HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-02-15, Page 1•• •
Rowe.councd to re,e t
d re
Only two minor iv:Ideate Were
reported in Airingliaarea by
opkb this
the darnag toll
..ammil*ng to only about IMO.
Gamy B. Long of Brussels was
involved in a *Ingle car accident
Sunday in Brussels, damages
his vehIe amounting to $op. He
was not injured.
Mary Knox of Owen Sound and
were involved in a two -car
skin on Huron County Road 30
South of Highway 07. There were
no injudes and damages to both
vehicles were estimated at -Ott
During 'the 'week Feb. 541 of -
`Beers of the detachment carried
out two .investigations under the
.Liquor Control Act with two per-
sons charged; laid 11 charges
under the Highway Traffic Act
and issued 20 warnings; carried
out 19 investigations under the
Criminal Code of Canada.
•'John Sturgen of Fordw
and District Plea- the JayhayDevelePalent Plan IV' was "41
in spode' session
Thursday night heard protests
from delegation of resident*
erection of an apart-
ment buliding and town houses an
the Henderson Survey on the
northeast corner 01the town.
'On -consideration of the 'points
raised, the board brresolution
advised town council to reject the
apPliestion for * biding permit
by Jayhay Development of Clan-
deboye. The proposal by the de-
velopment firm la for a $0 -unit
threeiatorey apartment building
plus- seven unitsin town house
Planning Board's resolution
was as follows, on motion of Cal
Burke and. Don Kennedy:.
"That the Winghan't and Dia -
dated January 2s, on the site pro.
posed adjacent toiplans and 31
not be • ,
(aye Reeinsui
Reasoning for -the motion Was
bated on the following- conclu-
Mona arrived at after a *1%000
discussion seeilon withgiepress
• The proposal is contrary to the
official plan. A delegation Orate,
Pants is 'opposed to the proPosal.
Existing services are.conskiered
inadequate to handle highdensitY
housing. The intent of the original
developer for the registered plan
and prokosed extension was for
single family housing, „
The Planning Board feels there
were a sufficient number of
people in the area opposed to the
trict Planning Board recommend development. The board is op.
to council by motion that the posed to changing the proposed
application for a Wilding Permit- Manor Road a dead end street.'
for the development proposed by The board agrees it is in favor of
more housing.
Decide This week
The Planning Board's recom-
mendation was tohave been dealt
with at the regular "in commit-
tee" or non-public meeting of
town council set for Wednesday,
Board Chairman Dave Bender
opened the meeting with a brief
introduction to the subject of the
construction permit application
which had been approved "in
principle" by town council the
preceding Monday evening, The
developer's plans were on the
table for consideration.
Present as members of the
board were MayorDeWitt Miller,
Councillor John ;Bateson, Cal
Burke,_ Dr. Ken Lawless, Don
Xennedy, Dick LeVan and Clerk -
Treasurer Bill Renwick as board
Also present as a deputation
representing residents interested
in the proposal were James Cur-
rie, spokesman for the group,
OOPS ,with ,Hans• Kuyvenhoven4
BILL KEIL OF WINGHAM was more genial than ever
when he accepted the $SO Cheque from Andy Rliskes of
Wingham Minor Hockey Association, his ticket having been
drawn as winner for January. Proceeds of the draw are
used to foster the sport for young hockey 'players of Wing -
ham and district. Another winner aill be drawn before the.
end of the month and tickets are still available. (Staff
Says developer studying
pumping station changes
Notwithstanding an adverse
report from Wingham Planning
Board which was to be presented
to. a closed session of Wingham
Town Council Wednesday eve-
ning, James. Hayman of Jayhay
Development, Clandeboye,
whose\ apartment and townhouse
project building permit applica-
tion is before'. council, has con-
* tacted Mayor DeWitt Miller by
phone and would proceed with the
$320,000 proposal under certain
Mayor Miller advised'The Ad-
vance -Times Tuesday that he had
been talking with Mr. Hayman,
and when apprised that the
OWRC pumping .station which.
Murder trial
at Walkerton
A Supreme Court grand jury
took less than an hour Monday to
return a true bill on a charge of
• non -capital murder in the case of
a Teeswater man whose trial is
now continuing at WalkertOn.
