The Exeter Times, 1889-4-25, Page 5St, lileerYszet , Bataan -Miss Folliek, of Mapleten, is at present the guest of Mi851 Loyd, -Mrs. Eteott Siddons will entertain the people Of St Marys in the Opeta House on the evg. of the 8th of May. -Mr. Charles Clark has returned from Toronto. Cherlie will henpetorth wear M. D, after his name. - Dan Brothers and two men by the lattMe of Donahue appeared before the Mayor ole Monday morning for being drunk and dis- orderly on the street Saturday evening. Brothers paid. his fine, but the Donahue's will work it out in Stratford. -Hiram Pur- due an old and respected resident of this town passed over to join the majority on Sonday evening. The funeral took place , from his late residence eouth James Street e. on Wednesday at 10 a. na, for Lake Side cemetery .---Tbe fnneral of the late James Watson, formerly of this town, took place from the G. T. R, Station on the arrival of the afternoon train on Wednesday. Hensall. Coavro.-Fariners haying good white oats to sell will find that it will pay them to sell them at the Hensall Oatmeal Mills. A large quantity wanted at the very highest cash price. All kinds of Oatmeal on hand and meat ex: changed for oats. Messrs. Mawen Ss Hoods tease haying expired, and D. Urquhart is going to give his whole time to the business. Robert Morrison wishes to direct the at- tontion of the people of Henson and the pub- lic, geneially to his large stook of new spring and summer goods, consisting of staple and faney dry goods, melts', youth's and child. gene' olothing-tweeds-hats, caps and straw goods -Gent's furnisbings-hoots and shoes - Crockery and glassrrare-Wall paper -Grocer- ies &a All of which he is offering at prices to meet the closest buyer. Inspection invited. No trouble to show goods. Farm products taken at highest prices in exchange for goods remember the place, Double Stores, Marshall's bleak, opposite Reynold,s Mansion House. VESTRY 112EETING.-The annual Vestry meeting of St. Paul's Church, Hansen, was held on Monday evening last, when officers fothe current year were elected as follows: Church Wardens, It. Hughes and Wm. Armstrong; Treasurer, G. U. Petty; Lay delegates to Synod, R.Morrison, Sides men, John A Mitchell and G C. Petty; Auditors. W. H. Reynolds and W. A. Morrison. Belers.-Mrs. Davis, of Loudon, spent the Eaeter holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11. Reynolds, of this village. - Miss Nellie Morrison, teacher at Bayfield, returned to her duties on Monday last, after spending the Easter holidays with her parents here. She was accompanied by her sister, Miss Maggie. -Mr. W. C. Char- ters, accompanied by his son, W. J., left on Tuesday for the Soo. -Messrs. Thos. and leluiclook McPherson have arrived safely at Brandon, Man. -Mr. Johnston, of Brantford, has six fast horses in training on our driving park course. He pro. nonecee it an excellent track -Our races come off on the first of July -Dominion Day. A used one bottle of Evereat's Liver Regulator and igained ten pounds 14 Aelght-1t oured me. -Thos. Sutcliffe) berarcler P. 0. SAFE AND SOUND. The word 'sate" is from the Latin iisalu. ere," to save, preserve. Safe indicates freedom from harm or danger; siound, un - cathed, undatuaged, secure, whole, as, safe from disease' It is likewisggarded as conferring eafety, to be relied tloori. Its eynonyms are secure, unendangered, Sure. The tat= is defined by lexicographers as wholesome, healthful, promoting health. How fitting the word, as applieel, to War- ne Safe Remedies, whichmeet every re- quirenaent of both materia mediae and etYEnThcllei°rgYnee protects from diSeaee, and la STRICKEN WITH APOPLEXY. An aged gentlemen of our aquaint anee went out after a hearty meal to remove the ice from the'sidewalle He worked as an old man naturally would with his head and shoulders bent low. He suddenly fell, be. - came uneunscieus and soon died. What was the cense of his death? Apoplexy -the pirellitian would say app. plexy of the brain. In persons of good health, the coats of the arteries throughout the entire body are tough and elastic. In unhealthy persons, partidularly those whoee kidneys are dis- eased, the walls of the arteries undergo inapurities in the Wood which the kidneys have been unable ttiretee.eve. In these eases, when