HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-03-15, Page 17A little over t,QO years ago the
great American thinker Thoreau,
left his now famous shack on the
edge of Walden Pond in Maaschu-
WA and went into town to buy
Mraself .a jacket.. But when the
smiling salesgirl showed hitn
what she had on the rack he said
ano, thanks, he'd like .a jacket 'of
thesame style he was presently
wearing,: I got it Jere several
years ago," he said, "and I've
found it both sensible and serv-
iceable and 1'4 like another like
To Nvhich the girl replied, "Oh,
no sir. 1 don't think you'd want to
wear a jacket like that today. You
see, they aren't making them
"THEY?" Thoreau repeated
"And who are they?"
He never got an, answer for
that, ll\it he came away surmis-
ing that THEY were to be found
somewhere 'among the mysteri-
ous and inaccessible people up on
God street, well out of the sight
and hearing of common man, and
that THEY consulted no one but
themselves when they issued
these almighty decrees about
what a man must wear this year.
Thoreau had some rather caustic
things to say about them, .but they
are apparently impervious to
protest, even the protest of a
great philosopher.
And they are still up oe God
street, still in business.
Which explains why, when I got
on the bus to the city the other
day, I discovered that I was flat
\broke:For when I reached for my
$59.00 Per Ton in
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billfold in 'a y back pocket, it
wasn'tthere. 'e. It w 't there -
cause there was, no pocket ;there
anymore. This Was ,my first trip
.out in a new paairof trousers, a
pair which. 'VW had styled to
have two big, kangaroo pockets in
front and none at ,all back where
they should be, And in my rush to
get dressed in time, t had been so
nonplussed about where THEY
hadintended the to keep my bill-
fold that I had set it aside'tempo-
rarily and hien forgotten all
about it.
T.Y had decreed that a man
- should no longer be 'allowed to sit
on his money.
Incidentally, the material
which THEY are now putting into
our trousers isn't exactly to my
liking either. These double-knit
synthetics may look smart and
keep their press, but they are so
cold and clammy. that when 1
finally took my seat on the bus
the other day—on credit—I
thought at first that Rosemary's
baby must have been there
before me.
I suppose we can also thank
THEY for the fact that you're not
supposed to wear a shirt now un-
less it is burdened down .with cuff
links. How a man could manage
those things if he didn't have a
woman in the house, I can't
imagine. And then there are
those new ties which THEY have
now knotted about our necks.
Even at its most sensible, a tie
has always been a bit ridiculous;
forever getting into our soup or
catching catsup or getting, trap-
rapped in the car door. In all the his-
tory of man, a necktie has never
served any useful function other
othan to provide a convenient
place ce fox the baby to wipe his
greasy:: hands. But now, with ties
as wide as scarfs, one not only
has five times the area to attract
trouble; but he has to pay an all-
time high price for there as well. I
was able to get a pretty good shirt
for four bucks the other day, but
it cost me five to find the right tie
to go with it.
And what next will THEY
commandus to wear? Six-inch
pant cuffs and maybe even
starched collars again, so ru-
mour has it. Who knows? One
thing is sure, tomorrow's styles
be any :more
. L. P
ser Sible tir t� tt r
a ey are today.
Thoreau observed, whenever
THEY order a new style for us, it
is for the benefit of the manufac-
turers and sundry other of the
great people in the market place,
and not for the poor sucker who is
obliged to wear it.
Sales & Service= Walton, Ont.
Seaforth 527-0245 - Brussels 887-6365
Used Tractors
See Us For:
AFTER EIGHT YEARS and 1,000 matings of purebred Yorkshire and Lacombe swine, a
reproduction physiologist at the Agriculture Canada Research Station In` Brandon, Man.,
concluded. colder weather, resulted in a highereoliCepfion rate for swine.
Swine reprodvctio
in fold weather
Cold weather and swine repro-
duction go well together, ac-
cording to data collected at the
Agriculture Canada Research
Station in Brandon, Man.
Dr. Ernest Swierstra, a repro-
duction physiologist at the .sta-
tion, said the findings are based
on more than` 1,000 mating of
purebred Yorkshire and
Lacombe swine over an eight-
year period.
"We looked at the results ac-
cording to the temperature on the
days of mating," he said.
Four temperature ranges were
chosen to compile the . results of
mating: Lower than 13 below ,
zero; between 13 below zero and
zero; between one above and 12
above zero;' and higher than 12
above • zero. All temperatures
were measured in degrees
Starting with the coldest range,
conception rates for the gilts
mated once were 81, 73, 58 and 56.
per cent for the four respective
temperature ranges.
, "There's no doubt about the
trend," Dr. Swierstra said. "The
lower the temperature, ' the
higher the conception rate. But
this isn't necessarily a direct
effect o f cold weather. It .could ne, t.!
indirect because, the gilts tend to
exercise little and stay in their
cabins after mating in cold
weather and this might favor
The study also showed clear-
cut proof that repeated matings
result in higher conception rates.
