HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-4-18, Page 5DI$TTUCT DOINGS, Oecurraneee of the Past week Through out the seeighnortwee Ist & Conetee Blyth intends haying a celebration on the24th May. The two I. 0.0, F. lodges in S. Marys 'save amalgamated. Moseeen's Catarrh Specific'oured me of Catarils--Leirt Slipper,Forest P.O. St. Mary's has been without a band for some tinse. Efforts are being put • forth to re -organize. Mr. Samuel Brokenshire, of Stephen the other day sold a blood mare to an American buyer, price $175. The Barnhill farm on the 7th con. Eibbert, has been purchased by °ears. George Peart and Wm. Oliver. The estate ofJames Watson, Hibbert, who made an assignment, is wound up and the oreditors eeceiyed 45 cents on the dollar. On Friday the 4th April, 1834 -just fifty years ago lest Friday, the first steamboat was launched in Goderich. Mr. Geo. Geotle, of Fullerton. has purchased the fine 82 are farm from Mr. Archibald McDougall for the sum of $5,000, ' The Might Rev. Bishop Baldwin will preach in Trinity Church, Mitchell, on Sunday, April 28th, both morning and evaning. The Ailsa Craig brass band are moying in the direction of "uniform". It is probable that in a few weeks they will be finely clad. Mr: Aubrey,of Montreal, shipped from Ailsa Craig the other day a car load of line horses'the prices paid ranging from $130* to $150, In Lucknow the other day several of the village council as well as other citizens were tined for firing guns and other firearms within the corporation. They humbly paid the amount of fine, The Devizes post office in the town- ship of Blanshard Was destroyed by fire last Wednesday morning. Cause a defective fine. Everything lost. No insurance. The people of Lucknove do not hold with the practice of selling and delive ering milk on Sunday, and have ac- cordingly petitioned the council to pass at by. law prohibiting the same. UtvvelI farm, consisting of 100 acres, in West Nissouri. was sold by public auction for $6000, on Monday. Mr. James Henderson, the reeve of the township was the purchaser. Alr. John Irwine and family, recent- ly ot Blanshard. arrived safe and sound, at Newilale, Manitoba, last ' week. They are very favorabty im- pressed with the appearance of the prairie province. Mr. D. CT. White of Granton, who went out to the West last fall has returned home looking well. He has had enough of the Stars and Snipes and is now determined to die under the ) Union Jack, accordingly having pur- chased 160 a6res near Brandon, Man., to which he will imrgrate shortly. Everest Cough Syrup is ahead of all other Cough remedies, -D. Stewart, Forest P. O. The Kidd estate in Dublin was offered for sale on Friday. but not a single sale was made. The Hoskin farm was bid up .to $4,020, but the upset price was $5.000. The home- stead is held at $8,000, which is con- sidered a very losv price, the buildings alone having cost this amount of money' Mrs. Geo. Logan, of Rodney, died at the residence of her grand -daughter last week at the advanced age of 103 years. She has eleven grandchildren, and lived thirty years in the reign of George III., through the whole of George IV. and William IV.. and tifty years in the reign of Queen Victoria. An attempt was made at Ailsa Craig on Friday night to burn the postaiee and Morgan's store, situated in the heart of the village. by means of a blanket Saturated with coal oil, but the fire was discovered and got under con- trol before any serious damage was done. No clue as yet to the perpetra- tor. A pioneer of Ailsa Craig, in the per- son ol' James L. iNichols, died a few days ago, aged 61. years. He had been in Canada over nalf a century, and for some time resided in London 7.ettter1y he officiated as bailiff for the Noeth Riding of the county of 1VIiddle- sex, which office he held up till a few years ago, when heretired from dative life and settled in A ilaa Craig. Tam is to certify that 1 hay e used Everest's Liver Regulator, and find it the best I ever used .