HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-4-25, Page 2LIKE-IMJI HE EXETER TIMES,RB "114blielled eve". "1"ElclaY n1"4 pg`l" ha7111o13-nrui dtidat,rheiCimwillhapleaw s'Iacstelus'irlaatrli 'tirdo?' said 13rot er Gardner, as Banal. Shin etruck the tringle eleven deliberate strokes and arinounc4 that the meeting was corned. Brother Jackson was 911 nand. .110pained up the west) isle to the platform, oncl wbon he heel got hie pose the president oonbinnedi " Brudder Jecksou I learn deb you er' vine down to Oho on visit." 41Tea, stela" "Ovine to ride on de kivered kyare, suppose ? ' Yee, " Gwine to to eke a reglar satchel wid you, I hear I" "T ar." liMiS STEAM PRINT1NO HOUSE nearly Opposite Fitton's jewel ery P'"'ae.taoter, ab y John White & Sano,Pro- vrietors. ak'rEe ON' antrnsmanie :arab insertion, per line „„ , , 10 ciente. Asich subsequen tiusertion ,per We insure insertion, advertisements should ,S6) oent io uo t later than Wednesday morning Our.T013 PRINTING DSPARTMENT is one Seize largest ana beet equipper& in the County riuron. All werk eutrusted to us will reoeiv 'sr prompt attention: CietiOUS eganding papers. Any pereonwhotakese. paperregularly groin &o poet-oil:ice, whether deo e4 in bis name or eenether's, or whether he has subscribed or not reaPonSible for payment. If person orders his paper discontinued :to must pay all earears or the publisher May ,tentinue to send it th until e payment is made, ,tatcd, then colleet the whole amount, whether •ldise paper is taken from the ease or hot. S suits for aubscriptions, the suit uuty be matituted in tile plaee where the paper is pub. dished, although, the subscriber may reside elandreds of relies away. 4 The courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers or petiodioale from the post. giffiee , Or removing aud leaving them uncalled cow is prima facie evidence of intentionalfraud Exeter Butcher Shop. la. DAVIS, Butcher &General Dealer —211 A.LL KINDS OV— MEATS ettat stoner s supplied TUE SDAYS THUBS- SAYS in SA.TUBDAYS at their residence ORDERS LEFT ATHE SHOP THSHOP WILL BE OEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. tverest's Cough Syrup CANNOT BE BEATEN. 'Rey it and be a:minced of its wonderful curative properties. Pries 25 °tee BArrna NEWS. The Rothsolailcla have iletiated Oontrol of more thau halt the trade in Itatolan petro- leum. In the first minute of the University loot woe of this year. Camlaridge was timed 4Q Maoism tend Oxford 39. The mentor clergyman of the Church, of Englemd Arehdeacon the father - in -1w of the Dean of WestartinsMr. ele was born in 1791 and graduated in 1812. Lister Waite of Bradford, gngland, bee died iron oonoussiOn of the brain, reetating from a shock received while playing threo. quarter back in a football match two weeks ago. The Bribish eteamer Earl of Ulster, on a cone an' plug hat an' glovea ?" her way from Fleetwood to Belfaat, ran into " An' • " Yes, h." a light -hewn and tipped it over. The keep - Ba * Well, 1ale glad to hear it, en' 1 hope er was rescued wine difficulty. The steamerei you a pleasant trip. 1 weed to toy a few injuries were trifiing. %fiords to von, however. You will reprelimat dis LirawlitIn. Club an' de State of Michigan. Dar' am twain things you abould b'ar rn mind." • "Yea, sah," "Civility is de earle-greaae which makes de wheelie of ebery day life turn easily. "Poole boast an' brag vehar' wise men hey man' to say, "A calf wid two heads is a ouriosiby. A non wid de big-head eimply mites eon- tompt, • "De rabblb who walks into your trap bete on anode r man's pine, " A loud voice, & red nook -tie an' a brass waton-ohein won't pass fur brains even wicr blind man. •"While women was created to bless an' comfort Man, she kin edso make it mighty unoonsfortable fur him oh ehorb 13011108. "While truth an' frankneas ar' virtues to be oraoraended, you needn't feel obleeged to bell everybody dat you ho v seben dollen hid away in de heel et your shoe. "Wid dese few remake on my part, an' wid de gineral hope of de dub dat your wleit may be full of pleasure an' profit, we bid you adieu." NOT A linD CENT. Shindig Watkins, one of the cornmitMe on the slok, reported that Brother Warlock Jones