HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-5-9, Page 3ABOUT TOWN IN TRIPOLI. 'Very Odd Sights and a Noble Rollout Arch. I write in a atone•peved gallery that looks doyen upon the inner courtyard of a queer little semi•Eestern house ogling itself " Hotel d'italie; with my door wide open for the sake of fresh air. Through the arohee that run along the front of the gallery I oetoh a glimpse of the tall, white, tapear- • pointed tower of a native mosque etauding boldly out against the warm, dreamy eloud- less blue of the Afrioan sky„ and behind it eeveral tall palm trees expend their vast plumy fans rejoiofng in the denting sunlight, My water jug has aaet been filled by a: bare. footed Moorish chambermaid in a purple scarf and partioolored skirt, with her hair hanging half way down her back in two long, blank tails, heavy golden rings of antique pattern inher dusky ears, and her supple boobs innocent of all oovering.from the knee downward save what nature originally gave them, In the courtyard below me a sturdy native' is chopping wood and keeping time to the measured stroke, of hie hatchet with a low, dirge -like Arab song, which is probably older than the Norman Conquest, while be- side him two awartby, half-clad, white - turbaned boatmen are quarrelling as shrilly as parrots over their respeotive shares of the money which they have just received for bringing a passenger ashore. In a word, I have passed from Half Eastern Malta to wholly Eastern Barbary, and am once more face to fade with the quaint, primitive, dirty, useless, ,unprogressive, picturesque barbarism of Mohammedan Africa. No sooner had the boat which brought me ashore from the steamerr come alongside of the . low, narrow pier of the Custom House, (whiob looked as if built of all the loose stonesthat had fallen down from the neighboring houses,) when I was confronted by three or four 'grim3ooking Turkish policemen, who accosted me in broken Ita- lian and sternly demanded my passport. This was a puzzler, for, although 1 had seen more than enough of the paseporb system in Eastern Europe and Aaiatio Russia. I had never yet encountered it in any pari of Aldose and had no idea that it even existed there. I promptly replied that not only had I not got a passport, but that I had never had the elighest intention of getting one ; whereupon the worthy officials looked quite as much puzzled as myself, and held a hurried consultation in guttural Turkish, being evidently at a loss what on earth to do with me now that I was there. At length it occurred to one of them who seemed a little brighter than the resb that whatever might be the ultimate issue of the affair, it could do no harm to examine my baggage in the meantime. Nothing trea- sonable being discovered, they handed over my bag to a native porter and then formed me into a procession and marched me off— whether to prison, to a hotel, or to the Pasha's judgment seat, I did not kn:w, and did'ot very much care. Just ab first my escort consisted merely of the two boatmen, the porter, a passing Greek bartender, who had stopped to see the inn, and a tall Mohammedan policeman who would have greatly startled the "Yonge Sb. egad" had he suddenly appear- ed among them, his uniform being simply a veru dirty blanket folded round and round body, and pulled over his face like a d. But the sight of an "infidel i! ering- hes" led captive through their streets was a treat sufficiently rare to draw after me a crowd of the true believers of Tripoli, which reminded me of the throngs of Bashkir! and " Turoomans that used to follow my steps through the grass -thatched los zears of Tash- kent and Samarcand. without name or dietlnotive mark of any kind ; all run into each other in a way that alight have bewildered Fenimore Cooper's "Pathfinder" himself, and all (es amatter of oourse in any Eastern city) are unlighted, save by a stray lamp here and there over the door of some c ifielal building or some; wealthy resident in the proportion of one light to four or ,five thoroubfaree. Amid the windings ot such a labyrinth the boldeet explorer would soon find himself in the game dilemma ne that luckless sailor who, returning late at eight from a drinking bout, slipped the end ,of his wooden leg into the hole of a revolving turn000k, and walked round and round all night under the impros• tion that be was going a traight home. Just at the further end of the