HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-03-01, Page 19BRUCE,
tit 10
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1-OVES'A CLOWN -Steven Grosz and Janice Ruttan won the'prize for the'
best clown act at the Fordwic Carnival.
Iniury origin
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A vital consideration in decid-
ing eligibility for benefits under
Ontario's Workmen's Compensa-
tion system is establishing that
injuryis,the result of an incident
"arising out of and in the course
of employment". On the surface
a relatively straight -forward
provision, its correet interpreta-
tion is fundamental to fair ap-
plication of Workmen's Com-
. Fair application in this in-
sta'ce requires not only that
woekmen be adequately pro-
tected but also that employers,
who finance the system through
their contributions, are not
saddled with costs for conditions
which, are not the result of em-
Ingeneral, coverage extends to
einythipg connected with per-
%mance of the task for which
the worker was hired or to which
he has been assigned, including
an activity which may not have
been specifically designated but
which might reasonably be un-
dertaken in connection with his
If the worker acts reasonably
and in good faith attempting to do
what he believes to be in the best
interest of his employer, the fact
he may to some degree exceed
his instructions oi go outside the
strict limits of ordinary duty does
43' not necessarily deprive him of
Workmen's Compensation cover-
Broad as the above interpreta-
tion may appear, it is not an un-
limited blanket extending Work-
men's Compensation protection
to every conceivable eventuality.
A worker whose injury is caused
solely by his own serious and
wilful misconduct is not entitled
to compensation unless the injury
results in death or serious
. disablement.
Likewise, injuries suffered
while engaged in horseplay or as
a result of a fight are not con-
sidered to arise out of em-
ployment. However, there have
been rulings under which
workers injured as a result of
horseplay in which they did not
participate, or fights in which
they either did not retaliate or
Were in fact innocent victims,
have received Workmen's Com-
pensation benefits.
Where there is any question the
injury -causing incident is one
arising out of and in the purse of
employment, a decision on
eligibility is not infrequently an
extremely delicate matter which
can be resolved justly only after
careful examination of reports
coveting evOry aspect of a poll.
cola case. In such inbtatices it is
a .
ow mokifift lo 14.11.44 or11
t on.„.,,
very important the incident be
reported in detail, and also as
soon after the occurrence as pos-
sible so that an inquiry may be
carried °awhile events are fresh
in the minds of witnesses and
physical evidence may be er-
amined first hand.
The general coverage of ac-
tivities described above extends
to the entire time a worker
spends at his place of work or job
site, including intervals of leisure
such as reiular breaks and lunch
periods. Workmen's Compensa-
tion coverage is considered to
begin when the worker steps Onto
the employers' property or job
site and to cease when he de-
parts. Here again the interpreta-
tion, for Workmen's Compensa-
tion purposes, is a broad one,
covering such eventualities as an
injury which occurs during a visit
to pick up wages or other such
occasions not, directly connected
with regular, work routine.
Coverage doe.s not extend to the
journey to and from work unless
transportation is furnished in a
conveyance under theContro1 and
supervision of the employer, or
owned or chartered by him. The
latter does not include the vehicle
of a worker who is receiving
mileage allowance from his em-
ployer merely for the purposes of
transportation to and from work.
. a o o
Wheat for
Barmy/ .„4 "C.
Canada , provide,angla-
desh with looms) tons of wheat
valued at $13 million during Feb-
tuary and March to help meet a
critical and immediate need for
food grains.
The Canadian announcement
came soon after an international
appeal by UN Secretary General
Kurt Waldheim for. donation of 1.7
million tons in 1973. At least
700,000 tons are required early
this year, according to Mr. Wald-
Abnormally low rainfalls have
hit December crops in Bangla-
desh very hard, a UN -sponsored
survey team has reported, and
below -normal returns. are ex-
pected. The team estimates that
Bangladesh will need 2.5 million
tone of foodgrain imports in 1973,
only 309,000 tons less than
provided in the massive 1972
relief effort.