had fallen from the kitohen roof and. sustained injuries which would keep him in bed four weeks. He would reoommend that a warrant for $10 be drawn on the re- lief fund in favor of 1the brother. "Hey you visited Brudder Jones?" asked the president. "Yes, Bah." "Did you ascertain how he eum to be on dat roof? ' "Got up to look fur a leak, I believe." "An' I believe he didn'b. He gob up dar, 'I:lording to beat reports, to look at a dog fight in de next yard. Ile was swingin' his hat an' °hoer& de brindled dog when he slipped an went down fur grass. When e member of die olnie eta on de roof of his house to put out a filth an' fails off an' re- ceivea injoories, he are entitled to relief, but when he gits up dar to becotne a spectator of a diffioulty between two dogs he must find his own bread an' battler. De applies - shun of Brudder Jones is darfore refused eine die." THEY MUSTN'T TRY IT. The secretary then announced the follow- ing communication from St. Joe, Mo, "The colored people of Mikan descent of St. Joseph, Mo., leok on Brother' Gardner, president of the Lime Kiln Club, as the philosopher of common sense whose 'stan- dard of Morals is looked up to as being on tthe apex—a guide to go by. We wish to get his 'spression of sentiments ab an early day, before he prooeeds to tegular business before the L. Club, on the subjeob of mixed matrimony of the re.oes, as to whether a black man could be a. member in good stand- ing in theffo. Club .if he marry a white , girl, ea would it be cause of expulsion and dis- grace to the African, without regard to the Gator line. Bets are heavy, waiting Presi- dent Gardiner's deoision. " Respectfully, "MADISON ADAM, " Boss Barber of St. Jo." "Dat ar ' a queehun which has nebber yit cum befo ' dis club." said Brother Gardner In answer. "I can't say jist what would be done if it was brought up, but my advice right heah an'right now is cleknobody liad better put hisself in clat posnItinn. . It ter' ginerelly believed dat de white woinan who marries a bls.ck maa hadn't good 'fluff fur nuffiu else, an dat de black man who foreakes his color wants to get shet of all folks." THE ST. JOHN'S CLUB. The following correepondenoe was received from the secretary of ;he branch club at St. John, /3 : " ST. Jona, N. B., March 7. '89. "To Bro. Gardner, President of The Detroit Lime Kiln Club, the officers and mem- bers of said club, greeting: "DEAR BROTHERS, —The members of the St. John branoh of the Lime Kiln Club con- gratulate the Detroit club on renaming their regular meetings suspended on account of the unfortunate accident to Bro. Gas dner. The branch dub here hes become very in- fluential during its exisbenoe of about seven years, and now embraoes roost of the big guns of HIM and the adjoining City of Portland. You may imagine our great in. flume° and otanding when we are allowed the use of the city count:11 chamber of Portland for our regular meetings. "Members of this olubbave been repeatedly asked why there was no election in the Lime Kiln Club last year, and by what right Brother Gardner held ever. Will you please explain. "J. Y. Jurous JOHltS, Secretary," (Trade Mark,) :Try Everest's LIVER REGULATOR, Nor Diseases of the Liver,Eidneys do., and purifying of the Blood; Price el. Six bottles, SI. For sale by all drug- gists. Manufactured only by Gr. M. RVERESTOhemist.Porest. obatriniMi• The Epitempal Bishop of Glasgow is al- leged to have inhibited Canon Wilberforce from tadking temperance in the charolies of that diocese because he °cooperates with the Church of Scotland in his work. The Army Floral Ameociation, jut organ- ized in London, propolses to set up disabled or povertymbriaken veterans in the business of flower selliug on the streets. • The water - ane are to be provided with glassoovered barrows, like green houses on wheels. STARTLING NATURAL PlIBiONENA. Mottoes No One elan Account Wor. &Meng titehtralogeet of phenomena aee the expletive noisetheta have been heard for Weerssever half the large area of the Ganges delta, end tbat have not yet been aesigned to any satisfaotory puma The noluee, for lack of a better name, have long been known aft the Barisal guns, so celled from Deriffel, the