HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-06-07, Page 20S oad. ssified Ad s Clopy }f !1'' 'ocsroads Ciassli- 1 OO ho received by 4 p.m., Coming Events 7 of week prior to pub, 4U.10 for first 10 words; See per'word'thereafter. Repeat of original ad, two - of original charge per For Sale LEE JE 1S AND PANTS Johnson's Men's Wear, Mount rot, havejust received a new shipment of Lee Jeans. 317, STARCRAFT CAMPERS, Glen- dale Travel Trailers, Airo Leis- ure pick-up cabs.., Sales -Rentals - Service, Propane tank refills. Spring specials now on at Jewell Trailer Sees, •way 86, three des east of Listowel: Phone 291- 1158. 17-24-317b TRUC Se' uniforms, Perna - Press drill in several shades; shirts, pants, jackets, crested; also made -to -treasure uniforms, over thirty shades available at Johnson's Men's Wear, Mount Forest. . THIRTY GALLON Bryant water heater;.ls-foot aluminum canoe; • Gehl 10 inch hammertnill; 200 bales threshed oat straw. John Byler, RR 1, f troxeter Livestock 'for Sale Tf'u' CHAROLAIS BULL,,;one half 'french. .Sired by Devin. `Born butte 15; 1972. Approximately x,040 lbs. For. More .information wphone Jack RuttannRR 1, Gorrie, hone 335-6223r 7-14 11, Wanted To Buy IGOOD RIDING horse suitablefor children on farm., A ust saddle . Phone 357-1661, W SPECIAL 12 -DAY EAST CAST departure motor coach -tour direct from Walkerton. Leaving July 23rd. Lake Placid, St. John, Charlottetown, °Cabot Trail, Hali- fax, Peggy's Cove, returning via Williamstown,. Mass. pully es- corted. NASHVILLE. LAKE PLACID, Northern Ontario fall foliage tour's. Fifteen -day Ireland and Scotland tour including Interna- tional Plowing Match, Wexford, Ireland, departs' Oct. 1. WESTERN CANADA Including Calgary Stampede, 22 - day fully escorted deluxe Motor coach tour leaving ea 5 June 23 ands, June 30 to Winnipeg, Regina, Jasper, Vancouver, Victoria, Lake Louise, Banff, Calgary, in- cluding Stampede then via Yel- loWstone National Park. MARI- TIMES, 13 -day motor coach tour departs Sundays weekly from June 17' to September 23, also 19 - day Newfoundland tours June 30, August 11 and September 8. CALIFORNIA AND WESTERN CANADA, September depar- tures. SUNFLIGHT SUMMER VACATION to Jamaica, Barba- dos/Rreeport awl Nassau weekly departures.. Charter , flights to cLoudon, Glasgow, Amsterdam and Frankfurt. European escort- ed tours with many departures. For Membership folders or free information, eontaet Hanover Travel Ser vice; phone 364-3270 or Owen Sound Travel .Service (op- posite City Hall), pborie 371-0310," or phone 1-800-265-3007 (toll free) . Auction ,Sale Zis 1 write, the Watergate -hear- ings are in progress and that word is entering the language as a synonym for scandal and skull- duggery. Canadians are having a whale of a time .doing whet they like very much looking down their spotless noses at the Yanks. I guess we've 'forgotten our great home-grown scandals in- volving Canadian governments, both provincial " and federal. Some of the fantastic rip -Offs made by such outfits as our rail- ways and the Hudson Bay Com- pany make the Watergate look like .peanuts. And then there was the Beau- harnois affair, a piece of piracy that made many a Canadian poli- tician feel like looking for a hole to crawl into. And let's not forget the Duples- is era in Quebec, where votes were bought and sold like pota- toes, ballot boxes stuffed and strongarm tactics used at elec- tion time. Nope. We can't afford to look down our noses at anybody,- All we can or should do is shake our heads and remember, "There, but