HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-03-01, Page 16mads Mardi-4,-1973n- yL1�114 h�'.L� •^fie s^A ,i•.. }:� :{tis+' OVER THE ARM GATE by Bill Romahn CKNX Farm Director Pardon me sir, but your bias is showing. That's the feeling this scribe gets when going to various farm meetings and the subject of corporate farming or verti- cal integration pops up. It's an emotional.subject upon which farm organizations have built some of their philosophies and purposes. And it's a subject that I feel is widely abused and needs much more study before condemnation. • My following comments draw heavily from a research report done by the Economics Branch of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food entitled "Corporate Farming and Vertical integration in Ontario". I received this study by simply asking for it after telephoning the Parliament Build- ings in Toronto. I suggest that mote people—farm and non- farm—could benefit by doing the same exercise. ' The definition of a corporate farm could be: '.'an associa- tion of persons into a legal unit with a distinct legal per- sonality that enables it to carry on business, own property, and contract debt". While the definition neither indicates whether the corporate farm is big or small, it also doesn't say that corporate farming leads to vertical integration. Usually, however, we will find the corporate farm being synonymous with large-scale farming,, • There are different types of corporate farms. I know of many people in this: immediate area who have incorporated their family farms. I think it would be• safe to assume that most• of these corporations were formed to achieve an ad- vantage d -vantage when the estate was to be handed over to a younger member of the family. But there is also the corporate farm that has no previous connection with agricultural production other than it supplied farminputs or provided a market for farm proiducts.. One must concede that• there are also cor- poratio it had k lY previous reconnection, with. agriculture, althought. unli y thatthere are a substantial number - The major umber.Themajor advantage to'a corporate structure would be: t. Ltr>thited tial il4or each 'shareholder; 2Wp�noling of capital}'3,r income fax considerations; 4, perpetual succes- sion .and: convenienceof transferring ownership; 5. estate .Aa or di adva to a toanycorporate � S n g fi structure—even e family coration-is: the management -factor. Most cd ra. farms need .more people ;to work,need ana e - c. Y`po, . tc , , manage- ment ment of a higher de ee to co►rdinate'all the functions of a large a :ente rise and the.merephysical com lications. In r � w, itis is the weak poiint of corporate farming, ata small,°independent family farm can take advantage N`evertheiess;' they're still against the capital of ` the s prate farm. In many, cases the'small family farm faces pater danger .of • extinction to a neighbor' who, has in - ''rated with. his sons or, neighbors and continues o expand the`°operation .up and down the concession. ertical, in trees tfd`e era a $ I ',tion is a whole different ball game. It Las rofc m inin a• a �P ocess o b g >a,array;of p,rc-;. ndept"firms involved in inter. related. activities le management". There are .two basic types of rationr : forriar�,integration and backward inte , integration: on be exemplified by a feed mill ;tin afarn (the sector` it hopes to service): and eMeat Packing company that takes the final ea, is that' the s.Upbli p.. '•er of a.. roduct o s. ;the P ly9es iq ;v. 'i va >te iiahl co e. r. ) .e outlet thafpi> ic` as meat packing p and perha br the farms to assure a continuous supply at a regular rate. In both •exampless.of integration, we have made guinea sof feed zdllls, packing plants, fertilizer and seed com- ues, or retailers; who are -often regarded as wealthy sectors of: the distriiiu ing'`chain. May 1 suggest that the - United. Co-operatives of Ontario—a farmer -owned co -opera- ' bve--is the biggestver ical u:.egrator of all. They buy calves from the West, sell them through their own yards at the On- tario., Pubtic:Stockyards, arrange financing for feedlot opera- tors so to ng. as they -buy the feedfrom UCO -feed