in town, having nearly reached the patriarchal age of fourscore. Tris is to certify that 1 have used Everest's Liver Regulator and Btoorl Purifier and I find it does all it guar- antees to.—D, A. Fraser, Pt .Eloron, Mich., U. S. The assessor of Mitchell ]]as return- ed his roll to the clerk and an exam- ination of it reveals the following facts. The total assessment is $597,303, against $588.247 last year, a consider- able increase. The population is 2,223 , against 2,325 last year, a decrease of 102. The regulations of the Perth com- nnssiouers are now, that licensed shops mutt ctose at nine instead of seven o'clock at night, on every week night except Saturday, and two con- victions constitutes a disqualification for receiving a license next year. Brussels, May 6, -This afternoon at Cranhrook fire started in the hay loft at the rear of Dan'ce's hotel, caused by a spark from Dames steam saw mill, The hotel and part of the contents are a total loss. Insurance, $1,000. There were also two small dwellings burnt, .Insurance -not known. Total loss about $2,500. Mr,'.fiuea'thy, another son of Mr. Patrick Wood, Dublin, aged about 15 years, died on Tuesday from consump- tion and was buried , on Thursday. This makes the fourth den•th in Mr. Wood's family within nine months from this fell destroyer of mankind. Truly his cup of sorrow is full to over- flowing. The masons have commenced work on the new Methodist church in Blyth, Messrs. Coombs and McDonald have the contract for the stone work, which will be'completedeey the 24th of May on which day the • ceremony of laying Ile corner stone will take place. Some half•a.dozen late empioyecs of Uaa Evans Bros. Platte AlanOtp^ ur- !ng COhipiliiy, inge!`5oll. ;nave accept- ed a bonus oII2,000 subscribed by the citizens of Aet'lin, and intend to start a petit) ilectory in town. i -t is stated that all the registered letters transmitted through the Lon - ';ion Post Office from the London, Tfuran & Bruce Line, the Sarnia Branch, 5t. Thomas, Bothwell, Chat.. ham anti Windsor, and a few other places, were burned at the Junction Cu t accident, the other day, A circular to postmasters through- out the Dominion, calling attention to the recent Act of Parliament increas- ing the rate of postage upon regib'tereA and drop letters, and 1'equiringWat- tage to be paid tteuen publtch(t ens issued less frequently then OteCe in a month, will slictrtly be aen`t 'ais't by the Postmaster General. It is 'expected that the changes will go lint c effect on June )St, tttotigh it tdi111 take some time to get t.h0 Flew 'machinery in on:cr: 'A straifge'freli'k `c'f n'tture seems to tn!ftuence a hen 'bwaed by Mr, A. S. .flristow, •b•f'the'tciWnline of West Will - lams and bicrxril'1'ivray. For the last ;'ties weeks ft 'has paid shell -less eggs ''at toll average size,' but each has at-, ea,ctoertb`the small end an appendage .about One inches in length and eofd ail loch i'n diameter, which is spiral11r1 (:diked &round the smaller end . anti; lteriednates someth.ng similar to It ert'tikes head. The s1111'al appendage Is 'filled with a clear substance The; sartee as the white of the egg. Stratford ; Beacon sacra:---W'e 'tore 'shown a piece of the limb of an apltle 'tree, the other clay whichteas Melton -.from an.orcherd on toefat'm of Nle, henry Schneer, of South Eadtliope. It was literally covered with 'black n t. kir. P..i awrason knot. , a'tree Ttralter of this city, states that the has seen numbers ot cases of thts kind to the coltntry, If the fertners are not, mire - fie( rail ,00lc atter .their apple trees `iii be a scarcity of apples'.eh ti,: there rt f Y, e 'rills is the iclentteal: tun• few years, 1 gee that hrls killed of'the `cherry' trees, ,vinch is noW o<)iaioletlOing its ern- tions,in-the tipple.'tet,es; `: The tclatier shontrl bo Ideke I:after by all fruit srosvMe. To the 'l; ditar of 440 Exeter Times. Dee -it Sia ^Anti -Agitator in your issue of 27th 'alt is charitable enough to entertain your readers with a dose of political tally, and such as we have had