HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-4-4, Page 87/1Eli. S'1'l411L 0'11a. GRN
7.Flia WeleeleeleterAtaSUlteeNCI;: COM.
Paleer of Terotite; also fee the P11U NIIC
iile 1N SUl?dJdUF COetesie e, at Luucten,
leglatnd,tee Boner caNaleea `f, of Moil -
11:04 wad tele alerefeet I.hil'lItllLIVE. Ate
ASU1te,NCLr CUMt'ANY, of i,oadon,i:nglancd.
,estebiielled tell, Assets over Se,000,0UO;
edemas este bonuses plaid, aver esee,0OO,000,
LOCAZ, NE IFS .-JTre shall behha.pny tore-
.ssia'e (444/4 tunes, front ewe/ part of the
'ty es of locai news, such «s ac-
e idents,orarty irtterestingitzcident shat.
ever, front any of our aalum-acre orread,
rsge.ner•all•yj.'or the uttipose of poetic
Mu t or
TRURSpAy, APRJ.l 4th, 1889
Fresh oysters at Geo. Sanders' by the
quart, or served up by the plate, cooked
or raw. Just look at our stock of con-
fectionery, and sporting goods. All fresh,
new and first. class,
Wewspapexs in 1889.1
From the. edition of Geo. P. Rowed et
Co's "American Newspaper Directory,"
published April 1st (Its twenty first year,)
it Appears that the newspapers and peri-.
odicate of all kinds issued in the United
Sts,tes and Canada linin number 17,107'
showing a gain of 707 during the last
ten years.
Ladies of Exeter and "6'iciulty,
We take this opportunity of thanking
you for your very liberal response ,at our
millinery opening, during the past week,
.and will etill continue ear display of mil-
linery until April 10th, During which.
-time we will be receiving daily, the nicest
.and most stylish patterns of French, Eng-
lish and American goods, -James Pickard.
The ole established.
The New Drill.
The changes are found to be much more
extensive than was generally supposed.
Although they are a little diffieult for
those thoroughly yersed in the old drill,
they are ranch simpler and on the whole
a decided improvement. There are a
number of changes in the words of com-
mand. For histanue, the command "Left
form into line, spick match" bas given
place to 'Into true, left form. Wheels of
all kinds have given place to "forms."
If we were to put a two line local in the
most obscure corner of the paper, stating
that a certain business man charged more
for his goods . than other merchants ; or
that be kept an inferior quality, that man
would employ a double-barreled dog and
gun and call around next morning to kill
us. )3ut if we were to ask the same men
for an advertisement of his wares he would
say; --"No I do rat believe in advertising;
no one reads the papers."
A. Couple of A.rithmetrcal Problems,
The followiug questions have been
handed in by subscribers, whom, no doubt,
hove. become interested in those that have
appeared in previous issues. -''How many
acres should a, squarefield contain, so as to
have as many acres in it, as there are
-ails in the fence -by using only six; rails
o every rod" -"How many rods will oe
he difference around a square 10 -acre
field, and one that is enclosed by three
qual sides containing the same quantity
_pedding tolls,
On Thursday last, at the resideuce of
eMr. Geo. Sanders, the marriage of Miss
Lizzie Weir, formerly of Exeter, to Mr.
George Stokes, both of Detroit took place.
The ceremony was performed by Rev. J.
Wilsson .B.4:.&., in the presence of a few
invited guests. The presents were numer-
ous and useful. The happy couple left on
the evening train for their home in Detroit
amid the congratulations of the bride's
many friends here. We wish the twain
all the peace, prosperity and happiness
-that wedded life can bestow.
At the residence of the 'bride's: fattier,
Usborne, on the 3rd Inst., there was a
very pleasant evening spent, the event
first being solemnized by the marriage of
Mary A., fifth daughter of Thomas Shute
Esq, to idr. Win. Batman of Usborne.
a Rev. W. H. Gane of Lyons perfororm-
ed the ceremony in the presence of a great
many friends and relatives After the
ceremony and wedding supper the guests
enjoyed themselves until the .small hours,
in the various amusements provided on
such occasions. We wish Mr. and Mrs.
