HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-5-2, Page 5DISTRICT DOINGS• The increase in the assessment of St Moria property will be $80,000. Mr, E. SidneySmith, ot the firm of Smith 4 Clarke, of St Marys, was married on Wednesday last, to Miss Agnes O'Grady, of Ingersoll. Mr. F. Jewell, of Toronto, has pre- sented Trinity re-sented'Trinity church, Mitchell, with a handsome belt. Premier Greenway, of Manitoba, is only 51 years of age, and is the father of fourteen children, Mr. John H. Kinsman, formerly of Mitchell is in Galt, and is suffering from softening of the brain. Mr John Fellow, ot Stratford, for- merly of Stella, died last week at the age of 78 years. At 'Woodstock on the 24th of May, to the winner of the Farmers' foor- race will be given an organ valued at $,210. that probabilities are-th t the vote on the repeal of the Scott Act In Mid- dlesex will be taken under the revised list this year -not the old list, The latest list has been used in several of the contests held. R. McGowan, sr. and family, Blyth, left on Thursday for Washington T'err- atory, accompanied by Miss Mary Mo- Quarrie as far as Chicago. Mr• Me-- Gowen o-Gowan intends to make that place his future home, In Brantford they fine boys $3.00 for killing a Tobin, The fine was me properly imposed. Were the facts generally known, there is not a worse hest to the farmer, than the robin. A: horse owned by a St. Thomas Milkman was scratched on the nose by a cat one day recently, when on its rounds, and in retaliation it seized the feline and bit its bead clean off. At a meeting , ot the Liberals of South Perth the other day. Mr, Jas. Trow was planed in the corner, and it is said Mr. Ballantyne was chosen to run in bis place, Mr. Dougherty to content for the Local Legislature. Dr. Mackid, of Seaferth, has been appointed by the Domtnion Govern- mentassistant medical superintend - ant of the sanitarium at Banff', N. W. T., the new health and summer resort established by the Dominion Govern - went on the main line of the Canada Pacific Railway in the Rockies. Mr. Jas. Christie, of Mitchell, was in the act of shooting sparrows on build- ings, the other day, he accidently shot a boy named Harry Little, the buckshot entering his bead. For- tunatele the charge did not penetrate the skull and ,vas removed by a phy- sicien with little difficulty. A meeting of the Bluevale Cheese Company was held on Tuesday and it was decided to rebuild at once the cheese factory that was destroyed by fire last Thursday. The new factory is to be built of brick, with a capacity for manufacturing two ton of cheese per day. Mr. Samuel Adams has shown us .a sample of new potatoes grown in his garden this year, from seed which bad lain in . the ground all winter. The new tubers average 51 inches in cir- cumference, and are as good a sample of early rose as one will see a couple of months' hence.—Goderich Star ; The people of Mitchell—some of then -imagine there is no danger attached to the careless discharge of firearms. The Advocate complains 01 bullets whizzing across Main-st. at various quarters, from the rifles and revolvers and persons at target prac- tice in hack yards. An olel German from .Fullartor was standing by the weigh scales in Mit- chell on ;Wednesday forenoon during the heavy blow before the rain set in. With one heavy gust of wind one of the large doors was blown from its hinges and thrown onto the old man. He was crushed to the ground and re- ceived a nasty scalp wound as well as internal injuries. The eounetl of the village of Nor- wich has published a notice tbat it in- tends to pass by-laws, in pursuance of the elunicipat Act empowering the levying of a frontage•tax, to pay for the cedar blacking of the main street of the village and the lying of a 12 -inch pipe ,sewer I100 feet long. The coat of the cedar blocking will be $2,738, and ofthe sewar, $550. In Dublin, Messrs. Williams and .Kyltd, conservatives, and who held licences Inst year; have been refused the