HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-06-07, Page 12For Sate `I: AND BENCH; small re- Idgerator and cabinet -type radio ud record player. Phone 357- MPS - 1971 YAMAHA EDURO, 360 c.c. motor bike, like new condition, 800 miles; helmet; carrying rack; spare tire and extra sprockets. $550. Phone 392-6835. CITATION, GOLDEN Falcon, Flyte, • Holiday Travel Trailers; Bellevue, Woods, Olsen Tent Trailers; Truck Toppers; Crest - liner, Springbok, Chrysler Boats and Motors; Hitches and Tenting Equipment. CAMP -OUT, RENT- ALS, SALES, Huron St. W., Stratford, 393-5938. rrbJuly26 30" COPPERTONE Frigidaire range - $50; baby stroller and youth bed. Both for $25. Phone 357-3482. • 31-7 BERG STABLE cleaners and Stabling. dunk feeders and water howls* ,Lloyd Johnston , -RR • '3, Halyrood Phone 395 -gip. , rrb Bacigtp, BARN WINDOW? Daugherty Pro Hardware has man plastic, 250 times stronger than glass and a8c -a square foot cheaper. rrb 115 FOOT ;house6treiler, for sale. Phone , �S �t1�: Carrie. .23 INCH ;$LACI and, white con- -s;TVs "Ve y good condition. Low,pxice. Harold 1llr+ild, 357-3272.. USED $ATH" (JBS for sale' for wateriing troughs, 'Percy Clark, :957-3080. 7-14 45 GALLON steel barrels with n Mid- :Good for a burnitag gar,.. 'eor feed barrels oti farm; clean gas barrels or sap bar- s. ` 43.50 delivered. Phone 1 :or write Box 51, rrb ,; Miscellaneous PIANO AND ORGAN SALES. Piano tuning and repairing. Low- rey land Thomas organs. Call Hap Swahidge, Wingham, 357-2785. Representing Garnet Farrier. rrb SEEK YE THE LORD while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near. Isaiah 55:6. Be- hold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hear- ing the words of . the Lord. Amos 8:11. But He, .(Christ) answered and said, it is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Matthew 4:4. Phone 335-3763; 24-31-7 ANDY'S REFRIGERATION AND APPLIANCE SERVICE 244Iour Emergency Service Wingham, 357-3484 GIBSON UPHOLSTERY Furniture, car and truck seats recovered, rebuilt. Phone 357- 1217. rrb EAVESTROUGHING— Alumi- num' or galvanized. Estimates without obligation. R. E. Ruttan, Wingham., 357-1077. rrpOct25 ANYONE wishing to have 'hand- saws,: circular saws, tools, etc., sharpened, call 357-3644. rrb AVON. To buy or sell, write Avon Products, 17 Hawkesbury Ave.; London ',32 Ontario. FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in. Automobile, Farm Liability, Accidents and Sickness Home Protection . , Call Your Co -Op' Agent- LLOYD MONTGOMERY $3 Maple Street, Wingham Dill 357-3739 pil MEAS LSLON'-WHEELS one e MY . M ff Miss a Stott* a-H:L.hrboiir; HARDTOPS and' Travel ..6 and 8 sleepers'; Hard - starting at, $1450; . Travel ailemstarting at $2500. Demon - or 16* Special 62100. See us d'ar camping ,accessories. Instead>'Metal -Fabricating, ."une Street, m, a 357- June28 stock For )NTILOLD HENS; ' 13 -old ducks; two eight=weeIt sSe; two 10 -week old pigs; inese geese;'`one three- -old .lamb> and One White Wand rabbit, Phone 335= SCT A Fisherlea bull or fe- Imale` at the Ontario C'harolais sale, Bolton, Ontario on June 9 at 1.p,m. Harold Fisher; Harriston, '338-3634. Cars & Trucks For Sale • 1963 PONTIAC, V-8, Automatic. Good rubber and engine, $200 or hest .offer. Phone 335-3051. 197.1 FORD half -ton pickup., ;heavy. duty springs and spring helpers, radio, •6,Q00 miles on re- built engine, unmarked, $2,100 firm.' Call after 6 p.m., 8876251. 31-7 ;GORRIE AUTO WRECKERS Fairly -Priced Cars and Parts Phone 335-3495 - Gorrie rrb McCREERY AUTO WRECKERS Bit 2, WROXETER bon Highway 88 Midway between Wingham and Listowel USED AUTO PARTS USED CARS & TRUCKS Phone LISTOWEt 2914159 GORRIE 335.3314 Wanted To Rent TWO OR THREE bedroom house in Wingham. Apply to Box 258, Wingham Advance -Times. 