HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-4-11, Page 5on b: for at 1 aro tO lAlta Ut- ears o teat it egad 1 nesI )1(iiins; . t• rail- , end 1 Last L1 tie MS re' this , iough ig any reesed e, your pea to , 3n o eo ah r med- we Tee elhave vorable make f shell *lane to Mitt DlerRIOT DOINOS. Oecurronees of the Poet -week Through out the Xelgli•herheodiu o Conolse Vorm. Mr, Hilliard, lawyer, or Clinton, has gone to Mooresburg: A lacrosse elub ims been organized Searorth, with Dr. Soott, Presi- dent ; W. C. KaXaY, Seet-Treas.i and P. Freeman, Captain. D. Logie, of London South, has taken up his residence in ClInton, having returned to the office of Dr. Dowsley; tA1VIr, Ghee, Carter, of Clinton, stopped at a hOtel yiear Seaforth to water hts horse. He took the bit out of the animals mouth and it started, knock- ing Mr. C. down, and braking three of his ribs. The estate of James Watson, Or Hibbert, who made an assignment, is wound up and the creditors receily. ed 45 cents on the dollar. The appropnations for the Improve - =tent of roads in, the township of 33iddulph, for the current year, is nearly $2000, and that for bridges Will be considerable. Messrs. Coombes & McDonald. of Grey towliship, have been awarded the contract of building tfie stone and brickwork of the New 1VIetho4ist at Westfield, on the Manchester cir- cuit. They haye also engaged to build the foundation of the Blyth Methodist Church. .A. Misname' COWLS WANTBD (..:411TIDA to use Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Pow der, It is perfection, and far superior to all °there. C. P. Moore, of Stratford, "shoddy" pedlar, was arrested bY Con‘table Phil- pott, of Iona, at Dutton on Thursday, for selling goads. without a transient trader's license. He was taken before A. J. Leitch, J. P., pleaded guilty, and paid over the $50 necessary to procure a license. Everest's Extract of Wild Black berry neer fails to cure diarrhoea, dysentery, &c." -the statements of Score s who have tried it. 25c per bot tle. For sale by all druggists. A little gut' of Mr. Joseph Jackson had a very narrow escape from drown- ing the other day at Petrolea, from falling into a cistern- Mr. Lomond was first to make the discovery, and with rare presence of mind grasped the child by the arms and held her up until help arrived. THE BLOOD IS THE LIB'E, And on its purity largely dedends the gen. crud health. No one is free from danger. and nine•tenths humanity actually do suf-f fer from one form or °tier of impure blood. No one remedy has such.a wide rano o, curative power as has Burdook Blood Bit, tors -that best of all purifiers and tonics Stratford Berald: Word was receiv • ed Friday that Michael Higgins had piled sorae time ago in the Mount Hope Horne for the aged at London, which place he was Bent to from Stratford. Mike was a veteran"having served on the Victory under Lord Nelson. At the time of his death he must have been at least 101 years old. This is the second ex -marine of the Victory that has died m this district. The other was old Mr. Tredgent, who pass- ed away some time ago. I had tried many doctors and was given up by thorn as far gone into con- stanaption, but was permanently cured by using THE SAFE PLAN. When suffering from a troublesome cold, a hacking cough, hoarseness. asthma, bron- chitis. or other forms of throat or lung troubles, is to use firigym a's Pectoral 13al. sans to loosen the phlegm ahd soothe and heal the iiiiiamed mucous surfaces. It cures where others fail. Rev.. It. Y, Thompson, formerly of Hensall, has gone to Goettangen, Hanover, Germany, where he will spend the summer. The plant of the Brussels Budget was sold under mortgage the other • day for $300. The Machinery and types were in horrible condition- gr, lobo Rat*ie, 91 Ww*eramikh, Usboprne cowwii.–,,,,.-'-'' .7.... 