Shortly after the jury's de-
cision, the Crown .began its case
against Dale McKee, 22, charged
with the fatal shooting of Tees -
water implement dealer Donald
Donaldson on April 30 last.
Mr. Donaldson's 20 -year-old
son was to testify Tuesday.
ts Steven and a 21 -year-old friend
Douglas Wall of Holyrood were
wounded in .22 calibre rifle fire
which mowed down the 42 -year-
old Donaldson on the front lawn
of his home. Both youths re-
covered after a lengthy stay in
' McKee was arrested .a few
hours after the shooting and was
committed indefinitely to the On-
tario' hospital at Penetangui-
shene. Be has been there since
being bixmd over for trial' at a
prelitninary trial at Walkerton
Jan. 24,
serves the Henderson Survey
area under °consideration had
been judged inadequate for the
new structures by Municipal
Engineer Burns Ross, Mr. Hay-
man stated he would consider
'payjng part of the costs of
modlfication to the OWRC station
which might be required to make
it adequate.
Mayor Miller did not expect
Mr. Hayman to attend the closed
council meeting Wednesday
night, believing no progress to-
ward clearing the matter could
be made untilyMp. Hayman could
deal directlY with the Ontario
Water Resources Commission
about the pumping station.
Following a special meeting of
the Wingham and District Plan-
ning Board here last week, the
board by motion requested coun-
cil to reject the building applica-
tion proposing a 30 -unit three-
storey apartment building anct,a
seven -unit townhouse.
By The Pedestrian
The power of the prow dis-
solves and trickles down the
drain when Wingham police de-
partment tags parking violators.
Without fear or favor Wingham's
finest scored one reporter -pho-
tographer and one supplement
editor in a bold sweep down Jose-
phine Street. Two wrinkled and
tired old two -dollar bills settled
into the town coffers accompan-
ied by sad sighs from the power-
ItAsa press. Likerain, they fall on
the just and unjust alike. Just
tagged, that is.
SMOKED ocroPts—
Famialled from resisting infla-
tionary grocery prices, the Main
Dragger ripped open a Christi,
mas-sent tin of smoked octopus.
Supplier says now out of stock,
scarcer than cheap beef. Maybe
Santa will d� an eneore.
iiiiarvhittrefet *ad- *
.descrlbed br Mr, Cinite as him
ing either a primary or second-
ary interest in the area con-
cerned, or both.
Planner Present
Soon after the session got under
way the board was joined by
Gary Davidson representing the
Huron County Planning , Board.
Mr. Bender commenced to "re-
view the situation up to the time
of the meeting and it was made
clear that the specific ground
covered in the application was
not a subdivision but , a simple
building lot or block of land.
At this point Don Kennedy in-
terjeted that in his opinion the
planning board had been by-
passed by council, and that the
proposal should properly have
come before the planning board
prior to council consideration.
Mayor Miller tended -to agree
that a better 4course of action
might have been to refer the
matter to planning board in the
first instance, but pointed out
that while council approved the
application "in principle" it had
been at the same time stipulated
that approval would be subject to
the study and comment of the
planning board.
Councillor Bateson also was in-
clined to think the cart might
have been placed before the
Don Kennedy suggested that
the board be filled in on the back-
ground of the business because he
had no knowledge of the business
except what he had seen in the
paper, and expressed the view all
the facts should have been placed
before the board in the first
place. He asked if it was proposed
to base taxation on the proposed
structure on a frontage or per
foot basis.
Mayor Miller replied that taxa-
tion would be on a valuation
basis, not related to frontage as
Gary Davidson, Huron planner,
suggested the first consideration
might well be "does it contravene
your plan?" He thought a high
density proposal such as an
apartment should be located
close to a main arterial street,
near park area and near a ,school.
In this case the school and
possibly the parkland require-
ments might be met, but con-
sidered John Street not to be an
arterial street in the meaning of
being one that would ideally
carry dense vehicular traffic that
might be generated by tenants of
the 30 -unit apartment and, seven
unit town house. It might on that
basis only be permissible by an
amendment t� an existing zoning
Mr. Davidson, on requesting
whether the town bad established
there was a need for rental boue
which he replied that if
had been established
**don thould be a
bait smolt and r.