tee action of the heart is intensified by vigorous exercise or excitement, the pressure upon some artery becomes too strong for it is its weakened state -a rupture occurs and a stroke of apoplexy follows as a matter of course. Deraugements of the kidneys are 0 com- mon cause of apoplexy. Whenever they .ffireritraithe COMplete re- moval of the svasto matter in the blood, the deadly poison known a accumu- lates, and creeps throu the blood channels where it rapidly causes decay. The primaty cause of all organic Clisease, such as paralysis, consumption, heart dis- ease end nervous disorders, is directly at- tributable to a failure of the kidneys in their special functioisurifying the blood. Kidney derangemeMs without doubt the moat aggravating as well as the most pre- valent of all the ills of the preeent day, and unless kidney disease is taken in time and aprompt restorative, sneh as Warner'e Safe Cure, applied -death eill inevitably result. Aclvauced kidney dieease has bellied the unitediefforts ote_the best physicians for years end it is sciellie to Warner's Safe Cure, a simple vegetable discovery. that modern seiene has been able to success- fully cope with it. Life insurance companies make sure of its nou•existence before issuing their pole. cies and the learned and careful ,physician will not attempt to prescribe for a patient afflicted with serietis illness before first aecertainiug if this clieease is present. To the Editor of the E,veter Times: .At the council meeting on 'Wedneeday evening 17th inst., Councillor McCallum brought foreviere the question of a high school. He thoueht the time had come when Exeter should have a high sehool and believes there are many in our village of the same opinion and be thinks if the council wants to advance the interests of the village they should make a move in matter, for the costs would be small com- pared to the many advantages we as citi- zens would receive. Councillor Pickaed was in favor of a high school and said if We , ever intend -to make Exeter a place of any importance we must have a high school and that he wag willing to do his share. Councillor Bissett also fevered it al- though he hacl opposed a motion for any grant for a high eehool at the county commie He bad coesidered the matter, he said and thoeght we should have one 'Die reeve was of Lim same opitrion and had heen So for some time ; he wotild like to see the emestien agitated. Councillor Carling clid not feel like bur- dening the village with a high school, se it wocild cost considerable to eyed a euit- able hie:klieg and to maintain it after it was built, He thinks there is•tinie enough. 'yet for 135 to think about it, but would like to know the feeling of the people on the question. AS the council is alixious to have a boelid of trade formed and have maile a mos.e in the matter, the question was ieid Over, hilt no (lathe will be brought before the boned of tinier when esti:bled) ed, Our mut:6116re believe that if our businetie num Will take held of the high school ortestioneer any other eeheine that will asevenc3 the interests pf our ell - lege tee railed fumes Will do their there, ContseeroterieNtes . A OCZEC Frtn, By mail to any lady sending es her best office address: Wolfs, rilawilvil &co., !hotrod, PEOULIAR METHODS. The aphorism that "all ie fair in war," seerste to be the guiding star of those winese aim it is to attract the readerni attention in the latteteday newspapers. Formerly, th oasual meutioa of the merits of an ar le was all that was fleece.. Entry to afteact a ; bet when the tal- verttsing columns of the papers became crowded, the reader of the newspaper soon realized that to naueh time would be con. sumed in reeding all of them, and, as a re- sult, thee eoleknna were oftentimes Flkipped altogetlaer le was then t t advertising developed into a sciene-for preperation of adver- tising matter which will attract public attention is a task whioh,nowadays, reqeires a deeeee a tact a skill whioli not everyone possesses. 