31-7 A NICE 1$ODERN unfurnished home in or very near Wingharri. Mut have a bathrbni. Apply to BoX 233, The Winghtini Advance, Tlinott, rrb DOG GROOMING CLIPPING 4- STRIPPPING Call John Visser,227 John Rosa St:, Listowel, 291-4817 after 6 p.m. tf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED All work guaranteed. Twenty, years of experience, Write Louis Blake, RR 2, Brussels,IOntario, . Phone887-680Q. . rrbJuly26 Wanted - SOMEONE to .shingle the roof of our house. Phone 3572391. For Rent COUNTRY stone home. Mddern throughout; Wingham and Tees - water area. $125 per month. Keith Fitzsimmons, Broker, 357-1117. APARTMENT for rent, fully fur- nished. Phone 357-3371. TWO BEDROOM apartment with fridge and stove; newly deco- rated. $90 monthly, including hydro and' water. Immediate possession. Phone 357-1344 before 5 p.m. TWO BEDROOM apartment, liv- ing room, dining area, kitchen, four piece bath, clothes closets, heated, central location, private parking. Apply to Box 257, Wing - ham Advance -Times. rrb MODERN, two-bedroom apart- ment. Electric heat. Phone 357- 1669. Work Wanted MAN WITH half -ton truck for hire. Will do odd jobs, etc. Phone J. Dillon, 357-2820. PAINTING, spray, brush or roll- er. Interior or exterior, Am Amish, Call 335-3019 between 5 and 6 p.m, 7-14 Concrete Septic Tanks Distribution Boxes, Well -tile' Dry -wells Two compartmenttanks have passed the new regulations for Health Unit Vacuum pumper for, cleaning tanks. Back -hoe for dig- ging holes and drains. Will lay the iflsired. Ronald El. Forster RR.1, Lucknow, Phone 528-2346 rrbJune 14 Tenders Wanted TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until noon June 15, 1973, to mow weeds on the township roads before August 4, 1973. Applicant to supply man, tractor and power mower or just tractor and mower by the hour. LOWEST or any tender not necessarily accepted. CARROLL JOHNSON, Road Superintendent, Township of Howick, Fordwich, Oritarib. Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF JOHANN SOSSONG ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above' mentioned, late of RR 1, Bel - grave,' in the County of Huron who ` died at the said RR 1, Bel grave, on the 30th day of June, 1971, are required to file proof f A -sante with': the, undersigned on n before the 10th dayy o July, , 1973. AFTER THAT date the Public Trustee will proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to -the claims of which he then hall have had notice. DATED. at Toronto this .28th day of May, 1973. PUBLIC TRUSTEE, 145 Queen St. West,Toronto. Administrator. • NOTICE TO CREDITORS . - AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF. TENA WALTERS, , late .of the Town of Wingham in theCounty of Huron,'Widow, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to TheTrastee Act that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Tena Walters are required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to GOODALL & CAMPBELL, Solicitors for the Executors of the said Estate, on or before the 15th day of June, A.D. 1973, and that after such date the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 17th day of May, A.D. 1973: Wilfred Walters, Mabel McRae and Helen MeKague, Executors of the Estate, By their Solicitors, GOODALL & CAMPBELL, Box 730, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. 24-31-7-14 DANCE A dance will be held: in. the Wo* men's Institute Hall, Belgrave on Friday, June 8 in honor of Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Bolt on'the %v.”