HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-4-18, Page 4Established 18771 garwtou, CYNEXENT BANKER, - EXETER, ONret ......_-- Trarisaets a general benkiug business, Roeeives the le:mounts of meet:Mutts and hers on favorable -terms'. Offers every accommodation coasistent with fe and eoneervetive hankin sprinci pies. Piro pex cent. interest allowed en deposits. Draftsissued payable at any offioe of the erchaets Beek. NOTES DISCOUNTED, & 1110NEY TO LOAN ON NOTES .A.ND MORTGAGES ON.vittt cfbiono.. T1WRSDAY, APRIL 18th, IMO. THE total revenue for the nine months ending with March apregates $27,930,016, and the total , expendi- ture *23,729,291, leaving a surplus of *4,211,325 at the present time. The increase in customs revenue has now continued through several months, and is certainly a promising indication of the condition of trade. ------- - • .SELF-RELIANCE" TO THE FRON r. What He Says.on an Important Subject. Several days ago we published a letter from "Experience," upon a subject which is attracting considerable attention, and we have since received a similar communica- tion from another, whicb we publish in full: To Tze Enrros:--A short time ago I no- ticed in your columnrirTatter signed "Ex- perience." At first I inclined to regard the letter referred to as a clever advertising scheme of Messrs H. EL Warner's & Co., to attract notice to their well-known Warner's Safe Cure, which ie, it musk be admitted, ot the greatest value and merit, hut upon more mature considrratini inclined to be- lieve that the letter is nuine expression from 5 well-informed individual, who is not afraid to grapple with the question vvbich should receive greater attention. It is daily becoming more apparent that there is something Tactically wrong in the manner in which the disease is being treat- ed by those whose profession it is to heal the sick, A man is- a trreirill, and a phy- sician is called in. "Only a slight nervous disorder," rerearke the physioian. The slight nervous disorder however refuses to be controlled, and in a short time the phy- sician oroineuely remarks that the patient is suffering frora consumption. Things go on for a while until the patient is suffering from consumption.hings go oe for a while until the patien suffering from consumption. Things go on for a While until the patient is afflicted with what the physician calls "a series of complicated disorders" Treated for first one thing and then another -dosed with all sorts of vile cencoctions-the patient finally succumbs, and then for the rat time it was learned that the real can e n aultering and death was disease of the kidneys, which mantfes- ted iteelf in various otber disorders -all of which could hs,ve been promptly cured had a timely ese been made of Warner's Safe Cure, which is the most important discov- ery made in connection with scientific pro- gress in recent years. The reference made by "Eeperience" to the Robinson poison- ing cases, where l''MTrtr.T.e.han seven mem- bens of the family died within five years from the effects of areenierd poisoning with- out attractieg the attention of skilled ehy. sicians, who were in attendance, to the real cause, but who issued death certificate for plieunioni typhoid fever, bowel dig' ease, etc., is a tartling disclosure of the ignorance whic ils among those who duty it is to tlefiui ely detect and treat the trns cause of disease. 1 quite agree with "Expetienee" in the opinion that, after all, those who talte matters of health in their own hands and place their reliance upon a well- known remedy which...is time tested and knowu to be of benefit are better olI then those who trust themselves in experimental and ignor- ant hancle Sntr-RnmAxon. Smers,-The Saerament of the Hely leuelmeiet will he celebrated in, St. Pant'e on Easter Sundae' at 10-30 a. m. --Owing to a slight overeight on the part of emir correspondent the ditto a 131am:bard Spting fair was omitted last week. The fair takes place to day (ThuredaY) on the old emanate -Some of one farmers WWI noticed to bo seeding on, Thursday and Friday of hist week, -.Rev. Pring of Nis- souri preaohed very aeceptably in the Meth, eleurele, 00 Sanday last.