'Rho modern advertiser, aware a safeguard to the entite race, of the public dir3position to hurt adl y pees Warner's Safe Cure:bias been extensively over the ordinary advertisements, has oalled used in this and every other civilized to his assistauceameaserinceiyable ingenious country and is recognized as the most devices of the printer a art which will tend to render his adyertisemeuts attritetive to the eeacier. beneficial remedy known to man. It has long been recognized (though not publioly) by the medical peglagaion as the most val. Peculiar methods are often em 1 el le oy r -aa uable compound for the general restore- is Initial in the case of the extensive inkier. tion of the human system by putting the tieing which is done in behalf of Warner's kidneys in a .healthy condition, as when e.tafe Cure, the ogegeoliscovery for all dis- these great organs are rdestoreto a healthy eases of thekidneys wed disorders arising action then the poisonous waste matter isherefrom. expelled by the only blood.pulifying organs What appears to the reader as cement of the system. news is discovered upon perusal to be an Few are awareltlettethe kidneys are the interesting article whioh impresses the fact only organs that can purify the blood. that kidney disease is the original cause of Fancy the danger of poisoned blood eon. most lung. brainesetatret and nervous die- tinually coursing through the body-65gal. orders arid that those disorders are not Ions of blood per hour, or 48 barrels per disease itself, but only syinptoms of a die - day, -pass through the kidneys, yet the un- ease which oan be successfully treated by the use of Waruer's Safe Cure, which will suspecting regard them as of little impor- tance until they are stricken down. Poisoned remove the primary cause and thereby re- bloodengenders attesaiedebility, pneumonia store other fleeted organs to a vigorous lung and bronchial troubles, paralysis, and linaltnY 8 e' tm:seas apoplexy; heart complications, rapidly In this instance, the advertiser a failing of 'eye -eight, scrofulous and cancerous in attracting the reader's attentien and not sores, and other serious maladies, weigh only 15 the name of the advertised article imrressecl upon the mind, lent also tne might be averted if the kidneys properly p performed their work and expelled theurposes for which its use is adapted. poisonous'llwastieetnee 0-4-47:14.-.11 When te medical professionavid strike at the root instead of hewing the branches, . DECREASING THE DEATH RATE. then we can hope for a happy relief from 1 The mortality among Consumptives has many of the ills of thepresent day. When I been materially decreased of late years by diseases are called by their names, and the 1 the nee of Scott'e Emulsion ot Cod Liver real causes of death aee made known, in" i Oil with Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda. stead of death from symptoms of kidney Phthisis, Bronchitis, Abscess of the Lungs, disease, it is then that tlae people will be- Pneumonia and Tinged Affections are cum - come more fully aware of the terrible ' pletey subjugated by a timely use of this fatality of diseases caused by imperfect 1 excellent pulrnouic. Palatable as milk. action of the kidneys. Sold by ail Druggiets at 50e. and $1.00, I was very bad with charrhoett,almost 1 OUR VANCOUVER CORRESPONDA.NR. gone, when 1 tried a bottle of Ever-- i From Esgairnault, B. C., Mrs. .A. B. este Extract of Wild. Blackberry and i Cameron writes that being very much one dose cures. -John Mitchell, Jurp, I troubled with dyspepsia she tried two bot - P, 0 1 tles of Bnrclock Blood Bitters, which THE HOSUE OF COMMONS i gave great relief, and hopes that others Cannot pass a law that will prevent people may be induced to try it also and receive having coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis like be efite, FOR FIVE YEARS. and lungs trembles, but Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam does away with the difficulty by promptly curing all affeetiong of the throat and lungs. It is the pleasantest and safest cough remedy in use. CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. TO THE EDITOR: Pleaee inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named dis- ease, By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to sand two bottle of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have ecnsumption if they will send me heir Express and P. 0. address. ()Respectfully, Dn. T. A. SLOCUM ronto, Ont. 37 Yonge street. For over five years we have used Hag. yard's Yellow Oil in our