HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-03-22, Page 10'gimes, Thursdayp Ma h *..,. 1973 .r, For Sale IVO . PIECE Davenport and Wicker sets, $149.00. "Es - Cash and Carry. New fur- .. Highway No. 4, 1 mile Wel1t of Hanover. rrb WOOD FORS SALE. Hardwood k delivered to your yard, six cot*, $24. Craig's Saw Mill, ry Auburn. Phone, 526-7220, 8-1522-29 PAINTING? Buy a quart or gal- lon and get a top quality paint brush free at CHAMBERS DOMINION HARDWARE in Wroxeter. rrbApr.26 BERG stable cleaners and stabl- ing. Bunk feeders and water bowls. Lloyd Johnston, RR 3, Holyrood. Phone 395-5390. rrb WROXETER BARGAIN Centre, book and. tape exchange, used appliances,. clothing, furniture and many' {ether -articles. Winter MUM: Wednesday through Sat- urday 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Phone 335-3259. Buy and sell. rrb • RABBIT MEAT is high in protein and easily digested. Order yours from Sleepy Hollow Rabbitry, RR 3, Wingham. Cut and packag- ed, ready to cook. Fryers and roasters both available. Phone 357.2485. rrbMarch22 ABX VACUUM— sales and service, The one that nut -cleans them, all! Trades accepted. For demonstration, call Lamont's Cleaning Service, Kincardine 396- 3295. rrb BROKEN ;BARN ; WINDOW? Daugherty Pro Hardware has Lexan .plastic,. 250 times stronger than .glass and 8c a square foot ;heaper. rrb` IGH RISE fastback 100 bicycle igoerf condition. Phone 357-3482. '15.22: LABRADOR PUPPIES. Regis- tered, shots, yellows, blacks, males and females.. Also female Welsh Corgi puppies, registered, ta Peter.Edisbury, Lucknow, X8438; .22-29-5 1 DINING ROOM table and r chaIts, Also a , green daven- ►xt. Roth. in excellent condition. Tone 335-3430, Gorrie. PAINT SALE One-third off discontinued lines of interior and- . exterior paint. Daugherty Pro Hardware, Wing- ham - TWENTY MILK cans, two Uni- versal milker units and a quan- tify of hay and straw: Archie Walker, Brussels, '8$7-9005- Livestock For Sale DISPERSAL SALE DISPERSAL of Bala Herd, one of the longest established Pure- bred Angus herds in Ontario, the property of Lawrence Banks, Cayuga, Ontario. Selling 3.0 cows, many with calves; 30 bred and open heifers; one herd sire, East - hope Chance, (Stretch) , qualified on Performance, grandson of 25001b. Colossal, (service sire for most lots) , Sale, under cover, at Bala Farm, 3 miles west of Cayuga, on No. 3 Highway (25 miles squth of Hamilton), April 7; 1973, at 12:36 p.m. Lunch avail- able. For catalogues, write Sale Managers, Central Ontario Angus Club, c -o B. Griffith, Mt. Hope, Ontario, (416). 765-2217. 22-29 Cars & Trucks GORRIE AUTO WRECKERS Fairly -Priced Cars And Parts Phone 335-3495 Gerrie rrb THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL— 1969 Pontic Grand Prix, fully equip- ped, including power windows, $2,200.00. John Brown Motors, Gorrie, 335-3325. TEN 1971 CARS, all makes and models, three 1970 cars, three 1969 cars, three 1968 cars, five 1967 cars. Plus many other cars. JOHN BROWN MOTORS Gorrie 3353325 McCREERY AUTO WRECKERS RR 2, WROXETER on Highway 86 Midway between Wingham and Listowel • USED AUTO PARTS USED CARS & TRUCKS Phone 1JSTOWE ' 2914159 TutteleRIELI 33$.33141ci WI Miscellaneous PIANO AND ORGAN SALES Piano tuning and repairing. Call Hap Swatridge, 357-2785. Repre- senting Garnet Farrier. rtf CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY shampooing; also wall cleaning. In your home or place of busi- ness. Lamont's Cleaning Service, Kincardine 396-3295. rrb ANYONE wishing to have hand- saws, circular saws, tools, etc. • sharpened, call 357-3644. rrb CUSTOM PLOUGHING and disk- ing. Ken Mason. Phone, 357-2149. • rrpMarch29 1966 HONDA 300 c.c.; good condi- hon, Phone 357-1107. • I 15 FOOT GRUMMAN Canoe. As new. Two-man pup tent with floor and, screen, New, $200. Also a Gehl .10 -inch hammermill with five, screens. Needs minor re- pairs. $35. John Byler, Lot 7; Con. .13, Howick Township. 