HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-4-11, Page 8INSURANCE' T4 ERNST4L,E4I0T, AGENT FOB 4 VIE W1118'aleleer aSetleieetwie OM, 3?AN'4, Toronto; also for the PHanelee VIBE 1N3C1rieNOS COMPANY, ot emearlotal Ilengleaul, the Itterale Spit-Pao,ox IVfou- tr_qal, era. the 11ITESU FI'WIR1. AS faullANOE 00MeANY, of fondant I'lleaelPeelt eendenelisa 1847. assets over $0.,0av.0(4,l olaima and noeuees oatd, over S1e,000,014, E000..41ilVRWS.-1Ve seal/ behappn to re- Jsive ataU times, Irma any part ef the County, 4tems of /ookt1 news, such cidents,or any neresa4,9 incident eihret„ ever,froet any of our staftscribers or rend- ers seeneruaefor the purpose of puhzie a tion. Sta Outer Zi OA. THURSDAY, APRIL Ith, 1889 LOCAL HAPPENINGS, Zaster nondays. Reduced fares, Orand Trunk Railway. A.pply to Captain George Ramp, Town agen t. inyetars. leresh oysters at Geo. Sanders' by the quert, or served up by the plate, cooked or raw. Just look at our stook of con- fectionery, and sporting goodsa All fresh, new anti firstelasa. retetenaa. 3-`4*(ilev.).D, M. 12,emsey of Londesboro, is it'present visiting her relatives in Exe- ter.--ealr. j. 3. White, who boa been at- tending colleg,e in Detroit, is borne. -Mr. and Mrs. Wright of Alma., £1ih., eperst a few days of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Win, Case of this place. They were et the way to the old country to commence a two- month's to on the continent. We wish them a pleasant time and a safe re- turn, - An aabor Day. Spring is advinciug with all due rapid- ity, and something should be doue by the way of appoiating an arbor clay. There are streets m Exeter on which maples might be "set out" white on the other thoroughfares many dead trees should be replanted with young and healthy ones. This matter of tree planting is too lightly looked tioon. Nothing beautifies a town more than nice anvenees of treesatnd Exe- ter -with her long, level and straightstreets could be made m present a much improv- ed appearance with but little trouble and expense. An old proverb tells "That he who plants a tree loves others besides him- self. Let there be a day appointed. Division court cases rerevitlee. The baseball season is at hand., The Clinton orgeu factory turns eut tea inetrumeota every .drier. Last Sunday being pleeeant, a number a citizens took Advantage of the dey to tako pleesnre etroll, J. P. Clarke is haviag the front of his store reised, and a new leundation placed uncieroeieth, Mr. James Down, who We considerebir -improved laat week, has taken another relepseo Go to J. W. Browning for your Easter Cards. Order raw Clothing at Parkinson's, the cheapest plaee in Exeter. The fashiou a carrying a muff dates back 300 years. Courtiers wore them in the tinie of George I. AI. Heatiugs rave his tonsorial parlors a cleaning up on Monday and nosv has his shop looking as clean as a new pin. Evengeliets Croesley and Hunter GM. lemma etwivel services in Woodstock next Sunday . Reed Mrs. Southworth'e works; "The Hidden Rand," etc. For sale at 3. W. Browning'e. Au effort is being nutde by the Essex Battalion to have this year's let iga.de:camp of volunteers located at Windsor. • Mr. W. Sontbrott has improved the appearance of his clothing store by ha,viag haendsome awning put up, The Maizast Methodist church which isundergoixtg repair will not be re -opened, possibly, until about the first of May. Several shipments of horses ad cattle wereInade on Taesday last by loaal and• foreign buyers. The Postoffice Inspector is advertisiu Lor carrying the mails between Exeter an Kirkton the contract to last for foul. years. At this writing-Wedeesday- the roads are drying up and the farmers are resaraing their spring operations. Masons also get a chance to proceed. It takes a long time to make the ap- pointment of postmaster for Goderich. Perhaps the Government cannot discrimi- nate between the applicants. On Friday we were again favored with a genuine January snow storm. Better to have the remnants of winter at the first rather than at the last of the month, A team of runaway, horses which came from the north on Thursday last created quite an excitement. They were captur- ed attached to a badly wreaked waggon. Crossley and Hunter, who have been laboring in Peterboro for the past few