. Sion of their 40th wedding. a ,ani* versary. Scott's Orchestra X11 provide music for dancing',IrOM 9 to 12. All friends and relatives are invited. Best wi.hes only, please. GUEST SPEAKER Dr. B. Corrin of London Will speak on his work at the Chil- dren's Psy biatric Research" In- stitute at the Wingham and Ds- trict Association for the Mentally Retarded meeting on June. 19 at 8:00 p.rn. in. the Wingham Public School. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Oppexts- hauser of Niagara Falls are pleased to announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Verna Marilyn, to Mr. Neal Milton Har- die, son of Mrs. James Hardie of Wingham and the late,. Mr. Har- die. The wedding will take plane at St. Andrew's Presbyterian. Church, Wingham, on June 30 et 5 p.m. Help Wanted R.N.A. WANTED, full .or . part- time, shift -work. Brookhaven Nursing Home, 357-3430. 31-7 REAL ESTATE SALES PERSONNEL We urgently require experienced sales personnel who are familiar with this area. Our office has waiting buyers for . all types of rural properties, especially smaller land parcels. If you can procure the listings, we will -help find the buyers: Your keazcn- 4tl'1D aZei I, Witklini t :..'�d- o ing scale commission°>.� For ahc m- fidential interview, Olean.- write to M. L. Roth. Real Estate Ltd., Realtor, 69 Regina St., N., Water- loo, Ontario. 31-7 . HELP WANTED. Apply in per- son at the Turnberry Tavern. 7-14 CARPENTER or.carptenter helper. Preferably with some ex- perience. Apply to Box 963, Wing- ' ham. NO EXPERIENCE necessary., Excellent opportunity for busi- nessmen, women, community workers and teachers. If you are personable, not afraid of hard work and have the desire to in- • crease your income, World Book- Childcraft of Canada Ltd., will train you at our expense. We offer high commissions and the oppor- tunity for rapid advancement. For interview call, 291-3763 after 5 p.m. or write Mr. Jim Edgar, Box 123, Listowel, Ontario. HELP WANTED primarily for cement work and other kinds of work. Apply to Box 255, Wingham Advance -Times, stating age, wages desired and experience, if any. 24-31-7 ORGANIST WANTED. St. Paul's Anglican Church, Wingham, will accept applications for the posi- tion of organist and choir leader. Please state experience, salary expected and availability. Apply to The Rector, P.O. Box 297, Wingham. rrtf ONE BEDROOM apartment on . Minnie Street. Available July 1. Elmer Wilkinson, 357-2189. ARTICLES FOR RENT, dustless floor sanders. Dustless belt sand- er, Daugherty Pro Hardware. tf TWO BEDROOM apartment on Josephine Street in Wingham. Possession immediately. Phone 887-6456. rrb TWO BEDROOM house, fully modern, located in the Alps. Con- tact Lorne Howe, 392-6172. rrb Wanted To Buy GOOD USED furniture, ap- pliances and antiques. Call 887- 9363. rrb ANTIQUE CARS and trucks, 1010+1940, Call 8879363. rrb /• EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Due to expanding production facilities we are ac- cepting applications for employment within various areas of our plant. --Excellent earning opportunity --Shift premium —Attendance bonus —40 hour week with paid lunch periods --Comforting prospect of steady work Apply in person at Spinrite Yarns and Dyers Ltd. 320 Livingstone St. S., Listowel COLD MEAT SUPPER St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church are having a • cold meat supper on June $ from 5 -7 p.m, Adults, OM; 'Children 75c. Tiek- ets available at Daugherty's Pro. Hardware. ANNIVERSARY SERVICE Knox Presbyterian Church, Bluevale, will be holding .their 116th anniversary service on Sunday, June 10 at 11 a.m. Rev. McClure of Whitby, formerly of Gorrie and Molesworth will be the