The Exeter Times, 1889-4-11, Page 1•--aa wow=x4,-
Goldsmith Hall!
aesa, W EL RY, -
Bar Peraenal attention given to repairing o'
Watches. °looks and jewelry;
OPpoSite the Market, PARKHILL.
R. DICKSON7 7 Barrister Soli.
• Otto] Ci$11101'0M0 Court,NotaryPublic
Conveyance/ CommissionEr, dm. bLoney to
Office in Fanson's Block, ENGIOTI
Barrister,Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc.,
Bocryilm, ON9.1.
OiliceSamwell'sSlock Ilall's old °Moo.)
Solicitor ill the Supreme Court of Ontario,
Conveyoucer,CommissioneriSso„ em. Special
attention given to the collection of claims in
the United States. Patents procured, money
to loan at lowest rates. 0 dice Opera,Rouse
Block, St, Marys, Ont.
Barristers, Soliaors, Notaries Public,
•Conveyancers &c, &c.
!Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of
0,11i:/CE: over 07.1rEAL'S Btgrac
Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extaaction.
Sant:Well's Block, Itlahmet, Exeter,
F,xtro as Teeth without Pain,
by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold
Filings and all other dental
work the best possible, Goes
to Zunion on last Thursda'y in
each month.
4,..J • Officeathisresidence Exeter
e• P.S ,Gra.duate Victoria.tiniversity.OffIce
tudiresidence,Don.lnionLaboratox v • Exe ter
RYNDMAN, coroner for the
Comity of Huron. Waco, opposite Mr.
. Carling's store, Exeter.
-ha . J. A. ROLLIN b , . 6. P. S
0. Office, 3/Cain S.,..Exeter,Ont.Residen
oe nous er ecently occupied by P. McPhillips,
Esq. - •
TTENRY EILBER, Licensed Auc-
tioneer for Hay,Stephen, and
rr ay:Townships: Sales fa on ducted at moderate
raeB. 0 ce--AtPost-office,Orediton, Ont •
JOHN GILL, Auctioneer for the
Townships of Stephen, Hay and Ilaborne
and the Village of Exeter. All sales promntly
attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales
arranged at this office.
Tennent & Tennent
Graduates of the OR tario Veterinary College.
Orr= : One door South of Town Hall,
Per cent, $25,000 Private Funds. Best
Loaning Companies represented. .
Barrister, Exeter,
Established in.1863.
This cOMTAIIT has been over Eighteen
yearRifliU00085fil.l operation in Western On-
tario,andcontinues to insure againstloss or
damage by Wire ,Buildings,Merobandise,Man-
ufactories,and all otherdescriptionsoflinsur-
ablo property . Intending insurers have the
option o fInsurin g on the Premium Note or
()ash System.
During the past ten years this Company
has issued 57,096 Policies, covering property
o the anion nt of $ 40,872,088 ; and paid inloss-
es a lone 3709,752,00
Assete, $176,100.00, consisting of Cash
n /sank, G-ovarnrnentDeposit,and the unass-
eased Promhim Noteson handamdin force. J,
W WarionNM D. PresideC TAYLOR,
SeOTOtS.Ty. 3.B. Hoonns,Inspector. CHAS,
NELL agentfor algeteraudvicinity,
Mrs. Dian,' of Creditor', begs to inform the
Public that she has inoVecl hor business, and
will now be found ono door west of Mitchell's
Store, Dress -making done in the very latest
mtylesl (Jutting and Pitting by the now tailor
systeni. ISMS. DICKEY. Crediton
Barber Shop,
A, Hastings, Prop
Ohaving and Hair cutting in thel atost stylee
of the art.
Everyattentien paid to cutting
Ladies and 0 dren' s Hair.
st&rrorms mApt TO oRrom
VOL. XVI. NO. 28.
JOHN. wricm & sows
rutelisher sandProprletors
For Every Buyer,
' Note a few of our prices :
Tea. '8o lb. up.
Four 10e plugs of tobacco 25o,
Heavy shirting, 8o per yard
Cotton, •Be per yard, up
Men's sults, 84.50, up
Ladies' coats, $1.50, up
Fur caps, 25c, up
Big Drives in all Depart-
Jewelry Store
You are inyited to come and see
Our Elegant Holiday Stock
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver-
ware, Novelties, Fancy Goode, &a,
§ifts forffild 04 sung,
Repairing Depax tna't
We make a specialty of watch andjewel-
ry repairing. Jewelry mended and re -
polished so as to looklike new. All work
Our motto:Neataprompt and reliable.
