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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-03-15, Page 16
1�. Page 2 --Crossroads—March 1b, 1973— hhh h1 :\i�\ �4T. .\ •• \•\.•\�0r\ a 1 k. OVER TME k. 4, ,,,,,„\.0 k\\4\\''' FARM GATE ,,1 4I\\\kkh ,,,\‘‘ by Hill Romahnu 11: k CKNX Farm Director.,,,\NN "Learn to do by Doing". A pretty simple motto with a whale of an impact ! Next week, moms and dads will have the kids home for ak••,,,\• week's holidays. And once again they'll probably wish there was something for them to do. Let me do a little missionary ;,'!•Z,..,, ` w work for 4-H programs. Basically, 4-H is for anyone aged 12 to 2• 0. At one time, it was strictly for rural youths. But today there are programs' that should interest even the teens in town. If you are living • on the farm, then livestock, field crops, horticulture, engi- i neering or farm management might be your son's or laugh- ter's interest. If you live in town, maybe the younguns would " • like a home landscaping and beautificationMy' P• g program ora �.., home economics program or a sewing . program, or a vee- :tifi table garden program or a... the list is almost endless. There is room for mom and dad too. 4-11 doesn't survive k tt without leadership. It takes a person interested enough to h . spend a couple of hours a month lining up a program ander visiting members. In .short then, the program of 4-11 work is as limited as interested people willing to devote a little time ti•o1•1 to today's youth. :. % -'It surpises me to see the figures on 4-H membership. Len �'" titi ; .. j McGregor tells me that only 200 farms in Huron County had :§ ;\ boys or girls enrolled in a club. Where are the other 1,800? In \ my area it was a sin not to be a 4-11 member during the sum- " \t mer. Besides our work with harvests, it kept us in the books h, 4' learning about the care of animals or crops. -It alsogave me a:. chance to get together with other people my age _.at a time Wi when getting together was .all too difficult. Surely times \ :,. haven't changed so much since then that youth disdain fel- y ~ �ti lowship! kk In fact, perhaps tha• t's our biggest problem. Youth don't get together enough to develop in more than a scholastic k . nature. The symbol 4-H stands for "Head, Heart, Hands and In - Health". Let's give our young people help with their mental, ; emotional, social and physical development as • exemplified ;,NA by 4-H.� •tiff••• If, at this point, you still need selling on the 4-H program let's try this on for size. There are several travel oppor- tunities offered through 441. First of all there are regional 4-11 conferences. These are three-day conferences designed for 15 -year-old 4-11 members. These are often "fun" sessionsti? ;.•..:tiff held at universities with the added benefit of discussing im-f?y provements to 4-11. Then there is a provincial 4-11 conference ff; held at the University of Guelph designed to enhance the io • leadership capabilities of members. If you like to get out of the province, there are interpro- vincial and even international 441 exchanges. Youths from outside the county visit with farm homes in exchange for ome county members going back with them for an equal ength of .time. And there are always the local tours held inti the area every summer. A point that always intrigues me is the competition as \; ••}:tier: pect of .4-H°Therein an incentive of awards, but I found them ti +.`fi miniscule. The real reward for a young 4-H'er is standing pi tops in his club at the end of the year. A certain stigma•was #}., associated with being near the bottom; thus next year efforts • were increased, This type of. free competition,:as I look back, was a real character -builder. I doubt that earnest parents Ay, fi�•- ` r would thwart this of .tr rr~; ..ti� ai!ning;;from, anyone, ,,These„ areas of • co ti a e e P bene c 1 • t'!• w: ��..,^IY {., t.y, '.� ,f�Yt. - 1�+�h.T��^.�y �7G11TfIM�a� ti* •'r:h ,sorts For ,instance, ,the 4- ate sign competition should ."`` enhance the entrance to most fa s. And a pending competi- tion to clean . up the surroundings of a farm will do every pA county a little good. Competition in individual clubs will lead i • to a, well -learned agriculturalist—no matter what his en- ▪ deavourin latter years. This can equally be applied to girls taking courses in towns learning about some of the "old- fashioned" arts of sewing and cooking. In short, then, the benefits of 4-11 will far outweigh the shortcomings. I would urge you to rectify the situation of 90 per cent non -participation. MARKET OUTLOOK: Just as we said it would, the devalued American dollar has strengthened pork prices. All things being equal, look for pork to continue in the $52 - $54 range. Slight setbacks will occur when order -buyers back off the market" for a day or two. Beef prices will continue $42 - $42 since the numbers are low and the quality seems to be lacking. The fancy, well- finished cattle that grade .Al, A2, or even A3, will set new record highs, if they can be found. Watch the dirty' cattle '.