HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-5-2, Page 1Goldsmith,ill WATCHES, - CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE,- -AND SPECTACLES, UNEQUALLED VALUE. fllarPersonal attention given to repairing of watches, clocks and jewelry: C. REICHENBAC,H,. Opposite the Market, PARKFIILL.. LEGAL, S, DICKSON, Barrister, Soli- ' alto' ofSupreme Court,NotaryPul,lic Conveyancer Oommisalo i r. &o. Money to LoJr`tu, °Moo fn Fanson's Blook, Exeter, 104 H. COLLINS, Barrister, Solicitor Conveyancer, Etc., , EXETER, - ON T. , Offiee9ainwell'eBlocic Hall's old office.) ARMOUR W. FO1W, Solicitoriu the Supreme Court of Ontario, Conveyanoer,Commissioneri&c„ xc. Special attention given to the oolleotion of olaime in the United States. Patents procured, looney to loan at lowest rates, Odice: Opera ,House Block, St, Marys; Ont. FLLIOT & ELLIOT, Barristers, Solicitors Not ries Public Conveyancers &0, &C. 11°Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of interest. OFFICE, - MAIN - STREET, EXETER. 33. V. ELLIOT. J. ELLIOT. JJENTAL. "LiT-1 L. BILLINGS, • bm1N TIST, OFFICE: over O7✓U^EIIMIBaaafe Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction.' H. K1NSMAN,DENTIST.L.D.S Samwell's Block, Main-st, Exeter, Extracts Teeth without pain, bFilings and VegetableVapor. dental work the best possible. Goes to ZURICH on last Thuredayin each'montL: MEDICAL ;UTZ, D. M., • Officeathisresidence Exeter T W. BROWNING M. D., M. (3 • P. S,G radnate VictoriaUnivereity.Office sudire sidence,Don: inionL' s.borator v, Exe ter 1)R. HYNDMAN, coroner for the ,County of Huron. Office, opposite Mr. • C' F >'s store, Exeter. D. J. A. ROL,INM.O. P. S O. Of tee, Main S...ii xeter,Ont.Residen cehouserecently occupied by P. MoPhillips, Esq. AUCTIONEERS HENRY EILBER, Licensed Auo- tioneerfor Hay,Stephen, and MoGiili- tray:Townships: Salesconduotcdatmoderate rates. Omen -At Post-offloe,Crediton, Ont. TOHNa GILL, Auctioneer for the v Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborne and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. VETERINARY. Tennent & Tennept VETERINARY SURGEONS, —.— Graduates the Ontario Veterinary College. Oyo'ren : One door South of Town Hall. 1t0 .LOAN. ...-._--_— O IVONE/ TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6.a - per cent, 525,000 Privdto Funcls. Best Loaning Companies represented, L.H. DIOKSON, Barrister, Exeter, INSURANCE . '`THE WATBRLUO 'MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE Co. Establishedin DEAD OFFICE - • WATERLOO, ONT. Thin'oomxany has been over Eighteen Years in5uoeessfui operation in Western On- tario,asldsontinues`to'in9u a againstlo.as or damage by N'ire,Buildings,Mercliaudise,Man- ufaotor ea,andall othet•descriptionsoffinenr- ableproperty. Intending insurers have the option of tnauring on the Premium Note or CashSystem, • Turing the past ten years this Company hasissued 57,096 Policies. covering property, o thearriountofS40,872,038;and paid inloss es alone$709,752,00 Assets, Sl764O0.00,consisting of Cash ns sank, men tDe o siti an d the unites - eased Premium laminin Notes on li an dandin force. J, VP:WALDLN l4I D. PresidoL t C ,'int Te soon, Secretary. J.E. HUGrtres.fnspoctor, CHAS: J1EI,L Agontfor Fxeteraudvicinity. Dress -Makro g• Mrs. Dicker, of Crediton, bogs' to inform the ublic that she, 'o moved her business, and ill now bo fore,'"'r10door'west of Mitoholl.s toro,t' Dross ,,Tr,,,lg done in the very latest lYtyles, Cuttit..,,ei.+'ld Fitting by the System. newediton MIS. DTOT{EX''. Croditon CENTRAL arber Shop, VANSON'S BLOCK. � A. Hastings, gs Prop riving and Hair cutting in the ateststyles he art. Everyatteritian paid to cutting Idles Children' • fi n esa... d hrl a'Yen s Hair, AND HURON & °MTDDLES:EX. GAZETTE. " - EW TO THE LINE, LET THF, CHIPS FALLWHERE H �THEY MAY.. VOL. XVI. NO. 32. EXETER, ONTARIO, TRTJRSDAY MORNING, POr' Sale! KIRKTON A large and well assorted stock of General Dry Millinary, Goods, nay, Hats, Caps. Boots, Groceries, Crocker Glassware, Wallpaper, Sia Crockery, Paints, Oils, Glass, , Putty, Nails, Books, Salt, Boot jacks, and everything kept lit a first-class Store. The whole Stook will be sold in lots to suit you. Congo and get, a lotthe price will suit you; it will make your wife