Remember the standeoppositi? MoDonell
&Waugh's Hardware Store. '
3. 0, Storlema.32.,
ChanEo of Businoss
.70111T C. TOITITC,
Having taken int.° partnership, W H KF,RR
they have decided to extend the business
by adding a full stock of :
Staple Hardware!
Remember we buy for cash and will
give our customers the benefits of the dia.
counts. A trial will convince that we sell
cheaper than the same goods can be bought
elsewhere for.
Sole agent for this locality for Lawrence's
celebrated Spectacles. All grades ; all sights.
11 58 the Best Spectacle in the Market to -day.
- A call solicited.
Orediton, March 21st, '89
The Largest
—Asifortment of—
• ANVILS,' down in Price.
Bread, Bunt, Cakes, and all kindtt of Past-
ry, still tale tlie lead.
Headquarters for Confeeti.on.
Mr. C. Callender has retruised home
from the Ontario Veterinary College,
Toronto, where he was sumeseful in obtain-
ing tadiploma and honors.—Mr' E. H.
Callender has left for Amhurstburg, where
he intends to practice under instructions
from a veterinary surgeon located there —
Mrs. T. Tuts, who hes been serionelY
for Some time past is making fair en:agrees
towards recovery,—The agitation over the
refusal of the Donsinion Government to dis-
allow the Jesuits' Estates Act shows no
abatement in the minds of the electors pp.
the, vicinity, the great majority of whe_
both Conservative and Reform seem taw
disgusted with the action of both pelitioit
parties in the question,—It is expected
that a public meeting will be (=Veiled
shortly to themes the situation and pre-
pare for action in the future.—The spring
fair of the Blapshard Agr'l Society will be
held in Kirkton on . As announc-
ed before no money prizes will be given
this yeer owing tcr the outlay the sootety is
making by the purchase of new grotinds,
etc, but we think this will not affect the
success of the fair on this occasion, as the
chief object of exhibitors at the spring
ehows is to give the publics an opportui it y
of seeing the quality and breed ot the stook
they possess.
Lon ORANGE Lomax, —At the monthly
meeting of the L. 0, La No. 591, held on
Tuesday, 2nd inst., the following resole -
tions, moved by Bro. G. L. Money, and
seconded by Bro. D, W. Dulmage, were
carried unanimously..—
.Resolved, "That we, the members of L. O. L.
No, 591, as electors of South Perth, desire to
show our disapproval of the action of Mr, Jas.
Trow, our representative in the Dominion
House of Commons, in voting against Col. 0'
Brien's resolution relative to the Jesuits'
Estates Aot. thereby showing his endorsation
of the said act."
Itesoleed, "That in the opinion of this lodge
the oourse taken by certain members of the
Orange order in opposing the resolution of
Col. 0,Brien &selves the: severest condom -
nation matte do hereby express our indig-
nation against such Orangemen as lion M.
Bowell, P. 8, M., and Sovereign, B. A. J, O.
llykort E. ; G. Taylor ; F. Madill;
H • Ward; W. Culla ; and others, and we con-
demn the stand taken by teem as being con-
trary to the principles of true Orangemen."
Resolved, "That we, the members of this
lodge, do hereby bind ourselves to refuse
supnortno such candidates in the futurelfor
the Legislature of' our Dominion, who will up-
hold tbe action of the Goyernxnent with
reference to the Jesuits' Estates Act; and' ev e
al so ;pledge ourselves' to aid and support by
our vote and influence such candidates who
will declare themselves to oppose such legis-
lation as the aforesaid act, which grants
seecial privileges to the Ramish Church, re-
cognizes Papal supremacy in Canada, and is
also an insult te our gracious sovereign lady,
Qneen Victoria,
Resolved, "That copies of the foregoing res-
olutions baforwarded. to Die press for the
-Rarra!" G. L. Mower,
Kirkton, Apr. 8th.1889. Rec.-secy.
Biddulph Council.
The deunoil met pursuant to adjourn-
• meet in the Temperance Hall, Grantrin,
omMonday, the Reeve and all the znem-
hers present. Mioutes of the previoue
ieeting were read, approved and signed
• by ' the reeve. The following appropria-
tions were made tor the cnrrent year:—
Div. N. 1.—For div. 0150 ; gravel road,
• 8125 ; new road, $75; townlines, 8100;
total, 6450. Div. No, 2.—For div, $150 ;
front road, $50; C. S. R., $50; N, town -
line, 850; church sideroad, $50, ; total,
8350, Div. No. .—For div. $150 ; 0. S.