weeks have been very successful in their that town, no less than 1000 souls having been converted. The .tleverican basehalliste who lett for Auetialia, to play it series of games re- turned from Europe last week. They were all wefi and in good spirits The all Americans won eight more games then their opponente the Chicago's. The Chicago Canadian -American says among the prominent contactors of that city are Mr. A.. Campbell, from London, Ont., and Mr, Samuel Hall, from Exeter, Ont. Both gentlemen have a great deal of work on hand this season. •Otderea clothing a specialty and a fit gaaranteed at Richard Pickard's. The other day as Mr. J. Heibert was driving his blood mare down the hill by the Exeter cemetery, one of the hold. .back straps broke, allowing the'buggy to run forward, causing a serious runaway. •Mr. Herbert was thrown from the rig. • There is a general impression tbat Bishop Walsh, of Loudon will be the successor of the late Archbishop Lynch. This s a, feeling among the Catholic clergy,' and lately the belief itt generally sbared by prominent Liberal politicians. The new applicants for. liquor licenses in Exeter are:-Elotels, L. la Walper .; Wm, Orris ; shops, McDonell & Leathorn; S. C. Hersey. In Hay, Wm. Niebolson is a new applicant for the Blake hotel. In TJsborne, W. G Brown is an applicant for tbe Woodham hotel. The number of licensesissned in 1888 were 47 ; the num- ber of applicants for 1889-90 are 49. .A man werit to a neighbor, a Scotchman, and asked him to indorse a note in order to raise money at the bank. The neigh- Isorrefused, se.yiug:-"If I was to pit my name till't, ye wad get the Biller frae the bank, and when the time came roun' ye wana be ready, and I wad hue to pa,y't, sae then you and I would quarrel; sae we maua just as weel quarrel the noo as lanes the siller's in my pouch. The grand display of millinery will be continued until Saturday night at Richard Pickard's The Clinton New Era says, "complaints are made against the Crook's Act not be- ing properly enforced in South Huron." As far as Exeter is concerned the law is lived up to by the hotel keepers to the very letter. We imagine that the coin- . plaint is ill-froinded. We would remind those fault-finders of the old saying: "Give the devil his just dues." Among the change made in the statutes affecting Division Court practice at the last eession of the Ontario Legislature, the following are of special interest: The whole amount of wages due to an un- married maa having no family to support are now lia.ble to garnishment, the ex- emption of $25 being no longer applicable en such cases. Suits whioh have been entered in the wrong division may be transferred to the proper division for trial withoat the protection of an affidavit, that they were so entered "by mistake or in advertence ," which was formerly requir- ed. Judgment may be entered against the defendants residing in a "distant county" five days sooner than formerly. 'ervice of summons no longer requires o be personal on the defendant except there the elaim stied upon exceeds 015. Ile qualification of Division Court jurors till hereafter be the sante as in the an- terior courts. Death of Thomas Snelt. A respected resident of Exeter, in the _person of Mr. Thomas Snell of Gidley street, passed into eternity on Thursday last at the age of sixty years. The de - eased had been a resident of Exeter but a few years having come "here /am parish of Merton Devonshire England, from whioh place he immigrated eight years previonsly. He was born in Devonshire in the year 1829, and during the greater part of his life followed the avocation of farmer from whim by toil and good me,u- agement he accumulated sufficient wealth to permit of his spending his older days in quietness and rest. In order that he might partake of the exercise necessary to health, upon his undying at Exeter he purchased a plot of land containing some acres' erected e, beautiful house thereon, and during the summer conducted the plot in a small degree, on the in of a farm, Deceased had been m comparative ly good health up to a few days prior to his death; and was "down town" the day before, though feeling ,somewhat poorly. On the evening of Thursday was taken painfully ill and before the doctor's arrivtl he had