1 nOar 344mondvIlle, as let tile oon- _ ----- 4- . ' traot for the handsotne new 'Gook reit. f The council met on Saturday April 6th, dello° he intends to ereeb ill the sum 1 Parsuant to Adjounarnent. All the mem. tiler, to Mr. XYdd: of Usborne, and h°" ""3r° Preselit, Th ti Illioatee ot the Messrs. li. & J. 0. It alb1iel813, of tifty., Previ°110 'fleeting were read and °Iffeed. by A VRIGHPENLD MOTHER. the reeve. "My -ittle girl 4yeerS old,, frightened me kloved by J. Shier, seconded by W. pile night ,by a nrattpy cough, but j. gave EYdel that lila) be ckPended in each ward her a dose of liagyard's Yellow Oil, which in grading aud gravelling. --Oerned. relieVed her at once, anchhs elept well Moved by W. ICy.dd, seconded by T. Cara, night. I ;Ave ohm wed, it In 8,,,eall eron, that T. Snreactombe revolve $8. for keep a A Oarroichael, au indigent. Car - it reliable, Mt. Ilva Bradley, ried . Moved by "1,- OarnereIll, eeeonded by oases of ormie, frost bites, eta., eel n virnah Ktob ,T. Halls that aeo. Pergueou receive $13.00 The death or Mrs. Wm, Hall, of nett,--Qarriedti. Mioolv°e;1°t 4133 forla121.. Ben- ' ' for boa ;I aft $5 . l 1 i g Kinbura) on Friday Of last week, at by 3. Shier that M. Sainwell'reICei14'058,60°0 the age or 61 years, at ' Inflammation. to procure clothing t" 3. klawitt and wife. The deeeesed was widow of the late -Carried. Moved by J. Shier, eeconcied William Uall, who vvith her husband by T. Oarneron, that 13y -law No. 0, 1880, was one of the early settlers of Bay- repealing 13y-1aw No 4,1876, as now*, read field. a third thne he passed . -;Carried. Accord,. ing to notice given two of the trustees of Chicago, Maroh SO. -The oldest man en S. S. No. 10 appeared before the oceineil record is dead. He was Daniel Burke, and with reference to granting additional terri- according to the registrar a vital statietica tory to said section or aa ,equivalent in this morning, he was 114 years of age. The money. After fully disoussing the matter old man, who has been a resident a Ill it was moved by T. carneron, seconded by inois thirty-five years, died at the insti- W. Kyad.that S. S. No. 10 Ushorne be tution of the Little Sisters of the Poor of /ittAIMAT itzP owls, mcgrePu (Corrected atio'cleek PAll.. Weduesda'Y ,.., 95 to 1 00 StringWheat:. ••• .. ?5 to 1 tO A Q 45 Q*03 _ ..- ..,.. ,...... 26 to 27 piover wise ... ... - 5 00 00 5 59 rinlothy " .,. ,. .., 0 50 vo 006 Peas ... ... 0 53 tO 0 54, Q 0 to 0 00 pneumonia, having been ill fur els weeks. • 'ULCERATED STOMACH. For three years I was unable to work, suffering frotn ulcerated stomach. Medi; cal aid haying failed, I was told to try Bur: dock Blood Bitters, of which 7 bottles made perms,nent cure.' This was two year ago end I feel that I have to thank B, B. B. for being (dive and well to:day." Mrs. Rose Ann McCloskey. Marnsora, Ont. grautea epecial grant of $30, mislead of re.arratigi give addit be drafted lowing a fatla no was dechl asseesed and that that ther for addit be no i gr entitled seconded orders b W Anna Fergus° Samwel combo $ seconde the foll the ear and tha said a G. Ma F. Fish Hunter G. Ilow Werry 15. Hawld Wm D David Jas. Ill Alfred S. E .las 11 lieurp Win 'W m Jno ('Marc. H. P Bette Clay Balla Heel On eron Satn born Raga Butte WleurPerbbl Potatoes,per bushel Aaelee,peabaa DriedApplespr b eteeee Turkey per lb Pecks r pr Chickees per pr Itogradeelleedperio peel • ... nideorough, 4, dressed ... SheePakins each Caltslrins Wool per lb ,.. 11949Perton. , „, Onionsoerbusb Woodper oord 2 5 ,to 3 oo BT:TIKRTB Pall Wheat-. 90 to 1 00 Wheat ......... ... . ,1 00 1 00 RFO 1.” 1.1 Go 0 17 00 be` 55 2500 65 50 to q 50 0 4to 004 .., 0 06 to 0 00 • 44. 0 07 to 08 • 4. 0 00 00 0 65 0 25 to 0 $6 ... 600006,25 „. 4 00 to 5 00 4 50 to 5 OC, .,. 6 00 to 0 00 Q400� 70 „ 0 50 to 0 80 18 to 0 20 .., 1000 to 10 00 0 50 to 0 75 Spring . . . ... . . . ,10 46 Oats „. ..... . ..... . 97 20 Clover Seed. ...... ... .......... 