ohlef town of the distriet to whiehthey are mostly confined. These startling [founds were the subjeoto of a long dieoussion ab the regent meeting of the Asiatic Society of Ben- gal, bub the learned member+) are no nearer a solution of the mystery now than when it was first disouesed and written about, nine- teen yeare ago. The pounds resemble the explosion of bombs or bhe thunder of heavy guns. They occur at quite regular intervals, but most frequentle in the rainy season, and their mated aocompe.niment is a southerly wind. They are heard along 100 miles of the coast and up the many branehes of the delta from fifty to 100 nillee inland, and due north as far as the Garro Hale, about 150 miles from the mesa Taco low lying, swampy oozed region for fifty miles •inland is thinly inhabited, and, storange se It may appear, no one ever eeeme to be at or near the plaoe where the noises originate. The meeting of the Abbate Society was pron.& of theories as to the cause of these phenomena, but no theory was eupported by evidenoe entitling It to much weight, Tlae noise e are variously assigned to abmospherio electricity, to eu.bterramean or subaqueous agencies, to the borsting of bamboos—' whloh last, however, produces a noise more like the oraok of mneketry than the boom of artillery ; and also to the breaking of the tremendous surf rotters along the northern shore of the Bay of Bengal, the sound of which, it is urged, is borne far inland along the river channels. The dieousaion ehowed chiefly that the learned men were sadly per- plexed, and the only tonoluelon they reaoh- ed waif that as yet euffiolent data have not been collected to traoe the sounds to • their origin. Noises are sometimes found to be of a ra- ther elusive nature, as our elevated rail- road managers discovered years ago when they tried to get at the true Inwardness of the row and rattleof their +Tains, Inasmuch as the phantom cannon of the Ganges delta do not seem to be loaded to kill, 11 18 pont- ble they will long continue a mystery. A. manuscript copy of the Gospels for which $25,000 as been refused is about to be sold at fellation in London. It is the copy known as the " evangelarinm," written in letters of gold on purple vellum, and was written by a Saxon eoribe for Arohbishop Wilfrid in 670. The English Court of Queen' e Bench has just decided that an agent cannot be sued by his prinelpal for damages resulting from the agent's failure to make beta on a horse race m accordance with the instruotione of his principal. • The case is to be appealed to the highesb court. It is alleged that almost all the turquoises that have been sold during the past ten years have been cheap indbations. They are said to have been menufartured by a Persian syndicate whioh has flooded the Nijni-Novgorod fairs with 100,000 of the fraudulent stones. A clergyman in the east end. of London, having denounced boxing as an unchristian exerciee, the Bishop of Bedford has said: "1 can see no possible harm in boxing. It is a capital exercise, and calculated to Iwo mote good temper and self-csentrol. 1 do not know why every man shouid not know how to defend himself." A woman, writing of the dresses of royal personages, says that, in order that bheir weavers may make the mammy quick changes from royal to civilian attire, the state dresses are made "like those of actres- ses, to unhook and oome off almost in a piece in a minute or two, so that it never re- quires more than ten minutes for these au- gust ladies to reappear in a fresh costume." Svrell yormg women in London with artist' tic tastes are organizing "sketching clubs." They hire a man for a teacher'and ineet at the houses of the members. Subjects are given out, and at the end of a certain time the work as senb to the profeasor, who notes his criticism on the back of eaoh sketoh, and then sends the whole lot to one of the club, who adds her criticism. Itt this way the sketches are passed about to emits sketch er. Dean Sbanely used to tell this story with relish: He sent a note to a shoeznaker aboub a pair of shoes that were making for him, and the writing was so bad that the shoemaker conldn't make it oub. So he re- turned the note