HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-03-29, Page 10Times, Thursdax, March 29 3 • 6 Livestock For Sale Miscellaneous ti FREE COLUE, one year eld. 000 with children. Very good Watch dog. 191 Frances Street, Wingham. ONE, C.P.M. RAMBLER 500, 26" bicycle with fender carrier in , good, cOndition, Also one coal- rt,e4tal bed, box spring and mat- tress, 26" wide. Ideal for cottage. Phone 357.1.108. TWO PIECE Davenport and swivell'ocker sets, $149.00. "Es- quire" Cash and Carry. New fur- niture. Highway No. 4, 1 mile west OfAanover. rrb WOOD .FOR SALE. Hardwood slabs delivered to your yard, six cords, $24. Craig's Saw Mill, Auburn. Phone, 526-7220. 8-15-22-29 PAINTING? Buy a quart or gal- lon and get a top quality paint brush free at CHAMBERS DOMINION HARDWARE in Wroxeter. rrbApr.26 BERG stable cleaners and stabl- ing. Bunk feeders and water *bowls. Lloyd Johnston, RR 3, Holyrood. Phone 395-5390. rrb WROXETER BARGAIN Centre, book and tape exchange, used appliances, clothing, furniture and many other articles. Winter hours: Wednesday through Sat- urday 11,:00 a.m. to 8:00, p.m. 'Phone 335-3259. Buy and sell. • rrb KIRBY VACUUM— sales and -service. The one that out -cleans them all!. Trades accepted. For demonStratien, call Lamont's Cleaninggervice, Kincardine 396- 3295. ,rrb BROKEN -BARN WINDOW? •Daugberty Pro Hardware has Liexan Plastic, 250 times stronger than, glass and 8c a square • foot heaper.., rrb 'LABRADOR -,PUPPIES., Regis- tered, shots, yellows, blacks, males' and females. Alio female Welsh Corgi puppies; registered, shots. Peter Edisbury, Lucknow, 395-2438. 22-29-5 PAINT SALE Orie-thirdoff discontinued lines of interior and exterior paint. .Daugherty Pro Hardware, Wing- . ham.. • READINQ ANTHRACITE or Ca- valier Queen Stoker coal, $41.502 ton guaranteed by ordering now. Johnson Iruels and Heating, 343- 2703 Palmerston. 22-29-5 APPROXIMATELY 300 bales of bay. Phone, 357.2369. ' WRINGER -TYPE Simplicity washer in good working order. $35. Phone 357-2609, END TABLE, chesterfield suite with one chair, kitchen table with two chairs, electric stove suitable for apartment or cottage; tele- vision and a few .dishes and coOk- ware. Phone 357-3807 or 357-1468. 1971 YAMAHA 350 Motorcycle. '* Real good condition. Phene Gorrie; 335-3451. BLACK WALNUT trees five to 25 feet. $1.00 Per foot to eight feet; $2.00 per foot for nine feet and up. Plant early. Phone 335-3194, MAPLE SYRUP for sale. Glenn Casemore, RR 4, Wingham. Phone 357-1498. 1966 HONDA 300 c.c. Good condi- tion. Phone 357-1107. 45 GALLON steel barrels with re- movble lids. Good for burning garbage or fel' feed barrels on the farm. $3.50 delivered. Myth, 523- 4461. ' 29-5-12-19 Livestock For Sale •••••••.•••••••••••••10! ONE HOLSTEIN heifer due to freshen soon and five beef -type cows. Phone 392-6564. FOUR HOLSTEIN -HEREFORD crossed. Above 400 lbs. One steer and three heifers. Phone 335-3754. 36 YEARLING cattle, white face. W. Marks, 357-2319. GOOD SELECTION of service- able age Hampshire and Duroc boars. R.O.P. sonoray figures on back fat as low as .40 on -Hatii-P. shires and .51 on Duroc boars. Limited number of commercial boars, Hampshires and York. Landrace crossed from 025. Bob Robinseh, RR 4, Walton, 345-2317. ONE CHAROLAIS bull ready for light service. Phone 887-6196. 