and child- ren glad, your sons end daughters happy, and general contentment will prevail in the whole family. ar, Highest prices for I3ut:er and Eggs. Yours truly, DOUPE & CO. STONEMA.N'S— Jewelry Store HENSALL, ONT. You are invited to come and see Our Elegant Irorl,day Stook -CONSISTING 02 -- Watches, T -Watches,. Clocks, Jewelry, Silver- ware, Novelties,Fancy Goods, &o. for Vd ASSORTMENT MOST COMPLETE. HepairingDepax tm't Wo make a specialty of wateh and jewel= ry repairing. Jewelry mended and re - polished So as to look like new. All work guaranteed. Our motto : Neat, prompt and reliable. Rememberthe etattct;=opposita.,l leponeli' & Wattglee Hardware Store: J. C, Btonesz.a ., HENSALL, O.NT Change of Business 47.01-11T C. '!Dc,. Having taken into partnership, W H KERR they have decidod to extend the businesr by adding a full stock of : Staple Hardware ! PAINTS, OILS, EtC. FULL LIES of TINWARE BARB AND OTHER 'WIRES, l'iCACIEENE OILS Remember we buy for cash and will give our customers the benefits of the di, counts. A trial will convince that we sell cheaper than the same goods can be bough elsewhere for. Sole agent for this locality for Lawronce's celebratedSpectacics. All grades ; all sights. It is the Best Spectacle in the Market to -day A call solicited: YOUNG & KERR. Crediton, March. 21st, '89 The Largest TSE BEST, TBE NICEST, THE SWEETEST ST AHeortment of-.- �1 • a.,/® CtYnne IN TOWN. JUST •CT� IN, c4c ER f, SH. Away down in Price. FOLLICK'S Bread Mins, (Jaime, and all kinds of Past- ry, still aeery,.still take the lead. headquarters UarterS iOP q Cout`ectioltr- ery at Z. 4., FOLLIC S, MAT f .ZdT. 18XETEIt Lucan Topies. Spicoy Items. Gathered by Oil{' awakecorrespondent.Correspondent. Quite a few expect to be too busy to come out and vote for the Scott Act. The farmers are getting through with ploughing and sending, and have a' little time to indulge in their usual prophecies of a ruinous year with wheat at 50e. per bushel, calico and factory a dollar a yard and no spools thrown in. House cleaning has begun and the male inhabitant looks haggard. The firm of B.Stanley & Co., has just received 35 tons Manila binding twine. The hum of the agricultural agent buzzes through the #atmosphere. A corps of Salvation officers have ar- rived. in town. Miss Ella Murray did not appear as advertised at the Forester's Concert on Friday eveninlast. Mr, R. W.I. Elliott, the Bryanston Poet, paid Lucan a visit last week. The' Easter holidays being over our students are at work again. e The spring poet now Meanders through the fields in search of Cow- slips and buttercups and listens, to the bleat of the lambkins. The Rag Fiend is abroad and the house wife sells half her husband's wardrobe to purchase a tin dipper. Brevities. Mi. Geo. Kent, of Toronto, has been home visiting for the past few days. Mr. Jos. Miller, of Chicago, . is home with his parents in McGillivray on a vacation. What about an arbor day being ap- pointed by our civic authorities. It is about time to make a move in that dir- ection. The Luau. Agricultural society about purchasing new grounds u which will be built a fine half speeding track. It is .whispered Mr. R. S. Hodgins has the matte hand If so we are insured of its cess. The fall wheat crop looks promi and the late rains havemade the gro almost p erceptible. Spring seeding is well under way. The baseball season has opened .ball talk is in vogue ; what about p ing the International games. So talk about organizing a cricket club t season. Good idea. Will some make a move. W. E. Stanley kas resigned the ;I Annship.in;..Holy.'Trinit }Birch and. F. Saddler has been .appointed in place. Act voting takes place on 9th of May. Every fair minded m with an unbiased opinion wants to cord his vote irrespective of party partizan influence. • Tho Temperance ante wave which pawe like a cyclone• blast over the creat part of Ontario 3 years ago will be c vied away like a whirlpool on the 9 inst. We are patiently awaiting the buil Mg of that street crossing, Miss Doreen, of Oshawa is at pres- ent visiting Miss Porte. A dr amatic clob is to be organized Lucan., Charley's base ball club has shorn i °: W0 new men. are pon mile that r in suc- sing wth and ool- me his one ear-, Mr. his the an re - or pt er ar- th d- os - in n THE ENTERTAINMENT.