HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-03-22, Page 22b 22, 073
SO many of you let me of the bulb above the soil bine.
disappointed you are
Mir * shoppino expedition so
$ air this peeve. Un-
g!iitely, sales service isn't
"that it used to be and, quite
trihkly, we really can't afford to
shop with the same personal
attention. However, it does help
aeareh out stores that give
satisfaction, and so give a "vote"
of confidence that only con.
mere can give. Always express
by phone or letter approval or
'disapproval o, store policies that
please or irritate you. In addition,
here art some tips I've acquired
over the shoppingyears:
Salespeople; te cleanly what
you want. Wait your turn and
know what you want SO you can
decide on your purchase in a
reasonable, time, particularly if
you must shop during rush hours.
Express your appreciation to re-
liable and helpful salespeople and
when possible return to them and
recognize them..
Stores: Make payments and re-.
turns w or exchanges promptly.
Avoid making unfair exchanges
• or abusing customer services
whichonly up the costs,
Merchandise: Handle with
,Care, avoid soiling, stretching or
rumpling items, . Askfor the
salesperson to open a package,for
you or show you a sample item.
Retur n items to 'their paroper .
place if you don't wish 'to buy.
This is particularly important
with frozen foods but it applies to
all .types of food and goods; those
left around must ,be returned by to
the ' salespeople,:so only raising re
.costs again. Always inform the
staff of accidental breakage. th
general,. watt your tur
Mb hours, keep aisles an
doorways clear. Control children
deep the bulbs In a cool dark
place, because amaryllis need at
least two . months dormancy
before the bulbs are forced into
Food Notes
—Cakes and pastries with a
seven -minute or boiled frosting
Should not be. frozen, because
they tend to break down and
beconne sticky. Fruitcake keeps
well in the freezer for about one
--Store maple sugar at room
temperature in a cool dry place,
but store the syrup in tightly -
capped containers in the re-
- Are organically grown foods
better? Agricultural specialists
say there is no proof for the claim
that plants grown only with
organic fertilizer have a greater
nutrient content than those grown
by conventional methods. Type of
fertilizer is not a determining
factor; the nutrient content of a
plant is based on its genetic
nature. The genes in a carrot
cause it to develop a relatively
large amount of vitamin A, just
as genes in an orange are respon-
sible for the• vitamin C.
—How is the nutritive value of
fresh vegetables and fruits main-
tained and observed from ,har-
vest to market and then until they
are consumed? It requires great
care. Freshness depends on the
manner and time of harvesting,
control of temperature, humidi-
ty, packaging, speed of transpor-
tion, the handling at wholesale,
etall levels and in the home. But
maintaining freshness, including
e desirable flavor and appear-
m'n, ance, has nothing to do, wit h the
d manner in whicir`t t"r get ables
and fruits are fertilized
,and pets - and carry ,packa:
umbrellas etc.,, in. a position th
does not inconvenience other
Let's try and make shopp
mere .pleasant "for everyone:KeepmgHousePlants
taryll k are those wonderful
inter' bulbs that. seen) to shoot
overnight and::the gorgeous
rumpet-shaped flowers coxae
fore the; leaves, But once the
w. as over,':what's ',to' be,.done?;
" :you have ,a choice., Either
Fant can „:be ,grown; con-
�Y or it -can have a: rest v
`rind, In the continuous growing
ethod, the plants. are "'kept
bowing alt year. Free the plant
very two Weeks`'withafertilizer t
plants' grown.this =way. will, h
er', at any time of the year.
iib a 'rest period, plants c
oom'moreevenly. After the last
eat of frost, set the .plant out-.
�ro ina' shady location for' the
Lmer Fertilize regularly and
Ater , often to keep foliage
owing.Bring the plant•indoo r
just before frost in the fall` and
in soil that contains' some
imold,'keeping. the upper�.third
ges, Stain Removal•
at T am always amazed at the
s. number of stain removal ques-
mg tions I answer in a year. One of
the most pesky is that caused .by t
hair dressing. solutions. Cold e
Nomadic Gypsy Moth.
Nomadic Gypsy Moth
Using the underside of a mobile
home may not be the best mode of
travel for most of us. But to the
gypsy moth, it's ideal.