be Aar stands a small painted turret that looks as if it had jamb come out of a toy shop. In its side appears a tiny clock, which, being the only public timepiece in all Tripoli, is very much looked up to " in every memo of the word, and has given to the 20•foot dust petal in which it stands the imposing name of "(lock•equare." But as it keeps only Turkish time, (which is naturally six hours behind that of Europe)) any new•oomer who should refer to it would not find himself greatly benefited thereby. Just round the corner of the square is the arsenal, .where 20 or 30 gaunt, siokly.looking Turkish soldiers, with faces as heavy and 'expree aimless as if carved in wood, are dragging about sacks of "gunpowder," one third of whioh is coal dust and another third sand. From this point a short, broad, dusty street leads straight to the eastern gate of the town, above whiob towers a tall, blank, stern -looking building, tenanted (as you may see from the red -:tapped sentinels in front of it) by no less a person than the Turkish Governor himself. High up in its huge, high front you can descry three or four small windows, fenced with green lat- tice work, behind which the human dolls that people the Pasha's harem wear out a monotonous existence in lounging, dressing, smoking, gossiping, Dating sweetmeats, and wondering what life oan be like in: those' strange Western lands of which they have heard vague rumors, where women are ac- tually free' to do whatever they please: The fashionable throughfare of Tripoli, so far as it oan be said to puttees one at all, is ogled by a great stretoh of ' courtesy the Marine Boulevard, being in reality a street about a foot wider and rather more than a foot dirtier than the rest, running between a row ofbig semi•European houses and the upper part of the sea wall, along the parapet of whioh extends a narrow, uneven path, connected with the street below by three or four slippery flights of broken stone steps. Whenever a steamer is Doming into or going out of the Harbor this parapet is crowded with group! of idlers, (of which there is always an inexhaustible supply in Tripoli, while the street itself, as soon as the cool of evening begins to replace the scorch- ing heat of the day, becomes a perfect pro- cession of European children with their European papas and mammas, all looking very sickly and cross, and all manifestly slak to death of the country and everything con. neoted with it. " Just fancy," said an Italian resident to me yesterday morning, with the tone and look which some tender- hearted Anglo-Indian might have used in describing the worst horrors of the great Bengal famine of 1873, " we haven't got a single theatre here V' It is characteristic of Tripoli that the most remarkable monument in the whole town—one might almost say in the entire province—should be so hidden away amid a litter of squalid and unsightly hovels that a careless observer might easily let it pass unnoticed. Indeed, more than one student of Mr. Murray's red -bound Koran has left Tripoli under the impression that the " Arch of Aurelius " exieted no longer, having doubtless expected to see something like the Aro de Triomphe ab Paris or the Brandenburger Thort Berlin or the "Gate of Tiberius" at Ancona. But the wonder is actually there for all that. Picking your way along one of the narrower streets that lead up from the harbor, you are struck with an indefinable something in the aspect of a shapeless block of masonry on your right, •which impresses you sufficiently to make you halt and take another and a closer look at it. This second glance reveals to you. in the midst of the rough stones and rubble with which Turk- ish barbarism bas filled in and blurred its magnificent outline, the grand sweep of a noble ohmic arch, which, with its massive blocks and its smooth, symmetrical masonry, asserts itself uumistakably through all the unsightly chaos around it. And there on its side, distinct in every line as when it came from the carver's hand 1,715 years agn, the oar of Roman conquest, whirled along by the mythical she -wolf with which Rome's history commences, is seen rushing like a hnrrfcane over ' the necks of prostrate nation!: Seventeen centuries of storm and battle have failed to dislodge one block from its walls or to shakedown one stone of its roof. When it first rose above the Mauritanian palm trees .Christian martyrs were being