Balman every success in life.
Mr. George Knight, of Ethel, spent
Monday with friends in town. In a phy-
sical sense
hy-sicalsense Geo. gives evidence of receiv-
ing good treatment at the hands of the
Ethel people. -Each of the yotuig men
who left last week for Chicago has pro.
cured employment -Mr. Weekes as fore-
man over a gang of sculptors who leave this
week for Cleveland to execute a large job;
Mr. Pickard, a lucrative engagement in
a hardware store ; lair. Atkinson, work at
his trade -cabinet making. -Miss Alice
Crocker left on Tuesday for Blyth to take
charge of the millinery department- of
:Messrs. Anderson & Elder. -The St
ry's Argas says: -"T. 8.1:.feltie, for
;,past six months. with D. McLaren,
yesterday to £111 a situation in fixe-
tete't--Bev, y;Cr. Livingstone, of Clinton,
a fernier pasta in the Methodist chureh,
here, was in tu, ei lasaweek renewirog ac.
quaintanee ,..
1 s r,;�a . Livingstone has Most
none of his Iis o 1-
btme tvl1t .--It is ex-
e -pected that the Bev. Mr, McDonagh, of
Strathroy, Will, lecture here on Friday,
/0th, on the 13vitish Government and
Home Rule. -A private Ietter received
from stir. I'. 13awclen, of Ridgetown, gives
the intelligence that Mr. 13awvden is doing
well in the druo business which he recent-
ly assumed. Dr. Washington will be at
the Central hotel until 6 o'clock on Thurs-
day, ,April lith.
x,aclies remember the great millinery
?ening at Richard. Pickard's' on April
and 10th
Mr. J. H. Northcott has moved into
new premises.
Monday was the lest of April -all fool's
A`driving horse belonging to the
prietor of thie journal,died last week
leek -jaw, amused by tight girting.
The council met on ltfonrlay evening,
but owing to the unavoidable abeetlee rf
the reeve, the session was .el short
-duration, '
Mark Clarke, known to the oitizens
., enerafy, who resides et the north ezrcl,
ire ire x Jnty stattl being' enable to reeve hie.
ilrrl to his hoac1,
Exeter Wi uiioipal Council..
The Connell met oft Mouday evening
pursuant to adjournment. All the ntezu--
bera present except the r•eevd, : The
minutes of the previous meeting were
read, essontod to and signed by the dapp•
uty reeve Ten dollars were granted Se
Ford to pay hoard at W, Sutton's, .Moved
by T. B Carling eec, by Thos. McCallum
that Mr. Creech procure a suitable hoard-
ing house for Mark Clarke, an indigent.
and report at nextmeeting,-Carried.
Moved by T 13, Carling, sea, by -Iir.
Piokerd, that in case Jobnny Clarke goes
to Michigan, Mr. (await be instructed to
procure clothing for (dist-suit not to ex.
peed $10, -,Curried.
The•accoeut of D. (Spicer for painting
notices for alleyway of Central Hotel was
filed until next meeting. Moved by ,las.
Pickard sec, by Thos McCallum that the
Council adjourned until Wednesday at 8
o'clock p. in.
iL' ife,boat Grew.
Advance Council No. 207, Royal Tem-
plars of of Temperance intend .holding a
series of Gospel Temperance meetings,
conmiencing tat Howley ever, April Sth,
under this leadership of the lifeboat crew,
Messrs. Irish and Mills; to be held in the
James -at Methodist Church lecture room,
Silver Collection each 2irht, Let there
be a grand rally.
A fine assortment of ceignits enol lace
curtains at the big bank eelet; 'store. -25
per cent offeregular prices
It transpires that, Ur. Daniel Wood has
not purchased the Pinoembe property.