special speaker, There• will also be special titter. Everyone is welcome, RECEPTION AND 'DANCE A reception awl dance will be held in the Wingham' Public School Auditorium to honor Mr, T. Stewart Beattie, retiring principal of the school on Thurs. day, June 14 starting at 8:30 p.m. The public is cordially invited. BUS TRIP . The Belgrave Women's Insti- tute are having a bus trip to Blackcreek Pioneer Indian, Vil- lage on Wednesday, June, 13. The bus leaves from the Community Centre, Belgrave, at 8:00 a.m. The price is $3,50 per person. Please bring . a picnic lunch. Everyone welcome. Anyone in- terested please 'contact Mrs. Lorne Jamieson, 357-2809 or Mrs. Leslie Bolt, Brussels:' Real Estate For Sale ONE ANDA HALF storey frame home on Catherine Street in Wingham 'withoil heat and at- ta . h d arae., For further infor- mation all at• Iola Bailey Real k Estate Ltd., ..: 82 Albert Street, Cli ton, a ' tario or,plane 829 ..trtl Iritit71.7 1-7 - 50 ACRES, two mles from Wing - ham. 45 acres workable, 5 acres of hard maple bush; good water supply from spring that is never dr'y; all in pasture; priced to sell. Apply Grant MacLennan Real Estate Broker, Listowel, Ontario; 291-4070 or residence, 291-4034. V1iLIAM S. REED Real Rotate. Broker aiid General Insurance . Dial 37.2174 W!HGKi O# aw, COMMISSION RAT! 3% ON HOUSES IN WINGHAM One and a half storey brick home, excellent location, large living room with broadloom, din- ing room, kitchen with cup- boards, laundry room, three bed- . rooms, bath and oil furnace. Priced reasonably. A three bedroom cottage in ex- , cellent rep4 ir, recreation room and basement. Rugs and drapes to remain with the property. New oil furnace. Immediate posses- sion. Priced reasonably. A well situated duplex both Self-contained with private en- trances. Each contains large liv- ing room, kitchen, bathroom, two F bedrooms, oil furnace. Early possession. Auction Sale AUCTION SALE Saturday, June 9. at 11:00 a.m. ESTATE MARKETING SERVICES Auction Centre,. 20 Water St., Wingham, Ont. 1 wish to..expr y sincere thyto all My relatives, s friends and. ,acquaintances for their cheerful' cards and visits while 1, was a patient' in. Wingham and District Hospital. Special thanks to the nurses and staff of the hos- pital and .to Dr., Wilkins and Dr, Ping. Mrs. Annie (Homnth) Armes, I wish to thank my ,friends for cards, gifts, flowers, and visits while a patient in St,. Mary's Hos.#. vital, Kitchener. Mrs, Jessie Balfour. I' would like to thank:`all who sent cards and visitednie while I was a� atient in Wingham hospi- tai; Rev, Bruce Penny for his ayers, to all the: nurses on sec- onprd. floor, to „Mrs, Carl Procter who brought my wife to visit me and all who helped in any way. ' Sincerely, Robert E. Hibberd. The :executive of the Mother's ,-'Auxiliary to the Wingham Minor Hockey Association wishes to sincerely thank all those who made our , season so successful; those who helped in the booth duringthe year, .provided food for the banquet; served and helped in the kitchen. It was a great year, thanks .to all of you. I would like to express my sin- cere thanks and appreciation to my friends, neighbors and rela- tives for thelovely. gifts I re- ceived at the community shower. Special thanks to those who spent their time to arrange the evening and for the very enjoyable enter- tainment. I will always remem- ber your thoughtfulness. Rosemary Blake. I would like to say thanks for all the cards, flowers and treats as well as the many visits while l was a patient hi Wingham. and ,.District Hospital and University Hospital,' London. Special that` s to . the nurses on second' floor • Winghamj, Dr. Wilkins,' l ir, Ping and Rev. 