servedont fur a number of weeks past by political wire -pullers tlltbagh the medium of portions of the press through- out Ontario -hilt, which is far easier preserlbed than taken, A A. ventures to Wesel us that the rev, gentletlian who lectured at Blinlville on Good Friday last is of Rensal. and not of Boston. Raving listened to the locture in qucsticti, 1 think Hensel), may well be proud of having one, who, though perhaps not so widely kno as his namesake of Boston, yet bids fair to make a mark in the world that no meal need be ashamed of. After taffying over apart of the lecture, A. A. then compares the rev. gentleman to the renowned ,l'. F, Widdows, a cone perison that can only be ascribed to the lack of common sense on the pa'•t of the writer; and having listened to the lecture carefully, I think that A. A, is drawing largely upon his imagination' in compar- ing the lecture to a pantonine show. In my opinion I might say that if the people of chis country come to the con - elusion that the Government is • not per- forming its duty, slid will permit legisla- tion that interferes with our civil and religious liberty to pass by without lis- • approval it is our fluty, and the solemn duty of every minister in the land, whose conscience toile him our rights are being tampered with, to state so publicly, and to use the talents with which they are en- dowed in educating and advising the people what to do ---A. A., to the contrary notwithstanding. Oh ! ye ministers of the go,pel who will dare to call in question and expose the object of the political tricksters of our laud,— remember that the anathema of Anti -Agitator is upon you ! Rather' ought we to thank God that a, large num- ber of the ministers of the Gospel through•' out our land have principle -oi euge to follow out the injunctions of their divine Master, not in exciting race and religion prejudices as A, A. would have 1t, but by standing up and declaring for equal rights to all and spaced privileges to none, and by defending our religious liberty au 1; ag ' is those who teach that 9 }!religion, on hilt ',hi a 1 I COt^9 tiL11t15n1 {,t not e a , rebellion in triumph, "error in action ; therefore it has no rights, but is simply e "crime to be dealt with as snob." • As we are all at liberty to express our opinion, I shall'continue to do so. and I think that theme great majority of those present at the lecture in question will not persist in foolish tirades against the Jesuits and against honorable men in high political places ; but they will hold the right of culling Into question and condemn- ing the action of those whom we are con vinced have sacrificed the interests and rights of their fellow men for base political purposes. Roping 1 have not trespassed too much on your valuable space 1 am yours truly. LIBERTY, blr. A. Sproat, otTuckersmith, was taken lrcm Goderich jail to the A sylum London, a few flays since. One of the largest society funerals seen in St. Marys for some Mime past occurred there on Sunday afternoon. The deceased, Mr. Geo. Wilson, photo- grapher was a prominent member of o lcifbllows, and also held a position in the town ban:: for Many years. His re- mains wese taken charge of by his brethren, who waleed in processton to the cemetery. headed by the St. Marys brass band. Thebeautitul and solemn burial seryiee of the society was read at the grave. There is a family living in Ohio whose ages are 104, 109, 111 and 1 l5 years. The lady of 111 would probably have been much older if her life had not been short. eued by smoking, a practice which she kept up about 70 years. She has a fami- ly of promising boys and girls, the young- est of whom is a lad of 70, ',7beu:Baby was sicr_. we gave her Castorla When she was a Child. she cried. for Canioria. When she became l: i.,s, she clung to Castori :, yi Ilea sho had Children, she gave thew Castoria, i^,saru;7.Ft ,v.rsxar;,,,s,.,r „nu,<mracrc OUBT OF REVISION. 