HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-02-15, Page 12Thursday, F y 15, 1973 For Sale FZMAI4E BORDER Collie pup, 0 111 old. Parents are workers, and pup is good with children, Phone 335-3185. RABBIT MEAT is high in protein and easily digested. Order yours front Sleepy Hollow Rabbitry, RR'3, Wingham. Cut and packag- ed, ready to cook. Fryers and roasters both available. Phone 357-2485. rrbMarch22 KIRBY VACUUM— sales and service. The one that out -cleans them all! Trades_accepted, For demonstration, call Lamont's Cleaning Service, Kincardine 396- 3295. rrb TWO PIECE Davenport and swivel rocker sets, $149.00. "Es- quire" Cash and Carry. New fur- niture. Highway No. 4, 1 mile west of Hanover. rrb MILK FILTERS— 61•" plain are still selling for 95c package at Daugherty Pro Hardware (fort merly Alexander's Hardware) . rrb ONE BLACKSMITH vice and one forge. Excellent condition. Con- tact Ronald Forster,' Lucknow, phone 528-2346. 8-15 TWO SNOW TIRES, 775-14 al- most new. Phone 335-6219, 8-15 FRESH FOWL, vegetables, eggs, liomie .baking, meat pies, hand Crafts at the FARMERS' MAR- KET every Saturday. 254-8.15 Farm Machinery TRACTOR, 1962 Diamond T, 220 Cummins engine, tandem drive, 10-20 tires. Phone 1-519-334-3723. 8-15 • Miscellaneous MORTGAGES— Farm and resi- dential mortgages, first or sec- ond, low interest rates. Far -mor Financial Consultants Limited. Phone Harriston, 338-3037. 25-1-8-15 EXPERIENCED TAX consult- ant will fill out your tax returns. $10 and up. $5 and up for O.A.P.'s. Phone 887-6251 for weekend ap- pointment. 15-22 CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY shampooing; also wall cleaning. In your home or place of busi- ness. Lamont's Cleaning Service, Kincardine 398.3295. rrb ANYONE wishing to have hand- saws, cirettlar . saws, tools, etc. sharpened, calf 357 3644. "rrb FREE BROCHURES on these fully escorted motor coach tours from Fettes Tours, 184 Main St., Mount Forest. Phone 323-1545: April '6, four-day Wo&hingtnn Cherry Blossom .Festival; April 19, three-day Grand Ole Opry, Nashville, Tennessee May 4, three -day -Jamboree in Wheeling, West Virginia; May 15, three-day Tulip Festival in Holland, Michi- gan; ,May 19, three-day Tulip Festival in Ottawa, Ontario; June 2, two-day 'Rex Humbard and Cathedral of Tomorrow;. CHILD'S SKI -D00 suit, :size 10. ,Juste 10, two-day'Bavarian Festi- Dry cleaned and in good condi- tion., Phone 357-3275. ONE PAIR of black oxford lady's shoes, Medium heel, size 8EE. ,',hone 35772365. val in Frankenmuth, Michigan; June 30, 21 -day West Coast, Cal- gary Stampede and Canadian Rockies; July 22, four-day Moo - sone via Polar Bear Express also Timmins, etc.- July 28, three-day 1000 Islands, Ft. Henry, Upper FLEETWOOD combination rec- Canada Village; Aug. 1, 12 -day ord • player, TV • and, radio, East Coast and P.E.I., includes' ' FM -AM. Best "offer. Phone, day -long cruise. - 88't4445« :. � • ,- .� 1,,. '„els_-„-,t -;,,. ,,i ,: -.1 ii, f_�r+,1~ "'�,+ qb� �'' • i ; 0A'lMl(iItO0Ii1Iiiit� i 2 .1D°. : f C1,IPPING -•- STRIPPING . , Call John Visser, .227 John Rosa St., Listowel, 291-4817 after 6 p.m. BROKEN IIARN WINDOW? Daugherty •Pro Hardware (for • .merly Alexander's Hardware) has Lexan?, plastic, 250 times stronger than glass and 8c a square foot cheaper. rrb 3(W'S` BICYCLE, new. tires and Julies in fall,:, size 28. Also, 'wanted. car tires 750-850, 14 or 15 in. rims. Betty Christie, phone, ;924556 between .12:00 and 12:30 peri; and after 6:00 p.m. • 1970 OLYMPIC Ski -Doo, 18 h.p., electric start,rreconditioned mo- tor. Priced for duiek safe. In • eludes cover and,gas tank. Phone after six, 357-1263.. WROXETER BARGAIN Centre, book and tape exchange, used appliances, clothing, furniture and many other articles. Winter hours: Wednesday through Sat- urday 11:00 a.m. to 8:00' p.m. Phone 335-3259. Buy and sell. rrb ONE PAIR of six -ply, 700 x 15 truck snow tires. Like new. Phone 357=3428. 