HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-4-18, Page 1o-ci•OCQ Ookisrnith 4' Hall! essooss2PSDXO 11r01:1-Xte--esrs. WATCHES,— CLOCKS,— ,n3WELRY, SILVERWARE,- -AND SPECTACL ES, UNEQI.TA.IsLED VALUE. IlfirPersonal attention giVen to repairing of watehes:elooks and.ieWelrY: Q. BJEICHENBACH, Opposite the Market, PA.ISKHILL. LEGAL. , R. DIOKSOIsi , Barrister, Soli- ar,4o citor of Supreme Court,NotaryBublie OOnveyaneez Cenamissioner.&e, Money to Loan. Office in Fanscn's Block, Exeter, 1-ilo aoLLIN s, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc. EXETER, . , 's old office.) ANO HTJRON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET aln cams FALL WEIEBB THEY MAYt, VOL. XVI..NQ1 30. EXETER, ONTARIO,' THURSDA.I MORNING, APRIL 18th 18E59: CLEARING SAL ALL THIS MONTH. RED HOT ONT. OfficeSamwell'aBloek Eall 13ARG AINS For Every Buyer, ARMOUR W. FORD, Solicitor in the Supreme Court of Ontario, Conveye,neer,Coramissioneri arc., San Special attention giveu to the collection of claims in the United States: Patents procured, money to loan at lowest rates. Odiee : Opera ,liouse Block, St. Marys, Ont. ELLIOT 86 ELLIOT, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Con.veyancers &e, &C.' faz"Money to Loan at Lowest, Bates of lastereet. OFFICE, - MAIN - STREET, EXETER. B. V. ELLIOT.: J. ELLIOT. DENTAL: L. BILLING'S, EL xpmm-Txs,r, :arfiCE: over 07.1rE.i.V.S Bank Nitrous Oxide Gas for PainleSs Extraction. II KINSMAN ,DENTIST.L.D.S • Sainwell's Block, Main-st, Exeter, Extracts Teeth without pain, by giving Vegetable Vapor. Golcl Filings and all other dental work the best possible. Goes so Emxoa. on last Thursdayin each month. f MEDICAL CI LUTZ, D. M., Oftleeat hisresidence 'Exeter JW. BEOWNING M. D., M. 0 • P. S ,GraduateVictoriatiniversity.Office sndiresidence,DonionLaboratory, Exeter HYNDMAN, coroner for the AA-- County of Huron. Office, opposite Mr. . Carling's store, Exeter. TIR. J. A. ROLIAINs, M. O. P. o. Office, Main S..Exeter,Ont.Eesiden ce housereeently occupied by P. McPhillips, Note a few Tea, Four 30c plugs of Heavy shirting, Cotton, Men's suits, of our prices : 8o lb. up. tobacco 25c, 8o per yard 3o per yard, up , $4 50, up $1.50, up 25o, up Depart Ladies coats, Fur caps, Big Drives in all ments. DOUPE Kirkton, —STONEMAN'S_ Jewelry Store HENSALL, ONT. You are invited to come and see Our Elegant Holiday Stock —CONSIST/NG OP— Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver- ware, Novelties, Fancy Goods, &m ifts for! id eg gi.faung, ASSORTMENOST COMPLETE. ' , 1-1,epairing Depar We make a speciesRY Of watch andiewel- ry repairing. Jewelry mended and re. polished so as to look like nesv All work guaranteed. Our motto: Neat, prompt and reliable. Remember the stand, opposite McDonell & Waugh'e Hardware Store. J. C. Stoneman., HENSALL, ONT. ChanEe of Bu:inoss xonN 0. "TOTTZTC, Having taken into partnership, W H HERR they have decided to extend the business by adding a full stock of : Staple Hardware! PAINTS, OILS, Etc. FULL LINES of TINWARE BARB AND OTHER WIRES, 1\EACEXINE2 ozns Renseniber we buy for cash and will give our customers the benefits of the die. count,. Atrial will convince that we sell cheaper than the same goods can be bought elsewhere for. Sole agent for this locality for Lawrence's celebratedSpectac:es. All grades ; all sights. It is the Best Spectacle in the Market to -day. .A call solicited. • YOUNG &KERR. Crediton, March 2lst, '89 The Largest THE BEST, TRE NICEST, THE SWEETEST .—Argiortraent of— Confectionery IN TOWN. tTST IN, Sc FRESH. • Away' down in Price. FOLLICI('S read, Brine, Oakes, and all kinds of Past- ry, gtill take the lead. eadquarters for Confection.- ery at E. A. POLLICTS, mAiti.s.T.. EXETER NAM CONTRACT. clEA.LED TENDERS, addres. sed to the Postmaster General will be received nt Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 10th May, 1889, for the conveyanee of Ma Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract for four years, six tiraes per week earth way, be- tween Exeter and. Whinohelsea, from the lst July next. The conveyance to be made in a vehiole. Priated nether*, containing further information as to conditions of proposed con- tract may beacon, and blank forms of tender may be obtained at the Post .0 ificarja of Exeter; Rlimville and Winohelsea and at this °face. II. G.C.PEIRK, Post Office lnilpector. Post Office Inspector's Office, Stratford, Aaril 1889, MORGAGE SALE, Linden) and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in a Mortgage made by Wm. Gardiner [his wife joining to bar her dower] to the Vendors, dated 28th March 1888, default having been made in the payment thereof. There will be sold by Public Auction at the Post Office at Farquhar opposite the property to be sold in the township of USborne, on Tuesday the 23rd day/of Apri1,1889,at the hour of 2 o'clock p.m.,the following property. Firstly •part of Lot No. 19, on the North side of the Thames Road, containing 65 acres,more or less, and Secondly,—part of Lot Number twenty on the North side of the Thanaes Road, containing 35 =es, more or less.—in the said township of Usborne. Both parcels will be sold in one lot. The above is a first-class farm land, A 1, near- ly all cleared, first class barns and stables, with stone foundations and a frame dwelling houee, the loeality is choice, Terms liberal, and will be made known on application to Alexander Duncan, Postmaster Farquhar, or to PARES Jr PITRD011. Vendors Solicitors London Mail Gontrapt. Q BALED TENDERS, addres. sed to the Post Master General will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the lOth Kay, _1889, for the conveyance of Her Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract for four years, six times per week each way, be- tween Exeter and St. Marys, from the 1st July next. The eonveyance to be made in a vehicle Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of proposed con- tract may be seen, and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Exeter, Elimville Winchelsea, Woodham, IKirkton, Anderson,' Metropolitan St. Marys, and at this office. II. G. HOPKIRK, Post Office Inspector. Poet Oface Inspector's Office, Stratford, 1 April 1589. IDC:51\SINION RO7AL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Liverpool Service. SAILING DATES. From Portland, Front.Hatifa. *Sarnia Thur. a.pril 25 Sat. Aprii:27 Pront Montreal. From Quebec. *Oregon Wea, May S ....Thur. ,May 9 Toronto....... Thur. May so Montreal Thur. May 23 ' *VaneouverWed. May 20 ..... ..Th ur.day. . 