HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-5-9, Page 1Porteestaseaseraerteeseeemaimee -G10 WO T t- CIoldsrnith 4. Hall! tw':wo:a XQ U Rte^ WATCHES,-- CLOCKS,— W LRY,•- SILVERWARE,- -AND SPECTACLES. UNEQUALLED VALUE. $®"'Personal attention given to repairing of tyatohos, eloeks and iewolry: • C. REICHENBACH, Opposite the Market, PARI HILL; t. LECRAL' '. r B . DICKSON Barrister, Soli- ■ {I• oitove1Supreme Court,Notaryrublic Conveyancer Commiesione3•,&o. etonoyto Goan. Once in Fanscu's Block, Exeter, -'• H. COLLINS, • Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc., L+XETER, - ONT. ' ' Office$amwelleiBlock Hairs old office.) ARMOUR W. FORD, • Solieitor intim Supreme Court of Ontario, cotraeattention given to the collection of claims in the United States: Patents procured, money to loan at lowest rates. Odice : Opera House Block, St,Marys, Ont. • .ELLIOT & ELLIOT, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Conveyancers &o, &c. ta'Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest. OFFICE, - MAIN - STREET, EXETER. J, ELLIOT, :E. V. ELLIOT. DENTAL. Ti L. BILLINGS, • 77M2STSST, OFFICE: over O'.1rEIG'SBatc Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction. H•� KINSMAN,DENTIST.L.D.S JL1; Satnwell's Block, i1ain-st, Ex.eter, Extracts Teeth evithoutpain, by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold lallings and all other dental work the best possible. Goes to Manion onlastThurdv,yin each month. MEDICAL CL1i'1''Z,D. M.,' • OBiceat hisresidence Exeter lir W. BROWNING M. D., M. C f • P.3,Graduate VictoriaUniversity.office dlrettidence,Doi>_'-nionLaboratorv.Exeter TLR. HYNJMAN, coroner for the County of Huron. Office, opposite Mr. . Carling's atore,Exetor. DR. J'.. A. AOLLINtzi, M.C. Y'. S . Office, Main S..taxeter,Ont.Res�den eebona erscantly °coupled by P. McPhillips, Seq. AUCTIONEERS. HENRYHEILB1 R, Licensed Auc- tioneer for Hay,Stephon, and McGilli- vray,Townships: Sa.lesoonducted atmoderate rates. Office -At Post-oflee,Orediton, Ont. TORN GILL, Auctioneer for the Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborne and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. VETERINARY. Tennent & Tennent VETERINARY SURGEONS, Graduates of the °uteric Veterinary College. OFFICE: One boor South of Town Hall. MONEY TO LOAN. ONE/ TO LOAN AT 6 AND 64, - per cent, ,-percent, 826,000 Privttte,Funds. Hest Loaning Companies represented. L. H, DICKSON, Barrister, ltlxeter, INSURANCE. THE WATERLOO Mt) T'TJAL k'iRE INSURANCECO., Established in 1803. HEAD OFFICE - • WATERLOO, ONT. This conixanv has been over Eighteen paarsineuceeeeful operation in Western On- tario,andeontinues to insure agates -bless or damage by Fire „Buildings ,Merenandise,sian- ufactories,a'ndall otliordescriptiouHof tinsur- ableproperty . tntonding' insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium' Note or 0 ash Systete . During the past ten years this Company haeissued 57,095 Pollciee. covering property o 'theemountele40,872,088 ; and )said inloss- os colones 709,712,00 A.eaetS, 61' 6,100.o0,consisting of Cash t' a di ovorn tnnutDouoHitand the unass- nd•n,G ee9edYrelnitimNotoson handalrclin force. J, W WALDENM D. Preside, t. C,h1. TA-SLOE, Secretary. J.B.Htrones,tnspecter. CHAS. N tLL. agouti or l,xeterandvieinity, Dress -Making. .M.rs.Diekey,ofCredrton,begs . to inform the public that she has moved her business, and will now be found tine door west of Mitchell's Store., Dross -making done in the very latest styles. Cutting and Fittleg by the new tailor system. . MRCS. DICKEY. Crediton O +7NTTRAL larbEr Shop, FANSON'S BLOCK. . Hastings, s Pro'- living and ii air'onttingin the ateetetyle8 ire Art.' rLr+�r�rr d• . ati�lrsltYattet iti4n paid idid du kli n p unit afillaree sr Hair ar. AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE.— "HEW "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL W aERE THEY MAY." VOL.,'. L. XVI. NO. 38. EXETERONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 9th, 1889. .JOIQN WRITE & scars' P ubl t s h e r s a n d P ro prf store Por-a1e! KIRKTON A large and well assorted stock of General Dry Goods, Millinary, Hats, Caps, Boots, Groceries, Crockery, Classwars, Wallpaper, Sta- tiorery, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Nails, Books, Salt, Boot jacks, and everything kept i;i a first-class Store. The whole Stock will be sold iu lots to suit you. Come and get, a lotthe price will snit you; it will make your wife and child- ren glad, your sons and daughters happy, and general contentment will, prevail in the whole family. Highest prices for Butter and Eggs. Yours truly, DOUPE & CO. —STONEMAN'S— Jewelry - Store HENSALL, ONT. You are inyited to come and see Our Elegant Holiday Stock -CONSISTING OF - Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver- ware, Novelties, Fancy Goods, &c, C, if(t (fr g1d , anng, :,..ASSORTMENT MOST COMPLETE. Hepairin' .Depar tra't We make a:apeoialtybf watch and jewel= ry repairing. •• Jewelry mended and re. polished so as to look like new. All work guaranteed. Our motto : Neat, prompt and reliable. Remember the atand, opposite MoDonell & V4 angh's Hardware :Store. J. 0, Stoneman, HENSALL, ONT Change of Eti:iniss :701-311' a...rot:714c Having taken into partnership, W H BERR. they have clecjelefdtto extend the business ,. by adding a full: at6k of : Stapie Hardware! PAINTS, OILS, Etc. FUZZ LAVES of TINWARE (BARB AND OTHEIi VIRES, MA.CIIIINTE OILS ► Remember we buy for cash and will give our customers the benefits of the die. counts. A trial will convincS that we sell cheaper than the same goods can bebonght elsewhere for. Sole agent for this locality for Lawrenee's celebrated Spectac:os, All grades ; all sights. It is the Best Spectacle in the Market to -day. A call solicited: • YOUNG & KERR. Crediton, March 2lst,'89 The Largest TEE BEST, THE NICEST, TSE SWEETEST Assortment of- Confectionery f- Con3�'',�tecib o � ne]C'y IN TOWN. JUST IN, 84 FRESH. Away down in Price. FOLI./I(�K'S Brt ad, Buns, Oakes, and all kinds of Past ry, still rake the loan. Fleatdgio trters for Cotlfeetior:. ery - OLLUC 'E„ J ]1 A1l�•t'1,. 1,X1Ot1'Blt .Babylon Line. BniErs:-Henry Loipold inet with an accident on Tuesday. His colt which wed hitched to a waggon ran away, breaking•- one of Mr, L's arms. -A petition is in cite. culalion to have the big swamp drained, The Council is in favor of the project.- Isaae Martin, who has been inalcane cheese for his father, left for Bright the. other day, to improve himself in the art of cheese malting, -Fall wheat iu this section' looks well, Biddulph Council. The Council met purauaat to adjourn ment on Monday May 4th, in the court- room Clandeboye, the reeve and alt the,. members present. The assessor returnedi his roll fully completed and sworn to, ,nut{.,. reoeived 85.00 extra iu consequent- of recent legislation Be Franchise Act. Tho following accounts were ordered 6' be paid: -Luke 011iver, drawing and oti''<`r3t" -' ing tile new road, $3.30 ; John 'teemed culvert and drawing stone, now rood $2.55' James Saeli, 12 days rep. gravel road81.5.