HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-03-01, Page 10For Sole Wanted USSI) STABLE cleaner. 30' ON*. Isloyd Johnston, RR 3, Phone 505-5300. Cars & Trucks For Sale Miscellaneous DWG stat4e cleaners and stabl- ' Bunk feeders and water bOWb. Lloyd Johnston, RR 3, 401yroOd. Phone 305-5300. rrb WOKING FoR material? Have you tried Stedman's, Teeswater? This week'S special - 10 per cent off all yard goods. ,100 ONTARIO -wintered yearling steers, 500-600 pounds. Reply to Box, 235, Wingham Advance - Times, indicating the price, number for sale and weighing conditions. GORRIE AUTO WRECKERS Fairly -Paced Cars And Parts Phone 335-3495 Gorrie rrb TWO PIECE Davenport and swivel recker sets, $149:00. "Es- quire" Cash and Carry. New fur- niture. Highway No. 4, 1 mile west of Hanover. rrb SECOND HAND goal tending gloves. Phone 357-1881 after 6:00 p.m. GOOD STANDING timber, bush - lots, logs, well timbered proper- ty. For more information contact Wm. J. Sills Lumber Co. Ltd., 338 Pannell Lane, Strathroy; phone 293-3352 or 245-0966. rrb TEN 1W11 CARS, all makes and models, three 1970 cars, three 1969 cars, three 1968 cars, five 1967 cars. Plus many other cars. JOHN BROWN MOTORS Gorrie 335-3325 PIANO AND ORGAN SALE& Piano tuning and repairing, Call Hap Swatridge, 357-2785. senting Garnet Farrier. CUSTOM PLOUGHING and disk- ing. Ken Mason. Phone, 357-214a, Wingham, Please Call, 2074104 and identify Notice BROKEN BARN WINDOW? Daugherty Pro. Hardware (for ham Lexan plastic, 250 times Wagger than glass and 8c .a square foot cheaper. rrb on TNT SI(1-1100 in excellent COndition. Phone 357-3482. 1-8 'PAINTING? Buy a quart or gal- \ Ion and get a top quality paint \ brush free at cHAMBERS DOMINION HARDWARE in Wroxeter. rrbApr.26 MAKE CIIIIIIJAHUA Terrier puppies. Mahlon Ilyier, RR 1, Help Wanted EXPERIENCED Thick Drivers wanted. Good wages. Good fringe benefits. Apply to: Harkema Express Lines Ltd., Wingham. Phone 357-2050. CUSTOM DRAPERY and Uphol- stery_House in Windsor, Ontario, requires a qualified upholstexer to take charge of Small uphol- stery shop. Excellent working conditions. Wages $5.00 per hour and benefits will be paid to quali- fied person. For more particulars write to Box 236, Wingham Ad- vance -Times or phone (519) 256- 3191. 1-8 1962 VOLKSWAGEN. $50. Phone, 357-2433. 19B5 OLDSMOBILE '98 luxury sedan. Fully equipped, low mile- - age, very clean. Offering reason- able for quick sale. Phone 357 - CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY shampooing; also wall cleaning. In your home or place of busi- ness. Lamont's Cleaning SerVice, ANYONE wishing to have hand- saws, circular saws, toolS, DOG GROOMING CLIPPING — STRIPPING - Call John Visser, 227 John ROB* St., Listowel, 291-4817 after 6 p.m, McCREERY AUTO WRECKERS RR 2, WROXETER, en Highway 86 Midway between Wingham and Listowel USED AUTO PARTS' USED CARS & TRUCKS Phone USTOWEL 2914159 -GORRIE 335-3314* 411/111,1111 'KITCHEN CHAIRS, 'assorted cOvers, chrome or brown legs. 's5,95 each. CHAMBERS DO -- ,MINION HARDWARE, Wroxe- BALED HAY. 35c per bale. Phone "357-2108. 1)6s iNTERNATIoNAL school bus, With 345 engine. Partly con- seltfor $1,200 with fridge. APply' ken Brown 8814251 Brussels'. • On* Supervisor, Woothvorking Plant Requirements win be that of a shipping room supervisor to handle warehousing, shipping, receiving of finished gooth, and the supervision of a seven man staff, Please phone or send details of*experience, qualifications and salary expeCted to: MAC RITCHIE, LLOYD TRUAX LTD., PHONE 357-3600 DING MACHINE coke cool - two upright meat coolers, a of snow tires 1178XI5 On *OS, nearlynete, trunk ski rack, ind a set of fog lamps. Phone, 357-2057 eveitmgs • ROXIMATELY 8,04)0 bales hay; Apply to Box 234, Wing - m Advance -Mines. HOPICAL FISH— , Special ZEBRAS and BASBORAS - 49c. Bargains on complete aquarium kit.sfrom 10-100,gallons. It's only a short 20 minute drive to our showroom. Open every evening THE FISH BOWL. Mime, 395- '5443, Luckllow„ SYROXE'rER BARGAIN Centre, book and tape eitchange, used appliances, clothing, furniture .and many other articAes. Winter honing Wednesday- through Sat- Pbolle 335-3259. Buy and sell. rrb RABBIT MEAT is hie; in protein and easily digested. ,Order yours from Sleepy Hollow Rabbitry, RR 3, %Wham. Cut and packag- ed, ready to cook. Fryers and . roasters bOth available. 