30 BRISTOL SER VICE FOR AVONMOUT DOCK. Texas, from MOD tram. about Oth May. Bates of passage front IVIontreal or Quebec to Liverpool. Cabin, $50 to $80, according to steamer and position of stateroom with °luta ssicion priv- ileges. Second cabin, $30 to Liverpool or Glasgow. Steerage, 620 to Liverpool, Lon- donderry, Loudon Queenstown, Glasgow or Bell act. These steamers have Saloon, stateroom, Music Boom and bathroom amidship s. whore but iittio motion is fel., and carry neither cattle nor sheep. For freight orpassage, apply in Liverpool, to Finn Main dc Moutgnmery,24James street; In Quebec, to W. M. tIacpborseo;at all Grand Trunk Railway Oillces, or to DIVED TORRANCE, & CO,, General. Agent. - Exchange Court, Montreal. CAE11. GEO. KEMP, Anent, Eximm. S. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the under- signed, and endorsed "Tender for Indian Sup. plias." will be received at this office up to ration of THURSDAY. 91h May, 1889, for the de- livery of Indian Supplies during the Mord year ending Nth June, 3893, consistiog. of e lour, Bacon, Groceries, Ammunition, Twine, Oxen, (lows Bulls, Agricultural Implements. Tools, dro., rimy paid. at "meow; points in Manitoba and the North-west Territories. Forms of tender containing full particulars relative to the supplies reguired, dates of de- livery, rte., may be had by applying, to the undersigned,or to the Indian Commissioner at Regina, or to the Indissi Moe, Winnipeg. Parties may tender for eaoh deeoription of goods (or for any portion of eaelideseription of goods) separately or for all the goods called for in the Schedules, and the Department re- served to itself the right to reject the whole or and part of a tender. Each tender must be won -manic' by an ac- cepted Cheque in favor of the Superin ton dent General of Indian Affairs on a Canadian Bank, for at least Ova per mit, of the amount of the tender! which Will be forfeited if the party tendering declines to enter into is contract based on seal' tender when called upon to de 50, 00 if he fails to cornplete the work contract- ed for, It the tender be not ace:seined, the cheque will be returned, Each tender must, in addition to the signs, ture of f,he tenderer, be signed by two sureties acceptable to the department for the proper performance of the corittaet, The lowest or ally tehder not neeessarily ac- cepted. This advertieement is not to be inserted bY any newspaper without the authority of the Queen's Printer, and rio olairn for DaYment by any nowsoriper not haring had stitch authority will be admitted L. VANKOUGIImIT, • Dep lay of Supertototiaottt•Geliorat • of Indieut ,16"airs, Department of Indian Attain', Ottawa, Aprilr 1839. LUCAN TOPICS. sptcy Items gathered by our Wide-a- wake Correspondent, SPRINT; FATR.—The Fair was very large- ly attended and the exhibit of horses though few in number were of superior stock. Rain set in early in the merning and continued np to 12 a in., when the elm looked down through the clouds, and made his genial rays felt. For Bulls, 1st Prize Frank Abbott. Horses. lieityy Draught -1st, Boyd and Henry; 2ud, I. H. McRoberts; Bra, ,Tames Brooks. 3 yrs old draaght, lot Patrick Ryder. 2nd, Pat. rtelt Ryder, Roadsters.--lst jno Beacom, 2nd Hiram Clarke, 3rd Wm. Parker. 2 yrs. old roadsters, 1st Wm. Parker. Coasters, CITABIBBB.—Avular Meeting. Membetol present:—.H. A. O'Neil, Jona- , than Autigins, Thos. Kitt, Geo. W. Hod' gin G. W. Hodgins, reeve, in the chair. Moved by Jonathan Hodgins, seconded by Geo. Hodgins, that the following accounts be paid, and the reeve sign hi order for the same:—C. Sproul, bread for tramps $1.68; John MeIllhargey, licord wood, $3,75; Jas. May, Shoveling on main- et1.60s Wm. Ellwood Chapman, for binding gissessment roll, 70ets; James Stevensun, shovelling snow on George-st. $1.25.—Carried. Moved by .A. O'Neil, seconded by Geo. Hodgins, that a block crossing be made across Main street, commencing at point Dear the Central Hotel, a deputation consisting of Messrs. Fox, and McCosh agreeing to pay $10.00 towards building same PRBSBNTATIOB.—On Wednesday evg. last Mr. Wm. Endicott was made the recipient of the following address acccitn- pawed with a valuable Bible, ere- his departure to the gorth West:— "We tbe membere of Luean Methodist choir desire to express to you our hearty good Wisbes as we part with you aa our leader. . We pray the blessing of high heaven may follow you and YOUr funli37 and that your new home may be to you all you can desire. We admire your manly qualities, many of which we have seen in you, and as you go from our midst we ask •You te 'accept as a token of our respect and esteem rhis volume of the word of truth; trusting that by the light of the same we may terminate our partings in one everlasting reunion in Heaven". (Signhd on behalf of the choir.) S. SELLAILY, Pastor. Mr. "E'Odicott made a'very feeling and touching reply. s Brevitiate. • WM.: Quigley,late of the firm of B. Stanley'sis in Portland, Oregon. The ,Canadian Band plays out every evening now, and we are waiting anxious. ly for the other bancl—The Lucau band. The saniteiry inspector is about to make his four of inspection. Mr. Thomas Coursey jr. soldto an American buyer a pair of Tontine colts last week, for a handsome sum. Remember the Concert under the aus- pices of thisinican Pdblic School, on the evening of April 22nd. The Clandeboye Draw.tio Club are billed to appear in the town hall, Lucan, next week. The Wingham Times devotes a whole column of e:cominoms to the above clubs. Mr. James Brooks of Usborne has under construction 35,000 rods of Russel fence in the township Downey. Professor Keefer gave a Scot Act lecture in the towr, hall on Monday evening last; his audience was chiefly composed of vacant seats. It is needless to say that there was perfect order. • Mr. Montgomery Smith bas cornmeucecl building operations. A gang of men fere engaged at present removing his shop, W. E. Stanley is putting a stone foun- dation under his residence. Spring trade is good and our merchants are happy. Mr. Thos. Islawkshaw having purchased the grocery from Mrs. Lamb, has remedied the premises and greatly increased the stock, and we bespeak a liberal share of patronage for him. Professor Schnicler gave a street exhibi tion on Monday evening last, going through several very difficult, manceuvres contortinating himself into several shapes, representing more the serpent than the decendant of Abraham . He was rewarded with a hat full of nickles. 