HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-4-25, Page 8INSURANCE'
PANY, of Toronto,. oleo for the PIREINIK..
Ilugleaislet's° ROYAL CANADIAN, of Mon-
treal, and the OltITISI)MPIRE XXVII/ AS,
SCRANCE COMeA,NX. of floudoe, Ragland.
estv.hlielfsed, 1847. Assets over $5,000,000;
-claims and Isounitee paid, over $10,000,000.
LO 0 AL NE WS..—Tre s hal bekuppy to re-
cetve at all times, front any purt of the
Couuty,ltems of local uetus, saqh egs ac-
cidents,oe uny interesting incident eiha S-
ever, frozu any of our subscribers or read-
ers generallyfor the purpose of pubtie
a Non. '
no gutty Zi
i I
THURSDAY. APRIL -26th, 1889
St. Leon Water
The great health restorer. If you feel
t of sorts driuk St. Leon water.
Icitsrir Vita for dispepsia and piles, poea-
etre.—Gea. Sanders.
Vo More 010 Settlers Gone.
This week, duty occasions us to -chron-
icle the death of two old settlers of this
section, We -refer to the demise of Mr,.
John Penhale, of the Lake road of Steph-
en, and Mr. Worden recently of Exeter
north, M. Peuhale on Tuesday was tak-
en ill with inflammation of the lungs and
despite the efforts of two doctors, he died
on Wednesday. iIe was 'in his 63rd year,
and generally enjoyed. fair health. He
had been a resident of Stephen township
for a number of years and was much re.
spected. Mr.John Worden died at Mont-
real on Thursday at the residence of his
-daughter, Mrs. Geo. Brooke, of cancer in
the stomach. For many years Mr. Win. -
den lived in Exeter north, having retired
from farming, which avocation he had
previously followed in the township of
Hibbert- He assurned et one time to be
a prophet and had on eurnerous occasions
:predicted the second coming of Christ.
Becoming tired of solitary life, Mr. Wor-
den last fall sold his household effects and
went to live with his daughter in Mb -
best. He took another notion and went
to live with his daughter In Montreal
where he died.
Answers to Previous Problems.
1st —All around a square field contain-
ing 10 ares would be 160 rods, and all
around one enclosecl by three equal sides
would be 182 rods and six inches, one be-
ing V. rods more than the other. 2nd.—
Re the fence around the prairie field It
would be 12 miles square and cuntain 92,
HO acres. Proot.-12 x 320=3840, the
side of the fielll in rods ; then 3840 x 4 x 6
=92160 rails.—Huy DOYLE, Offa.
Flasr Qunsarose—Let m = the number
of acres in field or 160m = number sq.
rods in field. The No. of rods in a side
= V160,n, the number of rods in 4 sides
Vlestin7; the No. of mils rails required
e`100m x 6 or 24 6ent. But by the
question the number of rails equalled the
number of acres, therefore 24 i16 -07e =7/1
square both sides 576 x 160m=enal divided
bye, 576x 160=m or 92160 = m. .•.
or number of acres is 92160.
SECOND QUESTION.—(1.) The square !field
eontains 10 acres or 1,600 sq. rods. Rods
No. of rods to a side or 40 rods
No. of rods on one side, 40 rods x 4
rods aroun(l the equate field.
p) A Be es
x V=area or 1600 sq. rds
x 1.7320508 = 1600
31 16000000000 AB2 16000000000 x
4 — 17320508 17320508
4 =369.5041 AB = ‘rsTETIU,
AB =19.22 -I- rods in side, and there
are three sides 19.22 x 3 =-- 57.56 rods
around the triangle
160 rods around
57..66 "
the square
, " triangle
102.33 + rods is difference.—Ans.
W. IV. Tear,
Answer to the first part of your ques-
tion of last week's issue. Let y= No.