'Barry. Passmore: Gershom Johnston. The family of the late Gertrude Campbell wish to sincerely thank the many friends, neighbors and relatives who were so kindand thoughtful at the time of our sad bereavement. To the Rev. John Roberts and the U.C.W. of Bel - grave United Church. We are iris - deed grateful. Ira Campbell and family. Auction Sale AUCTION SALE OF Complete Dispersal of Dairy Herd & Milk Equipment Will Be Held For CLIFTON WALSH LOT 1, CON. 6, MORRIS TWP. 212 miles south -of Belgrave or 4 miles north of Blyth ON SATURDAY, JUNE 9 AT 1:00 P.M., LIVESTOCK— 34 Holstein cows, - milking and rebred; 2 Holstein cows, due at sale time; 5 Holstein heifers, bred in November; 10 yearling Hdlstein heifers; Red Holstein yearling heifer; 12 Hol- stein heifer calves; 2 yr. old Hol- stein bull off. Reg. stock; Entire herd is from United Breeders unit sires. This is an outstanding herd of Grade cows. MILK EQUIPMENT— 44 -can sunset bulk tank, 4 years old; 4 Universal milker units; auto- matic washer, stainless steel sink; dumping station step saver with glass pipeline ;.vacuum pipe line; double 'piston vacuum pump; 2 single piston vacuum pumps; number of cow trainers. Owner forced to sell due to ill health. • — TERMS CASH — Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents. George Powell - Clerk Brian Rintoul - Auctioneer Whitechurch, phone 357-2349 Maintenance Machine Repair Required immediately machine repairman by grow- , ing Company in small Western Ontario town. Pull Company benefits and good possibilities for advance- ment. Person interested please contact by letter stating age end experience to— R. MaCPARLANE, Maintenance Supervisor -Lloyd.Truax Limited Phone - 357-3600 W irigharn, Ontario would, like to extend a great big thank you to everyone who was so kind to me while f was in University Hospital. These acts of thought lness are deeply.ap- preciated and will always be re- membered, Sincerely,• Linda Henderson. We.wish to express our sincere appreciation to our neighbors and friends tor all their kindness to us in our bereavement. ".Special thanks • tQ Dr, Wilkins, Dr. Ping, the=:nurses at Wingham and Dip; trict Hospital, the ladies of the United Church U,C,V1t,, Rev, and Mrs; Barry. Passmore and the. R. A. Currie and Son Funeral Home. Gord and Donalda, Doug and Jennice Davidson. Dr. and Mrs. Chong Ping wish to thank Dr. W. L. Tew and the nursing staff of Middlesex "Ob- stetrical Ward, Victoria Hospital,: London, and all those who sent cards, gifts, flowers and best wishes while Mrs. Ping was in the hospital. Mrs. Mae Bryans wishes to sin- cerely thank her neighbors and friends for their kindness during her stay in Victoria Hospital. and Wingham and District hospital, with their cards, flowers, visits, gifts and letters. Special thanks to Mrs. Alice Newton, Mrs. Helen Elliott, Dr. Bozyk and the nurses on second\floor. It was all much appreciated and will long be re- membered, Again I thank' you. I wish to express my thanks to relatives, neighbors and friends for the many acts of kindness shown tome during Fred's illness and during my bereavement. Also for the beautiful floral trib- utes, Heart Fund donations, cards of sympathy and thought- fulness. Special . thanks to the nurses of 'the intensive care 'unit of Wingham and District Hosi- tal, Dr. Wilkins, SDr, Ping and e R e khid wofds, of v. � i$d s - more of the United Church: Hazel Davidson. I wish to thank everyone who sent cards, gifts and flowers and visited me while..I was a patient in Wingham and District Hospi- tal. Special thanks to ,Dr. Mc- Gregor, Dr. Hanlon and . the nurses on first floor. Mrs. George