All the gilts were mated on the
first day of estrus. Gilts still in
estrus the next day were mated a
second time with the same boar.
"Repeated matings per estrus
increased the conception rate of
Yorkshire gilts by 12.5 'per cent
and of Lacombe gilts by 11.3 per
cent as compared with single
matings," said Dr. Swierstra.
"In .both breeds; litter size in-
creased by an average of 0.3 pig-
lets with repeat mating. This was
expected in theory, because re-
peat mating per estrus improves
chances of combining vigorous
egg cells with strong sperm. Our •
study was conducted under
typical -production conditions, so
the results aren't only
theoretical—they're highly
Dr. Swierstra and Dr. Gerald
Dyck have an experiment un -
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derway this winter to cheek, for
any unexpected cold weather
effect on the boars virility,
Although repeated mating in-
creased litter size, there Was no
cold weather influence on _, .the
number of piglets born. •
As a sidelight on. repeated rat-
ings from the same boars Or.
Swierstra also has a program
going to establish how often a
farmer can use his prize boar for
Although he insisted that final
results will not be ready for about
a year, Dr. Siwerstra did indicate
that boars at the Research Sta-
tion are being used successfully
for daily matings for peri ",up
Y g. , well-
13 days before taking, a well-
earned rest.
Reproduction physiology • ..re-
search at the station is designed
to improve understanding of ani-
mal reproductions and provide
knowledge for sound manage-
ment practices to obtain topsper-
formance in animal husbandry.
Minister believes
good fiture for
school teachers
TORONTO ' (TIPS) — Ontario
Education Minister Thomas
Wells says that job opportunities
for secondary school teachers
now and in the future are not as
,black asthey have been painted.
"I certainly wouldn't want to
discourage anyone from taking
teacher training for fear they
would not be employed," Mr.
Wells added. .
Fewer than 200 of last year's
graduates : from education
faculties and colleges are not now
teaching. The Minister said there
will always be : shortages of
teachers in some.subject areas,
such as mathematics and science
at present, and surpluses in
, others such as English and his-
"I do not believe that people
trained . in the techniques of
organizing and imparting knowl-
edge, and skilled in the process of
exciting the curiosity. and enthu-
siasm of others, will'ever go beg-
ging in our society," he said.
A number of important points
have come up during recent
meetings on. Income Talc. 1 would
like to share these with you.
1. Capital. Cost, Allowance (De-
preciation) :
On the declining balance (Part
XI), full Capital Cost Allowance
can be claimed if the machine
was purchased and delivered to
the farm any time throughout the
year, thatis, even on December
31st. No *cash need be paid and
therefore machinery financed
would also qualify.
You would be wise to take
capital cost allowance on straight
line assets first, before using
capital cost allowance on Part
XI. This is because a terminal
loss is available on Part XI. It is
best not to switch assets from
Part XVII (straight line) to -Part
XI (declining balance).
If depreciable assets are swit-
ched from Part XVII to Part XIS;
you should keep very clear
records. It is not, the intent of the
legislation to recover at any time
the deprepiation previously
claimed under Part ' XVII. Re-
covery of depreciation can easily
occur even though it is not intend-
ed, if sales of capital items are in-
correctly recorded.
2. Accelerated Capital Cost Al-
Grain storage . facilities and
grain drying.
writes rates have been set
up so that this equipment can be.
depreciatedsin four years.
Accelerated Capital Cost Al-
lowance Program For Pollution
Abatement—Class 24—Water
Pollution; Class 27—Air Pollu-
tion—This applies to storages for
holding of waste products prior to
disposal. Some farmers are ap-
plying for this fast farmers
manure *rage tanks. This
allows a complete write-off in two
years. It is necessary to apply to
the Department of the Environ-
ment, Environmental Protection
Service, Ottawa for acceptance,
in order to have National
Revenue allow this fast write-off.
3. Education Deduction :
This is a deduction of $50.00 for
each month in 1972 during which
a student was in a college or uni-
versity. This is over and above
the regular deduction allowed.
The following example shows
how a farmer might pay his son
for work on the farm during the
summer and have the son pay
Son earns $1800.00
'Minus tuition 400.00
Minus 8 months
at $50.00 400.00
$1000.00 income (non-taxable)
The parent can still °claim the
$550,00 deduction for o child six.4
Ontario Ministry
Agriculture and Food
teen or over. The student can
claim the $50.00 per month to
reduce taxable income to zero
and any remaining amount can
be claimed by the supporting in-
4. Quota:
One-half of quota purchased in
1972 or later can be set up as. an
eligible capital account. Ten per
cent of this amount can be
claimed as an expense on the de-
clining balance method.
