HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-03-22, Page 4A�1 Encouraging `words Sid Harkema, president of Harkema expre4u sines. the firm which recently pur- ased Walden Bros. Transport, had some e,Couraging things to say at a luncheon in 1. ngham last Saturday. Mr. Harkema said #hat he had heard there were rumors afoot that the transport company would be moved out of town --but they were untrue. In fact,; he said, the firm plans to build a large depot on property owned by the company just east of Two P.C. defeats The results of last week's by-elections in Huron and Toronto were surprising, not only that Liberals were elected in both ridings, but that the Progressive Conservative party was so strongly defeated. In both cases the PC party was repre- sented by able men. Naturally aur interests here were more sharply focused on the vote in Huron where Don Southcott suffered a 2000 -plus defeat at the hands of the Liberal candidate. Personally we were disappointed at Don's defeat for we have known him since public school days and watched him develop into one of the most capable young men who ever sought election. The implications of the erecttionsare deep, pointing as they do to what may, be public disillusionment with the Davis gov- ernment. No one can ever be sure in in- stancesof this kind,, but there is an old and true saying that nobody ever wins an election.. it israther a case of the other party losing.. in other words the electorate votes the Lloyd -Truax plant at the north end of the town. The presence Of an efficient transport line in a community this size is most important to the progress of the com- munity ---especially since rail service is so limited in this,erea. It is good to know that the business will continue as a part of the, economic Life of the town and that its em- ployees will remain here. "anti" rather than "pro". There is no denying that the successive PC governments have introduced a great de& of progressive legislation during their long years in office, but there is a growing sense of remoteness about Queen's Park. We find increasing numbers of people who have the uneasy feeling that the Ontario govern- ment is doing just what it pleases with our lives—and without the courtesy of asking us to agree. The distrust is, in many instances, Un- founded. Careful planning has gone info the . major programs and it is a time of change during which it is fruitless to cling to all the 'old methods of laws. Nevertheless, the people in power have failed to sell the voting public on the merits of the various far-reaching innovations and it is quite pos- sible that distrust or lack of adequate infor- mation . was expressed at the polls last Thursday. Old fashioned stealing The Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons has taken action against two of its members for wrongfully' bitting for services which were never performed,. Dr. Ivan Chesl.ey Price of London was found guilty o&, billing the OntarittHealttr insurance Plan for removal of three or more cists, ' 'when in fact. he had not performed the service and such accounts as were submittedwere to his fi- nancial advantage'". The College also found flr.•Gothard Rudi`Kiefer'of Midland guilty of billing the plan for services on three occa- sions to, a patient "when. Dr. Kiefer had not, in fact, seen such patients on said dates". 100 fit ��, f:+ad •C.*Yt4YQX . H11`.3: LNd^ ets' thesef'acts td.{•t'ie • : , condo t it tihe.121n -2 r. cto Y f:'sus ae'ttled'f r six ion$hs'afd' ihe Midland man was reprimanded and re- quired to pay the costs of the hearing. Now isn`t that just ducky? The crimes' • involved were plain, unadulterated: theff of , Moneys. provided. by the taxpayers of this province—the sort of theft that would guar- antee an ordinary citizen a stay in prison. • Garbage to burn Some very interesting publicity has been forthcoming recently on the subject of gar- bage disposal --certainly a topic that every- oneiis keenly aware of at the present time. It seems that the city of Hamilton isone of the few places in Canada wherethe problem of garbage disposal has been tackled in a scientific manner: In Hamilton ail garbage goes to the municipal incinerator, where it is. burned so efficiently that the emissions from the smoke stacks are well below the legal limits and the residue ash is actually sold for land fill purposes. . Why, then, ail the fuss over dumping sites for untreated' Toronto garbage? The answer, of course-, is rnoney—fhe money re- quiredfo construCt.the plant iP the first place and the funds needed to operate and fuel the system on a continuing basis. By compari- son, Toronto's method of hauling the gar- bage away to a big hole in somebody else's neighborhood works out at about $3.50 a ton. in Hamilton the price for proper disposal is instead the Midland doctor may continue to practice and the London doctor is free to en- joy a six-manth holiday. The latter probably has sufficient funds on hand to enjoy himself in Spain or some equally interesting place. The reputation of the College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons has suffered some grievous self-inflicted wounds during the past few months and this latest episode is not likely to better its position. The big question in the public mind will be why a doctor is not subject to the same court action as the rest of us? Why is a medical man so safely pro tectedby the fence his colleagues have drt cfed,'a a t e br * fs1o1 sit doettiri jai ''e'ra"ookS:Y f co`orse. 