HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-4-11, Page 4Established 1877 B. S. O'NEIL, 33,4NZER, EXETER - ONT. ----- TraRsilot$ 4 general baradeg business - Receives ti aeocaints of merchante and hers op favorable terms. Offors every acoommodation consistent with fe and consorvotive banking prineiples, Rive per oent. interest allowed on deposits. -Drafts issued payable at any °thee of the aterehants Bank. NOTES DISCOUNTED, it MONEY TO LOAN ON NOTES AND MOBTGAGES igto &der Mom THURSDAY, APRIL lith, THE JESUIT DEBATE. (Crowded out last week) Now that the smoke of battle he stif- ficiently cleared away we drew a fitting opportunity to survey the field of car- nage and moralize on the effect and corn- pletuees of the victory. Numerically speaking it certainly must be admitted that the Governmen0 victory goes atithout paraIlel, at least in Canaclian anna' ls but that certainly does not de- cide the justice of their cause. It must always be conceded that among the ,4reater number, all things else being equal, we should find the greater amount ot intelligence. D would.. in- deed be a strange commentary on our Canadian Parliament to say that thir- teen out of two hundred and one were all that had an intelligent conception of the nature of the question. We con- sider the argument that such a vast majority of the weathers are bound hand and foot '7o Rome, as unworthy of any reasonable person at all conversant with the calibre composing our Canadian House of Commons. Then to what must we attribute such an overwhelm- ing vote? We a aswer, to the fact that there within the four walls of the Cow - moil's Chamber, far removed from the. heated turmoil of an excited and to some extent, prejudiced people, our repre- sentatives were enabled to bring •that calm, undisturbed and mature judge. ment to bear upon the matter. There the question was considered in its true light, there the judgement and argu- ment were directed to the question in its legal aspect, and not from any senti- mental or emotional s1andpoin4„; and we must admit that such a state of affairs was more intended to conduct to a calm judicious decision than it was possible to arrive at in such a stampede as it has been, we are sorry to say, our lot to witness throughout Ontario We must bear in mind that the question at issue was not the character of the Jes- uits, not, the fool hardiness of the Que- bec, Government, as some call it, in p teeing this iniquitous act, not an Li undrecl and one hard things that have b een said about party subserving to the Catholic Hierarchy, nothing of this sort; but the plaiu simple question:— Had the government at Ottawa the power to disallow the Act? The Gov- ernment said they had not, one hun- dred anti eighty aight out of two hun- dred and one of the most intelligent and learned men of the Dominion said the Government was right. Such legal authorities as Hon Edward Blake, Hon. David. Mills, and that old and respec- ted layman Hon. Alex McKenzie amongst the rest, said so, and we are inclined to think, much as we would like to have seen it disallowed, that the government took the wise course in not interfering with the act. We think it was very. unwise for people who were in total ignorance of the Constitutional and legal aspect of the case, to rush about exciting the people with little resolutions couched in condemnatory language, when in reality they knew not whereof they spoke. The matter has been thoroughly discussed and all the legal light thrown upon it possible, every one has a right, an undoubted right to read and interpret for himself and form an opinion, Such a own's° we do not object to, but we certainly think that the expressed opinion of parliament is a severe rebuke to those who were too fast in condemning before learning the evidence. We do not oppoee freedom of speech, nor do ave object to people fornnng opinions, that is our iairchright, but we do say that the vast majority of the people who:had to Say so much about this matter, were almost in total ignorance regarding the facts or the principle at issue, viz. ,The Constitutional right of the Government to interfere