29-5 DISPERSAL SALE DISPERSAL of Bala Herd, one of the longest established Pure- 4,:frqd Angus herds in Ontario, the property, of Lawrence Banks, Cayuga, Ontario. Selling 30 cows, many with calves; 30 bred and open heifers; one herd sire, East - hope Chance, (Stretch), qualified on Performance, grandson of *25001b. Colossal, (service sire for most lots). Sale, under cover, at. Bala Farm, 3 miles west of Cayuga, on No. 3 Highway (25 miles south of Hamilton), April 7, 1973, at 12:30 p.m. Lunch avail- able. For catalogues, write Sale Managers, Central Ontario Angus Club, c -o B. Griffith, Mt. Hope, Ontario, (416) 765-2217. 22-29 Cars & Trucks GORRIE AUTO WRECKERS Fairly-PriceCars And Parts Phone 335-3495 Gorrie 1 rrb 1965 BUICK Wildcat, all option. Like new inside and fair outside. Will certify. Asking $600. Phone 335-3194. CARS FOR SALE 1972 Pontiac, 4 -door; 1971 Satelite Sebring, 4 -door; - 1971 Le Mans, 4 -door; - 1971 Pontiac 2 HT P; 1971 Dodge, 4 -door; 1971 Satelite 2 HTP; 1971 , Torino, 4 -door; 1970Mustang Mack 1; 1068 Nova, loaded; 1968 Olds 442, loaded air condi- tioning; 1968 Camero; 1968 Cougar; • 1968 Ford; .1967 Chev. Impala; 1967 Buick 4 -,doer 19684iiintiaet‘ Most cars have V8, automatic, power steering and brakes, radio. 1970 Chev. truek 1/2 -ton V8 auto; 1969 Chev. 3/4 -ton V8; 4969.Chev. 1/24o11;. 1968 Chev, 3/4:4on V8, 4 -speed with tailgate loader; 1967 Chev. 112 -ton V8 auto; 1965 Chev. 1/2 -ton. JOHN BROWN MOTORS Gorrie 335-3325 ••• McCREERY AUTO WRECKERS •, RR 2, WROXETER \ on Highway 86 - Midway between Wingham and Listowel USED AUTO PARTS USED CARS & TRUCKS Phone LISTOWEL 2914159 GC/BRIE 335-3314 Miscellaneous PIANO AND *ORGAN SALES. Piano tuning and repairing. Call Hap Swatridge, 357-2785. Repre- senting Garnet Farrier. • rtf -CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY shampooing; also wall cleaning. In your home or place of busi- ness. Lamont's Cleaning Service, .ifincardine 396-3295. rrb ANYONE wishing, to have hand- saws, circular saivs, tools, etc. •sharpened,,call 357-3641. rrb CUSTOM PLOUGHING ad disk- ing. Ken Mason. Phone, 357-2146. rrpMarch29 DOG GROOMING CLIPPING — STRIPPING Call John Visser, 227 Jelin \Rosa St., Listowel, 291-4817 after 6 p.m. tf GIBSON UPHOLSTERY Furniture, car and truck seats recovered, rebuilt. Phone 357- 1217. rrb LORENZ DEAD STOCK. $20 for horses; $10 for cows over 1,000 lbs. Over 500 lbs. according to size. Phone Durham, 369-2410 col- lect. rrpMay31 FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automobile. Farm Liability, Accidents and Meknes§ Home Protection Call Your Co -Op Agent -- LLOYD MONTGOMERY 53 Maple Street, Wingham Dial 357-3739 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED All work guaranteed. Twenty years of experience. Write Louis Blake, RR 2, Brussels, Ontario. Phone 887-6800. rrbJulY26 ,e6.6 ' ANDY'S REFRIGERATION AND APPLIANCE SERVICE 24 -Hour Emergency Service Wingham, 357.3484 VACANCY at COZY 'COTTAGE for elderly ladies. Nursing care provided. Phone Mildred Huber, 357-2839. 29-5-12 CEILINGS tiled, alterations; panelling and odd jobs. Raymond Neill, 357-1463, Wingham. rrbApril 19 CLEANING OFFICES after per. Apply Apply to Box 246, Wingham Advance -Times, • Help Wanted, • P PERSON for part-time general office duties with possible future full time employment. Apply to Box 244, Wingham Advance. Times. MEALS-ON-wHEELS Phone Miss Mary Scott, 357-2365 PERSON FOR cash crop and or Mrs. H. L. Sherbondy, 357-2552. beef farm. Must be good with rr s, machinery. Phone 887-6196. 29-5 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judg- ment; So Christ was Once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that loek for Him shall He appear the second time with- out sin unto salvation. If we con- fess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us from all un - righteousness. Hebrews 10:31, 8:27 and 28. 