Oederetlsi'tothing a specialty and a first
class fit '§ua steed at Richard Pickarcl's,
Mr. A, Ee'13anyard late lessee of the
Hensel' mills leaves this week foe Pen -
wick, Mich , where he has purchased a
all the latest novelties in English,
French, and American styles of millinery
will be displayed at Richard Pickard's on
April 9th and 10th.
The Central and Commercial hotels
have been furnished with balcony fire
escapee. Besides ensuring safety to the
guests the contrivance adds to the beauty
of the buildings.
Look out for seine startling news froni
the big Bankrupt Store next week. Three
large bankrupt stocks to add tothe
already mammoth stock.
During next week the Royal Templars
will hold revival temperance meet/lig
in the various churches, to he conducted
by two revivalists,
Beautiful black Satin,Inerve for S2:?'ots,
fine washing silk 25cts, colored rterves;
all shades, only Wets. Heavy colored
silks for 50ets at the big Bankrupt Store.
The.Messrs. Verity & Son rnadeanother
large shipment
a Aof agricultural implements
on Monday.
Reliable field and garden seeds of every
variety, at Richard. 1'ickard's.
Record it in your diaries, or plant iu
emir memory, that March in the year
1889 came in like alautb and went out
like a lion, hence we may expect . fine
weather from this onward.
The vete on the repeal of the Scott Act
in the county of Middlesex, will be taken
on Wednesday, April 2Sth. W. E. Stan-
Ley,,of Lucan, has been appointed return-
ing officer for the occasion..
The carpenters have . commenced work
on tbe, ceiling of the . Maio-st Methodist
church, and as the job will not be com-
pleted for a time,all services will be con.
ducted in the basemont.of the church in
the meantime.
John H. Anderson of Hamilton has
written to the Stratford City Council ask.
ing that $86,000 be, raised to enable hint
to start a rolling mill there, and alleging
that no Iegitimate business in Canada
gives as high profits as a mill of that sort,
The big Bankrupt Store has the best
and most complete stock of carpets and
lacy curtains ' in town, at prices away
down. Parties wanting anything in this
line will do well to make a note of this.
The long spell of exceedingly fine
weather -the most snmmer.like ever
known in the mouth of'March-was in-
terrupted on -Sunday by a fall of snow, to
the, depth of about one foot, On Monday,
sleighing was fairly good ; and Exeter
streets assumed a lively appearance,
Building operations which had well begun,
were stopped for a time.
Por stylish and low priced dress goods
try the big Bankrupt Store.
The Ministerial Association of South
Huron met in Exeter on 'Monday. There
was a good representation present from all
qquarters. The Jesults and their Estates
Biligot an over -hauling, as diel also the
Government of Canada. The ministers
concluded their censure too abruptly --
they should have rebuked the Ontario
Government for permitting " and en-
couraging numerous and niore hurtful en-
croachments on Protestantism in Ontario,
On Friday last Mr. Joseph Dancey, of
Stephen met with a serious mishap. -
While attending the stock in the evening,
one of the horses kicked at him ; where-
upon he grasped a stick, and strikiug the
animal the stick broke, a piece of which
struck Mr. Danoey in the eye, penetrating
the sight; Fara •time the sight of the in-
jured eye teas impaired, but we 'are glad
to hear that within a few days it`tvill be
Boots and Shoes at unhea:d of prices,
'at the big Bankrupt Store. Just drop in
and see. The bargains will ''astonish you;
As per announcement the Rev. Dr.
Searss, chaplain ofAilni
(N. Y.) Prison
delivered his famous lecture 'a voice from
Prison" ri on n Drew,s Hall, on '
I s I D v a 1 1: tesla
evg.:• t
ev . 'under .the a is ice of the a' -
s iYlulst
Methodist' Church. The attendance was
fairly good, but the lecture and lecturer
merited a far greater turn out, Chaplain
Searle is a pleasant speaker, his delivery
being smooth and candid, which together
with the character of his discourse ren•
dered the occasion one of rpucli interest.