with this objectionable piece of Legislation. That and only that was the issue before Parliament, and when we say the majority of peo- ple were not able to forni an intelligent opinion upon it we cast no reflections upon them whatever. Nor do we think that protestants as a whole have done themselves credit by this agitation. It is contrary to our ideas of liberty and fair play to cloncninee unsparingly an opponent either in religion or polltics. Fair argument is an honored weapon but epithetical denunciations can never accomplish any good. We think the lessons taught are plain and we should be guided by them in the futore. If this country is ever to become great we innst not pursue these rape and creed differences, but by common courtesy, intercourae and friendship these little acutenesses and inexualities will in time be worn away. A proclamation isissued prohibiting the use of snares of any kind for the purpose of catching or killine fish, Between blizzards and prairie lirea the Dakota farmerhas a hard time of it. The average Canadian reads,of swift disasters with a fair cliyaree of etitianint- ity for they seem tO be driving going of tho Canadian settleron thnt side of the line back Over the border ;tgain. The latest report of the Canadian Interior Department- says that quite a how number of Canadians Who had Moved to Dakota are returning to MittlitOba and thovNorthwest 'Tarter:Y.. They aasert that Sure Met frosts and other discont- :Oorts far north are More than balanced 41 7,. t01qprairicg of • THE SCOTT ACT ELECTION. There eeelna to no longer any dortbt that the Soott Act has lost its hold it •apparently had, on the people a the Dominion three or four Years ago, Thuradayeleotion,s were held in. fifteen counties and two cities in which it had been in operation for three years or longer, and where the majorities by which it had been supported ranged from eleven in the City of St, Thome to 2,393 in tee County of Kent. Yet in every one of these counties and oitiea the voters declared the tinqualifiecl ap- position to the measure and the lowest majority against it was 108 in Brant, Kent, the banner, county as it was call- ed, owiti,g to the mammoth majority it gave, lost its prestige entirely, and now becomes the banner county of their opponents, with a majority of 1,700 for repeal. For purposes of com- parison the following table, giving previous majorities for the act and Thursday's majorities against, will show Why temperance men to -day are grieved; Previous Yesterday'a vote. vote. Maj, for. Maj. against Brant 602 108 Carleton 693 265 Frontenv,c 651 282 Kent .2,393 1,700 Lanark 406 500 Lennox and Adding- ton 36 600 Lincoln 570 772 • Northumberland and Durham 2,187 500 Ontario 1,352 .1,000 Peterboro' • -511 430 Victoria 946 800 Wellington 1,412 1,571 Guelph 168 445 St. Thotnas ..11 571 Colchester, N $ 1,234 1,000 LET US LOOK AT ROME, Now that the various Ministerial A.s- sociations throughout Ontario have pro- nounced upon the Jesuits' Bill passed by Mr. Mercier, the Premier of Quebec ; and also have censured the Government in still stronger terms because it did not disallow the act—now that gauntlet has been run in this connection, would it not, while public sentiment is rife, be as well for the Ministerial Associations and others who have so vehemently as- serted themselves of late to chreot their attention to our own Province and con- sider a few of the past legislations of the Ontario Government. Here they they wilItind that innumerable privili- ges have been granted to the Roman Catholic chipch -concessions that real- ly concern us. We in Ontario cannot do any more than protest againstfavors shewn in Quebec by Quebec politieians; but in our province we can deal.accord- ingly, with those legislatures who have attempted to buckle to any, church for preferment. Instonce the displacement of the Bible proper with a—book of imitations— hackedand cut to satisfy Bishop Lynch. Notice that our school laws have been so amended as to deny the Roman Catholic liberty of con- science, by being forced °to send his children to a seperitte school whether he be agreeable