1971 TWIN CYLINDER Moto -Ski, 28 h.p.. $380. Mildmay, 357-2441: Wanted To Buy MARRIED PERSON for modern beef farm and cash crop. Must be good with machinery. New. sep- arate house. Good wages and yearly employment. Phone, after 6:00 p.m., to Donald Paton. Inger- soll. 485-1126. Mature Visitor to make half-hour calls-of-welcomein the homes of newcomers and newlyweds. bringing them 'housewarming gifts' and Local information while extending the friendly hand of the community. A rewarding occu- pation for your spare -time hours. "Hi NEIGHBOUR” WELCOME SERVICE, an all -Canadian Serv- ice with branches coast to coast has a local opening for one with organizational ability and a car. who wants a year round business of their own. Complete at-home traini;ig arranged. Write Box 232, Wingham Advance -Times. GOOD HAY. Any quantity. Phone Toronto -3546 or Dundalk, 923-5034. rrpFeb.15 GOOD STANDING timber, bush - lots, logs, well timbered proper- ty. For more inforrnatfon contact Wm. J. Sills Lumber Co. Ltd., 338 Pannell Lane, Strut/0'0y; phone 2934$52 Or 846-0868. rrb tf PIANO. AND ORGj, SALES. Piano tuning and repairing. Call Hap' Swatridge, 357-2785. Repre- senting Garnet Farrier. rtf SEWING MACHINES PRICED FROM $39.95 Our location an • White -Etna "Warehouse Prices" Save you many dollars -Service to all Makes- BAYLEY SEWING MACHINES • 805 10TH ST. (MAIN ST. E.) HANOVER 364-3606 rrb FOR YOUR insurance Needs in Automobile, Farm Liability. Accidents and Sickness Home Protection Call Your Co -Op Agent— LLOYD MONTGOMERY 53 Maple Street. Wingham Dial 357-3739 GORRIE GENERAL REPAIRS, Welding. Farm Equipment Re- pair. Phone Don Pee), 335-3497. 8-15 ANDY'S REFRIGERATION AND APPLIANCE SERVICE 24 -Hour Emergency Service Wingham, 357-3484 LORENZ DEAD STOCK. $20 for horses; $10 for cows over 1,000 lbs. Over 500 lbs. according to size. Phone Durham, 369-2410 col- lect. rrpMay31 GiBSON UPHOLSTERY Furniture, car, and truck seats recovered. rebuilt. Phone 357- 1Z17. rrb MEALS -ON -WHEELS Phone Miss Mary Scott. 357-2365 or Mrs. H. L. Sherhondy, 357-2552. rr And saying. Where is the promise of His coming For since the fathers fell asleep. all things con- tinue as they were from the be- ginning of the creation. But be- loved be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning His promise. as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering us -ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. 11 Peter 3: 4,8,9. Phone 335-3763. 148.15 Notice ANNUAL MEETING WINGHAM AND DISTRICT HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION The annual meeting of the Wingham and District Hospital Association will be held on Fri- day, March 2nd, 1973 at 8:00 p.m. in the Training School building, Catherine Street, Wingham. All matters of business per- taining to the Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital Association will be transacted including the election of directors and other officers. In order to cast a ballot in the election of directors a person - must be a member of the Asso- ciation. One-year memberships may be obtained for the sum of $1.00 at the hospital office or the town clerk's office. These mem- berships must be pur hased at least ten days prior to the annual meeting. Everyone welcome. J. T. GOODALL, PRESIDENT, JOHN STRONG, SECRETARY. • 15-22-1 The Wingham Drive -In Clean- ers now have a pick-up at the Wroxeter Bargain Centre. 15-22 Kindergarten Registration for ' • Turnberry Central School On Wednesday, February 21, 1973, in the Kindergarten Room between the hours of,1:00 o'clock and 3:00 o'clock. Only children who are five years of age before December 31, 1973 are eligible to register. Bring proof of age. NOTICE Because of the prevalence of influenza in the community, the Home Physician believes it is in the best intere Sts of the residents of Huronview to close the Home to $isitors for the present time. The ban will be lifted as soon as circumstances permit. Your co-operation will be ap- preciated. Chester A. Archibald, Administrator, , .: •`• HMIO • 0(4.VIEW. r/ :u c a4lH . �SJCiL;% 11 Jl .11�J �y grif }ir1t 9C 3(� � ��ns)7�'r ,c TNTIN WORKING MOTHERS The Wingham Day Care Centre can provide supervised day care for children ..beginning. 