1 John 1:9, Phone *- 3763. .22-29-5 Real Estate WILLIAM S, REED Real Boats Broker and General Insuranc• • . Mal 3574174 WINGNAM, ONTARIO adallIMINIM111•111•111.1.11. COMMISSION RATE_r_r- 3% ON HOUSES IN WINGHAM Lovely two storey, three-bed- room brick home, large living room witli broadloom, dining room, kitchen with cupboards. Oil furnace. Early possession and mortgage available. A great investment 'Atli a nice place to live. A two storey, brick, centrally located, income prop- erty, large living room with mantel, dining room; *kitchen, three bedrooms with cothes closets, sunroom and a four room apartment with separate en- trance. Garage. Oil furnace. Early possession. • One and a half storey, Six room house with veranda, sunporch, oil furnace, exbellent location and priced reasonably. For Rent MODERN one storey, three bed- room house close to schools. For an appointment phone 357-3482. rrb ARTICLES FOR RENT, dustless floor sanders. Dustless belt san- der. Daugherty Pro Hardware. tf APARTMENT FOR RENT April 1, suitable for two adults. 150 feet from supermarket. Electric heat. Phone 357-2056. rrb BACHELOR apartment, heated, partly furnished. Available April. Apply to Box 245, Wingham Ad- vance -Times. Please state name and telephone number. 29-5-12 TWO BEDROOM 'apartment. Heat and hydro paid. Phone, 357- 2997. Wanted To Rent 1...........1.01.1111•111101111•111111 A NICE, MODERN unfurnished home in or very near Wingham. Must have,a bathroom. Apply to Box 233, Wingham Advance - Ti m es . rrb FURNISHED one bedroom apart- ment near the hospital by May 1. Apply to Box 244, Wingham Ad- vance -Times. Wanted GRASS WANTED for 10 to 100 steers. Alsd soitie heifers. Gary Thacker, 887-6196. ' 29-5 PASTURE FOR up to 35 beef cows. Call, 357-3166. 22-29 WILL BUY for cash, older model tractors in running condition. Stan Horsburgh, 357-,2744. 22-29-5-12 „A FEW BEEHIVES and equip- ment. Phone, 357-3569. 15-22-29 SWINE HERDSMAN or Herds - woman for 80 sows, farrowtO finish operation. Don Barnett, Singhampton, Ontarie, 519-922- 2865. 29-5* FEmav BEAGLE, 4114t brown with a white tip on the tail and four white feet: Re4 collar with no tag. Answers NI the Aginle of . BaiiY. $10 reward: Call collect, wroseter, 3354348,2 • CARSON CLEANER'S have 20 per cent off all dry cleaning from March 21 to April 7. Leave at Heughan's, 222 Carling Terrace, Wingham. • 22-29 We, wish to notify the public that we are retiring from the baking prOfesSiOn the end of March and want to sincerely thank our many friends and cus, tomers for their patronage during the past 2$ years. Ross and Jessie Toman. The office of Dr. P. J, Leahy will he clod from April 6 to April 22 inclusive. WAITRESS or waiter, Lighteen of . over. Lee's Restaurant, 357-2732. The Nearly New Store opens Thursday, April 12 at.9:30 a.m. ONE MACHINIST and one Jour- neyman or a second or third year apprentice or a man interested in operating his own business. Stac Rite Ltd., P.O. Box 580, Watford, Onario: LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS Now you can train right here in Canada! Accommodation and expenses paid while training! . Tuition tax deductible! For ap- plication and interview, write: Safety Department, Trans Caix- ada Transport Training, Suite 316, 207 Queens Quay West, To- ronto 117, Ontario or call: 416-864- 9381. 