--- P. B. Rosen- berry, L. D. S., Arkona, Ont. This is what mune of fooling with girls and a pen -knife;. ---"Mr. Matt. Mawsen, who has been for a couple of years at Moose Jaw, Man., returned to his mother's home, 18th con., Mc. Gillivray. A few weeks before start- ing for home, while playing with some ladies with an open knife, the blacie was riccidentally run into his shoulder seyering an important nerve, which has rendered his arm useless ever since. Ibis not known yet whether he will regain the use of his AM or not." At a regulae meeting of the Minis- terial A saociation of 81. Marys, held , .April 4th, 1889, it was unanimously re- / solved, that it ie our duty as ministers ) of the town of St, Marys, and sur- rounding neighborhoods, to do all in our power to remove the evils of Sab- bath funerals, as we are convinced that except in very special cases, all Sabbath funerals stee a direct violation ot the spirit, and obligation ert the Sabbath. We also call on the, Chris- tian community to aid ue in carrying out this resolution, SoMe days ago Mr. ,Jolin Haywood, or Fullerton, sold alarge hog to ales Whyte, the pork packer, Mitehell. The Melina' was placed 011 the Scales, but the brute was so restless that 11 had to be stuck berm ci the weight eeeld he obtained, Whete said tho meat ems eotieed, reftleed to pay for it. Haywood thee sued for the funount, and the will be heard at the next sitting of the Division Court. Its the meantime Whyte claimed that the hog had been abused by Haywood, and he had the halm. he fore the nag is trate on Friday last for crudity 10 sill, ma's, The ease was rilmisedre, and the 00tite, $4105, yaid by Mr. Whyte. alidrea ryfe..v SOMETkaNG YOU WHOULD KNOW Many ef our readeis have eften asked "What is Bright' i Disease of the Kidneeet about whioh we hea oh?" To a uswer their question We ve secured the following explenatory article, written by a conpetent authority; The spmptom of Bright'(which is but an advanced forra of Kidney Dieease) differ in different individuals, but generally the patient presents a flabby, bloodless look, is drowey aud eanjeggategued, hats pain in the back, vomiting aud febrile disturbance, The urine is reduced in geantity, is often of dark, smoky or bloody oolor, and exhile. its to chemioal reaction the presence of 4 large Amount of albumen, while undez the micrescope Wood corpuscles and Geste sic found. . There are seyeral arms of the malady, blit their common prominent characteristic is the presence of albumeu in the urine, and frequently •also the co -existence of dropsy,These associated symptoms' in conneetion with kidney disease were first described in RichardBright, au English physician, who firat investigated them. Sometimes there is a regeneration of the fiestas of the kidney into fat, thus impairieg the excreting pcwers of the organ so that the urea, is not sufficiently separated from the bloodievag flow of the blood, when charged' with urea, is retarded through the minute yeesels, oongestion en- sues, and exupdation of albiunen and fibrin is the resale The disease is often wont. panied by eruptions on the skin as boils, elm, and is frequennly associated with en- largement of tlenrt. The causes 011Eirterrible malady are, indulgence in too much ioe.water as a bever- age, strong drink, high Hying, indigestion, exposure to wet and cold, various kinds of fevers, malaria, pregnancy, and other bodily derangements, such as a complication of certain acietediseases, like erysipelas, diph- theria, and esnee y scarlet fever (of which • it is one of the most frequent and serious after effects) diseases of bones and, other scrofulous affections. Comwou-sense treatment of Kidney dis- ease of the character referred to necessarily involves removal of the cause, rectification