mills and re- sell tife'cattle to the slaughter houses through the UCO yards at the Ontario Public Stockyards. I understand that UCOF'is:considering`the'food retailing iiidustry.. A farmer conceivably could drive away from his farm where he feeds UCO cattle in a pair of pants purchased at the UCO feedmill to, get a bag of feed at the UCO's outlet and buyxnother asteak at the UCO food store to be fried r"n a paUpurchasedfrom UCO. All the while, he's driving in a car iinsured.by United Co -Operatives Insurance Co, and powered •by.UCO- gas. In short!;I'm trying to point out to those who.would bad- , mouth,corporate farming and vertical integrators that they should seriously s dy the ramifications and possibilities. It's a much'. bigger subject than most people will ever admit! THE ALMIGHTY s: try 10 t.114KV2r COULD VDU SPARE ME SOME ' OUR TIME! Crcssroa.ds 'Published every Wednesday as the big, action cross-country section in The Listowel Banner, The Wingham Advance -Timed and The Mount p'orest Confederate. Wenger Bros. Limited, publishers, Box 390, *Ingham. arry Wenger, Pres. Robert O. %yenger, Sec.-Treas. Dick F skerod, Editor. Display and Classified ad deadline -- Tuesday, week prior to publication date. REPRESENTATIVES N.A:, Room 24, Ontario Weekly Newspapers St., East, M',1'27 George St., ()Onto -921-5324 o. Oakville - 844.01$4 boo seized Vilothist Quits seem to be playing a larger part in police work in Wingharn than in the outlying area .covered by the prOVInc police, it appeared on the basis of information received from Police. Chief Jim Miller in Wingham and Cpi. Roe CrOaldll of the Wing ia>r . Detachment, OPP. Half a dozen weapons are held under lock and key in aha Wing- ham police office • at the town hall, having been seized in recent 'months in connection with charges of threatening, pointing or illegal discharge within -cor- poration limits. Provincial police have not found weapons. to be an :important factor in their day -to -daywork in - the area, according to Cpl. Cros- kill. There are, no confiscated guns on hand at, the detachment office and none have been seized recently. There simply haven't been that many incidents, and in any case the guns are disposedof as quickly as possible on com- pletion of an investigation. TliP subject has been coming under hard scrutiny lately from organizations and individuals who seek more stringent laws to control ownership and use of guns of any kind. Some call . for universal regis- tration of firearms, whereas some police officers view this as ineffective in the long run, contending most guns used in deliberate and serious crimes are unregistered and would he unregistered' ardless of what law .might be ssed. At the other end of the problem, some police are in favor of more stringent training for youngsters arriving at the gun -owning age, contending Y �o sters should be . taught their use under strict control, and should` be at least 16 before permitted to use them. .w IN THI$ ORNER THESE RIFLES WERE.SEIZED by Wingham police in connection with various charges, includingthreate ifs andpointing,aswell as di h 9 scharging within town limits. Const. Dc4 Foxton surveys the collection as authorities elsewhere press for closer gun control pos- sibly sibly universal registr-ationl (Staff Photo) Two types of Mastitis costly to detect, keep vn der control By Dr. E. L. ROthniel Fieklnian Ontario Milk Commission - Mastitis is an inflammation of themammary gland, the- direct cause ofwhich is usually some ..r 4 A � r form o inf tiot)rs #gen ,:/sued as Y•. 4 � 0 '>�ern o t �f• l'bteria a staphylococci ' n ` s ti eptococci, are responsible for over 95 per cent of infected animals.. Most of these bacteria are found on the cow. Inadequate milking systems, poor milking techniques and lack of sanitation predispose her to infection. Some individuals are more susceptible than others and some of the susceptibility is inherited_ Two Types —' Two types of the disease are re- cognized subclinical and clinical. Subclinical mastitis is the most common form of the disease and can only be recognized by labora- tory test. Both the cow and the milk she produces .appear normal and abnormality does not show on the