HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-02-15, Page 5I► t 4.d w a p A' THE HO MAN El:l ES-CraigGilroy, Rob .ray Carter position the heavy speaker scaffolding In preparation fora Week of feria, Y ung and Mur, cabinet atop the music in the cafe. WE DO SOME commercial printing besides our 810's and $20's. Counterfeiters, right to left, Stella Dubelaar, William Dickie and Ruth -Ellen Currie. Grade. 10 and 1 a Students ENTER NOW! United Nations Pilgrimage Sponsored by Huron District' :Rebekah and Oddfllows Lodges Contest held at _ Central Huron District High School Clinton, Ontario FRIDAY, MARCH 30 At 8.00 p.m. Entry forms available from the English Department of your sago!. 401111111 nt H sad'. Sistivkins "Fhad V u it ing compia t : I �ggl , a His wife B+ '1 : this, buy me that, this.is too old,Y *Kt buried. It seemed tatis too went' out!" He wanted on,Come , l Now's Perfect, crime. Thepolice silence, blessed' silence, chancel Get up enough nerve and suspect him and no one blamed The pr tions for themug'. ask �a that guy you've had your ice. P±o& old: Ham. tder were simple straight- ter. on > " year, to . the dance. . dent. And, now was *a1 : ward. Harvey unplugged the 1* andira* Sadie Hawkins dance will Plain and simple; That Wasso he workwith p� t tbo chine be hell', en Friday, Febra y'. Ins kind of murder it had been, and wire in safety. He then wedged from 942 at F. E; Madill. The why it had succeeded. There was the wire WOO the rim trOmeh a band playing .will be the CAL-, one problem, however, Harte!►` way that it touched the `war. US and the dance will be held, rooster dreamed.. He He plugged in the � aurid= the urge gym, sewith in 'fie �� The dim begandoused water` on the concrete t ,girls. Buyyour tickets and ,ask murder. -It was so'clear, so ;d floor. After that, the only probe your sweetheart to the dance •be-- tailed, . so .accurate, that It was hem remaining wail , getting her fere someone else . just like commits ng:the. cue downstairs• —ByDianeSchneidear over again; once had • been she wasdiftir ut the machine.'l. fi+r'ult,>is �u, ` h.. • ; "I think I've fixedit, and I want "Harvey, I've just got to have* a you to try it!" he called up. Wedid 10 new Washing machine." It wasa "Well, you try it dear. I hadn't ' whine of complaaint, like` every- ' planned on doing any more wash - thing else she said. He let his ing today..." yes,' we' did it, we won! On newspaper fall to hie. lap, "Try it! If it doesn't work right, Iednesday, February 7, Wing.glanced up at his wife." she was , then I'll think about replacing it." ham was host to the Girls' Volley- :staff there, wringing her. The promise was vague but it hall tournament. The Juniors hams as usual, her pale face lured her. She came clopping started off first, playing against sad, .wisps of grey hair feller: obediently downstairs. Seaforth. Our gals wen two out of the wrinkles in her forehead, "How did everything "m get so three. games to win their Match Scarcely forty, and already ,the wet?" she asked. against their opponents in .- the looked like an old woman, "I was just testing," he assured black and yellow. Although they,V7ha�t's• the matter with � . her. She approached the machine• didn't win against�" Stratford � washing machine?" he gingerly, swish' through the Northwestern, they are p of back at her, , water. She bent oder the weapon their victory against Seaforth. "Tai a look at it, will, yon Har' "; to flick on the switch. Then it The Seniors were out to try vey? I got another shock from it happened. He watched in agony their luck too. The first team they today. Honestly, I'm going to be -:' of suspense. She gripped the rim met was Stratford Northwestern. electrocuted for sure one of tha's. convulsively. - Shudders avid Although the girls tried hard they days,," she pleaded. spasms shook her entire body. didn't quite make the grade. . He stumbled unwillingly down 't "Let go ! . . . Let go of the With spirits down but deter- the worn steps to the basement. washer! ... Forgive me, Beryl; mined minds they met Seaforth. The washing machine loomed out `: forgive me ..." A faint ringing of After a few tense moments they of the dim light, high and huge"` bells' could be heard in the dis- were successful in winning their like an old Model T. Obviously tante. "Maybe it's not too late.. . match. Now, we have two proud Beryl had not taken proper, care Maybe if I pull her from it quick- teatps. of it; ,for the surface was chipped', ly." This the end SerAat9 but and scraped. He squatted down:to Lieutenant Joe Godney looked i guar is wit of the vvwv..... -.r-. victory is the only way to end it. take a preliminary look and saw down at the twisted contorted —Barb Stanley the trouble right away. The wire. body. Then he stooped to untan- was quite worn, just where it Wakd gle it. From the very middle of connected under the machine to' the tightly ' wrapped ball, after the motor, What should he .do?. prying away the rigid grip of the Replace the cord? No, some chat { fingers, he found an electric tricians' tape should do the job;,--,, jalarm clock. While others looked He rummaged through his toolon, he patiently examined it. chest. No . tape. Then . he.. "Worn right through at the ter - remembered he , had asked for. . minal," he explained, showing some at the hardware store . 