4 0 500 Timothy • 50 20(3 04 54 lewd territory, and that a by-law i'3114;r'-; .. "'-'""''''''' - ...... 35 15 ng the So 00 t as to .,,,.,,,,,,,, confirming the same. The fol- PArotpilteosepseipgghbag ....,... ..... .:....,..:,...,. i060 134600 mendment moved by Mr. Shier ' Wool perib.......,......., . ... . . .. . . .. .. ... . ... 0 18 - qay peeton,.....,.....„........„.„ .... . . ... 8 00 10 00 1 Bram per ton •„ . .. I.4 00 14 00 shorts ” ,, ...,. . ..., 20 00 20 00 c satneal per bbl...,,. .. . .. ,. . .. . . 6 00 7 00 I• LONDON Wheat, 81.00 to $1.03 per bushel, Oats 27 to20 e per bushel. Peas,54o to 560 13 NOW, IN THE SPRING OF THE 'YEAR. During Winter, Nature wisely arranges that we should live ton foods containing much fat, or, as they are known,- hydro. earbons, for the purpose of supplying heat to tbe body; the (theistical operation neces- sarY to transforasfateinto beat is the exclu- sive work of the liver, and so during, the time stated it le constantly congeetea With the approach of warm weather our diet changes to muscle -producing food, and the week of the liver is much lessened. In the majority of casco, however, it is it -Tun- able to completely throw off the excess of bile, but remaidr-trougested, causing that tes.' lazy, tired feeling which many have in the Spring months, whea the weather be- et-I/nes warm. feThis is evidence of an unhealthy con- dition, and though people appreciate the necessity of an alterative at this period, the common iuea 3.4414.1,ake drastic. pills and produce a ca,thartio effect, only to make matters Tra, wo; se. The liver must be um. loaded, and its paoper action restored before hot weather, if you wish to Via Preserve healtla.and if this distinct call of nature is upheeded serious results will occur. we_ The blooNialebecome loaded tvith bile and lithic aeid, and as imevery drop of vital fluid passes through the kidneys to be purified, they soon breek down and are till- able b carry out the deadly poison. War- ner`e Safe Cure and Warner's Safe Pills have not only a toe specific adieu on tho kidney, but ollietlee to_ liver also, tao. They thin the thickened bile so that it will pass out through its (lusts, enable the glanes to unload themselves, act as a solvent on all biliary acids and in a word, essa. fit these great organs for the season's work, toe preventing blood poisoning. ie- fiammation, abscess, and all affections to which they arNe liable. ire As you valhe the bleesings of health., do yet allow the sumtner to approach with - oat 'gluing, your eystem '•geuend. house- cleaning," in the manner we have iudicated. "To be forewarned is to be forearmed." seconder, and the original motion, red carried, -That whereas the value of S. S. No. 10 is $175800, of Union S. S. No, 13 $l68000, efore said petitien of 8 S. No. 10, tonal territory, or a mouey grant anted as we deem sai t to the same. -Moved, by W, Kydd by J, Shier that the following O granted, viz: --Wm. Wood 69.65, a 511.65, Thos. Vail, 50ete; G. n 518.50; 5, Fitzgerald 57,68; Me l$18., Do 813., Do $5.; BrimaL 8.-Uarried. Moved by J. Halle d by W. Kycla and resolved that owing be appointed Bathmasters for rent year in the various divisions t a by-law be granted confirming ppointments viz -S. W. Watd.- y, Jno. Loaclrnan, Jiro. Kerslake, er, Thos. Bissett, W. Brownlee, L. , Roweliffe 8. Martin, 3. Stallin, cliffe, Inc) Iviinars, Silas johns, T jun, 11 Jonea. W. Ward .