HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-03-01, Page 8Coptinuediron Page 1
tlifesed to the project, but
E**with the arlangement
al **street and private road. As
to the private road and snow re
=;: probliMIS, he *4: "It's
las skeet and his snow.'
rrsvidrort volunteered that
apae4eat as submitted was
'veto* bad ticsige to his *Wm
He &lit. Goderich stipulates *
parsa.T.I. -e as high density,
which ow. Bate
12.4. rIked he knew families
Tic a! liar iskviduals.
44. j s dreiorta the meet-
' assenetqa that the local
1116*6.0Per Ltd Marled there
were to partiag Scares is
onnaectioa with the project,
tin' lig the inspressias thesewere
• for 1the armament section of the
pridect alane, whereas they arse
MAW* offered for tbe cake a
This' would be inadequate
foram tenets, let alone similes.
Mr- Dasidain stressetioat the
sissaidpit itself the pod-
• fsai where it could deal with
*we from a fwm
*granted that the tenni
jead lode* toward this
Mit baliii$dlirraelt bad been
ansble to law 147% Wig &red-
esiislanst in the saver cad the
coasty,„ and the priorities eif the
drPartmeut wene not of his aim
Knyvenhoven mmmeoted
lie swooped the plannie*
boaniaas to lbe used is a tool of
cow* or as its aged, and it
• lira* have dear guidelines or
ilermssiziferencefrom the town,
a firm footing from which 1* 41001
with laPPliestifoss, *id mot *00
piecenteal Or ease-10Y-Cehe
Cal Burke commented that the
WWII needs Wgaccommoda-
tion, but "the town — move
in an Grderly Whim."
Mr. Davidson added there is .a
trendby developers todrop some
erta,ndard design an property
wittiout regard to the character
of the laact not deeived into the
locality. SU* deiligaiig 16 costly
and would make the derelopment
less proftaNe.Be denertial the
proposed apartment as hein. g
pawned for minimum coat
After general discumion it was
agreed the town should take a
middle eot rse„ and not im-
mediately 2 art ar reject the
bL tuns it hack to the
plarinieg hoard with the request
that the board meet with the de-
veloperwill' a view to modifying
the design and or the site to the
point where it would be 1e
On motiou of Cow Jobe Bate -
sun the motion was put 4113(1 car-
Mayor Miller, in answer to a
questicsa„ sold be believed Mr.
Hayman was in Europe at the
pe nt time, bot a meeting
should be arranged on his return_
As the meeting was adjourning,
he pointed out that officbls of the
Ontario Housing Corporation
were expected to arrive here nest
week b3okm„- g for suitable loca-
tions for senior citizens and
geared -to -income housing ap-
proval for Wingham.
elmore Personals
Cangmtulations to Mr. and
Mks. Keith Mulvey exithe birth of
a son in St. Mary's Hospital,,
,irscbener, on Fehniary 21
dater 01 Mr.
andiats. George Kieffer, was one
01 tow students representing F.
Madill Secondary School on
Reach for thelbp on CKNX tele-
• the weekend.
kd visitors with Mr. and
Wilfred Johann were Ur -
Lloyd , Klein of .
Charlie FAirie of
service was held at
h „____1111101 MO* on Sow
r lye ukeegi new hymn boas'
were dedicated to the McIntosh
both Bel -
installed. by Rev. take-
Biglis,sang a solo, "Rem*
Kk were Mr
and MO Trey
• NonstOck.,, Ws. D. S. Machaugh-
Foster, Clayton
ifrs. Allen
itnfinan' of *testa&
Ilk. and Mrs- Keith Dnancan,
tepbe and Kimberley of
onStinday with
-*bed Cosa.
Macilfanghton and
itra, Robert coma
Sad ay with Mrs.
er at 'Ilkersariew,
Visitors Iad Thursday for
sispperst the home et 10. mad
were. Bev.
Mrs. Saloon of **ford
Mrs. Grace Metter of
listriston. The occasion was
fivalleftesand Austin"shirladaYs-
Me. lad Men: Kai Heise and
Terry ' of Palmerston visited in
the evening.