-Eveusong will be held in $t. Pu'' Emseopalehureh on Good Friday at 7,30 p. m. --The sidewalk commit. tee of our etllage would do well to see about repairing the sidewalkas soon as possible, as they are in a alightly dilapideted dition and any repairs execnted now will be of far more benefit then if done when the mow conantenees to return next winter. -Mr. Win. Moore has completed the es- eavating for the erectiou of a tinsmith and hardware establishment.-Profeesor Skie. nerhore, of Browehill is expected to pay a visit to this sulnimary sphere during the coming summer. All will extend te hearty eeloome.--The fioe residence of Mr. S. Doupe which was erected last fall is rapidly nearing the completion in the hands of Messrs, Speer, Somerville and Mousy, the ciontractors for the mason work, carpenter. ing and painting. The house is heated by means of one of the Preston furnaces templied by Mr. Grant of St. May. Crediton. SPDriG Snow -On Thursday last the annual show of horses and bulle was held here. Tbe day was all that could be wish- ed fa, and the entries were more at/camas than for any previous year. Every class was well represeuted. The prizee were given es follows: -Aged Heavy Draughts. -First, Dow, Willis 13rcia., and second Third, Geo. Coward. 3.year old Draught. -Firat, W. Weleh; second, Pat. Hanlon. Boadstere.-1. Mc:Isaac; second, Jas Han- na. Bloods, - First, W. B. McLean; second, J.len by. Shire Cart florse.-First, U. Lotherintort, "Success." Bre,-2-yenr old and Under, Durham. -First, J. Pedlar, ''Billy"; Second. John Schrnder. "Prince of Credtton." 16 entries, Peasoerees. - Misa Lucy Southcott, of Exeter, is again engaged with 3- H. Holtzman. -Mr, Jon. Wurster has return- ed from lelichigae, where he has taken up ID.,Da. -Mr. 11 Eilber left on Saturday for Ottewa where he remained for a few days . -Mr. Jim. Lewis is suffering froen• severe attact of illness. tflwing to the want of epaee part of Crediton news wee orowded one] ... 1.'Ati Oxman or $5,000.00.1 REvery Testimonial published by us is Bona Fide, and, so far as we /mon? is absolutely true. To any este who 'willprove the con- trary to an impartial referee we will give e5,000. IL H. Warner 8.,z Co, Rochester, N. Y., Jarman/ 2,1888, GWE's (London) hospital Rrports, vol. 1, page 396, is found the statement: "Sim - pe hypertrophy (onlargeruent) of the heart, especially of the left ventricle, is found without valvular incotupeteney. In this numerous class the cardiac is secondary (a symptom) to the renal affection." This ex- plains why Warner's Safe Cure is effectual Oa cases of heart disease. It removes from the blood the kidney acid which causes the heart disease. Hensel'. °Jas. -Farmers having good white oats to sell will find that it will pay them to sett them at the Housall Oatmeal Mills. A image a uantity wanted at the very highest cash price. All kinds of Oatmeal on hand mid meal ex: changed for oats. Messrs, MeEwen & Hoods lease haring expired, an el O. Urquhart is going to give his whole time to the business. BRIEFS. -The present fine weather has made business in our usua.ully stirring town somewhat dull, Mr. Urquhart has resumed poseeesion of the Hensall Oatmeal mill and will continue the business So successfully carried on by Mesere. Mc Ewen & Hood. We welcome Mr. Urqu- hart hack into active bitsineas and have no doubt that success will attend his efforts. --Mr, T Berry, our popular horse' man and. buyer, shipped a carload of very fine horses from hero one clay last week. -Mr. R. Patterson, contractor, of this place, has, we understand, been awarded the contract for the erection of a church at Lucknow.-Mr. W. Welsh, contractor of this place has been awarded the colt- traet for the erection of the new school house in the village and Mr. W. H. Rey- nolds the centract for the erection of the lleNV school house at Thompson's corner. -We regret to learn that Mr. B Thom- son, while working at the frame of kir. Welsh's planing mill last week, cue him- self severely with an adze. We treat, however, to soon see him about again. -Our grist mill is now receiving a thorough overhauling and renovating and when completed will be one of the finest in the couutry. Tile "Wedding Cake Question, -- I think the difference between Mr. Ho- garth and Mr. Doyle is so small as not to he mentioned. Mr. Doyle says the dis- tanee from the top is 30.7 inches, Mr, Hogarth hes it 30,613+ indica. One is a trifile too high,the other a trifle too lew,bet it is as nearly correet as can evert be (only by the surd form). Conservatives and Grits feeqnently differ on a very small matter hitt as both the despulants in this cm are cyn the Bente side of political can't fine how this difference originated. 