HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-03-08, Page 17,; The largest hone shOW this side of Calgary, Qgarterama '73,. WO head March 2 -tat theColl- m, Exhibition. Park, 'TQrOnto. Thisis is they fifth annual Quarter- ama established' by the Ontario' Association andis the lit single breed horse show. of quarter horses in. Cana Thirty-six top breeding stet*,.. lions featured, at the threeiday, event were, assembled~ on 4%411 - lion Avenue"--consitsting of two red carpeted corridors and four rows of box stalls converted into. luxury housing by .the entrants /*for these top quality quarter horsed and their owners, who were on handat all times to answer questions. Three horshs owned by district residents -were among the horses 0 featured on "Stallion Avenue"— Askey Arky owned by Lawrence Bigley of RR 1, Mount Forest; Poco Fury owned by Gil Ding- ., Man, of Arthur; and Elwood Bradley's Mac's Double Bid of Dundalk. On Saturday and Sunday after- noons they were shown in •the "Stallion Parade" when the si tt 1 . USED FARM, EQUIPMENT — Surge Pumps -- De Laval Pumps Spucanick Milk Mover -- Transfer Station — Barn -O -Matic Unloader -- George White �- Unloader — Boa -Ski RT340 Snowmobile — Four Randles (Surge Milkers) -- Four Breaker Cups. — Once Automatic Wash These Items Traded on Jamesway Farm Equipment MIKE'S FARM EQUIPMENT BRUSSELS - 887-9404 RALPH HAVEMAN owners led them into the Coli- seum ring) ,one at a. time, while the .announcer gave the story about each stud. trterama featured entries from all parts of Canada and the United States- competing for prigs an4 trophies fn calf -roping, barrel racing .and.* ►array,: other events Fourteen hundred horses were entered in the competition, an increase of 190 over lest year., A Quarter Horse Auction was held on Saturday . evening, it featured hand selected top qua- lity horses. Fifty mares, stallions and geldings were auctioned. Off in the four-hoti r event, including a colt of L, l3igley's.sired'by Poco Fury and a horse owned by Gil Dingman. • The majority of horses entered in the three-day event were from various parts of Ontario and Quebec; there was also 'a repre- sentation from New Yorks Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Fi6r` a . . states. . • Hors and riderk moved into the Coliseum as early as 6 a.m. Thursday. As well an the horses was Canada's largest display of western and English saddles, clothing, tack, bore trailers -- everything . to do with,`the horse industry assembled in the West Annex, for public inspection, Lectures and clinks were. another feature of the show and included . talks on show manage- ment, hoof care, horse training psychology, feeding tips, care and maintenance of mares and foals, Professor Orville Kennedy of the Veterinary College, 1, pi- versity of Guelph, discussed the care and management of mare and foal. Dr. Bruce Duncan of the OVC Hospital lectured on lameness and unsoundness. , Another attraction was' the queen Com. Fourteen representing Ontario Bad* dubs selected for their r ability, public speaking taloot and personality, vied ftp .the honor of representing the .O Quarter Horse Assodation at Columbus, Ohio, in October at the All American Quarter Horse gress. The contestants ' alio . modelled the latest •fashions in western styles during t, - terama fashion show. , was originally formed in the U.S. in 1940 to record and eve the. bloodlines of the quarter horse. i Thispular breed holds an Un. matched record for racing, 'hes a , goodinherent cow sense and is an -excellent pleasure -riding ,and. show horse—favored among .men,, women ,and children w►: are horse lovers, Entertainment was provu,d by the C,ordie Tapp Show.' - G.yurhi, Canada's fiddling chain,' • pion, entertained at the exlub1 tors' dance. Christilot Hanson, one of the three members of the Canadian Equestrian Dressage Team which won the .gold medal, for , Canada at the 1971 Pan American: games, demonstrated the art + dressage. ° • The Quarter Horse As iatioip .. . Local quarter horse stallions get showin Askew Arky (AAAplus), a quarter horse stallion owned by Lawrence Bigley of RR 1, Mount Forest was among 36 horses featured on "Stallion Avenue", a spectacular display of top breed- ing stallions at Quarterama held March 4=6 in- the Coliseum of Exhibition Park, Toronto. ‘6. Askey Arky's luxury housing a1 Quarterama was decorated with panelling, drapes and deluxe car- peting, carefully assembled by the. Bigleys f8r the show. Askew Arky was raced when he was four to seven years of age. He is sorrel with a blaze of white on his face, stands 15.3 hands high and weighs 1,250 pounds, The 17 -year-old stallion was purchased last July in Indiana by the Bigleys for breeding stock. They are attempting to promote the racing breed in Ontario and G - Used Farm Equipment Specials • '$PcREADE'RS=_. 