Bev. Charlet FOrpest and• Aus
tin Stinson attended Presbytery
at Sestforth Thursday_
Wed 'Isle of Somewhere".
The service at Knox
teriau Church on Sunday *as in
charge of Dennis Freeman, the
regular student minister. Be had
as guests three fellow stimienb
from Knox College, Toronto.
They sang several selections with
guitar accompaniment.
Mrs. Alex Marshall and .Jr_
and Ilfrs. 'James Marshall and
family of Stratton/ visited Sun-
daY 110111 Mr. and lam Norman
Nelms and John -
Mr. and Mrs. Selab Brecken-
ridge visite with Mr. and Mrs.
*Um Struthers of TeeswateroShn
"A HIT AND A MISS" was the performing name of this duo
competing in Wingham Lions Talent Hunt show Feb. 22 at
Wingham before a full tvouse at the town hall auditoritall.
They.are Nelson Caldwell ot Blyth and Darlene Wessell,* of
Brussels who competed with nine Ober entries.
(Staff Phoitn)
Accident damage $7
although inliwies few
More than PASO damage to
vehicles was incurred in traffic
accidents last week in the juris-
dictin of viinghim Detachment
OPP, with only two personn in-
jured„ reports Cpl.. C. R. Crustal,
detachment commander.
Godliest accident was last
Wednesday when Wray W..
Wilsonof Fordwich and Kenneth
W Waite of London were involved
in a two -car accident on County
Road 30 at Con_ 4-5_ Mr. Waite
received ruiner injuries, and total
damages were estimated at
Stalking a cattlebeant Febru-
ary 19 caused $1,308 damage,
Marjorie P. McKenzie of Tees -
water was the driver_ The cattle -
beast was awned by John Melton
of Wingham.. Luckily, Mrs.
McKenzie was not injured.
A $1,000 accidat occurred the
same day on Huron County Road
12dsouth-of1fighway116, Grey
Township when Reginald E.
chaPPel of Alt 2, Stab struck a
I/Y*0pda. Despite the extensive
clamor, the driver was net bort-
, Straits Posts
Other accidents on Wednesday
of Last week invo4ved Nerve J.
'Tremblay of Toronto who7struck
Your Will,
Your Lawyer
V and G
Everybckly nee& a will.
Every tnITds cornprna
adiniraistration. Go to ljiT
lawyer for your %Ill -
to V and 6 to a%ure ttnt
what you lealfre gats algin
you want at. Eighty }e.5ifb
of experience in adminis-
tering estate stands behind
our judgment and assure;
corporate continuity in
carrying Out your wishes.
Huromriew was reopened to
visitors last Thursday, eihich was
welcome to both the residents
and Their families and friends:
Monday afternoon activities ho-
opoes the, welcoming of a new
reg from the Zurich area,
with musk for 'the old tyme
dancing and g -song provided
by Mary Taydoi' Alice ROOnla
Norman Spier and Jerry Collins.
Tuesday afternoon's regular
program of Bible study. in the
chapel, will be back on schakile
this week.,During the past three
weeks this tune has been Mee in
with music.
Two E, were thawnon Fam-
ily Isligbt, with Bert Colombe
naming the pr.ojector. One film
reviewed the history of the Cal-
gary Stampede and the other was
the old Charlie Chaplin type and
took everyone back about forty
years to the time of the snag
east' tf
were no injuries and ebmages
were estimated at $520.
Hendrick F. Fidom of RR 1.
Belgrave struck a bridge abut -
Ment on Highway 4 at the
Maitland River bridge, Morris
TownslOP. Mr. Mom was not in-
•jured and damages to his vehicle
were estimated at$300.
• John Thompson of Weigh=
and Douglas G- Cameron, also of
vringbarn, were involved in a
two -car collision on Con. 6-7, east
of Sideroad 15-16, Tumherry
Towvahip, in which a mailbox
belonging to Rapriond Haugh of
RR 1, vrmgbam, was broken.