The location of transmission ‘,"inence early- in March, at which
lines linking Bruce 'Generatin&',Property owners and farm
Station on Lake Riven with con -organizations will be free to
sumption centres in Southern On:';1:ixPress the opinions about the
tario is the subject of a current :suggested line routes.
study by Ontario Hydro. In. 1975 Public Participation
Bruce will be producing 0:10C* :1'; The open planning approach of
tricity for the industryi homes, Bradley:GeorgetOWn project'
farms, and businesses of Ontarlo.,ihas been,developed in response to
The completion of the d�liveryyconcerns about the environment
system to get this pwer to and the desire for greater partici-
customers is 'one of the inost. pation by local authorities and
urgent teaks facing Ontario citizens in the decision-making
which protec vire
and property inte(rests, 'it
communities while serving the
needs of Hydro's customers' for a
reliable supply of electricity.
To achieve these goals, the
study will follow a new approach
which is designed to obtain
maximum public participation in
both the study itself and the
decision on the route to be
The 3,000 square -mile study
area is shown on Hie attached
study area map. Across this wide
and varied stretch of land many
different physical and human
characteristics emerge, each
with its own special value. 'The
Bradley -Georgetown study will
identify these characteristics and
the values which the people of the
communities in the study area
ascribe to them.
Public meetings will com-
Aaaw is being assembled
for the environmental study from
maps, statistics etc., the views
and opinions of people toward
their community will be solicited
and recorded. Opinion surveys
will identify local priorities.
These surveys will help„ confirm
the -relevant factors to be applied
in the environmental - analysis.
• Special interest groups—
planning boards, conservation
authorities, agricultural associa-
tions, environmental agencies,
and concerned citizen groups—
are encouraged to make an,
important contribution to all
phases of the study.
The success of open planning
depends upon public participa-
tion and can only be achieved b
the complete and willing sharing
of all information. Even with a
full exchange of data and opinion,
PIRST—Placini first in the
boys' fancy costume contest
at the Pordwich CahNival on
Feb.,' 17 was Robert Grosz.
(Staff Phiito)
GIRL'S FANCY—Winning prizes for girl's fancy costume, six Oars and up at Fordwith
were, from left. Brenda Mann, third) DOM* Martin, second; and Suzanne Machan, first.
perfect solutions are rare. Like
highways, pipelines, sewers and
construction PrWeetso a trans7
mission line by its nature will
have some ,environmental effect.
The taak.faeleg Ontario Hydro
and the people of. the commu- "
mties within the study area is to
ensure that the best possible
route is finally selected.
Citizens will be kept informed
of the study's progress through -
local press, radio, and TV. Public
earsspeet each
snip:: t e irliy r. October.:1, t *,.e will br ee mrt eld b ide n
Former dairy
to produce
apple wine.
The Ontario Government has
granted a licence to Baron Wines
Ltd. of Duiureille to operate a
winery that will produce only
apple wine from Ontario fruit.
Announcing the granting of the
t such licencesince 1962, John
ent, Minister of Consumer
nd Commercial Relations, said
yesterday he believes there is
potential for companies to make
wine from other fruit, creating a
stable market for the province's
fruit growers.
The company, which will be
producing both still and sparkling
apple wine in a former dairy, will
sell its products through 50 On-
tario Liquor Control Board out-
Baron, the ninth winery in On-
tario, will be the first to produce
only non-grapemine.
Initially the company proposes
to produce 2,500 gallons a month
after six months. Alcoholic on -
tent will be 12 per cent.
411,, •
b6 re1 cgaulii eert ehte the °, yt JwoPel oldest
"'tt 1,A skatingbinnniyi oM, Itcouplect. y1104ns, ae:oi Cdo ea °10 lr Warren , 40' Zih
didn't even haVefo'discieSeibeir ages. Staff Photo),
Gibson won the prize for the best children's centennial
couple at the Fordwich carnival which celebrated its 50th
anniversary. ' (Staff Photo)
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