HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-5-2, Page 8II ST/BANCI+a* 4 E 4y THE E s 1k71$N ASSURANCE Cb, COAT. of Tolerate t U ST/R to ; also for the 1'B;tndo ANGF, a°i4iP£I'I,.arl+ondon gland.the ROrzAL CANADIAN, of Mous al, ae d the BRITISH EMPIRE LIEN AS, tteNCECOMPANY, of London, England, abliehod 1847. 6geeth over $0,001),R00; ,rots ata bonuses paid. over $10,000,000, )CR.t Ark;1G"S.--. We shall b ehuppy tore, sive �ourtt at itezrts of local news such SLart S ace cicients,or oozy int erestingincident what. e ver, from any of ours¢cbsoribers or read- ers genera/Wei' the purpose of public abort. XtUle Soso. THURSDAY, Dip,T 2nd, 1889 1,00111. HAPPENINGS. —_ Rz o,rENEu.—Boots and shoes at and be. ow cost at 0. l:aerett's. Harness making n all its branches still carried on as usual, opposite Central Hotel, Exeter, Ont. nu) 1•'aparTho ]People head, if you have anything to sell, or want anything, let it be known through the Times. It is read by over 2000 families, who are of the class that do the business of the county. New subscribe ere are being added daily to our list. What About the Au 1/Sleeting. We would respectfully call the atten- tion of the officers of the South Huron Conservative Association, to the necessity of holding the manual meeting, at au early date. Besides other important busi- ness to be transacted, preparation should lnuttediately be made for looking after the party's interests at the forthcoming revis- ion of the assessments of the various muni- cipalities. The /natter has no doubt been over looked by the President, Mr. G. E. Jackson, of Egmondville. It is imperative that the association should be convened at an early a date as possible. Accident. Un Thursday last as Mr and Mrs. Loadman, of hay, were on their way to Exeter, an accident which might have proved serious occurred. Mr. Loadman was driving a colt, which when passing a gravel pit took fright ht At another er horsecoveredwith a bright colored nlanket, and tied in a hollow,and,turning suddenly around, precipitated the buggy and oc- cupants into a deep gutter. The top was up and had not the vehicle been turned completely over, tearing the top from the seat, Mr. and Mrs. Loadman would have been dragged a considerable distance and probably killed or seriously injured; as it was Mrs. Loadman received sprains and internal injuries, Mr. Loadman escaping unhurt. The buggy was completely wrecked. Hotel Licenses. �— Liquor licenses have been ranted to the following hotel and shop keepers in the South Riding of Huron: Seaforth, tayerns.—H. P. Kennedy, Joseph Bell, Wm. Hawkshaw, Wm. Pinkney, James Weir, Thomas Stephens, and Rutter & Roche. Shops—John Killoran and Ed. Dawson. Exeter.—S. L. Walper, Wm. Orns, T. W. Acheson, T. W. Hawkshaw, and W. L. Brinacombe. Shops—Farmer Brothers and S. C. Hersey. Bayfield.— J. E. Swarts and John Pollock, Shop.— Edward Elliott. Township of Usborne. —taverns.—Joseph Armstrong, W. G. Brown, Joseph Hodgins and Matthew Kelland. Township of Stephen.—W. J. Moffatt. Thos. Hodgins, August Hill, Walter Clark, Wrn. Holt,j Patrick Hall, Edward Portice, Joseph Brenner and Henry Willert. Shop.—John Mitchell. Township of Hay.—Ralph McIntyre, R. Reynolds, Ed. Bossenberry, Chas Greb. 11. Peine and Wm. Nicholson. Township of Stanley.—Joseph Abell and Wilson Cook. Township of Tuckersinich.—Wm. Dixon, Win. Kyle and John Daley. Town ship of Goderich.—E. R. Swarts. Personal. The Rey. S. F. Robinson will shortly Ieave for the ;forth West where he will spend a couple of months' well earned vacation.—Miss Maud White, of St. Marys is the guest of Miss Maggie !White. —Mr. Frank Ruse who has been a resi- dent of Exeter tor some years, and who has )held the position of leader of the .lanes at, church choir, leaves for St. elarys to reside, having the leadership of the First Presbyterian church choir in that town.—We understand that Mr, Thos. Hamlin and family leave shortly for Owen Sound. We Togret very much if such is a fact for Mr. .Hamlin is a much respected resident of our town.—Mrs. Pinch is visiting friends in Stratford.—.W. B. Harrison of the Argus, St. Marys, at- tenrlfd the anniversary sermon of the Odd FdIlocis h.are on Sunday. --J. A. McRol.l- erts v:site) Parkhill during the week and completel a large delivery of nursery stock in a very short time.—Revs. Thomp- son of Centralia and Wilson of the Main -at church, Exeter, exchanged pulpits Sun- day morning last.—Mr. Thos. Seldon, of Ingersoll, is in town.