HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-03-29, Page 26Page 6—The Wmghaw Advance -Timex, Thursday, `March 29, 1 73 Handy ladies can liberate small rooms dramatically Easy -to -work -with materials are changing 'gal on the go' into 'lady who can do' Easy -to -work with materials are changing `gal on the go' into 'lady who can do'. The large family that was such a joy to raise and be with on fektive occasions, sadly, does grow up, move out, and does their own thing. And so too, comes a time when the lady on the go must do hers. It begins with a move from the large homebase to a solo -flight studio. Once it's been located, let's be practical. How do you fit years of memorabilia into a small efficiency apartment? One lucky lady found a large ground floor studio, with a garden, and "possibilities"; one possibility being a huge un- recognized storage wall. The need for space, and a very strong urge, long suppressed, to do-it-yourself were the begin- nings of a real adventure for this lady. All the elements were there but one, Know How. By a happy coincidence, the future lady do-it-yourselfer Learned about Joyce Hartwell, the Lady Carpenter. Together they embarked on a very special project. A vitit to the studio soon revealed the fact that the only thing usably as it stood was a "hole in the wall" that had for- merly been used as an alcove for a couch. Several meetings and a num- ber of lessons' later a workable plan had been developed for the storage area, with a very unusual desk and cabinet combination. Designed by the . Lady Car- penter it completely filled the needs of our work -at-home career woman accustomed to lavish entertaining both personal and for business. Plywood wall paneling was the best way to tie in the outdoors brought in by the large expanse of back windows. Also, it was easy for a woman to handle and glue. Black wrought iron hardware carried out a rustic theme. The upper walls were removed with the help of a trusty sledge hammer. Measurements were taken, and retaken, and on the day " the shelves were finally installed, there, full blown, was the perfect spot for a loft bed, and a bonus of six feet of floor space. New measurements were taken for the doors which were then cut from plywood, and both the walls and doors were covered with paneling, and wires were pulled through for lights and phone. The old closet doors were re- tained and simply paneled. The desk area was designed to contain a built-in typewriter as well as a Guilt -in sewing machine, cabinets abate to hold supplies for each of them tis well as the items necessary for daily living and entertaining. When fully -utilized, this is the -perfect spot for an informal breakfast to start the day. With the typewriter up, the working day begins; for relaxa- tion, the new sewing machine tempts her to flip -up and whip up that `basic black dress" or drapes for the windows; and in the evening it's ready and set for gracious living at its finest. The shelves behind the doors hold cartons, suitcases, • hat boxes, seasonal clothing, the "can't' bear to throw them away's" and memorabilia... and the wall that didn't, suddenly was the wall that could, and did Do - All. This was the view our WIC* renovator faced when she at. tempted to transform the ugly duckling "hole in wall" into a four-way living, sleeping, eating and working wall. Joyce Hartwell, right, known as the Lady Carpenter instructs the lady renovator in the proper and safe way to use power hand tools as they begin to renovate a storage wall with plywood. Second &very family has a. MOW y near the 'kit - is that of place they'eat. , the den, family room, reorostion rooM, focio . porch or even the bedroom if they're midnight snookers, And that other place hardly ever convenient to the re- frigerator or food. ..ht's why more and more families are improvthe .home with a second refrigerator that's Horneowner' brick IA/ail eeonom cal investment Brick walls may not only be an attractive choice for your home, they could save you a pocketful of money. Because the walls represent only a small part (five to 10 per cent) of the cost of your home, the choice of fireproof brick or brick veneer over another siding material increases monthly mortgagedollarspayments by just a few . Five years later, however, the brick homeowner will find him- self merely washing his brick walls with a few pennies worth of water, while his neighbor spends $750 to $1,000 having his home repainted. Home ` - bde sewn er' can h For those home sewers who want to get to "stitching" quickly, be able to sew at leisure, yet mit "clean-up" because of lack of permanent sewing room, this unusual desk unit designed by, the Lady Carpenter, permits. her -ta';hide her hobby quickly if necessary. The portable sewing machine was - bolted to the underneath part of the desk top on the right •Gyrator Washing Action • Faster Washing • Simple - Safe - Practical Controls •Complete = Sparkling Fresh Rinsing •Super Efficient Spinning •No Tangle or Damage to Clothes • Compact Size Large Capacity • •Simple Installation •New 2 Speed Model ST -4 *Two Year Warranty on All Parts SALE PRICE $ 1 9900 SThINTON HARDWARE P 0 Box 194 Wi igham Ontario 35/ 2810 snuAlrenough to fit in.'that other place and yet holds ail the food beveragesand Compact gone compact .refrigerator p�r isa5.4 that's �y suitable for this fircubic foot re- igerator. only " wide byW„'' high, yet it provide, ample storms for a variety of foods en4 beverages, and hasat freezer compartment that holds 10,3 pounds of frozen l r t iPow modally convent the wide vari,+ contain, available, Each'c two sohelves and storage area are 'ice' eioto accornmodate h k of t . ounce.bevers eat, • wiring Si okeeded for r? orator. It can be itt to any 110 -volt off. tielt opening enables the •,a' tug 00 even if the tit la placed'. a 'lty Fes, 0 OF P NOW 1 Gal. SAlIN L1EX A fallt, low sheen paint. Dries in. leans than au hour, Apply with roller, bras or spray. For in- terior walls, co brick or ce- ment.:.Equ 1pment cleans with soap and water. Special colours slightly or.. Gal. RegPAN °Qt. Reg. $3.33 CIL (ILTONE AIKYD SEMI -GLOSS F'or the .surface that requires a hard, mar -resistant finish. With- stands repeated washings, For. Walls, woodwork, etc. Special col- ours :slightly higher. Gag, °Reg, *13.95 Qt. Reg. $3.80 There's nothing so-so about; a new sewing machine that never needs oiling. Shown hereill<plaAlt ready.for,the home -sewer: it stitches anything from leathers i `lingerie It 'has a number of new stretch stitches to go with today's new: fabrics. side. When lifted up and placed in ` 1511 position at centre of desk, as shown, the sewer is ready to "stitch" away. When finished, supplies can be stored in back , and the top is fitted back in place. The desk is cleared for another activity. Insulation test can add comfort save you money If your home is more than 15 years old, it probably is not adequately insulated. That means you may be wasting more than 45 per cent of all the fuel you use. Putting it more plainly, it means you are paying almost twice as much as you should to keep your family comfortable. There are some simple tests to determine whether or not you fall in this category. Place a thermometer against an outside wall and another thermometer in the center of the room. Leave them for four hours, then take readings. The thermometer on the out- side wall should not be more than five degrees lower than the one in the middle of the room. If it is, it's a good indication that your home needs insulation. You also may be losing heat from openings in your home. Light a candle and hold it near the edges of windows and doors. It if flickers, you probably need caulking, weather-stripping, or storm windows and doors. They can cut your fuel costs by as much as 10 per cent. Furnaces should be checked and adjusted at the start of each heating season. Air filters should be replaced at least three times a season. Trophy shelf displays family achievements Planning on redoing the basement into a family room, but worried what to use to give it that sporty look? Why not include a trophy shelf. Almost everyone has a trophy or two packed away in the attic. If the kids are on school sports teams or cheerleading, chances are they will be adding their own to the collection, and possibly even outdoing Mom and Dad in the trophy department. JUST DUCKY If it's raining the day you plan to paint the living room wall, try to put' it off until another day. Paint tends to blister when it's a wet, humid day, BEAVER 405 JOSEPHINE ST. WINGHAM 3572581 STORE HOURS: Monday ..Friday 8.00 cm. - 5:30 p.m. . Saturday 8.00 o.m. - 12 noon Trade your present furniture in on a NEW LIYINGROOM GROUPING FROM CURRIE'S Come in and Browse Around We take trade-ins on, LIVINGROOM FURNITURE KITCHEN FURNITURE BEDROOM SUITES MATTRESS AND SPRINGS ETC., ETC., ETC., ETC... NEWLYWEDS ASK ABOUT OW PRICES ON Reasons why it's'.easier.'to.shop at CURRIE'S FURNITURE . PRICE .- LARGE SELECTION - Currie's has 3 floors of quality furniture to choose from. . FREE STORAGE- AND IMMEDIATE DELIVERY When Required . LARGE SAVINGS on room groupings . . TERMS to suit YOU . EVENING APPOINTMENTS 357-1170 CUSTOMER PARKING YOU DO BETTER AT CURRIE'S FIXING A DEN OR REC. ROOM? - See Currie's about - ADMIRAL COLOR T.V. or STEREO LA -Z -BOY RECLINERS SEALY & SKLAR BED CHESTERFIELDS CURRIE'S THREE FLOORS OF ninurnmr QUALITY !Fulani! unE y e r