- Uuder the 'nspices of the independent Order, of ,'nresters given in the town hall Friday vening last, by the Clancleboye Dram - +.tic club, was largely attended, and the mogramme favorably received, with .ome few exceptions, The address by :ley. Thomas was long, monotonous, mud impalatable, absorbing fully an lota's' rapid harrangue and goodness :news liow much longer space it would lave required to unravel the yarn had tot the restless actors behind the scene Mulled the chest -nut gong which acted like an electric shock upon the "Gods" ''vhose harboured boisterousness at ince gave vent in rollicking rounds of thunderous applause which closed the curtain over him. The musical part of the programme was choice and well rustained by the musical abilities of the participants. Mr. Miller's solo was not so well received; no doubt owing to his position' being so far away in the background. Had he came forward to the front the effect would have been much better, and tie might have been heard as his voice is sweet and full of richness andid o w u no doubt sound lovelyi nadra i drawing room. The i - g Pa a dine Brothers' mouth organ exhibition was good and brought forth an encore, and which was responded ,by, the elder monsieur in a song entitled "Its Eng- lish you know" which merited no ape- ciai commendation' at it was entirely void of sentiment or pathos- and fell flat on the audience. The play en, titled "Money" was good being well sustained throughout, each character. being fully acted an a manner which would merit applause under more po- tentious circumstances, especially that of Clinker which was probably sustained the best by Master F. Yolin being Young, 11 we worthy the ,frequent bursts of ap- plause with which he was greeted en his every appearance on the Stage. His act- ing was original and; natural and his sweet boyish voice meta more acceptable the dialect of the region of Billingsgate. The Performance was brought to a close at 11 p. m. being one of the rarest treats of the season. The reoipts were large. An appeal to the Electors of Middles's* is made by an anonymous circular being scattered broadoast--enveloped as it to With the gravest charges against the Anti Scott Act party,- with fraud, perjry, malice aforethought, and deep dyed dupile• ity. The author or authors who ever they MAY 2nd, y resort to the same underhand tactics they so readily aeouse their opponents of and are evidently ac- tuated by a money"oonsideratiou, parading the Same old white elephant sentiment; around the same beaten track upon which so many mock sentiment processions have mored in line from time immorial, being the self same device until its usefulness has wornout. We believe,. in eyerything that feuds to elevate the nobleness of man, and are ever ready to assist in enlarging Lis sphere of usefulness and feel that we'. are auseptible of good; yet we aro tenacious though not dogmatic and aro awayed by primafaceie evidence, : We believe that the Scott Aot has been an iujurious one and has not filledthe bill it was intended too and we do know that iu many owe its power was controlled by personages whose utter inoapabilities were only surpassed by there rascallity. Talk sentiment ifi you must. It sounds nice and is at all tines plausable. Although it cannot always be inwardly digested, If the would be Phil- anthropists would commence at home in carrying out the polioy which they have ivaggaratod and over burdened with weight,: their labors would bo more largely rewar- ded—instead of holding HD their hands in holy horror and crying down what other- wise could .be more effectually eliminated by an appeal to the pocket they would be more useful in bringing about the ameilior- ationaf the rage. Brueefield. TEMYEBANCE-The Gospel Temperance meeting conducted by Messrs. Mills and Irish, the Royal Templars life boat crew during the past week were very largely at. pended and;•much good to the cause accom- plished. The services on.. Sunday in the afternoon in the Methodist church and in the evening in the Unionchurch were very impressive. The singing led by Mr. Irish assist. d by Mr. Jamieson and his choir, with Miss Mamie McIntosh as organist, was exceedingly