,rof acres in field. Then No. of rails must
be y. if acres ess 160y rods. Then 4 sides
1-6-61; square rods. Then 4 sides -se
6 (4 v'1601/)equal y '• 36(16x160y) = y2
576x160y equal y2 ; thew 576x160y equal
1/2 ; 92160o v; 92160 acres as -
y, therefore 92160 is No. of acres in field
and because it equals v it must also
equal the number of rails enclosing the
Eel:I.—JAS. :PALMS (rand Bend.
Answer to problem in the TIMES of 4th
inst. (1) to fence a square field contain-
ing as many acres as there are rails in the
fence, allowing six rails to the rod there
must be 92160 acres in the fields
-(2) A ten acre field in the form of an
cacsuilateral triangle requires 182.36e -rods
of fence while in the form of a square
it would require only 160. rolls, therefore
the fielcl in the form of an equilateral
triangle requires 22.36+ rods of fence
more than square one.—J W, HOGARTII.
Oak Hill.
From a grove of 19 trees, by placing them
so as to have 9 straight rows with 5 trees
in each row.
Various' designs may be used in the
forniation. of the grove and iti1l meet the
requirements of the problem; but the one
to my mind the most appropaiate to the
nature of the problem is a conventional-
ized heart, which must be conatructed as
follows:—Draw an angle a b c in the
form of the letter V. Divide the side a b
into four equal parts in the points d e f
and join the /pints d e f to the point c ;
likewise, divide the side c b into four
equal parts in the points g h i and join
th.epoints g h i to the point a.
.Along the, line d c, mark the points of
intersection/ k 1, along the line e c mark
them m:et o, and along the line f c mark
them p q r and complete the design
by dividing the line b p into tyro equal
parts in the point 8.—). W. Piocanair,
11,Ir. John Gould this week shipped three
oar loads, of ashes to the U. S.
Smart boy wanted te learn the art of
printing. —Apply at the TIMES affice.
' We 'ate glad to hear thet Mes James
Down, who has been seriously 01 ,is re-
A. large etook of ladies walking shoes
;blest cpehad et the big bankrupt Store.
• Retnember you Save from 35 td 60 ets. on
evely pair,, '
Tile EXetet Ledge, No. 67,badepew
dent Order of Otid.fellows,, Will. attend
diyitte ger-Vide at- the Trrvitt 'Memorial
hureli, Exeter, on Sunday next, .April
28th at 3 o'olock; pM. when the Rey,
Ilartin, of Chatham wM preach,
Special 11,stxtelsneenseiet.
We 'au made arrangements with Dr.
B. a", leadall 09,, publishers of "A
Treatiee on the liorse and oe his Diseaselle
which will enable all our subscribers to
obtain copy of that valuable work free
by sending their address (enelosing a two
cent Stamp for Mailing same) to Dr, 13, Z.
Kendall Co., Enosburgh Falls, Vt. This
boek is now recognized as standard
wathority upon all diseases of the horse,
S5 it phenomenal sale attests, over four
million copies having been soldin the past
ten years, a sale never before reached ley
any publication in the same period of
time, We feel coufident that our patrons
will appreciate the work, and be glad to
avail themselves of this opportnuity of
obtaining a valeable book.
It is necessary that you mention this
paper in sendiug for "Treatise," 'Phis
offer will remain open 'for only a short
Mies L. Willie, of Strathroy spent a few
days of last week with her lady friends in
town.—Mr. Geo. Brooks of Montreal for-
merly of Exeter north ca:lied on his old ac-
quaintances here last week. Many Exe-
terites who are in other places, spent
Easter holidays ab home. We have re-
ceived word from our friend, Mr. Daniel
Dyer; he has pitched his tent in St. Paul,
Minn., end 'lees the city well. We hope
he May succeed beyond expectations. Mrs.
John White is spending a few weeks with
her son in Windsor. —New lady officers
of the Salvation -Army have arrived. The
late officers were possessed of very little
vim, and it is expected that the new com-
ers, being energetic, will revive the army
matters to their usual normity.—Mr T.