-P . McTaggart, Thos ns, Thos Ballautyne, Tilos Harvey, ayinan, Ralph Keddy, Geo Lowe. Dougal, Thos Russell, Robt Wilson, therington, D. McInnis, Juo Cann Cole, Jno it.loQueen, M leleTaggneir: . Ward. -W Brock jr, Thos Horn in rtweliffe, Wm. Delleidge, wm Clarke Road, Jae Routley, Rich. Oamm, Oreery, J. W. Abray, Thos Tufts, Wiseman, Wm Webb, Thos Harrah, E. Ward. --Geo Coward, 11 Bemner, assraore. Alex Turnbull E; Stone, A. n. W J Nance, T Brimacombe, Tiros ke, R. Gardiner jr. Wm Francis, utyiao, Amos Deep. 0 0 Switzer, 353 tuey. motion of gall seconded by T Cara the council adjourned to meet again rday the 4th of Mao at 11 &dock a m. G. W. Hoestesz Clerk. Ilyndman Groceries and 0wafectionery OF THE 1.3EST QUALITY. Also bost Pipes, Tobaccos and Cigais ' ETTY'S I-1,ANS BACON and LARD Therley's Improved Horse and Cattle Food Dasitwood Boller Flour. • G. A. HYNMIAN. er bushel. Barley - malting, o p Or Barley, feed, 88e to 4510 per bushel. TORONT0 Tottorro, 401.10,-Wm7kT-fall, 160 .2, $t to 91.07; spring, No.2. $1.07 to $1 08: rea win- ter. No 2, 81.08 to $1.09; No 1, Manitoba hard, 91 29 to 21.31. BARLEY. NO.. 1 53c to 550 No. 2.500 to 52e; No. 3, 390 to 40o; 34 o 3, extra, 47o to 48e. PEAs. No 2,560 to 580. ()Ars,. No. 2,43 o to 45e. FLOUR extra, 94.55 to 94,60; strong bakers. 85.0010 9500. Market quiet and easier. Sales 150.1, hard 93 anitoba. $1. 29 to $1.34, and No. 2 do. at 91.31 No. 3 barley, outside, at 35).te oats, on track, at 33e. J HN BRAWN UNDERTAKER, & • CA13INET-11411tEll, Walnut &Rosewood Caskets VA.TIIER HAD QTJIN SY. "We find Burdock Blood 13ittereexcel: lent for wettleness, and equally BO for head- ache. Father also sawed severely from quinsy, which 13. B. E., by its topic and Pur Hying properties. completely cured.' Tilos. Carney, a farmer trone Broc k - way Centre, Mtch„ who was at Bruss- els on a visit to his brother on Wed- nesday, while taking a walk to see a neighbor, fell deed at his bro- ther's side. Heart diseape was the. cause, 'Phe.other day while Rey. Mr. Edge, of Clinton, was driving- out into the country, he was much surp,rised by the whizzing of a bullet past his ear. A sport who had been discharging his last load itto a telegraph pole was sur prised to hear the news ; and upon examination found that the ball had • only grazed the wood. 1 Wni Piper an old or %beat 65 years, was struck by the St. Louis express near Hyde Park on Saturday afternoon, and knocked into the ditch. He was walking on the track at the thne, and heard the vvhistle, but in stepping aside to let the train pass he misjudged the distance, and owing to the narrow roadtied only steed oft as tar as the end of the tie. The locomotive struck hint on the side with sufficient force to knock him • down, and he sustained bruises on the hip tied side, as well as sundry scratches, To the. Editor ofLe _Exeter Times As it will soon be the season for nox- ions weeds to she iV theutselves, it behoov- es the municipal council to adopt such measures, as will have a tendency to- wards their extermination. Having seen various portions of Canada so over -run with thistles, as to render farming unpro- fitable, it produces a gloom on ley timid when I see the apathy on the part of coun- cils in this matter. Had the municipal eouneil,availed themselves of the power as conferred upon them by the statutes, in passing proper by-laws, not only pass them, but see that the provisions contain- ed in them be rigidly enforced. I consid- er that the present quantity of thistles and other noxious weeds iu our la-nd are mainly due to -negligence of the munici- pal councils. Thelaw makes a rod pro- vision for the destruction of these weeds, but of what avail is the law, if not eufore- ecl and the law will not be enfereed un- less there is some person appointed to e11 - force it. This person is celled the in- spector whose business is to see that the statutes as Wall as the provisione of the by-law are carried out. Ris duties are to see that path -mast ere, comrdissioDers an11 others have complied with the statutes va- leting to each and to see that every emu in his jurisdiction does his duty, and any man in his jurisdiction can compel him to Jo his duty whilst he is the only person who can compel thein to do their duty without an Inspectot. '1 see no way to compel the destructiou of these weeds. Councils are averse to the