to the Dean, with a note of his oven saying that he was "unaccustomed to the chirography of the higher eilassee," and staked for a translation. In telling the story the Dean said thab he didn't propoee bo be held respnosibIe for the handwriting of the entire British aristroracy. Turning the Tables on. an Auctioneer. A Brooklyn auctioneer named Tobias is a •popular man as a wit and a gentleman. No ,person is offended at what he says. and :many a hearty laugh has he provoked by bite humorous sayings. He was recently en- gaged in a sale of venerable household fur- miture and "fixins." He had just got to" go. fing,going, and a half, going!" when he saw milling countenance upon agricultural ..shoulders winking at him. A wink is al - sways as good as a nod to a blind horse or -to a keen -sighted auctioneer; so Tobias -winked and the man winked, and they kept -winking, and Tobias kept "going, going, ..goieg," with a lot of glassware, stovepipes, carpets, pots and perfumery, and finally the •at was knocked down. "To—a who ?" seid the auctioneer, gazing t the smiling gentleman. "Who? Golly !" said the stranger, "1 aduntio who !" "Why, you, sin"sald Tobias. "Who, me ?" "Yes, yes; you bid on the lot," said ,Tobies. "Me? Darned if I did," insisted the stranger. "Whyalid you not wink and. keep wink- • ing ?' "Winking! Well, I did; so did you wink •at me. I thought yon were winking as much as to say, 'Keep dark; I'll stick some- body on that lot of stuff,' and I winked as much as to say, be hanged if you adopt.' " ltanman Remains Roasted and Exported Intelligence from the Solomon group of *lands shows that a shocking atate of affairs 'was prevalent, massacres being fregrent, -owing to internecine wars. This was the 4- 'easiest Sam, Guadaleanor, and Sen Chris- toraL 11 seems that the coasb tribes had become exasperated with the bush people •by continuei petty thefts of pigs and other belongings. An expedition in force was or. ganizsd by the coast people and terrible atighter Wall the result. At ono place 30 •"men, 'women. and children were messes:3nd Anis thtgle villege. Cannibalism was ram. pant and it was said that in one ease, at least; where a number of prisoners were .captured, the people, after being slain were routed, their bodies being afterwards out • 'up, packed in leaves, and exported to other Wan& for aistribation. The raidtc were mold to be taking place very frequently, and wore attended with the same horrors. litfives and ft:milks had been captured in aumbers, and in OLINOS where they were not killed they were sold in.o elevery by their cenguerore. This latter was the rate part'o- utterly with the boys and gine. The schoon. • er Enterpriee, which brought the newt; of 'the shacking occurrences, reported that the people on some of the islands were implor, sift thecaptains of wools to take them from • the place as they vvere fraid �f being mamaore& It was said the natives ehowecl them. Moen very willing te work but the raids pnwented anything being done for the °rope eto that the pht.ces were in a very bad Mete. A fourteenyear-old aungarim2 girl landed at Gott', Garden last week. She had never • ,neen Se Negro, and while sitting in the place • was enproached by the deneely colored beet- biaele She was nearly thrown into fits, raised her hands in horror and declared that tette Led wen the devil. Matters wets eats -plotned to her, but she kept a wide distmee from the bootblack during her stay in the 4, Styli women smoker, le the latest ques, lion whit* le troubling the Britioh nation. We say no, deeidedly. You can't prevent !tor from firinte' up oecasionally, but we OM Iteirerpermit her to emoite. For many year's in war ships no other than the horizontal engine for screw veseels was used, on account of the necessity for the most complete protection involved, and on this account the efficiently of the machinery arrangement was considerably reduced. Within a comparatively few years, 'how- ever, ingenuity and skill have triumphed over this difficulty, it having been found possible to euffioiently protect the cylinders of vertical engines from danger by projeo- tilea, and this type of engine has in all such casee invariably been