or not. Such truckling should he denounced and the trucksters cast into obeurity. But would the peo- ple of Ontario who as they speak if this opportunity occurred. in the provincial affairs? Knowing that Mr. Mowat re- tains in his cabinet a Minister of -Edu- cation so untruthful or so ignorant that he denied. that French was taught in Eastern Ontario when it was welt estab- lished that they were ; knowing that Mr. Mowat on every occasion has de- ferred to Roman hierarchy, and has act- ually given it a certain supervision over Protestant educational affairs would they cast their ballots against him should an election be held shortly? To be consistent they should do so, but it would at the present time show that they meant *ell if they would keep a little of the strength they are putting into the Jesuit protest to bestow upon Mr. Mowat. It is not good tactics to go so far from home for game when there is as good in the bush near by, yet these people who have of late been carrying guns did so. If these Reform- ers who at the present time are so lond in their protest against the Jesuit and other Catholic concessions, are serious what it shaking up Mr. Mowat will get the next time they are called upon to deposit their ballots A STAPLE ART1OLE THROUGHOUT THE WORLD Txxa 11BRCEN1.1•TT's PROFIT .6..111) Tiltit &WC IIAN'S Hors. ----- Australia forms no small portion of the vast field over which the celebrated Thomas Holloway has spread the blessing of his peerless remedies. Their pecnlinr adapta- tion to the diseases of our climate was dis- covered at an early day by our shrewd, observant opulatiOr, , and for years.the demand for tho.rn has increased with ever - accelerated rapidity. The heaviest com- =mini houses in F.Ingland are ill thefre- quent habit of receiving from their corres- pondents in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Geelong, and in feet frotn every part of Australasia, orders for Holloway's Pills and Ointment, hncl merchants of the Jewish persuasion, proverbially the most cautious •of all the mercantile community, invest larger sums than any other traders in these vomiter preparations. They know full well that the moment the shipments arrive out they can be sold at et large advance on in- voice mins, and that the mai lot for them never is depressed. Yew persons think of turning the r fA008 tory/vas the gold fields withont a supply. For disorders of tho liver awl stomeeh the Pine eve claimed to he it swift and sure speeifie, and the claim is verified by an overwhelming mass of testim ony. NOW we all know how entirely the bodily health depends upon the condition of these two important organs, It the digestion is ire- pau ed, the bowels dinot derv), and the liver torpid or congested, the, whole frame su fforS. The strength declines, the spirits droop, the complexion becomes cadaverous, the flesh Wasted, supineness and despair take the placeat of energy and hopefulness, A few timely dove) of the Pills bring back digestion, appetite, And physicist energy, sternach is strengthened and • toned, the liVer invigorated, the de -vitalized blood teetered to its normal cotidition, and the invalid recovers the strength, tho energy, tied the health that belong tg vigorous enanhood—Oburver. CEN TRAL Drug Store A. full stock of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at CentralDrug Store Exetei. C rrZi. MIMI MU IF TOU WANT TO f3AVE MONEY Through X-mas and New rears, • BUY YOUR GOODS FROM THE _ Cheap Store, Crediton As he is determined to clear out all his stock of DRY GOODS, 1300T & SHOES, HATS, OAPS, ETC., At lessthan actual Cost Sale to commence lst Jan., and continue until all is cleared out, as I am going out of the above lines. TERMS — CASH. N. B. All accounts must be settled lst January. 