•' since they cause•discounts at today's high prices for hides. r% Poultry looks stronger once again. Could it be that people •f:'fh ;hf ..,....,:x; } will buy broiler chickens and turkeys *hopes of escaping .i'•:.):: pork and beef prices? r3• , That's the way markets look from here. : .' fr r rter/j/4•u:rr 4•P -- of::J1 .7 • ......../Fe✓�/n",re?-! ;ry:f r.pr`:•:Ffrf 1.'.r,r•%/7.• :/r fj ••v r:/rr{:r x.e . f•T:%%j%1A%r...er•�/,/ i//,` : ?40 r�r/dz g+.•%/�A.:}•r:I::ri jryr/r . • Y�}r/frYr• w •r THE. ALMIGHTY by L© L N/ KE DON'T KNOW MU 04 ABOUT ART BUT I KNOW WHAT r LIKE!" 1Crossroads Published every Wednesday as the big, action cross-country sectiorrin The Listowel Banner, The Wingham Advance -Times and The Mount Forest Confederate. Wenger Bros. Limited, publishers, Box 390, Wingham. Barry Wenger, Pres. Robert 0. Wenger, Sec.-Treas. Dick Eskerod, Editor. Display and Classified ad deadline— Tuesday, week prior to publication date. REPRESENTATIVES Ontario Weekly Newspapers Assoc., 127 George St., Oakville - 844-0184 C.C.N.A., Room 24, 2 Moor St:, East, Toronto -921-8324 HIGH RISE BIRDS—The birds in the Weber neighborhood enjoy the comforts of high rise apartments. this is just one example of the bird houses Mr. Weber builds. (Staff Photo) olorful weather vanes, bird houses made by local artisan Continued from Page 1 together or not. He wasn't cer- tain. The structure which stands about three feet high, is painted "white;has a red roof, and blue fencing around eich of its three levels. Each unit has its own "balcony" or, landing roost. Smaller bird houses can be hung, but this giant martin house must be mounted on a base of some sort. Since last summer Mr. Weber has • sa1d ; 58r ,(of h(js e! eatip , in: - eluding ' one which went to a customer in Edmonton, one to Toronto and three to Sarnia. He does not advertise. News travels by word of mouth, and people call ors drop by his home -workshop seeking an item. If he doesn't have the style sought on hand, he will make it up to order-. Forty- seven orders were filled for Christmas last year. Anotheringenious item which was under' construction was a bird feeder 'styled as a covered bridge. The bridge has black slats over rust sides. The chim- ney lifts off, exposing •a hole where the seeds are poured in ONE MAN one-man band. dubs in drum old snare dru BA and slide down two ramps into both ends --of the feeder. The ends are open for easy access for the small feathered, diners. Small glass panels across the ends re: tain the seeds and indicate the seed level. . In his living room Mr. Weber produced a small drum and iintro- dueed his second interest— music—and his wife, Mrs. Weber,: who was engrossed in her elms- tine' hobby, painthig On fabric. Mrs. 'Weber Paints on Fabric Mrs. Webers .collection of crafts includes Painted table and luncheon cloths, decorated with flowers and other designs. Quilts and pillow cases are also deco- rated in this manner and she has - found that the painting combines well with embroidery and crochet trims. She paints her designs with Artex paint on a variety of fabrics, including cotton, linen, silks and synthetics and velvet, which is the most difficult back- ground to work on, she claims. Velvet paintings . tend to be framed and used as paintings or ND—When Dave Weber gets going He records his own harmonica iment. The drum accompan m. he musi is a c and was built from an (Staff Photo) as fancy cushions. The paint is washable and the utilitarian items such aS pillow cases and table cloths were brightly colored after many launderings Mrs. Weber began her craft about three years ago and used to sell her work. One very attractive piece was a large painting of two deer standing among pines near a cabin, snow heavy on the bran- ches, against ablack velvet ground. - For infants she has delightfolf bibs with colorful faces of bear; A round, stained-glass window design on black velvet, depicting the nativity scene, she calls her prize, and.it is certainly an intri- cate, fine piece of work. Although her articles are no longer for sale she would, probably fulfil a spe- cial request. With over two and a half dozen grandchildren she should have no surplus•of items in future years. And Music, Too Mr. Weber could not resist giving a demonstration