'at 6:45 a.m. if enough > full time children are registered. If you lava a need for this serv- ice, please contact Mrs. Lane at 357-2424. 8145-22-1 Business Opportunity EARN MONEY IN YOUR SPARE TIME Men or women to re -stock and collect money from New Type high quality, coin-operated dis- pensers in your area. No selling. To qualify, must have car, refer- ences, $1',000.00 to $3,000.00 cash. Six to fourteen hours weekly can net executive income. More full time. We invest with you—and establish your route. For person- al interview write, including phone number: Trans -Canada Distributors, Box 145, - Stoney Creek, Ontario. 15-22 Work Wanted CEILINGS tiled, alterations, paneling and odd jobs. Raymond Neill. 357-1463. Wingham. 15-22 Tenders Wanted Help Wanted FOREMAN for C.I.L. Agit, Brussels. Salaried positlort. Ap- ply in writing to J. A. John Itcin, Box 179, Brussels. ' 115 PERSON TO TEACH oeeupa- tional therapy in nursing, line. Hours can be arranged. Apply to Fordwich Village Nursing Home, phone 335-3168. SECRETARY -TREASURER ,for St. Andrew's Presbyterian 'Church. Experience in bookkeep- ing required. Applicants shot#ld be members or adherents df St: Andrew's Church. Salary to' be arranged with the Board; ftp- plication should be made to Mr. Gordon Sutcliffe, Wingham. 15-2 BRIGHT ATTRACTIVE person fpr typing, filing and sales work ' in interesting sales of f zoei • • ifl Wingham. Phone, 357-2444, POSITION VACANT on general maintenance staff of Wingimin and District Hospital. Good working conditions and fringe benefits. Require 4th Class :Erigi- - neer's Certificate. Apply toDavid Hynes, plant superintendent, ,for appointment. • • 41 RECEPTIONIST The Children's Aid Society rot Huron County requires a R,ecep, tionist-Stenographer for their*of-• fice. Applicants must enjoy tneettng • and dealing with the public and have some typing and clerical experience. • • 4 Good starting salary, benefits, t etc. Applicants are invited to -sub' mit resume and the names of, three references to: • .o Mrs. D. Stimson,• . Office Manager, Children's Aid Society of Huron County • " 5(,ti 181 Victoria Street North, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 3Z2.."1U' • 11 ;. ►Ao�i . AVON WANTS THREE Ptd .:1✓ s' to wort, part-tiirrelit'Turn1& . rry of .t • Morris and HOWN .Tow hi or more possible. Write Of' 61Y'1 tonight: Mrs. M. 14Ti1}sofi, 1+ Hawkesbury Ave., London, 451a'r 0541. ' 8-15-24( !.ze Real Estate For Sale 1t_ NINE ROOMED house for sale in;t Wingham near school and hospi-,,,, tat: Consists of . four bedrooms,., and bathroom upstairs and livingpf room, dining room, large kitchen, ., and den downstairs; also a bacli ., kitchen. Phone: 357-2175 or call at 268 Frances Street. V1LLIAM ,S NEED Real Istat Broker and General Insurance Dial 357-2174.. WINGHAM, ONTARIO COMMISSION RATE — 3% ON HOUSES IN WINGHAM Well situated, 112 storey, three ' bedroom house with living room, dining room, modern kitchen, oil furnace, closed in veranda, gar- age. Immediate possession Mortgage available. GR.1VEl. TENDERS TOWWNSiiiP OF 110W1('K TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for the crushing and delivering of 25.000 cu. yds. more or less of 31 -inch screened gravel to be delivered anywhere in the Township under the super- vision of the Road Superintend- ent. Contractor to state how the crusher is fed. and must strip and maintain pits to the satisfaction of the road superintendent A CERTIFIED cheque of 8600.00 to accompany tender TENDERS to be in the hands of the undersigned by 5 p.m.. March 2nd. 197:3. Lowest or any tender, not necesssaii'ily accepted. S'nb- ject to the approval of the M.T.C. IVAN HASKINS. CLERK. Township of Howick. Gorrie, Ontario. 15-22 • For Rent TWO BEDROOM apartment, - modern, electrically heated. Available March 1. Phone, 357- 1669. TWO BEDROOM apartment in Belgrave, Electrically heated. John Van Camp, 357-2237. ARTICLES FOR RENT, dustless floor sanders. Dustless belt san- der. Daugherty Pro Hardware, formerly Alexander's Hardware. tf THREE BEDROOM house, close to schools. Available March 1 Phone 357-3482. rrb SECOND FLOOR apartment for rent in Blyth. Five rooms and bath, stove and fridge. All utiii- ' ties paid. Private entrance. New- ly decorated. Phone Clinton, 482-3876. R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST GODERICR The Square `c 524-7661 Cars St Trucks 1972 DATSUN, 2 -door , A,='M radio. Will take trade. Cal,,,357- 2065 after 6:30 p;m, a 1972 DUSTER 340, 14,000 tiles. Phone 357-463. 