Coughlin, M. P. of North Middlesex
who is suffering from diphtheria in Ot-
tawa, is t.ecovering, the good news of
which his many friends:will hear with
pleasure. --The Rev. Dr. Mockridge who
a few Sundays ago preached in the Trivia
Memorial church, Exeter, has definitely
decided to accept the rectory of Christ
Church, Windsor, N. S., and will leave
for the new charge on the 1st of May ---
Mr. W.. J, Clarke has resigned the various
offices held in connection with the James
et. church, and will shortly leave for Tor-
onto. Mr. C. has been an important
worker in the church and will be greatly
missed. Mr. W. C. Athenfelter, represen-
tative of the Gillett or Imperial Baking
Powder was in town on Thursday and gave
us a call. He disposed of considerable of
the powder during his stay.—Mr. Samuel
Penhale, of Torouto spent Easter Sunday
at home. -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gray, of Lon-
don spent Good Friday with Mr, Wm.
Ilarcling.—Mr. W. H. Colson, formerly of
Exeter, but now of Hamilton is visiting
friends in town. —Mr. Arch. McArthur
spent Sunday in St. Marys.—Miss Maggie
Sheere of London, who has been the guest
of Mrs. R. Pickard for the -past week re-
turned home on Tuesday evening.—Miss
H. S. Gray, and Miss Allice Sheere, of
London are spending their Easter vacation
with Mrs. R. Pickard.—Mr. Geo. Hind,
was yisiting friends in Durham last week.
—Mr. Horace Follick, who is attending.
high school in St. Marys spent Sunday in
Exeter with his Dar nts
Bre vities_
The assessor is going his rounds,
A number of boys spent Good Friday at
the lake.
Be sure to read Carling's change of ad.
in this issue.
We had theaflirst thunderstorm of the
season on Wedneeday.
A communication from Parkhill un-
avoidably crowded out of this issue. •
Several employees have this week been
added to the staff m the Verity Ag'l works.
The Kirkton Spring Fair was held last
Thursday, the last of the season.
The big bankrupt store will pay more
for butter and eggs, than any house in
Messrs. 'Sinith Bros. the other day sold
a bull` to Mr.,Allswo th for $200.
Mr. James Oka on Monieer shipped a
carload el cattle to Montreal.
The general verdict is that the biz
ba,nkrutpt store, is doing che dress goods
trade of Exeter, their stock is simply im-
One night recently thieves entered the
barn of Mr. E. Jory, Stephen and stole a
quantity of oats and a pair of ,weigh
Mr John EaMkbila 5, has purchased a
beautiful black colored. roadster
It is stated that the "Unknown" and
Kilbake are to have another glove contest
at the "Gym."
The streets are in a dusty state, arili if
rain keeps off much longer the watering
cart will be requisite.
Men and boy's clothing, ready made or
made to order 30 per ceet. below regular
prices' at the big bankrupt store.
Sausage promises to be cheap in Park-
hill this year. The council has ,adopted
city measures of dealing with the dogs
not properly labelled.
Mr. H. R. Abbott, of London, former-
ly of Exeter, was the victim of a runa-
way accident a fe w nights ago by which
he sustained a wrench of his hips.
One of our young men has a novel way
seeing his girl home. • He attempts to
catch up to her and a footrace ensues, in
which the youeg mp,n is frequently beaten.
Mrs. P. Hooper has been committed for
trial at Bluevale, Ont., on a charge of
having set fire to the Bluevale cheese fac-
Farmers have finished seeding—the
work this season being done nearly two
weeks earlier than usual. Gardening is
being done, which is also very early.
Carpets and Lace Curtains, are- going
fast at the big bankrupt store.