R„ $100; N. B., 850 ; total, $300, Div.
No. a. —For div. $175 ; C. S. R., 8100;
townlines, $25 ; total, 8800. Div, No. 5.
—For. div. $165 ; C. S. R., $150 ; 81,
, Mary's gravel road, $100 ; townlinee, 875 ;
total, $690. Village of Grauton"835 00 ;
village of Clandebboye, $30. Total appro-
priation for 1889, 81955. The following
accounts were ordered to be paid: Wm.
Keys, rep. washoet div. 2, 8100 ; John
Cooper, plank and rep. culvert div, 2, 75o;
Anthony Conway, oharity, 85.00; Jerry
Lewis rep. pitch holes div 3, $100, Carried.
• The application of Jits.Toohey to have hie
property taken from P. S. 8 No 3, and
attached to P. S. S. No. 4, was considered,
and as there was no one to oppose the ap-
plication it was granted and the necessary
Bealaw paesed. A By•lave authorizing the
reeve and treasurer to borrow what money
may be required for current expenditure
not exceeding in the whole $3000 was duly
passed. Moved by Fred Davis, sec. by A.
Bentsen that the Court of Revision be
opened in the Court roren ,Clandeboye, on
Monday, May 27th next at 10, a m.—Car-
Te council adjourned to meet in the
Court room, Clandeboye on Saturday,
May the 41h, at 10, a m.—W. D. STARLET,
WM. Roannrs, M. D., Physician to the
Manchesthr, Eng., Infirmary and Lunatic
Hospital, Professor of Medicine in Owen's
College, says: "Gradual failure of strength,
increased pallor or sallowness and disincli-
nation for excercise is one of the prondnent
symptoms of kidney_dieease." Warner's
Ssfe Cure is the only remedy that is guar.
anteed to cure kidney disease.
Wet. T. BELEIELE, M. D.-, of Chicago, who
was chose -tato deliver the Cartwright lecture
ceursein 1883 (the highest honor whioh the
medieal profession can bestam upon any
Member), in writingglidney disease, says:
"At a later stage Brame swelling of the feet,
even pronounced dropsy, occurs and per-
sists until compensatory hypertrophy of
the heart is eatablished." This unques-
tionable authority—maintains that the
heart -disease is very plain reasoning that,
if the kidney disease has been cured by the
nse of Warner's Safe Cure at any time
before the change in the heart took place,
it would have beea prevented entirely.
Tian late Dr. Austin Flint, professor in
Relleuve Hospital efedioal College, Fellow
of the New York 'Academy of Medicine,
nsember of the state medical societies of
New York, Virginia, Rhode Island. Massa-
chusetts, eto., says in speaking of advanced
kidney disease (or Bright's): "Fatal ter-
mination is many times due to pericarditis
(heart disease), apoplexy, difficul t breathing,
dropsy." The toregoine are but symptoms
of diseases. That being the case there is
nothing absurd in the claim made by the
proprietors of Warner's Safe Cure that
thee prevent apoplexy and cure heart dis-
ease, etc., with Warner's Safe Cure. Why?
Because it removes the cause of disease,
and. when the eause is removed the symp-
tom called a disease is cured.
• *. •
BRIEES•--The roads in this vicinity are
dry and in good condition. Most of the
farmers have started theit spring plough-
ing. —Mr. J Corbett started his saw mill
last week. He bas quite a number of
logs to cut for the fel mers.—Mr. Chas.
Watson is drawing Ins timber for the barn
which he intends to build this spring. —
Mr. Archie McIntiish of this place has a
gang of men taking out the timber for Mr.
Cobbles barn. Archie- is the contractor of
both barns.—Mr. Jno. MaIntoeh returned
home from Michigan lumber woods last
Sunday looking very well and as if the
shanty pork and beans had agreed with
him.—The revival meetings here stopped
laet Tuesday night. Quite a number pro-
fessed to have had a change of heart. —
The other evening quite a number of boys
and girls went to the residence of Mr. Bloom-
field to a logging and quilting bee, and at
night they hoed it down till morning.
Be the appearance of the boys in the
morning they must have had a good time.
—Mr. Andrew Aldus late of the S. A.