of his musical talent. Ile played tapes of lively harmonica numbers and music with the mouth organ and drum. He also played tapes of square dances to which he was "calling off". "He's music from the top of his head to the soles of his feet," ex- claimed Mrs. Weber. As a child, he taught himself to play the mouth organ by ear and teamed up with a group at parties. He "sings like a ripper, but can't carry a tune", hut he's good at calling -off for the square dancing crowd. In 1937 he won the Canadian Champion as caller at the CNE, and during the• Thirties, the town's ' square dance group brought home at least three trophies for their dancing "which couldn't ' be beat" among the amateur competitors at the CNE. After the war, Mr. Weber - organized the Mount Forest chil- dren's pipe band. Both Webers wish that people today could dance like they did in the good of days. UIC uncovering insurance abuse TORONTO (TIPS) — The Un- employment Insurance Commis- sion has begun a large-scale investigation into recipients of its benefits. UIC investigators in Kingston, using a recently -developed "pro- file" of the abuser of the plan, say that more than 70 per cent of the recipients in the area may be dis- qualified. The profile is working well in Kingston, but a spokesman for the commission says that it has not yet been determined whether the same profile will work in other areas or if its effectiveness is confined to particular regions. The federal government re- cently had to bail out the bank- rupt UIC account to be able to continue doling out money to the unemployed. Current investiga- tions bear out the fact that too Many people are taking a free ride on government funds. 1r w ofts ley Alleo Mulvey fl e m * Ume In the life ot every cooed' woman when must daughters, goodbye to her sons and One by one they leave the family 1< t Where they have spent their liv,1 and go out„l into the world to seek a life of their own, They go away to col. lege, to take up a^ tion or to get married and another place or another. country bermes their home, It is a time of mixed feelings, this parting of .the ways. Parents feel both glad and sorry. •Olad that their off -spring show inde- pendence and initiative and. sorrow that their Tamil/ life can never be quite the same again, Tome, raising a family is very ,muc`lt like; builtbui104, a boat. There is great preparation and months 'of hard labor in constructing a boat. You have to make sure it is strong and sea -worthy, that it will not capsize in rough water or when buffeted by high winds. And you raise your children hoping that they, too, will be able to ride through the high - tides on the turbulent sea of life. ° There is a great deal in com-,- mon in raising - a family and building a boat. The only reason you construct a boat is for it to leave harbor and seek other horizons. It would be foolish to spend months building a boat only to leave it in the dock. The same rule applies to families,. in turn they, too, must go out and. seek different horizons. You hope that whatever port they are headed for, they will arrive safely. • LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Pear. Mr. Eskerod: I am happy to say that the ex- cellent story Miss Jayne Carroll did on my dog grooming facilities, and that you were kind enough to publish in Crossroads crated a lot of interest. Because of the story and the advertisement , in Crossroads, I receive phone calls from people who want, to make an appoint,. ment for their dog, from all over the area. Crossroads must be a well-read section to give this kind of re- sponse, and it certainly pays to advertise in it. John Visser, stowel. (••t f.'u' t' .nate ., .r. -t B•', Puckers resist price controls TORONTO (TIPS) — The Meat Packers Council of Canada said. beef prices should be allowed to find their own level on the market• and suggested that the govern- ment should not intervene, it was reported here recently. In a special report to the House of Commons ,committee on ' food prices, the meat 'packers said price controls on beef might hinder supplying the future demands for meat. Meat packers had been ac- cused of favoring a monopoly for extra profits by previous wit- nesses appearing before the food prices committee. One witness from Manitoba's Department of Agriculture claimed meat packers had raised the price of pork loin by 13 cents a pound since the end of last year with no corresponding increase in production costs. The packers in- sisted the market was "intensely competitive” and denied setting prices themselves. They 'added that fresh meat was not out of the financial reach of most. Canadian homes and •said -that for others, substitutes