of other secretions and increase in the num- ber of blood-redheenruseles, by the adminis- tration of Warner's Safe Cure. It is a speci- fic even in the advanced stages, when the blood has poisoned the nerve centres, re- storiug the secretion of healthy fluids and relieving thecongestion of the brain. It speedily arrests the inflammatory action, whiott is marked by an increased amount of urine. The all:Myren graelually disappears, the dropsy subsides and the patient recovers. There is no standstill to advauced Kidney Disease; thee° who are afflicted with it are either constantly growing better or worse. flow important, therefore, that this terrible disease be taken in hand la time and treated with a known specific. School R,eport. The following is the honor roll, in Crediton School for the months of Feb- ruary and March. Fourth Class. -George Zwiker, John Dyer, Nelson Morlock, Dibble Young, Mary Trainot. Senior Third. --Edmund Bertrand, George Eilber, Henry 'Heist, Moses Brown, Vinetta lanes, William Lewis. Junior Thirel..-Fiorence Nash, Mabel Ryan, Herman Ewald, Albeet Ber- trand, Mary A. lIaist, Mary R. Brown, Albert Zwiker. Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Powder is endoreedby'all our Ohemists and Physicians as the purest and beat. Use no other, Sold by all grocers. It is [stated that is youug man in Hallett after having eaten a hearty tea ate 12 large raw potatoes on a wager of 10 cents, and then attempted to driuk a quart of milk. DECREASING THE DEATII BATE, The Mortality among Censumptives has been materially decreased of late years by the use of Soott'e Emulsion ot Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda. Phthisis, Bronehitis, Abscess of the Lungs, Pneumonia and Threat Affections are corn- pletey subjaeated by a timely use of this excellent puhnonic. Palatable as milk. Sold by all Druggttee at 50c. and $1.00, A distressing accideut which terminated fatally occurred near Nowhere, Lanark, on Sunday. Joseph Bolger, who was married the weeic before to Miss Wright, of Clear Lake, while visiting at his uncle's hoose was kicked in the head by a horse which he bad just fecl.'Ssei3e was rendered uncon- oils by the blow and never regained his reason. Death occurred on Tuesday, R. A. Guetx, M. D,; Dean and Professor os Surgety of the 'United State Medical Col- lege, Editor of 'Medical Tribune," Author of "Gunn's new Impoved Elend-hook of elee- giene and Domestic Medicine," says over his own signattestaree speaking of a severe ease of kiclny disease: "A chemical ancl nucroscopical examinatin of the patient's urine revealed quantities of albumen and, granular tube caets, con firming Brit:1We dis- ease. After trsoug ail of the other remedies in Vain, I directed him to Warner's Safe Care. I Was greatly surprised tombserve is decided improvement within a month. Within four mouths no tube oasts could be found, and only is trace Of albumen, aud as he expressed it, he felt perfectly well." To the Editor of the Exeter Times I wrote to your piper three eeeks ago about the presuniption of aottle persons iu piling wood itrouud the Presbyterian oburch. I inn only going to say that if it is not removed from there in two weeks I shall give the patheitisters a written notice to compel its removal to some other place. I am sure that if it was any body who bed common sense they would take it away after reading the fret 14ter. There are members talking about it. They think he might pile the wood on nits own lot, but he does n't thiek so beeat,s bus otvu °hurtle miuister Ilya in a Wee house ful. joiuieg the lot, I hope the party will take this last notioe wed Save further troieble, Da. IL A. Geller, 111,D., Dean and iero- feat or of Surgery of the United States Med. ice! College, Editor of "Medical Teibune," Author ofe`Otton's New Itniseoved Rand - book ot -Hygiene ford Dorneetio NIodicine." in epealting of