We are pleased to notice that the Coun-
cil are evincing a public spimt by propos-
ing several mimes for the general good
of the oitizons A Board of trade, to be
followed by an effort to establish a High
Buildino operations are being rapidly
pushed forward in ,all quartere of the
town. In the line of improvements,
among the most notable, might', be men-
tioned the extensive additions to the re-
sidertee of Dr. Lute. ,
Several of our citizens are in favor of a
system of eleetric lighbing, .fr. L. Har-
dy says he will go in for it heartily ',Pro- ,
.viding.that it can be proven to him that
any eleetric scheme is ch wiper than day-
light. • Mr. Hardy had better migrate to
Australia. , ,
Mr. A. Holland, the other clay, haa
just retittnecl home With a valuable ram
which he purchased frorralr., Sohn toad -
man, Vsborne. The animal was tied hi
waggontor an while the horses were
being stabled the i,ant jumped' frowl the
waggon and was hanged,
Easter Vestry Meetings.
The vestry meeting of the Trivitt Me-
morial Church, Exeter, took place on
Easter Monday at 3 p. m. There was a
fiat: atteudanee of members of the church;
the Rector, Rev $. IP. Robinson, in the
The minutes of former vestry meeting
read, and on motion of Mr, Joseph Case,
seconded by Mr. Benjamin Case, were
Mr. John Spackman, Churchwarden,
presented acceunts, showing the receipts
and expenditures for thepast year.
The growth of the parish in four years
may be estimated from the f011owing
statement of offertories since 1885, includ-
ing both diocesan and parish collections:—
Easter, 1885, $205 23; Easter, 1886, P89.-
12; Easter, 1887, 066.04; Easter, . 1888,
$387,12; Easter, 1889, $792.50,
The Rev. S. F. Robinson reported hav-
ing paid nearly 800 parochial visits, preach
ed 114 sermons, held 30 cottage meetings,
23 condirlates were coufirmed, 23 infants
ancl 5 adults baptized, 9 marriages and
11 burials.
On motion of Mr. Tdvitt, secon dell by
Mr. Joseph Case, Mr. R. H. Archer was
unanimously elected people's church-
The rector, after bearing testimony to
their pleasant relations for the past four
years) then nominated Mr. John Speck
man as his churchwarden.
Messrs. R. H. Collins and B S. O'Neil
were elected delegates to the Synod of
On motion of Mr,Trivitt, seoencled by
Mr. David Mill, the stipend of the rector
was increased, by $100 unanimously.
The salary of the sexton was made $126.
On motion of Mr. George A. Hyndman,
seconded by Mr. William. Drew, Messrs.
B. So' -O'Neil and W. J. Carling was re-
elected auditors.
The meeting then adjourned a1ter pray-
ers to meet in the church on Monday,
May the 6th, at 3 se m.
Exeter Municipal Council.
The Council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment, at the council chamber in the town
hall, Exeter, on the 17th inst. The
Reeve and all the members present. The
minutes of the previous meeting were
read and approved. ,
Moved by James Pickard, seconded by
T. B Carling that the following accourts
be paid, viz:—Sam'l Fanson, 50c for cut-
ing wood for Mrs Corbett, and Jas Creech
$2,13 for necessaries for Mark Clarke.—
Moved by W G Bissett, seconded by J.
Pickard that Mr. S Stanle,ks's tender for
ander, $12. per M. be accept ed. Deputy
Reeve Bissett to eecure supply of same.
—Carried. f,
Moved by T B Carling, seconded by
T McCallum that Mr Creech ask for ten-
der for the supply of nails for the season.
Road Commissioner to repair pound
fence and crossing at the Central Hotel.
Moved by the deputy reeve, seconded
by T. H. McCallum that the reeve calla
public meeting of the business men of this
village for the purpose of discussing the
propriety of organizing a Board of Trade
for Exeter, and other places. --Carried.
The Council to make a tour of inspect-
ion at 2 o'clock, p. m. on Tuesday.
Moved by step. reeve, seconded by T
Carling that the Council adjourn until
call of the reeve —Carried:
.A meeting called by the reeve was held
at the Council Chamber on the:23rd inst.
All the members present. ,
A petition to water a portion of Main-st
was read, and on motion of T. 13 Carling,
seconded by W. G. Bissett, was received
a.nd a By-law for that purpose submitted.
The Road Commissioner and the con-
stable were appointed to measure the
limit for street watering.