thrown to the lions in the newly -built Coli scum at Rome and painted savages were hunting wolves over the future site of Lon. don. Since that time the Roman Empire has vanished from the earth and the savage "Britanni," who were Virgil's chosen type of the lowest barbarism, rule thrice as many lands as the prondeet Calais, while a new world of which the boldest classic navigator never dreamed has arisen to epread its re- nown over the whole. Bub although the very site of Aurelius's palace is now un- known and Aurelius himself is but a dim hietorioal phantom, this strange old menu- ment of his greatness still stands here like a tombstone of Rome's departed glory, the acme yesterday, to day, and forever. DAVID KER. In this order we at length reached a low,. deep arohway in the front of a tall white house with grated windows, at the door of which a fierce -looking Moor in a smart, red Turkish oap was standing', or rather, loung- ing, on guard. My guides signed to me to enter, and the moment I did so the words "Consulat de la France" caught my eye, and I understood the whole affair. Tne Turks. ' misled by the fluency with which I ran off into French when Italian failed to answer, had mistaken me for a Frenohman and brought me to the French Consul—a pro- ceeding whioh, however complimentary to my pronunoiatiou, left me in all other points just where I was before. I apologized to the Consul (a very courte- ous old white -bearded Frenchmen) for hay. ing disturbed him to no purpose, and order- ed my escort to take me at once to the Eng- lish Consul instead. When we came bundling up a narrow stair into the outer room of the British Consulate, the Secretary—a quiet, pleasant young fel- low in spectacles—looked greatly surprised ab our intrusion, and probably thought (mur- der being the fashionable crime In this un- sophisticated region) that I had attempted to murder the Greek bartender aforesaid. and that the poi ceman had " run mein " before I had time to do it. But all was speedily explained, end I. found myself at liberty onoe more. Of course I was bound to compensate the worthy policeman who had had to accompany me through this wild-goose chase, but as he was quite satis- fied with 1f., whereas the passport would have coat 8i., it struck me that after all I was just as well without it. The, first thing that strikes a travellerin his earlier impressions of this strange town is its purely Eastern' character. A town whioh contains only 500 Europeans to 30.000 natives and which has never been under European influence since the days of the Emperor Charles V., can hardly be expect- ed to be—like Tunis and Algiers -a mere earloate a of Parti- or Naples seb in an Afri- aian frame. G. where you will, you see on every side the deep, narrow, moat•like streets, the high blank, windowless walls, the flat roofs, the grated windows and the bewildering zig zags of Demasous or Serusa- lem. But Tripoli presents two striking features whioh neither Jerusalem nor Damssous can parallel. The countless dingy alleys of the great bazaar, instead of being roofed in as usual with mattingo of dried grass, are cano- pied withlpluirtering vines, the fresh green leaves ant tendrils of which twine around the light oro0s poles placed for their support in an endless' maze of delicate beauty' that contrasts very prettily and gracefully with the universal filth and unsightliness around it. Coupled with this feature is another even more picturesque, which I do not re • member to have seen elsewhere. Almost every one of the foul, narrow, crooked streets (if streets they can be called, for they look much more like rocky clefte worn by the rush of a Wintry torrent) is spanned at short intervals by a number of slender white atones, giving to the whole porspeo tive—espeoiailly when seen beneath the cloudless splendor of the African moonlight —the appearGnce of a ruined aisle in some ancient cathedral, such as Macliee would have loved to paint or Sir Walter Scott to describe. Bub to take in 'a midnight vieW of this strange town le a hazardous experiment int deed, for the maze of dark, filthy, uneven lanes of whish it coneiets--puzzling enough oven iia broad day—are absolutely hopeless at night. ; All are exactly alike ; all are A Troy Tragedy. The laundry "girl stood gazing at a pair of men's' hose which she held up toward the window. They had been sent in as mates. but one was beak and the other wee striped and blue. "This is rather ,pair-o-sooks- ioal," she remarked, then fell with a splash into the wash•tub.