In fact, the gypsy moth, true to
its name, has taken full ad-
vantage of the modern North
American nomad who hits the
vacation road every year with
camping gear or trailer.
It's a movement that gives the
entomologist nightmares.
"Travellers could help. us con-
tain the moth by checking their
camping gear or any lumber
products, such as firewood,
which has been brought home,"
G. S. Brown of Agriculture
Canada's Plant Protection Divi
"The female moth lays her
eggs in late July or August, and
he egg stage lasts until May. The
ggs asp
wave permanents, hair colorin
and , the like cause permanen
damage to . garments. The firs
precaution before having an a
home hair -do is to wear of
clothing.. Contact with wavin
solution . or neutralizing agent_
can't be' repaired. If some ha
spilled, sponge. it off .:immediate
th cold water. Take the gar
ment to the cleaner as soon as
possible and he must be , told
where and what to prevent fur -
her damage. Those strange
oles that appear in garments
recently drycleaned are usually
aused by hair dressing liquids
that have eaten away at the fibre.
im ilarly, when working on a car
be careful when handling the
battery. ,
Editor's Note: Consumer prob-
lem? Why not ask Sally Leslie for
the solution? Just write to Sally
Leslie, c -o Advance -Times, Wing-.
ham, Ont.
Buy your Lawn -Boy early and realize big savings.
Just $10. will hold your new Lawn -Boy until you need
it. Choose from •ls Lawn -Boy models, with many ex-
clusive features.
priced from s99.00
Your authorized Lawn -Boy Dealer in Wingham and area
for parts and service.
355 JIB.pMjgg St., Wiugkes, 557-1416
pear in a velvety
chamois -like, buff -colored mass
about three-quarters of an inch
wide and one-and-a=half inches
long. Several masses may appear
together in any protected spot,"
he says.
Although . trees and stacked
logs are favorite egg .laying
areas, masses can,.also be found
on the underside of a camper or
trailer; in wheel wells;: under
steps; in extensions, joints and d
trailer hitches; and even inside t
propane gas caps or gas bottle
rims. t
"The masse should be scraped
off .and burned, or painted over h
with a 50-50 mixture of creosote o
and oil or kerosene, From late
summer to spring is a good time m
to do this."
"The , pest can alio
destroyed by : crushing it in
caterpillar stage. Sticky tape
burlap on a tree trunk will gath
the caterpillars in as they era
up towards the leaves," says
Brown. '
The moth appears in its de-
structive larva stage in late May
and June. It pupates in July to
emerge as a moth—light buff to
brown with black crosslines—a
few weeks later.
"The unusual thing is that the
and now has spread to regions
north of Montreal, east to the
Eastern Townships and west into
the southern portion of Ontario's
.Glengarry County. Another in-
festation was found near Kings-
ton, Ont,, in 1969.
"We've been setting sex traps
to attract the gypsy moth males
across Canada., With these, ,We
try to determine where new in
festations are building. The traps
are set in camping grounds. and
other areas. This year we turned
up a moth in Ignace, Ont., 800
miles from the nearest es-
tablished infestation."
Moths have been reported in
similar surveys in California—
far from their point of origin in
eastern North America.
The moth -has also taken on new
hatching habits, according to Mr.
"Before, there was a
week of hatching. The effects of
DDT or gathering eggs masses
by hand made a containment
policy- possible. Now, hatching
Lasts for a month—long after the
effects of a pesticide. like the
seviri-4-oil now used have" wan
The pest does most' of • its
damage to forest and ornamental
trees. It eats leaves of hardwood,
eciduous trees and; in hard
imes, the needles of conifers like
the spruce. Without their leaves,
he trees die.
"The traveller who does not
elp us curb this pest may be the
ne to pay • most if campsite
forests are denuded by the gypsy
oth," says Mr. Brown
fern le cant fly. The male does
all the travelling; but, of course,
he doesn't lay the eggs. Most of
theinsect's natural spread comes
'with the warm spring winds
which carry the small larva up to
25 miles."
But the natural spread is not
the greatest concern. The moth's
Q- new habit of hitch -hiking with
travellers to 'unpredictable spots
is more worrisome.