'iteThe Court f.,r the revision of the assessment roll of the. VILLAGE 01'' I a'.'p''Lit for the your 1853 will be Elio Town X11111, 1;toter'on 110511ay MMliry qui at 8 o'clock h, M. All Persons Ilct:bill business at said Court will govern tlibibnb i cs accordingly. K. L,tcRIM , Clerk. Exeter, kiss it'0, 1339, OWE Or REVISION. Oeurtfor tho 1199\ sion,ofthe Assessment P ull the TOIVVSIITP OL'.USl)OR:$]±r, for the year 1880, will be held at the 'l'ot' nship Pall, li limville, on the 25th of itl1Y 1$30, at 10 yi o'clock a. nI. Persons pitng bus Fess at said court will take duo notice :Wired. and govern themselves accordingly, Barris'• rolling mills, whielf: were burnt down in St John, N B, seven weeks ago, aro again in full operation. Buere a Bier. Coefxi q with his Wild West Show nausea m• tnense excieement, nearly equal to that caused by the introduction of that whole- some and pure article known • as the Imperial Cream Tartar 13aking Powder, Sold by all grocers. Peterboro Tuesday' carried a bylaw to build a $10,000 school and defeated wee to spend $20,000 on a Oollesiate Instituto. AN ' UNWELCOME GUEST. Disease in any of its myriad forms is never welcome, and; the and of its visit is always rejoiced at. Burdock Blood Bitters euros all diseases of the stomach. liver, bow- els and blood, giving -life atd'hopo with every dose, Two children, aged 7 and 9, while trying to steal a ride on a train at Montreal, were seriously injured, FROM OCEAN TO OCEAN. , Fishermen and miners in Nova Scotia, mechanics and farmees in Ontario and Que- bec, bunters and trappers in the Territories, and gold miners in British Columbia, use and praise Hagyard's Yellow Oil, thh great internal and external remedy for all pain. It cures rheumatism, neuralgia sore throvt and croup, and is the reliance of thousands. some monument hasbuilt Band been at Moutreal to perpetuate the memory of Joe, Beef. "I WAS SUFFERING,", Says S,S. Shewfolt.' of Kingsley, Man., "'ran weakness and lustl of appetite, with a severe headache, and could soa'reelvwalk. My first bottle of Burdock Blood ]litters enabled me to walk about the house. and when I had taken the second bottle I found myself entirely cared, R T Waikato, Masonic Grand Master, was banqueted by his Loudon brethren last QUICK TI1ME-48 HOURS. 'I always use Hagya'•d's`Pectoral Balsam' for colds and it cannot be beaten. It has always cured me within 48 hours, which no t willand nodicine, do, a d I always keep a bottle by me." These words from Chester Miller,Lleury, Ont., prove the efficacy of a popular preparation, Gilbert Ross was seriously, if not fatally injured by a kick from it horse near Belle- ville. James Wileou, of Halifax, oat off his wife's ears and otherwise mutilated her. SEVERELY BURNED. I burnt my hand severely, and did not kuow what to do till a friend ran in with some Hagyard's YellowOil and applied it, and it drew out the pain aucl healed it ill d few days. I would not be without it." Mary Lepard 50 Cecil St., Toronto. ;labor day was recoguizacl at Winnipeg M,,n day. Vancovcr, B C., is to have a street rail- way. STRONG RESISTANOE. A healthy human bopy has strong po rers of resistance egainst disease, but where weakness or lack of tone exists disease quickly assails at. Keep the system clean, the blood pure and the vital powers vigor- ous and active by the use of Burdock Blood 'Bitters, the true vitalizer and restorative. z012m12iel FAR1G'I FOR SALE. Ninety acres -Lot 6, con. 2, in Stephen township, lluron co., over 70 acres cleared. of which 50 acres aro in grass anci in first-class coudition. 11alf inilo from Centralia. Good brick house and out buildings. Must be sold. For further Darticul ors apply to MATTHEW MORLOCK. 3 mos.Crediton P, O. Ncr, 710r11AN• t;lerk of Usborne Usborno. \Iay,1eth, i83i COURT OF REVISION. The Coot ter Recision of the Assessment roll of the toil NSIIIP 0]' IIAY will bo held at the Town I1811, Zee ich on Sat- urday May 2501,1889 atton o'clock, a.m. All porso'n5 having business at sail court will gov- conthethscritesaccorclingly, ; S. tuSTEa Clerk, liar ,173L''Y' 8th, 3389. 01.13,.1' OF REVISION.