1. think the '2618 inches mentioned by efr. .1)oyle ja twiee the shere retch receives (a mare Blip of hie.). The cube rent of 2000 will give the diameter of 'hese of top ent, 21 thee bate: would give height and foe the other parts say cube roots of 4000 mei 6000 weetld give the diameter of the sem. tune whieh meltiplied by 2e gives the heiglet from top.. The honor of tedving tide questirm might be equally divided between Mr, Hegel th end Me, , Doyle b.limmo of gnat tangible qtaistimet 10papera would bo beneficial TqV, onnellel appt,AritlICO of A vrry line elittpley of WM!fi WOO itaf•li InallifOgt over the torthem hteterepe, between eight anti nine Welted: ii Stfileray 0:03/in,!., SOMA brantitd zo ‘vIng, 'se r'0Inr)r8 f.•rnie.1, a Id eu.e re :treh 'w' at Ulm% very visid. Firs, oonvulsions, dizziness and beadaohe are prevented and cured by using Warner's Safe Cure. Why 1 Dr. Owen Rees says: "The termite: (watery coedition) of the blood 10 Btiglit's Disease produces cerebral symp- toms, the serums (watery portion) is filtered through the blood vessele of the brain, causing aneendo and • subsequent head symptoms." That is why these symptom yield to Warner's Safe Cure, It gets rid of Brightei Disease end. prevents the blood Jcm become watery. • • CENTRAL rug Store A full stook of all kinds oi Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on band, Witton's Condition Powd- ers the best in the ma,rk- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at CentralDrug Store Exetet. C r.,,artrz. LI0117 I MONEY! --- IF YOU WANT TO SAYE MONEY Through X-mas and New rears, BUY YOUR GOODS FROM THE Cheap Store, Crediton As he is determined to clear out all his stock of DRY GOODS, 'BOOT efe SHOES, HATS, CAPS, ETC., At lessthan actualCost Sale to commence lst Jan., and continue until all is cleared_ out, as am going out of the above lines . TERMS - CASH. N. B. All accounts must be settled lst January. mrrommLL, THE INTERCOLONIAL St. Marys. (Orowded out last week.) Beeees.-Chaplain Searle, of Auburn prieoe, delivered hie lecture "A voie,e from the prisou." cm Monday eveuing in the Methodiet church. The attendence was large ana all were well p1eaee(1. Ho will deliver his latest lecture The reieplaced switch" ou Tuesday evening in the same place. The school on esetiou No. 8, Blau. sherd heve been closeccon account of pevilan- ey of Scarlet lever in that Bection. Sevemitl cases have been reported in Si. Marys. - Messes. Graham dr. Whealthau shipped a car load of horses to the Western minket on 'Wednesday, ard inst.-Doctors Orr and Midglev, both well knowzi in this town, left for Chicago Where they iucencl practic- ing. Bicirse -The Ancient Order of Forest- ers held their animal concert on Wednes- day evening in the Opera, House. The chief feature of tee entertainment was the mock "Breach of Promise" case. - An Athletic Association has beet) formed in St. Marys. They have rented Carter's Flats and a large munber of men have been engaged in levelling and arranging the grounds so as to - be ready for the base- b.ell season. -Utah Mormanisne is being advocated in some pablic places in the town. The advocate(' of the ' cause is elder J. H. McIntosh, a soft headed Texican, who, no doubt knows more about a lasso than the teaching of the Bible, has undertaken to prove that John Wes. ley and that 'Methodism and Presbyterian - 180 are a fallacy. The elder is without doe id: a natural go, $ well, -.-.The South Perth A gricel three Society's, show was • 1le!(.1 013 W erinestlay, the 1.7tli inet. A. lap nilmber of horses were entered for competition. -Mr, R. Hilliard, who has been manager of the St. 3'lary4 branch of the Beek of Montreal for a period Of over 25 Years, is elmet to retite, ated hist place vill 1m filled by M 0. J. Leslie, IL OF CANADA, a-- FARM FOR SAL. Ninety nOre8"-Lot 0, 40n• 2, in f$tephen tewoship, lluron oo., ever 70 acres cleared of whieh 50 aeros are in grass and in tirst-claell condition. Nair wit° trope Centralia. Good brit* house and out -buildings. Meet be Bald, For feather part/cetera ail ply to MTTIfliW mormecx, 3mos. . Orediton le. 0. ALESME'N Wanted.