11-4.144-41 CONSTIPATION followed by fitful diarrhoea shooting pains in the breasts, drawing down aching pains, burning sensation in the small of the back, scanty dare -colored fluids which scald in passing, and many deposits --sand, mucus, tube casts, and fluids covered by a greasy scum, any one of the foregoing signi- fies advanced kidney ',rouble. Prof. Wm. H Tlaompeon, M. D., of the TJniversity of the city of New York, says: "More adult§ are carried off in this country by chronic kidney disease than lw any other one mal- ady except consumption." The late Dr. Diu Lewis in speaking of Warner's Safe Cure, said over his own signatere: ''If found myself the victim of a Below kidney trouble, I would use your preparetion," ---sa Grantor'. Simms). Snow. —The animal fair of the Biddulph Ag'l Society wag held here on Tuesday. The weather was fair and the shove of animate good. There was a good attendance of spectators., The following is the prize list:—Imported Heavy Draught. -3. IT. McRoberts, "Pride of the West" ; j Brootcs, 'Farmers' Friend' ; T Croye's "lIortnell Enterprise." Three Year Old.—T Rider's "Visitor" ;T. Rider's "Burithome". Two Year Old Canadian ; B Mowbray's "Young Pride of Scotland" ; M Horn's "Menford". Roadsters, Aged.—A. trannan's `Ches- net .Toe" ; J S'hofrs "Tom Iiirr." Two Year old,--jamet O'Nell's "General Greet" • A Gratton's "Magician" Diplo- ma for the best horse of any plass.---rour entries--ja,s. O'Neil's "General Orant." Bumsa,—Durharn—sfas. taiksvill's 'Red Roan' ; ISIts Reith' s 'Lord Wimple," Cry'for Pitchers Castorli .TORN WEEXTE 84 SONS PublishersanclP'reprietors Ammininromminiasmrs Ba.3rfleld, Diners. The fishermen are preparing to leave for the summer and will go as soma act oirounastances will permit.—Mr. An- drew Stalker left on eMonday for Chicago to take his old position as mate on the "M. Page."—Misses L. Waren and Mr. M. Which:len bit for Detroit this week.— Voting on the by-law to grant Messrs. Waller & Co, a bonus of $2000 to erect a rod/ hero took plaoe on the 17th day cif April. The advantage of a good mill here is evident as farmers in this vicinity have no a000modation of the kind. Wm. T. Bear/ram ,1. D., of Chicago, who was chosen to deliver the Cartwright lecture course in 1883 (the highest boner She medical profession oast bestow npon any raember) says: "A feeling of weight and tension over the kidneys, increased up- on pressure, is an occasional symptom," This being only an ormasional symptom, its absence is no evil -Since that you are free from kidney disease, and when there is any departure from health which might arise frona kidney disease, Warnex's Safe Cure should be need at once to prevent organic changes taking place and the de. development of Bright's disease. Dr. R. A. Glann....4r D., Dean and Pro. essor of Surgery of the United States Med- ical College, Editor of "Medical Tribane," iAuthor of "Gunn's New Improved Hand- book of Hygiene and Da mastic Me di eine," sap: "Belonging as I do to a branch of the profession which believes that no School of Medicine knowir-all the truth regarding dig. ease, and being independent enough to use any remedy that will help my patient with- out reference to the source from which it comes, I am willing to acknowledge and commend thus frankly the yaltie of War-. nor's Safe Cure." CO rbett. BRIEPS.--The roads around here have been very muddy this week.—Mr. Howell has been building a new blacksmith hop for Mr. McPherson and two new chimneys for Mr. Pollock, our blacksmith. --A pub-. lie meeting at the Corbett cheese factory for the purpose of letting the milk routes was held on Taesdas .—Mr. Judson Cor- bett happened with a very painful accident on Saturday last by getting one of his fingers caught in his lathe while turning land rollers.—Mr. Dick Hodgins of this place came very near loosing his mare on Monday. At the time of writing it is some better.—Mr. Andrew Akins sold all the household goods that he could not take away with him last week. Be is going to Washington Territory.—Mr, Archie Mc Intosh, who got hurt some time ago is, we are glad to see, limping around again. DR. Wm. H. THOMPSON of the University of the city of New York says: "The symp- tom of diseased kidneys will first appear in the extremely different organs of the body," Treat the kidneys and not theeffects of kid- neysdisectite, by usiag Waroerler Sale Cures. Gearsuar, failure of strength, extreme pal- lor of face, puffebess under the eyes, persist- ent swelling of tre"--T64rrts, • abdomen and legs, unaccountable sharp pain in the heart, shortness of breath followed by the lungs filling with water, which the kidneys fail to pass off—any one of the foregoing are symptoms of adyanoed kidney or Bright's Disease. The late Dr. Lewis said over hos own signature, ‘4T.S.ZIound myself the vic- tim of a serious kidia:-Sy trouble, I should use youi preparation." Professor Wm. H, Thompson, 111. D., of the University of the City of New York, says: "More adults are carried off in this country by chronic kid- ney disease than by any other one malady except consureptioss" Dnaeseas FLINT, late professor in Belle- vuee Hospital MiSiestsL College' Fellow of New York Academy of Medicine, member of the etate medical societies of New York, Virginia, Rhode Island, Massachneetts, eet., says in speaking of Bright's disease or ad- vanced kidney disease, "The minor effects are head ache, rrervieion, impaired hearing involuntary muscular twitcching, cramps, drowsiness, yomitihg and diarrhcea." These are but sotue of the common symp_ toms of this malady, which accounts for Warner's Safe Cure curing so many dis- calms (so-called) which are not diseases, but are symptoms of advanced, kidney dis- orders. 11. 4 • • ChiSeIhnrst. -- Bsuors.—Mr. John Tinney, who has been visiting around these parts has gone home. --Mr Fitzgerald has made a quantity of maple syrup and also considerable taffy. --The fall wheat is looking well around here, the frost having not yet tour:lied it. — Mr, T. Nichols finished seeding on the 14th inst. At a late hour on Sunday night one of our citizens was attracted by a noise outside his front door. On going to as- certain the cause he was astonished to meet yonne lady who asked him to put on his boots and escort her home. He hesitated and then asked her to Arty all night but she would not and said she would get one of the neighbor's boys to accompany her if he would trot. Seeing she was deter, mined to go, he agreed to go half the way so he put on his boots ane started. We are glad to say that Most of the young ladies of this vicinity do not have to call married men out of bed to escort tbem home on Sunday nights. Paox.,Wra, R. 