family for coughs and colde, burns'aud sore throat, and our experieuce is so satisfactory that we would recommend the medicine ao any person.,' Mrs. F. Sanderson, Bosworth, Ont. SAID TO BE SPLENDID. "I am pleasen with Burdock Blood Bit- ters, because it cured my rhermaatiens, completely. My son also, and znany other people in this vicinity, have used it and say it is spleuaid." Mrs. 0. Perrault, 'ItatPoitage, Ont. LIFE AND LIMB Are often in jeopardy through various ae- =lentil on land and water. A prompt re- We:hav e used Everest's CoughiSyrup' lief and sure cure for all painful wounde, in our fatuity nearly two years and 11 has given us excellent satisfaction. - Rev. A. L. Russell, Petrolea P, 0. bruises, burns, wilds, rheututaistn, neural- gia, sore throat and croup is Ennyarp's Yellow Oil, known as reliable over 30 years. Keep it in the house always,. To Advertisers, LIKE HALF A DOLLAR list of 1000 newspapers divided into ..T.ATBS AND SECTIONS -will be sout on pplicstion—FBEE. 'othose who want their adyertising to pay il'o can offer no better medium for thorough and effective worlc than the various sections of ea Select Local List GEO. P, ROWELL i?; CO., Nowsaper Adverti sing Bureau 10 Spruce street, NewYork "About 8 years ago my feet and legs be- came poisoned, and came out in•great sores as large as 0 half dollarwhich ate in almost to the bone. After the failure of other remedies, the sores were completely healed by one bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters." Joseph Gonyon, Tupperville, Ont. COMPARATIVE WORTH Or BAKING POWDERS: ROYAL (Aosolutely Pure).. GRANT'S (Alum Powder)*.. RUMFORD'S, when fresh.. HANFORD'S, when fresh-. REDHEAD'S CHARM (Alum Powder) AMAZON (Alum Powder)* CLETELA.ND'S(short PIONEER (San Francine). - CZAR DR. PRICE'S . .. SNOW FLARE (Groff's) LEWIS'. PEARL (Andrews 8c co.) HECKER'S GILLET'S-- . triellikeleriteseelltelese feteeeettetiel, Seeste seeKeteMietes NA% e AfIg etinetiee eriere &et eel! 403 ....WPWRtliWil''er-7,1. ateltie iititteeetele 4144.4e, whiPot4=, •raretysolia =MEM ceiweettegteltniefie grgrpg•ge414, F ANDREWS&CO."Regarlang Milwauloo, (Coutnlue Alum.) BULK (Powder sold loose).... RUNFORIVS,when not fresb REPORTS or GOITERIME2T CPIE ISTS As to Purity and Wholesomeness of the Royal lriaking; Powder; 4,1 have tested a eoackage of Royal Baking Powder, which I purchased in the open market, and finil it composed of pure and wholesome ingredients. It is a cream ot teeter powder of a high degree of merit, and does not contain either alum or phosphates, or other injurious substancee. E. G. Eerie Ph.D." "It is a scientific fact that the Royal Baking Powder isiabsolutely pure, ' "II. A. Mom, Ph.D." "I belie examined a package of Royal Beking Powder, purchased by myself in the market. I find it entirely free from alum, terra alba, or any other injurious sub- stance. 11.0111tY MOUTON, Ph.D., President of Stevens Institute of Technology." "I have atialyzed a package of Royal BaltinliPowcler. The materials 01 which Itis composed are pure atia wiaolesome, e. DANA "Lams, State Assayer, Mass.'s i The Royal Baking Poevder received the highest award over all competitors at . the Vientut World's EXposition, 1873 ; at the Centettnial, Philadelphia, 1876 ; at the Ameriean festitute, NeW York, nua el, State Faire throughout the country, No other article of htunan food leo ever received such high, emphatic, and uni- versal endorsement from online:et ehenests, physicians, scientists, and Boards of Ilealth all over the world. Nome -The above Des.ouier illuetrates tlao Comparntiere worth of V11140115 Ealdng rowaers, no shown by Analysie and experitneets Inade by Prof. Schedlete A pound can of each powder wits inlion, tho total leavening power or volume in elide eae eitleulated, the result being as taatoatod. This practical test for worth by Trot, behediee only proves •what every 01*-mant cm -minter of the Royal Baking Powder known by practical experience, that, Willie 11 COEFfS a row count per pound retire thee otelinary kields, it le far more econeedeal, end,briefeles, affords the advent.. re, a better work, A single trial of the iloyd. Baking Posistler will eonvinee eny ielded pereme of these facts. e• disereet grows some of tlio rdinn powinnei to bo of a hieeer iteeree of .t . nee, porilere re.ieiel below 'linen, it uot to he taken ae hoileat- lee Ile,: h linve ony val o.efte :slew entydeele 00 10-41,ta 4,...