edvaueed kidney clisease, and the effec1, of the nee or Werner s Safe Ctirei says: "I find that in Bright'e Disease it SOOMS to act eakeeaael yent, of /111)11tECH to otho aud heel imif.larotnrnl in can bre ee and wesh out epithelial debrie which blocks up the tiibuli nriniferi (iirine-boaring tnbee); and to prevent the cleetructive metetmor pbo- fee of tissno," Ettimgatog T, 11ounirfs, At D., Pctossor in the University, (lolloge, London, Eng., .1xatniner in the 1.toyai College Of Sltrgeong, Mills attention to dm fact that headaelio, btonchitis, inflammation of the lunge, dte angetnenta of Om digestive 14- 51(1 COMMMI 5211)ptont0 of kidney dkeaSe. ‘Aratner's Safe Curo cores thus o sympt ts by removing the eauq,, and putting the kids neys in a healthy orindll1ion, *When Baby was sick, eve gave her Casforla, Whim elle was a Child, she cried for Castorle, Viriam oho became Miss, she glen; to Castorks, Wiion .ehe had Children, she gave theut Castoria, 0. 4 OUR VANCOUVER CORRESPONDA.NR. From Esquimault, 13, C., Mrs, A. B. Cameron writes that being very =loll troubled with dyspepsia she tried two bot- tles of Burdock Blood Bitters, which gave great relief, and hopes that others may be induced, to try it also aud receive like berefits, A enteral gas company oilers to supply gas for fuel to the people of Windsor at 10 eents per 1, 000 feet, FOR FIVE YEARS. For over five years we heves used Hag - yard's Yellow Oil in our family for coughs and oelds, Isurna and sore throat, and oar experience is so satisfaotory that we would, recommend the medicine ao any pereon.,' Mrs, F. Sanderson, Bosworth, Ont. The property exempt froin taxation in Montreal is valued at $19,131,920. SAID TO BE SPLENDID. "I am pleasen with Burdock Blood Bit- ters, because it cured my rheumatiena, completely. My son also, and many other people in this yioinity, have used, R and say it is splendid." Airs. 0. Perrault, Rat P�rtage A. wedding of colored folks will occur at Kingston soon. The groom is worth 8/00.000. LIFE AND LIMB Are often in jeopardy through various ac- cidents on land. and water. A prompt re- lief and sure euro for all painful wound% bruises, burns, scalds, rheumtaism, neural- gia, sore throat and croup is Hagyarp's Yellow Oil, known as reliable over 30 years. Keep it in the house always, The only Ontario counties in which tl.e Scott Aot has not vet been repealed are Oxford, Middlesex. Elgin, Lanablon, Leeds and Grenville, LIKE HALF A DOLLAR. "About 5 years ago my fact and legs be- came poisoned, and came out in great sores as large as a half dollarwhich ate in almost to the bone. After the failure of other remedies, the Peres were completely healed by one bottle of Burin* Blood Bitters." Joseph Gonyon, Tupperville, Ont. Uncler the sidewalk in Napanee, on Saturday, the body of a child was found, wrapped. in a Globe and an Empire. It has been choked to death. VIE HOSU.fa OF COMMONS Cannot pass a law that will prevent people haying ()oughts. colds, asthma, bronchitis and lungs trotibles, but Hagyarcl'e Pectoral Balsam does away with the difficulty by promptly curing all affectioug 01 1110 throat and lungs. 11 18 the pleasantest and safest cough remedy in use. . A Montreal couple got married on Sat) nrday and went for a drive around the city as a wedding tour. The husband had no money to pay the hackman and was meet - ed. BORN, SnirLey.-In Lucan, on thedith, the wife eeeof Mr. Shipley, operator of Exeter of a son.. e• -•424.