'I'uotinsoo, M, D., of the Univereity of the City of New York says Shat neore adults are carried off, in this country, by chronic kidney disease than by any other one malady, except consumption and yet many people look upon a light kidney difficulty as of little cousequence. Others take nor'Safe Cure and remove atty possible ger. When kidney disease becomes cbronic, or Bright's Disease, it be. cornea a very serione tnatte. WM. llootnTS, M. D., • Physician to the Manchester, Esug,, Infirnsary and Lunatic Hospital, Professor of Medicine in Osven's College, 'Tho atteution of the patient Ss a eakenned seine nionths, or it way be yearsafter advanoed kidhey slit/nail° exists." If you think it unwise to takke further chances Use Warner'e Safe Otire pefote tbo malady becomes any further Advanced. The Illiolsc)ns Bank (411ARTEIAD 13YPA aLrAlAgN7,18,15) paid up Capital ... $2,9000Q lieetnind 1,009,ep Head Office, Montreal, F. WOLF,ERSTAN THO,MAS, Esq., •• ORNNHAI,MANA9B4 20 branch offices in the Dominion, Agen0i es in tbe Dominion, U.S.A. and gurope. Exeter Branon, Open every lawful day, from 10 a„ m, to 3 p. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m, to 1 p. m. S.Pereent, per annum ellevredfor money On Deposit Reeeipts and SAYIng8 Bank, R. H. ARCHER, Manager' ••••••••••••••=0.•••••••., verso • Brucefield. BRIEFS , —Tile pastor of Union church and lady are visiting friends in Brantford. He is attending Synod, meetings there.— The concert given by the Royal Teniplars of Temperanoe last week was a decided success, —5.1z John Jameson has taken fall, charge of the boot and shoe businees for - merit carried on by Jas. B. Jameson. He hopeto meet the favor of all the custom- ers and. a large increaeo of new. ones,— Alex. McTavish and Neil Ross have let for Manitoba. They carry with them the best wishes of their many friends,—We hear the Life -bot Crew will visit our town next sveek. They come under the auspices of the Royal Templars of Temperanoe, Ordinary Physician to H, NI., the Queen in T. Gassman Senwanr, M. D., F. R. S. He Scotland, Professor of Practice of Physio itt the University of Edinburgh, writes: ',The arteries are solerosed-and athromatuus in the advanced stages of the inflammatory and in the cirrhotic) but not so small in the waxy disease. In that affection the small vessels in other parJa.frPqnent1y the seat of waxy degener ion" From this it will be seen that in the three forms of kidney disease classedas Bright's disease, the arte- ries suffer changes, and it matters not wbether they undergo scleroticf, atherma- thus or wazy change, they are so weakened aa to casuists a tur nder any increased pressure. This exp ains the frequency of apoplezy and paralysis, and as clearly dem- onstreter that the only preventive of these disastrous ruptures of the blood vessels is the timely use of Warner's Safe Cure to keep the kidneys ina healthy condition. s Whalen. A very pleasing occurrence took place in Palmerston, on Wednesday evening, at the residence of Mr. Best, being the event of the marriage of his daughter Vine, to Mr. Millson of this place. Tbe eerenaony was *Performed by the Rev. Mr. McAllister after which the company sat dovert ao a sumptu- ous repast. The happy couple took the 2 o'cloek train for Toronto. We wish them 4 prosperous life. "UmzErsio blindness may oeour," is a statemetn made by T. Granger Stewart M, D., F. B. S. E., Ordinary Physiciah to H. M. the Queen in Scotland, Professar of Practice of Phyde in the Universitp of Edinburgn, in speaking of Briglat's disease. , Hence itis of.the greatest importance that, on the first approach of dImness of sight or the appearance of specs floating before the eyes, treatment should he inatituted for the removal of the cease, kidney disease; an,. tor this purp8se, Warners Safe Cure excelii- all other remedies. Zurich: BUSINESS CH AxGz.—Mr. Robert Hide - num succeeds Mr. R. Johnston as a part - bier of Mr. Sol. Hardy. Mr. J_ohnson is a thorcugh busioess man and a good butcher and we are sorry to hear of his leaving the trade. Mae Drawnea . —A few weeks ago 5 prizes were offered by the editors of "School work and play" for the best out- line maps of Ontario. We are pleased to notice by the last issue cf that y aper that two of these primt s, viz.: third and fourth, were carried off by two Zurich pupils— Edith Steinbach aud Rosa Hauch, respec- tively. The prizes were both books, the third being a copy of "Through the Dark Continent", and fourth a copy of "Ben Hur." OBITUARY.—W a are sorry to chronicle the death of two persons who were well known in this vieinity, being Mr. Buswell and Mrs. Wing. Hr. Buswell was a fornser resident of this villaee, but has lately re- sided in Goderich where he died eu Sun- day morning last. His remains were removed to Exeter where the funeral took place. He leaves a wife and many friends to mourn her loss. Mrs. W. Wing of the Bronson Line ; she died very suddenly while on a visit to one of ber neighbors. A large family and many friends followed her remains to their last resting place on Sunday last. The Rev. - Theo, flauch preached the funeral sermon. BRIEFS. —Thos. Iiauch is visiting friends in Berlin.—The verandah in front of the store of Happle and Cleghorn was torn down by a runaway team one day last week . —The Evangelical church is be- ing repaired.—There is a probability of a baseball club being organized in Zurich. —Mr Randall Is rejoicing over an addition to his family (a son). --Confirmation ser- vices were held in the Lutheran church on Sunday last. Fourteen candidatee were admitted as full members. Rev_ Mr. Strempfer officiated.—Revs. Hauch apd Ortsveiu are attending the Oonfereoce of She Evangelical association in Canada held at Berliu.—Our villagers are smite busy at present as week has begun at the several new buildings that are to be erected this spring. BRIEF:I.—Mr. Ezra Miller, who has been with D. S. Faust, our accommodating mer- chant and postmaster, for a num- ber of yearn has left to try his luck in some eity. We wish hirn sue- cess,—Wedding bells have been pealing on every side. Last Thureday eveniug Wm. 'loupe, and Miss Lelina Warm were united ip marriage by RSV. Mr. Strempfer, and on'the Tuesday evening following, Mis Henry Weseloh and Miss Gertrude Kook of the liabylou live ahd Mr. Chats Weber and kliss Phebe Dabons of the Babylon line were also married by the same gentlemais. Ono by one our young folk gradually leave as. We wish them all the pleasure wedded life can afford. --Mr. Charlett Ligeb has commenced stork on the addition to his hotel. Whets Mr. Greb gets Oslo completed he •will have as • fine a hotel ea any around the ootnitty .—Mr. Crisper , Weber and his men have commenced wet k m the foundation of Mr john Tutnner's new boose. • There is every indication that soling is here and as a tormootence oar house: wives are busy cleaning house. — Quite a slumber of our citizens attended the Hensel' epriog show on Tuesday and repo) t it very good. • The roads are drying off nicely waiting for another snow. AUCTIONEERS. HENRY EILBER, Licensed Auo- tioneer for Kay,Stephen, and MeGilli. rr ay:Township s: Sales o on ducted at moderate rates. Office—At Post-office,Crediton,Out. , JOEIN GILL, Auctioneer for the Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborne and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. ... VETERINARY. Tennent & Tennent VETERINARY SURGEONS, .