Drummer in Parkhill, left here on Tuesday
for Parkbill from whence he will shortly
start for Washington Territory. Andy
has the good wishes of all that knew him.
—Miss Jennie Houston, of Parkbill, is
visiting friends, here.—Mr. Jim MoPher-
eon, carriage biulder of this place, shipped
two buggies to the Not th West.—Mr. and
Mrs. Mutton, the S. A captain and wife
who have been leading the revival meet-
ings around her are expected to leave
leave next week. Some are sorry to see
them go.—Mr. W. Simpson, of Seaforth,
called here en route to Parkhill where he
takes a poesession of the Central Hotel,
which place he has recently bought,
tontats, ISI. D., Physician to the
Manchester, Eng., Infirmary and Lunatic
Hospital, Professor of Medicine in Owen's
College, in speaking of kidney disease says;
"One-third die of uremia (uric acid) poieort.
ing. A toiasiderable numrer of dropsy.
One-fifth from secondary pneumonia, pod -
carditis (inflammation of the heart sm), or
plsuriey, eXhaustin,„indigestion, or the cani.
plioatinno of apoplexy, hardening of the
liver, bowel ulcers, Set." The Thregoing
are only a few of the common synsptoma
of advanced kidney disease and this ma
platng why Warner's Safe 'Cure cures eo
many different eyeeptoms, caned aisea8es,
and why it has euch a popularity. Ask
your friends and neiglibore about it.
Darien/tante ane DEAtii Ream,
TIM inottaliEy among Consuraptivog hag
been materially decreased ef late pats b
the use of Seott!f
Banshard Council."
The Municipal Council met on April lst.
all the members present, The Reeve in
Inc chair. Minutes of the previous meet-
ing were read approved and signed by tile
Reeve. Moved by Mr. Johnston seconded
by Mr. Hutchings, that Mr. Hill Bates be
appointed Impounding Officer for the year
1889.—Carried. The follovviug gentlemen
were appointed Path Masters, Fence Vie w-
ere and Pound keepers in their respective
divisions for the current year, and the
clerk oi dered to draft a by•law confirming
the same. Path Masters.—Walter Gowan,
Alex Kirby Robertson, John McCallum,
Wm. Switzer, Neil Malloy, John Kerslake,
Capt. Paisley, John Urquhart', Thomas
Hollingshead, Joseph Stone, Geo. E.
Spearin, Aaron Sawyer, Robert St. John,
David Brethour, David Creighton, James
Jameson, Wm. Howard, Robert Hicks,
Simon Thompson, Wm, Thompson,
Thomas Mount), Josiah Lane, George
Foster, Wm. Hooper, Thomas Dinsmore,
A. H. Slack, Albert Gunning, Jas. T.
Balkwell, Thomas Dufield, Alexander
Currie, Edward Evans, Amos Dome,
Robert Henderson, Fred Hanley, Robert
Rae, Thomas Evans, Mathew Forsyth,
Wm. Peacock, Wm. Woods, Wm. Pearn,
John Leslie, Robert Dawson, G. W. Daw-
son, Wm. Marriott, Geo . Hudson, John
Dawson, A. J. Fairborne, Francis Winters,
John Castle. Michael Ballantyne, Geo.
tobinson, Charles Merton, Wm. Robinson,
David Rolsten, Benfamen Wilson, William
Evans, Wm. Atkinson' John Skelly, Geo.
TJ1liott. sr., John Nagle, Daniel Oliver,
Wm. Henderson, Wm. Sutherland, Wm.
Cade, John Easterbroek. Fence Viewers,
John Stephens, John Webster, David
Breathour, John Mitchell, Samuel Dins:
more, Wm. Gunning, John McCullough,
Frank Somers, James Pickard and
Michael Ballantyne. Pound Keepers—
Div ision No. 1 John Kerslake and Clayton
Bearss, 2 David Paynter, 3 Eggleson Mc
Donald, 4 Gee. Hayea Thomas Woods, and
Johnstone Stetvdrt, 5 Joshua Freeman,
James Pickard and Michael Ballantyne,
The Reeve granted the following orders,
vizi—Thomas Peaison $5.00 part salary as
caretaker, Ruth Ilitchie 67.00 charity.
Council then adjourned to meet on the
first Monday in May, at the hour of 10 o'
°leek in the forenoon.