'bred appr?val for the coletriseu
tion of additional
for sealer citizens
11 v.
geared -to -income homes,
will have tii deal with
problem In connection with tbsest
A point strongly' ',drooled
several board members was that
the area under consideration had
Such a dame develop-
Lent is therefore, we submit, not
the e0Onomie Interests a tile
mmunity if $ace d in area.
"It is submitted, that this brick.
jungle will effectively' isolate es-
tablished residences who have a
primary interest, and will de-
encidedie reYsidedesiriti4eb particularthe PriiPer.tY)The°f
voiencriotya,chomenenertow-1,0 _pr istighandt.traandn.
• paid for, will be nullified In Other
tailees''' * '
Summing it up, Mr. Currie de:,
been intended as a sjngJe family "We don't want the develop -
area, and thispoint wet brought anent in the area as proposed by
up by Mr. Kennett", Mer`sonief Mr. Hayman." '
examination of plans submitted Members of the, deputation
by Jetties Hayman of Jayhay Dir were taking their leave when .Mr,
velopment, who did not *ten* Currie asked if any other men-
nally, and following "ewe .ber wished to speak. Mr. Kuyvenr
ussion of details in the PIES* haven returned to the council.
Chairman Dave Bender called en. chamber to indicate the .plan of
Mr. Currie to make his represen- the proposed development and
tationonbehaIfoftheresidentof contend that proper snow re -
Summit Drive and area. moval in winter would be "iin-
Definite Interest possible" and there was "no
At the outset Mr. Currie 'intro* way" it could be removed except
duCed the Men With. NM. They perhaps with front :end loaders.
were liana Ku$venhoven Press Excluded
Roval Homes 'Ltd.. Wiiwham. 1.Vhen the deilgtatien left, the
which owns several lots in the board decided, on a show of
area; Dick '14eVan, Marvin hands, that their consideration of
Stretch and JIM Beattie., all of the matter be held privately, with
whom had a,PrimarY or second- the press excluded. On the com-
ary, interest lathe area. • tletion of the meeting, the board
Mr. Currie Preserited a Pre- made the minutes "available as to
pared submission Which he read, the motion rejecting the plan and
to the board as felitys: - the reasons therefore, as report;
"Re: apartment neveloPnent, ed here.
Henderson subdivision—
"The property owners of
subdivision, both those who pur-
chased lots and 60ln-homes ix
Plan 35, and those in Plan 36,01
which.only part was registered,
bought and paid premium prices
with thevery clear undersl
ing that the whole area Would
restricted to single family dwel-
lings, In additi n each builder
was obliged!to meet a specified
degree., Of tOhjitritetiori: (Ref,
11011111ii7, 'Oct*
• 1962; Nov. 26, 1962 and -Apr, 29,
1964. These minutes were pro-
duced andosubstantiatedkr, Cur-
rie's claim.) - • "Tt7.!,,a,„;--,e,
ilifiNGHAM BANTAM Boys bowling -team topped a field of, 11- teams atCellingwetod Sun-
day to advance into provincial finals March 10.11 at Scarborough, representing the third
step in the "Four Steps to Stardom" bowling competition being tarried out Canada -wide,
Jamie Smith (tallest) rolled the'bigh triple of 602 for the day, while Stove Burke (right)
who competed in the singles, lost out by only lY pins. Other members of the winning team
are from left, Bill ' Ohm, John Bennett, Ricky MacLennan andSheldon ;Jones.- (Staff.
,., • '-
t for Saturday
One of the Most a1mbitious pro-
jects in the 2ilyear history of
carnivals presented by Wingham
Figure Skolog club will be pre-
sented at Wingham Arena Saturs
day night.
Judging by the past, it will be a
colorful and entertaining pres-
entation. However, it won't be
just a "happening" because
Many hours of painstaking tate-
tide by the participants and many
hours of careful planning and toil
by 'the club otecutives and com-
mittees, wll have Nbeen 'Poised
into the event.