thus fitted. The ad- vantages gained by the use of the vertical engine instead of the horizontal are very con- siderable, the engine working far more smoothly, wearing more evenly, and all parts being much more accessible for inspeo When the Prince of Wales and his wife wish to go to the theatre, notice ie given to the manager, who prepares his largest box' or knocks two boxes into one for the royal party, and sets aaide another box for their suite. • If the boxes have already been sold, the parsons purchasing are informed that they are wanted for royalty, and are request- ed to call and get their money back. Half a dozen programmes are printed on colored satin, a lot of bouquets are purchased for the ladies, and an immense amount of !markt cloth is used in decorating the house. The manager receives the party personedly. The raising of the curtain is delayed until the royal party is seated and the orchestra plays "God save the (Zeeman." At intervals firing the performance refreshments are sent up to the royal box. AU this is at the expense of the management. The secretary was Mettuoted to reply that an arnendmeon to the constitution, adopted July 19, 1887, authorizei an election every two years, inetearl of elle, avid thet a general eleobien for all officers would be held some time this year. The meeting then adjourned. 'Awful. A gentleman who is the Whet Of three little boys has often been' heardto regret thah they *ere not little girls, • 11e wee one day expressing thie regret to a lady in tht pro:mance of het little girl of five yeare,. Who vshen he had ceased epealw ing, gave Min "cold : comfort' by Making her head and saying, in a oranioally format aiid doleful tone': ' • "WellI guese you'd be sorrier than weer about it ak you could be the father of lily little brother George for about an hour 1 I toll yoke boys are awful. 11 appears that Beale have been ridged to the litmus of United States (*Nene.. A Washington 'etatespondent deists that as they ate born on the soil Of the great regal). lie and revisit their birthplace year by year they tire "entitled to Atrieticall proteetion.' Thee° lieels should rennin -dot, hoteeeer, that When (Atlanta leave their owtt territory they Leconte subjeot to tho Suriiidiction alit° 16. cality they *Wt. They Cabinet then set tip 111101r MI IOWA againet those prevailing in other notiene Or on the high Mame In cage Of getting into trouble it Will be intereiting to Bee ditt seals proving their Identity and int- tionality. They rehoidd always carry thek papere in their aide pookoto 10 be halides. Row Ilastahey Leave Thie World. A German etatietiolan says: There aro **present 3,064 tazigumpee epoken by the inhabittenta of onr glebe, whose religions convletiond are divided between 1,00 dif- ferent confessions of faith. The iaumber of Melee le nearly equal to that of the females. The average duration of life is 33 years. Opo -fourth of the population of the earth (ilea before attaitiog the 17th 370Str. Of 14000 persons only one reecho the age of 100ewers'and not more than six that of 65 years. The entire population of the globe le upward of 1200,00000, of whom 35,214,000 die every year; 96,480 every day 4,020 every hour; 67 every minute, and 1 end a fraction every second. On the other hand the birth amount to 36,792,000 every year ; 100,800 d 4 200 '70 • every ay ; every hour; every MID. ute ; 1 and refraction every eecond. Mar- ried people live •longer than the unmar- ried, the temperate and industrious longer than the gluttons and idle, and civilized nations longer then the uncivilized. Tell pereons enjoy • a greater longevity than small ones, Women have a more favor- able chews of life before remming their fiftieth you than men, but a less favor- able one atter that period. The proportion of married persons to single onto is as 75 bo 1,000. Persons born in Spring have a more rebind coustitution thtei those bora at other moons. Births and deaths °hour more frequently at night then in the day- time. Is may finally be added that only one-fourth of the nude inhabitants of the globe grow up to carry arms or perform military service. Hayti= Stem. The rainy swan Oommenoes in Hayti ..dur ing