Smiles -mem, P. 0., Manitoba, April 171h,
888.—As I have been mired of 13right 's
Disease I know a great many more who
could be cured by Warner's Safe Cure, if
the Medicine was brougbt before their
notice. • Joint L Wtasoze.
11AbutToIst, (105 Elgin Stra, amt. July
0th , 1888.-1 have been troe bled with Kid-
ney disease in ite wo'fairfMr-Seastrom th tee
to four years. For six months I could not
attend to rny business at all. As a last re-
sort I tried Warner's Safe Cure and toted
almolit indent relict, I coneider Warner's
Safe Cure the best medicine known for all
diseases of the Ititineys.—A. 3, Dumont,
PORT Horn, Jeneat91st,t1888.--Between
Iwo and three years ago f wese safferibg a
great deal of distress across the loins and
Kidimye, 1 was recommended Warner's
Safe Cure, and before takiag twe bottles I
pearied a Who froni the bladder, very Luna,
ai/cl beve suffered nothing of any aceount
since.—t. rutt.rt.
• Luoan..
BatuFs.—Williane John Bawden,, left
Luoan on Monday for Detroit...10'1011es,
day night last ono Of the most Arrafio
snow storms of the sewn set 14, ead
Iwo feet of now fell, during the night, and
presenting as wintery an appearance Its
though we were lingering on the skirte of
Febreary.—Mr. Jame e illaCoruhs has
rented Mr Wm,. Bollin's store and. ernbimaed
in the hardware business,—On Monday
evening last, when the glimmerawas turned
up to its full height in the dress -goods
window of the Stanley eetabliehnsent, ene
of the most gorgecus spectacular ocenee
ever witnessed in Luceat, paesented itself ;
attracting the attention and admiration ef
one of the largest conoourees of people
ever before assembled beneath tlie shade of
even -fall to fill themselves with encomiums
and give vent to enthusiastic expressions of
delight. One could picture on the
face of each a depth of amezement un-
fathomable by the deep line lead. Tlift
spacious window was adorned with all the
latest and most novel goods artistically
arranged, puffs of mahogany, raazarine,
Nile serpent and aypris green, which were
superbly relieved by rich trimminga of
Moriel silk of corresponding anast-
ing shades, the blending of whio k
cliAtli. Ikea
great cridit on the "artist." This' t atilt
ground was filled in with "Paramettashloth
in oiseas eacre," Empire, Santrelle, - Saill
blue and Suede, intermingled withir pe
like windings of gold and silver br , as.
The window was interspersed with 3itjd a
Brae and fancy filligree and was withant
doubt worthy of more than a passing
notice ; in fact you could not pass by, the
scene was so fascinating that its magnetic
powers held you fast; and all the credit is
due to a new importation—a Mr. Mao-
nar.nara.—Mr. James E. MoRoberte lis
returned from Indiana, having sold a
couple of carloads of horses which he teak
with him from this place. He purposes
purchasing more for the same market. Mr
Roberts is an enterprisingman and deterves
credit for his push.—W. H. Reid has pur.
chased the Stook and good of Mr. R. S.
Hodgins --Wm. Dann, Veterinary sur-
geon, has located in Granton.. We wieh
you success Billy. ---Neil McMillan left
Lucan for Moose Jaw last Thursday,—Mr.
.Tonathan Hodgins has returned from
Winnipeg aud his genial countenance
daily illuminates our streets—Al. Mo
Donald of Exeter was around town on
Saturday.—The RevallIr. Downey, ileum -
bent of Holy Trinity church, is at present
confined to his bed.. --Mr. William Stanley
ba si received the appointment of Returning
•Officer for the county of Middleeeic for
the rep& of the infamous Scott kits and
is hard at work melting peepa;rationsforlds
arduous duties.—Mr. James Wilson has
sold out his bakery to Messrs. Hawkin
Bros., Mr. Wilson's health' having failed.
—Farmers and horse dealers are requested
te attend Bobby McLeod's auction sale on
Thursday, the 11 th inst., on his farm,
4th eon. of McGillivray.
We ask our reader's careful attention to
the following testimonials, as bearing on
the offer, and their unbiased opinion of the
same with reference to the $5,000.
ts.sast 0Yean $5,000.00.-1 •
Every Testimonial published by US is Bouts
Fide, and, so far as we know' is absolutoly
true. To any oue 141.4111 prove the con-
trary to an impartiat referee we will give
65,000. 11. H. Warner & Co,
Rochester, N. Y Jaituarti 2,1888,
There is no getting away from such
testimony as the above. The offer is genu-
ine. In fact Messrs. Et • H Warner & Co.
haye always requested that doubters should
write direct to persons giving testimonials,
(enclosing stamp.) antarriso are of =essay,
in the great majority of casea, totally unac-
quainted with the firm.