Moved by T. H McCallum, seconded by
T B Carling that Mr. Creech receive ten-,
dere for street watering up to Friday evg
Permission was asked of the church
wardens of the Trivitt Memorial church
and Mrs Littlejohns to remove shade
trees off the street. Not aranted.
Shade tree at Dr. Cowans to be examin-
ed before permission to remove be grauted.
Moved by T B Carling, seconded by
the deputy -reeve, that the celebration
committee be granted, the sum of $10.00
provided that it is shown that there was
a deficiency of that amount after the
ee lebration Carried.
On motion the Council 'adjourned until
Friday the 26th inst. atIS o'cock, p. m.
M. RACE ETT, Clerk.
Parasols by the thousand, at the big
bankrupt store, at prices never before
heard of in the western Ontario, see them.
The members of the, council and the
commissioner made a tour of inspection of
the streets, Tuesday. Things generally
were found to be in fair condition.
.A. young man tamed McFarlane, a for.
mer resident of Exeter, but who has been
in the lumbering
regions for some years,
and who was drowned recently, while
floating logs in a stream was buried in tne
Exeter cemetery last week. He was a
brother of Mrs. Wm Parsons, of this
Good Friday Was obseryed in Exeter
as a general holiday. The majority of
citizens enjoyed themselves either fishing
or gunning. but very few fish and less
game were captured. Services were held
in several of the aural -leg. In the evening
the band serenaded the town, and Rev.
Dr. Burns gave a lecture in the Opera
House. It was an extraordinary day.
FOR SALE. nit'from
We are offering especial values in the following lines, which have all been bought for
cash and. will be sold at the lOwest possible figures:
Black and Cold Henrietta Clots, with Border and. Trimmings; Plain and Fancy
Dress Goods in all the new shades. Black and. Cold Silks and Satin Marvellieux all
ver Embroidered Flouncings and Insertions; Parasols. Gloves, Hosiery and Corsets;
arpets, Lace Curtains, Curtain -poles and. Fancy Blinds; Boots and Shoes; Men's and
'oy's Felt and Straw Hats.
gassemazmwasaumaimme ouR
Is full of all the latest novelties, and we are daily receiving enstallments of
goods from the Parisian and New York Markets.
A call from the Ladies. solicited.
SEALED TENDERS addressed to the under-
signed, and endorsed "Tender for Indian Sup-
plies." will bo received et this office up to noon
of THURSDAY. 9t11 May, 1889, for the de-
livery of Indian Supplies during the fiscal year
ending 30th nine, 3890, consistingof r lour.
Bacon, Groceries, Ammunition, Twine, Oxen,
Cows, Bulls, Agricultural Implements. Tools,
&c., duty paid, at various points in Manitoba
and the North-west Territories.
Forms of tender containing full partiqulara
relative to the supplies required, dates of de-
livery, &a., may bo had by applying to the
undersigned, or to the Indian Commissioner at
Regina, or to the Indian Office, Winnipeg.
Parties may tender for each description of
goods (or for any portion of each description of
goods) separately or for all the goods called
forin the Schedules,and the Department re-
served to itself the right to reject the whole or
and part of a tender.
Each tender must be accompanied by an ao-
°opted Cheque in favor.) fthe Superinto ndent
General of Indian Affairs on a Canadian Bank,
for at lea st five per cent. of the amount of the
tender: which will be forfeited if the o arty
tendering declines to enter into a co ntract
based on such tender when called upon to do
so, or if he fails to complete the work contract-
ed for. It the tender be not accep.ed, the
cheque will be returned.
Each tender must, in addition to the signa-
ture of the tenderer, be signed by two sureties
acceptable to the department for the proper
performance of the contract,
The lowest or any tender not neeessarily ao-
This advertisement is not to be inserted by
any newspaper without the authority of the
Queen's Printer, and no claim for payment bY
any newspaper not having had such authority
will bo admitted
Deputy of Supermtendent•G eneral
of Eidian .Afoirs.