fine, and the addresses, in the afternoon on ails Prndigaland in the even- ing David and Goliath and other grants by Mr. Mills was deeply touching. They left for Varna for a few days and thence to Bay field followed by the prayers and good wishes of their many friends- Mr Irish is to return this Thnrsdad evening to institute the select degree. At theleounoil'last Monday evening the following officers elected:- Bro.,Bell, S. C., Bro. Pollick V. C., Rev J. H. $impsou P. C., Sister Mustard R. S., Bro. Denser A. R. S., Sister McIntosh F, S., Sister Pollick Treasurer, Sister Graham Chaplain, Bro. Allan Herald, Sister Jamie- son D. H„Bro Snider Guard, Bro. Cameron Sentinel, Bros. Alex, Mustard, J. H. Simpson add Jqs,, Robinson, Trustees Sistere.Jemieson:and•MeIntosh organist/Lid The oomioil meets cu the first and thir. Mondays of each month. BRIEhs.-Miss Jennie McMillan of Lack - now, is visiting her sister Miss Sadie Mo Millan. -Mr. Wm O'Neil and family of Clinton fornlerly of Brucefield, were visit- ing friends here last week. -Mies Bell Mo Xeuzie left lost Tuesday morning for her home in Cuckoos She has been here up- ward of one year. She will be very ranch missed by her many friends here. -Rev. Mr. Forrest of Bayfield will occupy the pulpit of Union church here next Sunday. A BENEFICENT; DISCOVERY. THE NOBLEST ACHIEVEMENT OF SCIENCE. The iron horse, with its tireless strength, its pulses of vapor and its heart of flame, is a glorious exponent of the creative capaoit y of the human mind; and the metallic nerves through which intelligence courses over a continent prove by every flash of thought which traverses them that man possesses OILe;attiibute essentially grand, the power to annihilate space and time. But vast and important as have been the re- sults. of nuking steam and lightning the common carrier and messenger of the world, the discos cry by which weak or impure blood can be vitalized or restorers to new vigor and purity by means of internal and external remedies is of infinite value. Tho recourses of vegetable obemietry as devel. oped and applied by Thomas Holloway have proved equal to this mighty task. . His famous remedies impart to the stream of life a disinfecting principle whioh frees the system from all impure and poisonous ele- ments. The powers of chemistry are al- most beyond calculation, and as he brought them to bear upon . all .the varieties of HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT; they have. ompassed their highest and holiest object Steam, as the great motet, is a snbsidia r agent. Its usefulness consists, mainly, in I I conveying substantial s s antial benefits, with speed and certainty, to the fields in which theyare to operate. It is simply the bearer of blessings, not the originator. Of all the freight it carries over land and sen, there i s perhaps noneso precious as Holloway's s r.medies. Itis se •ee)y a figure of speech to say that whitliersoever it conveys them it flies "with healing on its wings.” Under the infiuenoe of the Ointmenr, the skin, however, disfigured by eruptions or excrescences becomes a tabula rasa, pare, spotless, and transpnren'; and this erasure of premises is not accomplished by driv- ing baok disease into the vital recesses -of tho system but by neutralizing the morbid material which feeds' it. The Pills net upon the internal fluids and the organa which secrete them the sanitary principle. They destroy the acrid particles subjected to there chemical nation, as in. fallibly Ya as an alkali noutaa i sea n a acid; and at the' game time impar t a mild and d eon• scant elsotrio action, to the secretive and excretive machinery. The sanction of governments, the within - age of princes, the approvalof all Christian. nations, the gratitude of pagan millions at- test the worth of the these twin curatives, Ia fact there le no region with which Eng- land or any other Country has any toinmer. sial intercourse whore $iollowoy would not And himself at home. Some estimate nay b formed of the extent And variety of lib. foreign lorreepondaoee, from the fact that sixty corresponding clerks, off *hien num. ber sa=teen are accomplished linguists; ale employed in conditating it. Haiti the eon re o -Deily f a sanitary circle that belie the world. ratty be are not evidently reliable :person. Deily Republwa. 