` rihe Cbnrt for tlieltovision of the Asasssiitent toll`for the TOWNSHIP OP STEPHEN Inc the year 18i19,will be held at the 'lotpn 11511,0roditoeon Saturday, Juno 1st at 100 o'clock a, in, All persons having business at saidOouri will govoroi themselves accordingly 0, Pito „ry Work, Stephen, i4.tiiy Sth, 1850, 1,lir; .i Are pietf,rr '` tot .7 own Purgative. I•s r r e, 1 r• r..`S,:ru.I 1',3@,tt'flyo.r a ,rt7a:::k. r+ l,dri'ei' Adults NOTICE. • The Shareholders of the Exeter Salt Works Cu., will please take notice that the annul meeting of the above company will take place at the Town Hall, Friday evening, i'iay 31, 1889. T. B. CARLING, Secretary, Exeter, April 29th, 1889. OR SALE. That property ]mown as -the "Metropolitan House" at the Market square Exeter. The best stand in town Centrally located Large m airy recoils. heated by h01 air Good sample rooms; in fact every conVonteu.to Good Stab- ling in connection Will be sold reasonable Possession given next fall. A rare chance. For particulars apply to JP Ross. on the nretnises 1 1L 1 Contract. E&LED Tr4NDERS, addres- sed to HA Pltat Master General will bo recenodatOttawa.until. noon, onFriday, the c 10th 'r[ay. 13.$9 for the conveyance of Her Majesty'sMlails, on a proposed Contract •for four y ar8 six.1: times per week each way, be'• twcon Exeter and St. Marys, front the in. July itnxt The conveyance to bo made in n Vehicle Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of proposed mon- tract may be seen, and blanc. forms of Lender may be obtained ;et tbo Post Offices of Exeter, 101111,ille 1•trinchelsea Woodham Kirkten, Anderson. Metropolitan St. riNtalry s, and 'at this office, II C. `IICFTTiITt'tc, I>ott'0 fico Inspector. Post Mee Inspector's Moe, Stratford, 1 April 1380• MAIL CONTRACT. MARKET REPORTS. Exemea (Corrected at5 o'clock p.m, Wednesday Red Wiaew . .0 to 0 00 spring 'Wnoat.,. ,, 00 to. 090 aeries i,., 35. to 40 Oats Clover S led Tiuiothy Peas Corn Rego Bnttei il'1ourpei•bbl , `" Potatoes;per btiahol Apptes,per bagGo to 0 50 DriedApplespr b . 0 4 to 0 04 geeseper 11?• 000to006 Turkey per ib .. 0 07 to 08 Ducks 'per pr . 0 60 to 0 00 Chickens per pr ,,, 0 25 to 0 80 Wogs,dressodperl0 . 0 00 to 6 25 Boof .., ... 400 to500 gidesrough, . 3 50 to 4 00 dressed 6 00 to 6 00 Sheepskins each 0 63 to 90 Calfsltins .. o AO to 0 70 Wool per lb o 18 to 0 20 Hayperton .,; 1000 to 10 OD 1 lnfonsperbush U 50 to 0 76 Woodyer cord ,; 2 5 to 3 00" em MARTO .. 90 to 0 08. ran Wheat.,. Spring Wheat 0n0 95 Oats , .,.;,,.. ......, ,,. 45 ° 00 Clover Seed..... „.... ,.; ....419 6 OO Timothy.. „ • ' ...150 - ' 0 00 Peas ........... ......... . ... 55 56 Nees- , ,, 10 10 Butter , , 10 36 Potatoes per baa n0 30 Apples per bttah 25 80 Woolperlb„ , 0 -18 Hayperton.., , 800 :•11 00 Bran per ton . ,14 00 14 00 Shorts'' " ; 20 00 20 00 Oatmeal per bbl,.,,,..;........,6 00 7 00 LONDON Wheat, 9.o to 03c per bushel k 20 to 28 • G50Oa600 260co 800 ▪ 0• 40to069 ▪ 009 to4lt ,•, 18 to 0 19 ▪ 00t0555 • 25 t o 05 (lats. 27 to 29e per bushel. Peas,5le to 54c ersabush es,feed38 el. J3arley1,•oto 45mialtingkoper,bushi8e tolel.48e per bus - , TORONTO Tonooro, May.2: WnEAT—fall. No .2, 31.,00. to $1.05; spring, No.2, $1.04, to`$1.05•red win - tor, No 2, $1.04 to $1.05; No 1, jttanitoba, hard, 31 00 to 51.21 Beams. No. 1 57e to 58e No.2. 50e to 53c; No. 3, eta to 4Go; No 3, extra 40e to 50e, PSAs. No 2,54o to 56o. 0-'rs, No. 2,31 o to 3Sc. FLOUR extra, $4,55 to 14,60; strong bakers. $5.00to $5.40. Market quint and easter. Sales No.l. hard anitoba. 