HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-06-26, Page 10Wingham ,dv*e,Ti es, Thursday, June ,cly :WI me pi:tonsiotner Bi TG MI1 — The cow Viers' Affairs June meeting of t l men'a .Institute was held it the community centre on Tues- day, Jur 1,9. ¶l'ne president, Mrs. loran. Coultes presided. The president expressed a 'warm welcome to all present and a special welcome to the 441 club. gird, who carne in such large numbers'. The. secretary,. Mrs. RlG ggins, read minutes of the lamViPtita meeting and gave the treas..rer's report. Corres- pgndence was a receipt and. thank.iyou note for the donation Canada Manpower Centre Ustowei Counsellonr Tow; 'Hall Theri„,hily $, i ENJOY WORKING WITH PEOPLE ConSider a career in food services' or as a immun- ity tome maker. Find out more about the Consumer and Family Studies Pro- gram at' Conestoga College b7 returning this coupon. ting aff sent to the AGW sponsored pyo, .eat, "Sava the Sight". It was agreed to disband the' property conirpittee and moved and carried that the branch donate$20. to help pay for the van purchased at Huronvlew. The WI agreed to cater to the graduation banquetat the school on Weal, nesday, June 27. Roll call, "Your Prescription to Keep Healthy", was well re- sponded to. Collection and Pen- nies for Friendship were re- eeived. Mrs. Earl. Anderson was convener of the program. The motto was `tWhatif this world is full of care, you have no time to sta d and stare". Doreen Ander- son1 contributed two piano selec- tions, Mrs, Richard Moore, one of the three leaders, spoke on the pro- jects m gra, Mrs, 't ' " y, the a - +opal, int :thehead tahle guests and gt adu ates. Mr ,k4..Okar, ase t superintendent of Huron -Perth -County County "orate; -School Board and; Mr. Kieffer, trustee of the , hoard gave their gr tin s. The guest speaker., 'May or DeWitt Miller was then, introd - . ed by Mrs* O'Malley, Mi .Milne vongratulated the .students on • their .success ;and wish them the best ` for the future. met, Marie Mahe, thanks` Mr. Miller for his addre« 's,w, rge Skinn presented" the catholic'' Women's. ,,League Scholarships to, four of the 'stud- , Carol' Bropy,, IMary Jea 1, WI e1m, Bob :Des: Roches, and Gordon naha*a ;The re of*,the graduates were presehted--;wtt ,rosaries, Debbie Ortlieb ex pressed thanks. The physical educationawards.° Were given by Mr« ,Steffler,. the, public speaking' awards by Mrs. Kinahan and ‘'the presentation : of French certificates. by ,,,Mr; •Lariccia. Gorden. Kinahan'` gave the vat- edictorian address in ,which. he ran throughthe histQry of the eight years he 'and his classmates spent at the ,school.: He also -re-. ferred to Mrs, O'Malley's er With, erta, drama; outdoor suaviva.1; Mr. John Day, photogra, 'Stealer, badOinton tfonsignor fired a ineasage to the followed with an A rather Ifaminsid.- 00 Canada?' en ond this WA; follow for the gradt4at GRADUATES of Sacred Heart School are seen after their banquet in the parish hall on Thursday evening; back rTN,, Bob DesRoches, Rick Nesbitt, Perry Rammeloo, Anger, Frank Sanders, Gordon Kinahan; middle row, carqi Brophy,,,Cotty'Nesbitti 406e Vathe Catk!,115,4.1N,frOntr , Betty Arme' Schetteri Mary Jean WilhalM Anne Marie Mahe and Debbie QM leh• Phot0) chool at !Tor Sacred Heaet Mailbox The jtindergarten class bad an ° orientation * day for . the \ next ,year's class. They adjusted their -.dren. The. afternoon ended with Wednesday, June 20, the grades one to four went to the Riverside Park in Wingham for a class *picnic, After the lunch the children. participated in games and racet. Some parents came and helped conduct .the sports Grade 2 received communion together as a class on tither's Day. Each one received pi certifi- cate from Father Itaifiinskr to -commemorate this occasion. By Wilma Oke Mrs. J. W. Wallace of God - County Board of Education, at the board .,meeting in Clinton Monday, objected to the Board having only one regular meeting a month and doing most board business in committee, ,She said that too much was dis- cussed in the, gotiamittee meet- ings and then, it Was not brought out at board meetings. She 'noted the reports of the Superintendents '11Cht4im•Pressed, her geftink to the itdilfe: `&''he said to be well inform4a 'she should be going to the stand'mg committee meetings (education committee, management committee) as well as the regular meeting. She said she; found the regular meetings dull because so little was dis- cussed there. She , cited as an example Of board business done in com- , mittee, the budget which was passed in committee of the whole and not given to the news media until nine days later. Mrs. Wallace said it , was a cumbersome way for the Board to operate when it toolika month to ratify a decision when the answer should be given every two weeks. E. Cayley Hill, Goderich, Chairman of the Board, said' the public relations were very im- portant and the Board had a duty to the public, but that the res. ERSARY ERVICES DOROTHY SCOTLAND will sin. Youth Evangelist FRANK F. KLEES ASSISTANT PASTOR 'TO REV. KEN KNIGHT, LEAMINGTON at Westfield Fourth Anniversary - 2 p.m. Huron Men's Chapel, Auburn - 8 p.m. ALL WELCOME Evil Prevails When Good Men Do Nothing COMING NEXT SUNDAY THE