5. Basic Herd:
Many farmers think that basic
herd is being phased out over ten
years. This is not so. You can
reduce basic herd by ten per cent
a year on an optional basis. The
alternative is to keep basic herd
until final sale. There is a manda-
tory reduction only if the total
herd numbers go below the basic
herd total.
You should submit a change of
inventory each year with the in-
come tax return.
6. Grants Not Taxable:
The Ontario Farm Tax Reduc-
tion Program funds are not tax-
able. The grant received for Elm
Tree Removal is now classed as
taxable income. The expenses of
removal are allowed. This is a
change from previous informa-
tion. There has been a great deal
of confusion on this point. Income
and expense need not be reported
if the cutting was done by a con-
7. Statement of Capital Disposi-
tion -Schedule 2:
This will be used when shares,
real estate, bonds, etc. are sold.
At the bottom of this form is an
election to establish cost at fair
market value on Valuation Day.
Do not sign this form unless it is
to your advantage. If you do not
sign this form, the median rule
will apply for assets acquired
before 1972. Once you elect to use
Valuation Day value, there is no
possibility of switching.
8. Ontario Property Tax
Credit :
This applies to many who nor-
mally do not file income tax
forms e.g. senior citizen tenants
and post secondary school stu-
dents. To qualify for a tax credit,
a farm must have a residence on
it. For example, if a residence is
situated on a 100 acre farm, then
the total municipal taxes paid on
the farm land, farm buildings
and residence would be included
when calculating occupancy cost.
Where there is more than one
residence on the farm, the owner
must exclude from calculation of
occupancy cost of his principal
residence' all the municipal taxes
dencewhich. apply to the other resi-
CHATHAWA A cornprehwensive
study 0 cash crop grain handling
facilities ins Qiz, t ,with ems .
Pbnsi on. the neLaxio; f the s the
west, was pledged by UJnited Co-
,uperatives'.Qf OAtar10 at the 13th
annual Grain Marketing Confer -
trice sponred by UCO's et -
hamt figrael d m in mChathaarketiinmg depart -
vihe pledge Mills made by UCO's
eresident Gordon' Jack of
Blenheim, at the conclusion of an
all -day meeting with 156 cash
crop p eodutcera, and eco -operative
The group represented Ontar-
io's grain marketingystem.,
Which handles 45 per cent of all
the three cash . grains, wheat,
corn and soya beans, marketed in
the province. They had zerped in
• on the conference topic, "The
challenge oto- up -date intake,
drying, and storage capacity; at
CO-OP elevators to meet the
needs of ,themodern cash grain
producer'' m `
"You can rest assured," said
Mr. Jack, "that UCO board .and
management will take a look at
this: problem." �� He added,
however, .that capital `would only
be outlaye.d,provided the study
proved the expenditures would
have a payback.
Earlier, the Chatham depart
ment manager, Howard:, Pitz,
indicated that the past year's
poor crop conditions for corn had
emphasized the need for the co-
operative grain marketing
system to do a better job of up-
grading and segregating at
-country elevators in order to
better serve the various markets
and improve producer returns.
He'lpointed out that a recent
study silwed'-that while co-
1973 fertilizer
supply limited
The consistently high crop
yields obtained in Ontario, are
the result of good crop manage-
ment practices. An adequate
supply of top quality fertilizer is
an important factor in their
production. However, in many
areas of the province, fertilizer
supplies may be scarce this year,
says J. D. Curtis, director of the
Soils and Crops Branch, Ontario
.41,41stjr'-y ofand
There are several factors that
are influencing the fertilizer
supply outlook. High returns for
feed grains, are prompting many
farmers to increase their
acreages. Prices are eittpected to
remain at these levels at least
until the end of the . 1973 harvest.
In the United States, 40 -million
acres of land has been released
for feed crop production, an area
31 times greater than Ontario's
total grain production acreage.
Canadian producers here and in
the\west will also be planting
more wheat, barley, and soy-
beans to ..feet feed requirements.
The demand for fertilizer on
the export market is also af-
fecting domestic supplies.
Anhydrous ammonia production,
from which most nitrogen fer-
tilizers are obtained, is down
from previous levels due to in-
creased production costs, re-
flected in the natural gas Storage.
In many years, fertilizer
supplies are depleted during the
peak 6 -week period of the plan-
ting season. Normal demand,
coupled with these new factors,
will make it difficult for bulk
fertilizer producers to meet all
As a result, farmers can expect
increased costs. Accurate
calculations of the amounts of
fertilizers needed will help to
keep cost increases to a . mini-
Farmers should decide now
what fertilizer they require and
in what quantity. Then they
should place their orders early
with fertilizer dealers, says Mr.
Curtis. This will give dealers
time to ensure adequate stocks
during the planting period.