Twin Themes
This year ' the themes of the
show are "The Wizard of Oa" and
"Anna at the Court of Siam" and,
both give scope for colorful and '
eye-catching costumeir. Some
idea of this was conveyedat dreSs
rehearsal scheduled for Wednes-
clay afternoon at wingham.arenay
but the full effect will only We-
• •
7ctimen4:,:uomPoiltuytonthe t ;r:onswder, actth4ual
'effects and
be cum
mentator for the event
keep the audience abreast
. events on, the PA system. Club
members for the big event are
Bruce Brady, tiVirit+Fran Bfldy
and Harold Brook*. •
• r
6 CentinThinegf4x,,.:clitiesponviesibilities
have biol.-borne byMrs, Harold
President, Mrs.' Bred •
lifoOre secretary; lira. TIM VI,
lisk,Mrs. Stan
treasurer; erions
easgrOr;, al:a:Start-
C-4avrelult; Carnival
Chairman;' Mrs. 4e4 -Wood, tent
chairman;. her assistant, .Mrs,, -
Eric ,-Schista 4;,,, Mrs. Edviard.
costumes; Mrs Bill•
Intent Clear
"We submit that the intent of
the developer for the whole area
is clear. Further, we submit the
approval "for registration of part
of Plan 36 by the Ontario Muni-
cipal Board would seem to have
been conditional to the under-
standing that the whole plan as
submitted, showing proposed ex-
tension, indeed, indicating by its
draft to support continuance of
single family dwellings. (Draft
plan was produced bearing OMB
approval, showing Manor Road
drawn in for proposed future de-
"We submit that the proposed
development is contrary to the
intent for the area and is in con-
tradiction to the :official plan of
the Town of Wingham.
High Density
"The density factor, we sub-
mit, is approximately five times
that which it would be as a single
family dwelling development, as
the evidence of intent shows in
the plan.
"We submit that the design
capabllity of services in the area
was in line with single family de-
velopment, and further, it is our
suggestion that the design capa-
bility of the sewage system from
this easterly area of Wingham is
at' capacity, if not past design
Rev. J. K. Stokes
gets Leamington
The Right ReverendXarnian J.
Queen, Bishop of the Anglican
Diocese of Huron, announced
Friday that he has appointed the
Reverend Joseph Keith Stokes,
B.A., S.T.B., of Blyth, as rector of
the parish of Leamington. Mr.
Stokes, with his wife and four
children, will be Moving to
Leamington at the beginning :of
Mr. Stokes, who was born in
Toronto, is a graduate of the Uni-
versity of Toronto and of Trinity
College. The first four years of
his ministry were given to mis-
sions in the Diocese of Calgary.
He came to the Diocese of Huron
in 1965 as incumbent of Walpole
Island, and four years later was
appointed rector Of the parish of
Blyth, Auburn, Belgrave and
In Leamington Mr, Stokes suc-
ceeds the Reverend Canon Er-
nest S. Wells, vitro is now rector of
St. Paul's and St. Stolle'',
Churches in Stratford.
• t • ,t •••,'
scenery ' with Robert Gave1u
Neil Wolsey iludlim.„Wgiist. its,
David Bender, makeup with Mat,
Richard Campeau and Mrs. R.
Kaufman; Mrs. Ross Hamilton,
social convener. • - -` • ,
' •
• g * g "
* 14, 11.•
MRS. KEN DICKSON of Belmore held the attention of other homemakers' club leaders as
she operated a sewing machine on the project "Sportswear from Knits" which they
studied in a course at Wingham Tuesday, sponsored by the Huron branch, Ministry of
Agriculture and Food. (Staff Photo)
Sewing machines hum
as leaders on course
Half .a dozen sewing machines
were ahumming in the basement
of the Salvation Army Citadel
here Tuesday morning as a
couple &den homemalers' club
leaders from area clubs threaded
their ways through the course
"Sportswear from Knits".
The course was one of similar
sessions for club leaders spon-
sored by the Huron office of the
Ministry of Agriculture and Food
under the direction of Miss Cath-
erin Hunt, home economist. In
thi i Stance she was assisted by
Mi ,Barb DeVisscher, home
economist from the Bruce County
office of the Ministry.
Club leaders took part from
clubs in Bluevale, Fordwich,
Wroxeter, Bel tri ore , Belgrave, St,.