___,-....a- --- Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College. Operon: One door South of Town Hall. MONEY TO LOAN. 1JTONE TO LOAN AT 6—AND 61- kYLper cont, $25,000 Private Funds, Best Loaning Companies represented. 4 L.H. DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, INSURANCE . , TB.E WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. — Established in 1.863. IlEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO,ONT. This corny any has been over Eighteen Years insuccessful operation in Western On- barimsaideontinues to insure againstloss or lamage by Wire ,I3uildingsMerehandiseMan- afacteries,amd all °the e descriptionsoffinsur- able proverty. Entending insurers have the Dption o'f insuring ou the Premium Note Or DS& SyStOra . , During the, past tenyears this Ctimpany hasissued 57,000 Policiescovering property a theamountof 640,872,038 ; naid paid inloss- a a e. tenor/09,732,00 AssetS, S176,100.00, consisting of Cash s sank, Government Deposit,and the tinass- nisedPremiumNotesonhandandin force. J, W. WALDEN M D. Pr esider.t. 0. tst . Ta.snon, 3eoretary. J, 5. lincints,Tusnector. CHAS. NELL Agontfor Exeteranclvicinity, IIIMM.I......*IME11/01VVIK Dress -Making. IfIrs. Dickey, of Credi ton, begs to inform the 1 blio that she has moved her business and 5611 now be found pne door west of Mitchell's 3tore. Dress -making done in the vary latest tyles: (Jutting and itting by the new tailor ystern. MES. DICKEY, Creditor' CENTRAL Barber Shop, FANSOWS BLOCK. A Hastings Prop , utaing and Hair OA ttingin thel Most styles / he art. Everyattention paid to °titan g .adies ana Ohrldrefi s Hair t k t IT i r 4T I T Mii:i %sr A TV TPA refOriThrs Note a few Tea, Four 30c plugs of Heavy shirting, Cotton, Men's suits, of our prices : 8o lb. up. tobacco 25c, 8o per yard 3o per yard, up , $4 50, up $1.50, up 25o, up Depart Ladies coats, Fur caps, Big Drives in all ments. DOUPE Kirkton, —STONEMAN'S_ Jewelry Store HENSALL, ONT. You are invited to come and see Our Elegant Holiday Stock —CONSIST/NG OP— Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver- ware, Novelties, Fancy Goods, &m ifts for! id eg gi.faung, ASSORTMENOST COMPLETE. ' , 1-1,epairing Depar We make a speciesRY Of watch andiewel- ry repairing. Jewelry mended and re. polished so as to look like nesv All work guaranteed. Our motto: Neat, prompt and reliable. Remember the stand, opposite McDonell & Waugh'e Hardware Store. J. C. Stoneman., HENSALL, ONT. ChanEe of Bu:inoss xonN 0. "TOTTZTC, Having taken into partnership, W H HERR they have decided to extend the business by adding a full stock of : Staple Hardware! PAINTS, OILS, Etc. FULL LINES of TINWARE BARB AND OTHER WIRES, 1\EACEXINE2 ozns Renseniber we buy for cash and will give our customers the benefits of the die. count,. Atrial will convince that we sell cheaper than the same goods can be bought elsewhere for. Sole agent for this locality for Lawrence's celebratedSpectac:es. All grades ; all sights. It is the Best Spectacle in the Market to -day. .A call solicited. • YOUNG &KERR. Crediton, March 2lst, '89 The Largest THE BEST, TRE NICEST, THE SWEETEST .—Argiortraent of— Confectionery IN TOWN. tTST IN, Sc FRESH. • Away' down in Price. FOLLICI('S read, Brine, Oakes, and all kinds of Past- ry, gtill take the lead. eadquarters for Confection.- ery at E. A. POLLICTS, mAiti.s.T.. EXETER NAM CONTRACT. clEA.LED TENDERS, addres. sed to the Postmaster General will be received nt Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 10th May, 1889, for the conveyanee of Ma Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract for four years, six tiraes per week earth way, be- tween Exeter and. Whinohelsea, from the lst July next. The conveyance to be made in a vehiole. Priated nether*, containing further information as to conditions of proposed con- tract may beacon, and blank forms of tender may be obtained at the Post .0 ificarja of Exeter; Rlimville and Winohelsea and at this °face. II. G.C.PEIRK, Post Office lnilpector. Post Office Inspector's Office, Stratford, Aaril 1889, MORGAGE SALE, Linden) and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in a Mortgage made by Wm. Gardiner [his wife joining to bar her dower] to the Vendors, dated 28th March 1888, default having been made in the payment thereof. There will be sold by Public Auction at the Post Office at Farquhar opposite the property to be sold in the township of USborne, on Tuesday the 23rd day/of Apri1,1889,at the hour of 2 o'clock p.m.,the following property. Firstly •part of Lot No. 19, on the North side of the Thames Road, containing 65 acres,more or less, and Secondly,—part of Lot Number twenty on the North side of the Thanaes Road, containing 35 =es, more or less.—in the said township of Usborne. Both parcels will be sold in one lot. The above is a first-class farm land, A 1, near- ly all cleared, first class barns and stables, with stone foundations and a frame dwelling houee, the loeality is choice, Terms liberal, and will be made known on application to Alexander Duncan, Postmaster Farquhar, or to PARES Jr PITRD011. Vendors Solicitors London Mail Gontrapt. Q BALED TENDERS, addres. sed to the Post Master General will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the lOth Kay, _1889, for the conveyance of Her Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract for four years, six times per week each way, be- tween Exeter and St. Marys, from the 1st July next. The eonveyance to be made in a vehicle Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of proposed con- tract may be seen, and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Exeter, Elimville Winchelsea, Woodham, IKirkton, Anderson,' Metropolitan St. Marys, and at this office. II. G. HOPKIRK, Post Office Inspector. Poet Oface Inspector's Office, Stratford, 1 April 1589. IDC:51\SINION RO7AL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Liverpool Service. SAILING DATES. From Portland, Front.Hatifa. *Sarnia Thur. a.pril 25 Sat. Aprii:27 Pront Montreal. From Quebec. *Oregon Wea, May S ....Thur. ,May 9 Toronto....... Thur. May so Montreal Thur. May 23 ' *VaneouverWed. May 20 ..... ..Th ur.day. . 