HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-4-4, Page 1• d M °LOCKS -- JE VVEL'BrY, SILVERWARE,- •-AND SPECTACLES. 1./NEQIIALLED VALUE, tereirePetoonel attexitioe given te Mpetring of watehes, clocks imyeim • 11EICHEIOTBAOH, ' the Nurkot pAuKtiILL. , 3 LEGAL . , DICKSON , 131Wrieter, Soli- -a-4 • Titer sef eupreme Court,Notaryrublic Conveyancer COMMIOSiOntr, ag J!dLoney to Loat),,, Office insPansorde Bleck, Ezeteer siitoColivoyaliceri, Etc„1 . iil esamvsellTial4B111(;c1cflalThold officio.) A Ruoug Av.•FoRD, _Sonoitor inthe Supreme Court of Outarie •,conyeyameer,Oeneraiesioneri asc. Special attention given to the oollectiou of claims in the United, States. Patents procured, tu oney ito loan at lowest rates. 0 dice Operth ,Itourie 331004, St, MarYS, Qat. - EtLIOT& ELL.LO.T , larrigtersj Solicitors,' Notaries . Conveyancers'. 8i6, .64c. di.."Mtiney to lean ' at LoWtsfif Rites of Interest. OFFICE, - MAIN -,STREET, EXETER. ese Y. ELLIOT. S. ELLIOT. DENTAL. L. BILLINGS, . • x:aaisTmisw, 0.F110E ; ova' 69,1rElLIS Bank Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction. IT 111N SMAN ,DENTIST • Meek, Main.st, Esseter, Extrants Teeth without pain, t''s •by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold Filings and- all other dental work the hest possible. Goes to Bunion onlast Thursday in eaoh month. a...m.1...pr a MEDICAL LIJI'Z , D. oinceihthiesi3eos'Exeter „T W. 13.0;01NNIN,C+ M. D., M. C., • P. ,Graduate VictorialJniversity.011ice toadjeeeidence,DominionLe.borator v,I)xe ter TL ILYNDMAN,. coroner for the L. County of Huron. Office, opposite iktr. . Carling's store, Exo ter. . TIR. J. A. ROLLIN M.O. P. o. dice , Main S ...Exeter, Onteitesiden ree ft011,,,e et co entiy oceupied by P. AUCTIONEERS. AIETENRY EILBER, Ideensed Ao- tioner for Elay,Stophen, and MoGilli.- •7r&Y;TOWREalipat Salesoonduotod atmoderate rates. 0 Euce--AtPost-offlue,Orediton, Ont. TOHN GILL, Auctioneer for the e./ Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborne aud the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly • attended, and satisfaction, guaranteed. Sales far1113 ged at this office. Tennent & Tennent •. VETERINARY SU RGEONS, Gradtates of the Ontario Veterinary College. °DEICE : One tfoor South of Town Hall, 1UFONPx TO LOAN AT fi AND 61. 'pee cent, 1$25,000 Private iounds. Best Loaning Conipanies represented. L. H. DICKSON, •Barrister,Ex star, rpHE WATERLOO . MUTUAL •FiRE INSUBANCE CO. Established in. 18 6 3 . EAD *OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. This comf.anv has been over Eighteen years ins accessful operation in Western On- bario,andaontinuea to insure itgainstioss or damage by me,Euildings,metcaandiseeitan- • wfaceoriee,and all othertiescriptionsoflinsur- able property . Intending insurers havo the ' option of insuring on the Proixdura'Note or • Casii 6/stein. • During the plot ten years this Company hasjssuod. 57,090 Policies. coveYneg 'Prone,: tY o theamount of "4340,872,038 ;andpaid isfloss-' • a1ono$700,7511,06 ••• A.ssetS, S116400.00, eonaiating of Cash n..d auk, Go vernment D op osit , an the nese- essegeremetineNoteson litteediteid in Vireo. 3, ete,Weetnterlet D. Presidbet. 0. ter:Textron, Se xotary. 3,8. Hrdttna,tnspector: CECAS: ELL Agentf or ExeterandvicinW. , Asanwiame.fflowees • Dress -Making. ]rDiek'oy,of0retho1,1,cgg to inform the public that she has moved her business, and wilt now be found ono door sent Of Mitchell's Store, Dross -making done in the very latest styles: • Gutting and Pitting by the new tailor system. ••MRS. DICKEY. Creditors ,FANSON'8 BLO01(. astings:, Prop Sheving 8,nd gait etttsing ioi thelatest styles • of the art. • Everyattentionpaid to cutting • Ladies and Children's 1 -lair. 