'Presumably the average runs about the same as it does in any other business or pro- fession. However, the honest practitioners should be more than anxious to_ disclaim any support or protection for those of their num- ber who fail so patently to Measure up to the high standards professed by medical practi- tioners. over $T. Admittedly that's a very convincing argument for the cheaper process—if we can actually live with the results. Disposal of human and industrial wastes is a problem so grave that a mere matter of money may not be permitted to influence the decision. Certainly we can find more holes in the ground for another few years, but the handwriting is • already on the wall. The people of the Minto area proved that point, and who else will be any more agreeable to Metro's plan? No way should we think in terms of the impossible. After all, our province boasts thousands of miles of paved roads, kept open year round by fantastically expensive 'snow -clearing androad maintenance pro- grams. We could be driving on gravel and putting the tars in the garage for the win- ter—but we won't, simply because the public is willing to pay the b'i l l for swift and safe travel•. Garbage disposal will have to be dealt with—and the price tag will be high. Atop the dung hill One of the slimiest stories to reach the public in a long time s the disclosure that Elliott Roosevelt has written a book which tells all the intimate details of the lives of his illustrious parents. Franklin Delano Roose- velt and his wife Eleanor have been monu- mental figures in the limelight of American and world history. Their son has apparently done his best to foul their image. According to news reports, the son's re- cently published book reveals that his father was intimate with his own secretary and his wife's personal assistant. The story also dis- closes facts about the father's physical rela- tionships with his wife. What possible motive could permit a son, no matter how low, to capitalize on the good name of his parents? The only one we can imagine would be jealousy of their ex- alted position before their fellowmen—a position the son has obviously no chance of achieving. President Roosevelt and his wife were both outstanding people—leaders of excep- tional ability and strength of character. No matter who defames them it is unlikely that the public will really be convinced of the truth of the statements. THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES Published at Wingham, Ontario, by Wenger Bros. Limited. Barry Wenger, President Robert O. Wenger, Sec.-Treas. Member Audit Bureau of Circulations. Member Canadian and Ontario Weekly Newspaper Associations Subscription $10.00 a Year $5.25 for Six Months, in United States $12.50 in Advance Second Class Mail Registration No. 0821 Return Postage Guaranteed The alert. eager expressioals typical of Gary.. This: t . -years is inquisitive and energetic,' always keen to try new experiences., Scottish in descent' Gary. slightly built with 'dark [stir,, brown eyes and medium C04*ple ion. His heatlth is good. Gary was born witk a ket wkicb were... corrected by surgery. He wear's,. .i shoes -but has no problems walling or running. His are because al a ling -past eye infection and his colour perception is not quite accurate, This is a minor problem .and, does not affect everyday activities. Gary is not a great scholar but is doing moderately well in Grade, five. His main intents are outside of school. Full of energy. Gary likes to be on the go. He is fond of sports, either to play or on television. Gary is fascinated by carsan4 thinks he would like to try drag racing. Since he is interested in farm animals he would like to live in the country. The ideal family for Gary would be parents In the 35 to 40 range and a few brothers,andsisters, including a boy just a little older. He especially needs a father toshare his life. Gary will be a fine son, for parents wha are able to,be patient and understanding whlilehe.learns that with them, he bas finally found a home. To inquire about adoptingGary, please write to: Today's Child, Box S88 Station K, Toronto IMI4P 2112. For general adoption in- formation, please contact your local Children's Aid Society. . , =..:RE,LMES FARM t.>U MARCH 19 Our townsm ae, 4 eorg!e Spotton . has been selected by the Ontario Conservative Association to give the address, introducing. Hon,. G. Howard Ferguson, PrixneMinister, at the banquet to be held at the King Edward on March 26. .1. M. Campbell of . Morris Township was placed third in the dairy products' judging contest held for those who, today com- pleted the eight weeks' special course in dairy manufacturing. at Purdue University at Lafayette, Ind. He was awarded a .cer- tificate for successful completion of the course of study. The House of Commons resumed its session after the pre - Easter vacation and we find among the estimates a vote for $150,000 for further improve- ments to Goderich harbor: Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gallaher have moved into the McCracken house, corner of Maple and. Shuter Streets and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. French have moved into the double house of W. F. Van- stone on John Street. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hardie will move into the Gallaher house on Diagonal Road. Wingham friends of Mrs. Effie. Cronin of Detroit, daughter of Mrs. Donald McCormick, Culross boundary, will be pleased to know that she was successful in win- ning $50 in a baking contest in Detroit. A pretty wedding ' was solemnized at Glenannan when Mary' A. Eadie became the bride of Walter Eldon Renwick of Howick. MARCH 1938 Earl Wild was elected president of the Wingham Athletic Association at its annual meeting. Vice president is S. S. Campbell and Frank Sturdy is secretary -treasurer. Roy Pattison, who has been employed . by the Spruce Falls Power Co. at Kapuskasing, :returned home on Saturday. Geese were seen flying north here on Monday morning. The flock was not a large one, 12 being °.counted. Several people have also (AM / Oa" LETTERSEIiITOR :TU� T March 19, 1973. Dear Editor: In response to the letter from Doug Skinn a few weeks ago, we would like to confirm his state- ment that it takes an out-of-town team to draw a crowd„ to the Wingham Arena. It seems though, that the arena has realized a good thing and they are about to make the most of it. At the beginning of the final playoff series recently, two small town teams without artificial ice, required the Wingham facilities for their games. They were charged$15 an hour for the use of the arena. M the games pro- gressed and the crowds grew larger the arena decided that it could capitalize on these teams, whereby it increased the charge to 35 per cent of the gate. This in- cluded the ice. One reason given for this- increase was that there was going to be a larger cleanup job at the end of the games. Above and beyond this, 15 per cent of the gate has to be paid to the WOAA, plus referee fees. Whatever is left over is shared between the two teams. It is very hard for a team with- out a sponsor to keep going through a mild season such -as we have had this year without land- ing in the red. We, 'the out-of-town fans, ap- preciate the use of the Wingham Arena, but we hate tq stand by and see these teams being taken advantage of like that. Yours.truly, Out -of -Town Fans. 0-0-0 Palmerston, Ont., March 12, 1973 An Open Letter to the Following: Newspaper Editors of Weekly and Daily Editions in our Area Members," of the Canadian Transport Commission; Hon Jean Marchand, Minister of Transport, Ottawa; Members of Standing Committee on Tran- sport, Ottawa; All Interested Citizens of the Travelling Public All Interested M.P.'s at Ottawa: Dear Reader: (1) Would the Editors of Daily and Weekly newspapers in our region, kindly print. this letter in their respective "Letters to the Editor" columns. (2) To the Chairman, Mr. E. C. Benson and the Members of the Canadian Transport Com - mission: As your Commission is a body of members appointed by, and responsible to the Federal Parliament, 'night we suggest that you take immediate ' action on 'the unanimous tecommendatien of the Standing Committee on Transport of the House of Commons -tabled in the House 'last June, and re -instate the rail passenger service which your Committee entirely elim- inated in Nov. 1970. (3) To the • Minister,., of Trans-' port, Hon. Jean Marchand: As the operation of the Railways comes entirely under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government, one would not like to think that you are disregarding the unanimous recommendation of the very important Standing Committee of the House of Commons which calls. for the immediate restoration of passen- ger rail service in Southwestern Ontario. The compiling of this un- animous report cost the Canadian taxpayers thousands of dollars, and many valuable hours of par- liamentary time. (4) Would the present Members of the Standing Committee on Transport forcefully urge democratic and parliamentary government to act, and call upon the present Minister of Trans- port, and the Canadian Trans- port Commission to fulfill the needs and wishes of the travelling public (uncovered through their good M.P.'s efforts) and adopt at once the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Trans- port which was tabled in the House of Commons in June, 1972. (5) Would any interested citizen of the travelling public please protest through your own M.P° on this matter. If you do not wish to write a letter of your own,. take this letter and attach your signature to it, thus endorsing our stand. P.S.—Letters to your M.P. in Ottawa do not require postage, hut may be sent free—enquire at your local post office. (6) Would all interested M.P.'s please take the time ti) demand action of the responsible parties. I would like to sincerely thank everyone who takes the time to both read and act on this matter. Yours for responsible action, Robert S. Cherry Telephones 343-2600, 343-n585. ortseeing robins. Refetuffuehrer Adolf Hitler, who in three days seized Austria and made it part of the German Reich, rode in triumph into Vienna Monday night and defied the world to interfere. He repeated with emphasis that the greater Germany is 'on the way'. As an immediate retort to the seizure of Austria, Great Britain prepared to put her vast ar- mament program- into high gear. Prime Minister Chamberlaip left a clear implication that Britain would prepare herself for . the eventuality of war. Three hundred children were on hand Friday for