HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-06-07, Page 220 DRILLING VID$OlF Y,E ,• GUARANTEED ►, ,AT THE tOWEST COST. :E t Asigithiere in Ontario. Fast Service. V40414.1,1q1rad Provincial Government Standards. Modilm and Percussion Drilling AtIlIeterence to Environmental Regulations. DAVIDSON WELL wnNGHAm .DRILLING LTD. SATISFIED CUSTOMERS SINCE 1900 THROUGH FOUR GENERATIONS USED EQUIPMENT TRACTORS Massey Ferguson 65 Gas $1750. Massey Ferguson 180 "4900. Nuffield 465 3200. Case 830 with Cab 4500. Cockshutt 1750 with Cab 6500. Allis Chalmers D15 Gas , 1600. EQUIPMENT (2) Massey 36 Swathers with Conditioners $3200. Massey 300 Combine 6500. Ford 520 Baler with thrower 1750. (2) Massey 10 Balers 750. -- WE ARE AT YOUR SERVICE - GILMOR E FARM SUPPLY Harriston 338-3640 CASSIDY'S GARAGE JOHN DEERE) TEESWATER - 392-6402 TRACTORS John Deere 2010 with loader John Deere 430 Massey 85 diesel Massey Harris 44 diesel ° Massey Harris 30 • Massey Harris 22 Mustang International B275 with. loader Allis 'Chalmers WD 4$ 'Itis Chalmers WD:'with loader, plow and scuffles ammomiimminlimmis EC) OME tti Cockshutt swather with 10 ft. pickup reel and conditioner Olin Deere model 40 combine With reels and pickup jlis•Cha1mers 90 pull -type combine i `yoriimaa imp . You Never Know When You'll Need It Being prepared is the best way to get that extra time. So give your Allis-Chalmers serviceman a call today and let him check out your machinery mainte- nance needs. Then keep his number by the phone. He's pre- pared to keep you going all spring ... even when there's a problem you sure weren't planning for. The ORANGE CAP serviceman is good man to keep handy. He knows what spring' means. means. SEE THE ALLIS-CHALMERS Agricultural Equipment .u,S-auu,MV,rs Dealer Nearest You. LUCKNOW HACKETT'S FARM EQUIPMENT Phone 528-3530 DRAYTON ALVA CHERREY GARAGE Phone 638-2877 We're gonna Wecan You LISTOWEL MONARCH IMPLEMENT Phone 291-4851 CALDWELL FARM EQUIPMENT Phone369-2684 open your eyes! Gemini is pretty clever with her hands -anything from a fine line -drawing to fixing the plumb- ing. And being so very practical, Gemini can be pretty useful in the kitchen. This is sometimes the most im- portant place in the house for the Gemini because she has a flair for creating colorful surround- ings. Therefore, the kitchen in a Gemini's home is usually most attractive. Those born under the sign of the twins are not really food con- scious. Their minds are so often two jumps ahead at meal times that they really don't care. But when they plan for somebody else -that's a different matter and cooking can become just another talent. When calm, the Gemini is very creative especially for those she loves -hours can be spent hap- pily decorating a house or mak- ing cocktail goodies. The reason for that is that everything must be beautifully garnished and served. Since the decorative. is impor- tant to Gemini, we are discussing a very decorative pineapple dish 'made with chicken. Pineapple Chicken 1 fresh pineapple 1/2 broiling chicken (or two cups cooked chicken) onion salt, to taste Accent (to taste) 4 tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon shallots, chopped finely Q 1 tablespoon chopped celery • • 4 tablespoons flour • 1 tablespoon curry powder 1 cup chicken stock (or bouillon) light cream 2 tablespoons Madeira or sherry salt, to taste 11/2 cups cooked rice Mango chutney 1. Cut the pineapple into halves very carefully, so. that both halves have fronds. When buying the pineapple, try to get 'one that is well shaped because you are going to use it to serve the food in If the fronds are not as shapely as you would like, trim them to a nice shape with a pairof scissors: 2. Scoop out the fru it and nd har d core, 1eavin , .two neat serving OM of the remaining eine- apple: . ,...111.or 3. Cut up the fruit, making low that there are no hard pig Jert, Return some to each of the hair and set aside. 4. Poach the chicken gently' in simmering water to which you've added a little onion salt and' a dash or two of Accent. Cook until: tender. 5. Let the chicken cool in the liquid. Then skin and remove the neat from the bones. Cut cares fully into chunks. If you are using leftover chicken, remove the skin and cut into bite -sized pieces, ' 6. Melt the butter and saute the shallots until tender. 7. Add the flour and the curry powder, blending well. Cook for a minute or two. 8. Stir in the chicken stock, .'a little at a time. Then add emnigh cream to get the right consisk tency, stirring until itis thickened. 