strip cup. Clinical mastitis occurs when the disease can be observed. Any sign, from clots in the milk to severe systemic in- volvement, are, manifestations of this form of the disease. ' Mastitis adversely affects milk .quality. Leucocyte levels are greatly increased, while milk volume, sugar, and solids not fat are decreased. One forma may also have a detrimental effect on the bacterial count. A pronounc- ed production loss can also be de- monstrated. If calculated at $50 per cow, a minimum figure, the annual loss in Ontario would be approximately $40 million. Daily Control Effective management and control measures must be ap- plied on a daily basis and _ con- stant vigilance is required. The key person in any mastitis • control ' activity is the milker, „; entirely understood. ' Once ' the though he may require help from :; teat skin becomes colonized, in - veterinarians or fieldmen. fection of the gland almost in- Before considering control pro- variably follows. cedures soifle characteristics ors Reduce Bacteria the causative agents should be 51-' 8 t 'control �n 'ro- 'a le §every street' `h a oleedure(whichAdii UUicteWJd on e hes o en i un rstood.. . de <v •a involved in, the 'disease, Strepto- fib teat skin - 'Many coccus agalactiae is the ' most ' other bacteria cause common single species and is a natural pathogen of the mam- mary gland. Since it is found only in the udder it is ' easily elimi- nated from the herd, using a'test and treatment program. Calves Infected Young calves may become in- fected.through drinking milk, con- taining this organism and then sucking each other. Infection of a few cows with Streptococcus aga- lactiae'may adversely affect the PLC (Plate Loop Count). Counts of 300,000 have been recorded. This situation can easily be cor- rected by identifying °the problem cows and removing them from the milking line for treatment. The several other types of streptococci causing mammary gland problems can be grouped into a category called strepto- coccus non -agalactiae. They live on thecow, on the skin, in the mouth; throat and sometimes even in the digestive tract. Given a chance, such as stress produced by faulty management, the organism can invade the teat sinus. Spontaneous recovery may occur in some glands when man- agement improves. Staphylococcus aureus causes about 50 per cent of mastitis in- fections. "Staph” bacteria inhabit the teat skin especially where chapped, rough or scabby conditions exist. How they pass through the streak canal to infect the teat sinus and the gland is not Family farm exemio t ed from capital gains tax Last week's federal budget,. read in the House of Commons by Finance Minister John Turner, has brought sighs of relief in thousands of farm homes across the nation. Two years ago the then -strong Liberal government ruled that when a farm was passed on from father to son or daughter, a capital gains tax would be assessed. In effect, a farm which was valued at $18,000 twenty years ago might have been re- valued at $50,000 in 1972 and the government could have stepped in to claim taxes on the $32,000 difference. Mr. Turner's budget reflected the anxiety of most farm people when it admitted that in many instances the requitement for ready cash to meet the capital gains tat would leave Ole farm- er'sson with no alternative but to sell out. Under the new legislation, which is retroactive to January 1, 1972, no capital gains tax will be applied when a farm is passed from one generation to another, provided the property is still being operated as a bona fide farm. The gains tax will apply if the farm is sold to any person other than a member of the im- mediate family. Ranchers who have laras3 in- vestmei,Ls' in basic herds are also to benefit under the new budget legislation which recognizes that ranchers may be forced to operate at a loss for several years while repayment of the original investment is in progress. The former regulations allowed only five years in Which to write off initial investment loses. ' Under the new law there will be no time limit on the initial loss write-off. mastitis. Usually however, they cause the clinical disease that can be easily recognized as