(kal Moses Hodgins, rep culvert div 2, $1tage Patrick Suilivan, ditching div 4, $6.75 ; John Brien, repairing culvert, div. 4 82.00v • Thos. McGee, new eulveat, O S R di $3.00'; Henry Sanebure, levelling C S R. div 5, $6.25 ; W. J Smyth 112 rods, fence embankment, Blackwella hill, 810.35. The reeve and clerk was ordered en be- half of the Council, to forward to the treasurer, John Flanagan, Esq., a resolu- tion of condolence on the death of his wife, which took place at Olandeboye on the 3rd inst., after a few days illness. The council adjourned to meet in Clan. deboyo on the 27th inet. at 10 a HI. W. D. STA\LEY, Ehmvlile. Bolo ,s: -A very insulting, vindictive and misleading communication under the heading of "Jesuitism Taffied Off,"appear_ ed in the Thins of April 25th, the author of which could not have been present at the mestiug or he would /layer have written such vile stuff, unless moved by the same spirit that actuated these who de- cided to have Christ put to death. Tliti. looture delivered by Mr. Cook was full , of ppiormation and no one could heat it with- out having their love of liberty. of troth, of right and of euuutty quickened into uow- nese of life. If ever there was a lecture delivered here calculated to kindle a Cam- adieu patriotism- a patriotism ,that ice, p��erh�aps wanting, it.sv5s Tho _deateee=:.is 'Veauuiam.'. Mr. Cook did not resort to the taetica of a ward politician, norod�id he say or do anything that was in any respect. committing sacrilege. Anti -Agitator seems to assume that nearly .all the brains of Canada are monopolized by Sir John Macdonald and those wbo voted with him on the Jesuit Question but it at an undeni- able fact that many of the best minds of Canada are loaders in this agitation. Anti -Agitator ales sneeringly states that Mr. Cook pointed out that the Jesuits bad three distinct branches. tvhile he really deattention drew a ten ion to the fact that tv there j a two, une for aggression, the oth$r for de- fence, a society within the society;: the mem- bers of which do the ditty tefrk while those outside are put forward to' deny end defend. -Mr • Hodgins hoe become a resident of this village hating rented tt:o hotel. llir, J?t:Brock, ex -betel -keeper, has moved to Winchelsea. -Mr. Gliddon's youngest clii!d has been dangerously ill for some time. --Mr. D. Wood, of P.xetee, has purchased the \Vileou property, sit- 1 uated ou the gravel read, -Tho business cc m tnittee of thu Ei1ni ille S. S. have deckled to hold a strawberry festival oe Dominion Day.--Tuesduy was album. day at the public school. The following is the honor rel! in the order of merit, for rho lust room of Cred- tton school for the month of April; 4011 class.-Libbie Young, William Fife, Mary Trainor, Alberta Trevethiek, Emma Sinilh, Emma Zwiker, Senior 3rd class; Edmund Bertrand, dioses Brown, Lizzie l4 enrth, Mary A. Beaver, Win. Lewis. Eli Sweet. Junior 3rd, Mabel Ryae, Fred Ynuug, Mary E. Brown, Albert Bertrand, Albert Zwiker, Francis Chi.ke. Miss Alice Eilher lets returned from a two month's xnjonrn it . Detrnit,-Mises Carrie Ellber left for Lont(on on Temed Rev, George Brown and wife the visiting friends and relatives hurt:. -)ley, Mr. Staebler and wife have returned fr•ott, eonferonee,-Mian, 3licb Smith is visiting friends in M•iiverton.-rMeesra S, n't Wood and Levi Geiser leave on Frvlay for Wash- , iugten Territory via Goderielt and Dnlntb, Misers 13' Brown and M. Moloch also leave for there die ,mine day via Chicago. -bites A. Harvey las returned from London where alte spent they winter. -We have heard onFr udatt burt t ) that afarmer on the 9th eon ht• - to S p .0 unearthed new po- tatoes on Saturday last, this bents the 1'c:cord,--'lbs auet'oi Hole on Saturday Met woo not touch ut tt eucettes rind mast of the geode were bought bock. ---The entomb met on ,onlay lust and dispensed w'itlt considorable Lu,thie. :,-nro-y-olne is getting 0 ladder so as to provide for the • new regelettune of the village ; 1,Venael 1s doing n large lathier trotlu in consequents, -.Mr. ,ruin 1'revethick ha' the rt'paire and ftnpeeemeeets int lis dwelling s/ft/Oat completed and it has tna,h• a great *liff,'r•- onc0 to the looks of the pi pini a+ -..Olt 'i'nrsday evening lank n very plensllnt evr"t took place tit the residence of Sir Switzer, tiloccasionMengo t e ! r ,. ,• Me tt 1 IIIA f f =s t o f Ale=s u at Lou his •rt t1H ' r , 3 urine o� t,htc..