‘w high ?Aoir strength, are to be avuicti ae ditueeroues, MARKET ItEtPRTS. (eCdW°rI'ne°eta,,.00 ° d a ta°':1.-1(1)1e4111.41f., Wedne98a:7 R 0 95 elertug Wheat, 90 to 0 95 arle y ... 35 10 45 Owts 26 to 26 Clover $ red so to 0 00 Tirootny Pelee Corp nage 1;81011t:ua6ret °Flee:, pb ebr bushelj: Apples,per bag DriedAppiespr b atie°rreyPePreriblb4 Ducks per pr • Cmholgeskcierneaspseerappro.10 . ...... ......... 0 205 t 0 0. 30 Beef lsi rhi ,de, ee ps ;d3,0z. ileinfsahee,d00.1,.. .. .. . 340 0503 ttb 0°0 46° 82G°5 Calfskins .., • 5 00 Po 6 00 ... 0 65 to 90 Retyperton „. ... 0 50 to 0 70 Wool per lb „. ...... 10° 0108tto°10° 0°0° -......60050800 ... 0 53 to 0 55 ... 40 to 0 60 ' 0 09 to 11 18 to 0 19 00 10 5 66 ,.. 2510 35 ... GO to 0 50 0 4 t 0 04 ... 0 06 to 0 05 0 07 to 08 Onionsnerbush 0 50 to 0 7-5 Woodper oord .„ 25 t o 3 oo ST; r,tRrs lo 10 Fall Wheat • 9 Spring Wheat............. ..... ....,.....„ 00to ° 0 09955 13er,ey 35 45 Oats..... , ....... ..... 27 26 BO b.... Ili... . , .. . .. 4 (0 , 6 00 Timothy .Peasper .........,..........,........... -,.......1'6504 2 5014' e.lor8eirb bush , ........ . vp13 3tt tott i3et:os • 0100 3100 812°I.t6a;.1 per ....... ...... Su 4180 r1 „ .......... . . . . . . 8 0 • °0 10 00 HayBrantr:nope 6 00 7 00 ........ 2104 0000 2104 0000 LONDON Wheat, 96o to 960 per bushel, Oats, 27 to 26a per bushel, 'Peas 510 to 540 er bushel. Barley', maing,486 to 48o per bus Barley, feed, 3Sec to 451e per bushel. TO_wItHOoNAr Toaowro, Ap1.10. rall, No .2, 30..05 to $1.03; 'spring, No. 9, $1,07 to SLOB; red win- ter, No 2. 51.07 to $1.11; No 1, Manitoba hard, 51.20 t001.31 BARLEY. No. 1 48o to 550 No, 2.500 to 120; No. 3, 30o to 40o; No 3, extra 47o to 43a, PEAS. No 2560 to 57c. Oen, No. 2.35 o to 36e. Freer% extra, 54,55 to 54.60; Strong bakers. $5.00 to 55.90. Market quiet and easier. Sales No.l. hard et anitoba. 51 29 to 51.84 and No, 2 do. at 51.31 No. 3 barley, outside, at 35ea oats, on track, at 330. TORONTO LIVE STOCK. The local market continues active, with prices about steady Receipts mod- erate and there is no shipping demand. The latest oables aro, however, unsatisfactory Choice steers are nominal a14 cents per lb. Bulls sold at 31- to 3Re, and milch cows firm at from 580 to 850 a head. Butchers cattle in moderate demand, prices firm; the best Easter at 3g to 4 ordinary at 2o to 3 and common at 2. Sheep in fair demand and steady, with limited offering; the best sell at 56e to Von per head; inferior to medium at 54.00 to 5450 and rams 3e to 31e Par pound. Lambs in fair demand and firm, choice bringing$5,00 to e5e, and inferior to medium 54 00 to 86 00 Calves dull and steady. Choice beasts, of 125 to 150 lbs., sell at re to 0e dressed weight; rough calves, $3 to 85. a head, flogs are steadyt choice light fat sold at el to 5ee, store hogs at 11e to 50. and stags at 30 to 31e. Armen TO MOTHERS. -Are you di stvirb ed. 54 night and broken of your rest by a sick eland suffering and crying with mein of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of"Mrs.Wius low's Soothing syrup" for Chil- dren Teethitag. Its value is incalculable, It will relieve the poor llttle sufferer im mediat.ly .Depend upon it, mothers ; there is no inietake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums. reduces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. 'Mr s. Winslow's . Soothing Syrup" for elaildree teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world, Ptice twenty-five cents it bottle. Be sure and ask for"mns. WINSLOW'S °•-•.-vraiNct. "RaLd 110 other ind. CONSITAIPTION CURED: An old physielo.n, retired from practice, having hall placed in Isis hands by an East Indian missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perma- nent mire `of Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca- tarrh, Asthma and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for 'Nervous Debility andall Nervous Com. plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands ofoases, has felt it his duty to makeit known to his Finfferin g•fellows. A ctuateil by t Lie Motive an cl a desire to relieve 011111 an sufferix:16. I Iv:Aeolic). free of charge, to all who closireit, this 000100,111 Gorman:French or English, with full directions for prevaring and using. Sent , mail by address:ng w ith Stamp, naming this paper. W. 5 . efoons 149 .Power's BZooO lc7,este N 17 •••••••••••=4,•••rnt 0 TEE DEAF.