Department of Indian Affairs,
Ottawa, April, 1889,
to the Postmaster -General win be re-
ceived at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the
26th April, 1889, for tho conveyance of Her
Majesty's Mail, on a proposed contract for
four years, six times per week, each way be.
tween ExEmEn and Kutztrox froni the let of
JOLT next,
The conveyance to be made in a vehicle.
Printed notices containing further inform-
ation as to the conditions of proposed con-
tract may be seen an ct blank forms of tender
may be obtained at the Post Offices of Exe-
ter Elimville, Wincholsoa, Woodham and
Kirkton and at this office.
Post Office Inspect° .
Post Offfee InspNstor's °Mee
Stratford, April 1889
IViail Gontract.
sed to the Post Master General will be
received at Ottawa, until noon, on Friday, the
10th May, 1889, for the conveyance of 'Iler
Majesty'sMails,on a proposed Contract for
four years, Six times per week each way, be-
tween Exeter and St. Marys. from the 1st
July next. The conveyance to be made in a
vehicle Printed notices containing further
information as to conditions of proposed con-
tract mav be seen, and blank forms of Tender
may be obtained at the Post Offices of Exeter,
Elimville, Winehelsea, Woodham, IKirktoni
Anderson, Metropolitan St. Marys, and at this
11. G. 110PKIRK,
Post °facie Inspector.
Post Office Inspector's Office,
Stretford, 1 April 1880.
. 16
That property known as the "Metropolitan
House" al, the Market Horse, Exeter- The
best stand in town Centrally located Large
airy rooms, herded by hot air Good sample
rooms; in fact every convenienae Good Stab-
ling in connection Will be meld reassemble
Possession given text fall. A rare Anne°. For
particulars apply to ,
JP Ross. on thepromises,
ORS Examitiatioes 1880.
Second and third °lags non-profesnional
examinations at the Collegiate Litstitutee
and Righ Sellable in the county on Tuesday,
0111 jell/. 8.40 a. tn. First 0„ July ieth, 8,40
a.m. ,Caneldetes who Wish to write at o3,ther
Clinton or eeriforth meet nOtifY Id
LO,C11,138(1. P 8 Inepeetor, Clinton I' 0 tot
latet than the 22nd of May, abating whiah ref
the two Fl ehool it they intend to *rite at, and
those who wish to writo at Goeorich must
notify,loner TI Toss, Egg Inspector, God-
erieh 0,at the amino date. The notfee mullt
be accompanied by a, fee of $5, oe $to if the
ancliclate applies for the tint elasa as
as gboond eines exarninationa, No name will
be Servs vied to the Deportment unless the
fee actooMpanies it., Read mrtstere of the
dolleglaterInstitutes �l High dohOele wiil
please send the annlioationct of their Caudt-
detest to the Impostor of the divialon 111
svhich the Coltegiato Lestitete ar RIgh Betted
ft; situated. Portaziof application may bo
had front the Seerotavv,
• PETER APAti81i7,
31:10Y 13 EV'S
Goderloh, April 02a c1,1881 0261-21
(„nlEALED TENDERS, addres-
sed to the Postmaster General will be
received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the
lOth May 1889, for the conveyance of Her
Maiesty'e Mee's, on a proposed Contract for
folir yeara, six times per week each way, be-
tween Exeter end Whiechelsea) from the! 1st
july sleet, The eonvoyanee to be made in a
yehiele. Printed notieris ooritaining further
information as to conditions of propeaed con-
tract may be seen, and blank forms of tender
ratty be obtained at the Post 0 Mies of Exeter,
Miniville and 'Winchelsee, and at this office:.
/LG. J.1 ort(raK,
Pest Officio Inspector.
Pest Office Inspector's Office,
Stratford, Aert11889.
. .