right to sell liquor during the current year, Mr,. MelCenna, Refor- mer, who bad no licences before, alone will be permitted to wholesale spirits in Dublin. Verily, the Crook's t ss worked to the party's adyaat- age. At Platen on Thursday of last week, the district inspector of of weights and measures seized 70 barrels of salt sold by the Blyth Salt Works to the Rathbun 'Co. The bar- rels weighed from 20 to 50 pounds under the standard. At presentprices for salt surely the syndicate could afford to giye full weight.' Brussels ministers made the follow- ing sensible reminder from their pulpits recently ; it is worth pasting in your hat : "That the hour named for the funeral is when the procession leaves the house, the service com- mences half an hour earlier. By pay- ing ayrn„a attention to this the long delays on these occasions would be attending wotald neither suffer from heat or cold. We understand that Miss*Noble, of Parkhill, on bas accepted from the cam- cil the sum of two hundred dollars in full payment for the injurles'sustained by her falling through.a defective side- walk last win ter, it being understood that should subsequent bad results follow from the injury - sustained, the council will waive the plea leinitations, anti will consider her right of further compensation. The accident which befell Mise Noble is one that may at any tittle ocntir, where, half round or round bars of iron nearly three feet in length are rased. 'l'bei'e is a tendency ,for such bat's to eriring and spread When a Berson stella upon thein, .inet in t.hitt vans Mist; hrrble stern hsd Ler injury by h,) fort peeeitr ft throtiglr between i ere tietapering' hint ref 1,(_1' iy A.1t "a: tri i`•,` 34 welitt ,. .. i'' , ,1 ii r(gr. . .i. c t'.;:.. tl (I.;('i,. pt, 1 (1•••‘,,,, Ailsa Craig is to Neve a roller pro- cees grist mill, The Mitchell checker olub defeated Mitchell, at a game the other day. The 24th of May is to be oelebrated Ln Mitchell, St, Marys, Clinton, end ,Parkhill in Royal style. As usual ours will take the lead. Mr. Wm,,Robinaon of Fullerton was last week, the victim of a runaway accident, the results of which are serious, and be is confined to his bed. In view of this being the last Par- liament in whiotl Mr, 'Prow wilt likely have a voice, his political colleagues at Ottawa presented him with a ring and portrait,. on, Wednesday evening last. to which the Liberal whip made a characteristic reply. The three daughters of -Mr, John Baker, near Greenway, were last week were made the happy rsef.lreht each of a beutiful gold watch, by an uncle. I find Everest's Cough Syrup an heartily excellent remedy and can re- commend it --P. B. Rosenberry, L. D. 8,Arkona. About four years ago Ted Ward, of Dresdon, then about 15 years old,ran a sliver in his ear, which resulted in his death the other day. The skull appeared to he affected, and a short time before death the doctors made an operation, taking out a portion of the bone which was decayed. One 25o, bottle ot Everests Liver Regulator has dons me a great deal of good, and you wilt please send me a dollar bottle,—Mrs. Rosa W ilson, C4th,. Mr. David Elooat. of Tuakersmith, who has been living at Ontario, Cal., for several years, returned last Fri- day, bringing his wife and family with him, the boom that had a short time ago beenworked up in Southern California had oolapsed and every- thing was down to its natural level, Mr. Elcoat says a person can easily find worse places than Canada. Friday the village of Teeswater was greatly agitated over the announce- ment that Airs Thomas Cr onin, wifeot a farmer living some three miles from the village, while in a fit of insanity, had killed one of her husband's best horses and then attempted to kill her children, but was prevented by som e neighbors who chanced to be passing at the' time. Her case is considered to be almost helpless. Mra. Cronin i- a young women of rather prepossess ing appearance. For lour years I was not able to sleep in bead, being troubled