1589. Publisher san lPro'p;r SONS ANNIVERSARY SERitt OF THE I. O. O. ;E' The seventeenth anniversary of Independent Order of Otldfe!low America was'fittingly celebrated Sunday by time Exeter and Hensen lo in Exeter. The turn -out for d service was larger than in any pre. year At 2:30 o'clock, p my the fellowa of Exeter and quite a numb brethren from Bensall and other will assembled at the I. 0, 0 F. hall,'and shelled by'Rro. R. Eacrett, marcbe the Trivitt Memorial church to hear Bro, Martin, of Chatham, 'preach anniversary sermon. The seating commodation of the chiircli was taken up, by the general congregation The services were opened by. the roc Rev. S. F. Robinson,, the choir, under. able leadership of lawyer Collina�: sin appropriate selections and anthems,. Rev. Bro. Martin, after first expres his thanks for the honor shown him the society, in thus choosing him to pr their annual sermon° ; and hoping hie discourse would prove pleasant well as profitable' to them -that e might be able to say "it is good for be here," he took his text from Mark 41: -"And Jesus moved with eompassi put forth His hand, and tou.hed him, aaith unto him, I will ; be thou ole After our Saviour healed the leper ,th seems to have been much indignat raised against Him, and He was obliged retire into a desert place. The first u tion that suggested itself to my mind that our Saviour should have to so abs himself,' after having performed such act of love. The miracle was'one tl people were not accustomed to. So think that because the disease was loathsome the indignation was rais Lepers were looked upon as being unfit mingle with society, and were obliged ore, unclean ! unclean 1.1 the inome anyone approached. One leper hearing Christ's wonderful miracles, came seecbing Him to touch him that he mi be clean. There was a law forbiddi anyone but a priest to touch a leper ; la was Christ, not being a priest. to abide the law, or show His sympathy in tonehi His fellowman ? Not He I The poor,lep stood beseechingly before Him, and Jes in utter defiance of people and law ton ed him ; he was cured. This less teaches us that we are toput at deaau a law that will keep us.from doing go to our fellow -man. • We find that tho things of good to our fellow -men ha been supported by nationality, but sin ehrisrianity has come among us, thin have changed. The Jew had no detalin with the Samaritan, but now the barriers between man and man have be raised. ,There have been divisions society, but then these are artifici barriers. A drowning man after riaf a third time, no one would help hien b cause they were not introduced to his An such feeling should be cast aside, au just as Christ humbled himself intouchin A leper, r so should man and ma P n -b brought side by side. There is a state ment related in the 10th chapter the Acta of the Apostles, 6th verse, Peter lodging in the house of Simon, tanner It was a remote place, beoaus tanner being considered unclean by th ews, was obliged to have his dwelling b he seaside ; thus one of the greater Moments in the whole Bible shows tha eter lodged in the house of a tanner teaches us that es we have come from melon parent, so should we be allotve stand nn the same platform. It was ry important character in Oddfellowshi at it sprang, about 70 years ago -from man who was looked down upon. I rang from the lower classes, and not numbers aomit 600,003 members, am e 0 rder is growingeven more rapid than ever. One may go from the Gal Mexico to Lake Superior : from the lantie to the Pacific and he cannot find e iu 0 poorhouse. This speaks vol- es for the benevolent work of the ciety. A great amount of money has en expended by this society in bene- lence and charity ; figures only tell a all part. Many a man has remembered th gratitucle the value of a friendly aloe of hand in the hour of distress. e thing I like very much about the iety, is the coming together of con- n pride and common race. All dis- ctions of nationality, sect and social 5, so cletestible, vanish in the lodge - m. It taught me that there is d to be received in other churches ides my own ; it has taught me to call man t tucommcn or unclean; that God