22";BLACK and white TV. Works well. Reasonable. 127 Boland Street, Wingham. READING ANTHRACITE or Ca- valier Queen Stoker coal, $41.50 a ton guaranteed by ordering now. ,Johnson Fuels and Heating, 343- 2703, Palmerston. 22-29-5 • ONE 700 X 13 TIRE, new; two 855 x 14 tires; one 775 x 14 tire, and • one new half h.p. motor. Phone Brussels, 887-9049. • Livestock For Sale PUREBRED Hampshire boars. Serviceable age with index to 124. Phone Wingham, 357-3724. PUREBRED Hereford bulls. Serviceable age. Bruce Roy, RR 1, Londesboro. Phone Blyth, 523-4237. 15-22 WINGHAM BODY SHOP Complete Collision Repairs and Painting Toning Service SID parAilAS W1NGHHAM; ONT. Res. 367111'71, Ras. 26.141113 DOG GROOMING CLIPPING-- STRIPPING Call John Visser, 227 John Rosa St., L stowel, 291-4817 after 6 p.m. tf • GIBSON UPHOLSTERY Furniture, car and truck seats recovered, rebuilt. Phone 357- 1217. rrb LORENZ DEAD STOCK. $20 for horses; $10 for cows over 1,060 lbs. Over 500 lbs. ac ording to size. Phone Durham, 369-2410 col- lect. rrpMay31 ANDY'S REFRIGERATION AND APPLIANCE SERVICE 24 -Hour Emergency Service Wingham, 357-3484 FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automobile, Farm Liability, Accidents and Sickness Hoipe Protection Call Your Co -Op Agent— LLOYD MONTGOMERY 53 Maple Street, Wingham Dial 357-3739 MEALS -ON -WHEELS Phone Miss Mary Scott, 357-2365 or Mrs. H. L. Sherbondy, 357-2.552: rr WILL REPAIR FARM MACHINERY AND' TRACTORS With New and Used Parts Steam Clean and Paint Machinery and Tractors Custom Welding Have Supply of Hydraulic / r Hose and Fittings GEO. MARKLEVIT•Z RR 2. Wingharn, 357-1995 Miscellaneous Would the persons who re- moved chairs from Belgrave arena, please return thein. Howard Walker, Treasurer. FETTES TOURS— Spring -Sum- mer program. Write for free bro- chues. All tours fully escorted on luxury highway coaches. April 6, four-day Washington Cherry Blossom Festival; April 19, four- day Grand Ole Opry in Nashville; May 4, three-day Country Music „ Jamboree i4 Wheeling, West Vir- ginia; May 15, three-day Holland, Michigan Tulip Festival; May 19, three-day Canadian Tulip Festi- val in Ottawa; June 2, two,day Rex Humbard, Cathedral of To- morrow in Akron, Ohio; .hune 10, two-day Bavarian Festival in Frankenmuth, Michigan; Joni 30, 21 -day to Calgary Stampede, Rockies and West Coast; July 22, four-day to Moosonee via Polar Bear Express, also Timmins, Santa's Village, etc.; July 28, three-day 1000 Islands, Ft. Henry, Upper Canada Village, Trent Canal, etc.; Aug. 1, 12 -day Maritimes tour including cruise on Prince of Fundy; Sept. 24, five-day Fall Colour tour to Agawa Canyon, Mackinac Island, etc.; Oct: 1, three-day Fall Colour tour to Lake Placid; - Oct. 5, Grand Ole Opry; Oct. 14, 21 -day California and American West. Fettes Tours and Travel; 184 Main St., Mount Forest. - SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED All work 'guaranteed. Twenty years of experience. Write Louis, Blake, RR 2, Brussels, Ontario. - Phone 887-6800. ' rrbJuly26 The Ministry of Community and Social Services has qualified - staff to offer support and guid- ance to troubled marriages and families through private inter "ipws. To make an appointment, caL 3F7-3370. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. And as it is - appdint d unlit) mii once; to die, but aft' 'ran `Vtia'g? ment; So Christ Was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for Him shall He appear the second time with- out sin unto salvation. If we con- fess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us from all un - righteousness. Hebrews 10:31, 8:27 and 28.1 John 1:9, Phone 335- 3763. 22-29-5 Real Estate REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ONE STOREY, four-bedroom home located on one acre of land in village close to Wingham. Modern throughout, paved drive, two painted steel barns, white board fence encloses property, 35 large Spruce trees. Many extras. Priced for quick sale. Tel. 357-141`8, after 6 p.m. VILL1AM S. REED Real Rstats Broker and General Insurance Dial 357.2174 WINGHAM, ONTARIO COMMISSION RATE % ON HOUSES IN WINGHAM A great investment plus a nice place to live. A two storey, brick, centrally located, income prop- erty, large living room with mantel, dining room, kitchen, three bedrooms with cothes closets, sunroom and a four room apartment' with separate en- trance. Garage. Oil furnace. Early possession. • One and a half storey, six room house with veranda, sunporch, oil furnace, excellent location and priced reasonably. For Rent MODERN one storey, three bed- room house close to schools. For • an appointment phone 357-3482. rrb NEWLY RENOVATED three- bedroom apartment; one block from main street. Available May 1. Phone 357-2433. rrb APARTMENT FOR RENT April 1, suitable for two adults. 150 feet from supermarket. Electric heat. Phone 357-2056. rrb ARTICLES FOR RENT, dustless floor sanders. Dustless belt san- der. Daugherty Pro Hardware. tf Wanted To Rent A NICE, MODERN n` home in or very near Wi. Mwit have a bathroom. Aprily to Box 233, Wingham Advance- Times.i'b Wanted A FEW BEEHIVES and equip- ment. Phone, 357-3569. ,5'22-29, PASTURE FOR up to 3$ beef cows. Call, 357-$166. X29 N WILL BUY for cash; older model tractors in running condition. Stan Horsburgh, 357-2744. 22-29-5.12 Work Wanted CEILINGS tiled, alterations, panelling and odd jobs. Raymond Neill, 357-1463, Wingham. rrbApri t t9 Help Wanted TRUCK DRIVER. Must have chauffeur's license. Local and rural delivery. Preferably A5 years of age or over. State weekly salary expected. Apply to Box 241, Wingham Advance -Times, 1522 BRIDGE SUPERINTENDENT WANTED BY WESTERN ONTARIO , CONSTRUCTION FIRM Mr be experienced in all phases o3 concrete construction, Reply to Box No. 239, Wingham ,Advance -Times. RELIABLE. PERSON, N WANTED ` A. To irustprootand dean calika90 pump gat and perform -.Hs . geferal"duties in :S a automobile dealership. �r % : Phone X57-2329 Notice CARSQN C ANER'S', have 20. per cent off all dry eleaolni from March • 21 :to. April, 7five at Heughan s, 222 Carling Terrace, Wingham.. 22-29 THE OWNER, of two dogs left at Jay -Why Kennels, Wingham, on January 13, 1973, is hereby noti- fied that the "aniMais: n us t be picked up by Allard' 24, I973, after which date they will be disposed of. Mrs, Harry Jackson. 8-15-22. NOTICE OF ROAD `CLOSING THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF'; HOWICK TAKE NOTICE that the Coun- cel of the Corporation of the Township of Howick proposes to pass a by-law pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1970,Chapter 284, Section 443, for stopping up and closing that part. of Wilson Street and that part of Walker Street, in -the Village ,of Wroxeter, in the Town- ship of Howick, more particular- ly described as follows: FIRSTLY, . That portion of .Wilson Streetv'in the Village of Wroxeter in the Township of Howick, and County of Huron, lying east of the east limit -of Turnberry Street, and extending to- the easterly limit of Wilson Street, as bounded by the westerly bank of the