the free toxoid clinic for the prevention of diph- theria. A pretty wedding was solemnized in Whitechurch when Mabel Walters of Culross was united . in 'marriage with Ross MacRae. A parcel post receptacle was placed in front of the Post Office last week for the convenience -of tie wba wish to poet parcels after hours. Itron't be Wig unfit the alae syrup cropwilt be Olt the Market. . Some have commenced opera- tions in this district. MARCH 1945 Misses. Doreen, Currie, Helen Sturdy and, Hilda, Pletch, nurses - in -training at the Stratford General Hospital, received their caps. They passed frust, second and third in a clans. of 15. Last Saturday H. C. Brooks, local agent for the CPR, took aver his new duties at Midhurst, near Barrie. His son, Claire, is relieving at the local station until Saturday when Mr.. Smalley of Milverton will take over as the new station agent. W. T. Cruickshank was elected president of the recently elected Board of Directors of the Cham- ber of Commerce. Other officers are Rhys Pollock, vice president. and W. G. (Sam) Burton, secre- tary. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pattison moved loved to their- new farm on the 10th s concession of East Wawanosh, which they pur- chased last fail from Alex Menzie. Last week the Wingham High School District Board met and after examining estimates, decided to set a two -mill tax rate for the district. The firemen were called to the residence of Milas Moir, Minnie Street, when fire broke out in the upstairs apartment occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Russell Farrier. Considerable damage was done to the roof and attic. Fred Russell of the CKNX staff, attended the Canadian Bandmasters' Association convention held in Waterloo. Marlene Schaefer was named queen 'of the Howick Lions' Carnivalheldie 1" o dwi Arena - Ivan Campbell was Mag. W tulw included. Verna. Wolfe, 1dwin Holt,;:bold KO,. Shirley rley Bo , Schaefer. v Holt,, P*3411 Schaefer andF.I�1 J. . - William G. aw", of Robert .t,aidlaw,, 2, W. , MARCH 1 tn, and the :bate M.dlaw, one of fes' Canadian 44. b; named by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation as a Woodrow Wilson Fellow for the academic year I951 •60. He in- tends to use his Fellowship by studying chemistry at the Washington State University. A number of interested couples met SR. Andrew's Presbyterian Church to form a Couples' Club. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MacDonald were elected presidents; Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKague, secre- taries aiid Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McKague, treasurers. Last week Mrs. Burrell and Jerry Timm were among those who reported flights of wild geese on their way north. Wingham General Hospital is facing an order from the Ontario Hospital Services Commission to remove twenty or more patients within the next few weeks. The Commission has classified the patients as ineligible for further hospitalization. Following a series of meetings to negotiate a new salary schedule with the teaching staff of the Wingham District High School, the board and staff came to terms. The result is an average $1,000 increase to each of the teachers. The weather has been drastic all winter but the season reserved its worst blow of all for this. past weekend when winds gusting up to 80 and 90 miles an hour lashed rain, snow and drifting snow across the entire province. What's new at Huronview? Mrs. Luther of Hensall led the Christian Women's Club song service on Sunday evening in the chapel, with Mr. Luther provid- ing the organ accompaniment for the hymn sing. June Campbell played several accordion solos and Mrs. Gwen Whilsmith led the devotional period, illustrating the Bible 'story with colored slides. Monday's program had an Irish theme, in honor of Saint Patrick. One of the guests of the day, Mrs. Wolfe, who lives near Dublin and plays piano and har- monica, played for the sing -along of Irish songs and joined Marie Flynn, Norman Spier and Jerry Collins for the old-time music. A • vocal solo by Morgan Dalton and the singing of Happy Birthday were included in the afternoon's activities, with the assistance of the Christian Reformed volun- teers and Mr. and Mrs. Dale. A special Irish program was arranged and directed on Family Night by Mrs. Glanville, who is the daughter of the well-known step -dance teacher, Mrs. Orville Storey of Seaforth and is follow- ing in her mother's footsteps with classes in Brussels and Mitchell. Nelson Howe of Staffa with violin, accompanied at the piano by Marie Flynn of Clinton, played for the dancers and played a medley of old-time and Irish favorites. Dancers included the Steppers Five from Brussels, Brenda Chamley, Mary . Aran Benard, Wendy Adams, Laurie Elliott and Karen McLean. There were individual dances by Vanda Storey, Ted Elliott, and the Irish Washerwoman by Sherri Storey and Vicky Bennewies. Marlene and Valerie Glanville played guitar and sang some popular numbers, and the appreciation of the residents for the program was expressed by Mrs: Ryan. Members of the Clinton Kin- ettes and their families visited the home on Friday morning to honor their adopted grand- parents on Saint Patrick's Day. Lunch was served by the girls in the ground floor north dining area. • "€10W COME EI/ERY77144E` I Asie HOW CbME, >bu SAY A/EVER MIND?" 4 4 • 8