—We are pleased to note that Mr. James Down has sufficien- tly convalesced to he able to take a walk. A high School for Exeter Time and again, for the last decade, Tie TIMits has advocatedthe establish- ment of a High School; in Exeter. We have in the past, with seemingly fruitless results, endeavored to impress upon the people of Exeter the many advantages to be derived from having a high echool in our midst. Some of the citizens were favorably impressed ; others held. differ- ently. There was such a diversity of sentiment in -the matter, the majority of the ratepayers, and even the Council, holding out contentions against the scheme, that we abandoned our appeals for the much needed high school ; at the same time realizing that some day in th9 near future the opponents would come nto line and be the resurectors and prime movers in the agitation. And it now transpires that we have not waited in vain ; for at a recent meeting of the Council every member of the Board ex- pressed himself as being level -able to a High school, The citizens generally are beginning to study their interests more animately, exhibit a less careless spirit concerning Exeter's welfare in the line education. :Withof the organziation' of a Board of Trade which will, we hope, take place at once, the IIigh achoolues- tion will be taken into hand, and, ifiwe do not mistake the feelings s of the council :putto a test8 ' willbe of the vote of :the qualified property -owners at an earl date; `.Chis Matter Will bo the first to test the Board's judgment,' courage., and government. Children Cry for Pitcher'Castoris Deter Municipal Council Theou : t Tl C t/ t met i t puzeu ant to adjourn - went in the Climber oft the 26th lust, all members present, Minutes of the pre- views meeting were read end approved. Orders were granted for the following situs: --Jas Creech $51.00 part salary ; J Creech, 75o meals for tramps, and Jas. Balsden 62.00 for labor. Mr A Bissett's tender for street watering, $2,60 ajdatyebe- ingg tholoweet was accepted, Moved by T B Carling that Bisect* Bros. tender for nails © $2,75 per keg be accepted. Not seconded, Moved by T H McCallum, see, by W. G Bissett, that W H Moneur's tender $2.75 per keg be accepted.—Carried. Moved by W G Bissett seconded by T B Carling, that this council assume the South part of the fence between the Town Hall plot and W H Parson's. The Road com- missioner, to supply help to fix Mr. Par_ son's part of the fence. The Reeve, Dep, -reeve and Mr. Pick- atd were appointed a committee to in- spect gravel pit, and make suoh arrange. meats as they deem proper with reference to tate same. lay -law No 5, 1886, to water a portion of Maut' . st loss1 du y read and passed, Rate per foot frontage, 0 cents, Moved by T 11 McCallum, sec. by 2' B, Carling, that this Council adjourn until call of the Reeve.—Carried. Brevities. Eggs are worth nine cents per dozen ; potatues from 15 to 20 cents per bushel. Parties wishing a change of advt. should in tee copy not later than Tuesday, to insure insertion. The town employees were busily en- glastage. d iu cleating the streets Thursday Smart boy wanted to learn the art of printing—applyeet the Txsms office. Mr. John Ross is improving the appear- ance of his residence by the erection of a new fence. The anglers report fishing as having much improved during the past few days of rain. Services will be held in the body of the Main -at church next Sunday, the improve- ments haying been completed. Dr. Lutz, on Monday, met with an ac- cident by which he seriously spraiued his right leg. London d n bake •is wicked a w eked lot. Last week the bread of several of them was confiscated, being short of lawful weight. Several nursery stock deliveries were made here during the earlier part of the week, by the representatives of several nurseries. Carpets and lace curtains are going fast at the big bankrupt store, It is said that a petition will be presen- ted to the G. T. R. signed by people alongtheH. &Bredidthe L. to r cm cheap Saturday ticket to London. Mr. William Smith, at one time proprie- tor of the Western hotel, London, has been in Exeter for a few days. He has been in Kansas for the past few years. The streets have been cleaned by the Commissioner, as /f to set example to the residents to at once clean up and put their premises in proper sanitary condition. Parasols by the the thousand at the big bankrupt store, at.prices never before heard of in Western Ontario, see them The close season for pickerel started on April 15 and ends on May 15, and the close season for bass from April 15 to June 15. Trout fishing is lawful after May 1. During seeding operations things at the market were quiet ; but not that thefarm - era have finished, wheat and other cereals are being marketed' with the accustomed