expired. Inflammation was the cause. Mr. Snell was much respected; his unassuming affable and mildly disposition giving him an enviable ascendancy in the eetimation of the public. He leaves it wife and family of grown up children. The funeral which took place on Monday was very largely attended, the remains being first taken to the Trivitt Memorial Churoh where service was held; thence to the Exeter burying grounds for interment. Spring show. The annual Spring Show of the S. and U. Agi. society was held here yesterday. The weather was favorable, and the roads good, the consequence being a large turn out of stock. In each of the elasses cam - petition was keen, judges lin many in- eta,nces experienced difficulty in awarding prizes. The ntunber of road horses are yearly increasing and the classes getting better, while in the line of draughts there iis aleo a vast improvement. Following s the prize Het: - Aged heavy &aright (Imp), A Pow, "Chat ming Charlie"; Berry ct Miller "M c. .Alpine"; Dow in Willis "Turk", Three k year cod heavy draught. -Hewitt and Kay 1..3 "Scottish Chief". W Walsh, "Markwell"; T. Meters, "Illarl'Eitg", Two year old. - A Bewitt, "Prince Kirke/skill° ; T Cita - more, "Kin mount." Shire-' Success" T &r J! Fatbeiingbain. Carriage horse. - 01 Berry, "Bearnaught chief" ; J Mcrae°, "Royal George"; A. Dow, 'Elea 'werrior." lged roadster. -,T Beacom, "Tontine" ; 'Om Rime% "Volo"; Jacob Ruby, 'Clear arit". 8 year old roiglateri-Robt Creery • 'Young Briton." 2 year old roadster. - eV B McLean, "Raven" ; 3 MeCurdy "Cannot." Diplornari-A Dow, "Charm log Charlie," a heavy drgught. Judges. G Spearin, 13lartehard, N Grieves, Md Gillivray, 13, Atibty, Rontreel, 13nrea,--Aged Shorthorin-Iet, T PAM,. el ; 2nd Thoplin, "Cyzer" ; 3 Strang, `Landlorde a year old---lst T Russel and T Coate "John A," avili L Hunter, "Victor”., 1 year tqa-n & w 1) Smith, "Grand Think" ; 2nd, T Coate "Joe" ; 3rd, It Minter, "Darlington Duke." kiolstein Ball, T., Slahts, tas Petty, 8 naffPft, W It *Roberto, judget. Several answer to the problem published last week will eppeite in the nes t week's Titues. We are rather erowded 1 or apace this week. Spring stock complete at the bi g Dank rept store. Clothiog to order for just about hal, the regular prices at big bank rapt store The Sheriff's Sale of the goods and chat - tele of the ;Messrs Swallow Bros, was sold last week. Artielee of every derteription sold, low. The very best, valve in Diem Geode, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, ..fee. ia at Parkitma'a. Mr. Win. Baker, of the 2w1 con. of Stephen, lest a valuable heavy draught mete valued at 3150 lest week, irr LADIES -Grand display or Milirnery at our opening on Wed nesday, March 27, and three fol- lowing days. JAMES PICKARD. The Old Established The Ourfew hell is now tolled in Berlin, Ont., at 9 eiclook. All children under 15 out after that hour are liable to arrest. Change of business.- As Mr. R. Make is about to move to a more cornmodioue building, will offer for the next thirty days atit discount, his entire stock, con- aistin g of watches, • clocks, jewellery, silverware, spectacles, etc, Give him a cell as he means 3t Exeter isnot a little exercised over the present agitation for change in the mail routes. There are three notices posted .here askingfor tenders to ovary daily mails: 1 As at present, between Exeter and Kirkton callieg at Elirnville' Wireehelsea and Wootlham each day.. 2 A daily mail between Exeter and Winohelsea, eallin at Elia-141e 3 A daily mail to leave Exeter at 6:30 a n1 and reaching St, Mares at 11:30 via Elimville, Winchelsea Wood- ham, Kirkson and Anderson, Wednesday, Thtusday and Saturday, and every Tues- day and Friday via Metropolitan to reach Exeter at 6:30 p m. A movement is also on foot to lutv,e it daily mail between Exeter awl Dashwood, and Exeter and Farquhar. The largest And cheapest stock of Dress Goods in town at Richard Picky.: d's. Gents fuinishings, hats, caps'ties, ool-* tars, shirts, eta. at prim thatdefy emu - petition, at the big bankrupt store. What is the name given to the last three days in March?" The last three days in March are known in parts of England and Scotland, as "the Borrowed Days," or "Boirowing Days," The story is that March borrowed them from 'April 