appointment of Inspectors for fear of the expense. If they continue to neglect the government will Make the appointment at '0 greater cost. Fifty petitioners would compel a 'council to appoint an Inspector. RATBPAYlie. TORONTO LIVE STOCK. little r no change 10 prioes. Recetpts mod- erato oand there is no shipping demand. The latest cables are, however, unsisfaotory Choice steers are nominal a14 emits per Ib. Bulls sold at 3 to 31e. and miloh SOWS firm at from 930 to 950 a head. Butchers cattle in moderate demand, prices firm; the best sold at 31 to 4 ordinary at gc to 3 and common at 21. Sheep in fair demand and steady, with limited oin fferg; the best sailed 951 to 96,50 ear head; inferior to medium at $4.00 to $450 and rams 30 to 310 per pound. Lambs in fair m deand and firm. choice bringing$5.00 to $51, and inferior to medium 8400 to $4 50 Calves dull and steady. Choice betWs, of 125 to 150 lbs., sell n.t 70 to go dressed weight; rough calves, 93 to 95. a head. Hogs are steadii choice light fat scld at 5e to 530, store hogs at 4ic 00 50. and stags at 30 to Ole. Tho local market "continues collet, with ALSO Cornett OF EV11117 DESOBIPTIOTi• , TVat'$ Myrtle aiT arAd PLAUCi Smoking To bacca WINER TEI.A.N EVEtt. See IN BHONZE, On each PLUG and PAcKAG.V. A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Always ort hand. FUNERALS FURNISHED ' CON- DUCTED AT' Low RATES. My stock of Furniture is un- excelled. the ten pro the wet the it, ju ap PC THAT OPFER OF $5 000. ur readers will doubtless call to mind offer so widely advertised for the past years by H. H. Warner's a Co., the prietors of Warner's Satenetnedius, thet y would pay 55,000 to any person who ild prove to an impartial referee that y ever published ti testamonsal that 81100 genuine so far as they knew. Elie offer had the ring,of honesty about and. as thematter has an esnecialintersst (013013 we give rt cope or the offer as it pears in the Mesas. H. a. Warner as Co.'s mphlet: Stephen Council. The Council tnet puesuant to adjourn- ent on the first inst., all tnembers esent. Minutes of the previous meet - g were read and confirmed. Resolved. tat a, culvert across the Crediton road e made near Mrs. ADderson's. or an out- tfor the water along the north side of the aid reed. Moved. by W. White, sec. by . Sheritt, that Mr. Hogan receive $8.00 or the use 01 100(1 for roadway Inc 1S89 nd extra trouble for fencing.--Clarried, he following ordem were grantea:-J. town, rep. crave t on ath con., 91,50 ; Ire. Ransom, relief, $8 00 ; C. Willed, p.l. 2, $3 00 ; John Mitchell, grant to Crediteh spring fair, 510. e B. TiCoraognititlis,. work on 201h eon. ,$1.50 ; J • evork U R., $1.50 ; T. Sanders, cul. C. R., 54.00 : j. Senders for rep. 4th con., $1.00 ; T Brown telegrams, 74, ; eepress of delegation to Toronto,530,00 ; Dart of official salary, 951. Council then ad journecl to meet again cm 1st Monday in May. Patlimaeters--F. Hicks, R Handford, S. McCoy, S. Davis, T Sweet, G Floyd, concessioa 1 ; W Hicks, N Baker, W. Walker, J d, W Bagshaw, T Kestle for 2 and 3con ; T 13rown Waver, A Dearing, Stanlake, I -Wicket. 4 and 5th con. ; Wilson, 3 trill, 0 Brown, J Wein. Morlock J Roesler for 6 and, 7011. con ; R Hodgins, G Lesygon, M Finkbiner. J Schwartz, J. Vfartine, W Rowe, 8 and 9 th eon. ; T. Kilgallon, 3 Lawson, Glanville, L. Kroft, T Clark, 10 awl llth con. ; P. Hall, E. Cotter; W Holt, A. McCormick, W Thompson, L Deitrerich, C. Finkbiner, Will t for 1.2 arta 13th con. ; B.. Mc AIMOB To tioTnnr.s.-are you disturbed al. nigh:tam' broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If to send at once and get a bottle of"Ilrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teething, Its value is incalculable. It will rolieve the poor Ilttle sufferer im mediately Weneuclupon it, mothers ; there is no mistale about it. It cures Dysentery and Dian:been, reguiatee the Stomach and oweis, cures wine Colic, softens the Gums. reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the -whole system. 