mastitis. They • are usually organisms on the cow or in her surroundings that play the oppor- tunist role. Control can best be employed • through com eten milking management and clean, dry housing that prevents the bdup of bacteria. t. ntrol measures should Co in- clude anything that will reduce or eliminate milking stress, stimu- late fast milking, prevent spread of bacteria from cow to cow, reduce numbers of bacteria on the teat and udder skin, minimize bacterial populations in the stable, and permit the treatment of infected animals at the opti- mum time. To help achieve these objectives the following proced- ures are recommended: - Procedures 1. --Have the milking system checked for efficiency and capacity. 2 -Maintain the system ac- cording to the manufacturer's re- commendations ' and change in- flations every 1,000 cow milkings. 3—Pen calves individually. 4 -Provide at least 30 seconds' stimulation when washing cows and place the machine on the cow as soon as let -down occurs, usually about one minute. 5—A person milking should not use more than two units unless the system is a herringbone parlor, in which case he can handle three. 6—Remove the machine as soon as milk flov0 hag, reduced to about one pound per minute. 7—Machine strip for no longer than about 20 seconds. 8—Wash cows using a solution of sanitizer and individual paper towels. .9 Use a postmilking teat dip immediately following removal of the machine. 10—Consult your veterinarian for advice about a dry treatment program. 11—Keep the stable clean and painted or whitewashed. If bed- ding is of the permanent type it should be kept dry. When bedding becomes damp (as with sawdust or shavings) bacterial buildup occurs. Gerald Matheson of RR 4, Atwood has been elected presi- dent of the Perth County Pork producers' Association. Emmanuel Albrecht of Gowans- town owanstown was elected vice president and Creorge Lupton of RR 2, Stratford is the secretary -trea- surer. ' ; Championi ill tows are recognized • Glenafton Nettie Colantha, owned by Glenafton Farms, arms, Al Liston, qualified for a Gold Ribbon Certificate of Longtime Product, tion by establishing a new Cana- dian record for lifetime produc- tion of milk. In 12 lactations she gave 285,746 lbs. milk containing 9,601 lbs.. fat. ?AF. tQycertifica ,`o rn t - .i ' r er ,at the recent., annual "Itmeeting of the Holstein -Friesian Association of Canada held in Toronto. Glenafton Fondelairie Delight, owned by Stewarthaven Farms, Sit. Catharines,. qualified for two certificates with her 305 and 365 day Canadian records over all classes for fat made as an 8 -year- old on twice -a -day milking. She produced in 305 days 27,917 lbs. milk containing 1,380 lbs. fat with an average butterfat test of 4.94 per cent and in 365 days 31,783 lbs. milk containing 1,5601bs. fat, average butterfat. test 4.91 per cent. • Inghohn Rag Apple President, bred and owned by Ingholm Farms, Campbellford, held both butterfat records until nosed out by Fondelaine. In 305 days she gave 29,934 lbs. milk containing 1,3081bs. fat (4.37 per cent) and in 365 days 34,311.1bs. milk and 1,556 lbs. fat (4.53 ' per cent). Her records were made as a six-year- old and q}ialified her for two Cer- tificates of Superior Production. Canadian Championship milk and fat records for their age were also made by animals owned by Leonard Vis and Sons, Jersey- ville; Alex McKinney, Bramp- ton; Ovila Audet, Sherbrooke, Que. ; Macdonald College, Macdonald College, Que.; and Canada Packers Ltd., Maple, Ont. UNION STRENGTH About one-quarter of all per- sons in Canada's civilian labor force are members of labor un- ions. Dead Animal Removal Service WANTS 1) It r 'COWS Kr Fi()Ft< F r (.Ir.r or(for)rl to All °,rrr,Ill °Inlr)r°II•. Iyer 1, 1'4 op f F 1 f ()f r Ir.Irr)r• .I .0 I(,(' to yr)r1 C A l t i1 X 1 1 IC) 1 we von qfv(° y ,r, ?hr °,('rVe( (' yrrtl rr(•(•rf (;r)fI(rr t 0)1`)r 887 9334 24 HOUR 1 FdMir1 Bruss';l'y Pei Food Sal)i rle,, FatE RIDE s OVERA8 CAMPER rya won, ammo gikeine Lake about 30 miles north of Chen in the employ of the Ontario De- partmen. of and Fes.. Itwas at -w period f shall never 'fes andy .s the fin short scourse in. al out alO education I'm ever to have