—[Merchant Traveller. A canvasback duck is said to be able to fly. eighty mike an hour. A. correspondent of The :Btaton journal, who visited Harriet Beecher Stowe recent- ly, found the distinguished authoress quite feeble, Speaking of herself she said : ca My life seems like a dream. My Work is done and lam enjoying the luxury of per- fect rest and freedom. I'can'b rometnbor what I read nowaclays. My mind is r' blank. But I am resolved into love. I love everybody, even the dirtiest beggar upon the street." What a sweet, golden sunset tb a life of cooed deeds. Raoently published atatihtics show that in the three years,' 1886 7 8, the number of vessels which passed through thl`,. Sault Ste. p i Marie banal increased 47 or cont, their re' gistored tonnage ncroased 65 per cent., and the tonnage of the freight carried by theta fnoreased'06 per gent. This is a most re• markable andwing. Rheumatism and Neuralgia These twin diseases cause untold suffering, Doctors admit that they aro diiDcult to cure— , so do their patients. Paine's Celery Compound has per maneetly cured the worst,. oases of rheumatism and neuralgia—so say those who have used 1t. "Having been troubled with rheumatismat the knee and foot for five years, I was almost unable to get around and was very often confined, to my bed for weeks at a time. 1 used only one bot• tie of Paine's Celery Com- pound, and was perfectly cured. 1 can now lump around, and feel as lively as a boy." lritANB CAROLI, Eureka, Nevada, After suffering with chronic rheumatism for several years,'I was induced to try Paine's Celery Compound, and after using two bottles found my self greatly improved. Iu fact, after using three bottles, have not felt any rheumatism, Can con• scientiously recommend it. Yours very truly-, Mae. P. COWAN, Cownzevxz s, P.Q. Paine's Celery Compound HI have been greatly afthoted with acute rheumatism, and oould And no relief until 1 used Paine's Celery Compound. After using six bottles of this mediolne 1 sin no'er cuffed 01 rheumatic troubles." annum. RU8C13INso1, So. Cornish, N. S. Effects Lasting Cures. Paine'aCelery Compoundhas performed many other cures as marvelous as these, -copies of Letters sent to any address. Pleasant to take, does not disturb, but aids digestion, and entire-. What's t . ly vegetal. ..., •_.- n.q � Ufa of suffering, longer with rheumatism or neuralgia? $1.00, Six for $5.00. Druggists- -0 Mammoth testimonial paper free. WELrs,RICHARDSON bCo.,Props MozTSsdx,. DIAMOND BYESCora thit'an any ofhherrii es. BABIES Living upon Lactated Food are Healthy, Sappy, Hearty. It is Unequaled. The Most Expensive Leather. " The most costly leather in the world, so far as'I know," said a dealer in fine skins and leathers, "is known to the trade aspiano leather. American tanners years ago die - covered the secret of making Russia leather, with its peculiarly pungent and lasting odor ; but the secret of tanning piano leather is know only to a family of veneers in Thu- ringia, Germany. This leather has but one use, the covering of piano keys, A peculiar thing about it is that the skins from which it is tanned axe procured.almost entirely in America. Itis a particular kind of buckskin. The akin of the common red or Virginia deer will nob make the leather, a species of the animal knows, as the grey deer, and only in the vicinity of the great Northern lakes, alone furnishing the material. The German tanners have an agency in Detroit which collects the skinsot this deer from the Indian and half-breed hunters, who supply the mar- ket. The hunters are paid an average price of about twenty cents a pound for the green skins. When the skins are returned to this country as piano leather these cost the piano manufacturer from $15 to $18 a pound. The world's supply of this invaluable and neces- sary material is supplied by the Krizohmer family of tanners, who have six establish- ments in Germany, the lamest and the best as Gera in Thuringia "— [N. Y. Sun, Children Walking. Among the poorer classes the child learns to walk far too soon. The evil results of early attempts at locomotion are seen daily among the poor of our large cities. The poorer children not only are forced to walk. e.t an early age, because the parents have no time to take care of them, but they so often have the rickets, or bone -disease, when the body ie large and the limbs are small and soft and are easily bent, making bow-legged or knock-kneed children. 