'AND: "HEW TO THE TirNE,:„DET THE CHIBS EA.LLWPIEBE THEY MAY," yoL. XVI. NO.; 28. EXETER ONTARIO, 4-gr:14SDAY MORNING, APRIL 4th, 1889., ,ew Goods Arriving Dai •Splendid. Assor*e • • , WEISS SIZI3M"...R.f Has taken possession of our Millinery Department, ,an will be iileas,ed to:receive a call from every iadyin the naighbothood. "cr\r.464,..1sTri'MD. • Five toils of welI-curea and. dried Bacon and Hain; Also Two Thousand dozens of Eggs, and One Ton of Butter. Farm Produce taken in exchange athighest market prices: • Agr Our Hardware Department is full in every line. Special offers are being made., Enowiz 11,xEnna, Crediton, lala,rch 21st, 1889. eettgesesteeet CLE.A.P.ING •ALL THIS MONTH. RED HOT ARG For Every Buyer, Note a few df our prices : Tea. • 8o lb. up. Four 0 0 plugs of tobacco 25c. Heavy shirting, 8e per yard Cott�u, • Be per yard, up ItTen'a suits, ' 64.50, up Ladies' coats, •$1.50, up , ,Ertr•„ 49, Big Drives in all Depart- ments. DOUPE & CO., • Kirkton. —STONEMAN ' S_ Jewelry Store HENSALL, ONT. 7 You are inyited to come and. see Our Elegant Holiday Stook -CONSISTING Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver, ware, Novelties, Fancy Goods, tee, is ter Sld oung ASSORTMENT MOST COMPLETE. Repaarin 0- ep t We make a specialty of watch and jewel- ry repairing. jewelry mended and re. polished so as to look like nesv. All work guaranteed. Our motto : Neat, prompt and °reliable. Remember the stand, opposite McDonell dc Waugh's Hardware Store - 'C. 0, Sitor.e=,an, • HENSALL, ONT. Having taken into eVattetertthin, NV Et TTERB they have cleeidedA02ctend the business by adding a f91,1•1344 70' Staple' ,Rardware PAI1I2S, OittaS, Etc. RILL LIAIE8 of TINWARE BARB AND OTHER WIRES, 24,06.0XTZ:tn*ra C) X L M"'" Remember we buy for eash and will give but tustemers the bonefita of the die. emits, A trial will ()Onetime that we sell elleaper than the settle gentle can be boagla elsewhere for, o e ngent for tine leerility for Lawrence s eelebrated8Pectaelet. Allgradea ; alt eight& Et is tit 13est Spectacle in the Prarket testing. ,A Call solicited, dditOh AlaiOb • A 'QUERY. What" ".:',VorId Like to KrtoW. We have reden.S• epeived a knell from wield our 'well-Ishoxi subscribers upon 4 subject which we preferio pnblish for the pertniaPof mit ieadeist, hitticipating tbar fir so doing nine one will relieve us of the le- sponsibility ,..of finewering "Stescriber'sl' questions. Here is a letter: •, "irky 'Dear Bdzior:-Fral several: years past ithave beeeeethe recipient -of several, pamphlets isalled It•vna, time to time by Messrs. H. di• Warner ds Co„ of Rochester., N, Y., which, in addition to containing au extensive:treatise upon kidney disease, ite origin; etsualsyneptoms and growth, also in- eludeselumerous testiraonials from parties whose fao-simile signatures are • attaelie& lifigts4 theretoeattestin lie statement that they Lave been harlivid4, u relieved by the nee of Warner's Safe Cure, which is prepare& by the aboye firm, for the use, of precut ' -watiistisa:, -110;irri\lr.,..n.cli ter, I wnnia' like to know if the statements made by those parties who testifiy to the great good which 1Vartter's Safe Cure has done therm can be relied upon. They seem honest enough from the way tlittetcde. "Warner'e, Safe Cure saved by life a r the dotterel bad given me up," says John Doherty, 133 N, Main street, Concord, N. H. "I was given up to die with Brielat's Diann of the kid- neys. The doctors said they could do noth- iug for me. A. Mosul advised me to take Warner's SafeCure, and my, family COD - eider me aa giv ' b says Mrs. Carrie athena, Hrs. its . ry of ack from the grave," W ...r Dr. L. B. Rica, of Hanover C. H., Va., says that Warner's Safe Cure cured him of Bright's Disease." It strikes me that there is a good deal of senee in the claim wnich those parties make that the doctors are heating too many persons for wrong emeses, and that oftentimes, ne,epple are