Mait- land River, the said WilsonStreet being shown in Halls anCom- pany Survey, according to regis- tered Plan No. 3, Wroxeter. SAVE AND EXCEPT that part of the westerly portion .of Wilson Street, requisitioned for Higtiwa purposes, for , the County o Huron, by...Plan No. 2207. SECONDLY: That portion Walker Street, in the Village Wroxeter, in the Township o Howrvek,anc , County of Huron, ly ing north of the northerly limit: o Queen Street, , and extending. the; soot l.:. -mi , .QQ ., . on Street, 41 Coi'npany Survey, registered Pl No. 3, Wroxeter. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Reeve and the Clerk will be authorized to sign Lost GO EN R DOR Retriever nf * eight weep. Reyrard. Phone,, 887.6843. If no: ansWe " eall, 887.6790.. Notice NOTICE QV ,. ROAR CLOMINO THE CORPORATION OF THE T01�1 N SHIP OF .. HOMIICK TAKE NOTICE that the. Coun- Oa. of the Corporation of the Township of *wick proposes pass a by-law pursuant to th provisions of The Municipal Act R.S.O., 1970, Chapter 244, Sects 443, for stopping up and closing that part of Gofton. Street, in the Village of Wroxeter, in the Town- ship of Howie Wore particular- ly described as follows: That portion of Gofton Street, ly- ing south of the south limit of Ferguson. Street, now known as Highway No. 87, and. extending to the Maitland Riven the said por- tion of Gofton Street being in the Village of Wro Eeter, in the Town ship of Ilowick. ` AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE . that, the Reeve and the Clerk will be authorized to sign and execute the necessary docu- ments in order'to"effect the dos- ing thereof. . AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Council shall hear in-person or by his Council, Solicitor or Agent, any person who claims that his land 49'll be prejudicially • affected ,by the By -Law and who applies to be heard at the .regular meeting of Council on April 5th, 1973. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the proposed by- aw may be examined by all per= sons interested at the office of the Clerk of the Township of Howick, during ` business hours, at any o time before the same is finally of Passed. - f DATED this 5th day of March, A.D.., 1973. f ROBERT GIBSON, to , Reeve. IVAN HASKINS, �.,a ,..� Clerk. Crawford;` Mill ik f7avis, .`-'r" Barristers, etc., Wingham, Ontario. Notice To Creditors .NOTICE TO ° VREDJTORS AND OTHER ; In the matter of the ESTATE OF WILLIAM JOHN 1iILL.ITS, late ,of.the Township of Turnlbexry in the County of Heron, Fanner, Deceased. NOTICE S HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to The'Truatee°Act that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late William John Willits are re - to quired to send particulars of their e claims, duly verified, to J. , T. , GOODALL, Solicitor for the an Executors of the said Estate, on or before the 6th day of April, A.D. 1973, and that after -such date the Executors • will preceed to distribute the assets ;of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 6th day of Mareb, ,A.D. 1973. Walter Willits and Harvey Reidt, Executorsof'the Estate, by their Solicitor., J. T. GOODALL, Box 730, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the *state. 15-22-29 FOR. AN INTERVIEW ' ments in order the necessary - he c os ing thereof. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that -the Council shall hear in 'person, or by his - Council, Solicitor or Agent, any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected by the by- aw and who applies to be heard at the regular meeting of Council on April 5th, 1973. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the proposed by- law may be,,examined by all per- sons interested at the office of the Clerk of the Township of Howick, during business hours, at any time, before the same is finally assed. DATED this 5th day of March, A.D., 1973. Tenders Wanted TOWNSHIP OF •HULLETT TENDERS FOR GRAVEL FOR THE SUPPLYING, haul t ing and crushing approximately 1 17,000 cu.' yds of 8" gravel and must be capable of 1,000 cu. yds a 'k', day or more, Work to be done to the satisfaction of the Road Superintendent and to be, deliver- ed before June 15, 1973. Apply to ' the Road Superintendent for con- ' tract forms. The tenders to be in the hands of the Road Superin- tendent by Monday, April 2, 1973 , by 12:00 o'clock noon and accom- - P panied by a certified cheque for 10 per cent of enclosed bid. Low- est or any tender not necessarily accepted. The accepted tender must be approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Communi- cations. GEORGE HOGGART, B Road Superintendent, Londesboro, Ontario. ROBERT GIBSON, Reeve. IVAN HASKINS, Clerk. rawford, Mill & Davies, arristers, Etc., Wingham, Ontario. 8-15-22 WATER SOFTENER REPAIRS Replacement of Tanks and Service to all makes of Units. Specializing in Miracle and Sovereign Units. For Prompt, courteous service call collect POMEROY'S WATER SOFTENER SALES AND SERVICE 519 - 579.6754 Kitchener MECHANICS WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE YOUR OWN BOSS? GULF OIL HAS Service Stations Available For lease at very attrabtivo rates in Clinton, Goderich and Harrlston For more information phone collect or write MR. WAYNE SMITHIES 820 10th Amiga, Owen Sound, Ont. • „1''i ephon. 3714292 NOTICE FOR .ROAD CLOSING THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK TAKE NOTICE that the Coun- cil of The Corporation of the Township of Howick proposes to pass a by-law pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act; R.S.O., 1970, Chapter.284, Section 443, for stopping up and closing that part of Marrietta Street in the Village of Wroxeter, in the Township of Howick, more particularly described as fol- lows: ol-lows: That portion of Marrietta Street, \ in the Village of Wroxeter, in the Township of -Howick, lying north of the north limit of Queen Street, and lying south of the south limit of Mill Street. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Reeve and Clerk will be authorized to sign and execute the necessary docu- ments in order to effect the dos- ing thereof. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Council shall hear in person or by his Council, Solicitor or Agent, any persons who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected + by the by-law and who applies to be heard at the regular meeting of Council on April 5th, 1973. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the proposed by-law may be examined by all persons interested at the office of the Clerk ' of the Township of Howick, during business hours, at any time, before the same is finally passed. DATED this 5th day of March, A.D., 1973. ROBERT GIBSON, Reeve. IVAN HASKINS, Clerk. Crawford, Mill & Davies, Barristers, Etc., Wingham, Ontario. WANTED Five to ten nitres on a country road only E. T. Finch, 40 Pond Mills Road, London, Ontario. 