-a MARRIED. OLDFIELD-GREEN- At the residenee of` the bride's father, on the 2nd inst., by the Rev. J. W. Magaby, of St. Thomas church, Seaforth, Joho °Meld of Tack- orsinith, to Mary Ann, second deughter of Richttrct Greets., of leCibbert. Witaziers---Beuneemeee-On the 3rcl at the 'mine of the bride, by the Rev, S. Boundy, Mr. Jamas Willsams, of Toronto, to Miss Mary Ann Bridgeman, ef St Marys, DIED. BuswEem-In Goclerich, on the leth inst., Robert Boswell, aged 33 years and 6 mohths. DYKES. -In Biddelph, on the 51h inst., the wife of Jatnos Dykes, aged 47 years, 9 mouths. A POINTER. • As every reader of this paper knows, it has become one of the fins arts to write attractive and interesting advertisements - especially medical ones. Now it seems to 1.7$ that if, for inetance, the world-wide ...iaaasattisers or ,Warner's Safe Remedies would adopt a style whereby they could work in a startling story of, say -wolves, we believe the immense sales of their medicines could be still more largely increased. We give them the benefit of the idea at any event. Let it commence like this is Patter 1 Patter ! _Patter 1 There it is aga,rent is not fifty vards 'from where ho last halted.. The stops are too light for those of an Indtan. a. grizzly woulcl lush upon its victim with a roar of deeanee and auger. A panther wonld hurl himself through thirty feet of Brace, with a scream to unnerve the hardiest hunter. "Wolves," Whispers the hueeter, as a howl suddenenly bursts ripe his ear. Wolves 1 th grizzly wolves of the foot -bills• -thin and poor and hengry and savage -the legs tireless -the month full of teeth which can crack the shoulder -bone of a buffalo. He can see their dark forms filitting horn point to point -the patter of their feet upon the parched grass proves that he is surrounded -yet no more in dan- ger, and no more effectually surronndecl than ho who trifles with the eymptome of lcidneeetlisoasofiwAserti--yon, reader, know ihether or not von aro it victim to its in- sidious encroachment. If your back aches. if your eyesight is failine, if your appetite is fickle, if your urine is not clear aud of ei pale screw color, do not hesitate on the prairie of claimer, but flee to the neareet haven o, safety and more to tho only lotewn cure festeaLdneyand liver troubles, Warner's Safe Cure. 11 15 a duty you owe, not only to yourself bat to your family and society at large. Delnys aro dengerous, Had the treveler not been overtekee 11 the night, and unarmed, the wolves would have hisd no terrors for him. We warn you just n(1w, in broad daylight. before the Wolves of disease sink their poisoned tuns,' clooply into yortr floall and the night of d eath settles' clowieupon yen, to stop your earS to prejudice and bigotry, and to tly to arifety thron,gli the tueons wiiIiav ,pointod out. 0 ONSIN PT.LON SIJIIELY 0011 51). To mon. EPtTor11 Please 10 form your Ismilers that I have positive remedy for the 12 bovo ironenl dia. eaSe Ber its Minas, use thousands of hopeless cases havo 'boon norm anenti y cured, 1 shell lis gth, 11, Bona. two. 1)o;t 1,, or 1111' (Owed y PIM1 . to on v of yIOl) 10101,114 who have e,,tenenillion 1111oy 1,111s0(1,111:20 thoiv 1 Impress awl D. O. addrots. Pa, 1'. A. 81.7001M Toronto, Out. 37 Yobge•strooi. MAEXET REPORTs. pxzwEn tOorrectedat40'elooke.M. Wednesday Boa vnzoa „, Spring Wiles, tearleY Oets 93 to 9 95 .-, ..- 35 to 45 ^^. . 26 t o 28 Clover a )ec1 .., Timothy" ,,, ... 2 50 so 3 00 Corn ., ... 0 40 to 0 SO FlOgo - 0 99 to 5 11 liattel '.. ... 18 to 0 59 Elourperbble ,.. ... 00 10 6 55 eotateeemer bushel ... ... 25 to 35 A.pples,per bag ,. ... 00 to 0 60 DrieitApplespr b ... 0 4 1 0 0 04 ceeese per lb. ... 0 01 10 008 Turkey per lb .., 0 07 to 08 DIXOISS PO r pr ... 0 60 lee 008 Chickens per pr ... 0 25 to 0 30 Rogs,drogeedperl 0 ... 600 to 6 25 Beef „. ... 4 00 to 5 00 Ridesrouph,... ... 3 50 to 4 OG " .dressed ... .,. ... 6 00 10 800 Elbeepokins each..., 0 63 to 90 Calfskine ... .,. 0 50 to 0 70 Wool per lb ... .., 0 18 to 0 20 lis.yperton „„ ..... ..., 1006 to 10 00 0,111011SPOTbIlail ... ... 0 50 to 0 75 Woodper oord • -------28 10 800 _ , ST; stAILYS Val] Wheat, „ .., ,, , 00 to 0 95 Spring Wheat......,...„ ,, . ,, ..... ..... .,00 0 95 Barley.- ..... .........,.... ... . .. . ...... .... . 35 45 Pate.. . .. ...,..........,.., ......... . . ..,27 26 Clover S'eed.... ........ ..„,...... .. . .. ....est (0 600 Timothy . ....1 60 2 00 Peas.... ....... -......,... , .. ... .. . . . .. .......... 54 54 ElEga•-•,,, . ... . -..... . ..... .,.. . . . , .... . . . ..... 15 15 Butter 16 16 Potatoes per bag ........ .... . .. ... ll0 50 A,12ples per bush- „ .... ..,... ...... .,..:Su 40 Wool perlb 0 18 Ray Perten 800 10 00 ran per ton . . . .. . ,„ e 14 00 4 00 Shorts," '.' 22 00 t'''l 83 Oatmeal per bbl...,..... ...... • • LONDON Wheat, 96o to 96e per bushel, Oats. 27 to26e per bushel. `Peas,ele to 54e I** er bushel. Barley malting.48o to 460 per bus learley, feed, 88-c to 450 per bushel. TORONTO .t ronoNTO. Api.10.-WHEAv-fall, No .2, 01:110 to 51.03; spring. Nb. 2, six to 0108; red Win- ter, No 2, $1.07 to $1.10; No 1, Manitoba hard. 51,25 re 51.31 BARLEY. No. 1. 48o to 53c No. 2.50o to 52e; No.3, 350 to 48o;No 3, extra, 47e to 48e, Pass, No 2, 50e to 37o. OATS. No. 233 este 30c. Arius extra, 54.55 to 54,60; stronglaakers. $5.00 to15.00. Market Quiet and easier. Sales No.l. hard anitoba. 51 29 to 81.34. and No. 2 do. at 81.31 No. 3 barley, outside, at 353c oats, on track, at 83e. TORONTO LIVE STOOK. The local market continues a.otive, with pieces about steady Receipts mod- erate anti there is no shipping demand. The latest cables are, however, unsatisfactory Choice steers are nominal at4 cents per 113. Bulls sold at 3:1- to 31c. and milch cows firm at from $30 to 05011 head. Butchers cattle in moderate demand, prices firm; the best Easter at 33 to ordinary at ec to 3 and common at 2. Sheep in fair demand and steady, with limited offering; the best sell at $6?i. to $7,00 per heed; inferior to medium at $4.00 to 5480 and rams 3c to eic poieeound.Lambs in 1- air demand and firm. chore bringin55 00 1o053, and inferior to medium 54 00 to 06 00 Calves dull and steady. Choice beasts, of 126 to 160 lbs., sell at 70 to 90 dressed weight; rough. calves, $3 to $5. a head, Tines are steadY1 choice light fat scld at t ftile, store hogs at 4.1e to Sc. and stags at 3.0 to 31e. — — .4.1DV10E TO MOTHEHS.-Areyon disturbed ac night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and cryiug with pain of Cutting Teeth? If to sond at once and get a bottle of"isirs.Wins tow's Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will colieve the poor little sufferer im mediataly iiemand upon 11, moth ere there is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Dinarbcett, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens tile Gums. 2:e0uces Inflammation, ancl gives tone and energy to the whole system. 'Pars. Winslow's Soothiug Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of ono of the oldest ancl best female physicians and nurSos in tho 'United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world, lerice toventy-i3ve cents a bottle. I3e sure and ask for"M-Rs. Vilrsistow's S'.1AUT, ".1.11d no other iud. XONSUIVWXION CUMW. .5n0)i physician, retired from practice, having Inta p111nucith 111hands by an Mast Indian missionary tho formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speen1y. sms1 perma- nent care 'of Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca- tarrh, Asthma and all throat and Ding affections, also posi live end radical cure for Nervous Debbity linden Nervous Com- plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands °teases, has fat it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuatedby t uis motive and& desire to redeye aum an emeerine, I w.L.,1 scud fret) of charge, to all who desire it, this recine;in German,Fronch or English, with full directions fcr preparing and using. Sent mail by addressing w ith stamp, naming this paper, W. LI , NO'S:BA 140 Pwer's Biota. i.cohester 7,1 MO THE DEAF.