treated for eon. sumptien, brrieheart and nervous disord- ers, when they are suffering from kidney disease which should. be treated as they say, by the use of Warner's Safe Cure and as a result, when disease is first removed therefrom, that which is supposed to be disease in the lungs or other organs, will disappear. Many of iny neighbors tell me that this reiNkligi.lias, done much good for thein-more(good than their doctors. If kidney disease is the real cause of so many other diseases why, Mr. Editor'don't the people who are afflicted with siclosess, in- sist upon a more careful inquiry doing made in order that the tree cause may be ascertained, and the preper treatment given?" "Sonsonmem e at T_Tsborne. sonoor, "finporiT.-The fol- lowing is the standing of the three fore- most pupils in each elan for the month of March: --Sixth clans Jennie Coates, 96; Lottie Hells, 90. 'Fifth class, Jennie Del - bridge, 86; Etta Brimacombe, 76. Fourth clam, Chem. Andrew, 88; David Cathcart, 81; Frank Halls, 77. Senior Third, Chas. Delbridge, 83; Rich. johns, SO; Percy Brown, 76. Junior Third, Edith Turn. 76; 'Hellen Spicer, 72; Nellie Hind, •Second class, ,Angises Hunter, 88; Fred Miners, 86; Samuel Johns, 85. Part second, Sarah Clemons, 80; Franklin, Del - bridge, 78; Mabel Mitiete, 70. Part first, Marshall Brock, 76; • johnnie Herdsman, 70; Nelson Fletcher, 60, ' Prof, Smelteries of the University of Paris, ire an article publiehed itt theGazette Medi- cate de Paris, says; "Diyrees of the skin, imperfect digestion and tratisformation of alberetinoici food are present at the begins ning of chroniel3rigliVii disease," Wareet's Safe Care removes digestive disorders. Why? Because it enables the kielbeys to perform these functions in a healthy man- ner, when both cause mad resultieg eymp- tom s die &smear. 0011S1YMPT/OX SURELY CURED To 'IDE EDITOR.: . \ Please inform your readers that T. have ft peel tiVe remedy for tho anoVe named die- eaese By Its timely rise thousands of hopelese cases, have been permanently cured. I 811011 be glad to send twe bottles of tny xetnecty strive to eny ef yottr roadets t who have tonsumption if, they will ned me thei± nit r 8$ and P 0 addrosa Respectfully. Da, T., A,STdocity, . 1 TorOnte,'Ont, . ' 87 Yong stroet, . , Bayfield, • Bautps,-The literary Soetety presented AU entertaining program Friday evening last in Marks hafl, It is intended. to have a grand'i16sing concert in the TQW11 Hall on the.eveniug of April 12th,'The beat home and foreiga talent will he.em hand and every one should attend. Dont forget the &ate April 1.2th, admission only 10ets. -Skating was good at the rink again, and was ramie eejoyed.-Mr. and Mre. Ii, O. • James left here this week to reside in Lon- don where Mr. James has enured a altua- tion in a targe • tailoring establishment. Mr, James hes concluded a successful tailoring beeiness for over a year and a half end will be greatly missed. " O—•-•••-• School Report. Standing of pupils in S 5, No, 5, Us. • borne, for the month of Marchi -Part 11, 1st,• Ceadnet Erayne ; 2nd Neleon Prout. Second class, 1st, Lila Mcd.lord, and Lily •MeDonald, Jr. third class, let Violet Renal ; 2nd Bla.nehe Northcott. Sr. ,third, lst, Lyman • MoCord ; 2n8Willie. Richard. Fourth clam, 1st, F. Russell ; '2n3, Edith Westcott. Jun. Fifth class, ,1st, Bert Huclsou ; 2nd Annie McCord. ' Sr. Fifth, 1st, Ida Kycld ; 2ed ertie Mc Cord. Oomanot--let, Ida Kydd, T Brinell; •,2nd, Violet Reseal, Edith Westcott, 8rd, • Annie Richard. "The Disease proceeds silently amid ap- Marant health." That is whet Wm. Rob- erts, M, D., Physician to the Manchester Infirmary and Lunatic 'Hospital, Professor of Medicine in Owen's College, stays in re- gard to Bright's Disease. Is it necessary to give any further warning ? lf not, uso ,Warner's Safe (lure before your