1972 DATSUN pickup, e4cellcnt condition. Phone 357»20571 atter 6 p.m. TEN 1971 CARS, all makes and. models, three 1970 carpi three 1969 cars, three 1968, ,ea , five 1967 cars. Plus.many o Cars., JOHN BROWNI'MO S Gorrle 335-33n f GORRIE AUTO WRECKERS Fairly -Priced Car$ And Parti ' Phone 335-3495 t4rfie 3 • rrb, McCIEERY AUTO WRECKERS RR 2. WROXETER -On ham, 88 Midway between' Winghiim and, Listowel USED AUTO PARTS USED CARS & aUCE.f�S Phone' t �. LISTO ' ' L 291.4159 GORR ' "35$34 Livestock For Sale TWENTY-FIVE young beef -type cows. Bred Charolais. Phone 392- 6564 -y 3`- „ cr - ! ' B I RT,HS ' EDGAR—Ai 'the Wi gham : and District Hospital on Tuesday, February 13,, to Mr, and Mrs.; NgEdgar, aft 4, 'V i ngham, a B i;' HO—At the Wingham and istrict Hospital on `Tuesday, February 6, to Mr. and Mrs. William Borho, RR 1, Formosa, a daughter. BOLGER--At •the Wingham and District Hospital on Thursday, February 8, to Mr. .and Mrs. Larry Bolger, Blyth, a son. HETHERINGTON— Bob and Barb Hetherington, 538 Glen Forrest Boulevard, Waterloo, are happy to announce the ar- rival of their son, .le,ffrey Rob- ert, on February 6 at Kitchen- er-Waterloo Hospit I. COULTES-To ken -and Jill in Chatham General Hospital on February 7th,1973, at daughter. A. sister for Judy and Denise. WORMINGTON— At Scarbor- ough General Hospital on Feb- ruary 7th to Malcolm and Anna Wormington, a soil, Michael John. WILL iwpit t FARM MACHINERY AND TRACTORS • With New and Used Parts Steam Clean and Paint Machinery and Tractors Custom Welding Have Supply of Hydraulic Hose and Fittings GEO. MARKLEVITZ RR 2. Wingham, ` ` 357-1995 W*lted,To Rent MODERN twO-bedroom 'ham or apartment. Contact Mr. J. *1st 2574704; ` rrb Notice To Cruors IN . THE ESTATE OF JAMES MARTIN GRASSY • ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate; of the above- mentioned, lateof the Village of Belgrave, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who . died ' on. January 10th, 1973, are required to file proof of same with the un- dersigned.: on or before the 24th da 'of February, 1973. 'AFTER that date, the Execu- trices will proceed_ to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claimsof which they shall then have had rfotice. • -DATED at Wingham, Ontario this 5th day of 'February, A.D. 1.973. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrices. 841522 NOTICE `'Ji'O CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER , OF THE ESTATE OF L01S ;EMSON late of the Town of Wlrigham in the County of Huron, Widow, . deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to The Trustee Act that all creditors and, others having claims against. the Estate of the late Lois Cerson, are required' to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to J.T. GCODALL, Solicitor for the Executors of the rsaid•Estate, on or before the 28th day of February, A.D. 1973, and that after such, date the Execu- tors will proceed to distribute the ';assets of the said Estate, having regard'only‘ to the claims of which 'they shall then have had notice. DATED at ,Wingham; Ontario, this 1st_ day of Februa , A.D. 19 • J. T `GOODALL; .Solicitor for the Estate, - )4ox 730, Wingha'nt, Ontario. 