be worshiped in the Salvation Army racks, and one have the same )cope of nity as the man who worships in a iytemple. Brethren, I ask as a per- t that if yon have a kind word a fellow man, s na a it while he is i' Y alive ont save your $oweis to strew upon corpse ; dont save ysur love to expend t his tomb. Oddfellows. I know have ig love for' on'e another. Their grand ciples are embraced in" the word of Their love for one another re - les the love of our Saviour for maw They do not believe one another to aints, A roan cannot enter an Odd. ws hall without feeling himself r God and nearer to truth. Instance the of the order in'': giying relief, r organizations left relief as a matter nice ; Oddfellowu make it a matter of , It is a great thing to have a friend will stand by yeti in the day of div- as well as in 't d he day of os' er't Y P p i . Y Martin urged Oddfeliows to love all as brothers, and be true to the y. A man gets no reward for triches here is a reward for well doing: "13e thful unto death and I will give thee wn of life." Remeniber Oddfellew an raise a man tip to the vary gates. n, but it cannot Hittite barrier. If and I want to 'meet again let its bear td that that barrier is Christ. The latest report of the $0V01eignl fledge, published in .December shows . a total membership oil continent of 555c,'f22 ; paid s a relief, 2',353, t38 during the and increase of menobership dar. e year of i'25,422 1 Ari increase in ON. the s of on dges, ivine vious Odd- er of ages, mer - d to Rev. the AC - well tor,. the ging sing beach that as ach uel to I„ OD, and an." ere: ion to es - vas ent an iat me so ed. to t0 nt hearing of be- ght ng ut by ng er. n8, toms ed ce od se ve ce g$e g$. se en of al ng e- n. n. d, 3• e of of a e e y t t' a ci a p n V l a J t st P It co to ve th a ap it th ly of At on um so be vie 810 wi sl1 On sec mo tin cas roe goo bes no can bar eter cost son for -d his Imo/ atroi prin God. sem b kind be a fello nears the r Othe of ch right who tress Mr. men societ but yo fai a ere ship e heave you in fad grand last, this out a roar ; mg th The Molsons Batik tCe(4.ai. it15DBYPaffLf4MF.ItT,igs0) Paid up Capital ate.009,O Reetrund... ." 7,000,00 stead office, Montreal, F. WOLF.ERSTAN T11014A.S.Rec)•, e sseee MANAoxa 20 branch offices in the Dolalniou• Arsenaio4 n the Doruinion,U,S,A.a,id 'ruropo Exeter Branco, Open every lawful day, from 10 a. In. to 3 p. m SAT'UIiDAXS,10 a, m • to l p . m. 3 PerOent•per annum allowedfor money on Deposit lleooipts and Savings Bank;" R. H. ARCHER Manager the amount apeut as relief of $126,441,52 The total revenue. $6,075,091, an increas- of $405,319;05.' Speaking of the nlagni tulle of this order, Grand Sire White says "Take the two great 0drlfellow argent- zations, the •Manchester Unity and the American Order together, and we find there are more Oddfellows, in the world by far than there are members ; of any other secret fraternal organization, The oldest and greatest of these, according to their own : authority, and it is : truly a noble institution, numbers from the best estimates that canbe made A 1,082,992, while the Orldfellows number, according to the Last actual returns accessible, 1,201.. 656, or 113,60# more than the oldest and most numerous of the fraternal organi- zations." Blake. BRIEFS. -The farmers have finished seed ing in thin vicinity and the recent showers have given things a summer like appear- ante. -Our local sports are fittiug their steeds for Fairview park on the ,24th.-- Mr. William Thirslcs'told a fine specimen of; a Clydesdale breeding mare to Mr. And- rew Reid, of Stanley for $175. Mr. Thos Delgaty, our veteran tailor leaves here thisr week .o seek his fortune in Seaforth. We wish Tommy success. -111r. A. J. Styles of Dashwood spent Easter holidays with friends here. Mr Geo. Reith, of Hensall paid this village a flying visit on Tuesday last ; he looks as though milling agreed with hint. Raricton. Bisrxij :- The house of Mr. Thomas Roadhouse ' ie rapidly nearing completion. A novel but exciting race took plane in our village one morning last week. ; One of our young men undertook to run 300 yardsand back in quicker time than the horse of one of our leading townsmen could trot. All arrangements were con- cluded and Mr. A Dow was appointed re- feree. Precisely at half past 6 the con- testants left the starting point, the runner doming in at the finish four or five rods in advance of the horse. -The quarterly meet- ing of the Methodist church of :this place will be held next Sunday. At the annual Easter vestry of St. Paul's Episcopal, church, Mr- ltobt, Creery was selected as warden for the -ricer, and Capt. Bret]QUr was appointed people'sohurchwarden. PEnsoNAL-Mrs. Joseph Byrans is slow- ly improving in health since last week. -- Mr. X. McCurdy had the misfortune to lose a fine colt one day last week.