kidney mal- ady becomes too far advanced. • Hay. , — SMOOT. litenne. -The following hi the March report, based on •the attendance, ptmettiality, conduct aud diligence of the pupils of S. S. No. 2., Hay. The naroos are in order of prreedence:-Fifth, John Chapman, Albert Eacrett ; senior fourth, Juo. Oanimbell, Homer Ressel;*D. McColl ; ,junior fourth, Willie Murray, Ross Hol- land, Nelsen Not theott ; third, Ellen Shinny, Chas, Chapman, Chas. Aldworth ; second, Agate Shirray, Lae Chapman, Fred En orett, ; sens vomit' part, Mary eaekeen, Alice Gould, Isaac Jackson ; jun, part eecond, Maud Russell, Jessie Hawkins, James Shirray ; son, part first, Joseph Nottlecott ; Nellie Gould, Ralph Chapman; jun'. firstpart, Beckie Northcott, Sarah Northcott, Willie Jackson. • dee Meentemetier.--Ort Tuesday last Ur. Wm, Treumner and Miss L. Wagner were bound together by the "Holy Bonds of Matrimony". Rev. Theo. Hunch perform- ed the necessary official duties. We wish them much success ond happiness in their new phase of life. ,Nsw blimaxens.-Our enterprising merchants are bound to keep abreast of the times, as far as Millinery is concerned at least. Messrs. Happle and Cleglsorn have secured the services of Miss Hawley of Toeouto; Mr. Steinbach, Miss Markle of Loudon and Messrs. J. & E. Merner, Miss Storm of Hamileon. Surely since we ImVe 811011,eities as these represented, the fair sex of 'Zurich will be able to catch some- thing this season. te Brixers.-Mr. Rondall is very lame co account of a very severe cut in his leg. - Miss 13ean, music teacher, has beeu called home on account of the severe illness of her mother. -Mr Wagner, clerk in the stole of Messrs Ilapple & Clegliorn, in- tends moving into the house opposite the store. This home has been re -modeled and will be a comfortable dwelling. •A millinery and dress -making establishment will be fitted up in that part of the block now occupied by Mr. Wagner. Samoa fieronse-The following are the names of the three pupils in each class who obtained the bigheet tumber of marks for the inneth of Marcie They are arranged in order of merit: -.Senior Di- vision, fifth class, Geo. Buchanan. Fourth class, John Rilber, Wm. Hess, and Wm. Johnston. Senior Third, Horace Ida'rdy, Nettie Well, Louisa Koehler, and Lizzie Becker. Junior third. Milton Buchanan, Tillie Well, Kelselia jeinior, L. Benedict, Tillie Johnston, Maggio Rummel. Second' Sen- ior. C. Sippol, Ida Well, Leslie Williams. Second ,Tunior, Tillie Eilber, John Weyer. R. Heideman. Part II, It. Lippert, P. Eabner, and L. Brenner. --J tinier Division -Part II, H. Lippert, Herbert Hardy, Win Geiger. Pait I, senior, N. Demuth, H. Stenspfer, L' Axe Part 1 runior, 53, Demuth, 0, Pelee, Hatch. No 2, Part IT,' G Idess, H. Wagner, C. Clegisorn, No 1 Part I, E. lion her, E. Ditrohert,A, Peine. The averape atteedance fer the month was 137. SAID. J., Latta, San, 53. Hauch and Josio Collins. • . pont aeother source.) . 13eives,--lifr, • Ionia Gottochallt has gene to North Miclilleeex on a visit fo bia brother. -We are pleased to see Charles Boosenberry home ore a visit from Leedom -Mr. and Mrs. August Hill were here Sue - day, the geest of Mr, Chas. Grate -Mr. Erect Ideze, our miterprishm, waggon maker, ss going /trotted with a very pleasant smile on account of the arrival of a little daughter at his Iouge. -nu mourbas it that there are several weddings to take plane in our village. We wish thefts every SOCCOS$ in life, -Our little village, usually very lively, ie vory quiet at present owing to the bad roads. , llenAwn-What, might have proved a serious runaway, ham- ()nod sa our villege last Thursday, John Geiger started to town with a cultivator tied bated the waggomto Inive it repaired, When a short, Methane from hem° something gat wrong With the cultivator, and be got oat be. wean the waggon and the cultivator to htt it when the team started, , made a grab for file sent of the waggon 'which happened to bo loose, and he foil backwards, oerryrng the scat with him tgla -Ebb cultivator go, ing over libo. ew ho e; °aped serious in - 1 lg A inv'hf. t'» 613, "110,‘ 11 t •JOHN WHITE & SONS PqbAisliereated.Preprietore O O11 was done. The horces feeling themselves free, eatne dashing into town, tearing the groundoe they gauge, tend were stopped at Kibler'e cornerrevith no rater damaged, 11.4M6ier. Bniers.