-Onod salaries or 001111111Sgi011 peed to the right men to Rea our choice and hardy varieties of nursery stook- Now is the time of the year to engage. Nene but honest end upright men need apply, do not delay if you deeide to join US. AS delaysare dangerouee, Anne with re- ferences, MAY lel101ekifiRS, Nurserymen,Rochter, N. Y. Tito royal royal mall, passenger and freight route between Canada, and Groat 13ritain, -and- I Direct route between the West and all the points ou the Lower St. Lawrence aud Baia de Chaleur, also New Brunswick, Nova Scotia,Prince Edward Island, Cape Breton. and Nowfoundlan d, New aud elegant buffet sleeping and day cars ran on through express trains. P.4.SSOtIgers for Great Britain ar the conti- nent by leaving. Toronto by 8 p. m. train on TimrsdaTWitl 5oin, outward mail steamer stt Halifax Saturday. superior elevator, warehouse and dock ea- comp:iodation at Halifax for shipment of grain and general merchandise. Years of experience 1350e proved the Inter - colonial, in connection with steamship lines to and from London, Liverpool end Glas- gow to Halifax, to be the quickest freight route between Canada and Great Britain. Information as to passenger and freight rates can be had on application to N. WEA THERST'UN , Western Freight & Paesereger Agent 93 Raman House 1310 ck ;York t.Torc0to D. POTTINGER, Chief Superintendent 'Railway °Aim Moncton, N. 0., Nov, 20, 'afi. YOU. CAN GET .- NOTrOB.-I hereby forbid any person giv- ing credit on any recount, without e written melte' from me is Ineeincel, as 1 will not be responsible for debt otherwise con traottel. D.ottne tJcC,iiy, Stephen, A mil. 0f h, '50. To Advertisers. A lint Of t000 nowspanors divided , into 'STATES AND SleOleIoNte will be emelt on nnnilelt1011--PIt1.111. To thole who weet elmiendvertisine to PRY wo CD11 atm' no beetor me:diem for thorough Ci(1 OfrACtiVb WOlijr than tam various sootiens of our Select lellene List (1110. ItOWIelele & • Nowspeper Adverli Ow 'Citroen. 11) S)irr.,0 etre De le ow Yeel- 2 Raw -OF- :-: Sugar R ite Sug r FOR $1.00. -AT--- IMIPPEN MILLS. NEW IMPROVEMENTS.' 0.B. McLean in thanking leis customers fortheir liberal patronage, wishes to inform them and the publie in general 'that he has re-, fitted the Grist Mill and put in new improve-. in ants, And having scoured the services • of a thoroughly competent miller, is now better prepared than ever before to turn out a good quylity or Flour. Flour and Feed, Cornmeal and Oatmeal kept constantly on hand. Chop- ping only 5c per bag. Don't forget tho old stand. 1 will also be prepared to attend to all Custom Sawing. D. 13.141oLEAN. Menem MtliTHESOIT'S. POST OFYICE STORE, 4 Eyes Tested Tr.REE A. t=-` Practical Optician, Graduate Olotic School 13.Y, Eyes tested ; defective sight restored by the aid of fine glass-fi. Large assortment of the finest glasses on nand. A call solicited. B. 0 DaTCIECMCCOM•T3D-ST 'London. Etet r N rth. ,r^",0•15(Min*Itlet..2618*.Matift**.IME.M.IMPria C BRICK AND TILE FOR SALE. Any quantity of brick and tile of all sizes for sale at the MOATZ BRICK YARD, Crediton. First-class brick:;$4 per Thou- sand. Tile C.,:a.c.spondingly CLIO D. The creditors b aye o 'Mir. Monts to look after the sale of th adtile, and he will be found in the yara t9,, times. Nmtt, year the yard will be run by Mr. Moatz as usual. Crediton J inuaryletb,1880; One Door South of Post Office • --HE' HA S ----- A NEM AND 00t.il FLIP' --STOCK OF -- h e Jesuit Question Agitating The But the Sensation of the Day is how Wonderful cheap • CARLING BROS, • are Selling. SEE 011.R READY MADE CLOTHING-; Don't look like it, But it is; Looks • more like High Priced Merchant Tailor work, Wears =re like it, too, stand wear and tear, strongly sewed seams, neatly stitche edges, well cut, well fiaished, low priced. Can Sell a Man's Suit Worth $7.00 for $5.25. Boys' Sufi Worth $4.00 for $325. Men's Pants at $1,25, '1.50, $1.75 $2,50, S*75,' S3.00 