life and bustle. Mr. John Vail was • defeated by Har- per, of London, the other evening in a two-mile roller skating contest. The race was exciting and close, Harper winning by only a few yards. Men's and boy's clothing,ready-made or znade so order, 30% below regular prices, atthe big bankupt store. The Dundas board of education is a fatherly institution. It has given $15 of the peoples money to purchase base ball outfits for the school boys of the town. What's the mattter with skipping ropes for the girls and rattles for the kinder- gartners. As yet an Arbor day has not been set apart for Exeter. There at e many trees on nearly every street in town that need replacing by young and healthy maples. 'rhe sooner this is clone the better it will be for the appearance of our thoroughfares. The general verdict is that the big bankrupt store is doing the dress goods trade of Exeter, their stock is simple im- mense. A letter recently received from On- tario statrs that seeding has only begun there. Rather a contrast, when compar- ed with Manitoba, where the blades of the new crop may be seen springing up in all directions.—Brandon Sun. The big bankrupt store will pay more for butter and eggs than any house in town. It has been evident to anyone who has visited the cemetery, that many owners of lots were exceedingly thoughtless as to the care and attention bestowed thereon, and instead of presenting a neat and attrac- tive appearance, it has been the reverse. A large stock of ladies' walking shoes just opened at the big bankrupt store. Remember you sage from 30 to 50c on every pair. Seeding has been completed and the farmers will be pleased and benefited by the recent copious showers of rain. The grass is getting quite green, the trees about to display their foliage and soon everything will assume a summer appear- ance, The fall wheat in this section, whicb, when the snow disappeared, looked so favorable, and whichp i scent speil of hot durng the and dry weatherreceded to almost total death, has now a better ap- pearance since the steady showers of the past few days, If the weather for a time be favorable, the farmers are hopeful of a good yield of wheat next fall. One by one the widowere,who have attained that age when they again become young and ambitious, are reclining their allegiance to the noble army of benedicts. The latest to forsake single blessedness is. Mr, James Airth 'who has seen some 70 to 75 summers ; he chose for . a comforter a lady of some 60 winters, We wish the couple all happiness. Two publiceipirited Kingsville citizens have given gratis four acres of land for site for a glass factory, A practical east- ern inahufacturer ast-ernrnanufacturer has accepted the offer and .will invest about $150.000, giving constant employment to from 100 to 200 workman.—The people of Exeter might learn a lesson from such incidents Bon uses are not always a good thing, but every town should Value industries that give employment to men, and not the town but the country around is benefitted by such. Coning Entertainment, A gtanl mttca land literary o textaiu- mett will be van ' t t 1t Scheelo, e 3. Steph. Ste h. en, one mile laud a quarter west of Exeter) on, the evg. of Friday, May the 10th, in aid, of a, new bell or library for the School, Tho committee lute eeeureil the. very beat talent possible and promises a riclt treat. Everybody go, See programmes. Admission, 150,, S. /SANDERS, Sec. of Co Increasing Business, Messrs. Verity and Bons have engaged the services of hlr, Webster, ,formerly fore man of the blacksmithing department f J . 1•.lhott & Son's foundry, Loudon. Ad- ditions are made almost weetrly to their staff The firm now employs over thirty workman. and as soon as their new prem- ises are completed they will give employ- ment to over sixty mechanics. As an evidence of their iucreasmg trade, and the popularity of the Verity implements, an order from the North West for 800 plows -200 sulky; and the balance of the. celebrated No 1;3 was received last week, Such news must be pleasing to the Exeter public, aucl to our Liberal friends should he deuioustrative of the fact that the National Policy is for the general goocl of all Oanadians,uot the manufacturers alone. Were it not that there is a duty on Amer' loan plows, the Verity establishment, compared with the extensive plow manu- factories of the United States, is indeed weak. and would be unable to compete, and consequently the money that is coining to Exeter and spent in Exeter, • would go to the United States and be spent in the United States, leaving Canadians to fish iu au empty stream as was the