1Phone 357-2485. rrbMarch.22 T.. Part -Time Employment FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT Local firm requires student for janitorial and deliv- ery duties commencing March 1st. Must have chauffeur's license and safe driving record. Apply in person to BARRY WENGER THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES KIRBY VACUUM— sales and service. The one that out -cleans them all! Trades a.ccepted4 For demonstration, call Lamont's Cleaning Service-, 396- 3205. rrb litILIC FILTERS— Olt" pLiin are . still selling for 95c package at Daugherty Pro Hardware (for- merly Alexander's Hardware). rrb Work Wanted HIGH SCHOOL graduate with tWo years' full time experience. Secretarial and acconnts receiv- able. Some general accounting experience. rirst year college graduate in business administra- tion and accounting. Prefer a job in these fields. Available May through August. Phone Glenda Eden, 335-3060. 1 HURON BUSINESS MACHINES Sales • Repairs - Rentals Repairs to all maks' of Typewriters and Adding SILL Mumma Repairing Business Madikos Sine* 1942 113 Ontario St., Clinton Phan* 482.733$ The Ideal Product To Sell! N's low cost. it's needed by everyone. it repeats regularly. We have it and the pubNc is buying it in unprecedented numbers. Our representatives are earning more money in a week than they previously earned in a month! It 50 year old company. a leader in the income protection field has just completed its 16th year of marketing this new concept that has broken all records. A few additional representatives are needed in the area. No impatience necessary. We train you at our expense aild guarantee that our system will work. To quaNfy you must have car. be legal age or over. available for full time work and wilOng to do Milted travel. bondable. good- health. energetic. ambitious - wiring to work hard for big money and advancement to management - we train you for advancement based on merit. For private interview. please write to: rignal Star Box' 14 37 West Street. Goderich. ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA 1S LOOKING FOR PART TIME SALES PEOPLE Men or Women wanted to introduce new edition in your area. Highest commission paid weekly. No door to door - Car necessary. For personal interview call: Mr. Friendly, London '673-0080 Friday, March 2 between 19:00 tun. f34142:00 pm._ NO 'OMER 11ME GIBSON UPHOLSTERY Furniture, car and truck seats recovered, rebuilt; Phone 357- 1217. • rrb FREE BROCHURES on theSe fully escorted motor coach WOO from Fettes Tours, 184 Main St„, Mount Forest. Phone 323-1545; April 6, four-day Washington Cherry Blossom, Festival; April 19, three-day Grand Ole ()pry, Nashville, Tennessee; May -4, three-day Jamboree in Wheeling„ West Virginia ; May 15, three'-daY Tulip Festival in Holland, Miclit, gan; May 19, three-day Tulip Festival in Ottawa, Ontario; June 2, two-day Rex Humbard and Cathedral of Tomorrow; June 10, two-day Bavarian Fesfi- June 30, 21 -day West Coast, Cal- gary Stampede and Canadian Rockies; July 22, four-day MOO-, sone via Polar Bear Express also Timmins, etc.; July 28, three-day 1000 Islands,.Ft. Henry, Upper Canada Village; Aug. 1, 12 -day East Coast and P.E.I., includes day -long cruise. horses; $10 for cows over 4,000 lbs. Over 500 lbs. according to size. Phone Durham, 369-2A10 col- lect. irpMay31 FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automobile, Farm Liability, Accidents and Sickness Home Protection Call Your Co -Op Agent— LLOYD MONTGOMERY 53 Maple Street, Wringham Dial 357-3739 ANDY'S REFRIGERATION AND APPLIANCE SERVICE 2 -1 -Hour Emergency Service Wingham. 