8-15-22 TEA AND BAKE SALE There will be a tea and bake sale on Saturday, Feb. 17, 1973 at 2; 00 p,m, in ted'counvil chambers. sponsored by Y,A.C.M,R, EUCHRE PAPTV There will he a euchre party on Thursday, Feb. 15 at 8::39 p.m, in St. Paul's parish hall,, Wingham. Good prizes, lunch,.Q1eotrie heat. YOU'RE INVITED ° A special invitation for all hockey mothers to fotn us'' at the next meeting of the Mother's Auxiliary to Wingham ..Minor Hockey. Associatron to be held on Wednesday, Feb. 21, at 9:00 p.m. in the Wingham Arena. CHILD CLINIC • The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the . Child Health Clinic, former Nurses'•° - Residence, Wingham Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, February 21st, 1973, from 0:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. for: I. Health Surveillance; 2. Anaemia Screening; 3. Immu- nization; 4. Hearing Screening; 5: Fluoride brushing of 'children's teeth to prevent cavities for *sge : 3 to 5 years; 6. Vision Testing. .r • MEETING The Wingham Business Men's Association will meet oft Thurs- day, Feb. 15, 1973 at .Lee's Res- taurant at 7:00 pan, ants DAFFODIL COFFER PART' A Daffodil ° Coffee Party on April 4th at the beautiful new White -Carnation in Homesvi le is plapned to remind you that April D is Cancer Campaign month. Wonderful entertainment isa . promised. , from 300 until 9:00 p,no„ so reserve :April 4th. POT -LUCK SUPPER The Wingham Women'sinsti- tute is holding a Pot -144 Supper in the Council Chambers at, 6:06 p.m, on Friday, Feb. 10 ,for mem- bers and friends, y Please .note change of date. Please bring your own dishes and cutlery, HEALTH SU., SiIRVE]CLLAiNCE You .are invited to attend the Adult Health Guidance Centre, former. Nurses' Residence, Wing • hale Public Hospital, on llionday, February 19th, • 1973, from 1;30 p.m. to,'3..ip0 p.m. for. Health Sur- veillance. Volunteer drivers available.' In the 'heart' of Midwestern Ontario .. . "CROSSROADS" , is the pulse utstapding Auction Sale New arni U Fumiture -' Friday,'Febr.ary. 16air 8,.e. , In former 'Bauer Implement Building directly behind Queen's Hotel in Brussels, Ont. , NEW FURNITURE CONSISTS OFoL8amand _Wirt ftli_r- ''� NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN ,THE ESTATE OF CLARA HALLIDAY ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above- mentioned, late of the Town of Winghamin the County of Huron, Housewife, who died on January - .6th, 1973, are required to file proof of same with the under- signed on or before the 24th day of February, 1973. • AFTER that date 'the Execu- tors will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only t� the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario this 2nd day of February, A.D. 1973. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 8-15-22 WINGHAM BODY SHOP Complete Collision Repairs and Painting Towing Service 5!D ADAMS Proprietor WINGHAM; ONT. Res. 357-1171, Bus. 357-1102 . SEALED TENDERS on forms and in envelopes available from the office of the undersigned will be received until 5:00 p.m. on: . WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7,1973 for 4 • 1975 DUMP TRIJCKS Pour used County trucks will in traded -in. The lowest or any tinder not necessarily accepted. J. W, Britni%., P. Eng., Huron County Engineer, Court House,' (Welch, Ontario Ny'A1M2� n �-d bl "�Jiya LL e th hp� S s •a hB€d r0 rtos Bunk s4,d-'Double and Single Mattresses, Red Plush Kitchen Suite, Stereos, Electric Sewing Machines, plus many other items. USED FURNITURE': Studio Couch, Arm Chair, Frig. and Stove, Vacuum Cleaner, Floor Polisher, Rangette and Dishes. ANTIQUES: 3 Arm Chairs, Wicker Rocker and Sewing Machine, Financing can be arranged. Lunch booth and seating provided. Sales to be conducted weekly by Rutledge Auctions. Last chance to save tax dollars onyourlJ72 income. There's apart of the' Income Tax Act that permits you to deduct up to $4000 from your 1972 earned taxable income. ' But you must have registered a plan by - February 28th, 1973. ' At Metropolitan Life you'll find many plans eligible for registration. Let'tax-deductible dollars help you build a retirement income. Visit or calf before the'end of February: WOLFGANG FRIEDEL R.R. #2, Wroxeter 335-6170 x. Metropolitan Life Frederick F. Homuth Phrn.B., R.O. - Carol E. Homuth, RO Mrs. Viola H. Homuth, RO OPTOMETRISTS Phone 338.2/12 Harriston - Ontario •w Chiropractor R. BRAY, D.C. 197 Josephine St. Phone 357.1224 Windham Business and Professional Directory WINGHA M MIM ORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and Save Bus. Ph. 357,1910 Res, Ph. 38740i f • • • 9 i