- Mrs. Manwarning is the guest of Mr.' James ,1 llult at present. -Fair weather "-bristians teak advantage of the- inolemena f of the - weather on Sunday last by staying athome -"De ole man" still contiiiues to 'educate the mates on the Jesuit,Questiou.-Horse • flesh is slightly depreciated in value since the race of last week,-'2essrs O'Banyan and Davis have nearly completed the stonework for the erection of a fine barn for Mr. John H antra •- Mr James Ross, of Tuckersmith has been engaged to man- ufacture batter at the Kirkton oreamery for the ensuing season. The factory has proved profitable to both patrons and pro- prietor since the establishment and we be- speak a continued and increased Patronage for this season as the proprietor has pro yell himself to be a thorongh practical business' man. Mr. Ross intends moving into the village during the present week. Heu$a.11. CAM-Faroors having good white oats to sell will find that it will pay them to sell them at the Hensel! Oatmeal Mills. A large auantitywan ted at the very highest cash -price A 11 kinds of Oatmeal on hand and meal ex: changed for oat; Messrs. McEwen Heeds lease flaying expired, and U. Urquhart is going o give his whulo time to the business. Robert Morrison wishes to direct the at- tention of the people of Rens/111 and the mb- lie, gonoinlly to his large stock of new spring and summer goods, consisting of staple and fancy dry goods, mens', youth's and child- gens'ciuthiug-tweeds-hats, caps and straw goods -(dent's furnishings -boots and shoes - Crockery and glassware-Wallpaper-Grocer- ies e. All of which ho is offering at prices to meet the closest buyer. Inspection invited. No trouble to show goods. r'arm products taken at in exchane for remember' st then place, Dpriceoubt Sores, Marshall's block, opposite Reynold,s Mansion House. JULY nates, -('+ream pdparatious are being made by the manager of the -Hen- sel! Driving Park Association meeting. Already upwards of a dozen of the best horses in Canada are in training by Mr, .Johnston, of Brantford ; and other horses of note are daily arriving. 'rho meeting promises to be the best ever held in Huron Oo,, as every energy is being pot forth to aecoinplish the desired pnrpose. For the accommodation of the already large 'num- ber of horses at hand and those that are expected, Mr. Thomas Murdock, our oblig- ing livery -Juan and horse -man, has bad erected, in a le h ant style, about 30 box stalls, so that no one may be absent with his horse, fearing lack of aeoommodation.. In this e1Yort to thus offer every induce- ment and convenience to foreign horsemen Mr Murdock merits' great praise. His interest in the young and, prosperous assn- elation is manifest by his untiring labors in its behalf. Messrs. McLean, McDonald andBossenberry, are also assiduous workers for the society's welfare. The aim at giving the sportive public fait They and: exert every point to afford the spectators an opportunity of witnessing fair and un- partial contests, ever having in view the necessity of expelling from the field every underhand ' game thattends to fraud, a d, or deceit in the h sl i 1 art degree. g a We predict for they forthcoming meeting, imparalleled 8000085. 1 **V .1 STOP THAT Cousin. Many people neglect what they (tall a sim- ple cold, ld, spacial if not cheoltedin;time, may lead to lung trouble, ,Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver 0i1, with'ilypophosphitos, will not only atop torr couau, out heal the, langs. liiadoraed by titouseerd•, of Physic - ulna , Palatable as Milk. Try it, Sola by all Druggists at 506. and $1.00. ►,ti��;rel1 Crr •Pittherts Castorif •• ALs ,