3. MITC,11-EELL, '11HE INTERCOLONIAL OF CANADA, • • The royal mail, passenger and freight route between Canada and Great Britain, —and— Direct route between the West and all the points on the Lower St. Lawrence and Baia de Chttlenr, also New Brunswick, Nova, sootia,Prinee Edward Island, ()ape Breton and Newf oundlem d. Now and elegant linfret sleeping and day cars ran on throu,qh express trains. P.tese agora for Great Britain or the conti. tient by lettying Toronto by 8 p.m. train on Thursday will 3oiu outward mail steamer at Halifax Saturday. Superior elevator, warehouse and dook ae- c�mniode.tlon at Halifax for shipment of grain mud general merchandise. Years of experience have proved the Inter.. colonial, in connection with steamship lines to and from London, Liverpool and Glas- gow to Halifax, to be the quickest freight rout °betty eau Canada and Great Britain. Information as to passenger and freight rates can be had on application to N.WEATHERSTJN, Western Freight &Passenger Agent 98 Bossin House Block,York St. Toronto D.POTTINGEB, Chief Superintendent Railway office, Moncton. N. O. Nov, 20, 148. YOU CAN GET 21 POUN S —OF— Raw Sugar R 01. ss ik Sugar FOR $1,00. —AT-- POST OFFICE STORE, One Door South . of Post Office EfA.S.-r.— A NiteW AND, COMPLETE :--STOCK OF-- oots Shoes. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing protoptJy attended to. GEO. lVIANSON, FARA FOR I3ALE OR RENT. 100 aores„let 7. corTc;rsion 4 Keq-1,11ivrar, north boundary ; 80 /write 014a1.0(1, and In good state ; 14 sores fall wheat ; 20 acres ploughed 20 Imes seeded down, Good orobard ; 2 good wells ; 10 acres good timber; fair buildings. los sold or rented. Terms easy. For fur-, their particulars apply to ,F. & L. LEARY. in Maguire P 0 FARM FOR SALE. Ninety acres—I-Jot 0, con. 2, in Stephen township, Huron (to., over 70 aores cleared, of winch 00 acres aro M grass and in first-class condition. Dalf mile from Oentralia. Good brick house and out.buildings. Must he soicl. For further particulars apply to MATTIIItW 1110 FLO OK Amos. Crediton 0. QALESMEN Wanted. --Good salaries or commission paid to the right men to sell our choice and hardy varieties of nursery stook. Now is the thne of the year to engage. None but honest and upright Inert needapply, do not delay if you deeide to Join us, as delays aro dangerous. Apply with re- forcnceen MAY 13130THERS, Nurserymen, Rochester, N, Z. To Advertisers. A list of 1000 newspapers divided into States and Seotioeti will be sent on application -- FREE. To those who want their advertising to pay, we eon offer no better medium for thorough and effective work than the various sections of our Select Local List. GEO. P. ROWELL ife 00.. Newsnaner Advertising Bureau 10 Serum) street New York, ZIPPEN MILLS. NEW IMPROVEMENTS. D.B. McLean in thanking his customers fortheir liberal patronage, wishes to inform them and thepublie in general that be has re- fitted tie Grist Milland put in new improve- ments, and having secured the services of it thoroughly competent miller, is now better. Prepared than ever before to turn out a, good quslity ef Flour. Flour and Feed, Oornmeal and Oatnnal bent constantly on hand. Chop- ping only fic per beg. Don't forget the old stand. I will also be prepared to attend to all °Liston' Sawing D. 33. MoLlIAN. Kippen. Eyes Tested FRE -R —BY -- A.MURflAY Practical Optician, Graduate Optic SchoollIT Eyes tested ; defective sight restored by the aid of fine glass's. Large assortment of the finest glasses on hand. A call solicited. S. Mert7MM.A.-"g", 419 JataCI=X1NICON3D-ST London. BRICK AND TILE FOR SALE. Any quan ti ty of hriek and tile of all sizes for sale at the MOATZ BRICK YARD, Orediton. First-class bri.C13.-404 per Thou- sand. Tile Ori ° spoindingly The oreditorslis.ve e • - Mr.illoatz to leek after the sale of th rid tile, and he will be foundin the yarn at e. times. Next year the yard will be run by Mr. Moats as usual. Crediton, 3anuary150,1889. IN THE HIGB. COU OF JUsTIcE, . CHANOERY Itt the mattei• of lo nunbe • abutt- ing on the southeast bou y of the township of *Osborne, in4 cou. ty of Huron. Notice is hereby even tharJl Hanna and William Hanna both of township of Usborne, in the County of auro5, farmers, have made an application to bus Chancery Division of the Ilig.h Court of Justice fooit certificate of title to the above mentionod property, under "The Act for, Quieting Titles to Reel Estate in Ontario" and have PrOduourl evidence whereby theYaPpear to be the owners thereof, in