Measering potato
blight resistance
• Fighting fungus diseases in
agricultural crops can be a
vicious circle.
Breeders develop new varieties
resistant to the fungus, the
fungus develops strains to
overcome resistance, and the
breeders look for new resistance
to stop the fungus.
Mery Clark, a biochemist at the
Agriculture Canada Fredericton,
N.B., Research Station thinks a
way out of the dilemma may be'to
concentrate on natural or `field
resistance' in newplant varieties.
Mr. Clark has come up with a
quick, practical laboratory test
for late blight resistance in
The test is now ready for use in
breeding programs.
operatives handle 45 per cent of
Ontario's Marketed grain, they
to• al aily2 bloentosraar �iii' i eothe-
operative managers'
• which discussed t4e sae(,
Claude Brillinger, ;managerofmanager
Oxford Farmers , Corative,
had strongly recommended, "an
immediate six-month study, with
UCO supplying the leaaderslup, on
every aspect the" cash .crop
grain marketing industry, with ,a
view to updating the co-operative
elevator system to handle thein.*
dlistrial trade, where the most
money is."
The discussion was kicked: off
by remarks by. ,ester Longhurst,
past-chBeaanirmanProducers' of the arkOntario
Board. He stressed .that '`storage
is a way of life to me, . . my busi-
os 4'0 only, p�u fM
harvesting, and storage`
orderly mar,"
",1 won't be food,i ,tt
lines at ;no a ntry "elevators,
told the group in his
"The Irartner Presents Ms
Cease," advocati,ffbrows
•fid star t ° or
.use facilities v .
tain some. eas a of c
The' meeting agreed that
study would evenly terve
a decision on how much capital
would ' be re ed to ,unpro
gr handling acilita to meet
the new needS. A cam',
UCO's `_mea Orono mid
since:" the co-operative
loess owned'byits users,,the study
*.uld include the approximate
investment to be made each
co-operative: member
title project.
Soys still b
CHATHAM— Soya bean will
again be the crop. 'to ,grow
year, indicated'Roward-Pitzp. the
Chatham grain . department
manager of United, Co-operatives
of Ontario,, to some 100 cash crop,
producers s atteriding the • .13tlt
annual Co-operative Drain :l,r-
keting Conference.
"Prices for soya beans are
more likely to, remain at cola-
paratively higher `levels;, than
either of . the other tt ro popular
Ontario Gash +crops,'^ , Corn, n. and
eat he aid. Ile
s > 'predicted a
price• J i
r ce
p i of aunt under tot a bushel for
fall deli.
veky, :baked °on Chicago
Noveinber futures ;prices.'
Defending his use of the'
Chicago 'market 11 . Patz said;
"it still provides the best indica-
tions` ° of current akid 'deferred
values of on tiny' dAir,
since daily' quotations reprent
concensus of world-wide buyer
and seller opinion, taking 'into
account, allthe factors involved in.
the price -making P •mechanism.
He warned that the present low
"old crop" soya - bean suppl,
makes new crop prices extreme-
ly sensitive to new crop outlooks.
The present scarcity -has created
lir" tit
?� ki •h sr"f olr•
flitisriel Nlicl "iiias. ddfr d the U.S.
Department of Agriculture
(USDA) to release additional
acres for soyabean production
with a predicted 1973 record U.S.
crop of 1.5 billion bushels.
The huge corn producing po-
tential of. the U.S. also over
shadows Mr. Pitz's fall corn price
prediction of around $1.30 a
bushel. Despite current feed
grain shortages around the
world, the U.S. still expects a
carryover this crop year of some
900 million bushels. The USDA
has released additional acres for
corn with the result that the U.S.
'73 corn crop could go as high as 6
billion bushels, up from last
year's 5.5 billion.
Figur es .for Ontario's '1.972
crop:were unavailable, but Mr.
Pits indicated that it Wasdown
from '71's :r rd 102 million
bushels and " bele* ,The exp
'cdtent,lluaii usually Produced
due to °the one frost an -
went = growing and
harvesting went er.
The wheat aforecatt .
clouded by ° 5: sled d
Production' :potential.,..17!esptte
l:orld-Wide bad 'cath , :affect-
° ing,prolictil' in Russia, India,.;
aid''ultra ; : ltl; w�int
.gilt rls, estimated,
r• ecord ;>3'. bion b?s. a
r'estlt of i this' potential, . ,
'dieted sotnewbat owe
than 'have been
ducers during ',Ike' las,
• months (preseht.'price a e+
a `bushel) - for the JOntario
, crop of some; IS mbliShela.
FARil1A. Et
- Surge °Pd ps :
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and .F'olsatnrs,,
B rn-O-Matic
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Four Breaker Cups
-- One Automatic Wash
These Items Traded' on
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