1 n order to kill some ••hoggs," s. e'sheep in their 'second year. It was considered so certain that these days would bring foul weather, that when one of them was fair, as bus Covenanting Army marched into .fildin. burgh, a preacher in the town gave thanks for it has a miracle. Of course, since the reformation of the calendar, the three days to which the name used to apply fell on the 9th, 10th, and lltb, of April; but a few rough day at the end of March often give a colour to the superstition. - The Bankrupt Stere carries the largest stock in town. At the present time the specious premise are tilled from bottom to top with the choiest goods, to be sold at prices far below any store in town. Read Red Adv. On Sunday last the Sons of England society attended divine service in the Tvivitt Memorial church,. Being joined. by the members of the Hensall lodge and a few from °Beton the body thus compos- ed preseuted an imposing appearance. The officers were in iegalia while the rank and file wore upon their breasts the red and white rose emblematic of True Britons Forming at the society's rooms the pro- cession marshalled to the chuftsbh where services were opened at 3 o'clock p. m., The Rev. Dr. Mockridee canon a Christ church cathedral, Hamilton, preaching an impressive sermon from the 2nd and 3rd verses of the 12th chapter of Genesis. 'The church wasfilled, and all seemed deeply interested in the sermon which, throughout dealt with the objects and the benefits of the noble order and the sacred .and untiring duties of its members. If the adherents of the Sons of England truly live up to the precepts of the order -a more graeious, religious and bene- ficient corps of men need not be looked for. The largest and choicest ,stoek of new spring dress goods in Exeter, at the big bankrupt store. Beautiful combinations a.121 -c. Great bargains in every department duriug this and coming week at Riehard Pickard's, It may he intereeting, not only to some of our readers of the fair sex in the east- ern provinces but even to some of Mani- tob a's fair damsels to know that in' one towoship of 917 there are no less than nine bachelors keeping house. This does not include a number of marriageable young men who still stop with their parents althongh owning farms of their own. It must not be supposed that the above mentioned nine axe living in "chientiee," as Fenimore Cooper loved to call settler's houses. Not at all, for some of their houses are finely fitted up; being' painted inside and ont. -Brandon gun. Anyone who has a collection of old but. tons or 11. "therm string," as the collection of bottons was called while the button craze lasted, can put them to unique use in making a crazy brick. For this purpose tette a common brick, large or small, as desired, cover it with two pounds of putty which has been se/toned and colored with burnt timber or vermilion. and stick into this foundation the shanks of the buttone in any /artistic or artistic besign one may family. If elle shanks of the buttons are sunk evenly and closely together the effect will be very handsome. These bricks may be used as enarde for open dors, and a half brick thus adorned snakes a nice paper Weight. You can assist no, We know that there oacurreneee contiutudly transpirine it the more rernote quarters of the town, which, although quite worth of pablicra than ate allowed to remelts dormant sins. ply because the people imagine that no obits but themselves care to know any- thing about them You like to read the lortai news so do all ; ata we like to pub- lieh it, Now, if any ot our readers chalice to observe an occurrence not to petty in eharacter we will deem it, ta t. fevor if they acquaint us of nein We carmen be all over and hear everything and loose therefore, in pert, to rely upon one friends for lamination, please remember lens. Yon need not tonstruct the item ; merely give us the feats, Exeter Municipal Council. The Council met pursuant m adjourn - merit on Wednesday April 3rd. all the members present. Minutes of the pre- vious meeting were read and confirmed. Moved by f. E. MuCallum, seconded by James Pickard, that orders be granted for the following sums, vizi-Jas. Creech, 38.12, clothing for Johnnie Clarke ; I. krandford, $1.50, blacksmithing ; D. Spicer, 