and $4.00 By paying the cash and getttng the discount we are iu a position to sell these goods at the above prices. We guarantee satisfaction in these goods or no sale. We solicit a ciftPro, prove what we say is correct. No trouble to show Goods at cARLING MOS. —EXETER— P111)TQ STUDIO. leor Finely Finished Photos of all sizes, from small album size to 11x14 front life, try TO He has Ise eu elegem.: ,display of Photo- graph 1 Tames Sizes : Sx10, .1 e. 4 ani 4x.17. AT it.i 'RICES It NO. he i. the uclvan age of-th having pietttres 3 frame te stock of Picture Mon di tg, xamme lets Nolin T ntor: li -CALL AT THE- MontrealGeneral Store I am wanting any amount of turkey and geese tail and wing quills. -FOR SALE :- Ladies' and Obildren's Boots ef: Shoes. Ladies' and Children's Rubbers, Ladies' iinhbers and Hosiery cam- nined, Read y- made clothing, Flannels, Underwear Top Shirts and Cardigans. groans Ind Pianos, Sewing Madmen Dwoe uouve for sale or to rent, oppos- ite to n hale Give, inc r call Before purchasing else - Get prices befero norotoos ug e where. -here T. DEARING. JO- S S111 t,“ ) 1 aboth street, south of Jatnes.st Meth °MOIL TN TH 13 MIGR COLT R-T-O-F- ji.. JUSTICE CHANCERY DIVISION. In the Inatter of lot nunber 10 abutt- ing on the southeast boundary of the township of 'Osborne, in the county of Huron. Notice is hereby given that John Hanna and Willem Hanna both of the township of Usborne, in the County of Huron, farmers, have made an application to the 01=007 Division of the High Court of Justice for a certificate of title to the above mentioned Property, under ' 'The Act for Quieting Titles to Real Estate in Ontarw" and have produced evidence whereby they appear 10 1)0 the milers thereof, in Inc free from all onetunbrances ex- cept the terms and conditions of the last will fwd testament of the late William ITanruar., deceased, end also except a certain mortgage joiNiviyottn;titl lands, dated the 18th November, A • D., made iby Hanna to one George P. Jones, and assigned to one Rebert Wherefore any other person having or pre- tending to have any tith, to, or interest in said lancls,or any part thereof, is required, 000r before the seventh day of May, now next ensuing, to file a...s.tatemont of his claim verified hv affidavit, in pm' office at the Oity of Stratford, arid to 50000 00) 02 the said ,itioan ilittma mad William Hanna or on W. Oeven Moscript, that...solicitor, at his otlieo jtz fho town of St,,,,lifsiry's, in the county of Perth, and in defantt.every such claim will be barred and tbe title of the said Sohn Henna and William Hanna become absolute and hide- feasable at maw and, in ceolity subject only to the reservations mentioned in the 26th sec- tion of the said therein numbered A. B. C. D. E. and YinrF0 the charges and en- .umbranc os herein before set out. E . ir I.1335ns, Referee of Titles 11, Stratford : Dated this 2nd day of April, A. D. 1880. Sewe& work a speolaiity. 1101m -trio prAtnptiy tttoodea to. GEO. MAXSON, - F1 icto Builders& Contractors (.3-allerv Opposite Post -Ohio Shop onedoor east of Parsons' Black- smi 10 Shop, Manufeeturers ofSasins, Doors ancl l3linds, 13ai1dit,gs contracted for. Plans, estimates and epeetheations furnished if re- quired, From their past exqagi once in the buil ding lino they guarantee satisfaction. All -work done with promptness rtncl dispatch. Soliellefee edIamber always on hand. WM. DAVIDSON. JOHN D A.VID S ON. Domilioniialvary Market Scfure General Store' Time undersigned would ieform the lie that he has just reeeived his pnb- SUMMER nve STOCA -INOLU °ma, - A full line of Dry-GOodseflate ee daps, °rookery, :Boots stud Shoes. 'Mime wiehing oti,thing in My /me will find it to their etlettn Lege to 0811 and in opect, zny goods and meestito • Efithegt prices unid for But- iiil HEAT:QUARTERS --FOR --- Pure Drugs, 'Patent Medi eines .Dye -stuffs, Perfumery and Toilet Articles, School Books and Stationary, Photo Frames, Albums, • Purses, etc. Cigars Pipes, and. Tobacco. Also a large assortment of Toilet and Bath Sponges a,lwavs on hand Prescriptions. carefully pre- pared from the purest Drugs. Remember 'the place, Sign, GOLDEN MORTAR, Main St., gturnalai. Notice to Contractors. Wita.. CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA DROPSY )NDIGESTION, . FLUTTEgING JAUNDICE, OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every species of disease arising from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH, .BOWELP ."77 BLOOD. T, ILBRN CO"TAMU&: tvuo, Sealed 'fenders will be received up to the 1011 daY of May, 1882, by the undersigned, for the excavation of the cut at grand Bond, the dredging of the river Aux Bauble, and ditching of Haycock's creek. Tenders to state the estimate for each separately. Plans and speeifications can be seen at 11 Eilber's office, Orecliton. 