The gypsy moth was imported
from Europe during the last cen-
tury to mate with the oriental silk
moth on the hope a commercial
moth, feeding. on North American
plants, could be prc duced. But
larvae escaped from the experi-
mental area.
Until the modern nomadic
movement, the moth was con-
fined to an area east of a 20 -mile -
wide barrier, from the Canadian
border south to New York City,
immediately west of Lake Cham-
plain and the Hudson River.
It first became established in
Canada about eight years ago,
U.S. and Canadian
clubs to exchange
Plans have been finalized by
Huron County 41 Clubs for an
exchange with Gladwin County,
Mich., which lies opposite Huron
on the west side of the lake. The
ekchange is set for the last week
in July and the first week in
It is hoped that 25 junior and
senior 4-H agricultural and
homemaking club members from
each of the counties will partici-
prescribe) 'for medieation: or
treatment of Mumma are as tato
gerous as non-medical dry
when they are overused and
Canadians loin .growing Kinn-
bees of people all over the world'
� n their increasing d dente oil
drugs to help them overcorine all
the little problems they encoun-
in what to most of thorn, is
the daily drudge of living.
The businessman is depresd
because sales are bad. :e takes a
The truck driver can't, keep his
eyes open, so he takespill.
The student has '12biours of
cramming to do before he can
write the final exam, :ten' hours
from now. He takes a pill.
The mother screams at her
children for asking questions. She
immediately feels ashamed and
takes a pill.
Why doesn't the businessman
make a sale to boost his morale?
Why doesn't the truck driver
pull over to the side of the road
and sleep for a while?
Why didn't the student learn his
lessons when they were being
Why doesn't the mother com-
municate with her children?
Because they've all been condi-
tioned to let drugs take the strain
out of living: It's faster and easier
to take a pill and there's more
where this bottle came from. And
why should they take responsi-
bility for their lives when the pill
can put off their problems for the
moment? "
In 1966 the Addiction Research
Foundation conducted a survey
in Toronto. They found . that'
approximately 1470,0004 pre-
scriptions. . for mood -modifying
Record set for
soybean fuUres
TORONTO (TIPS) 2-- The ef-
felt of world monetary news on
soybean futures, which has been
substantial recently, finally gave
way to the more basic laws of
supply and demand in Chicago, it
was reported here lastweek. Soy-
bean futures soared ahead to a
record high of $6.83 a bushel, and
futures on live cattle and hogs
also 'jumped ahead.
Future for April live Battle
3" futures w cents a pound and
ag , er�t h d by'd1mosf
one cent a pound, hitting a season
record. `
Wholesale price increases were
responsible for most of the gains,
with , . wholesale beef raised by
half a cent a ° pound. Wholesale
bacon remained at 53 cents a
pouted but pork bellie. futures for
March were up half a Cent to 55.25
cents a corn
• p •
by Daniel J. Albert & Norman Spector
drugs were filled in Metropolitan
Toronto in that one' year. This
gave .a crude rate of one prescrip-
tion per capita aged15 years and
older.' It can be assumed PO the
premise that overall drug sales
have been increasing yearly, that,
these atatistios, have risen con-
siderably since that time as well.
Medical drug abuse is not, bow -
ever, limited to those who know
little about the drugs they take.
Dr. Robert Halliday, a British
Columbia psychiatrilit, ,says that
the number of Canadian doctors
whose skills are lost because of
dependency on drugs equals the
annual output of two small:• medi-
cal schools,
the wit :1
turn off rust
mewhore in
chemical world of wheat rust,
there's a switch that will shut
down rust production, and two
Agriculture. Canada scientists
are looking for the switch, They
are Drs. Roland :.Rohrznger .and
W. K. Kim of the Winnipeg .lie-
• search Station,
Scientists bell;ve that rust -re-
sistant wheats workause,they
push the " chemical switch that
turns off rust production.
If they can find that chemical
switch, it would be 11 major
breakthroughwhich, could
change the entire wheat,produc-
tion systeni in Canada..
$quirnol- motets
boo( ahh•rfirr..
Britiicurrently facing high
beef prices have bOoo rd .
alternative dish to buy..