EVANGELAIRES porisibility was at the board . "That has to be the dOmin4tit secondarY;" he Said; ".t>think have to determine ourse4;es administer and. perfor* our function. I believe the comb* system has operated function very well." :Mr. Hill said that it W.aii*,_nAt ,their job to entertain the foubiiC but that they should try,:to4ii the ' meetings as' inter Mr. Hill aid, It s a amestieq on too long. I think it was cot sidered by the Board that za,"y items could be given more at- tention. However, there' is rOr' • reason wily a member van't ask a. qnestion at the regular Meeting." J. Alexander of Wingham suggeitedtp‘t more detail should., the press woUld have marpinfpr- mation and it would give, board . to ti'vo" Menthly,meetitiga.,,- She 4\:eentw:::helii,s0(0)araonatoit‘' eteexotMos aatndthtleientegwoleplzr.ig 0'7 Mr, Hill tialrea- ew Mem' opiniona. Kenneth too* of ton said he then& the 'tom- Mittee 'system could not 'be preyed' on,,: and - Mr, AleXander Sa:SoMideth: !.arlillw°10eUrda!'bt twtlenring*' speak. JohUWeatbrooklif.R.k. 2; e'er s. I believe we are doing twice as° much work. With two • zneetings A, month we seetned to knoiiinore of what was going.on. Now te know what isloing on we should attend all tliree meetings. I find the regular meetings dull andboring, We have discusied all St, A liobert William the of Mr, and Mrs. D4nald Bateman; woe melted into the fellowship of St, Andrew's P.resbyterian afiniiiiiste.red the Sacrament of baptistit at the Sunday morniing. worship ;service, treat is vitsi her 'idstar,,M6; 41V1r, and. Uri, Harold' clantelon or Tweed 'were recent ,V,isitors with her parents; Mr.' and .Mrs• Margaret Wheeler, the oacasion of the latter's 80th birthday celebration. The actual date ito --MiSs‘' Annie Kennedy,. was ,able to feturn home from hespital on Wednesday of last week, .0(scookITTREc 'op isAtios.00 *CANADA Is proud .to,.,0:1*00.1ice a'spokiecular Donald btgketet, matte's Rail,. of, tzrieh, Wilfred Shortreed of Walton, Mrs. M, Zinn of Luck - new, John BroadfOot of Bruce - field, D. McDonald of Bitissels When the vete was held to con7 tinue the committee procedure with the one general Meeting only voted against it. 4, Charley Prlde, StoMplo/ TOM Ciaitiors, Pink Floyd, Edward Bear, Alice Coops!, Eltop .John. arid Fractures accounted for five of the cases reported by the Wing.' ham and District Hospital over, the week. On Tuesday, Juhe "19, Phillip Blake, 19, RR 2, Brussels, caught his right leg in a silo unloader; suffering a fracture and deep laceration to his leg. He Was ad - mated to hospital where his condition is satisfactory. Also on Tuesday, Gordon Louther, 23, Teeswater, rolled the truck -he was driving on the lOth Concession of Turnberry and dis- located his shoulder. He was treated and released. Jerry Jamieson, 17 of RR 2 Lucknow, lost control of the car. he was driving Wednesday and ' struck a hydro poleon the B-line, near the cemetery. He suffered' lacerations to his forehead and. was taken to the hospital where he was treated and released. On Friday, David Campbell, 17, of Bluevale, lost control of his car across,from the Gulf Gas Station coming into Wroxeter and was thrown out of the car. He was ad- mitted to hospital via ambulance vvith multi -abrasions to his face • hands, chest, fractured ribs and an injured right ankle. His condi- tion is now satisfactory. On the same day, Richard Al- ign' Dillon. 10, RR 1, Wingham, was struck by a car while he was getting off the school bus at the corner of Turnberry Sideroad and Highway 4. He was treated • for a large contusion and abra- sion to his left hip and then re- leased. On Saturday, Mrs. Edith Webster, Lucknow, was admitted to hospital with a fractured right ankle. Her condition is now satis- factory. Also on Saturday, Mrs.. Laura Souch, Blyth, suffered a lacerated left foot when struck by a stone thrown from a lawn mower at her home and Ivan Conley, Lucknow, fractured his left ankle at his brother's home in Durham. Both were treated and', released. A fractured right ankle was, \ suffered by Mr's. Ruth Kroezet, • Blyth, at her'.hbme SundaY. ,She was admitted to hospital where her condition is. sails - An overheated radiater ex- ploded on Sunday at Telton Motor ,Sales, Bluevale, inflicting first and Second degree burns to the ehest rind face of 'Timothy Tolton of .Bluevale. He was treated and later released. —Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hof- mann, daughter Anita, and trip- lets, Nancy, Patrick and Daniel, of 'nat. 2, Teeswater, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. RoW- ,lani,1 Ballagh, Catherine Street, ney Ys bargains When you need money to take advantage of opportunities or to meet emergencies. its encourag- ing to know you lime it right at hand on your special savings.account at Victoria kind' Grey Trust. Its satisfying to realize those same savings are earning You substantial interest at the rate of five and a half per cent. Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation BEAUTY CASE 27.95 21.95 0 'NOE 31.95 24.15 WARDiOBE 46.95 36.95 SHOULDER TOTE . 21.95 19.95 COMPANION 31.9'5 1 SUITER 3 SUITik i9.95 36.95 OUST' COMPANS, SINCE ISSO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1