- -A person cured of Deafness and noises in the head. of 23 years' standing by a simple remedy, will send a deseliption of it plum to any person who applies to NICEOLsoN, 177 McDougal stied, New York. sesr • 1LSTROYZ AND REMOVES WORMS t 0 se ALL RINDS IN CHILDREN OR 411 s s,... ADULTS SWEET AS SYRUP ANQ Cs'ANNOT-HARtel TI -IS totOeS7 — r) E:L.fC,'ATE C F-1 1LD ....- hienable.11 I Cn IlMie• seselemmeltuPieWeeietwarrowasseeeeekammemeteeo A. Ilyildnaaii Groceries and Confectionery OF THE BEST QUALITY. Also best Pipes, Tobaccos and Cigars PETTY'S HAkIS BACON and LARD Thorley's Improved Horse and Cattle Food Dashwood Roller Flour, G. A. HYNDIVIAN. JOHN BRAWN UNDERTAKER & CABINET-MAUR, Walnut & Rosewood Caskets ALSO COFFINS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. --- A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISHED 4• CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My stock of Furniture is un- excelled. !"GIVE ME A CALL EARLY Spring Goods Bargains that Are Bargains. Now is the chance to secure your Spring Goods at prices never before heard of iu Exeter. Owing to the great de- pression in trade, and buying for cash as we do, we have secured Some Special Bargains before the present advances in the market Therefore we are able to give oar custom- ers the very best value. We do not adver- tise our goods at cost, or less than cost. Such A.dvertiseraents areFrauds Onr prices are tight, and will be found as low as any house in the trade. FACT S tne say rices of Dress Goods, Groceries, Boots it Shoes, Prints, Cottons, Etc, at Parkinson's ars lower at 0 better valtio given than in all the combated stocks in Exeter. We have SOH10 special. drives, We invite inspection ; will pay you to call ana examine our stock. No trouble to show goods. Farm Produce taken at market prices. Remember the place : First door north of the Town Hall, Exeter. J. PARKINSON. TEIS YEAR'S Myrtle 11. CUT and PLUG Smoking Tobacco FINER THAN EVER, See T. & IN BRONZE, On each PLUG and PACKAGE 130 $3000.00 TIZ DRY 01?— GOODS —AND— Boots & Shoe8 --TO BE— SLAUGHTERED PO C SIX 1! AT ' 0 WAAGE'S) KIRKTON. DO YOU liTANT TO BUY FaRST-011,A.SS FU NI AiRE AT LOWER _RATE'S THAN SHAM GOODS —ARE ITSU/eLLY SOLD- -TAB'S CALL AT- GIDLEY'S -ONLY FIRST -CLASS - Reliable Goods At Prices Lower that so-cal- led Cheap Houses 01111 give • • Uick'takin ix all its Branches. S. G-IDLEY, (Successor to C cfe S. Gidley) ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK HCH 1,194 Spades and Shovels, Fence Wires ANNEALED, BARBED AND OTHER MAKES, —Which we are in a position to offer to the Public at the— Very Finest Prices for Cash - We have also on hand a full lino of - SHELF and BUILDING HARDWARE Paints, Oils, Glass, Etc., at FaminePrices. Stoves and Tinware of all kinds, always on haiTd, at prices that defy competition, Sewing Machines, Baby Carriages, Field and Garden Seeds. Eave-troughing ss Specialty. A. call solicited. BISSETT BROS. 1..".-IMIn6+.110.7•131T1.2•21M111*•11 THE BEST YET ! T TIE CITE /IND ST YET T.FIE BIG GEST YETI Overcoatings at any price ; Suit- ing% at any price ; Pantings at any price. Ilest lirdored Clothing piodticed iikoter Gentlemen 1 leave 5'ourovicr8 oarly, for ‘tios 11)0 beet stall of Tniloeft „- the hest stook of Fine Trinnulege, feed the hest (jetting in Town, you aro sato of Platimfite. Yon, Ic EVe7".71 DePair/ ne7a 7Z the% Old BiStabliSl'Ired ttOW 1711()St complete, and full of the 1040,54 novelties. The French, English and American Millinery cant, be excelled. The stook of Dress Goods is larger cheaper than ever shown. All the best makes of rich 13EL, c6,1ored and shot silks, Cheap. Parasols anti Sun shades of every design (both long and short steins. Fine fancy zephors, plain zophers. ,Sateons and Prints in endless Var-.-. iety. , A. special lot of Swiss Embroideries for Dresses, ,(lovely goods,) Every lady should see our Dress Trini- Mings (which contain all the Come, ail and inspect our stock N. attention of Dross -4m called to tho Dress Goods deparbnent. J M s e