for the grace of God..." Of course, Watergate is some- what different in that it's involv- ed the use of police state tactics in pursuit of unbridled political power. That distinguishes it from traditional political corrup n which has usually been Moti- vated > by a love of "boom :ids and bucks". Perhaps the saddest aspect of the Watergate affair is that .rte body is spilling the beans beeau of consicence or lofty principles. They are telling all beepulie they are on the hot seat, It's. every man for himself as involved try to save their own necks. A bunchof finks scramb- ling for safety. At the same time, one must ad mire the U.S. process of probing for the truth, regardless of who gets hurt. 1 wouldn't want to he up in front of those tough senator.. for anything more serious than s itti p ng on the sideiyalk. How would Canada hapolesuch' a situation? Well, first the gov- ernment would appoint a Royal, • Commission,,- which' would vestigate in neamecrecy, The • Commission would "require three. years to complete ' its job, by which 'time, nobody would be in, terested. It would then publish Its • report, which would be almost',, unreadable. A few weary editorialswould be written, a few professors who could wade through the Commis- sion Report would make speeches. and the whole thing would then be buried. As a good many observers have pointed.out, the Watergate airing ot soiled rmen may be the best thing that has happened to the U.S. democratic system in generations. When you ate cotipa, you lake a purge. When; you've swal- lowed poisons and vivant toy throw till, y0e .take: an retic. Per ps the Watergate will serve at l rth. • Regardless Of how many heads will get the chop, and to whom ithngoseto headsknow bel thaongt, itgreat neiis comfogbrt- =c - bor will heal itself, spew out the poison or CO out the cancer, • and get back to work,. And it will. It has survived Senator Joe McCarthy's witchT hunts, the h lying ' bSpying on . V l pV ,¢ Russia, the Bay of Pigs fiasco, and many y another, not to mention a disgusting and disastrous war in Asia. . , It is also comforting to know that there are still countries in the world where powerful public figures can be brought to ac- count. It couldn't happen. in Rus- sia or China. And it wouldn't hap- pen in many a so-called demo- cracy. On the other hand, .the average Joe in the States must be becom- ing a little sceptical, to say the least. He has been lied to and lied to. He must bewondering whether he can believe anybody Winners announced for Huron judging trials any more. know f Would be.• There's 'nothing new .in °power, ful leaders lying to the ap+le they are leading. littler lied to the Germans, Mussel ni to the 1 ,- Stalin to •the tiosiana. Unfort tely, mit` ,lies were not discovered by their Wiles until the damage had ° done... and the World; Was staggering. back from the holocaust they un- leashed. This time the truth is coming.' out? haltingly, so that the damage to a nation and a nation's pride may, be halted before it becomes irreparable. Let's hope so. And let's hope the Americans come out of the.sordid little mess, smelling of , violets and ready to get back to the real problems they must solve: inflation, ,pollu- tion, ' integration. They're great solvers of .problems, and they have great problems to solve. In the Meantime, it behooves us in Canada not to sneer and point the finger. Let's pretend our neighbors are having a domestic quarrel which ne of our business. Let's - vale our own garden. It . needs it. IMPLEMENT SHEDS Milking: Parlors, Bairn CUSTOM . FARM BUILDINGS Listowel 291-2914 The Clinton office of the Minis- try of Food and Agriculture has GOOQ released the results of recently- AUCTION. SALE conducted livestock and field Of Selected Antiquities crop competitions held at Sea - forth series; oil lamps; clocks; plc- The contestants were required to judge one class each of quar- lures and frames; coinage; iron terhorse$ dairy cattle, beef and brassware* superior tut ' vintage furniture, quality access ' glassware;' 'pattern glass; old cattle, swine, sheep, hog car - china; art glass; curios and col- casses, beef cuts, corn seed, bar- lectibtes; p y ley seed, infixed hay plus are ine and cherr Cana- �iND CHRYSLER; , diana; desirables of the golden id tifcation class. There were l °tors, sale, �aind,. 153ompetitorS. �! Q � sek period; brass beds Vic istowel Sporrts' en ' Results were as follows: C .ire, .#,oriana and �arny over:valuable c ..., 1 .� . � � . Y .� ,.�.. 5EN10R, 9 c. titers -b -t4 rr�� ig.h7tY... , v t r s rJ all "erg n�`wtim�r�l� 30 . �- . .,.x. �,. ren be o tie 4 , x �: heirs of age and also'to all those owners, heirs and trustees from sold and re- Goderich, Lucknow, Wingham on who have represented the county SATURDAY JUNE 9 on Royal teams and graduates of BC Sporting Goods,:: B. a Two Year Diploma . Course in AT 11:00 A.M. ;Minnie Street, Wing- "agriculture: 1st, Joe P elan, RR Through the. Facilities of . rrpMar 2; Blyth, score 800, possible 875; ESTATE MARKETING 2nd, Barry Gordon, RR 1, Sea- DOGGROOMING LIPPINGr-STRIPPING 4 Visser,, 227, John Rosa kwe , I' 4817 after 6 p.m; 25-1-8 RBER'S SEWAGE 1 OS L SERVICE ern equipment Used. We a` septic tanks, ' cesspools,.: `i,work•;guaranteed: Call or .. -Lloyd Weber ''887-610k •�r'rb SERVICES . forth, score 785. Auction Centre INTERMEDIATE, 39 competi- 20 Water St., Wingham, Ont. tors -open to all young men , and Pfev1ew -Thursday, Julie 7, 1 . women p.i . till 5,30 Pan.; Friday, June • 15-17 years of age who have not represented the county 'on a Royal Winter Fair judging 8, 1 p.m. till 9 p:rn.; Saturday, "June19, 9 a.m;: till sale,time. - Fbr Information , 357-1011 "Our Reputation is Our Recommendation." FEN `E All Cie oVVPoly . St lions Steel. No roll 600 ft. ro'Weighs- less than ., ane Ib. Hand tension only re; gutted. ,'Work with: any CSA ed fencer. Plastic, to. y insulated posts, with sill gene din now. ail ''bio at mart 'nitre linirdWare srtorestr:and C0•0014; .volosima Disrinverroxs MILKER INFLATIONS Macho new, long -life ma- terial designed specially for yriNING1 Milkers. Also Liners for +i ASC0IGNE Milkers &Mk or Air Rases cut to. yotir requirements. Priced reasonably and available now from: elm MM., 322-28111 t. Fast„ ROBT.Ems, Atwood su GalO. DODDS! R. 5, Lwin w 8AVDERS SERVICE Rot ► a23-11144 fir 1► p..) lU'ANTED fainters for these Specials: •Fertill er -.'Bonanza ° Supreme, .Only. $42.00 Ton *Rafted Bork Car for .lexpensive storage. (Tied Cockahutt 30 Tractor 01963 Chem. 9 -Ton Trudy Ideal for forage 'host .TECKLEY FERTILIZER AND,; FARM SUPPLIES Milbank;;Ont. 595.8951 5954707 $ REWARD $ Top prices paid for DEAD & DISABLED Cows and Horses and stgeker cattle. All small animals pickup FREE as a SERVICE to you. Ws have three trucks to service you 24 HOURS 7 days a week. PHONE COLLECT 887.9334 BRUSSELS PET FOOD SUPPLIES Lic. 3919-C-73 tf .StY WHEELS 'TRUCK CAMPERS .TRAVEL TRAILERS .MOTOR HOMES --.Glendale, Shamrock, Terry, La Sall* and Titan -Large selection, low prices, immediate delivery Trades weitoMe, e*perienced serrVice staff