'Mx s.Winslow's Soothing Syrup" foe childreu teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and. best female physicians and nurses in the United. States, and is for sale by. all druggiats throughout the world. Price twenty -live cents a bottle. Be sure mud ask for“Bins. weaseovea oeneareas sesave "end no other ind CoNsentirrioN CURED. tim. old physician, retired 'from practice, having hal placed. in his bands try 1.111 DAt Indititt raissionftry the formula of 11 simple vegenable remedy for the speedy and perma- nent cure 'of Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca- tarrh, Asthma and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and no -noel cure for Nervous Debility andall Nal:VOUS Com- plaints, after having teited its wonderful curative powers in thousaads ofeases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his Suffering. fellows. A ctuatedby tr otive and a desire to relieve num an sufferin6, I vi-Aseud free of oh urge, to mil who desirelt, this reoine,in Gerinau,French or Biaglish, with fulldirectionsfer preparing and using. Sent . mail address.ng ith stamp, naming this nap ea w. , NOYDS 149 Power's P3001, ricchostsv 7•1 rpo TEE DEAF.- -A person cured of JL Deafness sad noises in the head of 23 years' standing by a remedy, will send a description of it vane to any person who applies to 1SIOECOLSON, 177 -McDougal street, New York. A CURE FOR DIJ kill AGO. That induful complaint car; be. quickly cored by tho rate/ remedy, Miss Mery Jane tiou1.1, of Stoliey ()reek, Out. seys. "I was troubled with lumbago, ;Pia could not gst rcliof until fused Ilagyanl'e Yellow Oil ono bottle of which cartel 100 entirely." The Conservatives of' the South Riding of Perth met in convention at Fullerton Corners on 'Thursday last. A large hatnber of dplegates were Were present from all 'parts of the Beiing. 11, Fred Sharp, Esti , St. Mary's was 'nominated as candidate for the House of Conn:none, and W. R. Davis, of IVIItchell, for the Looal Legis. lature. The election of officers re- sulted as followst-W. 11, Davis, Mit- °hell, President , '1'. ill. Kay, Usborbe, Vice•Preeldent ; D. Stanley, cif St. • Mary's, Seceetary ; SWitsert Blan. shard, "Kreasurer, Children Cry for Pitoherts Cattoria MF A CALL E A 1 ILY Spring Goods 3,000.00 WO Tit DRY GOODS --AND-- Boots & Shoes --TO BE— SLAUGHTER ED FOR CASIK I IILMAG S DO YOU WANT TO ELY Bargains that 4. Are Bargains.. Fti tit '11 Now is the chance to secure your Spring Goods at prices never before heard of in Exeter. Owing to the great de- pression in trade, and buyipg for cash as we do, we have secured Some Special Barga,ins, AT LOWER RAs THAN SHAM GOODS —ARE USUALLY SOLD- before the present advances. in, the market 1 G. ' are able to give our cuatom- I ers the vel'y best value. We do not adver- tise our pods at cost, or less than cost. -ONLY FIRST -CLASS - Such Advertisements areFrauds Reliable --TAEli CALL AT -L-. L E Y Our prices are light, and will be found as Goo s low as any house in the trade. BORN. Inex,-In Detroit, ou Wednesday, Apr. 3rd, the wife of Mr Serial Link, of daughter; STANLIIY. Biddulph, on the faith ult., the wife of W. 0. Stanley, of a son. Clinton oe the 2011 of 141arch, the wife of Mr. T. Carling, of a daughter. • ItIARRIE D. Omernerm--0-arents. -At the reetlence of the beide'e father, in the township, of Ilibbert. by the Rev. T. W. Magbay, ream. of St. Monies church, Seaforth, on the 2na of April, air, John. Oldfield, ef the towtishie of Tatilterstnith, to :Oise Mary Ann, datighter of Mt , Richatel Green of Bibbed, Ileavite,-Ilooe.