357-3484 Phone Miss Mary Scott, 357-2365 or Mrs. H. L. Sherbondy 357-2552. rr FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale TRACTOR, 1962 Diamond T. 220 Cummins engine. tandem drive, 10-20 tires. Phone 1-519-334-3723. 22-1 WINTER HOME BUYER BONUS on New BEAVER HOMES Early orders get BIG dis- counts on nevi Beaver Homes. Save on mcirtgage. Interest & initial investment. Choose from any of the 50 new 1973 Beaver Models. Save today . . . lot owners can start with and you can be in your new home this spring. Get the facts now. Phone Jim Martin (519) 538-2515 1Vreaford, Ont. FREE — New 1973 Beaver Homes Catalogue with floor plans. Ask- for your copy at your nearest Beaver Store. ATTENTION WORKING MOTHERS The Winfthain.riaY (*V Centre can provide supervised daY ,care for children beginning at 0:445 a.m. if enough full thne children are registered. if you have a need for this serv- ice, please contact Mrs. Lane at 357-2424. 0-15-22-1 $74174 *OH^ ONTARIO MOON P.111111 MUM IN Algreat investment phis a Mee *eft to liVe, A two storey, brick; centrally located, income prop- ertY, large living room with mantel, dining room, kitchen, three bedromns with clothes closets, sunroom and a four room aPartmea with Separate en- trance. Garage. Oil fUrnace.., Early possession. FLORIDA! We have added an extra coach to our 14 -day Florida Tour departing March 3rd. All transportation via luxury wash- room -equipped' motor coach, First class accommodation throughout. Featuring Miami Beach, St. Petersburg, Daytona Beach and St. Augustine. All side trips and admissions to Cypress Gardens, Silver Spxings, Busch Gardens,, Marineland, Cape Ken- nedy and Disney World are in- cluded. Join your friends and neighbors on this complete Florida tour. Very ,few seats are left, call us today for information. Fettes Tours, 323-1545, Mount Forest. Pick ups made enroute. DANCE • the Wing.baM SPOrtiMen On satardaY* March 3;Mullic by the Rebels, lidlni$14 • Per EUCHRE will beta euchre party 00 March 1 at 0:40 PA'. in St. Paul's Hall, 0004 WORLD DAY OF PRAYER The Women's World ;Day' of Prayer will he held at Si. Paul's Anglican Church'im March 2nd at NurikerY available. Tea hour fOlowing. All women lir vited. ANNUAL MEETING WINGHAM AND DISTRICT HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION The • annual ' meeting of the Wingham and District HosPital Association will \be held on' Fri- day, March 2nd, 1973 at 8:001p.m. in the Training School building, Catherine Street, Wingham. All matters of business per- taining to the Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital. Association will be transacted including the election of directors and other officers. In order to cast a hallot in the election of directors a person =tit be et:timber of the Asso- rimy be obtained for the sum of $1.00 at the hospital office or the town clerk's office. These mem- berships must be purchased at least ten days prior to the annual meeting. Everyone welcome. J. T. GOODALL, PRESIDENT, JOHN STRONG, SECRETARY. 15-22-1 - NOTICE Blake McMillan's Garage in Gonie now under new ownership. Bill's Supertest owned and Operated by Bill Doig. Open six days a week, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00`p.m.; Tueiday and Friday until 10:00 p.m. Phone 335-3243. For Rent LAND AND BARN facilities for horses. For information phone, 357-3694. 1-8 ARTICLES FOR RENT, dustless floor sanders. Dustless belt san- der. Daugherty .Pro HardWare, formerly Alexander's Hardware. tf TWO BEDROOM heated apart- ment. Large living room and kit- chen. Separate entrance. Excel- lent location. Available March 5. Call, 3072174. BUTCHER SHOP in For 'Further 'Information Call 3434619 Wanted To Rent URGENTLY REQUIRED, a low- er apartment in Wingham by April 1st. Phone 1-542-4935. 