case before the adoption of the N. P, Some persons are disposed to ask, why cannot Canad- ian manufacturers without protection;com- pete with the American concerns? Taking the case of Manitoba, in the first place the Americans are closer and their freightage would be much lower; again the Yankee firms having for so long had the advantage of protectiou,in most cases, are stronger, older, and wealthier thou Canadian firms, which may only date their existence from 1S79, and could easily crush our industries —in a short time having the markets of our great and fertiie hoith West to them. selves. Why do not the Yankees do away with their protective policy? Simply be- cause they have found it to be for the general good of their country. So we have realized it; in Canada Sir John's National a Policy has as d une and is dein snore than all other schemes to help build us up as a groat country. We have the land, the mines, the timber, which, with other aaluable resources, places Canada in a position to become the greatest of all the nations; and with the guidenoe aud,:statee- ntanship of such leaders as Sir John A. Macdonald such a destiny is assured to us. We al 1 realize lige a benefit e Erol n the success of Messrs. Verity & Son. At pres- ent every Saturday night, wages to a con- siderable amount are paid to employees, the greater portion of which is weekly handed over to the various merchants for household necessaries.With such facts before us the people of Exeter should make an endeavor to have other industries es: tablished in our midst. We have excell- ent agricultural surroundings, good far- mers and other adyantagea which many towns are lacking, and we Bee no reason why Exeter should not be rained from a state of so-called lethargy into industrial activity. It is to be hoped that with the formation of a Board of Trade our inter- ests in this connection will be at once looked after. We could give names and addresses of manufacturing concern's seek- ing location but deem it adyisable to keep secret for present such information. What we want is united action, all working for the interests of the town; mot altogether personal interests, as has in years past been a characteristic of the average Exeterite. 'n Life Given — St ' Leon Mineral Water. Geo. Sanders has received a fresh sup. ply of this justly famed water, direct from the spiings. Now is your chance to build up a sound, strong constitution. Bring along your jars, circular proofs, conclusive of the value of this natural healer will be given you. Startling cures, how to use the water, &c., &c. It extraordinary ,tents are thus commenter) upon by the Toronto News: From nature's:bron.se truth priceless rings. Fresh food, fruit, flowers and healing springs, e That truth, lives, Brows, continues all of nature's priceless value. That truth that eminent practioners to exclaim "Im- possible to overrate the curative powers of St. Leon Mineral Water." The rare element deficient in our tar in- land clime, the soul of life, that impulse is derived throegh the use of St. Leon. That impulse that electrifies the vital forces, giving tone and vigor to the organ- ism, till. like nature's bard, we would sing aloud with joy and foal as flowing through us "The golden hours on angel wings." The pure, rare, rich, ripe, rich fuel tone up the paralysed organs, changes the blood with ripe molecluar life, food to brain, nerve, bone muscle and flesh. Its amalgamating and gaseous principles seek eagress through channels and pores leder with posioned waste. Young and old, stiff, sore, sickly, 01 even healthy, after fairly testing St. Leon attain heights of vigor and joy past im- agining. All who value life-long, lasting strength and happiness drink SR,eon Water. sessaateeFOR SALE. That property known as the "Metropolitan House" at the Market Horse, Exeter. The boat stand in town Centrally located Large airy rooms, heated by hot air God sample rooms; in faotevery convenience Good Stab- ling in connection Will be sold reasonable Possession given next fall. A rare chance. For particulars apply to J P Ross, on the premises' riOUNTY of HURON TEAM. J ERS Examinations 1889. 