KINGSTON, Jury 28th, 1888.—Two years
ago my wife was confined to the bed for 8
months the most of the time. She suffered
great pain across the kidneys with a burning
sensation in the abdomen. Her case was
pronouncd by bet atteinflat physician to be
one of the worst oases of diseased kidneys
and prolapsus uteri. I advised her to try
Warner's Safe Cure; and before the bad
taken two bottles svas much better. She
continued its use until shehas taken over a
dozen, and is now well and strong, and
able to attend to all the cares of our home.
TILOS. REI,OREI (Le InTrar eater )
Poor. Wm. 11. Thompson, M. D., Uni-
versity of New York. New York city, says;
"More adults are carried off in this country
by chronic kidney disease than by any
other one malady except consumption."
This Mows that Dr. Thompson considers
kidney disease a frightfaelerealacly. He also
saya "Bright's disease has no symptom of
iM own, buls has the symptom of every other
disease." The reason why Warner's Safe
Cure cures so many different diseases is
that by curing symptoms, which are called
diseases, it strikes at the roots of disease
The Brompton Herapital for consump•
Alves. London, England, published a state-
ment that 52 per cent. of the patients in
that, institution had unexpected hidney
disease. Every drop of blood in the e.
tom passes thousands of times through the
lungs in each 24 born% The same blood
passes through thei/slidneye far purification.
If tbe kidneye are no nTairlt ealthy condition
or able to expel the poisonous or waste mats
ter the Etcid return to the delicate tissues of
the lungs and produce irritation, which re-
sults in the sympteme of what is known as
consumpion. This explains why 52 per
cent. of the consumptive patients have un-.
rxdasterl kidney disorder, ',Vermeil Safe
Cure puts the kidneys in a healthy condi-
tion taking Cho acids from the blood which
vitiete the lodge and came consumption.
A fierce Iiou, tho terror of the Sahroa
Desert, was /smutty captured by the fol-
lowing simple method; The and of the
desert were passed through a sieve. The
Lion'of course remained in tbe sieve. His
Majesty had in his vest pooket a eon of Im-
perial Cream Tartar ]baking Powder, which
he was taking horn° ty hi a Queen,
Children Cry for Pitoher's CAstork
e Molsons.Bank
Paldcap�apUal $2,000,0
BoairPtind „„.
Head Office, IttOtstretti,
WOLFErtSTAli T11011,X48rk.lest-,
. 29 branch offices in the Domintop. Agenciee
tho Dominlonp and Europe.
Exeter Braman,
Open every lawful day. f rota 10 a. m, to 8 p. us
SATURD AY'S, 10 ea ra• tse"/- p • va
3 Per Cent. per annum allow miter MeneY on
Deposit teeem to ma Saviligs13ank,
(*rand. Bend.
Buterta—The three evangelista, Mr.
Chapman and wife and Miss Howard, are
holding revival meetings in !he Methodist
elinroh.—Mr. Robert Willard, who has been
attending the military school in London,.
has returned home, looking fairly well.
James McLeod, of St. Agnes, rah; home
visiting friends here,—Miss Maggie Ham-
ilton left for her home in St Marys on
Tuesday Morniug.
• Hensel'.
&RING Snow.—The • Elensall Spring
Show was held hem yesterday and. ',roved
very suceessful, both in the matter of at:
tendance and the number of animals
shown. The day was fair and the grounds
in good order. The following is the prize
lists—Aged heavy draught, is Berry &
Miller, "Macalpine" ; ard, "Columbia"
McKellar & Hawkins. Heavy draught,
3-year-old—lst, "Gallant Prince," 0 E.
Mason ; 2nd, "Lord Ersliiver," George
Taylor ; 3rd, "Scottish Hero," Hewitt &
kleKay, Heavy draught. 2 year-old—lst
"Sir Clifford" Donald. Burns; 2nd 'Beecher,
T Woodley. Carriage, aged—"Tontine'
John Beacom, ; and, "Fearna.ught Chief,"
James Berry ; 3rd, 'Black Hawk Morgan"
McDonald & Waugh. Carriage, 2 year old
—1st ' a`Raven." W. B McLean. Road-
ster, aged -1st, "Joe Gales," Thomaa
afurclook ; 2nd, "Fulton" I Bossetberiy;
3rd, "Vole" W G • Bissett. Canadian
draught, aged,—Ist, "attendee Glory" C.