Aptil, and oontinties 'till September. Mbar several months of dryweather' one breathes again, au the 'east wind • brings the weloome taM'Which comes with a rhati and a force that bendsthe tallest . palm tree till ita branches almost sweep the ground. Sometimes, wribes Spenser St. John, who spent twelve years among the . Haydans, while dried up at Port-au-Prince, we oould see forweeks bhe ram i clouds gathering on the Marne de 1' Hopltal within a few miles of rue mod yet not a drop would come to refresh our parohed gardens. • . Drairite the great heats, the rain is not only welcome for its cooling effect upon the at- mouphere, but as it corncob* torrents, it rush- es down the streets'weeps clean ell those that lead to the harbor,,, and carries before 1/ the acorimulated filth of the dry Ionian. In very heavy rake the cross' streets ete flooded. I never' mew more vivid lightning, haled louder hunder, or knew heavier 'mews' than visit.Hayti. I had oftenread of a :oleop of thunder froraa dear skyrbuthad nerterbeard anybhinglike the one that shook our !house near Port-au.-Prinom . We ,were sitting, a, large patty, on our broad veranda about eighto'oioole inthe even - Mg, a bee.utiful starlit nIght,---the eters, in fact; shining so brightly that we could almost read by theit light, --when a dap of thunder, which appeared to burst just over ourroof, took our breath away. lb was awful in its suddenneas and atrength. No one spoke for a minute or two. Then, by a common hurts:date we left the hones and looked up into a perfectly clear sky. Ab a distance, however, on the soenraits of the Mountains, Was a gathering of black clouds, and withba half an hoar one Of the heavieet storms I have ever 'seen was upon use with thunder Worthy of the clap which had Arab startled us. •d A Miser's Awful Death. Heroism at Home. How useless our lives seem to ne some- times. How we long for an opportunity to perform souse greet action. • We become •tired of the routine of home life, and imagine we would be far happier In other mow. We forget that the world bestow° no titles as noble as father, mother, sister or brother. In the pored precincts of home we have YdaaY atanoes of heroism. The daily acts et coif -denial for the good of a loved one, the gentle word of soothhig for another's trouble, the -care for skis, may all seam as nothing; yet who•esso tell the good they may accom- plish.? • Our slightest word may have an in- fluenoe over another for good or evil. We are daily sowing the seed which will bring forth some sort of harvest. Well will. it be for neiFtho WW1: Will he one we will be proud to garner. If some one in that dear home can look -back in after years, and as he tenderly titters our name, say, "Her words and example prepared me for a life of useful- ness, to her 1 owe my present happiness," we may well say, "1 have not lived in vain. "— National Presbyterian. His Version, A toad under a harrow would doubtless give a different account of his experience from that which the farmer guiding the jai- plement might furnish. "Only those aroused from midnight slum- ber on shipboerd by the terrible cry, 'Man overboard!' ' eald a traveller, "can °compre- hend to the full its terrible meaning, the fear and horror in its sudden alarm." "011 yes they can," aeld a little man who ail not look as if he had ever left his native town. "I heard it once when I ween't near the ship, and I realized it more than any one else." "You couldn't," said the traveller scorn- fully. "Yes I could," persisted the little rawa, "I WAS the man who was overboard." A Fringe of Ribbons. 11 our eels have a superfluous: amount of time and sttength which they veieh to put to good use let them turn their attention to the charming fringe composed of ribbons, says the Philadelphia inguarer. The loveliness of a costume ton be greatly enhanced by tho addition of this graceful and effective trim- ming. For this purpose a band of galloon in the very narrowest width is selected, upon UNIONTOWN, Pa., March 31.