88 . • second and third class non-professional examinations at the Collegiate Institutor and High Schools in the County on Tuesday 9th July, 8,40 a, m. First d. July'leth, sad a.m. Candidates who wish ;o write at either Clinton or Soaforth must notify D, lti, MAL- LOO,Esq, P S Inspector, Clinton P 0 not later than the Band of May, stating which of the two Schools they intend to write at, and those who wish to write at eloderioh must notify JOHN. E Ton[, Bag, 1' S Inspector, God- erich P 0, at the same date. '1115 notice must be accompanied by a fee of $5, or $10 if the Oandidete applies for the drat class its well es Pecend elms examinations. No name will be forw rded to the Department unities_ the fee aeoompe.nies it. Head masters of the Collegiate flnatitutes or High dehoole will please send the applications of their Candi- dates to the enspeetor of the division in Which the Collegiate Institute or High School is situated. Formsof application may be bad from the Seoretarv. PRYER ADAerso$, shall B rev's Gtoderioh, April 22nd, 188J 9261-2ti Bargains! Bargains �T RICFLART) Bargains ! 1'ICKAE ID'S. We are offering especial values in the figures following lines, b cash and. will be sold at the lowestpossible s which have all been bought for , Black and Cold Henrietta Clots, with Border and Trim Plain Dress Goods, in all the new shades; Black Trimmings; and Fancy, al and Cold Silks, and Satin ]Vl]lrvelliella, all over Embroidered Flounoings and Tnsertions; Parasols. Gloves Hosiery Carpets, Lace Curtains Curtain -poles and Corsets; p les and Fancy Blinds; Boots and Shoes; Men's and Boy's Felt and Straw Hats. I O1IJRemithmemumnizsmassassm=s UNERY OEPARTMENT Is full of all the latest novelties, and we are daily receiving enstallmants of goods from the Parisian and New York Markets, A call from the Ladies solicited. a RICHARD PICKARD. SEALED TENDERS addressed to and endorsed"Tender for Indian Sup- oftTHURSDAY,°951i received office up thenden- livery of Indian Supplies during the fiscal year ending 801h June, 1890, consisting of "'lour, Bacon, Groceries, Ammunition, Twine, Oxen, Cows, Balls, Agricultural Implements, Tools, &o., duty paid, at various points in Manitoba and the North-west Territories. Forms of tender containing full particulars relative to the supplies required,ydines of de- livery, &o_, may be had by applying to thee DRESSED OR UNDRESSED. undersigned, or to the Indian Commissioner at yard the under- signed,(Exeter The Undersigned wishes to inform tl/ epublic in general the.. ho keeps --constantly in stock—' . All Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL Regina, or to the Indian WU°, Winnipeg. A large stock of Hemlock alwaps 011 hand at mill Flooring, s gg ds) separately or for all the goods called , in s and all Finishing Material, Lath, fisc. furl, the Schedules, eaifthe righ , ithe locDepartment the whole or SHINGLESA SPECIALTY—Competitionchallenged. The best and largest 1 Parties may tender for each description of 1 dressed—inch inch -and -a= tarter inch -and -a half and two inch. SsDoors, Dods car for any portion of each • desoription of ' q + 0o Blinds Mould' tr served to itself c and part of a tender. gas stock, and at lowest prices. Shingles A 1. capful re nue/ ora titmopa nierinte ,dent All dresser) lumber thoroughly seasoned and ready for use. assured. A call will bear out the above, General of ndian Affairs on a CanadianRank, for at least five per cent. of the amount of the tender, which will be forfeited if the party tendering declines to enter into a eo ntraot based on such tender when called upon to do so, or if he fails to complete the work contract- ed for. It the tender be not aecep;ed, the ill cheque it will be returned. Each tender must, in addition to the signa- ture of the tenderer, be signed by two sureties acceptable to the department for the proper performance of the contract, The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. This advertisement is not to be inserted by any newspaper without the authority of the Queen's Printer, and no claim for payment by any newspaper not having had such authority will be admitted L. VANKOUGRNET, Deputy of Superintendent -General of Indian Affairs. Department .of Indian Affairs, Ottawa, April, 1889, MAIL UONTRACT. QEALED TENDERS addressed k. a to the Postmaster -General will bere- ceived at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 28th April, I880,for the conveyance of Her Majesty's Mail, on a proposed contract for four years, six times per week, each way be- tween Itxt':Tua and KnixTotr from the set of JDLY next. The oonveyauce to be made in a vehicle. i'rintednotices containing fnrther inform- ation as to the conditions of proposed con- tract may be seen and blank forme of tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Exe- ter' Elimville, Winchelsea, Woodham and Kirktou and at this office. G B. . HOPIiIRS, Post Office Inap;etor's Ool leo Iflepacto Stratford, April 1889 Mail Contract. QEALED TENDERS, addres• t� sed to the Post Master General will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 10th May, 1889, for the