-A feW eveninge ego Mre Wm. Baker of Stephen, had nearly all his sheeP,, killed by doge.--11fr. Y. Walker of • Devon is at present very ill, rumors ard that h�d Is m a very critical condition. -We eyed; glad to report the recover.y of Mr. Joslandt Huxtable from his illness. -,The past fet day e Mr, Samuel Holman of London been visiting friends in and around Doyen' Sam likes the countr, ytatklea say's; IVIr. Ilezeltieh Toll. febii, Who has been visiting hie ee Centralia has agait teturned i „employment as notion foreman on CP, R4, • 4 t+rand Bend. Brunrs...--“The Hot Bun Social" got up by the young ladies of Methodist Church here, on Wednesday April 3rd was a grand success. Everybody after doing justice; to the buns and maple syrap returned to their respective homes feeling well satisfied with the programme. Pim music elven by the choir and string band was well received, - Tee "Sharron boys" of 21st con. of Step- hen, have rented their farm and gone to Niche to work their farm over there. - The teams for excavation ef the Cut at Grand Bend are out, It is hoped, by the Glued Bend people, that Stephen township goes oa with the suit and ferces McGilli- vray to pay its share. -The ice on ihe lake hrs gone out. The fishermen expect to have a good season this spring. I think there will be good fishing after next blew. FREDERICK T. Ronnnes, M. D. Protesser of Clinical Mediame al University College Hospital, London, Eng., says : "Bright's disease bas no symptoms of its own and may long exist without the knowledge of the patient or pracititner a,nd no pain will be felt in the kidneya or their vicinity. " Ord- inary common kidney diseases, enany times 'unrecognized as such, will become chronic and termiuttfe in Bright's (ergania) dis'ease of the kidneys, unless taken in hand. War- nee's Safe Marais its only recognized speci- fic that has ever been discovered for this disease. The late Dr. Dio Lewis said, over his over own signature: " Tf I found my - Reif the victim of a serious kidney trouble, I would, use Warner's Safe Cure," Hensall: ' Blurs Cook and Mr. John Reith -having purchased the Hensall fitter milli ll.wlenbt_tto ftiir busineats,e,-Mr.:Rnek formerly owned the 'ZiniCh '011 and gad' first-class satisfaction, and we hope he 'and Mr. Reith will make it lively in Emmett. We understand that Mr. Reith is going to have a large sale, including mares and ' Durham stock, as be has rented his farm, lot 23, con. 2, Hay, to Mr. Robert Car- lisle. Bneees-The beautiful snow with which, we were favored on Sunday last has disap- peared leaving the streets in a very muddy state and makiens it very disagreeable mov- ing about npon them. -On Tuesday last Messrs Thomas and leluidocle McPhersdn, sons of our respected townsman, Mr Alex. McPherson, left for Brandon Manitoba. A large number gathered at the station to see the boys off, bid them ' good-bye and wish them success. We noticed some wet eyes amongst the young ladies present' bnt that W05 to be expeeted.