MOBIL1FE CENTRE No. $ Hwy. between 401 and Kitchener -653-51118 Lifejackets arevital to water safety A lifejacket is the most impor- tant, piece of safety equipment carried in your boat and often the most neglected. They are sat on, stuffed into oily bilges and given little thought until a crisis arises when they could safe your life. Unless a lifejacket is properly cared for and kept in good condi- tion, it is very apt to let you down when you need it most. • The Ontario Safety League suggests some rules for keeping a lifejacket in. good condition: To dry a wet Iifejacket, hang it up in the open air, never in front of a radiator or other source °of direct heat. When dry, store in a well -ventilated,.. cool area. Do not abuse a lifejacket by using it for any other purpose such as a seat cushion, boat fender or kneeling pad and keep it away from contact with oil, grease, alcohol or gasoline: Kapok lifejackets are espe- cially susceptible to rough treat- ment. If the air -tight vinyl cover- ing which contains the kapock is split or torn, the kapock fibers will become waterlogged and lose their buoyant properties. It is then useless and must be discard- ed. Lifejackets made from uni- cellular foam are more durable than kapock types. Rough treat- ment will eventually break down the foam cells which also tend to shrink with age or excessive exposure to heat or sunlight. The Ontario Safety League re- commends a thorough check on lifejackets at the beginning of every boating season. If they are not in perfect working condition, get rid of them and buy new ones. Remember, a lifejacket could save your life. , In 1972, nearly 54 million tons of cargo were carried on the Mont- real-LakeOntario section of the St. Lawrence Seaway, and 64 mil• lion tons on the Welland section. team: 1st, Harry Franken, RR 2, Auburn, score 784, possible 875; 2nd, Tie, Dave Mewhinney, RR 1, Lucknow, score 774, and Jim Niviris, RR 3, Auburn, score 774. JUNIOR, 46 competitors --open to all men and women 12-14 years of age including previous partici- pants in 4-H Inter -Club,. in Guelph: 1st, Eddie Franken, SRR 2, Auburn, score 769, possible 875; 2nd, Glenn Dougherty, RR 6,.. Goderich, scpre 750. NOVICE, 36 competitors -open to all men arid women 12-17 years of age entering Jud in,g Competi- tion foiTdlirstied f ion$ 4-11 Club eipertence:''is Damns Hackett,' RR 7, Lucknow, score. 722, possible 875; 2nd, Dorothy Nicholson, RR 2, Blyth, score 717. PRE 4-11, 23 competitors -open to ,all young men and women 11 years of age: 1st, Tony Van Miltenburg, RR 4, Seaforth, score 692, possible 875; 2nd, Mark Har- ding, RR 1, Gorrie, score 681. CNE SHIELD., high Novice Judge won by Donna Hackett, RR 7, Lucknow, score- 722, possible 875; Runner-up, Dorothy Nichol- son, RR 2, Blyth, score 717. BLATCHFORD FEEDS' LTD. - highest score in entire competi- tion won by Joe Phelan, RR 2, Blyth, score 800, possible 875; Runner-up Barry Gordon, RR 1; Seaforth, score 785. CIL TROPHY -highest score in swine won by Ynze Tiesma, RR 4, Clinton, score 145, possible 150; Runner-up. Roger Morrison, RR 1, Lucknow, score 145. Tie broken, on reasons. HURON MILK COMMITTEE AWARD -highest score in Dairy Section won by Susan Tyndall, RR 4, Clinton, score 97, possible . 100; _Runner-up. Cathy Easton, RR 3, Exeter, score 97. Tie broken,!latiet4 f4.L ,rfl PQ ' in... competikionkootam no. lin )1A ilk gt CYANAMID, OF CANADA AWARD -highest score in Sheep Section won by Glen McNeil, RR 6, . Goderich, score 90, possible. 