conveyance of Her Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract for four years. six times per week each way, be- tween Exeter and St. Marys, from the 1st July next, The conveyance to be made in a vehicle Printed notices oontaining further information as to conditions of proposed con- tract maybe seen, and blank forms of Tender may be obtai,aod at the Post Offices of Exeter, Elimville, Winchelsea, Woodham, Kirkton, Anderson -Metropolitan St. Marys, and at this ofiiea. lI. G. HOPKIRK, Post Office Inspector. Post Office Inspector's Office, Stratford, April 1889. Air eiee,1 ,Vst1l›.esi AIL CONTRACT. c EALED TENDERS, addres ►J sed to tho Postmaster General will be recofved at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the loth May,18.89,.for the conveyance of Her Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract for four years, six times per :week each way, be- tween Exeter and-Whinehelsea, from the:1st' July next.' Tho conveyance to be made in a vehicle. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of proposed con- tract may hermit, and blank forms of : tender may bo obtained. at the Post 0 dices of Exeter, Elimville and Wineheleea and at this oiBoo. II. G. Il(1PRIEK, Post Mee boaster. Post Office Inspector's Office, Stratford, Aeri11889. When Baby wad hick, we gizmo her Cestorla, When elle wet a Chas she Dried for Castorla, Whon she became Mies, she clungto Castoria r Whorl ehohed Children, riled gave them tatter*, • THE the No shrinkage OLD ESTABLISHED. Jas. Willis, Main -st,. MNIIP MUM oe** ' IF YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY Through X -mss ` and New Years, BUY YOUR GOODS FROM THE Cheap Store, Crediton As he is determined to clear out all his stock of DRY GOODS, BOOT & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, ETC., At less than actual Cost •+=x=x=+ Sale to commence lst Jan., and continue until all is cleared out, as I ani going out of the above lines. TERMS — CASH. N. B. All accounts must be settled 1st January.y./� eft �t y+ T k� . ,�,M1'EX d6 C ELL, CEN TRAL y 1p. .J� ;i. S t o it. A full stock of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully ecip-es:carefully prepared at CentralDrug Store Exeter. C LUTZ. 1 DOMINION LINE. - ROYAL MAIL STEAMSI-IIPS Li S DATES. From .Portland, .From Halifax. From )lion eat, From Quebec. One Door South of Post Office ----HE HAS -- A NEW AND COMPLE`T7d: —STOCK OP -- Boots & Shoes. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. G -EO. MANSON, YOU CAN GET 20 POUN i S —OF— Raw F R 1.0 Sugar hite ui. ar FOR $1,00„ —AT— J. U'THIN, POST OFFICE STORE, Exeter North TELE INTERCOLONIAL verpool Service. RAILWAYAILIN+ G D *Sarnia.. Thur. April 05 Sat, Aped 27 *Oregon Wed, May 8 Thur, May 9 Toronto Thur. May 16 Montreell..,.Thur. May 23 *Vancouver.... Wed, May 20,. Thur, May 80 BRISTOL SER ,VI CZ;FORAVONMOU2c'i DOCK. Texas, from Itontreal, about Ot b Maq. Rath °, passage front ,$ontreai or Quebec to Liverpool. Cabin,,$50 to $80, according to steamer and position of stateroom with equal se,looniv- tlegos. 'Second Cabin, $30 to Liverpool) or Glasgow. Steerage $20 to Liverpool, Lon- donderry, London Steerage, Glasgow or Belfast. *These steamers have Saloon, Stateroom, Music Room and bathroom amidships, where but little motion ie felt, and carry neither cattle nor sheep. rorfref hto g or passage, apply tin Liver col to Finn Main* Montgomory,24 Janaes street; fn Quebeo, to W. M. Macphersen; at all Grand Trunk Railwa Omoos,or to DAVID TORRANCE do CO„ General Agent, Exchange' Court, ¥ontireal. CAI'T. GEO. BIOMP, Alteat, jf 7Tt1Eli. OF CANADA. Tho royal mail, passenger and freight route , between Canada and Groat Britain, F` —and— • Direct route between the West and points an the Lower St. Lawrence nd Bale Chaleur, also New Scotia,prinoe l±d I ErunCape Novas Edward Island, Cape Breton and Nudtan d, pi Nowewfouand elegant buffetsleo ' ng' and day' cars run on through oapr�s�trains. p.tslengers for Great Britain or the conti- nent byleavin Toronto g bob 8 - Thursdaywill join outward made train at Halifax Saturday. • Suporiorelevator, war ehouoand poen aa, commodt.tioxi at �atffait for shipment of grain and general merchandise. Veers of exporien oe have, proved the Inters colonial, in connection with steanIshi linee to and from Lo p ,don, Liverpool and Glas- gow to ,Halifax, to be the quickest freight route between Canada and GreatBritain.g Information as to passenger rates can be had on application to freight 1v. WEA THItRSTON WeeternPreight do Passenger' Agent 931tneeinHonsefloek,Tork St. Toon D.POTTINGER, Bitilway OChiefdottot tr, No dent. . N A,. Nov: 20, '8e.