30 BRISTOL SER VICE FOR AVONMOUT DOCK. Texas, from MOD tram. about Oth May. Bates of passage front IVIontreal or Quebec to Liverpool. Cabin, $50 to $80, according to steamer and position of stateroom with °luta ssicion priv- ileges. Second cabin, $30 to Liverpool or Glasgow. Steerage, 620 to Liverpool, Lon- donderry, Loudon Queenstown, Glasgow or Bell act. These steamers have Saloon, stateroom, Music Boom and bathroom amidship s. whore but iittio motion is fel., and carry neither cattle nor sheep. For freight orpassage, apply in Liverpool, to Finn Main dc Moutgnmery,24James street; In Quebec, to W. M. tIacpborseo;at all Grand Trunk Railway Oillces, or to DIVED TORRANCE, & CO,, General. Agent. - Exchange Court, Montreal. CAE11. GEO. KEMP, Anent, Eximm. S. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the under- signed, and endorsed "Tender for Indian Sup. plias." will be received at this office up to ration of THURSDAY. 91h May, 1889, for the de- livery of Indian Supplies during the Mord year ending Nth June, 3893, consistiog. of e lour, Bacon, Groceries, Ammunition, Twine, Oxen, (lows Bulls, Agricultural Implements. Tools, dro., rimy paid. at "meow; points in Manitoba and the North-west Territories. Forms of tender containing full particulars relative to the supplies reguired, dates of de- livery, rte., may be had by applying, to the undersigned,or to the Indian Commissioner at Regina, or to the Indissi Moe, Winnipeg. Parties may tender for eaoh deeoription of goods (or for any portion of eaelideseription of goods) separately or for all the goods called for in the Schedules, and the Department re- served to itself the right to reject the whole or and part of a tender. Each tender must be won -manic' by an ac- cepted Cheque in favor of the Superin ton dent General of Indian Affairs on a Canadian Bank, for at least Ova per mit, of the amount of the tender! which Will be forfeited if the party tendering declines to enter into is contract based on seal' tender when called upon to de 50, 00 if he fails to cornplete the work contract- ed for, It the tender be not ace:seined, the cheque will be returned, Each tender must, in addition to the signs, ture of f,he tenderer, be signed by two sureties acceptable to the department for the proper performance of the corittaet, The lowest or ally tehder not neeessarily ac- cepted. This advertieement is not to be inserted bY any newspaper without the authority of the Queen's Printer, and rio olairn for DaYment by any nowsoriper not haring had stitch authority will be admitted L. VANKOUGIImIT, • Dep lay of Supertototiaottt•Geliorat • of Indieut ,16"airs, Department of Indian Attain', Ottawa, Aprilr 1839. LUCAN TOPICS. sptcy Items gathered by our Wide-a- wake Correspondent, SPRINT; FATR.—The Fair was very large- ly attended and the exhibit of horses though few in number were of superior stock. Rain set in early in the merning and continued np to 12 a in., when the elm looked down through the clouds, and made his genial rays felt. For Bulls, 1st Prize Frank Abbott. Horses. lieityy Draught -1st, Boyd and Henry; 2ud, I. H. McRoberts; Bra, ,Tames Brooks. 3 yrs old draaght, lot Patrick Ryder. 2nd, Pat. rtelt Ryder, Roadsters.--lst jno Beacom, 2nd Hiram Clarke, 3rd Wm. Parker. 2 yrs. old roadsters, 1st Wm. Parker. Coasters, CITABIBBB.—Avular Meeting. Membetol present:—.H. A. O'Neil, Jona- , than Autigins, Thos. Kitt, Geo. W. Hod' gin G. W. Hodgins, reeve, in the chair. Moved by Jonathan Hodgins, seconded by Geo. Hodgins, that the following accounts be paid, and the reeve sign hi order for the same:—C. Sproul, bread for tramps $1.68; John MeIllhargey, licord wood, $3,75; Jas. May, Shoveling on main- et1.60s Wm. Ellwood Chapman, for binding gissessment roll, 70ets; James Stevensun, shovelling snow on George-st. $1.25.—Carried. Moved by .A. O'Neil, seconded by Geo. Hodgins, that a block crossing be made across Main street, commencing at point Dear the Central Hotel, a deputation consisting of Messrs. Fox, and McCosh agreeing to pay $10.00 towards building same PRBSBNTATIOB.—On Wednesday evg. last Mr. Wm. Endicott was made the recipient of the following address acccitn- pawed with a valuable Bible, ere- his departure to the gorth West:— "We tbe membere of Luean Methodist choir desire to express to you our hearty good Wisbes as we part with you aa our leader. . We pray the blessing of high heaven may follow you and YOUr funli37 and that your new home may be to you all you can desire. We admire your manly qualities, many of which we have seen in you, and as you go from our midst we ask •You te 'accept as a token of our respect and esteem rhis volume of the word of truth; trusting that by the light of the same we may terminate our partings in one everlasting reunion in Heaven". (Signhd on behalf of the choir.) S. SELLAILY, Pastor. Mr. "E'Odicott made a'very feeling and touching reply. s Brevitiate. • WM.: Quigley,late of the firm of B. Stanley'sis in Portland, Oregon. The ,Canadian Band plays out every evening now, and we are waiting anxious. ly for the other bancl—The Lucau band. The saniteiry inspector is about to make his four of inspection. Mr. Thomas Coursey jr. soldto an American buyer a pair of Tontine colts last week, for a handsome sum. Remember the Concert under the aus- pices of thisinican Pdblic School, on the evening of April 22nd. The Clandeboye Draw.tio Club are billed to appear in the town hall, Lucan, next week. The Wingham Times devotes a whole column of e:cominoms to the above clubs. Mr. James Brooks of Usborne has under construction 35,000 rods of Russel fence in the township Downey. Professor Keefer gave a Scot Act lecture in the towr, hall on Monday evening last; his audience was chiefly composed of vacant seats. It is needless to say that there was perfect order. • Mr. Montgomery Smith bas cornmeucecl building operations. A gang of men fere engaged at present removing his shop, W. E. Stanley is putting a stone foun- dation under his residence. Spring trade is good and our merchants are happy. Mr. Thos. Islawkshaw having purchased the grocery from Mrs. Lamb, has remedied the premises and greatly increased the stock, and we bespeak a liberal share of patronage for him. Professor Schnicler gave a street exhibi tion on Monday evening last, going through several very difficult, manceuvres contortinating himself into several shapes, representing more the serpent than the decendant of Abraham . He was rewarded with a hat full of nickles. 