111, & I Brown. Shed horned bull, aged. -
1st, "Clear the way" Thomas Russell 2nd
"Landlord," James. Strang; 3rd, "king
George," James Traquair. Short turned
Ball, 2 year old.—lst "Grey -Mariner"
T Russell. Short Horn Bull 1 year old.—
let, "Grand Trunk" H & W D Smith ; 2nd
"Red Star," Wm Reith ; 3rd "Robbie
Burns," Andrew Dougall.
BRIEFS —Mr. S. Wood intends leaving
on a trim to Washington Territory on or
about May let.—Mr. Harry Dyer hap en-
gaged to learn tailoring with Mr. J. H.
Holzmau.—air. Wm fBanes has taken an'
agency to sell wataheFa for a Toronto firtu
and is showing some nice samples at a low
figure.—On Tuesday last a number of
!porta, accompanied by some others who
were anxious to see the fun,prooeededtto the
woods in the neighborhood. with a bagged
coon, one hound and abeut 10 guns. The
coon was liberated and at aloe ascended a
tree but he conld not be induced. to descend
until one of the party climbed the tree
After a great deal of shaking &c., the coon
was brought to "terra firma" and for a
while the boys had big sport, but alas for
one of the most daring who ventured to
pick him up as the coon became very af-
fectionate and stuck right to him, and the
consequence is that the tailors will have
mother pair of pahts to make. Boys in
futnre dont oatch coons by tbe MR. --
Several bear stories have been on the tapais,
some of them authentic and others were
nearly a hoax, it was however stated. on
good authlirity that a bear was in the
swamp west of here and that he visited the
barn -yards of Messrs. S. Allah hat and C.
Dinney on Monday and. Tuesday nights of
last week. Iu regards to the other stories
we are sorry to say that one of our oldest
hunters was greatly taken in and does not
want to hear anything about bear since.—
One day last wee z snit° engaged in the
engine room of his flax mill Mr. Fred
Wuerth had a very narrow escape. He was
working near the smoke box of the boiler
when the cover dropped and struck him,
throwing him violently against the edge of
the boiler but only slightly iojuring him.
Had he been a &tie the edge it
would certainly have bruised his head to a
jelly.—On Sunday evening next Rev. Mr.
Staebler will preacb the anunal germon to
the Crediton Court 1.0. F in the German
Church, His discussions will be in the
English languag&—On Sunday evening last
our streets were again the scenes of rowdy-
ism and were not fit for a lady to traverse.
Singing, yelling, swearing &c. were heard
its all quarters until late at night. Messrs.
I. Eilber & Son haying had a large pane of
glass in their front broken, and. we hear of
other things. Why do not our Pollee
Village Trustees frarae their By-laws and
take a decisive step at once. Surely, the
business could have been put in shape ere
this. We do not take any pride in con-
tinually showing up the misdeeds of the
boys we cannot help referring to such con-
duct and think that if we cannot get any-
one in this village to establish order we had
better secure someone from some other
places for a short time or occasionally as
the people are heartily disgusted with the
farce.—Mr. Smith is building an addition
to his house.'—Mr. A. L Beitrand has erec-
ted a workshop at the back uf his furniture
ware rooms so as to have a large show
room.—Mr. Wm. Weutzel has constructed
a fine boring machine, which will be a
great convenience to him in his work; it
is simple yet does the wqrk very neatly,
easy and rapidly, and we think he should
apply for a patent. Itis certainly an in-
genious piece of workmanship and cora•
meads itself to the trade.—Onr Spring
Show is to be held to -day and by all indi-
cations it will bo wall attendecl.--The roads
are again drying nicely and we look for ,an
early spring. The farmers are lookieg
for a few nice warm showers to start the
crop and grass.—Mr. A. Brown has put a
Paylor ssfe in his store.
NOTICIE.—I hereby turbid any person giv.,
ing credit on any recount, without a written
order Irons me is produced, as I will not be
responsible for debt otherwise contraoted.
Deem', eloCeaery,
Stephen, April 9th, '89.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Cesteria,
When she wits a Child, she cried for Castoria,
What elm became Mine, she chusts to Castoria,
When oho had Children, she gave them Castoria,