- -At the Methodist church Parentage, Clinton, ou the 3rd inst., by tho Rev. d. Livingetone, kir. Jobe. Har- vey, to aliss Christina Hood, both of • Stanley. ACTS tIllooppitess„.0y1 Dress Goods, Groceries, Boots az Shoes, At Prices Lower that so -cal - lower at bettee vette: elven than in all the 6 t3-.3Salip OESTROYs AND REMOVES WORMS or ALL. RINDS IN CHILDREN! OR ADULTS SWEET AS SYRUP AND CANNOT•HARivl THE: MOST DEZI....SCA'T= CHILE.) -C.-- Prints, Oottons, Etc, at Parkinson's are led Cheap Honses can give , — combined stooks hi lexeten We avet special drives, We invite inspection ; it -will pay you to call and examine our deck. No trouble to show goods. Farm Produce taken at market prices. Remember the place : First door uorth of the Town Hall, Eeeter. J. PARKINSON. H er Lateen T Keyes, P MeN.ensie, C Willett, W Browit Inc 14 and 15 con. ; j Sharp, F. Beitzmae, Baxter, F Holbine, 1.6111 and 17th con. ; Bodgins, 0 Lewis, D Sutton J Zyler, J Wade for 18 and 19th con; IT. Seenk, 3. B Hoagies. Allister, Daslm. dean, 20 and 21et ; P P Dishu- down A end B ; W P Glaven, J. McKevie, aleCertie, J Bolliind ,1 A. kleKinnin, 0 Towle, T, Whitesiele. C Wilsen for S end 13 ; T elollard, 0 Tap P ' ker Molina, , sem 0 &unseen Hamilton, 0 Speckamn 22nd 51111Rauble ; no eppointment for 'N 13. Fence Viewers -T Willis, W Welker, 0 Christie, II Deitycieh, TI Doyle, Volt Mollard` 3 13 Itotheins, Peter Perrin, Pound. Keeners • --Welter Hill, V Wilson T Shmeton, T Amy, W Melte W Reit, 0 J Bronnete W Etiki0. 71. Willet P CatrOl1, .1171110. The Beeve and oteek 00 meet the Reeve and Clerk of Bev on the 20th inst, at Dashwood.. --0. Pawn, Clerk. Sruatutok.-In Ttiokerstnith, oft April 71h, 'Sohn Sttirgeon aged Si) yeare Seent.-In Rioter, on April 6th, Thomas Sea aged 60 year. Bw.thrt,--On sandaynight last, ail infaht Ben of A, Ew,ald; The remains were (nterred in the German 001000 13•Y ,on Tuesday. CONSUMPTION SUB, ELY CURE D. To Tun tnrrou: Please inform your readers that 3111000 a 'positive remedy for the above nemed eaFse By its titmely tiao thousands -Of 110POIOBS eases have been perrnatetif,ly ours& 1 shall be Wed to sena two bottles uf rny rmnetly rime. to atilt of your readers wile have etnetioaption if they will eend tne their illspreat and P. 0. address. Respectfully, ;1)n. 'P. A.. SLOCUM, Toronto, Ont. 87 Tonge street. Unaortaking in ell its Branches. S. G-IDLEY, 0111D0FEU.....0CMBLOCK (Successor to . 1......S.I.......0....•••=oweesomemerroMe••.........ntrra* -...-- —...---.....--.-- 1 I i 1 L G thr 0 ON Spades and Shovels, Fence Wires ANNEALED, BARBED AND OTHER MAKES, ---Which we are in a position to offer to the Public at 0110— Very Finest -Prices for Cash 41 -We have also on hand a full line Of SHELF and BUILDINO HARDWARE Paints,.0ils, Glass, Etc., at Fam.ine:Prices. Stoves and Tinware of all kinds, always on hand,at prices that defy comeetition 0 Sewing Machines, Baby Carriages,Field and Garden Seeds. Eave-troughing, Speoialty • A call solicited. BISS.ETT BROS.. t 47' Every .Departnient in the Olcl Established i now imost complete, and fLt11 of the lates LJ novelties. 11 The French, tnglish and American Millinery cant be ex -celled. The stock of Dress G-oods' is larger cheaper than ever show». All the best makes of rich. B11 colored and shot silks, Cheap. Parasols and Sun shad of every design (both lobna and short stems. Fine fan. zephers, plain zepliers. Sateens and Prints in endless vl iety. A. speoial lot of Swiss Embroideries for Dress (lovely goods.) Every lady should see ont Dress Tri mings (which contain all the latu.,t novelties. Come and inspect onr stock. N. B. ---The attention of Dress-makErs is specil called to the Dress Goods department. JAMES PICKARD Exeter THE BEST YET ! THE CHEAPEST YET T.EE BIGG-EST YET ovorcostings at any price Sint- inge at any price ; Pantingst at any' price. Best Ordered. Clotting 13'0(11100a in Exeter Gentlemen I leave your orders eatly, for with the beet staff of Tailors ; the best stook of Fine Trimmings, and the beet (Jutting iii town. you aro Bare of Batista°, V1\1110Ziti thee.