'When Be.b.Se trite eielt, 'We gave itor Castorla,
When she was ri Olsild,oho cried'fer Cestoria,
Virlieis she lyecarce l.isi alio eh:taste Calitoria,'
Wlicit the itla osioeu, she gave them Castotia;
Exeter Lumber Yard
. The Undersigned wishes to inform th epublic in general
—c'onstantly in stock—
tha he keeps
A. large stock of Hemlock alwaps on hand at mill prices.
dressed.—inch, inch -and -a -quarter, inch -and -a half and two
Blinds, Mouldings and all Finishing Material, Lath, LCzc.
SHINGLES A SPECIALTY.—Competition challenged.
largest stock, and at lowest prices. Shingles A 1.
All dressed lumber thoroughly seasoned and ready for
assured. A call will bear out the above.
Flooring, Siding,
inch. Sash Doors,
The best and the
use. No shrinkage
MONET! 11118ETIac°44)*
Through X-mas and New
Cheap Store, Crediton
As he is determined to clear out all
his stock of
At less than actual Cost
Sale to commence lst Jan., and
continue until all is cleared out, as I
am going out of the abovelines.
N. 13. All accounts must be settled
1st January.
ug Store
A. full stock of all kinds ol
Dye- stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on
hand. Winan's
the best
in the mark-
et and. always
fresh. Family recip-
es carefully prepared at
CentralDrug Store Exeter.
10 LUTZ.
Liverpool Service.
Prom Portiand. Prom, Halifax.
*Sarnia Thur. April 25 Sat. April 27
From Montreal. , From, Quebec.
*Oregon Wee, may 8......,,.Thur,. May.0
Toronto-- Thur. May 16 ,, ... ••••••,... . ..........
Montreal Thur. May •
*Vancouver,, .Wed. May. 29,.......Thur. May 30
Taxa, from lelontreel,ebeut gbh May.
Bates of passage front Montreal or Quebec '
to 1,zetrpoot.
Cabin, $50 to $80, Itheording to steamer and
position of stateroom With equal saloon priv-
ileges. Second Cabin, $30 to Liverpool or
Glasgow, Steerage, 820 to Liverpeol, Lon-
donderty, Loudon Queenstown, Glasgow' Or
Belfast. • ' •
*These steaMors have Saloon, Stateroone,
Untie Room and bitthrooni einidehins, Where
but Raid m4tioia Is felt, and carry neither
oattle nor theop.
Vor freight ON PaSitage, 0.0037 in Lir:apt:VA;
to Pifin Main Se a3ontgornery.,243aniee ;street;
in lett eb eesto ye", elltraephereen; at all Grated
Trttok Railerev Officers, Otto
General Vont,
itIcharkge court, ontremi.
CAkr. GEO,
Alteut, Exatert:
One Door South
of Post Office
Boots &
Sewed. work a speciality:
Repairing promptly attended to.
Raw . : Sugar
F R $1.0O.
hite Sugar
FOR $1,00
Exeter North.
The royal mall, passenger and freight route '
between Canada and Groat 13ritain,
' —and—
Direct route between the West and all 'the
points on the Lower St. Lawrence and Bale
do Chalour) also Now Ilrunewick, Nova.
scolcia,rrtinse Edward Island, Cape Breton
gitnt 'buffet sleeping and ;ley
cats run on through extareas tmene,
,i>,1,0tiOngers for Great Britain or the conti-
nent by leaving Toronto by. 8 p. ni . train ori
Thursday will jein outward mail steeneee 'at
Halifax SattirdttY.
Superior elevator, Sverehoutie and dock acct.,
commodetion at Halifax for shipment of
grain and general Merchandise, •
'rears of experience have provedtlie Inter.
ooloniaL in connection with steaMithip 'Meg
to and, front London, Liverpool and., Oleo:
Ow to llalifax, to be, the quiekest freight
route befiVoee. Canada and GeeetBritaie, '
Eitortiatien lie to pitseenger and "fteight
tatee Oen be had•on apPlie'ation to
Weetete toralglit ek Pelmet ger Agent
0815oae1ntfourselliCieltelterk St, Toronto
1:).VOtTINGIIR., •
Chief Superintendent.
ailwav �fhoo Moinfton, Oa,