Evans. I wish to thank my many friends for their . cards, good <, wishes and gifts while I was a patient in Wingham and St. Mary's Hospital. " Wilma Edighoffer. RITCIIAt the Wiegham 4' District Hospitals An Wi,. '00Y, Y, M .30, MSC _ ht , a :,r McCANNwrAt, the. WIalth42.. and. District• Hospital on Thursday,, rrrjy31 , twMr d Mss; �p .. McCann, RR 7, Luow,8 song, McKAY-At .iii$: Wit. IOW District Hospitalon SortdaY, June 3, to Mr. and MPS. McKay, .Lucknow, o da .:titer ' A DEYELL—At the Wingham: and District Hospital on ,qday, June 3, to toldr.`andiV/$5,Vhignas Deyell, Listowel, ,,a; son, PING—Dr. and Mrs. Chong Ping are pleased to announce the ar- rival of a baby boy, Justin Francis, in Pict. la Hospital, London, on Ma ,1, TOOTH—To Mr, and Mrs. John L. D. Tooth, (Gwendolyn Mar- tin) .at Lake Shore Hospital. Dollard des Ormeaux, P.Q., on. May 29th, a son, Gregory, a 44 brother for Judith Lorraine, and a grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Martin of\Brusitels. MARTIN --In Toronto, to Mr. and Mrs. John Martin (Jean . Brown) on Friday, June 1, a son. WALLACE—At the Palmerston and District Hospital on Mon- day, May 28, to Mr, and Mrs. Bill Wallace, a daughter; Ai- gela Christine, a sister for Susan, Kimberly and Cather- ine. Geniral assembly elects moderator Rev. Agnew Johnston, 66, of Thunder Bay was elected Sunday night in Toronto, as moderator of the . Presbyterian Church in Canada, to succeed Rev. Max V. Putnam of Kingston at the 99th General Assembly, ' Mr. Johnston who was the offi- cial candidate since February when he defeated four other min- 'stss��,,el •o'h;mt s -s n e? ad oral! ivit tats as served the it iet 39 years at t. Andrew's . Church . in. Thunder Bay. Mr. Johnston, a graduate of Knox College and Osgoode Hall in Toronto, is also a memberof the Presbyterian Administrative Council. The General Assembly meets annually to set. policy for the Canadian Church. Some signifi- cant items to be discussed this year are relations with the Roman Catholic Church and the use of unfermented grape juice rather than fermented at the opening of the 'general assembly sacrament as a moral example. OUTSTANDING AUCTIONSAL. Of New and Used Furniture, Appliances, Giftware at Ball Auctions, Brussels - FRIDAY, JUNE 8 AT 8 P.M. FEATURING: chesterfield suites, coffee' end tables, lamps, swag lamps, pole lamps, matching refrigerator and stove in avocado green or gold; automatic washers and dryers, dish- washers, stereos, component sets, automatic zig-zag sewing machines, single and double continental beds, bunk beds, lovely Spanish, French and Colonial, bedroom suites, kitchen suites, maple desks, swords, silverware appliances, side-by-side refrigerator (Foodarama by Leonard) and colour and black and white TVs, plus many more items too numerous to mention. Also for sale will be a 1967 Ford Galaxie 500 2 -door hardtop with 1969.7351 motor in A-1 shape. 1973 plates, four new tires less than 1 week old, which must be sold to the highest bidder. Highest prices will be paid for good used furniture and appliances. Complete estates bought or auctioned. Call Ball Auctions, Brussels, 887-9363 Sales Every Friday at 8 p.m. , Seating and Parking provided, also Lunch Booth Manager, Ned Rutledge , Auctioneer, R. A. Ball Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B,, 11.0. Carol E. Homuth, RO Mrs, Viola H. Homuth, RO OPTOMETRISTS Phone 338.2712 Harriston - Ontario 41111111111111111111111 Chiropractor R. BRAY, D.C. 197 Josephine St. Phone 357.1224 Wingham Business and Professional Directory WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and Sava Bus. Ph. 357.1910 Res, Ph, 357.1015