Campers who , in the past slnipiy drove into .a crownd area in Ontario for their vacat n. are in for .a, jolt thia year. ae 'ren, is arbage. Few of those w 'Weal the wonders` bush countryy have noo ., 17 other 15' and.1 cy tock in, to fact,, very few, . Al with br in a yt bschome f :r t . year-olds from widespread local collector. • . _ , � lllaoee • acr4sa thlll province we Ministry Natural Re- :were a pos d to a nu abler ° of.. . conSidering a' set of lasting, ekperioo,. fees to giver,travel and Use. of One such experience was the crown land., Likely tett to,.the clearing of camp sites for tourists voodoo camper • is a'; year. And around ;small-141wnearby and for non-residents, • ,who "let . of building ingaece roads into these O•lanyd, hefeefnissStufp- rrt acyrewrn. aLbottlet gorn1bgethwene-odinldny'rtippthrgk Two glaring. examples of Ore- out the stumps, to clear away. tarlo's, bush garbage dumps are enotigh, enoughroom rt :for a trailer '.,or Pistol Lake in the `F`ort IfraiiceS camper to parch. area and Pickle, Lake In. the • Before completing the . sites to Thunder Ray region: o the •pQYlt>Itf�of erting a r• Ministry offcia%s were shocked hewn gate and fence, we putup a at the figures they received from few'signs with ar�cows. directing the two.; areas; 'Resources totals the -04140a tolargepits which we • show that du�ri ng July and August latery ;d rained our muscles of 1970, there were camper digging iin saundy Hillsides•ap and units set up* ill►, the:'hderaway fromt •t`he lake,, area.' Last:.aumer the figure .: 'When 1' read this 'information 'was almost.' double*14$42. from the now Ministry of Natural 'ere are. 2.50,*eeel4,01, to . Resources I can't helpbut think on alone aboa those huge garbage pits etfor refile :end if theyy 'ever were used or ist4 ,,Lake area is , ' eveniif they .could be found.today. fere!nt situation witli00 Maio :upset residents, of that '• uts. along tink side of part of Northern Ontario are in the lake in an area where the . favor '.04, the propoied • new pee e have chol oat their.cea pec`,#. system. Theyobject t own�amPSroundesitea'are tosThe heavy use of crown land used mostl.. b locals who _move y y, v ale 'highways and lakes by in , n8„•. big their . tamper . :earl • in the self -co edcamper from Spring and ave it there for theUnited airi . units - p , the Uni,States, summer. These rigs roll in, set up on land There'aire` no. tofleta, garbage that is absolutel free, don't y r o . garbage- ick t i dumps r.8 baBn �. alp 1. $� s , iid'ari” money locally because Pe ‘simply a convenientce camp- they:brought all the food and, ground ,with consideration, for drink they required in their rigs clean-up or responsibility of any and then leave• their spot—and kind. , 4i , , >::. piles„,'of garbage.. K .• Think of the amount ofree i' The � residents don't like this from 50cam s•with.as manyas '' . _� . p�•„; much � and t `can't . say I blame three peopie each for. an entire them. , • summer! The resources people' have no -Sha- a of the near mita i limi P e -Shades e s � plans to a>�mit•apyone,s,access to Mi to Township,, n .crown- land � but � they xritend � to More years.ago than 1 care to charge;the garbage fee and I admit,' I spent . _a . wonderful agree. , i 0 0 e Thunder and none are:, Y1nov; trite' a camper ...tar jig; •�:,° Now Available On' 1ST, AND 2ND MORTGAGES Anywhere in Ontario On RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL and FARM PROPERTIES Interim Financing For New Construction & Land Development For. Representatives In'itour Area Phone SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS AND CONSULTANTS LIMITED • (519)744.6535 Collect Head Office - 56 Weber St. E., Kitchener, Ont. —We Buy Existing Mortgages for Instant Cash— WEINVIIE YOUR Vis, Old t11' (MOONY- OIfl Waal. ;.EA7`HER PRODUCTS �atr(r.Losr. t..,., - TIT' ,4, is FOR WOOL AND LEATHER PRODUCTS SINCE 1894 ..� atIce��n shop today in this authentic Old Mill, a Landmark in Huron County, as generations have for almost 80. years. OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK FRIDAY & SATURDAY EVENINGS BAINTON: LTD. Blyth, Ontario TELIPH NE' 523.9373 (AREA CODE 519) Tf IS om.v ONE "BAINTON ON OLD MILL" • • b N