3 New Idea P.T.O. Flail Spreaders 1 Johb Deere P.T.O. No. 33 • Double Beater 1 John Deere P.T.O. Single Beater 1 International Triple Beater 1600.00 $650.00 1450.00 1495.00 *YOUR CHOICE OF SEVERAL NEW GEORGE WHITE, NEW IDEA AND COCKSHUTT SPREADERS. USED TRACTORS— Cockshutt 1355 Diesel, 4 Wheel Drive, only 800 hours, like new Cockshutt 560 Diesel Ford Super Major Diesel Cockshutt 1250 Gas with Loader Cockshutt 1650 Diesel Row Crop Nuffield 1060 Diesel Ferguson 2085 Gas Cockshutt 165 Diesel Row Crop do $4,950.00 $1,595.00 $1,450.00 $1,850.00 $4,750.00 12,200.00 $ 650.00 14,300.00 4( SEVERAL OTHER NEW AND USED TRAC- TORS AND IMPLEMENTS. DWI C21111111 TEESWATER Call Barry or Ron today at: TEESWATER FARM EQUIPMENT 392-6825 are raising and breeding regis- tered quarter horses for sale. They have 14 horses with colts. and brood mares for sale at Tamarac .Farms, located on the 6th Concession of Egremont Township. A daughter of Askew Arky is available for viewing his get. Residents are welcome to look over the horses for breeding purposes or just for enjoyment, says Mrs. Bigley. "The coffee pot is always on." A colt owned by the Bigleys and sired by Dingman's Poco Fury was in the auction sale at Quar- terama. Stud fees for Askew Arky are $200 for any registered mare, re- gardless of the breed, and $50 for a grade mare. Poco Fury AQHAChampion Poco Fury., another horse dis- played on "Stallion Avenue" is owned by Mary and Gil Dingman and stands at Gilmore() Stallion Station in Arthur. Fury, AQHA (American Quarter Horse Asso- ciation) Champion, was,born and rnis d in Jack born T as. �* Al I _ 0 n r: rr r r 7, wcigfis 1,40 pounds. s t .. - lines speak for themselves. He is 'the son of Poco Pine, leading living sire among the . AQHA champions and grandson of Poco Bueno, also leading sire of AQHA champions. Poco Fury ' is a "Register of Merit" (ROM) in western plea- sure riding, reining and working cowhorse category. Early in his show career he consistently won in cutting classes, beating out such famous horses as world champion Cutter Bill and Senor George. - In 1966 he was Ontario's Grand Champion Aged Halter Stallion and in 1967 he was again Reserve Champion Aged Halter Stallion. His get (offspring) are continu- FANS IMPORTANT FOR VENTILATION Good ventilation is essential to every livestock housing system. To make sure your fans are doing a good job keep fan blades and shutters clean. Dust that collects on these parts can cause a 25 per cent drop in efficiency. Remember, turn the power off before you start. CORMIER HOMES LTD. January 30 , 19 7 3 TO ALL. DEt1LEFS Gentlemen: ORDER NOW AT THE OLD PRICE FOR DELIVERY OF YOUR FACTORY UNIT HOME IN SPRING, SUMMER, FALL We are in the process of revi$ng the prices on all of our double wide units and anticipate a price increase. However at this time we are unable .to provide you with the new prices. • We apologize for the inconven ence this causes you in your dealings with your custo ers and we will send you the hew pricbs as soon as the are available. Sincerely, John A. Haluska Sales Manager TO WfNGHAM 87 TO HARRISTON TO ISTOW EL Two, three or four bedrooms Furnished Semi -furnished or unfurnished Installed on Basements, foundations, or blocks by experienced workmen SEE OUR MANY FLOOR PLANS, SIZES AND DESIGNS • Cormier Homes Ltd. OPEN DAILY 9 TO DARK BLUEVALE'- 3574 218 . SUNDAY 1 P.M. TO DARK 'ivirton - 368-7941 ing this famous line by winning' at. every event in which' they have been shown :AQUA, WHA �afid, local club shows. He has', pro+, duced ROM in both English and. western riding classes. Elwood Bradley of Dundalk is• the owner of Mac's Double Bid, who was also among the 36 quar- ter horses shown at Quarterama.. POCO FURY is an AQI-tA Champion owned by Gil and Mary Dingman of Arthur. • GROOMING FIRST—Mr. and Mrs. L. Bigley give their colt a good combing before taking him to the Quarterama '73.in Toronto. The colt is one of the best they have raised on their small farm in Egremont Township. ON PARADEAsken Arky, the prize stallion on the Bigley farm in Egremont Township, gets a good brushing before being entered in "Stallion Avenue" at Quarterama '73 In Toronto. (Staff Photo) H;GORDON A few . months' ago :.a pic- turesque -turesque old bachelor who lives on the edge sof One of +tario's fast grOwing suburban coma*. nities was visited by two officios gentlemen who 'said' that they were from. the Board of Health, "Well, I've got n4 health nroh- 'ems," the old boy s id, INA come in and sit anyways." Which the visitors did,, thou they had to push a couple of dogs off the sofa to find a ;place. The house didn't smell ,too ;good either, they thought, so they. decided to come to the point right away, "We have reason to believe that you're keeping chickens here," they said. "Have a drink," the old fellow said. "I've got a bottle of Irish here. ' If you've come to test my hens for syphilis, we can do that later." ..