'Nam children raised with care are able to et,ad with ease' and walk, the feet should have proper pro. tection. Socks should give way to soft oboes with no heels. Children are generally so clumsy for the first few years of their life that heels. on shoes would increase the number of falls to an alarming extent Mothers seldom give proper attention to shoes for their children. When the foot is forming and growing. the shoes should be comfortable ; not too tight, so as to crowd the toes and produce corns, nor too loose, so as to rub the feet. Discovery of a Yrehistorio Canoe. A discovery of considerable arobleclogioal Interest hasbeen made upnn the Berton sec- tion of the Manchester, Eng., ship canal. Recently, whilst the excavators were at work in what fs known as the "Salt Eye" cutting, the steam navvy broughttolightaprehistorio canoe. It was embedded in the sand, about twenty five feet below the surface. With some difficulty the canoe waa removed to a shed in the vicinity of the engineer's iffice ani examined. It was found to consist of a portion of an oak tree, roughly hewn and fashioned. In length this relic is 13 feet 8 in- ches. Unfortunately the vessel sustained some damage in the inthlees grip of the "navvy," the bottom havingbeen cat through at the bow end, while a portion of one side is broken in. But for this mishap the canoe would have boon recovered practically intact. The Czar'% Unloving Brothers. LONDON, April 27.—The "Cologne Ga- zstte" aeserta that it is an open secret that. the Czar ifs displeased at the conduct of his brothers, the grand dukes Alexis and Vladi- mir, who, when the Czar returned to SI Petersburg after the railway accident at Gorki, neglected to congratulate him upon his miraculous escape from death. The "Ga• zatte" says that the Czar is disgusted at hie brothers' yearly trip to Paris, to indulge in the frivolity of the gay capital, and it is rumored that Alexis will lose the command of the Russian navy, of whioh be is the admirable chief, andthat Valdimir will be translated from his command of the army, with an easy and luxurious post at St, Petersburg, to the rigors of the Caucasus. • How he Managed. it, "Do you ever go to bedawith cold feet?" asked the medical man. "No sir," said the patient. , "How do you manage it t" "Oh, I just lay down tbe law." "What do you mean ?" "Why, I never have cold feet myself, and I won't let her get into bed until! here are warm also."-tWasp. In the City of New York there are up- wards of fifty able Methodist preachers who ate paid leas than five hundred dollars per year. The covered bridge at Pavia, over the Tloito, was built in the fourteenth century, The roof is beta by 100 granite columns. JOHN LABATT'S' Indian Pale Ale and XXX Brows Stout Highest awards and afedals for Purity and Exoel. lance at Centennial ixbibition, Philadelphia, 1676; Cana11a,1876 ; ,Australia, 1877 ; and Paris, Franco, 1878, TESTIMONIALS SELECTED :. Prot. 8 Croft, Public analyst, Toronto, says :—"Lend 'it to be perfectly sound containing no impurities or adulter- atiol sand on stronrelyreoomnlonditas perfectly pure and a very superior rualt liquor," John 13 Edwarns, Professor of Chemistry, Montreal, says: "I nodal= to be remarkably soling ales. brewed from plus malt and hops Bev. 13; J.I'ld. Page. Professor of Chemistry Laval Ile.vor sity, Quebec, says :•--"I have analyzed the Indian Pale 'Ale Fnannfaotured bvJohnLabatt, London, Ontario, and 'aye found it a lightalo, containing but little alcohol, of a deli- cious flavor, and of a very agreeable taste and superior quality, and compares with, the best imported a1ea. I have also analyzed the porter XXX Stout, of the same 'brewery, which is of excellent quality • its flavor is very agreeable ; it is a Ionto more energetic than the above ale, for it is a little richer inaleohol, and oan be compared advantage- ously with any imported article. ASK YOUR (U'ROOEI FOR LT. • int lel MANUFACTURERS OF Co Grand, Square Upright PIANOFORTES. The Oldest Manufacturers in the Dominion. Seven Thousand Pianos Now in Use. The Heintzman Pianos are noted for: Wheir Full, Rich, Pure Singing Tone, Their Finely Regulated Delicate Touch, Their Perfectly Even Well Balanced Scale. The Whole Composed of the Choicest Material and of the Most Thorough Workmanship Send For Illustrated Catalogues Faetory:West Toronto Junction W 116° is and Office, TCJR,C�N�'C�r 9e~t �~, fin °{ aY' 1t-`er0 > et `tea F. e, • t,. `y �` ' 5S `� 1e:. �` e, fit' ��o ��' `, o� �� o {t t a is, G° 0iO �'o, •+fie ¢e ti`°~ '��'etJ < ti a� cess , ��` fin c> eye 1 �1 e i4 :}° Ofi tie 0, .6e- 0 'b �G't. �GK,t G;efe. �fia rte 1e c' `�ti� tiCI Pr fi5 es c - -1, o� �e� 00 OS$b�'S.