- -A person cured of JL Deafness and noises in the head of 23 years' standing by a simple remedy, will seed it clesei iption of it raise to any person who applies to Neenoeson, 177 :McDougal street, New York. .e'reseeeleseeeeeeFee. 'DESTROYS AND REMOVES WORMS OF -ALL KINDS IN CHILDREN OR ADLILTs SWEET AS SYRUP AND igseleetelOT,HARM THE MrenST eel -AGATE C1-111-0 rashigullo Styles I. cr) GII A. fly]] diilaia Groceries an,d Confectionery OF THE BEST QUALITY. Also best Pipes, Tobaccos and Cigars PETTY'S HAMS BACON and LARD Thorley's Improved Horse enel Cattle Food Dashwood Roller Flour, G. A. HYNDMAN. JOHN BRAWN UNDERTAKER a CABINET-MAKER, Walnut &Rosewood Caskets ALSO COFFINS or EVERY DESCRIPTIOZi. A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISHED 4' CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My stock of Furniture is un- excelled. tae"GIVE ME A CALL EARLY Spring Goods Bargains that Are Bargains. Now is the chalice to secure your Spring Goods at prices never before heard of in Exeter. Owing to the great de- pression in trade, and buying for cash as sve do, we have scoured Some Special Bargains before the present advances in the market Tberefore we are able to give our custom- ers the very best value. We do uot (elver. tise our goods a,t cost, or less tuau cost. Such Advertisements areFrauds Our prices are right, and will be found as low as any house in the trade. FACTS The people say e • that the prices of Dress Goods, Groceries, Boots ee Shoes, Prints, Cottons, Etc, at Parkinson's are lower ar d better 'eine given than hi all tbe combined stocks hi Exeter. We have some special drives, We invite inspection ; it will pay you to call and examine our stock. No trouble to show goods. Farm Produce taken at market prices. Remember the place : First door north of the Town Hall, Exeter. • J. PARKINSON. stiaminammompowommiwirommigNimmompommo, THIS YEAR'S 31 yrtie 111: CUT and PLUG. Smoking Tobacco FINER THAN EVER, • See • IN BRONZE, On each PLUG and RAOICAGE $3,C100O00 WI 01 DRY -GOODS Boots & Shoed --TO BE— SLAUGHTERED FO CASn! AT DUL AGE'S KIRKTON. DO YOU I WANT TO BUY FIRST-CLASS FU NI viRE AT LOWER RATES THAN SHAM GOODS —ARE USUALLY SOLD- -TAEN CALL 'AT- GIDL Y'S -ONLY FIRST -CLASS - Reliable Goods ^ At Prices Lower that so-cal- led Cheap Houses can give Undertaking in all its Branches. S. GIDT_JEY, (Successor to C ett S. Gidley) ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK 11[ SPRI G EV:700 --01--- Spades and Shovels, Fence Wires ANNEALED, BARBED AND OTHER MAKES, —Which we are in a position to offer to the Public at the— Very Finest Prices for Gas - We have also on hand a full line of - SHELF and BUILDING HARDWARE ?• Paints, Oils, Glass, Etc., at Famine:Prices. Stoves and Tinware of all kinds, always on hand, at prices that defy competition. Sewing Machines; Baby Carriages, Field and Garden Seeds. , Eave-troughing Specialty. A call solicited. BISSETT BROS. THE BEST YET! THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET! Overcoatings at any price; Sin -' ins at any price; Pantings • at any price. Bost Oraorod Clothing produced in Dxstor Gontlomen I leave your erdere early, for with the boat sticift of Tailors' ; the best stook of Fine Trimmings, and the best Cutting ha Town.'you 1110 5(100 of satiofne- tion, 804 Every .Devartment in the Old Established is IZOW 1711,0St complete, and full of the latest novelties. The French, English and American Millinery eant be excelled. The stock of Dress Goods is larger C: cheaper than ever shown. All the best makes of rich colored and shot silks, Cheap. Parasols and Sion shades of every design (both long and short stems. Fine fancy zephers, plain zophers. SAeens and Prints in endless var- iety: A Speeial lot of Swiss Embroideries for Drosso,s, (lovery goods.) Every lady should see our, Dress Trim,- naings (which contain all the it novelties. Como all and inspect Olir stock. attention of Dress -makers is spec ail called to the Dress Goods depart:Mont, ••••4 1 ckr "'"ti j ALM tet 'et ens' se. le eel, see 4,444 2, k.1 •