9. Simmer gently about five minutes. Add the Madeira and check the seasoning -it may need a little salt., 10. Add the chicken and blend, into the sauce. 11. Your rice having been cooked and ready, now put an equal amount into each half of the pineapple and then fill .the rest. with the chicken mixture, Keep the rest of the chicken mixture . warm. You may need to fill up those dishes again. 12. Wrap each pineapple -half separately in heavy foil. Be sure to cover the fronds. 13. Put in a large baking pan and bake in a 350 -degree oven for 35 to 40 minutes. • 14. Remove the foil and serve, topped with a dollop of chutney. This serves two. FOOD TIPS -New potatoes' are best when boiled. They are generally harp. vested before the skins have 'set' and because of immaturity may be skinned or feathered during handling or after cooking. -A boiled or baked medium- sized potato provides only about 100 calories (approximately the' same as a large apple or banana) -and has no more carbohydrate than these • fruits, It's the fats, gravies, sauces, oil and butter , that increase the calories. -Ifyou are buying, potatoes, ; e t 19,9MCIT, �� 45 , �Q[�' d o . B �� 9 . regularly ova -shaped �t 3 . w: , vz, Amendments proposed for wheat marketing plan The Ontario Wheat. Producers' Marketing Board has sponsored a series .of meetings throughout the province at which farmers have discussed proposals for changes in recent legislation. World wheat prices have soared to new levels. The world market continues strong. Current prices in Ontario do not now re- flect the higher world prices. Present' Board authority -does not provide the marketing mechanics necessary to take ad- vantage of such price levels to the benefit of. producers. Board members and county committeemen studies have re- sulted in their approving the general principles proposed. De- velopment of the actual methods of operation in conjunction with the Ontario Farm Products Mar- keting Board have resulted in the following proposed amendments to the Ontario Wheat Producers' Marketing Plan, announced by the Ontario Farm Products Mar- keting Board, May 16, 1973, for presentation to producers to get their expression of opinion. Proposed Amendments The major features of the pro- posed amendments include the authority to: Require that all wheat be mar- keted by or through the local FIE ALMIGKiY 4 board (board already handles about half of the wheat marketed). Determine prices to. be 'paid to producers. Conduct a pool or pools for the distribution of all monies re- ceived from the sale of wheat. Make an initial payment on the delivery of wheat and subsequent payments until all the monies re- ceived from the sale is distribut- ed to producers. Appoint agents; -prescribe their duties and terms and conditions of employment and provide for their retnuneration. The proposed amendments do not provide for marketing quotas nor production controls. Wheat used on a producer's own farm or sold to another producer for his use will be exempt from the regulations. Under the Agricultural Pro- ducts Co-operative Marketing Act, the Federal Government will set and guarantee the initial pay- ment to producers. The board's one cent licence fee will be the only board deduc- tion from the initial payment. Generally speaking, there will be little change in the producer's method of' marketing wheat, apart from the method of pay- ment. by LO 1.-swratiar 1J i coUL---1t auT WHYlEIt SIG A N b EARN MONEY, uPPoINC3 A SUM; si Hello 1. Spring and summer months..b gy show , 1 + 1-..1 and s ne, Il t somet ► there are storms, high wo 8d. powerproblems failurwites.h which ezers... lead to: lfT course, some people. do. have freezer insurance. That's all yery well, but if you'dph't have such a plan. acid even if yon do,:what's to bedone to cope , }Iandl'ie rapidly thawing food is a~problern. what can you do if the f reeler stops because of power failure:, or even mechanical probletm.s? First, keep the freezer closed to keep the food as cold as ,possible• fir as long as possible, A frill freezer Will Staff' cold many hours longer than one only a quarter full. The• kind rof 'food in it can make a difference, too. A freezer full of meat will not warm up as fast as a freezer full of baked goods. And; of course, a well - insulated freezer will keep food frozen much longer than one with little or poor insulation. How to keep. food frozen: you can sometimes make advance arrangements with local locker plants so that if the emergency happens you can transport your frozen food there. If you can get dry ice, rise it, Directions for using it in freezers can be sup- plied by the ` manufacturers of this product.