11-4.144-41 CONSTIPATION followed by fitful diarrhoea shooting pains in the breasts, drawing down aching pains, burning sensation in the small of the back, scanty dare -colored fluids which scald in passing, and many deposits --sand, mucus, tube casts, and fluids covered by a greasy scum, any one of the foregoing signi- fies advanced kidney ',rouble. Prof. Wm. H Tlaompeon, M. D., of the TJniversity of the city of New York, says: "More adult§ are carried off in this country by chronic kidney disease than lw any other one mal- ady except consumption." The late Dr. Diu Lewis in speaking of Warner's Safe Cure, said over his own signatere: ''If found myself the victim of a Below kidney trouble, I would use your preparetion," ---sa Grantor'. Simms). Snow. —The animal fair of the Biddulph Ag'l Society wag held here on Tuesday. The weather was fair and the shove of animate good. There was a good attendance of spectators., The following is the prize list:—Imported Heavy Draught. -3. IT. McRoberts, "Pride of the West" ; j Brootcs, 'Farmers' Friend' ; T Croye's "lIortnell Enterprise." Three Year Old.—T Rider's "Visitor" ;T. Rider's "Burithome". Two Year Old Canadian ; B Mowbray's "Young Pride of Scotland" ; M Horn's "Menford". Roadsters, Aged.—A. trannan's `Ches- net .Toe" ; J S'hofrs "Tom Iiirr." Two Year old,--jamet O'Nell's "General Greet" • A Gratton's "Magician" Diplo- ma for the best horse of any plass.---rour entries--ja,s. O'Neil's "General Orant." Bumsa,—Durharn—sfas. taiksvill's 'Red Roan' ; ISIts Reith' s 'Lord Wimple," Cry'for Pitchers Castorli .TORN WEEXTE 84 SONS PublishersanclP'reprietors Ammininromminiasmrs Ba.3rfleld, Diners. The fishermen are preparing to leave for the summer and will go as soma act oirounastances will permit.—Mr. An- drew Stalker left on eMonday for Chicago to take his old position as mate on the "M. Page."—Misses L. Waren and Mr. M. Which:len bit for Detroit this week.— Voting on the by-law to grant Messrs. Waller & Co, a bonus of $2000 to erect a rod/ hero took plaoe on the 17th day cif April. The advantage of a good mill here is evident as farmers in this vicinity have no a000modation of the kind. Wm. T. Bear/ram ,1. D., of Chicago, who was chosen to deliver the Cartwright lecture course in 1883 (the highest boner She medical profession oast bestow npon any raember) says: "A feeling of weight and tension over the kidneys, increased up- on pressure, is an occasional symptom," This being only an ormasional symptom, its absence is no evil -Since that you are free from kidney disease, and when there is any departure from health which might arise frona kidney disease, Warnex's Safe Cure should be need at once to prevent organic changes taking place and the de. development of Bright's disease. Dr. R. A. Glann....4r D., Dean and Pro. essor of Surgery of the United States Med- ical College, Editor of "Medical Tribane," iAuthor of "Gunn's New Improved Hand- book of Hygiene and Da mastic Me di eine," sap: "Belonging as I do to a branch of the profession which believes that no School of Medicine knowir-all the truth regarding dig. ease, and being independent enough to use any remedy that will help my patient with- out reference to the source from which it comes, I am willing to acknowledge and commend thus frankly the yaltie of War-. nor's Safe Cure." CO rbett. BRIEPS.--The roads around here have been very muddy this week.—Mr. Howell has been building a new blacksmith hop for Mr. McPherson and two new chimneys for Mr. Pollock, our blacksmith. --A pub-. lie meeting at the Corbett cheese factory for the purpose of letting the milk routes was held on Taesdas .—Mr. Judson Cor- bett happened with a very painful accident on Saturday last by getting one of his fingers caught in his lathe while turning land rollers.—Mr. Dick Hodgins of this place came very near loosing his mare on Monday. At the time of writing it is some better.—Mr. Andrew Akins sold all the household goods that he could not take away with him last week. Be is going to Washington Territory.—Mr, Archie Mc Intosh, who got hurt some time ago is, we are glad to see, limping around again. DR. Wm. H. THOMPSON of the University of the city of New York says: "The symp- tom of diseased kidneys will first appear in the extremely different organs of the body," Treat the kidneys and not theeffects of kid- neysdisectite, by usiag Waroerler Sale Cures. Gearsuar, failure of strength, extreme pal- lor of face, puffebess under the eyes, persist- ent swelling of tre"--T64rrts, • abdomen and legs, unaccountable sharp pain in the heart, shortness of breath followed by the lungs filling with water, which the kidneys fail to pass off—any one of the foregoing are symptoms of adyanoed kidney or Bright's Disease. The late Dr. Lewis said over hos own signature, ‘4T.S.ZIound myself the vic- tim of a serious kidia:-Sy trouble, I should use youi preparation." Professor Wm. H, Thompson, 111. D., of the University of the City of New York, says: "More adults are carried off in this country by chronic kid- ney disease than by any other one malady except consureptioss" Dnaeseas FLINT, late professor in Belle- vuee Hospital MiSiestsL College' Fellow of New York Academy of Medicine, member of the etate medical societies of New York, Virginia, Rhode Island, Massachneetts, eet., says in speaking of Bright's disease or ad- vanced kidney disease, "The minor effects are head ache, rrervieion, impaired hearing involuntary muscular twitcching, cramps, drowsiness, yomitihg and diarrhcea." These are but sotue of the common symp_ toms of this malady, which accounts for Warner's Safe Cure curing so many dis- calms (so-called) which are not diseases, but are symptoms of advanced, kidney dis- orders. 11. 4 • • ChiSeIhnrst. -- Bsuors.—Mr. John Tinney, who has been visiting around these parts has gone home. --Mr Fitzgerald has made a quantity of maple syrup and also considerable taffy. --The fall wheat is looking well around here, the frost having not yet tour:lied it. — Mr, T. Nichols finished seeding on the 14th inst. At a late hour on Sunday night one of our citizens was attracted by a noise outside his front door. On going to as- certain the cause he was astonished to meet yonne lady who asked him to put on his boots and escort her home. He hesitated and then asked her to Arty all night but she would not and said she would get one of the neighbor's boys to accompany her if he would trot. Seeing she was deter, mined to go, he agreed to go half the way so he put on his boots ane started. We are glad to say that Most of the young ladies of this vicinity do not have to call married men out of bed to escort tbem home on Sunday nights. Paox.,Wra, R. 