Helen's, Port Albert, Brusls,
Dungannon and Trinity.
Knit Fabrics
As the name of the course im-
plied, the various projects se-
lected were items of sportswear
made from knit fabrics, including
shorts, pantsuits, tops, shirts and
jurnpsuits, and proved very in-
teresting and resulted in very at-
tractive garments. The know-
ledge picked up on the course will
duly be passed on to the dozens of
414.1411ememaker Clubs in this
Another Course
A two-day session was sche-
duled for Thursday and Friday
for area clubs not included in the
first course, on the same topic.
Leaders in attendance Tuesday -
were Mrs. E. Black and Mrs. Bill
Tigert, Port Albert; Miss L.
Young and Mrs. D. McInnis, Dun-
gannon I; Mrs. Doris Culbert and
Mrs. Ruth Wintemute, Dungan-
non II; Mrs. W. Bell and Mrs. P.
McDonald, Brussels.
Also taking part were Mrs.
Glenn McMichael and Mrs. Dick
DeBoer of Wroxeter I; Mrs. Rob-
ert Peel, Bluevale; Mrs. Clark
Johnston and Mrs. Richard
Moore, Belgrave I; Mrs. Jim
Hunter and Mrs. Allen Campbell.
Belgrave III; .Mrs. Doug Bunker
and Mrs. Doug Harding, Ford-
wich I; „Mrs. Ken Dickson and
Mrs. , Wayne Evers, Belmore;
Mrs. E. Gaunt and Mrs. J. R. Ait-
chison, St. Helen's; Mrs. Gordon
McPherson and Mrs. Ross Er-
rington, St. Helen's I.
Serve Lunch
At the conclusion of the morn-
ing session here Tuesday, the
club leaders enjoyed lunch
served in Wingham town hall by
the ladies of Wingham WI, under
the leadership of Mrs. W. Elston.
The WI ladies were planning to
serve lunch for the next group of
leaders to take the course here
By The Pedestrian
Trafford Taylor of London, who
manages "Opportunity Enter-
prises" workshops for mentally
retarded persons, will be guest
speaker at (I public meeting at
Wingham Public School schedul-
ed for Monday, February 19, it is
announced by 13ill Stephenson,
president of the Wingham Asso-
ciation for the Mentally Re-
tarded. Mr. Taylor will speak on
what has been achieved in the
way of sheltered workshops, and
consider the possibilities of
establishing one here for Wing -
ham and area. Anyone interested
who could help or has sugges-
tions, is warmly welcome to at-
wick school
sicker is lested
NDP candidate
I 1
. • '
° • L '
• •
Paul Carroll; 28 -year-old Gode-
school teacher, was . ac-
claimed as the New Democratic
Party's candidate in the up-coni-
ing March 15 by-election in Huron
riding. The nominating conven-
tion was held at the Clinton public
school on Monday everting..
The March election will be- the
second time Mr. Carroll has
placed his name on the ballot,
having run for the. NDP in 1971,
wherk he polled 20 per cent of the
votestor a total of 3427 in the pro-
vincial election.
Mr. Carroll has served for sev-
eral years on the Goderich TOwn
Council and Huron County Coun-
Guest speaker at the meeting
was provincial NDP leader Ste-
phen Lewis, who described paul
Carroll as "one of the most gifted
young candidates ever put for-
ward in the Province of Ontario".
The by-election has been called "
to fill the vacancy created by the
resignation of Hon. Charles Mac -
Naughton of Exeter, .a veteran
PC cabinet member.
Shower held
for newlyweds
BLUEVALE — A shower was
held in the United Church base-
ment on Saturday evening for
Mrs. Pat Heynsbergen (former
Pat Casemore) of St. Thomas
(formerly of RR 4, Winghatn).
Mrs. Roger Rieman welcomed
everyone and conducted a few
games. Miss Brenda Glousher
read a presentation address and
Mrs. Heynsbergen was presented
with many lovely gifts, after
which she expressed her sincere
thanks for the shower and the
gifts. She was also presented With
a bride's book composed by Mils
Brenda Glousher and Mrs. Roger
A delicious lunch was then
served by friends and neighbors.
' • ,
..•-• • •