such as soybeans and cheaper cuts of frozen meat might alleviate a part of the problem, Beef prices rose 5.8 per cent in January. Dead Animal Removal Service WANTED on, r)rro, paying Illi OO Int (1(',)(1 (1 1(1 (10, !a ir•(1 COWS & HORSES (A(-( ord rl(I to Size) All <,r1lall animals picked up F FIE E: of charge at, ,i r, to you CALL US FIRST! we vvlll give you the `,('rVu(:(' you n('('(1 Call Collect 1x)19) 387 9334 24 HOUR SERVICE Brussels Pet Food Supplies 0.:,RNER MIORT.IR BY YOUR .HOYT Dear Mom and Dad: I hope you won't get mad at me. for writing ,Ula letter, but you al- ways told me to.,never keep back anything that Ought to he brought .out in the open.' So, here goes. Remember the other morning when my team was playing arid both of you were there sitting and watching??? Well, MOM and I A` , I hope 'you --- won't get mad at me but you embarrassed. me. Remember when I went after the puck in front of the net trying to score and fell, well MOM f could . hear you yelling at the goalie for getting in my way and tripping me. Shucks, it wasn't his fault, that is what .he is supposed to do Then do you remember yelling at me to get on the other side of the blue line, well I didn't know whereto go then, cause the coach had told me to 'cover my man, and ,I couldn't if I listened to you, so while I tried to decide what to do the other team scored against us, then you yelled at me for being in the wrong place. But what really got me; MOM and DAD, was what - happened after the game. You mould not have jumped on the coach for pulling me off the ice. He's a pretty good hockey coach and a real swell -guy, and he knows what he is doing. Be- sides, he's just , a volunteer coming down at all hours of the morning to ' help us kids, just. cause he likes sports. And then neither of you spoke to me the whole way home, f guess you were pretty sore at. me for notgetting a goal. I tilied, awfully hard but I guess Im just a inUSy :hockey,player. But 1 love to play :hockey. It is a lot of fun being ° with ' the other kids and learning to compete in, a real good sport. But,gosh, MOM and DAD, how can I learn if you don't show me a good example? And anyhow, I thought f was playinghockey for fun, to have a good time and to learn sportsmanship. I didn't know you were going to be upset so much because. I couldn't become a star. Love, YOUR SON. LOCAL TOURNAMENTS In a very few days dozens of young fellows not unlike the one above will have a good time play- ing hockey for the fun of It. in the annual Wingham Lockridge Mid- get Tournament and the annual a, Listowel Tyke Tournament. They will be doing their best for their coach, their teammates and their parents. But most of -all; for themselves. They will play to win too, but if they don't and many aren't winners, they won't think the world stopped. They will want to talk to somebody. . Might you be there? Might you do your best to go out and support a b of boys who are com- pe>ti - = for fun, to have a good e and to learn some sports- manship? _Ile, • Used Farm Equipment Specials SPREADERS— 3 New Idea P.T.O. Flail Spreaders 1 John Deere P.T.O.. No. 33 Double Beater 1 John Deere P.T.O. Single Beater 1 International Triple Beater $600.00 $650.00 $450.00 $495.00 FOUR CHOICE OF SEVERAL NEW GEORGE WHITE, NEW IDEA AND COCKSHUTT SPREADERS. • �$',lM.;�'OIS— l �. of �' R Cockshutt 1355 Diesel, 4 Wheel Drive, only 800 hours, like new Cockshutt 560. Diesel Ford Super Major Diesel Cockshutt 1250 Gas with Loader Cockshutt 1650 Diesel Row Crop Nuffield 1060 Diesel erguson 2085 Gas \ Cockshutt 165 Diesel Row Crop $4,950.00 I81,595.00 $1,450.00 $1,850.00 84,750.00 $2,200.00 $ 650.00 $4,300.00 SEVERAL OTHER NEW ' AND USED TRAC- TORS AND IMPLEMENTS. • t127Catnut4 TEESWATER Carl Barry or Ron today at: TEESWATER FARM EQUIPMENT 392-6825 SEE OUR HEAVY DUTY DELIVERY UNIT ON YOUR ROAD EVERY WEEK USED TRACTORS —Ford 5000 Diesel —Ford 3000 Diesel —Ford 3000 Gas with Loader —Ford Jubilee with Loader —Ford Super Dexta Diesel —Ford Jubilee with Davis Industrial Motor —Allis Chalmers D19 Gas with 4 -Furrow Plow —Allis Chalmers D17 Gas with 3 -Point Hitch —Allis Chalmers DW with Loader —MF 180 Diesel with Hydraulic Bucket —MF 165 Diesel High Arch with Hyd. Bucket Loader —MF 165 Utility with Hyd. Bucket Loader —MF 35 Diesel —MF 65 Diesel with Hyd. Bucket Loader —John Deese 5010 Diesel with Cab —John Deere 710 Diesel with Low Hours —John Deere D —David Brown 1200 --David Brown 950 with Loader WITH MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM OR YOUR CHOICE FROM ONE OF WESTERN ONTARIO'S Lkrlt'GESTTRACTOR STOCKS. IIARVEY KROTZ LIMITED TRACTOR & IMPLEMENT DIVISION HWY. 23 NORTH— LISTOWEL 291.330