[ r f Mr A 11 Oozier of this place The nuptial knot wa, tled by Ile/ Mr S'0r:l,hfr. hell,„ e *ens bet of militates *tea ietimatr friends otter witictt the eve. way 811ent ani yably by Al, ,, They wire aart•nndutl by how the bend end t11tl eltarivnri b'it'ty in Ill 1 nre'nitg, 'nig happy temple left on 'rnrtrsrlrty f )r 11.iffeld, whore they t'il1 resi''e, twit lug With theta the hoot wialtett oe alt who know them. ' NOT A t COLO( ill. If 1 were,Q4oen of Ftme m., • Or whim's Bettor, pope of lirsute, I wonia 'buy Inisekf.al Urnigni hoar SItilig Dotted r, ±t)r tatty CCEIK An t' tattb II /titbit', Dashwood. BRn)ys,-Kellerman Bros, are about to open their new store at Shipka,-Mr. Willert's new stable is almost completed. It odds considerably ai erablv to the business look of the village. . Fon3sriv.--Mr- A. R. Mill, Deputy Supreme Chief Ranger of the 1. O. F. has organized a court in Dashwood. Two pub- lic meetings were bold and ten members enrolled. A. careful reading of the con- stitution of the Order will convince any one that the principles there laid down are reasonable and right. We welcome the Order to our village and hope to see it prosper. Usborne. SCttobl. REroRT.-Standing of pupils in S. S, No. 5, Usborne. Mouth of April. ..Second part; 1st, Garnet Frayne, 2nd, Nelson Front. 2nd class; 1st, Lila McCord, 2nd, Lily McDonald. Jr. 3rd; tet, Blanche Westeott, 2nd, Violet Russel. Sr. 3rd; 1st, Ida Weatoott, 2nd, Lyman McCord. 4tn class; lat, T. Russell, 2nd, Edith Westcort, 5th class; lat, Ida Kydd, 2nd, Gertie Mc- Cord. Conduct. 1st, Blanche Weatcott, Ida Westcott, Edith Westoctt, Gertie Me - Ioord, equal 2nd, Violet Russell, 3rd, Ida Ydd (3-ranton. Miss Jessie Cameron left here en Satur- day, for the White Mountains. The Methodist Sunday School here bas given a largeorder for books to replenish their library, and purpose celebrating the 24th of May in a right loyal manner by a .s ammoth tea -meeting, entertainment *20., ih Squire 111owbrim's beautiful grove. • Miss Maggie White left here on Wednes- day of last week, to fill a position as teacher in Manitoba. Maggie will be missed around here, and perhaps no where more then in connection with Sunday Schools and Sunday Snout work, in which she has taken a useful and active part. Miss Maggie White, was the recipient of a beautiful address and two valuable testi- mottiale on the eve of her departure to the No thsvest at the bands of the teachers and oifi4ers of the Methodist and English Sun- day Schools respectively, amongst whom she zealously labored for a number of years. Biddulph Extract from assessment roll for the towugtiip of Biddulpb for 1889. No. of 'children between the ogee 5, and 21, 11154; being's decrease of 77 on last years roll. No. of'children:between between 7 and' 13, 421; a decrje of 83. Total assessed value of the township, $1,201,932; an increase on last year of $9,830. No of dogs assesaod, 290, an increase of three on lett year. Pop elation, 2,677, a decrease of 20. No, of cattle, 3,247, inereaso of 1,081. No. of sheep, 1440. increase of 212, No. of hogs, 817, increase of 306. No of horses, 1,086, increase of 220. No. of acres of fall wheat, 3,315; decrease of $200. In Div. No. 1,36 per ent ofh whole Div. �t e 1 o elation are electors. In Div. No. 36. p P2, Iu Div. No. 3, 82. In Div, No. 4, 31-. In Div. No. 5, 30a. Averaged assessed value of property re- presented by each elector: -Div. No. 1, $1,• 277. No. 2. 