34.75, signs for alleyway of Cen- tral Hotel. Carried. Mr. Creech reported that the following offers were made for boarding Mar k Clarke: Mrs. Hutchinson, $10. per month, Mrs, Hodgins, 33.1,00per month, and Teo. Keyes, $10 00 per month. Moved by T. B. Carling secouded by T. H. McCallum that Mr. Hutchinson's offer be accepted until further notice, Carried. The council decided to grant the use of the town hell for holding local political meetings free of charge. Moved by T. B. Carling, see. by Jas. Pickard, that Mr Frank Gill be appointed Road Commiesioner at a salary of $1,20 per day or $1.35 when in active em- ployment. Moved in amendment by T. R. Mc Callum, sec. by W. G. Bissett that W, 3. Bissett be Road Commissioner at a salary of $1.35 per clay. -The amendment was declared Moved by VV, (1. Bissett, sec. by T. IL MoCallum, that Messrs. Carling, Pickard, and the mover he a committee to give general instructions to Road Commission- ers. -Carried. 13y lay No, 7, 1889, to appoint a road commissioner,. was duly read and passed on motron of W. G. Bissett, see. by T. 13 Carling. Permission WAS granted Mr Blatchford to remove a tree from the roadside whieth wonid be in the way of Ms intended Moved by W. G. Bissett, see. by T. 13. Carling, that any person missing a drain to be put across ituy :Area in the village shall keep. the pottioti of the street used for such dram in proper repair for at at least one year and also have the eon - sent of the Road Commisaiseer before causing such drain to be deg. -Carried. Moved by '1 El. McCallum sec ,by W G. Bissett, that the council adjourn to meet egene oo Weclnesdey 17th islet, at 8 o'clock,- Carried. M. 114.011Vrt, Clerk. r: For value in boots aDa Biloe jug tey t he Jai g hatkrupt store. Leageetstock 10 -.- s .tait CrY .rer Pitcher'8 Cadotia WHAT THE LADIES 8 Thattichard Pickard has the LARGEST and BEST ASSORTED Stock of 1VIillinery 111 tOW12. That Richard Pickard has the CHEAPEST and PRETTIEST DRESS GOODS in towu. That Richard Piokard's has been the most SUCCESSFUL Millinery opening yet seen in town. In ord.er to accommodate a few of our lady friends the display of Millinery will be CONTINUED' until SATURDAY night. R IN IN EVERY DEPARTMENT DURING THIS AND THE COMING! WEEK. RICHARD PICKART). EE HUGE PURCHASES, Om. it:4o And theusands and. thousands of truly .delighted people there must be, and 'will be. when they hear the glad news coming from. the BIG BANKRUPT STORE, Exeter, One by one the Stocks have rolled in till now the shelves, counters and tables are groaning beneath the piles and piles of wonderful bargains that have been piled. up for careful and economical buyers. Those three large Stocks amount to about $20,000, and must, and will be put into '- cash right away quick. Remember this great sale -which is now on will be the most profitable one for you that we have ever attempted, Don't delay a day but come at once before the stocks are broken for there will certainly be a crowd at the BIG BANKRUPT STORE while this gigantic sale is on. Now listen -while we gently whisper to you about a few of those wondertul bargainA, We Oahu, loul justly so, to have by far the must eler- 1,;•ant stock of Dress Goods ever shown in Western On - our assortment comprises nearly 500 pieces of beautiful goods; just think of it, 500 pieces to select a spring dress from. Stop till you hear some of the prices. 10e. dress goods :reduced to 5e,, Mc. dress goods reduced to 30e. Lovely combinations in plain stripes and cheeks for 12.1,c., would be cheap at 20e. A fine range of Foulle cloths for 170., same as sold by regular houses for 25c., special valttes itt 20c., 22e, and 25e. Ask to see our Satin iltervelux. at 65c., regular price 31.00. Our stock of black Deess Goods is simply perfection. 25 to 40 per cents saved by buying your black goods at the BIG BANKRUPT SToRE. Hundreds of pieces of lovely Prints, commencing as . low as 3e. Piles of: Chambraigs Ginghams and Flanneletts, beautiful Coloring% all dper cent oft Notice the reductions in Factory Cottons:' 5e. Factory Cotton for 3c, 7c. Factory for 5e,, 9c. Factory for 61)c., 10e. It'actory ;or 7c., 28e, Sheeting, 2 yds. wide, reduced. to 19c., and the best i0c. White Cotton in Canada. Embroideries and 1rni1iliS 10. endlese varieties, all at your own prices. .Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets and Parasole, 30 per cent. off. Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths and Lace Curtains, an im- mense assortment. Our stock of carpets is very extere- sive and values are right, In Lace Curtains we oertainly take the lead, 75c. Curtains for 40e. per pair, $1.25 Curtainsfor 75c. per pair, $2.00 Curtains for. $1.25 75e. .per pair, $3.00 Curtains for $2.00 per pair. A magnificent lot of new Madrass Certain Netts at (r." per cent off. ORDERED AND READY MDE UfJEliST 4 - Never before in the histozy of Exeter has there, been such astounding bargains offered on Ordered Clothing, we guarantee to save you 'from. $4 to $6 on every suit, and give you a perfeet tit and quality as well. A specie,' line of West of England Pantings, to order $3,50, sante suits es as 014 Tinsels charge 9.00 and $7.00 for. Boys $3.00 suits for $1,25. Boys' $3.50 suits for $2.09, and for 33.75 we will sell you one of the finest boys' sluts you ever gazed on. Men's ready made suits front $3.75 and up, while this big sale is on. Our Tweeds are high in quality and. 1ow in price. Good, all Wool Tweed, extra strong, for boys wear, only 35c., would be cheap at 50c. 50 cent tweed for 3711e. 75 coat tweed for 50,1, and for 75e. and 900r we will sell you Scowl' Tweeds.that woeld be good value at $1.25 and $1.50. Boots Shoes and Slippers. . Thousands of pairs at prices that beat the world. We do the shoe trade of Exe- ter. Look 1 Ladies $1,25 Rid 'Slippers for 75 cents ,• Ladies $1.40 Oxford Tie Shoe for 31; Ladies' $2 Kid Buttoned Boot for 31.25 ; Ladies' $3.50 Kid Buttoned Boot for $2.35 ; Ladies' $2 Oil Goat Laee Boot for $1.25. and &semis of other lines equally cheap, Special lines in nen's and ehildren's all 25 to 50 per cent. below regular prices, GENTS' FUBNISHINGS.-Good white shirts pure linen fronts and cuffs only 49c. and $1.25 white shirts reduced to 75 cents. Good Linen collars for 100 same s sold by regular dealers for 15 and 20 cents Ties from 5 cents up. A. special line at 25 cents, regular price 50 cents. Grand value in Hard and Soft Hats. --See our nobby Stiff Hats at 90 cents, !regular price $1.50 and for $1.15 we witl sell you a $2 Hat any color you ant. Special lines in in Soft and stiff Hats from 25c up. eme ber that during this great sale we are „ going to shake this entire community with "World Without End" Bargain& The whole stock, which is undoubtedly a mamoth one, will be offered' to you at prices that will most assuredly make it get a move on, There Is money for you in this sale. Come along with the crowd, you are sare to meet some of your friends, fOr there is al. ways a crowd at the BIG BANKRUPT SiORLio. Don't; make any mistake about the place. the BIG- 13A1\TKRIT PT STORE, the cheap- est spot on earth, All kinds of Farm Produce taken as cash. a. Ai. ,;:o'reZINTALWIT, Dealer in 33paltrupf-, Btockt, Exeter '89. MAIL broN714I'MOT. EALED TENDEWS addressed to the Postmaster -General will he re- neived at Ottawa until noon, on rriday, the 26th Acril, 1810 ,for the conveyance of Illter f:ovaullrve yftolals: .sak toinan eiljerr°11'verkd, ellghttWrsacyt bfoc! t*oet Raman awl EIWITO2t frail the 3.At The 00nVey00ee tO be 'tilde100.vehiele. Prin ted notices containing further inform- ation ea to the conditioes of proposed eon- traets nhay be Seen and Wolk fame et tender men be obtained at the Poet °Mises of laxe.. St' Elenville, Winenelitee, Woodtwatt awl let rlitota end at this office Post cmao,iuopoeter. B. 4, nortivg, rest OfticeItarspgAer'si 09100 Stretford, April to Exeter. Lumber arajr The Undersigned wishes to inform, th epublic in general ths„ he keeps --constantly in stock - M1 Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL DRESSED OR UNDRESSED. A large stock of Hemlook elevaps Ott hand at mill prices. Flooring, Siding: dressed -inch, inch-ancl-a-quarter, inch -and -a half and two inch. Sash Doors, Blinde, Mcmldiegs and. all Finishing Matetial, Lath, &c. SHINGLES A SPECIALTY,--Coropetition challenged. The best and the largest stock, and atIOWest prices. Shingles A 1. Ali dressed lumber thoroughly seasoeed and ready for use. Xt) shrinkage assured. 4 call will hear out the above. THE OLD ESTAIILISITEID. Jas. 'Tsffillis, Maint.