31 20 to 31.34, and No. 2 do. at 81.31 No. 3 barley, outside, at 355c oats, on track, at 33c. TORONTO LIVE STOCK. The receipt of cattle to -day at the loca market was fair, there being some thirty car loads; Prices generally were steady, and the siiocerswere a little larger thanusual: Choice steers aro nominal14 cents per lb. Bulls sold ata, to 3?c, and ranch cows firm at from $3010 850 a head. Butchers cattle in irnodoi'ate demand, prices firm; the best at 35 to 4 ordinary at 2c to 31 and common at 25. Sheep are scarce and steady, with limited offering; the best sell at $6k to 57,50 per head; inferiorto medium at 35.00' to $5.50 and rams 3c' to sic per pound. Lambs in lair demand and firm. choice bringing$300 to ti G, and inferior to medium $400 to 86 00 Calves dull and steady. Choice beasts, of 125 to 150 lbs., sell at 70 to 9c dressed weight; rough calves, S3 to $5. a head, Hogs are steady: choice light fat sold at 5} to 54e, store hogs at 41.3 to 5c. and stags at 30 to 3,bc. , E LGL EI\IDERS, addres- sed to tire Posting for General will be receivedatO'ta` ri.until noon, on 1!riclay, the Loth May1580, for the ronveyailce of Her tln.lesty s Ylnils,en tL proposed Contract for four years, six tin:inner week each way, be- tween Exeter ;end Wlrinchclsea, from the 1st July next. The Conveyance to be made in a ,:• r vehicle. Printed notices containing further to l'nrranition asbe, conditions of proposocl con- tract may be seen, and blank forms of tender' s ny be obtained at, the Post 1 llices of Exeter,1•llirnvillo ILircl 1Vineholsca and at this office. H. G. 11 PPE]; RN, Pot Office insneetor. Po;,t 0ifee1nspcctor's ()trice, S11att'drd, A-'r-il1880. rIC)UN.I'Y of 14UR()N y,i i!rACI-I• 8"1 1±11.iS Examinations 1890. Scroll(' end thiel eiasi nnn•profesoiniral axe 01iir Ulons at the Collegiate Ins titntos and il141 Schools in IhoCounty ort'0nosdn,y, 11th July, 8.1011.in. Z11srO., ;Inky 10th, 8,40 {Lint c o.!laid .t0rt 111,0 wishto write at 0°thnr. Clinton or denfnrtlt in r t notify 1). 1 KAT,. 1 0011,11111,1 13 Inspector, ()Unto? P 0 not Fater than Fon d811(1. of cloy, statim; which ni (sit two 1 1c:hi-wile they inteu,l to writn at, '111(1 thorne who wish to ttntto nt (l n5.lric11 must uetify;fnr•TN 14 lox:, Esq, 1' .;.Inspector, God.. epich I' 0, at 1ho same,i,r.lo Cho notice must l 1110111)111 til ))35 'ri ho of ,:, or $10 if the Oa ilidlrtto appllCs for the Sr st 01%08 ns WO)1' ns ?r.r,)1141, class exam i iatiorut, No name will bo i r}w 1130,110 the 1)01i''till rr,t ut080 Lha 100 s ccoitl0qrrirs' it. )Condi '1(11114.i•4 of the Collo din:to Institutes or 1riqit i110(1'1 Wilt ))1011110 001113 giro aptl1r a'a•,,,a of their Unuit( datr.a 1.) 8)1.1 ln:lpi, or .or the d'rcf!t Ou in whir1151110 Celle iIIt, Tni.tittite 01 III 311 is situated. 1'ornl:Of application limy lrs Batt frOltt bho 15cr•,l'ntn r v ' I'I'igIili, 5:DAIYr1Ov, l4T00• 1113 711'14 (lodcrich,Al,rf128nd,1880 22u1.2t ADV1015 To 111omltxlts.-Are you disturbed aa night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once "and get a bottle' of"tars. Wins low's Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable. It willralieve the poor little sufferer im mediately Lieuenduhon it mothers ; there ii no mistake about It, I8eures Dysentery and Diar'rbcoar regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, sortons Inc Gums. reduces •Inflatnmstion, and gives tone and energy tothewholosystem. 'Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasantto the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians' and nurses in the United Status, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Pfiee twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for WInsLc.V's s' orxxNG s"nw' ' and 'no ,',tsher i• h. CONSUMPTION CURIE"). An old physician, retired from practice, having had pl_acr d in his hands uy an East Indian ]missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perma- nent cure !of Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca- tarrh, Asthma and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Dobilityand all Nervous Com- plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands ofeases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuatodby tuismotive ands, desire to relieve num all suffering, I send free of charge, to all who desireit, this reeipe,in Gerinan,Frenoh or English, withfullclirectionsfcr proposing and using. Sent, mail by addressing tv rt11 stamp, naming this nap or. W.A,NoYE5 149 Power's Blot ilcsliester 1.1 Y T0 THE DEAF.