'Fbe lowest or any tender not rtecoesarily necepted. Work not to be commeneed until the liability of the townships concerned is tested. Plans and speoification are in the possession of the domicils of McGillivray, West Willuuns and Bosanquet. The work will commence and terminate at, a dato to be hereafter ngreed :moat „ The engineering was done by It, ()oath, itsel., Gflencom The proposed cut is about 81 rode long, average depth 20 ft., bottom width 30 ft. The riyer dredging is about 268 elinios, 8011. bl I Tenders to stneo on oulairle(render for G.13. 0)! ,antl addressed to 1. C. PROU'ele Hey, P. 0, Ont. 'By order of the toWnship of Stephen. N. 13, -Security will be required for onm- piction of work. DR. Washington, Throat & Lung Surgeon, Of Toronto, will be at the Oettral Ho tol, Exeter, TZT711. lith, Until 5 o'clock. Catarrh ,Dronchitis, Astba, Consumption, etc, permanently and efeectuallyoured. A few Prominent Testinioniaits of Permanent Cures: Mrs. John McKay, Kingston, Ont., Catarrh and Consumption. John McKeivy, Kin gston , On t.•'catarrh. Mrs. A. Hopping, Kingston, Ont., 13ronoho Contureptioe, Mr. E • Scott, Kingston, Ont„ Catarrh, head and throat. Read W. If, Storey's Originn•I Testimonial. Catarrh Throat Cured. Listen to IV II Storey, Esq., of the 'fine Of W H Storey ec Son, Acton, Glove Manufactur- ers, also President Mo.nufacturers' Association of Moeda. . Ds, Wsgzgarosi, 215 Yonge-st., Torotito, DnArt lt.-1 Nese re you I f eel,gretettul for. the radical cure you have effected al my quest trouble, mei though I dislike baying 1011 name appear in connection With the tosfire °Mal bus- iness, yet, halting regard for those who are similar) y affected- AS well as 11Avi n g a desire to recognize the mu] tsc yourtreatment Intake a departure in this Prior to myacquaint- mum with you,' ' ueutfored for two yeara from repeated, • n eke of catarrhal sore throat each succeedlt • tack being more prolonge4 and violent hi r the former, At. these times I ssicrnee s No ic lind violent rfs, +A. coughing, at) a WWI Itl dis- charge large quanillics of moons, Peeling alarmed, I sought the boat to °dice I skill &van- itbl 0,in eludii. a tt emoh-noted Specialist, end I took alMOSL et or,ything ltneWn to medicine 1 without exportmicing a part iele of relief. ii,,,st spring T wont te Europe. 'rho eh tinge did me good, but 00 toy Tatar» thr,ald trouble wee re - '11 / n. ilia matter of the estate of Thomas Sims, Insolvent Creditors of tile above estate aro hereby Do tilt nd, that I have prepared an account, of of Lewis 11 ,Di okson, barrister, ',Exeter. oet fliA0111 01)11.0,1st bo (1,m, oe)Ilayg vitoi et(lii,e welt 0110)'eolieiter Mr, Dit,ksen , ost 1)11 u before 'with nzy the ro,t 1)41;0d t.oelito13,3ril April, ter and Eggs and.all CC) K Li OK kinds of proauce, PREF: ) By mail to oily ledy sending es her teat office addreset Richard:eel 41,Co., Montreal, ellU see A lutiVe(1, S CAl g dvertutecl to Ti Place, 1 though t t went,' commit sent alpiongh I eon foss with n0t'tih bora of re, vjng eny benefit, However,'" lees 0 voieb7 mereseed evi tit your mender. (b resolved • give youe tree tin en t trieaal. be 11511 1, , m4, to inform 5)00. 18), 00111110.0 .to 6110 SO marked in its eb rite t er Ise ete it my seif apd my friends, Frew the ...et yottr reed*, i eine seemed adapt -oil to tny qa so rind ghee roe lief. In- two moos.'" 0010)1 rely welhand have eon United threugh the Dios( tie fayorahle SWOP At yob', You nee ar liberty Le melte wilat tree pin 010450 of thisi otter, nod 1 eltall 00 pleased to WM' any eettairiereelaelese my dune In/art voly elr. STOPle A Oen, Jet n. 1000887, ViZ'C01iSEITATTC01 Pit EH elegy,.