29-5-12 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EARN MONEY IN sPArcp TIME • oz' women to it:Stetk and t inonev from N , to distribute the assets of the sa high qualify, coin-operated dis- pensers in your area. No selling. To qualify, must have car, refer- ences, $1,000.00 to $3,000.00 cash. Seven to twelve hours weeldy can net excellent income. More full time. We establish your route. For personal interview write, in- cluding phone number: B. V. DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED, Dept. "A", 1117 Tecumseh Road East, WINDSOR 20, Ontario. ' and on Friday and Saturday afternoons until further notice, in the Wingham Curling Club. Notice To Creditors NOTICEN>T 0TCHRpERDSITORS A .In the matter of. the ESTATE OF WILLIAM JOHN WILLITS, late of the Township of Turnberry in the Countx of Huron, - Farmer, Deceased.. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to The Trustee Act that all creditors and others 'having claims against the Estate of the late William John Willits are re- quired to send particulars of their claims, duly :verified, to J. T. GOODALL, Solicitor for the Executers of the said Estate, on or before the 6th day of April, A, • 1673, an4, that after such slat id Estte, having,regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 6th day of March, A.D. 1973. Walter Willits and Harvey Reidt, Executors of the Estate, by their Solicitor, J. T. GOODALL, s Box 730, Wingham, Ontario, Sdlicitor for the Estate. 15-22-29 Lost * KEY CHAIN with two keys and a black tag with the word Win- chester on it between the hospital and Main Street. Reward $2.00. If found please leave at the Ad- vance -Times. Th e Andersons ANDERSON'S FERTILIZER Fertilizer intruck load lots or less. New pressure tieoted lumber for pit silos and pole barns. Culverts for ditches, large and smalL JAMES KERR R.R. 1, Listowel Phone 2914649 . rrb April 19 R.W. BECL OPTOMETRIST GODERICH The Square • 52407661 WANTED Five to ten acres op a • country road only - E. T. Finch, 40 Pond Mills Road, London, Ontario. 15-22729-5 LOWTHER TROPICAL FISH &HOBBY SHOP 4th Concession of Morris PHONE 887-6351 Open weekdays from 7 p.m. to 14 p.m. Weekends 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. n• WATER SOFTENER REPAIRS Replacement of Tanks and Servitor to all makes of Units. Specializing in Miracle and Sovaroign Units. For Prompt, courteous,Aarvica call collect POMEROY'S WATER SOFTENER SALES AND tittviti 519. 5794754. Kittlionsr Notice To tettclitors NOTICE 'TO CREDITORS IN. THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JAMIESON PETTAPIECE, • Late of the Township of Kholoss in the County, of Bruce, Retired Farmer, deceased., TAKE NOTICE that creditors and others'havingclainis against the estate of the said Jamieson PettaPieve, deceased, are re, ciglied to file their claims with the Undersigned on or before the sixteenth day of April, 1973, an4 after the said date the execurerr will distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they will then have notice. DATED at Teeswater, Ontario this twentieth day of March, 1873. A. 11. McTAVISH, Teeswater, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executors. 29.5.12 Auction Sale ••l• AUCTION SALE Of Beef Cattle and Machinery - V1/411 Belled For The Estate of tke Late THOMAS HENDERSON Lot. 444, ' eliOnHlghwfiatie 11) mile 44 Of W1900401. MONDAY, APRIL AT 1 P.M. LIVESTOCK— 32 .beef cows. (mostly Herefords) running with ,J1 four -Year-old Hereford bull. Some have calves at foot, some cows are springing; 19 yearling Hereford calves; 40 heals; MACHINERY*, Ford tractor (new tires) and Freeman loader; 1968 Nuffield 4-65 tractor with weights; Cockshutt 2 -furrow plow 14 inch; Colso weed sprayer with 100 gal. tank; Konskilde 12 ft. cultivator; Bissell 8 -foot disc; Massey Harris four -bar rake; Auction Sale Smoker 36 ft. elevator; Hammer- • mill