with Catarrh, and 1 tried almost every- thing withont obtaining permanent relief until I tried Mustard's Catarrh Specific, four bottles effecting a cure— Geo. Webster, Forest, P 0. er painful accident Av veryr resulting in the death of a little girl about four years of age, the daughter of Mr. John Leadamn, East Nissouri, occurred Tuesday afternoon with in a short dis- tance from her own door. The ebild was playing very near to where a boy was removinga stone with a team of horses, to which was attached a stone boat, when the team took fright, slid turning suddenly around, caused the boat to strike toe little girl with such force as to cause almost instant death. It will be rememberee that the Bluevale cheese -factory was destroyed by fire recently, the manager and fancily barely escaping with their lives. It was the work of ati incendiary, and the authorities at once set out for a clue. The guilty party—a woman, was bunted down, and she is now in , Goderich awaiting trial_ Soma time ago she was accused of adulterating milk, and at that time she threatened, to burn the manager alive. One of her feet is smaller than the other, which fact led to her identity, , News N ores, A saloon was opened in Jacl;son, Miss., Tuesday, after two years and e half of a ,dry' spell. The license cost two thous• and dollars AN UNWELCOME 1 UI1$P. Disease in any of its myriad forms is never welcome, and the end of its visit is always rejoiced at, 13urdoak Blood Bitters cures all diseases of the etonaoh, livor, bow- els and blood, giving life and hope with evecl, Itry hasosebeen discovered that there are only two hundred and sixty Jesuits in Canada. We will now lay away our muskets. From the talk indulged we had, supposed that the woods were full of them. FROM OCEAN TO OCEAN. Fishermen and miners in Nova Scotia, mechanics and farmeas in Ontario and Qiae- beo, hunters and trappeas in the Territories, and gold miners in ri ih Columbia, VIS0e and praise Ragyard's Yellow Oil, thh great. internal and external remedy for all pain. It Durex rheumatism, neuralgia, sore throv t and croup, and is the reliance of thousands, The Board of license ootumissioners for South Perth have added to their r esolutions a clause, making two con victions in the same year against any license holder, a disqualjdoation for license .the year next a foilow.ng, . "1 WAS SUFFERING," Says S.S, Shewfelt, of Kingsley, Man„ "fr un weakness and loss of appetite, with a severe headache, and could scarcely walk. My first bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters enabled me to walk about the house, and when I baa taken the second bottle T found mysell entirely cured. Nets York city has sold over $7,000,030 of two and at half Per cent, rorty }ear bonds ata premialn of a quarter of one sent per cent. This is said to be the cheapest loan ever floated by any city or Government. The purchases were prioi- pally made by trustees, who Lind a cliifi- culty in securing suitable investments for Trust funds, Toronto has floated a four per cent. loan at a premium. 'cud Port Hope recently sold P0,000 trf 4i per cent. debentures at par. QUICK TDIE-48 HOURS. "I always use Hegyeed'a Pectoral Balsam 1 it cannot beaten. It has colds and cant be always cured me within 48 hours, which no other medicine will do, and 1 always keep a bottle by tee." These words from Chester Miller, Lisuy, On'„ prove the efficacy of a• popular preparation. SEVERELY BURN le I), "I burnt nsv hand severely, and did not know what to .lo till a friend ran in with -owe I3agyard's YellowOil and applied it, end it drew out the pain and healed it in A few days. I would not he without it." llary Lepard 50 Cecil St„ 'Toronto, At a meeting of grey cotton nsanilla° turers ,of Montreal, in view of the great advance in the price of raw cot. eel, it was decided to advance cotton cloth from 1 to 2 cents per pound, aceordirrg 10 quality. Terms were shortened to three months and the interest for prepayhirnt to be at the rate of 0 per