He described verylucddly the eharactorists
of of prison life, tile oauses leading to the
necessity of following such, giving illus-
trations of how many unfortunates name
to merit imprisonment -the terms of in-
carceration varying aecording to tbe as
pect of the crime. He showers that in the
majority ef.cases laziness anddrunkenness
were the roots of nine -tenths of the crime.
TIa said that one of the most serious, yet
apparently harmless habits was
laziness; it invariably led to wrong doing
and finally imprisonmcot Ire prevailed;
upon thwealthy
ori . e e no matter howea ,1
ar alai i
might ht
to give their
trades, There is ossahalita of the
letavithem; but with :trade or
profession, it remains.
Alt kinds of farm produce taken et the
highest hnerket value tet tete big :bankrupt
Store, Exeter,
�{CW; njn
M1 istori, l Aespoiation,
The Ministerial .Assoeiat an ee $Gubh
Buren met ie. the Main-st, Methodist
ehureh, Exeter, on Monday the Ise hist.
There was a good attendance of the sur
rounding ministers. The Rey. Messrs.
Clement, of Exeter, and Penhe% of.
l'.litnville,'were elected members. After
the usual routine of business, the topics of
diem a ion fax the day, vizi "The Jesuits
Estates Bill," was taken up. ' . As pre.
vicusly appointed, the Rovs, Mr. Acheson
Of Kippen, and Mr. Cook of Ifensall,
read papers on "The History of Jesuitism'
and "Romanistn in Canada." :These
papers brought before the association rn
an exhaustive manner,° the theology, poli.
tics, end aggressiveness of the Society of
Jesus, Showing that if the historians are
to be believed, they were founded for the
purpose of crushing out Protestantism,
that they lirve been at the bottom of all
bile massacres and martyrdoms of Prot-
estants in the past, and have, wherever
they existed, been a standing menace to
civil and religioue liberty. The member.•
of the association freely c1•itized their
papers, and lt,was the general opinion
that the Jesuits' Estates, •13i11 strikes a
greater blow et the liberty of Protestants
in this eoentry, than has been dealt with-
in the compass of the history of .a Domin
The following resolution was ueanii
monely passed;
That we, the members of the Minister-
ial Association of South 13uron are at one
with our uuany brethren, throughout the
Dominion, in protesting against the in-
corporation and endowment of the Jos.
nits society in one of ourpxevinces. and
notwithstanding the recent vote .in the
£•Iouse of Commons in Ottawa,. -would ex-
press our strong belief that the 'said in-
corporation and exidowneent are not only
unconstitutional, but inimical to the beat
interestsjofciviland religious freedeminthis
country, and would urge that every legiti-
mate means be used to have such obnox-
ions enactments removed from our statute
book. The association then adjourned
to meet in Carmel Presbyterian ehuech
lirensall, on tbe first ,tfoyday of. May, at
10.30, a. m.
To the Editor of the Exeter Times
A few days ago myself, 'Mr. Dickson
and Mr. McDonell visited the towzi of l3er-
lie on business. After attending to the
duties of our mission; we took a look
about town, viewing the many beautiful
buildings, and visiting and examining the
matey industries of this lively manufac-
turing centre of Ontario. Berlin is indeed
a hive, of industry, each • manufactory
running full time, and some over time.