• bs, �--;``'os"tifi yi0 s ci4-r ey o fi a, o eo �fia �r � e i• • �9 a t' ti's' � v C)s' 43,q��o.4 4°40. 0 ON' e, 0°x,69' N';ti o� of w, w, irS�w et'4� W.~4 43, q1 {oe Gel" 0°' S t`' °° G�' ens `S' e, Qe. 0 •-1 4 Cj Z.w 1`J �9 rixb� a V"a �ei 0•'fi' 9� ;�9 Manufactured only by Thomas followay, 78, New Oxford Street, late 588, Oxfa.rd Strret, London. ifs Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, Landon, they are spurious, q 1 1 d:smcvis .. A Reward for the Conviction (F DEALERS WHO OFFER M C C o 11' SINFERIOR OIL OF OTHE Al�iD SELL MANUFACTURE ca LARDINE le OIL. Eureka Cylinder, Bolt McColl Bros. & Co., (Ju tting& Wood Oils. For sale by all leadilg dealers. I Toronto. BISSETT BBOS.,Sole Agents, Exeter. QUEEN CITY OIL WORKS PEEO RILLES Toronto. Every Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil was used on e11 machinery duien gthe Ekhibition. It has been awarded NINE GOLD MEDALS during the last three ; t f 1 rEeSee that you get Peerless. It is only made by s,, . tTZL 11,0CUEELS & Com'®., TO !ONTO FOR SALE BY JAS. P.CKA.RD. fields Ink enough to write 24 sheds racer tit bite lilting Pen, Penholder and inkstand all in one. toQ fel el FOUNTAIN PEN. .� flu. bee any pen orkin,tofmks 111 edbpttoautomntioa8tion00 intlla-rnbbcrroaervoirelfeeds•itselfbythoptcssureofwritingl armee In the pocket safely, Wi11 zoo t:leale t finely made dud 011' (�iy ked• Into en tartar 10 a� a2, 8tytoglaphle pains 9800 altltagualt, anmplee,roetpald.beentsa 5 Fens, Si biit, P, 0. Stamps taken, but silver preferred. A 1000 Picture (look sant FREE, Mstitton this paper. A. W. Z3-TVXZIYI yarmoUth, N. SI 893FREll To on a est Sewing -Machine Icb y.�1'o at once 0stabl ne •h��•) trade in all parrs, by " 10l' pu:lacingdgoods Durwhere ate excmachines els rim see �h,„r. 7t them, we µ11l send t'Pee to one !nl'san in each ]ocnety,tha vary 6cat srr0 ing-mnchittc mad; in will also staid alt the ea cotnenrs. lin of costlfree nuantplato ling Of oaf costly nue valuable 010 samples. L, return W11111k thntyan .hYry o'hat WN. , 01001' who :nay roll (II your acme. and altar 101H 0t. all clod 1.00.1141 paw oan »raper,». '1 111,. r,io ma. bine ie ndr 11111111 11111i ii i'!•1' patents. whieli bare [11111.1111 : 10.100n1•atrnt• run our 11 said La 1501 3. w hh the attachments. andW k w• send ]b0 S50. neat, strongest, must use- ful machine in. the world. All is rec. No capitol requited. Plain, brief instructions given.:'rhwx who write 1'o us at oras can se- cure free th0 best sewing -machine in the world, and 1110 finest line of works of high art over shown login/m.1n America. Tla u E Adz UO-, Box 241.0. &unustrs. Maine. How Lost, How Restored. Just published, a new edition of Ur. Culver - Celebrated Essay on the radical cure of SPI9RMATOItaHuA or incapacity induced by excess or early indiscretion. The celebrated author. in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practice, that the atom inx consequences o! self- abuse may be raaically cured: pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may he. may cure himself cheaply, pri- vately and radically. Imo' This lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, post-paid, on receipt of four cents, or two postage stamps. samples of itesieine free, Address THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO, 41 Alai Street 7,:ATew York Post Office ]3ox 450 4483'-ly ,THE LIGHT,RUNNINGtr SEWING MACHINE H AS NO_ EQUAL A'SURE CURE roe BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION, DIZZINESS, SICK t•IEADACHE, AND ['INCASES Or THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS (THEY ARE MII.D,THOROU0H AND PROMPT IN ACTION, AND poRM A VALUAIIL0 AID TO BURDOCK Swot) nirrrue IN THE :'asATtOENr AND CURE or CHRONIC AND OBSTINATE DISEASES. THE LADIES' FAVORITE. t, THE ONLY SEWING MACHIN ) L.__ _. T H AT GIVES /JI 1'P 7 N./ NEHOVlESOINGM CHiNE C;ORA{VG . ' 0131016110 28' ONION 80UANE,Nx. w flAL1 A5: rEx. • j . '9'[°LtytitR Mo:. ��'hAtV'T`'A'A�HNFitANCISce:CAii: JBL+ Agents. *velrtwibere.