HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-06-07, Page 14vance-Times, Thursda June 7, 1973 fll 8,000 An lucre*Se Ot 0.2 pet eeitt Pet 1,971 year of atmospbetiO Carbon 10 -year ide has been Observed ovWf.be — pat decade in Canada. oy a 2 Night Special in TORONTO The Loid Simcoe has something extra for you. It's a 2 night special for two at a cost of only $59.90. It includes deluxe accommodation for two nights, dinner in the famous Captain's Table, complete with a champagne cocktail, breakfast each morning and a sightseeing tour of Toronto's many exciting attractions — all for only $59:90, subject to advance registration. The Lord Simcoe is in the heart of downtown Toronto, close to slloroping, theatres and entertainment. You get something else that's special at the Lord Simcoe it's friendly hospitality you will enjoy through- out your stay with us. Colour TV in every room, fully air conditioned. LordsinicoeHotei See your travel agent or contact us at: 150 King Street West, Toronto. Telephone: 362-1848. Announcing the opening of THE TACK SHACK A gestsploto Oro of riding- equipment for both the Western 'ani4 Engilsh rider. BIG HORN for the Western ridor;SERRINGTONS and DEVONSHIRE for the Eng lish rider. FARNHAM horse cam products, for the horse and K. and Carolyn Taylor THE TACK SIIACK< R.R. .3, Lockusw, Phone 395-5443 gpinvmekdays 4 to 9 p.m., Saturdays 1 to 6 p.m. A Zo e rodeo Mount Yoteat, Xaeter and God youths flalabed on top wen 32 elementary school YollOgstmrs, re ting eight Western Qntario centres, Aota- petod in the first annual district bicycle rodeo in Listowel. The rodeo was sponsored by Zone "B" District No. 1 Kinsmen clubs. All participants had earned their way to the zone competition by winning at their respective local competitions. Handsome trophies went to the top one in each of the four classes. Listed in order of finish, the winners were: Class A (grades one and two): Mike Bilton, Mt. Forest; John Leadham, Wingham; Kawnadhie Weerssooriya, Goderich; Class 8 (grades three and four): Richard Quartet Mount Fend, Cheryl Beattie, Whig - ham; Gregg Dahl, Listowel; can C (grades five and six): Bradley Barham, Exetai; Lois arthurs, Harriston; Kerry 'Thompson, Wingham, and Lyle Somers, Listowel, who were tied for third place; Class D (grades seyen' and eight): Jacques Richard, Goder- ich, Jake Landman, Drayton; and Heather McIntosh, Listowel. Details of the competition were arranged by two district Kins- men, Corp. Harold Tighe, Mount Forest, Safety and Information Co-ordinator for District No. 6, and Corp. Wesley Prosser, Shel- burne, Safety and Information Officer for District. No. 3, OPP. Local arrangements were in the hands of Kinsmen Deputy - Governor Derek Nind and Presi- dent Kerry English, both of Listo. wel. Next year's Zone B bicycle rodeo will be held at Harriston. WROXETER A member of the Wroxeter United Church people attended the Renovation Service at Gorrie United Church on Sunday, when the McMillan family of Goderich provided special music for the occasion. • •• JOANNE HENRY, MAgRE EN BEATTIE' AND AMR LEEDHAM,who stood first of the . grades one and two. in theLeicycle Rodeo stand with, their prizes, 'a trophy for first place and silver dollars for Setontf and third,' at the preSentation Tuesday evening in the Wing- . (Staff Photo) ;. ham Arena. DAVID PENNY AND Rodger Benninger placed first and third respectively among the grades seven and eight at the Wingham Bicycle Rodeo. Absent is Mike Beattie who tagged .the second position. And the David among the Goliaths is the winner in the kindergarten divisibn, Judy Lancaster (Staff • (Staff Photo) r • : Two miles north of Rayliold- • Highway 21, one mile east on Telephone Road. D itGAINI1 , Pine Lake Camp has recently been expanded' again to better 4erve,our„InuirircirstOniers. Our facilities are among the finest 4.90404 and are right .hero within' easy driving distance for a *0000,a:ilvviek or a month: if you enjoy wholesome family 000)01#0.:if.'On OWe'ltto,YOuratilf to visit Pine Lake this year and find ***it campers return again and' again to this unique bi thilioart of Huron County's vacation land. Ono 10,4 *kik or longer made at your convenience. .402-3300 or *He R.R. No. 1 Bakfleki. CAMP • *sass e 210 Repriced • Clean adequate washrooms, • Plat areas for the children • Picnic area • Store on the .Swirnlelng • Beating, • Sports • Etc. NIMINI1116 Areal career, a good salary, and a month's vacation. In the Canadian Forces you know what job you're going to do before you get in. And you start working and training on that job. If you're up to our qualifying tests, you get job training, a salary, fringe benefits, travel, and a month's vacation with pay. You also get to work at your trade as soon as you're able to. Because in the Canadian Forces, you not only start out knowing where you're going, you also get there. Find out the facts. Talk to a counsellor, or see your recruiter today. Canadian Forces Recruiting and Selection Unit Centennial Square, 520 Wellington Street, • London, Ontario Phone: 670-5110 The Canadian rrned Forces Ve 04A tC) be 00d tO Ott oss „ s BY ALEAC WALTON. At, last. . . some good golfing weather. The club was quite busy over the weekend, with duffers taking advantage