—Samuel whiole is dewed in length bo suit the fatal', Humbert. one of the victims of the gang narrow ribbons, close enough to give a 1 all who nosed the vein of terror, died at Mo- rich effect'. olellendtowu last nignt. He was 80 years The beauty of this novel fringe is much old, was a miser, and is "supposed to haws enb.auced by using teveral rows, one tebove hidden a le,rge sum of money. • Lasb summer the other, and finishing the upper rows with the robber geoag burnedlais feet with candles tiny rosettes. 'c sheet ribbons will play an and held him over a fire to force him to die. important part in summer toilets • encircling dosevehere hie wealth was hidden, but in the skirt in numerous rowe, they g' ive a very vain. • The old man never frilly recoverecl rich finish. Right here a vast -field is opened from the ithook, and heart disease caused his to the clever girl itt the occult Makeup of the (loath. Bother than touch his hoard he rebewitahing bow, which le to be found in so coldly allowed Ine hone to he geld by the many odd nooks and cornert of a coharming sheriff, Ile knew deatn tv at staring him in gown, The laminated ribbons in tinael ern - the face for the poet week, and several broidery are exquisite and are one of the time Was about to aimless who're the money striking featuree inn:dab:tory. As inserbions was concealed, onoe saying it Was pat away they teen be tided with delightful effect upon in a box, bub he became choked up and gausedike material, • oottld nob apeak further, In the throes oi death he gasped: "Bob, the boo is—' • gunshine After Rain4 velien he waa aeized with a choking t and died. His relativoe are hunthog for tbe tree- Wite—" And you won't; give me the price of en Easter homed?" sure. Htutbahd—'' Nopia." The tea gown nod the house gown are W. (with a sobi—s" You are one of the both made to degne the figure more this meanesttrn, one (VI te niggerdlierithot--2 spring, , on aro a adhy, anlia me e viz e. S85 Solid GOId Watch.FREE Sohl forS100. until lately. Best 495 watch In the World. Perfect timekeeper. War- ranted. Heavy Sulk! Gold Hunting Doses. Both ladles' and gents' sizes, wint Works and cases of equal value. One Verson in Mich lo- cot*,•can secure one free, together with oto large and val- mole flue of lionsehold Samples. These samples, as wall as the watch, we send /Free, and after you have kept them In your home for 2 menthe sod ihown them to those who may have called, they begcme your own property,_ Those who write at ono ears he auto of receiving tho Wo.tch and Samples. Wo ray all express, freightote. • Address St10130/11 alL COto BOX 812s remands Mane* It Made • Mother Strong \tarn ,,k,,,, . _ _ , _ . 1, . . .„-.- ,ILM_.,.........-- I'My Mother has 'been using PAINg's OSL=7 ConreuND for 1101701111 preStratien, aceOmpan- led by melancholia, ete., end It haS done her A World ot geed, It IS the MalTreedle eine that strength, ens tlae nerves.' G.U.BEltJis, orbisonia, e Pa, "1 21» in my Nth year. Ilavebeen emoted in Several, ways--coul(t not sleep, tad no appetite, no courage, tow writs. I commenced usin Paine% Clelery compound, and ten miter fro the third day after using. it. now nave a god appetite and can sleep well. My spirits and. courage aro almost like those of a young man.,1, S. C. EIRISAID, IL I), GMIZILISS, Pane's Celery Compound' Strengthens and builds up the old, and cures their liatirmitieS. Rheillnatism, indigestion and nervousness yield gummy to tee ourativepoiver or Patne's Celery Compound. A Perfect TOMO and invigorator, It GIVES NEW LIFE. "ram now 69 years Old and have tried several remedies, but none had any effect until I used Paine's Celery CoMpolend. 1 reel 'entirely clIf-; ferent for the short time I haveused it.. loan, walk nearly- straight, sleep sceuld end well, and. feel as though, there vras new lite and opera, coming Into my whple tuatara," ,•, . Mrnms, Cleveland, Tenn.. Painen Celery' Compound is or -unequaled", value to womenet strengthens the nerves,! regulates the lielneys, and has wonderMlpower, Itt eurleg the painful diseases with' whigh WO4 men so often silently sutler. • • $1 per bottle, Six for $5. At DrUggiSta.