- "Remember to handle this 'with care -it really burns ungloved hands. Homemakers whose freezers have gone off have to be con- cerned with food safety. You may safely refreeze most foods that have thawed if theystill contain ice crystals or if hey are still_ cold at about 40 degrees F and have been held at this tempera- ture no more than one or two days after thawing. But you should be especially careful about refreez- ing shellfish, fish and -vegetables, as welfas cooked foods. You can't always tell if thesefoods have started to spoil. It's best not to freeze any of them when they are thawed completely. And, when in doubt, don't refreeze. It isn't worth it. Above all, never re - freeze ice cream once it has melted. Mailbag Q. Why is macaroni slowly added to rapidly boiling water? A. Macaroni, . spaghetti and o+h err esby high . pn t t'and , 0,1$ .; s .they. coo and absorb water. A, large_ amount of water is needed for the pasta to, expand and: to keep the eces from stickipg together" Adding pasta slowly to the boil-. ing°w*ttr gives the pieces, less chance to 'stick' and to settle on the bottom of' the pan,, If t' macartnai, is dumped into the water when itis already boiling, and especially if only a small amount of boiling water is used, this iticking together and drop- ping to the bottom of the pot will occur. Q, Fait helpful to wrap potatoes in aluminum foil? A. Yea, potatoes wrapped in foil tend to bake in a shorter time than unwrap, : potatoes be- cause the. me tal foil, especially • the dull. finish, absorbs heat faster and holds it better than the potato 'skin. The tight foil wrap- ping holds steam, resulting in a softer skin, but it may also make the potato heavier and soggy. So you make the decision! Coping With High Pressure ' .Sales 'Well, before buying be realistic about your needs, know current values and determine the full selling price. Remeinber, no one can make you do anything against your will. When we hear people scaly: • "Oh, I signed to eget him to go away", . i t usually means that they are having sec- ond thoughts and many regrets. If you don't want pots and pans, cosmetics or magazines sold to you in your own house, don't buy. The trouble is that most of us like the idea of a new acquisition and the personal attention that comes with in-home selling. It can be a marvelous service, -but the. customer must be in control of herself and the situation. First, ask. salesmen for iden,- tification because all provinces have sellers registered. From them on, it is up to you. If you aren't interested, shut the door or hang up the phone. Inviting any salesman indoors shows you have some interest. Don't sign just to get rid.of him, don't sign without understanding what you are sign- ing and, above all, don't sign on the understanding that there are some 'outs' uts' in the he contrMa c t�. Y es , c sisu �y there ��6},Same ' 140, 4y�i�ur0$01-1016* w• they are, before' you become'.,.i. in- volved. Gown *.....,, � 00 Heaclploce & Vel Shoo ♦.r• •+Ck•.•.v•••• 1. 02 Gown Bog **00.00911$000 Garter . • .. . $119 ALL FOR - -$99 • Small deposit will bold your selection QREN EVENINGS 'TM 9 ,. THE 762 King E. at Stirling, Kitchener, Free Parking,745.6181 ( Parking also at First Mennonite Church on King St.) 1 ti • NOTICE HOTEL - LISTOWEL WE ARE TEMPORARILY (LOSN( OUR !NI GROOM ON 'UNLAT AF1EKNOONS It's John Deere ekend F Tune! At Tpswater, .Wingham and Listowel Lawn and Garden Tractors There's a John Deere Lawn and Garden Tractor in a size and price range that matches the job you want it to do and your pocketbook. Select a 7-, 8-,10-,12-, or 14 -horsepower model. Ask us about parts, service, warranty and finance plan. Chain Saws "Chained lightning" Chain Saws make any job the easiest you ever saw. Select either the new Electric No. 7 or from 5 gas - powered models. CASSIDY'S GARAGE JOHN DEERE SALES AND SERVICE Teeswder - 392.6402 McGEE AUTO ELECTRIC 355 J.ssirilill• St., Whisks, 357-1416 OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY "SALES BACKED BY SERVICE" Riding Mowers Why walk on the grass when you can ride? And at an economical price. See the super -quiet 6- arid 7 - horsepower, gas -powered riders. nothing ryns e Deere M. C. SMITH SPORTS DIVISION M. C. SMITH APPLUANCEi "It's Our Location That Saves You Money" R. R. 2, LISTOWEL 291.3810 •