fee free from all encumbrances ex- cept the terms and eonditions of the last wMl and testament of the late William 11anna„Tr., deceased, ond also except it certain mortgage now on said lands, dated the 18th Novembe,r, HA•ifDly.1,13.rd86.S, made (by Wiliam Hanna to 014.0 George P. Jones, and assigned to one Robert • Wherefore any other person having or pre- tending to have any tith, to, or interest in said lands, or any part thereof, is required, on or before the seventh day of May, now next ensuin g. to filo it statement of his claim verified by affidavit; in nay office at the Oity Stratford, and to serve a copy on the said trohrn Haulm and William Hanna 00 on 19'. Cavan MoseriPt, their solicitorat his °Thee in the town of St. the county of Perth. and in default every such elahn will be blurred and the title of the said • John- Ilanna, and William Mame become absolute and hide - f Gamble at law and in equity subject on lY to the reservations tnentioned in the 2013I sec- tion of the said Ad and -therein mitobered A. 33, 0, D. E. and F, and to the eharges and en- utubrances herein before set out. 'L3;}t 1-f Insane, Referee of Twee a Stratford Dated this 2nd day of April, A..31,1889. • ••••smoesoarbtamantartavxmo.tcsamv*Im......ram W. FIR1L Davidson. aoos. Builders & Cantradtoi rs Shop one door east of Parsons' Black- srai th dhop Manufacturers of Sashes, Doors and Blinds. Buildings contracted for. Plans, estimates and specifications furnished if re- quired, From Lb eir past experience in the building line they guarantee Kai ethetion. All work done with promptness and dispatch. Season - ed lumberalways on band. WM. DAVIDSON. JOHN DAVIDSON. MarketScluare General Store The undersigned would inform the pnb- lie that he has just reecived his SUMMERtut' STOOK cs --INCLUDING— A tali line of Dry -Goods, Hata & Clops, and ()rockery, Boots and Shoes, e Jesuit i77 Agitating The Public, But the Sensation of the Day is how Wonderful oh.eap CARLING BROS. are Selling. SEE OUR READY MADE CLOTHING, Don't look like it, But it is ; Looks more like High Priced Merchant Tailor work, liVeats more like it, too, stands wear and tear, strongly sewed seams, neatly stitched ' edges, well cut, well finished, low priced. Can Sell a Man's Suit Worth $7.00 for $5.25. Boys' Suit Worth $4.00 for $3.25. Men's Pants at1.25, $1,50, SI .75 2.50, $2.75, $3.00 and $4.00 By paying the cash and getttng the discount we are m a position to sell these goods at the above prices. We guarantee satisfaction in these goods or no sale. We solicit a call to prove what we say is correct. No trouble to show Goods at CARLINGR0S. —EXETER -- PHOTO STIIDItl. For Fineiy Finished Photos of all sizes, troll, small album size to 11xI4 from life, try —71-I0 IR, He has atss elogne display of Photo- graph by -1111,s Sizes : 8x101 •1 . 1 .iil 4x17. AT .• °RICES It wi I be tc ins; advan age of th o having pictures :o train.; ta . xamine his stock of Picture Mau ig. Getzprices before mu elms ng elsewhete. JOS. SE. ,1 )R To l'ariner: —CALL AT THE— Montreal General Store I am wanting any amount of turkey and geese tail and wing quills. —FOR SALE Ladies' and Children's Boots & Shoes. Ladies' and Children's Rubbers, Ladies' iinhbers and Hosiery com- bined. Ready-made clothing, Flannels, 'Underwear Top Shirts and Cardigans. glic1911S Ind Pines, Sewing tlifschinev otrna for sale or to refit, almos- t, .) ILO 6,1V(5 rna f call Before purchasing else - he. e T. DEARING. .tho.th street, south of Janies-sI I -ch. LaellerV OPPositss POso 011ie orgialont2, HEADQUAR,TRS, --FOR — Pure Drugs, Patent Medi - eines Dye -stuffs, Perfumery and Toilet Articles, SchoolBooks and Stationary, ,Photo Frames, Albums, Purses, etc. . Cigars Pipes, and Tobacco. ' Also a large assortment • of Toilet and Bath Sponges always on hand Pr e s crip tions Carefully pre- pared frona the purest Drugs. Remember the place, Sign, GOLDEN iNfOli.TAR, Main St., Those wishing anything in rey lane will find Otto their advantage to call and in spect oiy goods and nrices, Hit:I:hest priees paid for But- ter awl Eggs and all kinds of produce. Ar. P. Ross.1 111,,Drowair Perk WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF, THE SKIN, And every species of disease arising frorn disordered LIVES,• KIDNEYS, I STOMACABOWELP "rn7. BLOOD. T, MILBURN (Sz 00, ."179/ig°,11,11.,0. 