Farmer John Walker, sug
gested at a landowners*
tion meeting that Conounlogiv
mfght try a plate btaros
tie**, in other cormnon.
grey squirrel,
• "The taste is similar to hare
but without the earthytexture,"
he said. He recommends serving
squirrel in. casserole Or, pier
Rubber gloves . worn . during
heavy housework or while -loin
dishes is the surest way to pre-
vent nails frail breaking and skin
from chapping.
Electrohome Cutla$s.color TV will
provide many years of viewing enjoyment.
It features a 20" super rectangular
picture tube, C1 1 Electromatic chassis
for fully automatic control of fine
tuning, tint and color saturation. IN
automatic to your preference.
Earphone jack and dipole antenna.
Looks good, too. Finished in durable walnut vinyl,
A great value at only,
Electrohome Stereo 90om onent system is
ideal for apartment dwell dwellers. Complete package
includes 90 -watt AM/FM/,FM stereo tuner,
BSR changer, matched air suspension speaker
system, mobile stand; stereo headphones, input
and output jacks for tape, dust cover plus a free
LP stereo record. Finished in durable walnut
vinyl. Check these features.
A terrific value at only
Electrohome Calypso stereo console
will make a handsome addition to your
home. It features a 90 watt stereo
chassis with AM/FM/FM stereo
tuner, Dual 1211 changer, and a full
range six speaker system for beautiful
sound' reproduction. Finished in
natural walnut cabinet by Deilcraft.
An outstanding value at just
Question. , What is humidity?
Answer. Humidity is water
vapor within a given space.
Nature is constantly involved in a
cycle of evaporating water from
rivers, lakes aid oceans by the
action of the sun and the wind.
This water, with temperature
and pressure changes in the
atmosphere, condenses and is re-
leased to the earth's surface
through precipitation such as
rain or snow. This eternal pro-
cess of evaporation, condensation
and precipitation is called the
water cycle. During hot, muggy,
summer days we find the amount
of water vapor high; during
brisk, cold, winter days we find
the water vapor low. The amount
of water vapor in the air is what
we refer to as low or high
Question. What is relative hu-
Answer. The relative humidity
is the degree of saturation of
moisture in the atmosphere at a,
particular temperature and is
universally expressed as a per-
centage. It is the percentage of
moisture that air can retain in re-
lationship to the amount that the
air can hold until fully saturated.
For example: Air at 70 degrees
Fahrenheit can hold up to 8.05
grains of moisture per pound. w
When this pound of air at 70 de- pa
grees contains 4.03 grains, we up
know that this air is only half
saturated and we refer to the lea
relative humidity as being 50 per mo
cent, that is, this one pound of air coo
could hold twice as much tha
moisture. bod
Question. Why is air in the in the
home bone dry? 700
Answer. During cold weather, or
most of the moisture in the air dry
freezes and becomes sxiow or
frost. Then • the remaining dry,
cold air infiltrates indoors
through ' walls, window sills,
openings and doors. This air is
heated and expands greatly. If no
water is added to this mass of ex-
panded air, its relative humidity
drops and it becomes dry.
For example: Air at 70 degrees
Fahrenheit will be almost 16
times dryer than air at 0 degrees.
It will require .66 pints of water to
saturate 10,000 cubic feet of air at
0 degrees. It will require 10.95
pints of water to saturate 10,000
cubic .feet of air at 70 degrees.
Question. What are the effects
of too dry air?
Answer. When the air in the
home becomes too dry, it has
many damaging effects. It af-
fects comfort, as this bone dry air
is thirsty anal acts like a dry
blotter. Whe we breathe, it
absorbs moisture from the res-
piratory tract. This evaporation
of moisture from nose, mouth and
throat could increase the sus-
ceptibility to head colds, sore
throats and sinus difficulties. Dry
chapped skin, brittle hair are
other. indications that air in the
home may be too dry. Too dry air
has adverse effects on books, art
ork, pianos, furniture; causes
int , to peel, rugs, drapes and
holstery to deteriorate.
Ask your Electrohome dealer about Other values throughout his store.
Save on floor models, demonstrators and special clearance items
during Look'n Listen Days.
Briissels 887-6525
Mount Forest 367-2308 and Mildmay 323-1721
Myth 523-9640
ilstowel 291-1771
Wingham 357-1415
Hanover 364-3061
Teesviater 392.6011