'I'uotinsoo, M, D., of the Univereity of the City of New York says Shat neore adults are carried off, in this country, by chronic kidney disease than by any other one malady, except consumption and yet many people look upon a light kidney difficulty as of little cousequence. Others take nor'Safe Cure and remove atty possible ger. When kidney disease becomes cbronic, or Bright's Disease, it be. cornea a very serione tnatte. WM. llootnTS, M. D., • Physician to the Manchester, Esug,, Infirnsary and Lunatic Hospital, Professor of Medicine in Osven's College, 'Tho atteution of the patient Ss a eakenned seine nionths, or it way be yearsafter advanoed kidhey slit/nail° exists." If you think it unwise to takke further chances Use Warner'e Safe Otire pefote tbo malady becomes any further Advanced. The Illiolsc)ns Bank (411ARTEIAD 13YPA aLrAlAgN7,18,15) paid up Capital ... $2,9000Q lieetnind 1,009,ep Head Office, Montreal, F. WOLF,ERSTAN THO,MAS, Esq., •• ORNNHAI,MANA9B4 20 branch offices in the Dominion, Agen0i es in tbe Dominion, U.S.A. and gurope. Exeter Branon, Open every lawful day, from 10 a„ m, to 3 p. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m, to 1 p. m. S.Pereent, per annum ellevredfor money On Deposit Reeeipts and SAYIng8 Bank, R. H. ARCHER, Manager' ••••••••••••••=0.•••••••., verso • Brucefield. BRIEFS , —Tile pastor of Union church and lady are visiting friends in Brantford. He is attending Synod, meetings there.— The concert given by the Royal Teniplars of Temperanoe last week was a decided success, —5.1z John Jameson has taken fall, charge of the boot and shoe businees for - merit carried on by Jas. B. Jameson. He hopeto meet the favor of all the custom- ers and. a large increaeo of new. ones,— Alex. McTavish and Neil Ross have let for Manitoba. They carry with them the best wishes of their many friends,—We hear the Life -bot Crew will visit our town next sveek. They come under the auspices of the Royal Templars of Temperanoe, Ordinary Physician to H, NI., the Queen in T. Gassman Senwanr, M. D., F. R. S. He Scotland, Professor of Practice of Physio itt the University of Edinburgh, writes: ',The arteries are solerosed-and athromatuus in the advanced stages of the inflammatory and in the cirrhotic) but not so small in the waxy disease. In that affection the small vessels in other parJa.frPqnent1y the seat of waxy degener ion" From this it will be seen that in the three forms of kidney disease classedas Bright's disease, the arte- ries suffer changes, and it matters not wbether they undergo scleroticf, atherma- thus or wazy change, they are so weakened aa to casuists a tur nder any increased pressure. This exp ains the frequency of apoplezy and paralysis, and as clearly dem- onstreter that the only preventive of these disastrous ruptures of the blood vessels is the timely use of Warner's Safe Cure to keep the kidneys ina healthy condition. s Whalen. A very pleasing occurrence took place in Palmerston, on Wednesday evening, at the residence of Mr. Best, being the event of the marriage of his daughter Vine, to Mr. Millson of this place. Tbe eerenaony was *Performed by the Rev. Mr. McAllister after which the company sat dovert ao a sumptu- ous repast. The happy couple took the 2 o'cloek train for Toronto. We wish them 4 prosperous life. "UmzErsio blindness may oeour," is a statemetn made by T. Granger Stewart M, D., F. B. S. E., Ordinary Physiciah to H. M. the Queen in Scotland, Professar of Practice of Phyde in the Universitp of Edinburgn, in speaking of Briglat's disease. , Hence itis of.the greatest importance that, on the first approach of dImness of sight or the appearance of specs floating before the eyes, treatment should he inatituted for the removal of the cease, kidney disease; an,. tor this purp8se, Warners Safe Cure excelii- all other remedies. Zurich: BUSINESS CH AxGz.—Mr. Robert Hide - num succeeds Mr. R. Johnston as a part - bier of Mr. Sol. Hardy. Mr. J_ohnson is a thorcugh busioess man and a good butcher and we are sorry to hear of his leaving the trade. Mae Drawnea . —A few weeks ago 5 prizes were offered by the editors of "School work and play" for the best out- line maps of Ontario. We are pleased to notice by the last issue cf that y aper that two of these primt s, viz.: third and fourth, were carried off by two Zurich pupils— Edith Steinbach aud Rosa Hauch, respec- tively. The prizes were both books, the third being a copy of "Through the Dark Continent", and fourth a copy of "Ben Hur." OBITUARY.—W a are sorry to chronicle the death of two persons who were well known in this vieinity, being Mr. Buswell and Mrs. Wing. Hr. Buswell was a fornser resident of this villaee, but has lately re- sided in Goderich where he died eu Sun- day morning last. His remains were removed to Exeter where the funeral took place. He leaves a wife and many friends to mourn her loss. Mrs. W. Wing of the Bronson Line ; she died very suddenly while on a visit to one of ber neighbors. A large family and many friends followed her remains to their last resting place on Sunday last. The Rev. - Theo, flauch preached the funeral sermon. BRIEFS. —Thos. Iiauch is visiting friends in Berlin.—The verandah in front of the store of Happle and Cleghorn was torn down by a runaway team one day last week . —The Evangelical church is be- ing repaired.—There is a probability of a baseball club being organized in Zurich. —Mr Randall Is rejoicing over an addition to his family (a son). --Confirmation ser- vices were held in the Lutheran church on Sunday last. Fourteen candidatee were admitted as full members. Rev_ Mr. Strempfer officiated.—Revs. Hauch apd Ortsveiu are attending the Oonfereoce of She Evangelical association in Canada held at Berliu.—Our villagers are smite busy at present as week has begun at the several new buildings that are to be erected this spring. BRIEF:I.—Mr. Ezra Miller, who has been with D. S. Faust, our accommodating mer- chant and postmaster, for a num- ber of yearn has left to try his luck in some eity. We wish hirn sue- cess,—Wedding bells have been pealing on every side. Last Thureday eveniug Wm. 'loupe, and Miss Lelina Warm were united ip marriage by RSV. Mr. Strempfer, and on'the Tuesday evening following, Mis Henry Weseloh and Miss Gertrude Kook of the liabylou live ahd Mr. Chats Weber and kliss Phebe Dabons of the Babylon line were also married by the same gentlemais. Ono by one our young folk gradually leave as. We wish them all the pleasure wedded life can afford. --Mr. Charlett Ligeb has commenced stork on the addition to his hotel. Whets Mr. Greb gets Oslo completed he •will have as • fine a hotel ea any around the ootnitty .—Mr. Crisper , Weber and his men have commenced wet k m the foundation of Mr john Tutnner's new boose. • There is every indication that soling is here and as a tormootence oar house: wives are busy cleaning house. — Quite a slumber of our citizens attended the Hensel' epriog show on Tuesday and repo) t it very good. • The roads are drying off nicely waiting for another snow.