with belt; Viking dream CLEARING separator; International *125- bu. AUCTION SALE ."7-MOMire spreader;'Massey Fer- OF • 01•1500 15 -run seed 11611 With grass seeder; grain auger, litter car - MODERN FARM MACHINERY rier and, track; New. Holland 268 Will Be Held,Por • BILL IRWIN baler; • cOekahntt wagon with 16 ft. rack; three drum land packer, LOT 31, CON. lt 5 seetiOn.',. diamond harrows; EAST WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP horse harness; 30 ton grain; 500 2 Corners South and 4 Corners hales of hay; household items: ** West of Wingham --fridge, electric stove, bedroom *MONDAY9,NAPRIL 2 Suttees, and numerous mat ar. AT 1:30' P.M. TERMS CASH— Ford 4000 tractor with cab, 4 Estate or, auctioneer not respon. year old with less than 200, hours sible for accidents. and chains; Massey Ferguson 21* BRIAN RINTOUL, 35 tractor, 4ears old, with allied hydraulic loader arid chains;. Auctioneer. • 29-5 New Holland 9 ft. haybind, 1 year old; Massey Ferguson No. 10 baler with grain chutes; 'Masser' Ferguson roll bar take; 32 ft. George White bale elevator with 1 horse motor; 1 John Deere wagon; 1 Martin wagon, (each has bale thrower racks); Hydrien 3 -furrow plow 3-14; 12 ft. Konskilde ,cultivator; 20 -run Massey grain drill; 3 -point hitch fertilizer spreader; New Holland I30 fll. manure spreader, drive;. Allied grinder mixer; Crown stone picker; 10 ft. chain harrows; weed sprayer, equip- ped to spray atrogine; 250 gallon water tank;. bale stooker; bale loader; 14 ft. grain auger with motor; Pioneer chain saw; 14 ft. • hay bunk; hen feeders; scrap iron; Jack -all jack; forks, chainand CASH ndsTat tools. irm FARM SOLD Owner or auctioneer ..not respon- sible for accidents. Brian Rintoul, Auctioneer 357.2349 22-29. , ESTATE AUCTION SALE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS TOWN OF BRUSSELS, • Mary Street West, SATURDAY,„ MARCH 31ST. ' AT i P.M, 'For the Estate of the lateElijah Chapman the following will be • offered: " Portable Electrohome TV, 2 years old, good as new; Hoover spin dry washer, nearly new; portable radio; 2 oil stoves; 40" electric stove; • refrigerator; 1 rocker; small china cabinet; 2 metal beds; 1 set box springs and mattress; dining room table; 4 leather seat chairs; sofa bed; couch; 2 wash stands; dresser; chest of drawers; 2 tables; 'several chairs; kitchen cabinet; pressed back arm chair; up- holstered rocker chair; parlor table; end table; magazine rack; foot stool; 2 trunks; bamboo book stand; hall tree; blanket box; oil lamp; crocks; sealers; copper. boiler; sugar and flour metal containers; mirrors; floor lamp; picture frames; wicker fernery; pillows; sheets; blankets and quilts; kitchen utensils; ladders; dishes; a few antiques; pop-up toaster; iron; power lawn mow- er; garden tools; hand tools; many other articles too numer- ous to mention. Executors or auctioneer will not be responsible. for any accident on property day of sale. — TERMS CASH — EXECUTORS OF ESTATE: Stanley Fischer. Bernard Thomas AUCTIONEER: Jack Alexander, Wingham, Ont. Phone 357-1442 CARE Canada, Dept, 4, 83 Sparks St., Ottawa KIP SAO • ' Audio') AUCTION SALE Of Dairy Cattle sid E.ia, **est Will Be Held For ROBERT SCOTT LOT 34, COX 12 EAST WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP 1 Block South and xmoTkit,west ;ofWJflgkam • skritowAx, MARCH 31• AT ip• p.m. • LivEsToc*,* 2 Holstein brown swum heifers bred Hei ford, due April and May; 2 H stein cows bred' Cbarolais, due April; Helstein cow bred brown Swiss, due at sale time.; Holstein cow bred brown Swiss November 4; Holstein x brown Swiss