- -A person cured of Deafness and noises in the head of 23 years' standing by a simple remedy, will send a lest, iption of it FREE to any person who applies to Nrcri0Lso.i, 177 McDougal street, New York, DESTROYS AND REMOVES WORMS 0F1'ALL KINDS IN CHILDREN OR ADULTS SWEET AS SYRUP AND CAl•,1NOT'HA,RM THE MOST. D LiC.AT5 CHILD -• astioaa6lo Slyl s A. llyndman -JEEPS--- r_ C 'oe erie„5 and Confectionery OE THE BEST QUALITY. Also best Pipes, s, Tobaccos and Cigars • S HAUS 13400N and LARD Thorley's ImprovedHorse rind Cattle rood Dashwood Roller Flour. G. A. SYNDIVIAN. JOHN BRAWN `UNDERTAKER & CAE_ EIN T-N AKER Walnut & Caskets . C sleets An.so COFFINS Or' EVERY DEBCRIPTIOtI. Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Always 011 hand. FUNERALS FURNISEED 4' CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My stock of Furniture is un- excelled. is GIVE ME A CALL EARLY Spring Goods Bargains that .Are Bargains. Now is the chance to secure your Spring Goods at prices never before heard of iu Exeter. Owing to the great de- pression in trade, and buying for cash as we do, we have secured Sone S ecial Bargains p b before the present advances in the market Therefore we are able to give our custom- ers the very best value. We do not adver. tire our goods at cost, or less than cost. Such Advertisements areFraizds Our prices are light, and will be low as any house in the trade. ramsommemeasisinnonummenmonessap TIi5 E A R S Myrtle CUT and .PLUG Smoking t1 Tobacco. aC FINER THAN EVER. See 0 Ta IN BRONZE, On each PLUG and PACKAGE. 53,000.00 ...vironi.ra•••• DRY -GOODS Boota & Sboea ----TO BE— - SLAUGHTERED SLAUGHTERED FOR CAsn AT ULMAGE S KIRKTON. DO YOU WAIVTTO .TTY FIRST—(i _.il1.SS. FURh 1 u. 4. t t LR E AT LOWER RATES THAN SIAM GOODS —ARE USUALLY SOLD- -1AEN CALL AT- GIDLE 9S -ONLY FIRST -CLASS - found as Reliabio ACi_L The people say jl 1.w e :that the nrices..of Dress Goods, Groceries, Boots & Shoes, Prints, Cottons, Etc, at Parkinson's nre lower ar 5 better value gives than in all tbo combined stocks in Exeter. We have some special drives, We invite inspection ; it will pay you to call and examine our stock. No trouble to shote goods. Farm Produce taken at market prices. Remember the place : First floor north of the Town Hall, Exeter. At Prices -Lower that so-cal- led Cheap Houses can give 'Undertaking in all its Branches. S. GIDLEY, • J. PARKINSON. (Successor to C, & S. Gilley) ODDFELLOW'S BL0CK --OF-- DIV Spades and Shovels, Fence Wires. ANNEALED, BARBED AND OTHER MAKES, --Whish we ..ire in a position to offer to the Public at the --•- Ter . Finest Prices for Cash. -We have also an band a full line of -- H SHELF and BUILDING HARDWARE CEI Paints, Oils, Glass, Etc., at Famine,;. Prices. Stoves and Tinware of all kinds, always on hand, at prices that defconi atition.. Sewing Machines, Baby Carriages, Field, and Garden Seeds. ,, Eat e-trotgIi,ia a, Specialty. A'call solicited. BISS 0.TT•.h BROS4„ z 0 0 H T1=Il BEST YET r.1.? FIE d^'.E-l.lal APE ST .YET -t r' all BIGGEST YET ! • O rel coatings at any price , Suit ing'e at any price'; Panting's at any price. Best 01 g p Ordered Clothing iodated in Exeter Gentlemen l lenve yoer orders onlv, for with the best llaff of 'Tailors ;. tbo Hest ;itoelt of Eine Trimusings, and 'tile best Cutting 111 Town, you ale aura of satisfee. tion, M 1: cad` t t, F. CIS Every Department in the Olci Estr&7bl:ishect'. is rzow most complete, and full of the latest novelties. The French, English and American .fi11i11ery can!. be excelled. The stock of Dress Goo(Ih is larger a< cheaper than ever showIl. All the best makes of rich B colored and shot silks, shades Cheap, Parasols and Sun .e t i' cl s of long Over design(both and short 'at01n5. Fill y ,, e fancy zephei's, plaid ze phers. Sateens and Prints in endless var- iety. ar- :iet ,•. A. special lot of Swiss Embroideries ( ' Every E. "5 f l Drosses, (lovely goods.) Every lady sholild see our Dress Trim- mings (which contun tho latest novelties. Come all and inspect our stock, N. B. ----The attention of Dres5-]zlaalter, called to Dress Goods department. / «(' ti? `A ..- i i s t. pc cinll J ter e