91,187. No. 3.11,544. No. 4, 61,675. No. 5. $1,210. Average essessmeut in the township for each elector, $1,356. Assess.,d valve for each of the population: -No. 1. 9476. No. 2 $127. No. 3, $500. No. 4, 9523. ,No, 5, 9367. The assessed value cf Div. No, 1, deo,. creased in tue last three years, $2,318. No, 2, 91665. No. 3, 47,685. Whilst Div, No, 4 inereae it $18,668. No. 5, $7,685, or being a net increase in the whole township in the last three years of $13,071. Corbett. ]3nrrrs.--The roads in this part of the country are in very gold condition and the crops look splendidly. -Tho Scott Act crank appeared in our town last week, Look out for him. -Our oheeie factory fe expected to start to make choose on Tues- day. They are expected to do a good he.tiness this sumtner.-H. Downing, the young man w$lom Thompson & Baywood, well -diggers, hired from Petrolia to dig their wells for them last summer, has taken a :hare of the rig, so the first will be Thompson & llliwaing. They have been fixing their rig in;gi'dd condition, for quite a number of 0ella.to'put; down this summer. -Tho farmers aronnti.here are very busy plonghing and snteling -.-lir, Ed. Portico haabeen building teeemit,v boxstalle for he bat quite a numhar cf'tgrses that makes a night or ncou stand at ' his place• -Our 'toted Ilueshor Mr, J Gilbert, has bird with the McIntosh Brea. the trammel and start Mr.n tv1.I st t to frame Chas. Watson's hnre next week. -Mr. sbo1a)a of this • while a drivin hie t piaci, g b► colt, the mho tontine to have his dashboard kicked eft on Thisra'ay last. -Mr. Jas. Oka of Exeter called lewd week.-tSlr. Jae aaaithew, will sonar start to draw brink for iiia new house, -The Spelt Act repeal committee have been around enovaesing for votes and look. Mg after the election l,tisinese in earneet as if they meant the Scott Act to he dead after May the 9011, -Girls for lliriI g are very scarce, for etery day there :a eomebody hunting one around here. I'Itenaiueic'1'. Roemere, i11. D• Professor of Olitneel a:Lodtcinrr at University College }Mimi ma Lundun,linglsnd, save: "Bright's ]tide»en !ate t10 e3 ntptOma of its own 340'1 may lotig exist without the knowledge , the patine tar piaetitiouer, and nupaio will he felt in the kidneys or their vicinity," All the ilisettwo8 to whieit the kidneys oro sat1r.00 0n.! to which they give rise Dan ler prevented if twitted in tittle." Warner's tirttu Core it the 'only reangniyed specific. B. A. Gunn, M 1),, Donn, and Prnrw sor of Surgery of the United histo» Medical Col- lege; l+lditot of •r,tledibal Till,uue," Author of '4 inttu's New Im'psored Rand -book of (ly8i•,me and 11,rrnttatta 'Mealtime," says: "1 u willing to acknowledge anti ootntnnnd thus frankly the yalue of ly'aroer's Sato (;lire." (rh., t•dro Cr.,'for' Pi for'.Pitches/s C... as:tarAhl Herman. OATS. Farmershaving good whiteoats to sell will and that it will pay them to sell them at the Hansell Oatment Mills. A large a uantf vastprice.: t cd at the. very highest ash. Y v o Y g All kinds and of 0mealex° s Oatmeal on a and changed for oats. Messrs. hand ,k Hoods lease haying expired, and D. Urquhart is going o give his whole tune to the business. Robert Morrison wishes to direot the at- tention of the people of Henaail and the ma- im genteelly to his large stook of new spring and summer goods, ooneisting of ataple and fancy dry goods, mens', youth's and child gens clothing -tweeds -hats, caps and straw goods -Gent' a furnishings -boots and shoes- t,rookery and glassware -Wall paper -Grocer- ies &e. All of which he