My admiration was aroused and in a
goodly degree I felt asthough I might do
anything to have Exeter .assume -in a
manufacturing sense -one third the pro-
Prtr f
o 'ons o Berlin. \ e have a e a better
country surrounding us than has Berlin,
other attainments being equal if not su-
perior to that town. Comparatively
speaking.they have a miserable farming
country, therefore their sneeess as a town
must be and is solely due to the enterprise
d publio spiritedness of.the citizens,
Oa the other hand we have the•best of
surroundings and with Exeter all the ad-
vantages necessary for the building up of
a manufacturing town, Let us •therefore
partaee somewhat of that passionate seal
with which tbe people of Berlin are em-
bued and rise from our latency to enter
upon a new line of progressiveness -hav-
ing for our object: the welfare of - Exeter
and, Exeter's people. We next visited
Doone, a small post village. six : miles dis-
tant from Berlin. This is also: a manufac-
turing Besides other mills • we
visited the cordage factory •of Mesars,
Perrine,:Foster & Co. and found every
thing brimming in the manufacturing of
flax binding -twine: This' Company em•
ploy numerous workman and the industry
would do great credit to any town or city.
The flax twice is the beat macte. It: costs
more per lb but then there are a vastly
greater number of feet in a roll of the
same weight than in any other make, and
the twine is stronger. I use as much
twine as any farmer in the county and,
having tried the manilla, jute and flax
makes, I found the latter to be the strong-
est cheapest and hest. 1 would therefore
suggest that the farmers of this neighbor-
hood, in order to give the flax twine a
thorough test, use nothing but .this class
of twine this season. The better and
cheapest way would be for the farmers to
appoint an agent and buy through hitt,
They would then be certain of getting the
genuineflax twine. Thanking you for
the space occupied I win yours &c.
Axn:L WT Lr0xt,
Hay April lst 1880.
To the Editor of the Exeter Times.
•Sat. -Il ave:notieed by the "Advocate"
published iny„grnr village, that there is a
so called "Sons of Rest organization in
yonr village, and in the writers imagina-
tion he has opened branch lodges in Elim-
ville, Crediton, Centralia and other places,
and installed the officers therefor. If
the "Advocate" sees any amusement or
wisdom in the publishing.,of these articles
I assure you that he will lose all the res-
pect of the reading. public_ In the present
age their is any amount, of interesting and
instructive news in the country that
people are always anxious to read, and
therefore there is no need to 2111 a paper
with shah trash as the "Advocate" Inas
been printing.
I have beau a•subscribor of the "Advo-
cate, 81nee it was established in yonr vill-
age being desirous to assist any IocaI en-
terprise, but oftenwas,,inolined to
dray myhumble suport from that jot
owing to the lack of its publishers in
giving us good instructive news,'whereas
it was always ready to publish abusive
and insulting elanre at respectable people.
l thick that • if the publisher has
not common sense enough to know
what the public require from him as
an editor, that the reading public should
refuse to gtve snch a journal e pleee
in the family circle. As Fathers, manor
of us object to `having light literature
conte under our roofs but we sit silent
and let ouch trash as the .Advocate has
printed enter weekly. \
Every person knows that ' the Grand
Secretary of the 180113 of Rest organization
resides at lhxetor. If he had ills ' legal
and just duos he would be es far east at
)east, as lain atop lie may not always
meat as good friends in future as be hes
in the past, and have a respectable another
to ask for assistance at times when he
•el era
otlrl be tom 1 to join ' the Sone w t t, n of
p 1
Rest acct toil,w
li r,1 has its head offices in
Toronto and Kingston. `{le has had.
enough lessons of reform and the patience
of respeotabla people who the writer of
the Sons of Rest sees fit to brand with all
sorts of nick narneb as mayttnit his mond,
m ry cease to be a virtue. It is evident
that the Secretaries of the lode organita-
tines b+ave eot the best of <pedigrees, and
11' ti ss emit hum in futnrc` as they have in
1 th at
Richard Pickard will `continue to make a Specialty of this department, and is now
'n a position to assure entire satisfaction to everyltd of Exeter and vicinity.
� 1' Y y
Extensive preparations are now going onfor a grand display on A April " 9th and 1 •
p p going � 0th
Every person is cordially invited to inspect our Stock."