Damages were VW
On Thunsday, February 22
Gordon A. Pair of RR 3,. Ripley,
was involved in a single car
accident on Con. 10-11i west of
eaderoad Tumberry Town-
ship. There were no injuries and
damage was estimated at ;100.
On February 24 Glen B. Fisher
of RR 2, Wingharn was involved
in a single car accident on High-
way 4'east of the. Huron Bruce
County -Lin' e, Turnbeny Town;
ship. There were no injuries and
damage was entimated at 1100.
On Saturday John • Pipe of
Brussels and Nen G. Gyan of RR
Walton were involved in a colli-
sion on Huron County Road 12
south of Huron County Road 16,
Grey Township. There were no
injuries and total damages were
estimated at MO.
On Sunday Kenneth L. Eadie of
Holyrood struck a tree on High-
way 4 north of the Blyth CPR
crewing_ He was not injured and
damages to his vehicle were
estimated at ;SOO.
Also on &oWily Robert C.
Bremner of RR 3. Brussels struck
an embankment en Huron r(p....mty
Road 12. south of Huron County
Road 16. Grey Township. He was
L. dJaw:
er4arnate4I at S'00
Robert 1, Blake of KR 2.
Bases was injured vihen he
was thrown from his snowmobile
rbe vehicle was damaged to the
ctircit SM.
Robert H Burrows of Harris -
ton and Paul Ginesre of Missis-
Dan and Peter Isabelle and the
latter's daughter,. Sandy, of
Toronto, visited Clarence
Clement on Sunday. They also
visited with their mother, Mrs.
Clemest, who has been a patient
in ;Virgil= and District Hospital
for the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Clark were
• &males for the weekend
70bere they visited Mr. and Mrs.
Fraser Pollock and Todd.
Wises Catherine Oakley of
Gnei and Ruth Ann Oakley of
/Wort° sped the weekend with
tel parents Mr and Mrs John
Mrs. George Fowler and Miss
Hazel Swirling- were in Goderich
o Thursday and the latter
4r.enl Mrs Angus Cannithael,
Mr. 2111 Mrs. James Robertson
and J.
VOUST ColaPANIY SntscEiaea
-•1Stoyi.1y orifOrio
Skate -a -thin to
miss ice foods
BELMORE — On March to a
skate-a4hon. open to all ages. is
being held in the arena here to
help raise funds for artificial ice.
This event takes place from 11
a.m. until 9p.m. All skaters must
be on the ice at 11 a.m.
There will be cash prizes for
the winners dud free refresh-
ments for all skatrus So get your
skates ard have a good time for a
worthwhite cause.
sauga were hwolved in a
on Highway 36 at th *MOOR
with frighway 4. No one waS
jured as the result of thecolliaisen
and damages were estimate 01
$150 -
boekey stick or if I* dadb.d iot
/ensued for it there would, ha0
been no wail lead Nat*
Bay, for it was on the secendiriP
it was *OW -
&NCO grarbation he was Odd -
man tor the Ontario Federation
01 Agticulture for two years, is
presently a (*maw for the
Seigrave Branch of Usitted Vo -
01 Ontario and has
been tanning the home funs for
the Pint four years.
,fair stile Younger son. of
and Edgar Gaunt of
7:431 fr.F.E1Arle t9g ;,.
.4! N794.1
rinummimin aginummiimiim
1 To: Bell Canada
1 Dial (705) 72 7272 collect
1 et Heilo Bell Canada? I want to arrange for
1 one of your Communications Consultants
to visit us. We need an expist to take a
I good, hard look at 0 our telephone ir
our teletype set-up, 0 our data process
1 system, 0 at all our telecommunication
1 needsPerhaps we have too many phones.
Perhaps not enough. Perhaps they're tile
wrong kind. What we want is a complete
111 analysis. And we want it fast, free, and
1 without strings. When would 1 like
I him to call? Well, how about
1 at
I ma 11111 MN NM MN MIN
ell Canada,