-Miss Stark, who has been visiting relatives here for some time past returned to Iowa on Sattirday last. -A meeting of the young peoples' Literary So- ciety was held on ittenday evening last at which a debate took place betweea parties from tile Red School house and • from this village, Subjeot: "Resolved that the United States offers a better field fur Emigration than Canada." The decision was given in favor of Canada. There was a very large atteclance showing the interne that is taken in these meetings. --We notice that Mr. R. Reynolds the genial proprietor of the Mansioh House has had a fire escape erect- ed for the safety of his guests incase of fire. This is a very wise precaution mid shoive the interest taken by Lim in his guests, - Mr. John Reith of Pfensall, purchased a sixtey-five acre farm of Mr. Mayo of Drys- dale, on Tuesday, paying therefor $'2.500, The farm is a good one and considered cheap. Dash -wood.. Bairms.-As a contrast to the early plow. ing mentioned last week, we have this Week a somewhat different phase of spring, Last Sunday night brought abota len inehes ef snow. , Some of our eitizens WU the pleasure bf another sleigh ride, "The lat- est of thOeason."-Master Emanuel Kel- lerrcian is reooveHng from his severe illness. Jas. Erwin, formerly a teacher near Dashwoo'd, has succeeded in passing the re- quired esiansioatiou in Michigan and has secured a school. • . TDB IVIAIL--We notice that the mail question has eugaged the attention of many of our business mac. A petition is being freely signed by the people of Dashwood and vicinity. The following aro the possi- ble effeets of the change; First, to have a route from DashwOoa and ether wesAern poitas and do away with,the Parkhill route, Second, to have the mail leave Dashwood every morning and return about noon. Thitd, to leave Exeter and return. Fourlh to leave Dashwood la the mottling and re - tern at night. and in no way interfere with the Parkhill ratite. The fourth, fot variants 10080118, is by far the beet and is in feet the only route that would really be a ohmage Io r the better, •That, and that only, should receive the full support of the Dashwood people. Let all efforts be made to secure this desired end. Did space and time per- mit we might point many advantarid8 itt the latter YOUtO. and also show the rickets of the formet onea. ;-.The Don:Anion governitent will be ,amke&te pan ne bilt'nreventing the export, ot neeirel gas, Etgticltnts ot ESF1CX think ,they'Sbeitid ' haVe till the potent epee is '4,,c"tlotiv.00 trop tbe,gas welt, ti.nd that 4 :.11,14.1 nfiti i,.sap, the ljailiffit, •• . , 0 pa.4„41:raittho rAgd ) ?aid ,p, p Clapl td I • I ° WOILV444.4411t7t1 4: ml::17.nax1:1V1:4448::IVIE.4.$11.A*cin. hrandh °eine i DoMleions Ageneies elal 1Y9'ipalutoet .winfeeluropei • ' Em Vq*Epzich, • OPen every law ttr3taXb a. unto 3 p. SATURD eatdo,, e'I P' ' 3 Per railoWedCgr neeteet'ot Deposit Bedis'i d twines Range ORERR. anAgey. --Mt. .To n Warater left 0,4 a weelr• tsit to TvIichigen,-- a have, rettrell''' Ifiltiatinegh It*of millinery Son,a ns is home On a sierra' SaudaY *and tile fall of nl Gieltdis id their fflas r ,Ruee,dig, tqce a quitedil thirpriee .was very beavyftrs.zhidg excellent vavieh has 1Mwever dieappettrecl ,lind has kit the' roads `in a InuddY state,--Our,,Band has just received a new lot a due selections fpr the season's work. 'like to see thekt Out on •the , me nMe evening. -At the edv- era u sales laeld if this neiglibeehned letelystbek has been so d very cheap and they have not been very satiefaotopy„-The Tp. Council met for business on VIondaY last and among other basilicas appointed pattimasters for the coming year. They have,also made the t oadsvork, for tha vil- lage payable in cash, with the whple village in one beat (instead of two as heretofore,) and have appointed Mr. Chas, Brown as commissioner. This may not 3E80 With the approval of some bat time will tell if the scheme will prove sat'sfe.ctorys (From an occasional. correspondent) The correspondent of your Exeter cotem, must either be a svooden-heacled sensation- alist, or else mast be stuffed. by some one.. