HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-5-9, Page 4Established f 8771, 1' ORCGATION OF PARLIAMENT ON TilOXEBA1 DAIM B. 5, C,ITTEII+1 vis xi;X0ELLENCY's s>t'zroix. BANKER, Ilia Excellency the Governor- Gen- eral wasleased to close the third session of the sixth Parliament of l ed the Dominion with the following speech;— HONORABLE GENTLE11tF'N OF TUE SENA`1:i GENtra AtEN or TS1z noun of OO':11MoNs, Ttr relieving you of the arduous labors which the present seseion of Parliament has imposed on you, 1 rejoice that 1 am able to congratulate you on the number of important and useful measures which have resulted from your deliberations. I have reason to hope that the author- ity which you have conferred on my government will enable them to con - elude an arrangement for effective EXETER, ONT. p 1 1 h' Transacts a general banking buainoss- eeeivos the accounts of merchants and hers on favorable terms. Offers every aeoonamodation consistent with fe and conservative Winkleg p rineiples. Five percent interest allowed on deposits. Draftsissuod payable at any Oleo of the pierehauts Bank. NOTES DISCOUNTED, c4 MONEY TO LOAN ON NOTES AND MORTGAGES, t entreWon. . THURSDAY, MAY 9th, 1889. Lucan Topics. Spiouy 1tenxs Go.tlxered by Our Wide a- �vetrre 1 Correspoudont, Walter Beeehem has entered the mer- cantile business along with Mr. Comb. Charley's basebtell team has purcl}as- 1 new ucuforrtas, The. mesons are at work constructing Mr. Montgomery Smith's store. Charley's base hall club play thein first matcli with the Granton club on Saturday lroxt. The Scott Act agitation has reached feverlieat. The weather is warm and moiler has come to stay. Mr. A. O'Neil'met with a painful ac- cent the other day by falling clown stairs and spraining iris ankle. The high school meeting toappoint agents for and against the by-law was held in the council chamber on Monday evening at which I D. McCosh was ap- pointed as agent to ec,t in behalf of those interested in promoting the pass- ing of the by-law and Mr. Adam Scott by those opposing the same, ARBOR DAY. THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY, The• Globe and the Reform press generally boast that non-interference with the legislation of the provinces is the principal plank in their platform, while disallowance is now and has been confined to the Conservative party. It is on this ground that the Reform press is excusing the Reform members of the Commons for voting against Col. O'Brien's motion of disallowance of the Jesuits Estates Act, passedby Mr. Mer- cier, of Quebec ; but when we look at the records of the Reform Government from 1873 to 1878, we find more local Bills disallowed than during the period of Sir John's Government, 19z : from 1867 to 1873, and from 1878 to 1881. In order that there be no misunder• standing upon this point, we will lay before our readers the facts gleaned from official sources. Following will be found a liet of Bills passed by she Local Legislature and disallowed by the Lib- eral Government of Mr, MacKenzie. 'We'-ive dates and the facts can be veri- Ked. VtI bi6�1I01wEii BT iF mill' 001'E1r:V= MENT: 1; Chap. 8 An Aut to aiuend the lain• respecting escheats and foefeitures. Disallowed 1st Apr. 1875. See session- al paper No. 34, 1875-76. 2. [:hap. 47.—An Act to incorpor- ate the St. Lawrence Bridge Co. Dis- allowed 25th October, 1876. Sessional paper No. 27, of 1878 79, indexed as "printed" but omitted. 3. Chap. 74.—An Act to incorpor ate the Halifax Co. (limited). Dis- allowed 12th Dec. 1874. Appendix No. 7, journals of 1875. 4. Chap. 84. --Au Act to incorporate the Anglo-French Steamship Co. Dis- allowed 12th Dec., 1874, Appendix No. 7, journals of 1875. 5. Chap. 82.—Au Act to incorpor- ate the. Eastern Steamship Co. Dis- allowed 31st March., 1875. (Nothing in the journals.) 6. Chap. 2.—An Act to define the privileges, immunities cad powers of the Legislative Council and of the Legislative _Assembly of Manitoba, and to give summary protection to persons employed in the publication of Sessional papers Disallowed 7th Sept., 1874. Journals of Legislative Council, 1875 p. 25. 7 Chau. 32 --An Act to incorpor- ate the Winnipeg Board of Trade. Disallowed 7th Sept., 187 4. Journals of Legislative council, 1875, p. 31. 8. Chap. 12 —An Act to regulate proceedings against and by the Crown. Disallowed Lith of June, 187 6. 9. Chap. 18.—„k.n .Act respecting •esireats, fire, penalties and forfeitures. Disallowed 16th Aug., 1876. 10. Chap. 33. -An Act to afford facilities for the construction of a bridge over the Assiniboine river, between the city of Winnipeg and St. Boniface. Disallowed October 7th, 1877. 11. Chap. 37.—An Act to amend chap. 44, 37 Vic„ entitled "Tho Half- breed Land Grant Protection Act." Disallowed 7th October, 1877. 12. Chap. 2—An Act to authorize ono Justice of the Peace to do any act, matter or things henceforth to be clone by 2 Justices of the Peace, and to give an appeal to the courts of General and quarter sessions. Disallowed ' 13th of March, 1874. 13. No. 2—An Act to amend and consolidate the laws affecting Crown Lands in British Columbia. Disallow- ed 18th March, 1875. Jourrals of 1875 page 32. 14. No. O.- An Act to make pro- vision for the better administration of ;justice. Disallowed 16th March, 187 5. Journals of 1875, page 32. 15_ No ti.—An Act to provide for the better administration of justice. Disallowed 5th May, 1875. 16. Chap. 22.- -An Act to provide for the better administration of justice. Disallowed 16 May, 1878. Sessional papers of 1878, p. 710. 17. Cap 32 —An act to incorporat e the Alexaddra company Oinuteci.) Dis. allowed 16th May, 1878. Sessional papers of 1878, p. 710. 18. Cap. 38—An act to encorporate tor British Columbia Insurance Coni- pauy (limited). Disallowed 16th May, 1878. Sessional papers of 1878, p. 710. Here there are no less than eighteen Acts disallowed by Reform At;orney- Genrals d wring their short term of office, yet we venture the assertion, that the Reform press will continue to assert that it is the Conservatives alone who disallow Provincial legislation. steam communed= with Europe and with Asia, whereby the trade- and com- merce of Canada will be widely extend- ed, and the traffic passing over her lines of communication greatly developed. You have again made liberal provision for extending the railway facilities of the Dominion, and for increasing their efficiency. The act relating to the electoral fran- chise, will, I believe, be found an im- portant improvement tending to econ- omy and certainty to in the administra- tion of that branch of the law. The measure by which the system of speedy trials for criminals has been ex- tended to the Maritime Provinces is likely to prove a valuable addition to our criminal procedure. It is gratifyingto know that your ad- dress referring to the boundaries of Ontario, will lead to the early settle- ment of the principal question which has remained unsettled to the present time between that Province and the Dominion in a manner entirely satisfac- tory to all concerned. The itl?lendlnei,t of the laws relating to eopyriglri, will, it ie hoped, renioi'e solrre of the embarrassment under 'which the printers and public of Can- ada have labored for some years past without doing injustice to authors in this or other countries. You have provided for greater effici- ency and economy in the postal service, fur giving greater facilites for the settle- ment of our lands in the North-west Territories, and for increasing the safe- guards of life and property to our ships, Many of the other measures, although ,if a minor character, will be found of great usefulness in conducting the af- fairs of administration. GENTLEMEN OF TILE HOUSE oP Com:taws; 'fes majority of the ,flour mills in Ontario have closed dawn until sttcli time its time flour market iiiiproves, Montreal and other Candinn cities are full of 1)ankec flour, which is sold, after paying duty, for many cants less than Canadians cad iaanufacttrre it for. Millers in the lJoited States .can huy wht'et, for about BOc. While Canadian nsil,ors have to pay frim •,;'.1.0O to .;1.05 per hue. for wheat. Tn this cash ir, would appear' that flip duty on floor is not Sufficiently high to protect oar interests:; and it sisn furnialica to the annotatiunists, fcwd f(ir - reilactiom, w;iry 'so nnnoitcd;to the U. S. cull' far- . wets would he 0601 - polled. tt, ltceelit 1110, very low 1r1ice at which wheat is now cord 111 that country; llildrelt Cry for Pitcher's Casiot'ta You have liberally provided for the various requirements of the public ser- vice. HONORABLE GENTLEMEN OF THE SEN- ATE. GENTLEMEN OI' THE. ROUSE OF COMMONS : —In taking leave of you, I congratulate you on the indications of prosperity which appear in all parts of Canada, and on the increasing re- venue which promises amply to meet the appropriation for the year. I sin• cerely hope that in the season which is now opening the labora of our people may be blessed by the Divine Provi- dence and that when it shall be my duty to summon you again I shall be able to renew the congratulations which 1 have already expressed on the marked wel- fare and progress of the Dominion. What should be done on Arbor Day is ta question which ghost naturally • ar- ises et this season. Our Lucan is, with all its faults a pretty little place ; at least so say many strangers and as it depends for its beauty chiefly on the ef- forts of its inhabitants, not being bless- ed by nature with rushing river, shin- ing streamiot, or hill and dale, the planting out of trees should be recrard- ed by all as a duty—a verypleasant one we fancy for those who beautify their own homes as well as give refreshing shade to the passing traveller. But when this is done there yet remains much that is praiseworthy in. the help- ing of others. In every city, town or Village are found those who are unable to contribute their share pf ti me and labor to this laudi ble Waif, a ncl why, should not the neighbor, who, bya slight effort, call find means and leizure, cheer- fully contribute his mute in this hatter as he so willingly would, 41 any other The favor must'eertititliy• be most kind- ly taken and hat,'e st tore lasting effect for good thati Moony others requiring self denial, Why not take each street in its 1tll'11, filliug up all the spaces left t•ttt;tent, by inability, negligence, or the failure of trees once planted. There are quite a number of streets here which are but thinly inhabited but this need not prevent their being embellish- ed by shade trees, which would enhance the value of each property and so tend towards the general good of Lucan. Happily none are more distinguished for hardy nature and graceful bearing than our own maple which may be had for time and toil only, The shade trees set out along Main street some few years ago are now amply rewarding us for our trouble, while cool shadow, rust- ling leaf and singing bird plead for a like attention to sister streets and lanes. Our cousins over the line have an an- nual arbor day on which they dress with flowers the graves of their dead. The day is well spent. It is Memory s Carnival, when voices growl silent come back fraught with perhaps loving , re- proach,kindly eneouragetneut or linger- ing tenderness. Accents that pleacled- return to strengthen the promise won, and .eyes that brighten or our life's small triumphs, like beacons shine to lead us to greater heights. And shall not hope too have her decoration day ? For the beauty of the hones of the liv- ing let us turn out and make Lucan a city of trees, and as it is now known that roots reaching far through the bar- ren soil draw to themselves water for their own support, which forming run- ning stream gladden the landscape ren- dering the once dry and sunsearched waste -a dwelling place for man . So round the branches of our own home tree shall love gather gladness more than that of sparkling rill, and melody more sweet than. the bird song with which it mingles. "Don't you hear the t oices Whispering in the trees?" "No—'tis only green leaves Which rustle in the breeze." "How could green leaves sing me The song she used to sing? How can breezes bring me • Her merry laughters ring.?" Far down in the lane there Where the boughs bend low Gentle, forma sten g Now liner as they go. Nothing bastes or lingers In the shady pass Only shadows mingle And tremble on the grass." " Where;that smoke is curling, Sure I am not wrong. I can hear a low voice Hurn a cradle song," "Rest beside the brooklet, Gipsy, son and sire, And the smoke ascending Marks their dying fire." "flow the wooded hillside In the sunset Mows And its marble city Ah! how fast it grows. "Old neve •with the white hair Floating on the breeze You were once a young man Under these green trees. VOTICE TO CREDITORS. 11t lathe matter of the Estate of Thomas situs, Insutvent, solvent IB 1terebY c Creditors for Tuo day the fourtceentlt day of May,at the hour of 3 e'olonk 11 no at the law office of LEWIS II DICKSON. Exeter. Dated 1st May, A,D.lase. WM, LEMS, assignee The Brandon authorities who found themselves with a leprous Chinaman on their bards were not disturbed by un-' necessary alarm. They promptly ship- ped. the leper to the States and the Manitoba side of the line feels easy. 31extco has its Jesuit question, but there the people are on the side of the Jesuits, and in a riot at La Lus, because five Jesuit priests were imprisoned for stirring the people to rebellion, two hundred persons were slain. Tux vissionaries known to the pub- lic as the Oklahoma boomers are re- turning to their former hones, sadder and poorer than ever they were before. Most of them are on foot for all their money and property were left behind, and as they drag their weary feet over the red clay and alkali they will have plenty of time to meditate on the art- fulness of the temptor and the folly of 1 unknown r land was the tempted. The unl i o,vi T cried up as a paradise where one could almost live off the natural productions of the fruitful earth. The first to reach it found it a treeless, waterless, unpro- ductiee waste of red sand. Fields far off looked green, and there was a gen- eral rush to them. There was a general rush to the Northwest durini' the boom period. Everyone heard of the plethora of money up there, and r f.mrforgettingthat it takes money to make money, they rushed thither without a cent, thinking that there was so much they could get some of it. For one that made money hundreds were glad to get away with their lives. There is no parallel between Oklahoma and Man. itoba, however, for the land in Mani- toba is the begin the world, but there is a great similarity between the in- experienced anti impecunious fortune• hunters who rushed to both places and repented of it. News Notes. A very 1ema.rkablefreak of nature exists on the hum of Mr J II Carter, con. 8. lot 20, Township of Teeumseth, Co. of Simone, Bond F1ead P 0. On Sunday, Apr. 1.411), a cow I,donging to 1Tr Carter gave birth to ttvn Jamba and a calf. Te is a respectable farmer who wreild'not p tinder any oirenmstanoe,a be,vtiilty of an ntteinpt to p11ipi otl`a' frond 'on 4lic pub - lie, and 11W issue lots been seen by sees es of his neiglihers, The ;attendant dreutn- stanees were 141(111 es to leave no shadow of doubt on his rind as' to the corn'otness of the statement..The In10118 511 to all appearance pet feet, but !rotor than o1'din• itry. The calf, a male, is oleo perfect 111e expicsainn in the face Of the lambs Ties a peculiarity, while uonsidorable hair is Mixed among the . world, both in tiro 11(01) and on the Lees Mr, .Charter has nlreat1y leftisedOn 0Ifor of ;600 for the dateend f,tnrily. 111'. Erl. ,teff, lecturer cru a);l iaultuCe.for Ontatria, ami many outer gentlemen litre been visito,s, Ho far ns 10 ()tt-ta thcro is no paralIel case on. record. To Advertisers, A list of 1000 newspapers divided into STATIIS AND SIr1CTIONS will, be soot on applieethan—FREE. To those who Walt their advertising to pay wo can offer no better medium for thorough owl el/active work than the various sections of our Select Local, List GEO.1', DOWELL & 00., Newspaper Advertising Bureau 10 Spruce street, New York 1II PEN MILLS, NEW IMPROVEMENTS. D,13. McLean in thanking his customers for their liberal patronage, wishes to inform them and thepublte in general that ho has re- fitted the Grist 113111 and put in new improve- ments, and having secured the services of a thoroughly competent miller, is now better prepared than ever before to turn out a good quylity of Flour. Flour and Feed. Cornmeal and Oatmeal kept constantly on hand. Chop- ping only ie per bag. Don't forget the old stand. I will also be prepared to attend to all Custom Sawing. D. 11. MoLEAN. Nippon. A. Eyes Tested FREE —BY-- IVIURRAY Practical Optician, Graduate Optic School N.Y. Eyes tested ; defective sight restored by the aid of fine glass's. Large assortment of the finest glasses on hand. .A call solicited. A S. M tri mAY, 41_9 1.6xC13MON'D-ST. London. BRICK AND TILE FOR SALE. hills iiiienliiy of brick and tile of all slue for sale at the 4IOATZ BRICK YAI?b, Gi'otllton. First-class brick, it4 per Thou- sand. Tile CJr1'egpondingly C_,.eaD. The creditors have mpowored Mr. Moats to look after the sale of th e brick and tile, and he will be found in the yarn at Uaimes. Next year the yard will be run by Mr. Moats as usual. Crediton, January ltitlr,1889. REMOVED Watch this space next:week Will be found at Swallows old stand. David son, Eros., w`h DAVIDSON. JOHN DAVIDSON. SHERIFF'S SALE. Prepare to be Pleased Never have better goods been shown ; never have greater varieties been offered ; never have prices been so low. There is no room for, improvement in the bargains we offer this week in the following special lines; LadiesBlack and Colored Gloveat ' 0c.75c,aI l u Kidx,._y 5 ) superior quality. Dress Goods in all the new shades, combination, &c, at pricesthat will suprise you. Gentlemen's Ties and Suspenders, the ficest,;:cheapest, and best, assortment seen elsewhere. White and Colored bordered handkerchiefs six for 25c. Mens Cotton Hose, three pair for 25c.. (A. i.)goods. Prints and Muslins at 5cts a yd and upwards. A man's suit for $5.00, Boys for $3.o0, Men's pants for $1,25, vest for $x.00. .A. perfect fit guaranteed or no sale. Men's felt and straw hats at prices unheard of. Try our 25 and 3oct teas they have no equal, with 6 lbs of either of these teas we give you a glass water pitcher. All we ask is a call to prove what we say. Butter and Eggs taken in exchage and highest price paid.,; Sheriff's sale of Valuable Real property in Farquhar_ Under and by virtue of a writ of Fieri Facies against the lands of James Mur- ray directed, there will be sold by public auction at llawkshaw's hotel, Exeter, on Mon- day the 1'r th day of June, 1SSO, at tbo hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the following valu- able lot or parcel of real estate, wit : That property and premises lately occupied by. Jae. 15Lurray, being that portion of lot number in the 10th concession of the township of u:- borno in the county of Huron, as the same is described in a deed thereof from John Iiny, Esq., to the said James Murray. Terms andleonditions of sale made known on day of sate. For further particulars appy to R. Gomm, L. H.1)IOKs0N, Sheriff of Co. Huron. Barrister, Exeter. Dated 7th day of Mar eh, 1889 Notice to Contractors. CARDING BROS. EXETER- PEORO SRODIO, For Finely Finished Photos of all sizes, from small album size to 11x14 from life, try Sealed Tenders will be received up to the ibth day of May, 1889, by the undersigned, for the excavation of the eat at Grand Bond, the dredging of the river Aux Snuble, and i ditching of Jlaycoek's creek. Tenders to state the estimate for each separately, Pians and specifications can be seen at 11. Eilber's office, Crediton. 'rho lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Work not to be commenced until the liability of the townships concerned is tested. Plans aridapeeificaticn &rein the possession of the Councils of i\Ietlillivray, West Williams and Bosom; bat. The work will eommenco and terminatoat a .date to bahereafter agreed upon. n. The engineeringwas done by R. Coed. Esq., The proposed cutis about 81 rods long, average depth 20 ft., bottom width 30 fc. The Jiver dredging is about 268 chains, SOft. wide, at variable depth. renders to stare on outside(Tender for G.B. C) and ,addressed to C. PROUTY, Hay, P. 0, Ont. "Dy order of the township of Stephen. N.B.—Security will be required for com- pletion of work. WILLIAM ROBERTS, AI. D. F. R. C. P , `'Pregnancy is a fruitful cause of Bright's disease. The relative proportion of cases between the ages of 20 and 45, are 80 women to evci',y 100 erten, while after this period the mortality fulls to 6:) women to every 100 men." Women during pregnancy ore especially liable to contract kidney dis- ease, winch if neglreteci will terminate in Jirieht's Disease. Keep the kidneys netive,. and tnnintain ;i benithy flow of brine by the frerinon1n50 of Wainrer's Safe Curd dnrii g the period of pregnai:ey. It will keep the 1(fditevs hcallshy atitd active. U(1NKCINII?TIOi`i 81.111 LY CURED. 1111: r:rIron• Phrases inform your renders tlint 1 have a posil.fvr' ern rely for the above named cdis- c•a:•c. Tay its ti1nely 010 thoesenrls of hope. 1088 cases have dt('cii per,nnrntly du rod. 1911511 be glut to read tee bottles of nn)' remedy nom to airy of year renders who have co ulrll�mtiou if they will send motheir1,1x rev'inncl l'. 0. a1(Irese.. %dospori(nlls, Dn. T. A. ,4i3OCrMf Toronto, 0111.. 37 Yongo street. Children Cry for Pi•tcher's ectatic Money Saved Money o IVJacle. s nsiiOTR, He has Iso au elegau, display of Photo- graph Frames Sizes : Sx10, 1x14 and 14x17. AT ALL PRICES Goods, Goods! Good. Value ! New Goods, New Prices. • � EVERYBODY SMILES. Our spring and snmmer stock is now complete. every department being replete with goods purchased at the best 1)0080s selected Milli care. Everything fresh. I'n dress goods our rarity is egtt'ul to any in town --all the newest shades and colors ---find ate sold at prices positively lower that env. MOM: examine them and be convinced. In every other rd:.partnment we offer as good vitlue for is little money, l'ri,. a liodnuntaken , t the highest market o, Roller Flom always on hand for sale. A Cali Solini.ed. J. P. Ross, Market Store, EXE,! i.l�i, It wi 1 bo c the aclvan age of th having pictures to frame to 'xalnine his stock of Picture Mon di rg, Get pricesCbe �i orches ng Where. ,bore JOS. SI TIj IOCT. I)EAItIl� etly 1 I : l...abeth street,. south of Jamea•st Metter ta•allery Opposits Post•Oific - ! smirch. Notice To Farmers. —CALL AT TRE_ MontrealGeneral O — MontrealGeneral store I and :wanting any amount of turkey and geese tail and wing. quills. —FOR SALE :-- Ladies' and Ohildren's Boots & Shoes.. Ladies' and Children's Rubbers. Ladies' Bnbbers and Hosiery i*.o'ni nined. Ready-made clothing, Flannels, Underwear Top Shirts and Cardigans. organs . and Pianos, Sewing Machines Deet• s{ cause for sale or to rent, oppos- e to u hail Givo me r call Before purchasing; niit� ,��,c,t Fps1J-i EA-CQUARTLRS Pure Drugs Drugs; Patent Medi- cines Dye'•stuffs, Perfumery and Toilet rt1Cl es. Sch'd'd1 Books and Stationary, Photo Frames, Albums, Purses, etc. . Cigars Pipes, and Tobacco. Also a large assortment of Toilet and Bath Sponges always on hand Prescriptions carefully pre- pared from the purest Drugs. Remember the place, Sign, GOLDEN MORTAPI, Main St., T s` DrEplia ,a fl al SHE. KEY TU HEALTH. Znlocks &litho clogged avenues of the Bowels, kidneys and Liver, carry., iug off gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humors of the seoretions; at the same time Correcting Acidity of the, Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dys- pepsia, Headaches, Dizziness,. Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaundice, Balt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scrofula, Muttering of: the Heart, Nervousness, and Gen- eral Debility; all these and. many other similar Complaints yield to the happy influence of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. T'„ =mum! a rCib.r. Proprletera. Toronto, DR, Wasinington, Throat & Lung' Surgeon„ Of .Toronto, will bo at the Central Ho tel, Exeter, T1 -11012L. M ix 21�.e1 Until 6 o'clock, :! Catarrh, Bronchitis, Asth a, Consumption, h etc, permanently and effectually cured. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the under- A few. Prominent Testimoniala signed, and endorsed"'.Conder for Indian Sup- I of Permanent (lilies plies," will be received at this office up to noon of TITURSDAY. 9th May, 1889, for the de- Mrs. JohnMeILay, Kingston, Ont., Catarr)f livery of Indian Supplies during the fiscal year and Consumption. ending 80ih,June, 3890, consisting of r•lour, John McIcelry,.Kin ,rston,Ont. ,oatarrh. Bacon, Groceries, Ammunition, Twine, Oxen, Mrs, A. %Lopping; Kingston, Ont., Bronoh ' stows, hulls. Agricultural Implements, Tools, Contumption., • &c.,dutypaid, atvarious points in Manitoba Mr. E.' Scott, Kingston, Ont„ Catarrh; hemi and the North-west Territories. Forms of tender containing full particulars relative to the supplies required, dates of do- Read W. II. Storey's Original Testieteniai4. livery, &c., may bo had by applying to the undersigned, or to the Indian Commissioner at Regina, or to the Indian Office, Winnipeg. Listen to II Storey, Esq „of the firm ti Parties inay tender' for each description of W H Storey its Son, Acton, Glove Manufacture- goods (or for any portion of each description of ere, also President Manufaoturers'Assoelittiun goods) separately or for all the goods called of Canada. Lorin the Schedules. and the Department re- Dh.SVnsn>xexox,215,irongo st.. Toronto, served to itself the right to reject the whole or Ts Slit.—I assurek fund part of a tender. ' van 1 Fon) rx'toiuf (Is Each tender must be accompanied by an ne- the radical cure you have effected in my throat eptedCheque ittfaver�fthodnttorintondent trouble,andthough'Idislikehavilt myriamn4, General of Indian Affairs on a Oanadinn- Dank, ; appcarin connection with the 1ostxn.lniallr(ts for at least live per cent. of the amount of the iness,yet, having regard for those who 0,TO tender, which will bo forfeited ff the party, gimilarlyaf�feeted.as well as haviak'1 clesireta tendering declines to oirtor into a u0 ntract rocngnizo thorosuIts r•. your treatment Inma'lns, b&sedpn such} tendar when enlletl uponao iia ; s departure in this asst, trrior to niyaequreint-- 80, ormf ire falls to eon1pletethe Workcontraet- ane0 whim.100,T „ut auifored' fox two .'Caws ed for. It the tender be not seeep.ed. the Pram repcateri, Tacks of catetrhsl sorethonged'ra:it cheque will be returned. each suceeedms . ,.,aack befog more prol: Each :tender must, .in addition to the .si nn- andviolent 'ni r, the former, Atthesetimr titre of the tenderer, bo signed by two sureties hacl violent i t, ,if cotte'ing, and would dia. coeoptab! eto t11a depnrtin entfor the propos oltarco15190 ilt:ar1titigs ofl leucons, :1'oolin : performance of the contract, alnrnietl.1smslarr thabost tnodfon;dskfllav ' ablciinelitdii,;ui n,nOlr-nptOd S nth The lowest Or any -tondei'not uoeessni'ily ae- , , 1'iocialist,, and:. e0»to(1, 1001 almasi, (!rcry r„iiia 11(100)1 try lnencCintx phi n,dvertisomonti8 1101b be unser[ wtthoi.itexpert;l icin,n,mnrtia,e f. ed b3 r 1 a rgoft I:,&st any newspaper without the nutbority of the good I t 00111. rota, 1 '.fhe elran e Bird oro (�trnensPrinter, anrinraelriiiui'or puymantby' geed,buten,myrnttt,nfhcoldtronblewrisro- and throat.. Catarrh Throat Cured. 4 anynewspnper mol111111115 ha(l sna11 authority uewad, haeme yon ridvertised to visit Iglu x1111 ho 521011tnd pl ,cc,I thou htl would 0O 1011li;n•on nl.thnu �h 7,.SrAAN];O11GIINnelT Iconfosslvitrs1101ll:trehperil'oft•e� 6 ,Deputy of finperantenr7,olit•Gelcrttf. benefit• liowavarr1 mb•r9 fnwomb, ei 1ngd ny of 1trrIfaa4 'tcxrls. with.10000andor, nrrl s owed. *iv�e -rir ;Department of 'Indian iAil'airsr treatments tri al. a11) iortll „ ya' t nnpp3? 9 O Uttaava, hprii.]850, inform,on. is a comaic,r.o e !: ne oni2y. m ro marked .in iIseharn.ete, n-sa ; ( self and m3'friends, FromFromr • tn,. ,:stye ,rreeds. ielneseemed adapted 1 1110 (11,sonnd l,n.va' re., lief. In two mos. I werentirely well,rtielhnve socontinitcd through the most 11 favornllo se Sot1 a of;venm', Matt are At fibertp 10 maim whntnss .10(1 »10oeofthisIetitor and 1 51111;1 be pleased to 808Ivor (thy en11811' rr Ia^ive to tnyen,Se. 'Veto'svery;rAlf • IV, if. ST011fJ i' peon .lnn.191,187. Cln,yslil;ltrL ,1 X'830 SALESMEN Wan aci.—Crooci salaries or commission paid to 1110 right ami m to sell nui ehoteo and h,. via• aid ` y totC5 t • "•4 of nursery stook. Now is thOtinle,eftha , n .. a,. �,. u,.. ... , 3 C 1 to i engage None but honest and upright men By mail to any lady tending es hernest office g!MEinfreser,ee1dnaanesl,lyi,s.d8o1nit(jdgnnrynmifs.ty, n}(ucpi yldwe t n lot!. address, Wolfs, ilchark:al&Co,, Montreal, ')rA10, s Bethostcr, N. Y.