is offering at prices to meet the closest buyer. Inspection invited. No trouble to show good& Farm products taken at highest prions in exchange for goods. remember the plaee, Double Stores, Marshall's Week; opposite Reynolds mansion House. School Report. Monthly report S. S. No. 2. Hay. The following is the April report based on the attendance, punctuality, oonduot and dili- gence of the pupils. The names are in order of precedence. Fifth: -John Chap- man. Sen. Fcnrth:-Homer Russell, Aggie Murree, James Campbell and David McColl, equal. Jun. Fourth:-Wrllio Murray, Cecil Boss, David -ea Blaoltwill Third: -Ellen Shirray, Alfred McTageart, Sarah Blackwell, Sen. Second: -Kate Chapman, Aggie Shirray, Fred Eaorett, Jun. Second: -Willie Hawkins, Nellie O'- Brien, Alice Gould. San Second Part: - Mand Russel, Beatrice Warren, Amelia Jackson. Jun. Second Part: -Ralph Chapman, Nellie Gould, Joseph Northcott, First Class:-Becltie Northcott, Willie Jackson, Charles O'Brien W. H. JorlxsTON Teacher. Grand Bend. Miss Alice Tapson wbo has been visiting her sister in Centralia, returned. Home on Sunday evening. The attraction of Grand Bend was more than oounteraotcd by the attraotion of Centralia. We have much reason for believing that some of the beaux and belles of our vicinity` have been agitating on the question of union (Not Commercial) . and twine de, cided in the afiirmatiee ` have adopted resolutions favoring the speedy consumm- ation of the same: PxRHONAL.-The Messrs: Jas. and Robt.. Mollard together with their sister Emma started for St. Ignaoe, (Mfioh,)on Wednes- day morning, where James takes hie situa• tion as clerk in a supply store;,Emma and Relit, intend remaining there for the sum - mom The. Misses Nellie :Fulton and Annie Pollock who have been attending High School in Parkhill were home for their Easter holidays. We take great pleasure in congratulating these Ririe on the • num- ber of marks they took on the last quarter ending March 3,1st, ranking highest on the list. Success: to you girls on your final examination.' Usborne Council. Thecouncil t c nn it met on the 4th inst. All the members present. The minuted of the previous meeting were read and signed by the reeve. Moved by T. Cameron seconded by J. Shier that a court for the revision of the assessment roll 1889, be held at the Town Hall Elimville on Saturday the 25th clay of May at 10 o'cleek a. in. and that the clerk duly advertise the same. Carried. Moved by J. .dabs seconded by W. Kydd that by-laws numbered 4 and 5 for 1899 as now read a third time be passed. Carried. Moved by J. Sbeir seconded by T. Cam- eron that Thomas Kensola be granted 96. as part payment of expenses incurred in caring for Michael Kheve, au indignant person, who WAS stricken clown with par- alysis in Uaborno and removed to hie (T. Iieusela's) residence in Biddulpb where he died. Carried Moved by W. Kydd seconded by J. Halls that the following orders be planted viz: - Thomas Kensela $6, Geo. Hogg $1,50, M. Satnwell $13, 11 St John 31,50. Carried. 011 motiou of J Halls seconded. by W. Kydd the council adjourned to meet as a court of revision on the 25th inst at 10 a it anri for transaction of business es n council afrer the court of revision is closed. G. W. Holtman, Cleric. Stephen Council. The council met at Crediton, May 6th, 1889, all members present. Minn tem of last meeting read and signed, Resolved that the assessment roll be accepted and that the assessor be pard. Moved by H. Eilbor Sea, b; C. Ellber, that e, bylaw be drafted improving the inhabitant of Crediton under C. Brown's pachmasterabip to committee then statute labor at 75 cents per day. Resolved ata conditional por iesio be granted o