1-8-15 MODERN two-bedroom house or apartment. Contact Mr. J. Heist, 3W-3704. rrb NOTICE RIVERVIEW DRIVE-IN will have a change of opening hours for the week -ends of MARCH 9, 16,misi 23 ONLY CLOSED THWISDAYS SUNDAY 12 NOON TO 8 P.M. 'renders Wanted TENDER TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWANOSH WARBLE FLY SPRAYING TENDERS for Warble Fly Spraying of cattle in the Town- ship of East Wawanosh at cost •bead to be irceived by the. undersigned until Tuesday, march oth, 1973, 12:00 o'clock noon. Township to suPply pow- der. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. RR 5, Wingham, Ont. 22-1 GRAVEL TENDER • TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWANOSH CALLING fOr tenders to supply and crush and deliver to the town- ship roads, 15,000 cubic yarth of a'," gravel to be completed July 15, 1973. Contractor to comply to the satisfaction of the roadsuper- intendent and approval of the A CERTIFIED cheque in the amount of $500 must accompany each tender. Lowest or any ten- der not necessarily accepted. Closing date it March Z 1973, at Road Superintendent, Belgrave, Ontario. Auction Sale CLEARING AUCTION SALE of modern farm machinery Will be held for BILL IRWIN LOT 31, CON. 11 EAST WAIWANOS-11 TOWNSHIP 2 blocks southeast of Whitechurch or 6 miles southwest of Whigham MONDAY, APRIL 2 1:30 P.M. —TERMS CASH— FARM SOLD Brian Rintoul, Auctioneer 1-8-15 'GARDEN PARTY , Reserve Wednesday, May 30 • for Gorrie United Church Garden Party. In Memo.riam TIFFIN: In loving memory of a dear husband, father, grand- , father and great grandfather, Orville Tiffm, who paSsed away one ye.ar ago, March 4, 1972. His pleasant smile and happy face, A broken link we can never re- place. ----Sadly missed and always re- membered by hisNife and family FALLIS: In loving memory of our mother, Mrs. Jim who passed away March 1; 1972. Time unfolds another year, But memories keep her ever near. 0 No need for Words except to say, Still loved and missed in every way. —Ever remembered by her family. MARTYN: In loving memory of Ted 1Viartyn who passed away March 2, 1969. May the winds of heaven blow 00 a quiet and peaceful sPot, Where the. one ,l‘te toyed. 114 And will never be forgot. —Ever remembered by wife and sons, Randy and Brian and Linda. The CARE package has ahnogt ,disap- peared but CARE still.sends nutri- tious food for lean bellies in 25 coun- Send your dollars to 63 Sparks St., Ottawa WI P 5A6 R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST GODERICH The Square 524-7661 WINGHAM BODY SHOP Complete Cellishni Repairs and Pahtting Tewhis Service SID ADAMS Propileter WINGIIAM; ONT. Res. 357-1171, Bus. 357-1102 Burning Rectal Itch Relieved In Minutes Exclusive Boding Substanee Relieves Pain As it If you want satisfactory relief from 'Itching Piled—here's good news. • A renowned rematch Ishoratortbas found a unique healing substance that promptly relieves the burning itch and Nkin-4actually shrinks heniorrh4&. This ,substente has been shown to produce a most effec- tive rate of Wing. Its germ -Ming properties. alio help prevent In ease after cue "very stating improvement" was noted, OVOU *MOng CIA*44 of long 11144104k It And this improvement waa saiistained over'a period of monthal 'This was accomplished by a sow which quiddy WO heel Wood sad stimulate growth of new tissue. Now BioDyno is olfeted la Oin_tutent Ind suppository tot* boa Preparatioa "a" mos far it at drug iturea--aoltractioia Frederick F. Homilith Mrs. Viola H. Horituth, RO OPTOMETRISTS Phone 338-2712 Chiropractor R. BRAY, D.C. 197 Josephine St. Phone 357-1224 Wingham Business and Professional Directory -WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct .ind Save Bus. Ph. 357-1910 Res. Ph -357-1015 LDS.S. CH9RUS MONSTER AUCTION BAKE , SALE MARCH 10 L.D.S.S. Gymnasium • Listowei, Ont. On display from 10:00 a.m. BAKE SALE 10 A.M. - 5 P.M. Proceeds for the Chorus tour to Toronto and Ottawa. koctioneer • orallam Masai •