"` `Samwell &`"Pickard's old stand,
the past they inay expect that, respectable
people will shun their society as the m
of thein are well known.
Usborue, March 215th, 1889.
A, Celebrated Specialist.
Dr_ Washingtonthe celebrated and success
ful s pecialist for diseases of the head, throat
mut lungs, has adopted the most ea eentiiie
and natural method of treatment known at
the present time for the above diseases. In
order to be tally abreast al the times, the
doctor visits the large Ami.rican oities—as
New York, Boston and Philadelphia; ovary
few months, for the ,{purpose of gaining a
knowledge of the latest and very :best im-
provements in the treatment of throat and
of throat a_dlung diseases, and such .as pur-
sued by t..e bigb."st snecialists is the 'United
States and Ponape, Dr, wasbington is well
known as a most successful. apeoialist all
over Ontario and the 'eastern. provinces, and
in soveral cities of the United States, from
whichlie has in his possession hundreds of
letters of grateful acknowledgement for the
benefits derived from his treatment.' lie
has' patients in New Yorlc,ltocnester, Uali-
femme, ate., ell., Ile has secured a Medical
centiernpu of the highest, standing in the ere -
las sloe , member of the etoyad College of
Surgeons ofnnglanel, who thoroughly ander
.stencil cal the details of this special treat -
num t assist him. Dr, 1V slain u has
t o n a to a
nnwopened a lermaneat 'office at 88 McOaul
street. Toronto, where either himself or his
colleague may be fouled .doriugoillce hours,
V3L, P toll a In., 1 to ,1 n -n d 7 to 8 P. M.
D1. Washington has been handsomely re-
warcdedfor: hitt indomitable am-Limit/fatigable
perseverance, as the following extracts from
letters received from patients in New -York:
awl Rochester, clearly indicate; Mr. G. fi.
Cannon, i31Wesst One hundred' and Fourth
street, New York, who was not only cured by
Dr. Washin,1on's now meths) I. but writes,
the doctor as loboays: "1 wpuldbavewritten
wort sooner biztw:e waitiugfor a decided
answer from myfrisnd;1Xr. Dawson in ref
oreaoe to try -ug your treatment fox leis ,
daughter for her catarrh troubles. 1 finally
gothisconsent by telling hint 1 would be-
come responsible fez his Motley if she was
not cored. 1110w enclose 1011 a- check for
ohe run amount;' eie, Hiss Dawson after
one month's treatment is heard from. Mr.
Dawson (of Sawdust & Mason,builders, 230
1'sast-Ohirty-ilftb at.eet, New Yorb)wnites
after on, mount's, treatment as tone ws.1
would.aay.there is linen, or no smell from the
bead, This lends 1122 to trt,nk that the dis-
eased bonus are he•l:lug up,' Friend Gannon
has confidence chat you vitt cure her, and I
think you will su IWce a, complete cure." hers,
.Pastes bslltvin of UW iXartcet street, Roches-
ter, New York, writes as fol'ows: I do not
cough any mare 51111: the dropping has
almost cease& Elul very lunch pleased
with vour treatment and hopefully look for a
cure,. The ttbovo patient uas taken treat-
ment six weelzs. 2 Lou to support these
noted' cases ill the centres of scientific ad.
vancenxent in the cash of Mr W. I. Storey,
glovemanufacturer of Acton, Out„ and also
president of the Manufacturing Association
of the Dominion., cured cf catarrh after
visiting Ittlrepo wituout any beneficial
The doctor will visit Exeter personally
on Thursday April lith,
Absolutely ! urea
This vowel ernever varfes; a marvel
it�, strengthand vholesowholesomeness. Moro eCen.
omfcal than the ordinary kindsInd cannot t
be Sold in competition-with
the MOltitudos of 1
low lost, short weight, alumst or Alos bate
de •e, Sold 1 t i cat --
potv 1 c n a s Iu0'YdI. 13Alt-
!NG n
powders. Drat to i •
Z1Vtx1 V GC , it wanstreet N Y
Market Square
Gerie.roj Ston
The unalersignect would inform the pub-
lic that he bas jnsl; received his
CJ (d lYl MEl lw s SBJ 1\
A full line of pry -Goods, Hate d; Caps, and
°rookery,' Boots tied Shooe.