Meagre, McInnes, s Ryan, k to 'Iti 'd and O fiou e h up the dry u on N. side of S. B. road at those places when cut dL• verging the water frorn its natural run, Resolved that $15 be grouted to parties along Crediton road on 5th ado. to put in a tile drain from blind line to Bauble, Resolved that lots 14 and 15, eon. 2 and 3 be joined to W. Welkor's beat,and that lots 16, eon. 2 and 3 can be added to r3agsbaw's beat. James iloland to receive $:3 for tile drain amuse S. B. road, After ensuing the following orders the 00011011 adjourned to meet ).e a oonrt of Re. vision on Salnrday June let, when gravel °entracte will be let and other tbusinees attended to. A special meeting is called on Ser)n.1ny evening mixt. The following ^'ern oedema to be paid: --W. Huston erter to dog tax 91, Fiekbinet' & Carrick C. 111. 92, M. C. dreitt debentures 9287.50, *meteor $76 00, 1f.I,atnport 4th S. 1.1. $4.. W. Antos el ten -- deuce on Mr. Verrill '$10,00. 11t w to Viva 100 Y)Alts. lien'th tvi'lt many years may easily p;e attained. Temperance. Abstinence tl) d Core in foot' Oaten aro toe' main eutlditlotts. Alwr,s Gat) Inlpt:r,ei Cresol Portae l3okitlg Powder in biscuits, cakes, &o, and that port title xi will he alright. 13111 by td1 Grett•rs. The IVMolsdns Bank (C[>,ARTEIUDD BY PALOLIAMENrT,1855) Paid up Capital 02,000,00 Rest Fu p t(v ... ,.. 1,000,00 bread Otllee, Montreal, F. WQLt'ER9'MN THOMAS, Esq., att$1111 . MACAO -Re 20 branol, offices in the Dominion. Agencies n the Dominion, UtS•A. and Europe.. Exeter Branch, Open every lawful day, from 10 a. in, to 3 P.m SA'LURDAYS,10 a,nt.to 1 p, so. 3 Per Cent. per annum allowed for money on Deposit Receipts and Saviugsllank. R. H. ARCHER Manager Whalen' People passing through Whalen will miss one of the old landmarks, the old log house, erected by Mr. Miehael Whalen, ;after whom the post office was named, having been grilled down lately. Our School house has been improved by the erection of a tower and placing of a, bell. The pupils now get fair warning to be in time, Mr, 1', Brooks of Granton built the tower, Whalen needs a eeneral store and a shoemaker; there being neither within about four miles MATRIMONIAL. -On Wednesday evg. Miss Alice Cook, daughter of Mr. Geo, Cook, of Blanshard, was married to Mr. M. Haynes. We wish the happy couple every joy. Zurich. DEMONSTRATION. -We notice the "bills have been posted announcing the grand cebebration to be held in this village on the 24th, According to the posters a large amount of money will be given away in prizes, all sports being well represented. OnITQAaY.-Wo have again to relate the death of one who is well known in this vicinity. The wife of the Rev. Mr. Ortwin assistant pastor of the Evangelical church died on Tuesday uiornmg at their residence in Dashwood, and leaves a husband and six children to mourn their loss. Mr. Ortwin has the sympathyoftnmany friends. Weep not for a sister deceased, Our loss is her infinite gain; A soul out of ptisen relapsed, And free from its bodilyohains; With song let us follow her flight, Any mount with ber spirit above, Escaped to the mansions of light, And lod_ed in the Eden' of love. The funeral will proceed Prem the family residence at 2 o'clock on Thursday to the Bronson Line cemetery. Annoy DAY, -Last Friday was arbor day It was well celebrated by the public school here. •Precisely at 9 o'clock the teachers, boys and girls turned ont about one hun- dred and twenty-five strong and went to work. The forenoon was occupied in cleaning up grounds, piling up the wood etc., and in the afternoon quite a number of trees were planted which adds greatly to the appearance of the grounds. Bntsrs.