-? WELLS, Ituntaimeog & CO Mograr.Ar,A �li A An nu% n vet, True.to Name and Color: SI I , I LAO 11othing can .EguaZ Them. YOUR BABY IttopMATE1710"0 MARVELOUS /1 • DISCOVERY. Only Genuine System °flies:tory Training. Pour Deeke .1searned in one reading. , Mind wandering cured. Every child and adult greatly benefitted. Great inducements to Correspondence Classes. Prospectus, tvith opinions of Dr. 317m. A. Ham— tumid, the world.famed Specialist an Mind Diseases, Oftt lel Greenlr Thompsop, the groat Psycho'. nousW J. ey,D.wo editor of the Chrotion dvooat_._e . 'chard Proctor, the Beier, , . ;Astor, Judge Gibson, Jude. P. idenjamin,sad others, sent post free by Prof. A. LOISETTR, 2197 Fifth Ave., 1.4. Ya A THE OF ANNEXETER TIMES The inventor of the puzzle called " Pigs W. (with dignity)-- ' Thank you, Yon in Clover " is caroming a largo fortune, and have told the truth. And 1 suppose 1 need this reininde a contemporary that it no the not inform you that the opinion ie universal- ly held that the meenetit men elWaye get the apparenbly ineignificant inventions Whir& hoot oriveco pay, U.he rebut» ball, a wooden ball with tete-e" Here, take teat , Eelabitions It .110,,S Igen awarded NINE GOLD MEDALS during the last three year t rubber string Attached, mitemeoli it worth a new hat," made a million dols Ithe pocketbook. lam , for the hiventor. The same forbune was W (smiling) -1, I alwaya know you were a-8ee that you get PeerlesIli It is Only Medi) by made by the inventor cot copper tipe for t tete ohildreit's ebb% L.lend bk, itlyit in_,ventor, 0,,,t ILO '' . s Alcanzi ttocugns ct co,,, fronov v 0 "Iter tiktat4* '''' nee le'nre'utir Poe'u6 I"' Steel is the very effective and popular I inventor 10,000 a Veer, •". ,..7, mow tool for trtromin, i FOB SALA Di' JAS. P10RA BD. A SURE CURE FOR BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION, DIZZINESS, SicK HEADACHE, 2140 DISEASES. OF' THE ,STOMACH, LIVER AND .BOWELS. THEY AR E.. M I L 0,THOR OLIO Si AND PROMPT INACTION. AND FORM A 'VALUABLE AID TO BURDOCK BLOOD. Emcee He rue 7252711 5147 AND CURE OF CHRONIC AND OBSTINATE DISEASES. PUREST, STRONGEST, BEST, CONTAINS; No ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES,' , or any injurious materials. . E. W. GILLETT, :"Rgtlicile'(Ieec:r, ;see 'r,r 44,s too ere e e SIn7 A T. %MIA MT . amongersorb The Meet Successfis I Remedy ever disown, ered, as it is certain in its effects and does •not blister. Read proof below. •KENDALL'S SPAYIN CURE Orme DO CHARLES A. SNEDESI, BREEDER OP CLEEELAND BAT AND MOTTLED BRED Boma. S Emmen, ILL., Nov. 88,1888. Dn. B, J. KENDALL CO. Dear Sirs: I have always purchased your Nen- Spavin Cure by the half dozen bOtilee, r would like prices in larger quantity. I think it is one of the best liniments on earth. I have used lb on ray stables for three years. Yours truly, CEAS. A. SNYDER KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE, Bnoottraw, N. 7,, November S;1885. 1)5. », J. KENDALL Co. Dear Sirs :I desire to give you testimonial of my good °pinto/tot your Kendall's Spavin Cure. I have used It for Lameuetes. Stiff Joints and Spaying, and I have foutid it a sure cure, I cordi- ally recomtnendlt to allhorsemen. . Yours truly, •A.. N. GILBERT, idanager Troy Laundry Stablea, KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURER SANT, WINTON CotniTE, OHIO, Dec. 19, MS. 1)5. 1). J. KENDALL CO. Gents: I feel itmy duty to say what / have done with your Eendall's Spavin Cure. I have cured twenty-1We horses that had Spaying, ten of ILing Bone, nine aftlieted with Big Ilead and seVen of Big Jaw. Since I have had one of your books and followed the directions, I have never lost a hake of any kind. Yours truly, ANDREW TEPEES. llorse Doctor. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURES Price et per bottle, or sbebottles for et. All Drug- gists have it or can get it for you, or it be seat to any address on receipt of price by the proptle- ter& Da B. J. HEED= Co., Anosburgb Falls, vs. e#OLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. A Reward for the Conviction F DEALERS WHO OFFER 1,-0 Co I 11 ,r,INFER19R OIL OF OTHE AND SELL MANUFACTURE FOR MACHIN Eureka Cylinder, Holt f •I McColl Eros. Co. Cu tang& Wood Oils. I For sale by all leadiTg dealers. • Toronto. • BISSETT BROS.,Sole Agents, Exeter. QUEEN CITY OIL WORKS arewel Toronto. EVery Barrel Guaranteed, This Oil was used on ell maehinery dat ingtbe