Those wishing Telma r an in my line will.
itto their dvett o all n
find a act c and in:,
sheet my goods and priees. •
Highest prices paid for :But.
ter and Eggs and all
kinds of. produce.
um or Yard
The Undersigned wishes to inform th epublie in general the, he keeps
-•-constantly in stock -
A. large stock of .Hemlock alwaps on hand ab mill ;prices. Flooring, Siding
dressed -inch, inch -and -a -quarter, inch -and -a half and two inch. Sash Doors,
Blinds, Mouldings and all Finishing' 'Material, Lath, &C.
- SHINGLES A SPECIALTY. -Competition challenged. The best and the
largest stook, and at lowest prices. Shingles A 1.
All dressed lumbe thoroughly seasoned ancl ready for use. No shrinkage
assured. A call will bear out the above.
Jas. Wille -.
21111.,. OLD ESTABLISHED. S, Main-S�r
siH A .MI!
Through X-mas and New
Cheap Store, Credito
As he is determined to clear out all
his stock of
At lessthan actual Cost
Sale to commence lst Jan,, and
continue until 'all is cleared out, as '1
am going out of the abovelines.
N. B. A11 accounts must be settled
1st' January.
�. X.D. ,3ti CMLL,
A full stock of all kinds of
Dye- stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on
hand, Winan's
the best
in the mark-
et and always
fresh. Family recip-
es carefully 'prepared at
Central Drug Store Exeter.
e}n i•
--Aseol'ement Of
C :r,. Efectionery
Away down in Price.
F O .i_J 9 -1..i_ C K' S
Funs Oakes and a1 ka d Pat.
;,read 3 1 n s of a.
rev, stall take the lead.
Headquarters for Confection
ery at
O :Lal Z
eft a cGaYr � ,#
11ATt�.�T,, 8XETER.
One Door South
of Post'°face
---HE HAS—
A, NEW AND CONI. P'ialat
Sewed work a speciality.
Repairing promptly attended to.
Yid (7 CAN GET
2 U !. Apr S
Ratio Sugar
r, a
F $1,00.
Iz TE �^I �-�•
R t,� � �.n �qa --}y��
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The royal mail, passenger and freight route
between Canada and Great.l3ritain,
Direct route between the West and ail the
noints on the Lower St. tja'tvrence and Bale
de Chaleur, aleo NOW Brunswick, Nova,
eetia;Priuce Edward Island, Cape Breton
aud1'ieirfoundiem 0.
Naw and elegant buffetaleeeing" and day
cars me on throe gli express trains.
Passengers for Great Britain or the conti-
nent by leayiog.Toronto by t p. M. train 011
Thursday will join outward mail stem:tat at
Plalifax Saturday.
liuperiorelevator,warehouse and dockact
eommoc1etion et,, 1alifax for ehipnient of
grain and genera/4 ,m1renendis0,
aVe proved the 1
CO1O i4l in coins -clst wit eteamshi lines
to and fro Lon
tlen, ',i ei ool and Grla
gow lir lfalifax, to bp the qtiiokest freight
ionto between tin adaanti&teatBritain.
Stiformatien a to passe or %nil freight
ra es a
t can be .at o application, 50•
1 e
e qa;
li at't
1ti•,"i EATFIBIBS',l`UN. 8
Westbrereeigbt&I tieee gerAgont
88f11r,ssinlIousa,xloelr Vet WSt,Leorenbo
d' S.,POTTINt3I7Ib,
Ohlei Snliorintenclen•t .
enslisray omco, 'Neer eine. N. 11,,1,To