--Mr. M. J. of the TIMES Exeter visited our village this week. -Every per- son is busy "digging gardens" -Mr. Dyer of Exeter was the guest of Mr Steinbach on .Sunday last. -We understand that a game of base ball will be played on the °Dep'tscA- landers'f base ball grounds between a club from Dashwood and one from Zurioh.- Mr.Henry Dummert has gone to ,'Waterloo where he has obtained a situation. (From another source.) Bau.FS-Hurrah for the 24th, Great sport in Zurich. Let everybody come. Full particulars later. -There bas been quite a number visiting out little village lately. - Miss Hattie Mitchell is the guest of Miss Amanda Deichert.-Mr. and Mrs. C. Merner are the guests of their son, Lman- uel Came uF to make the acquaintance of the new grand daughter of which Eman- uel and wife aro so proud. Mrs Geo. Suth- erland and mother of HeueaIl were in the village on Friday the guest sof Mrs. Doan. -- Mrs. Robt, Bnswe1l of ,xodericb has been the guest of Mrs. Buebaeau for a few days. -Chas. Bossenberry wbo has been work- ing itt London was home a few days and ltaa now gone to Berlin to work. We wish him success, -Mr. Maurice Ehnes has gone to Cairo Mich. whore he has secured, work. Success Maurice, Success llauriee. -Baero has been a bane ball club organiz- ed in Zurich A game will be played here the 241,11. The masons have started to lay the foundation to the addition to Mr. Chas. Grubs hotel.- \1 r. Casper Weber has finish ed the mason work on the butcher shop. --- Slowly but surely our little town is ins - proving. -Farmers are very busy seeding malting it very quiet in town. -Some of our Zurich dudes better look a'cleedle end" as some of our young ladies `object" occas- ionally. -Still they come. Ask Chas. Weber for the cigar -It's tt boy, ENORMOUS FORTUNES. Notwithstanding the enormous fortunes accumulated through the use of printer's' ink, large slims of money are annually wasted ineffectual and unremunerative ad. vet tieing , The merits of a really valuablocommodity preperly portrayety.imehn columna of an influential and widely read newspaper, like the EXETER TIMES -GAZETTE w011 speedily become generally known and ap- preciated, while the returns reaped by the advertiser will mere thou justify the amount expended. Clearness, attractivenena, brevity and sin . ccritY must charairize any announcement intended to catch tlaFaublie eye and appeal tonb ie oontid nee n advertisement p 1 e A d ement inserted in a London jonrnal a few days ago brought instant and niultitudieous re- plies Recon,paiied by an almost unlimited supply of bauk notes, simply because it touched the choi'(Lof velure which makes all mankind akin. is simple pathos and aelfevident truthfulness appealed to every heart. The advertiser sought for a lost relative, end, giving hie 00004', said: "I atn ill and friendless." 011y Inst half crown is expend- ed in paying for Otte advertisement. Write inc at "-m(g.ixsug th' address). As already stated, nearly every who road the announcement hastened to relieve the ne- ces.ittes of tht: sufferer. sitwith r+ Thus is tt n tall meritorious tats oom- tn0dity or preparation;. if its virtues be properly and tr ttt.htulty set forth in the pub - lie press. its 90500y a i prompt and certain. On the other hand, the public is quick a nl "r1t to thteCt deception u d It,i lg and oisat- fa`(tts• , sod, »or ordingly ut) E111141)111 of en" poff,'ry" will fns i' a vile nostrum into public esteem and patronage. Va)uable mad:eines, like Warner's Safe Remedies emery their own best ootutnetidti Con in their power to stirs the porttcnlat" disoloto for which alloy ate to epeoific. Tltoyto out •0014borod rinse rieiid ��n vine t110 000ple of theft; potter and oiloildiye, Cor rho fISI*.lb •.: -.