� The gentlemen deelihed ' the drink—maybe because they didn't want to accept any favors while in the discharge of official duties; maybe' `beeausisethey didn't just like the way their host blew into the'tumblers before he wiped them out. "We're not here to test your chickens," they said. "We're here to tell you.to get rid of then'. Thetcouncil has passed a by-law • that says you can no longer keep fowl or livestock within the bounds of this municipality." The old fellow twas suddenly aware of the fact that c these weren't the 'kindbf' visitors to welcome with whiskey' at all. He put the bottle back. into - the cup- board and slammed the door " against it. "Look,"he said;, "I've got a little message for y mmguys to take back to that council. Got a:7_,„ pen ready?... You just tell those great people in the town hall that I happen to own these here five' acres. Tell them I've owned it for 25 years. I' owned it when; their town hall was still a mile: away from here! And you tell 'on how I got it too! I got it through the Veterans' Land Act -a small token of appreciation for the year I spent overseas ' in the poor bloody infantry preserving freedom! Remember? Ansa while' y'ou're,tate ' o you're,' a'do ` ent :),n)h r, am bit • worse than the chimneys of those factories they brought in here to make this town bust its seams, and if they think they can tell a man like me to turn his hens into chicken noodle soup, they're nuts." The gentlemen from the Board of Health got up, still very offi- cious. Said one of them : "We'll give you one week." That was going too far. The old guy yanked a whip off its hook by the door, and shook it at them. "And just before you get through that door," he said, "I want you to take a squint at that row of medals and badges up there by the clock! I got one of those badges for being able to pick the eye tooth out of a sparrow at a hundred yards! And next time you show your face mind that d don't give you onstration!" , At .the neap c'of, one of the ousted. alleged that the laid acro the anatomy. When the polio' came around to investigate, hirer, the old rebel told,` them he 'merely waved the whip at .'Said he'd sure as hell take 1r tin' } „t: out'.+,5 •! js britches next � tBme tho' . 'Last t heard, the,Counciil't bothered to pursue the ease yet, and the roosters are atili 'and playing love tagwith the hensl over the five acres of the old.. Mao's "i e. Why risk a tot of unfavorable publigto ty7 the aldermen Seasoi ed. E;- prePriatien was Probably only :a year or two away anyhow. And besides, people can -get airfully worked up and , sentimental sometimes `when .` ;they :,.get. , to imagining that. their basic 'free., doms are being tampered with. Well, wh side :are you on? Does it make you fed tils, igbt- • ing a candle for the old,man WbO swear& that he will damn well keep his bene if he wants; to? Or. are you one of :those. who• Insists .that: progress: is much more - portant than such old-fashioned" things "as grass and elbow acs and' the right of' an, iindividtial, to call his soul his; own? WATCHING ENHS The , Canadian "Chamber of Commerce says it :is keeping,, a 'close watch on inflationary =; trends'in thecountry, but;" primo and 'incomes, controls. is :not answer to fight inflation at time." C. H. 'Schof held, geneara manager of,thechamber, said, inflation Problem. "although seri- ous, has notyetreached the criti- cal r ti -cal ..stage "CASH SPE • FE RTILlZE R4 .559:90- Per Ton in * HAY AND 'PASTURE MIXTURES SE -ED GRAINS *CALL NOW FOR FURTHER' DETAILS ,ST'EC•KLEY FERTILIZER AND FAR* SUPPLIES M I LLBAN K, 595-8951 ONT. 595.4707 * CONTACT US • TODAY SEE OUR HEAVY DUTY DELIVERY UNIT ON YOUR ROAD EVERY WEEK USID TRACTORS — MF 180 Diesel with Hydraulic Bucket —MF 165 Diesel High Arch with Hyd. Bucket Loader —MF 165 Utility with Hyd. Bucket Loader —MF 35 Diesel —MF 65 Diesel with Hyd. Bucket Loader —John Deere 5010 Diesel with Cab — John Deere 710 Diesel with Low Hours —John Deere D —Allis Chalmers D19 Gas with 4 -Furrow Plow — Allis Chalmers D17 Gas with 3 -Point Hitch —Allis Chalmers DW with Loader —David Brown 1200 —David Brown 950 with Loader — Ford 5000 Diesel —Ford 3000 Diesel —Ford 3000 Gas with Loader —Ford Jubilee with Loader —Ford Super Dexta Diesel —Ford Jubilee with Davis Industrial Motor WITH MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM OR YOUR CHOICE FROM ONE OF WESTERN ONTARIO'S LARGEST TRACTOR STOCKS. HARVIY KROTZ LIM1TEI TRACTOR & IMPLEMENT DIVISION HWY. 23 NORTH— LISTOWEC-1f1-3390