cent p„r aenuni. The stock on hand in the ,lrfferen'. mills is less them 1,000 bales, which is 000 less than in January last, and 3,700 less than in Au4ust, 1888. Shipments to China are still going on, and it is found that nearly $500,000 worth was shipper. during the past twelve months. Altogether the trade: both in grey and -colored cote m is in it healthier condition than for some years back. STRONG RESISTANCE, A healthy human bopy has strong powers ofresietaoce ,eg.tiu;t disca't, but where weakness 01• lack of tone esiats disease quickly wails 1t. Keep th,+ system .clean, the 1)10°4 pure told the vital powg ous au:l active by iii., use of Burdock Bviloor- od Bitters, the true vitalizer and rrstorrative. NOT A CYCLONE. 1f I were Qnecu of I ranee, Or what's better, l.'oiw ni Rome, I would bay Imperial Ge GAM Tartar Baking Powd r, For my Cook, and take it It .01•,. COMPARATIVE WORTH of RAKING POWDERS® ROYAL (Aosolutely Pure).. GRA.sNT'$ (Alum Powder) * .. ItU1MMFORD'S, when fresh.. HANFORD'S, when fresh.... REDHEAD'S CHARM (Alum Powder) ae 1leele#f 3d 'PM 11 ,r ;;44•34 taiVAIVINAWN. F91•..r•;y..s. AMAZON (Alum Powder)>r.. zs ' sr4ansteeeetieiel4 CLEYELAN'D'S(shortwt,,ioz. 'rs PIONEER (San Francisco).... CZAR DR. PRICE'S SNOW FLARE (Groff's) LEWIS'. ----------- PIEARL (Andrews & Co.) HECKER'S GILLET'S- ...- ANDREWS&CO.eRegal" Milwaukee, (contains Arum;) BULK (Powder sold loose) EU1LFORD'S9when notfresb x'i,`€ ;psi 04.1fr1ts i e,- REPORTS OF GOVERIIMEIIT CHEMISTS AS to Purity and Wholegomenesa of the Royce Raking Powder;`, "I have tested a package of Royal Raking Powder, which I purchasedfn thii open market, and find it composed of pure and -Wholesome ingredients. It is a creams of tartar powder of a high degree of merit, and does not contain either alum or phosphates, or other injurious subatancos. B. G. Lo'vsa, "It is a scientific fact that the Royal Baking Powder is absolutely pare. "II. A. MoTT, Ph.D.", . "I have examined a Package of .Royal Raking Powder;, purebasod by myself is the market. 1 find it entirely free from alum, terra alba, or any other injurious sub.' stance. llsauv MouTolr, Ph.D., President of Stevens Instituto of Technology." "I have analyzed a packs o of. Royal Baking Powder. The materials • of which £t is composed aro pure and wholesome, 8. D ti a 1lAvrs, State Assayer, The Royal Baking Powder received the highest award over all competitors et . the Vteena World's :Exposition, 1873; at the Oentoarniai, Philadelphia, 116761 at the Asaerie= Institute, Now York, and at State Fair:; throughout tlto country. No other article of human food has ever received stroll high, etnplsattc and uni- versal arsivenial end.orsetncnt front endueih chewists, physicians, scientists, and Boards orf Ilcaltrl all overuse world. Norc—The above DTAOn.0 r illustrates the cornpsrrti.ve Worth of various Baking° Powders, as shown by c..h.cmle:a Analysis and iiiperiments retitle by Prof. Sclintlitr, zi pound can of each posviler was taken, the total li:aircssint, power or volumes i19 cerin can ealenlaiet1, tisorestiitbeing a'5 lmii :tt,od. This pr' . ti,1:1 taint for worth b'r Prof: ;3chedier only proves what awl's ohs,, rv.ailt consumer of no, 'Royal Bakiirg 1'o'. 1cr'knows by prec tical o perionec, tit r, i ';'te ft costa a . . Perk k l«1' Num • /novo than ordinarylsi5115, ii if', far moi -e t.l..+., i:a1 .c l,rl)1ri; t o'(1 s, o f' rd:; lire rtdva its. rr • of belie- work. ;11, single trial og tie 1v:)y:t l .,iwinl ;t cr,.Llor will oo I:nee 1"!1. •.:1 ps ..u;t of (hese facts. l v'. 1 :' iho flfhr;'rrrri Morn r^ r1' ) 9;" l d.tial iiihs 1. ,tit cl :i' '..f ' ,;°�.'•�`. c._ r rczrtlir Ci;a.l:•',,.t.-,.... .,, ^r.r .;.. g,l " r'; . MQR$BT REPORTS. E813TER (Qorreoteciatso'e1oollp.m, Wednesday Red Whets. 90 to 0 95 :6:4:13rrii us Wheant: t .. 90 to 9 95 oy 35to45t26 to 98 over S red ., . 