cow bred brown Swiss; Holstein heiferbred Hereford .4anUary 23; 5 Holstein cows, fresh and Open; Holstein Swiss, due April 3; 4 Holstein x brown Swiss open' heif- ers; Holstein yearling. heifer; 6 black white face calves; Holstein x brown Swiss heifer; 3 black White face yearling heifers; black white face yearlhig steer; Breeding dates and age given day of sale, ,`*" • EQUIPMENT -0- Om oat roller with. one horse motor; 12 foot grain .auger; chop box; electric hot water.pan; Surge vacuum pump anmotor; two Surge milker units; 05 foot pipe •line; Star eight can milk, cooler; 28 rnilk cans; 16 foot feed bunk; 600 bales hay; quantity of grain; Skilsaw; scales, cattle clippers, numerous items. —TERMS CASH— Owner Or Atittioneer Not ReSPOliSibiefOr,AeCidents. Brian Itintoul, Auctioneer. 22-29 TION SALE iGORPON'iRINDIEY FARM Lot '4 con. 9 twp. of Colborne. 11/2 miles north 1/2 *1St Of Cillftpw. 7 • milisi north east of GOdaricb. . 12:30, SATURDAY MARCH 31 TRACTORS: Nuffield with loader; MM 445 with loader; MF 35 3 cyi. With loader hyd. budot; PH 300 with loader hyd. bucket; 6000 Ford; 3000 • Ford; 141 8414; m4 354 oY1.; A -c rriso gam WE ?IMP' 90; Fil.frtrAti , .11 , 804,419!.mAttom,A44;.Frd 30004rith alifirposuet: 0011.01.1110(11.19,),*row; naU.n 306 bu. (4400004,Vars-011020' sae eeleadir: 200 gal. sprayer •:C0.00 44 plate. Whiel'ellso.; PA* 36 piste 3 Os dim; pi.:aeie 01 drag 01104 Case 014 manure spreader; M.F manuro liPrdOilL.MaP1,16" ' 044" Plows; Arne 4-14“ 3 pth plow; 144•3-14*1 3 Oh plOw;•660419'Whillil 10' trail cult.; 141. 0' 'Mil cult; J -D 4 row corn plenteri'l41 4;0W:corn planter; Ford 4 row corn planter; Casa 16 run seed drill; M -F No. 3317. run Seed drill; 44 can bulk milk tank; Loader for Ford 4000; 'taller (fane) to' x 5'; 13' cult. harrow. TERMS CASH , • TO PLACE CONSIGNMENTS CALL BRINIOLUDEVIFTIS SERVICE GIGANTIC CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF NEW FURNITURE, APPLIANCES AND GIFT WARE FRIDAY MARCH 30th Time 8 p.m: at Ball Auctions, diroctly behind Queen's Hotel, Brussels riATURINQ Beautiful New matching -Refrigerator * Stove (Avocado Green or Gold), lovely • Spanish, French, COlerdal • drOom Suites, 6 Different Styles of Stereos with 'built -In a Track Tape Decks, '8 Piece Colonial Dining Room Suite, Lazy Boy Chairs', Kitchen Suited, Coffee End -Table Sets, Table lamps, Beautiful 8 Piece Spanish Dining Room suite (Made by 'Hepworth), Component Sets, New Single and Double Confine ental Beds, Corner Cupboards, Wardrobes, Chest of Drawers, Desks, Watches, Radios, Dishes, Clocks, All Small Appliances, Pole tamps, Book Shelves, Swards, Socket Sets, 01190kt Washer & Spin Dryer, Zig Zag Sewing Machines, Brassware, Silverware, Many Odds and • Ends . of Used Furniture, Odd Table and Chairs. Many more items too numerous to mention. .A.UCTIONEER,'S NOM—This shduld prove to be one Of our largest auction sales of quality furniture and giftware that must be sold to.the highest bidder, so be sure to attend. Plenity of Seats, Parking, Refresh/neat Stand Tering: Cash; Charges Financing WANTED—Good Used Furniture, Andques and Appliances Sales conducted ly Ball Auctions; Auctioneer, Ron Roll, Phone 887-9363 Manager, Ned Rutledge Frederick F. Homuth R.O. Carol E. Homuth, RO Mrs. Viola H. Homuth, RO OPTOMETRISTS Phone 338-2712 Harriston - Ontario Chiropractor R. R. BRAY, D.C. 197 Josophino St.. Phono'357.1224 Witighani 441, Business and Professional • Directory WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES • CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and Sive Bus, Ph. 357.1910 Res. Pb'. 357.1018