100; Runner-up, Barry Gordon, RR- 1, Seaforth; score 90. Tie broken on reasons. HURON COUNTY BEEF PRO- DUCERS' ASSOCIATION AWARD highest score ' in beef section, won by' Barry Gordon, RR 1, Seaforth, score 144, pos ible 150; Runner-up Harry Frei ken, RR 2, Auburn, score 143. Winners will receive prize money from their 4-11 Club leaders. ELATION HAIN SAW HERS! PREMIUM QUALITY EGON SAW CHAIN Suggested List Price Example: 7213.59E . Regular Price $15.50 Special $10.32 ' This offer applies only to Series 70, Micro Bit, and Chipper chains, Make sure you receive genuine OREGON chain. Look for the name OREGON on the cutters. See your participating OREGON dealer. P & F LAWN & SPORTS EQUIPMENT, Hwy. 23 North, Listowel, Ontario 291-2441 LLOYD'S SMALL ENGINE & REPAIR, Atwood, Ontario 356-2639 ,64 Engine Horsepower : • Penny pinching direct injection 4 -cylinder 4 -- diesel. • Independent hydraulics, • Corol stio �.�t, hitCh ° • 8 forward speeds • Fully independent " 540 rpm PTO • Built to take a loader • Differential lock •Sim the new 1270 2 or 4 -wheel drivel at: NOM pzworig TEESWATER FARM EQUIPMENT Toeswater « '392005 a GC WANSTOWN TIRE Gowanstawn • 313.3505 Service HADCO weir o►�rllig Digging Ltd. Rotary Drilled Wells Machine Dug Shallow. Wells ' Sulphur Free Wells Deepening & Repairing Caissons-Earthboring Elevator Shafts "A WEIA: A DAY THE HADCO' WAY'S:. r1a't;FR RENTAL E6A LB1P11� • 1" T 01 � �oi SETL).fM Y'6J 3 ,241 I.o f • M ESTATE MARKETING SERVICES Auction Adniihistrators Acting in your interests sell- ing household .effects and an- tiquities ntiquities through a' respected, ` ' established auction. centre, Wingham, Ontario J. A. Currie. 357-1.011 hPRI or m expPess (Linea LTD Formerly Walden Bross. Transport Ltd. General Freight and Household Moving To and From i" Anywhere in Ontario PHONE 357-2056 WINGHAM HURON. DEAD STOCK REMOVAL, cLrnTO$ We are now palying $5-$15 , for fresh dead or di$bled cows and horses over 500 lbs. Two trucks. to serve you better. Fast efficient service. All small farm stock picked- . up free • charge as • a service to you. License No. 237.1✓ -1 Call us . first, you won't bavec3 cal` anYonePOWE 2.4-Holfi$brvicei orris 7 Days a Week • CALL COLLECT 482-9811, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Calves - Calves - Calves, Good Quality Holstein or Beef Calves, 1 to 3 weeks old. Rea- sonable Prices, We Deliver. OSINGA BROS. • Bat. 1 2914138 Ustowel MURDER ON MAIN STREET Last week a late model 8- cylinder auto was brutally murdered on the main street of Clifford. Authorities report the otherwise healthy auto was overcome by.RUST. If you want to avoid this kind of death for your ear, CALX. NOW. HOUGHTON Rust Proofing 51711TH AVE., HANOVER 364-2832 AVOID . THE RUSH AND THE RUST SRADIOand- V T SALES &SERVICE EL. CTROHOME an v lra doge .f excdl nce. QUEEN STPEET• RLY'rH.ONT. • sal , 523-9640 Alt Types of iniuf once 3214525 3572636 11*' *INGHAM For: Massey -Ferguson, Canadians and AMF Lawn and .Garden Equipment And: Briggs & Stratton Tecumseh and Husgvarna Parts And Service LLOYD'S SMALL ENGINES RR 1, Atwood - 356-2639 1 CROSSROADS SERVICE DIREaORY REACHES ° 8,300 HOMES s ATTENTION FARMERS Due to the increase of meat prices we are again able to give you top prices for your fresh, dead, or disabled cows and horses. As a service to you we will pick up your calves and pigs free. Our truths are radio equipped for the fastest =err. vice. CASH ON ?HE SPOT Loral Calfs ATWOOD 356-2622 Long Distance ZEM,1'N 70650 7 Days a Week 24 Hours � Day Licence No. 427+073 ATWOOb -PIT FOOD SUPPLIES LTD. S eO tit ,,$ P