1562249.5 Auction Sale CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF MODERN FARM MACHINERY Will Be Held For BILL IRWIN - LOT 31, CON. 11 EAST WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP 2 Corners South and 4 Corner . West of Wingham ON MONDAY, APRIL 2 AT 1:30 P.M. Ford 4000 tractor with cab, 1 year old with less than 200 hours and chains; Massey. Ferguson 21- 35 tractor, 3 years old, with allied hydraulic loader and chains; New Holland 9 ft, haybind,1 Year r:a y ki old "se,F>. baleriiith' grain chutes; assey Ferguson roll bar rake; 32 ft. George White bale elevator with 1 horse Motor; 1 AT 1 Y Y = Poore wagon, , 1 Martin vi?i$ las bale throwerracks) Hydrien 3 -furrow plow 3.14; ' It ft. Konakiide cultivator;.:30-run;* Massey grain drill; 3 -point hitch , fertilizer spreader; New Holland 130 o 4130 bu. manure spreader,, P1,0. drive; Allied grinder .lei', Crown stone picker; 10 ft. chain, harrows; weed sprayer, aptp . ped to spray attrcrzine; 250,gallett water tank; bale 01001cor; ale`. loader; 14 ft. grain auger with motor; Pioneer chain saw; 14 ft hay bunk; hen "feeders; scrape iron-; Jack -all jack; fork., shovels, chain and small tools. -- TERMS CASH — FARM SOLD Owner, or auctioneer not reupon- sltiie for accidents. Brian Rintoui, Auctioneer 357-2349 22-29 AUCTION SALE Of Beef Cattle and ;Machinery ' Will Be Head For' The Estate of the Late THOMAS HENDERSON Lots 4.54, Con. 1, MORRIS TOWNSHIP, - ' 4 mile east of Wingham On High►ay 861 MONDAY, APRIL 9 AT l P'. — TERMS CASH -- Brian RIntoul, Auctioneer. REMEMBER F{ELP YOUR RED CROSS ht_ Anderson s ANDERSOM;S FERTILIZE* Fertiliser In truck load lots or les. New pressure tti Bated lumber for pit silos and pole barns. ' Culverts for etches; ,lard• and Jnnt11.4- ;a JAMES KERR, ILL 1; Lliitoffet " Phone 2914649", rrb Apr11. 19 LOWTHER TROPICAL FISH & NOBBY -SHOP 4th Concession of Morris PHONE 887-6351 , Open weekdays from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. Weekends 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. AUCTION SALE PLUNKETT GARAGE,AUBURN (J.1. CASE DEALER) 1:00 P.M., SATURDAY, MARCH 24 68 Dodge Plckup;.,69 1-1.1 pick-up; 66 Ford 3/4 ton; 8' Cavalier Truck Camper; Portable Electric Plant; Large Selection of Tires; 180 AMP Electric • Welder 100' cord; Wheel Balancer; Diesel Nozzle Tester; Chain Hoist; Work .Bench; 3 Vises; Cash Register; Safe; FrOnt end Equip. Battery Charger; Floor Jack; Impact Wrench; Oak Roll Top Desk; Filing Cabinet; 12 ton machinery float; Tire Changer; Floor Grease gun; Used piping; 11 part bins; Shop Manuals; Large selection of small Tools; Electric motors;.Reel Type Extension Light; 1/2" 1/4" and 3/2" Drills; Large amount of New Case Parts; J -D 3 Furrow plow; Mini Bike; VA Case with loader; Disc 'Sander; Drill Pass; Torch; Farman A; M -F Super. 90; Case 600. TERMS CASH PROPERTY IS SOLD BRINDLEY AUCTION SERVICE 5244451 FARM AUCTIQN SALE Farm Machinery, Some Household Effects, Livestock and Feed for MARY WOODS Loc ted on Lot 1, Concession 9, Turnberry Township, Six and\Mile gr Half Miles East of Wingham, or a Half the \'Topnotch Feed Mill" on Went of P ' SATURDAY, MARCH 24TH, 1973 Starting at One O'Clock Sharp -MACHINERY— International 3 -Furrow H ydrc Fluery Bissel Tandem Disc, John Deere Cultivvator, M, Plow,- Furrow Disc Plow, Front End Tractor Blade, 5 Section Har- row, Steel Roller, I.H. 13 -Run Seed Drill; Scales I H. Bin- der. Swather, Pig Crate, 100 Foot Endless Belt, vester with 24' Wagon Box and Pipes, New. Idea 'Power Mower, Jaekall, Deborning Crate Harness, Cockshutt Rake, Nuffield Tractor Feeders r Horse Loader, Chains, heat Hauser, M.R. llammermiil. aulie FEED -9 Ton of Mixed Grain. LIVESTOCK -20 Stocker Beef Heifers( o Cows (bred); 1 Hereford. Heifer (bred). fin)' 2 Hereford HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS--. Moffat Electric Stove, Dresser, Double Bed (complete), Odd Chairs Terms: Cash (No Reserve As Farm Sold) Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for any occident or . injury on property day of sale. AutcNotleert LEN METCA 367439$ 14 G G