of the sunshine on Saturday. Of course, I couldn't make it out until Sunday ancrget caught in the ram.. . AGAIN! The first club social was held' Saturday night and man, what a party. Congratulations to the Kalemans and the Walkers for their hard work in organizing the "do". Comments around Ihe club seemed to indicate thattheparty was one of the best ever. Next social is coming up near the end of July, so make plans to attend. Actually, there is quite a bit of activity slated for this month. The first interclub tournament is booked for the 17th of this month, with the Wingham boys hosting their counterparts from Walker- ton, Kincardine and Goderich. Interclub usually provides for some stiff competition and lots of fun. Still time to put your name down. If you're interested, see John Jamieson. The mixed two -ball tournament is still on tap -for the 23rd of this month. Tariff is twelve bucks for the day and includes a dinner anft dance. This tournament is de- signed as a fun day, with prizes for the worst scores as well as the best. See John Jamieson at the club. And for' the ladies who like to sleep past nine Sunday morning, send your hubby out to the club- house for breakfast and some golf. Starting the 10th of this month, we're trying to organize d' "Sinners Tournament" (with all due respect to. the local clergy). The tournament will consist of 18 holes of golf and a bacon and egg breakfast. Rick Tysick and.I will be slaving, over the stove this weekend. Should be a lot of fun. Plans for the Invitational Tournament are well underway. Jack Gillespie is acting as chair- man this year and is looking for volunteer workers. According to Jack, there will be an added extra this year, with a trip for two to the Bahamas being raffled off. 'The one-week trip, which in- cludes air fare and hotel accom- modation, has been donated by CKNX. Notices about the tourna- ment will be mailed shortly to all club members. If you know of anyone who would like to take part, notify John Jamieson at the clubhouse and we'll see they get all the information. Understand some of the CBC types will be back again this year for the tournament. You know, the real, unsung heroes of the invitational are the local merchants. Every year they have supported the club with donations for the prize table and in other various ways. I know I'm, either too late for last year or early for this year, but ,thanks, gentlemen. We really appreciate your support. Jack Taylor is now handling the pro shop duties in the morn- ingslor the club. Drop in and say LOIS McLAUGHLIN, chosen as the most valuable player and Lynn Foxfon, as the most improved player, added a feminine touch to the annual minor hockey association ban- quet held at F. E. Madill Thursday evening. Both are members of the girls' hockey team. (Staff Photo) hello to hiin in the near future. The question of social member- shipant ewhait entailshas up iiitently‘ Social members hae1thezriglit40 Mall clubhouse, fasilities andltieltilielipgitciiii ails socialreventsilt 'also, gives them the' ri§ht to bring guests to the clubhouse. Hope that solves any misunderstanding that may have arisen in %the past over social status. SHORT PUTES": We're hoping that the weatherman will start co-operating for the. Wednesday night men's tournarnent. The en- tries have been rather poor so far this year, due to the wet weather. However, we're hoping that more' golfers will start attending.. really . really a lot of f* The ladies' luncheon is coining up again very shortly. Why not. surprise \ President Audrey , (Swatridge) and give her a call telling her you'll be attending. It's a lot of work polling every member every month. See you on the tee, $actpwffl, ‘,*qvdky esal tsr bus„issolslort protiettiotvolltloh *14111111 'out $011** Irod sotto froOti and 0.1*..14:tho *4 olio of mbi.1.01.44641).04,c1r14, Opolcklyo ,10,111 not trsck and cOoripkitsfrIt corm With ,Itlfoolvel cr.'s* 'root ProPartt*, lt,kp MsD4Contlicts%s MM 04, your; delii.wilyi.400 11 .0000; 'IllialttaPi '4.00,:` not vs. ichosp .low quallty .prays, our product Is ItatitEippllioible For froarostIntott 29144374 kistowtli, Owt of town csHs will 1. rioititsthd, -• • , Central Ontario ROLLER H \ %I/INGHAM Altill SATIIIIDAY, JUNE 8:00 p.m. London vs et• Come out and enjoy a new gamein our arena ADULTS AND CHILDREN soc TEENS $1.00 UNDER 13 Acres of private ocean beach • heated pool, sun decks • luxurious accommodation • golf priviledges on 3 championship courses • free tennis on premises • superb dining *nightly dancing and • visits to Walt Disney World available. See your travel agentor contact: Innkeeper, 212 King St. W., Toronto, Tel. (416) 362-7537 Nil 11111111111111111111 Ell • TOCK 04It f 1 SPEEDINAII,RCAAcREs SPORTS 111 111 SPORTS RACES C A R (Formerly- Teviotdale Speedway) OWNED BY L. & P. BOWEN )WW Ina al OCK CAR CBI. One -Quarter Mile Paved Track .1. je I EVERY SUNDAY AT 2:00 P.M. 10 i 1 PARK AND PICNIC AREA AVAILABLE We will feature the following classes: 6 Cyl. and 8 Cyl. DEMOLITION RACES 1500 seating capacity - Free swimming pool opens July 1st Admission - Adults $1.50 - Children under 12 years 25c PHONE PALMERSTON 343-2621 or 2024 COME EARLY AND GET SEAT moismassisureasmasioniiimaimmismimasimiimulimiluilianarnialli