5 50 to 6 00 othy "' 2 50 to 4 00 :(1::egoargnusterep ▪ 0 53 to.0 59 040:00 000 0 • 18 to 0 19 erbbi .... Potatoes,per bushel 2S00 toto 5 3555 Applea,perbag C0 to 0 6l1 DriedApplespr b 0 4 to 0 04 Gee0o pea•lb, 0 06 to 0 O8 Curkeyperlb 0 07 to 08 Rucks per pr 0 50 to 0 65. Chickensperpr 0 25 to 0 80 itogs,dreasedperl0 . 6 00. to 6 25 Beef 400 1o500 llfdesrough, 3 50 to 4 OC dressed' ;;, „ 6 00 to 6 00 Sheepskins each • 0 6Sto 90 aaltskina 0 50; to 0.70 Wool porlb ,.. n 150680$0 8 to 0 20 Rayperbon ,. 1000 :1128°0 alo 00 ) 1 nionsperbusb 0 50 to0 75 Woodper cord .,, 2.5 10 $ Oq.. ST. MARYS Fall Wheat... .. , , 90 to 095 Spring Wbeut i10 0 99 Bng y .. ....................... 35 45 a 2 Clover Seed.., ...... 4(0 600 Timothy 1 54 2 54 Peas..... ...... .. Butter t Potatoes per bag 30I60 3010 0 Apples per bush so 40. Woolperlb,.., . ,, .......... 0 18 Oatmeal per bbl, , .. ' RaRay-newtonRay-newtonon 800 10 00 Bran per ton 1.4 00 14 00 Shorts •• ', 206 00 00 207 0 00 0..' LONDON Wheat, 96c to Jho per bushel, Oats. 27 to 26e per bushel, Peas, S1c to 54e er bushel. Barley , malting,48o to 48o per bus Barley, feed, 38fe to 454e per bushel. TORONTil '11oamero. May,2.—Wunev—fall, No .2, f,t.n6 to $1.08; spring, No.2, $1.07 to 81.08;red win- ter, No 2, $1.07 to $1.10; No 1, Manitoba hard, $1 29 ro-$1.31 BARLEY.. No, 1 48o to 53e No. 2.500 to 52o; No. 3, 99e to 40e; No 8, extra 470 to 48e. Pats. No 2,560 to 57o. (lees, No, 2,35 o to 36c. FLOUR extra, $4.55 to $4.60; strong bakers. $5.00 to $5.90. Market quiet and easier, Sales No.1. hard As anitoba, $1 29 to 51.34, and No. 2 do. at 51.31 33o.3 barley, outside, at 3sie oats, on track, at TORONTO LIVE STOCK. The local market continues active, with peioes about steady Receipts mod- erate and there is no shipping demand. The latest cables re, however, unsatisfactory Choice steers are nominal at 4 cents per lb. Bulls sold at 33 to 33c, and miloh cows firm at from $30 to 850 a head. Butchers cattle in moderate demand, prices firm; the best Easter at 3e to 4 ordinary at 2c to 8 and common- at 2k. Sheep in fair demand and steady, with limited offering; the best sell at $64 to $7,00 per head; inferior to medium at 84.09 to $4.50 and rams 3o to 310 per pound. Lambs in Lair demand and firm, choice bringing$5.00 to 85i, ( and inferior to medium $4 00 to 86 00 Calves dull and steady. Choice boasts, of 125 to 150 lbs., sell at 70 to 90 dressed weight; rough calves, $3 to $5, it head, Rngs are eteadyt choice light fat sola at 54 to 53o, store hogs at 43c to 5o. and stags at 3o to 33e. ADViOE TO MOTHERS.—Are you disturbed as night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and oryiug with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of"Mrs.Winstow's Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable. IO willrelieve the poor little sufferer im mediately .Uepondupon it, mothers ; there is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhea, regulates the Stomach and 2Bowers, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums. reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription. of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses iu the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty -live gents a bottle. Be sure and ask for 34n,. WINSx,ow's 51' ora No s,aiIID"and no other ilia. CONSU1SZPTION oeiRED: An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands Dy an last Indian missionary the formula. of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perma- nent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca- tarrh, Asthma and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical sure for Nervous Debilltya.ndall. Nervous Com- plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands ofcases, has felt it his duty to ninkeit known to his suffering fellows. Actuatedby tuismotive ands. desire to relieve numan sufforing, I iv:Assad free of ohsage, to all who desireit, this realm in German,Frenoh or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent, mail by address.ng w ith stamp, naming this pap er. W.A,Norus 149 Power's Moe, Rcali.estar N TO THE DEAF. --A person cured of Deafness and noises in the head of 23 years' standing by a simple remedy, will send a description 'of it sans to any person who applies to NIenox sort, 177 McDougal street, Now York. � Ate. e Ya OrALL KINDS IN.CHILDREN OR ADULTS SWEET AS SYRUP AND t,;.A, Nh10T"HARM 71-15 MOST; %eee C)CL;fcATL'0i-i LD Siyhs 0 0 0 TUC BEST YET THE CHEAPEST ` i,:_ _ L�. rt -i TETE 13IGO' ST YET Oar ercoatine s at any" price i Sinit- iIIgs at any pricer Paxitings atany price.. )ldeoll0lothillc� 'piodllood in Da Ecli of l ,_i I n mewl' leave'our'or(Iers cal l �, . 