1,tth them. ', refused to buy it when the clerk, "Looks to me," ' said another •• informed him that the skimpy; plain clothesman„ "like he didn't F. E. Madill Secondary School roll cost seventy-five cents. He "want to let go. You wouldn't call it collected 31 points in the Huron- wondered now if it was worth 'suicide, would you, Joe?" Perth Conference wrestling even seventy-five cents to pie- =' "Accidental death," was the championship held at Clinton on vent Beryl from being electro- f'� answer. Friday, taking a wide margin cutee. over Central Huron with 15 and It was then he knew Ed. Note: The author of this Mitchell with 101/%, but placing to mat• powerful ue to the urne ti ., • q ry, a Grade 13 student, has seventListaig-tri e f ri Was 'tlfd 'ad oeenssm remain! 'ianetiyttiouna 1 •., ouIdn't y'su "a o 4 ow' d.0 li. _O. � s? ',Ebr�'OM "77' rm Wig rrr. W _f� Editor Wrestlers get 3.1 points in toUrnament the answer- ` tion. She` is e:e �a t Next could see enrolment�f iffikViOthifiSiVatfafiene4 r ed their championship as expec"i. ed, winning seven of 14 divisions to finish with 160% points, but were given an expected strong challenge by Goderich Vikings who racked up five division titles to place second with 1191/2 points. Stratford Northwestern won 'one' title, placing third with 61112 points followed by Stratford Cen- tral 47; St. Marys 42; Seaforth 36; Listowel 31; Wingham 31; Cen- tral Huron 15 and Mitchell 10%. In the running from Wingham were Dave Heifer with a third in the 98 pound class; Rob Heifer fourth in the 106 pounds; Duna Anderson, second in 130 pounds; Joe Cronin, fourth in 141 pounds. THE SALVATION ARMY PRESENTS A TRI -BAND CONCERT LONDON SOUTH, LISTOWEL AID WINGHAM SAT., FEB. 17th at 8:00 p.m. CITADEL AdmIssion $1.00 SERVICES SUN., FEB. 18th 11 a.m. Major and Mrs. Norman Bearcroft 7:30 p.m. MUSIC FROM MUSICAL "HOSEA" Presented by Listowel Chorus and Orchestra DAPHNE NABROTZKT "Muntm' that- dentist wasn't 4tIpai ' a►��th�� dQ ;70 t4`n n7 " 814bittlieygildiefialikte other dentist when I bit his fin - As vesult of an agreement be- tween the Bruce County Board of., Education and the Huron County Board of Education, 'some 50 grade 9 Madill students were in- formed last week that, as of next September, they will attend Bruce unty schools. Approxi -- mate ''5 more, who would have started high school here this fall, will also attend the Bruce schools. The agreement calls for a new reduced attendance area for F. E. Madill Secondary School, ef- fective September 1, 1973. The area in Bruce County whose high school students will continue to attend F. E. Madill, includes; 1) In the Township of Culross, lots 1-35 inclusive on Concessions 1-9 inclusive; lots 1-5 inclusive on Concession A; 2) In the Township of Kinloss, all lots on Concession 1-8 inclu- sive; 3) The Village of Lucknow; 4) The Village of Teeswater. The particular high school in Bruce County a student will at- tend' will be determined by the area in which he lives and his course selection. Students outside the new attendance area who are presently attending Grades 10 through 13, may continue to come here or if they choose, transfer to a Bruce County school. The announcement comes as quite an upset to some of the af- fected students who have made friends here and become familiar with school life at Madill. A customer, after looking at the window display, entered a toy store and asked to see the cheap skates. The clerk said, "Both the owners are at lunch. May I help you?" ELAINE SCHUMACHER Jean Hayes: aand Donna Greer. . Teacher-stedeat basketball r .leu The teachers,' l+ by fel". Mrw. Edwards, SaYed,relentleee ; fence ua d were a4le:to'grab many 'rebounds, becauase of their su-' ,pec ileight•advanta. Ent the' '4040*1 ►' : BrOee ° IVO** (eight points) and AtitiO. (' points), :persisted in thattack and inally defeated'Itheteachers,. s`. f's' were Mr..Edwards, and Mr, Blacwel, . On Febru ry 6 . the . teachers• challenged the student baketball teams, hoping to gel revenge for their loss to the students in - the broombal! game.' Fortunately the star-studded lineup of ° tie students, consisting of members of senior and Junior. basketball teams, was able to crack the excellent defence of the teachers to defeat them 27-20. t., Used Car '70 DODGE Dart, 4 Doe( Bel '19 CORONET` as, nom, radii, d auto, radii '70 FURY II 2 -Door Haidtop'111 FORD with power and radio '69 CHEV. Impala '2 -boor Hardtop, radio, V-sinsda 9 '67 DODGE 4 -Dolan' 17-8 Vita sM radio '70 8NOWMOBI CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER • DODGE - PLYMOUTH I .: ili�6itTi� S WINGIUAP4 ONTARIO PHONE 357:3162 i �naE phi � -*Wrest STORE WIDE „gook FEBRUARY 19 TO 24 20 °f OFF ALL STOCK SCHMID'S Jewellery and China OWNERS — W. JOS. and DEAN E. AGNEW LUCKNOW — PHONE 528-3532 KINSMEN WINTERFEST Something For Everyone FRIDAY, , FEBRUARY _ 16 - 7:30 P.M. Outdoor Skating Party at the Wingham Ball Park Bonfire and Wiener Roast' SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17 --2:00 P.M. Free Movie for Kids Walt Disney's "LIEUTENANT ROBINSON CRUSOE" at the Wingham Public School Auditorium 9:00 P.M. Dance at the Wingham Legion Music by the "REVISED EDITION" Hot Meal Served Advance Tickets ONLY available from any Kinsman or phone: 357-1430 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 18 ' SNOWMOBILE RALLY? (Weather Permitting) REGISTRATION: 12:00 - 2:00 P.M. at the Wingham Legion Hall PROCEEDS FOR BALL PARK LIGHTS SAND CYSTIC FIBROSIS