41, DH. Washington Throat & Lung Surgeon, Of Toronto, will be at the Central Hs 0 tel, Exeter, " Tmu.a. Notice to Contractors. Sealed Tenders will boareceived up to the 10th day of May, 1880. by the undersigned, for the excavation of the eat at Grand Bend, the dredging of the river Aux Bauble, and ditching of Haycock's creek. Tenders to state the estimate for each separately. Plans and specificatigins can be seen at II Eilber's office, Orediton. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accented. work not to be commenced until the liability of the townships concerned is rested. Plans and specification *rein the possession of the Councils of McGillivray, West WillisraS and Bosanquet The work will eornmence and terminate at a date to be hereafter agreed upon. The engineering was done by R. Coad, Esq., tencoe. the proposed cut is about 81 rods long, average dePth 20 ft., bottom width 30 ft. Tho nver dredging Is about Mein -tins, 0011., wide, at varinble depth. Tenders to statoon outside(Tender for 0130) and addressed to 0. PROUTY, flay, P 0, Ont. 13y ender of tho township of Stephen. N. B.—Seturi ty wilt be required for com- pletion of work, Assicrnee s Notice. In the matter of the estate of Thomas Sims, Insolvent creditors of the above estate aro honsbY notified that / have premixed an account af the receipts and expenditures herein, and that the same-roaa be inspected at the offiee of Lewis 11, Dickson, barrister', Exeter., All claims against the said estate =let bo filed. property Verified, with me or with nip solicitor Mr, Pickeono on or beton the first day of `Ma y, A • D, 1880. , WIs. e Dated 0 rediton, Ord Aptil.,1880. A OOOK BOOK FREE Dy 'tato any lady sending us her best offido addmast Waal Riehardsan &Co.a Montreal. Until 5 o'clock. Catarrh,Bronchitis, Asth a, Consumption etc, permanently and effectually cured. A few Prominent Testimonie of Permanent Cures: Mrs.,Tohn MeNay, Kingston, Ont., Oats and Consumption. John hIcKelvy, Kin f(Ston,Ont.,catarrb • Mrse.Hopping, Ringston, Ont., Broit 711tile4Mr.1SeilViston, Ont„ Catarrh, F and throat. Read W. If. Storey's Original Testiuwq Catarrh Throat Cured. Listen to W IT Storey, Esc of the firn W lf Storey bon, Acton, Glove Manure ors, also Presiden t Manufacturers' Associa of Canada. DR, WASITENGTaN, 215 Yonge-"h, Toronto, Damt sza.—.1 assure you I feel grateful the radical cure yon'have effeeted in ivy do trouble, and thouith 3 plilre 'having mc, appear in conneetiont the testimonial inessyet, having regard for those who similarly it -Tooted. es well as having- tetteSi, recognize the results your treatment a departure Ot this ....at. ?rim, to my aeons from repeated, • aelts of catarrhal sore 11 each succeedir ttaelt being more prole end violent 'Xit r 4h e former. At these ti; had violent r to t.t eough it; g, and World charge large ququi ides of mucous, 1' alarmed, 1 spught zilches& mediae] shill took almost es•ery thing known to tne ablo,iticludmp; a numb -noted Specialis without experioneing apasti el e of relief, spring 1 wont to hnzro pc. The change good, but on tuy return the old trouble la flowed. Seeing you advertised to visit t/10.00LI bbougli 11 won d eonsul t you al ti eon teSSIVI tn not rt, uch hero are', vir, benefit, Ifowever, I was re vorabl m with your candor. and resolved g,v. treatment a, trial. The rash] t,ltd inform you, is a oomr•lete oii marked in its charactet aol iso seif 11CI my friends From he:• .•st,yor fame seemed adapted to DVS' OA 60 an d gt• lief. In tWo n,ot.I WsP on itely well,aj so continued through the most mita season of year, You ere at liberty t what use ape. ptease et thisietteromd he 5105558 10 answer any ermitiriesrell my ease. Youra very culy Acteigrosu o..Tho.n.v1ath,71,1A1 7.101* 71;t1.11,Z 011 tor oat us - are 0 10 Mite tint- en,ies reat ged es I dis- )ling , and Herne Last 0 ;ate as rit- this 05015 ress 5( yom 01/3/ ti Inc 0, an. r ale() re Ye idlutv vorabl she ttse