'for e best torah of Tailors', the. host i f Fine, Triniruugp, and the last ' r in 'Town, von aro sure of .,s atii`Iia O. i1 ,ry A. llyndman --KEEPS--- Groceries and Confectionery OI TTfE BEST QUALITY. Also bPipes, P pas, Tobaccos and Cigars PBTTX' rS HAMS f3ACON and LARD Thorley's Improved Horse and Cattle rood Dashwood Roller Flour. G. A. HYNDMAN. V, cIN BRAWN Y 1V UNDERTAKER �y d, E �6► 6�► CAEINE , -MAKE W ali'ittt & Rosewood Caskets ALSO COFFINS OF Evmsr DEsoiIPTIO5., A Complete Stock of Robes I Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISHED 4' CON- DUCTED A.T Low RATES. My stock of Furniture is un- excelled. l"GIVE ME A CALL EARLY Sprin oods Bargains that .Are Bargains. Now is the chance to secure your Spring Goods at prices never before beard of in Exeter. Owing to the great de- pression in trade, and buying for cash as we do, we have secured Some Special Bargains before the present advances in the market Tberefore we are able to give our custom- €, T E 77' y S ors the very best value. We do not adver• •� .41L tise our goods at cost, or less than cost. —ONLY FIRST-CLASS— Such Advertisements areFrauds Reliable Our prices are tight, and will be found asl jdl1�Nl�pOtY as an bon's in the.trr Goods yy Y ads. • Tars YEAR'S Myrtle a! CUT and PLUG Smoking Tobacc( FINER THAN EVER. See IN BRONZE, On each PLUG and PACKAGE 83,000.00 1-1 .�, 0.1! DRY-GO(iDS —AND— Boots & Shoe • .y ---'TO BE— SLAUGHTERED Fon -----ULM GE'S AT gg KIRKTON. DO YOU WANT TO BUY .141IRST-O'jIE sS f9U AT LOWER RA'TJ S T A N SHAM GOODS —ARE USUALLY SOLD -- -TARN' GALL AT— ACTSThe people say ""IIJJ l� a that the prices of. Dress Goods, Groceries, Boots di Shoes, Prints, Cottons, Etc, at Parkinson's are lower er d better value given than in all the combined stooks in Exeter. Wo have some special drives, We invite inspection ; it will pay you to call and examine our stock. No trouble to show goods. Farni Produce taken at market prices. Remember the place : First door north of the Town Hall, Exeter. J. PARKINSON, At Prices Lower that so-cal- led Cheap Houses can give Undertaking in all its Branches. S. G-IDLEY, (Successor to C. & S. Gidloy). OD.DFELLOW'S-BLOOK ECM RE STO RE Spades and Shovels, Pence Wires ANNEALED, BARBED AND OTHER MAKES, —Which we are in a position to offer to the Public at the--- -o Very _ � ! est P.rices for Casb — We have also on basad a full line of— SHELF and BUILDIN ;fARDWA Paints, Oils, Glass, Etc., at Famine Prices. Stoves and Tinware of all kinds, always on hand, at prices that defy competition.' Sewing Machines, Baby Carriages, Field and Garden Seeds: Eave-troughing a Specialty. A call solicited. Every Devartrnerbt in the Old Bstab lislae(Z is 20W 071a061 complete, and full of the lat novelties, est The French,En dish and,A American 171.111,iI,11 Milliiler cant, be excelled. The stock of Dress Goods is l�r�exra aper than ever shown. All Liao lest makes colored 5U)cl: shot silk;, iofrich f Cheap, .Plir)l„3O15 and sl, �,,, -,ofevery design (both long 11CS101t StEts, Fine t;llepliers o hers. S teens and Prints in ;uclCgs 11t.10t .A. rpecial lot of Swiss `ihnlhrajl?11(s forl)ioF;;,,'(lov 1y goods.) "livery ladyshould St(OM? n1'1.ng:3 (which contain all ( the l.l{(C;€iti ilr)� ,, ;,,ly, 210. inspect , stock l 01111. ,,{,rl(,1ti yx if N. J. ori I (' fL'�t1C;llt' y •� �G r }'ti 10111. of. �l)1S;SS-1.s' tl.'(,i' called to :115) l.)1( r,', r,, ../)� ,1 ( ' ,,, I.a } I tit✓r R.'7•(Yl��l }Cy l.i 5.:7.. �_lli.l. , s.. 1,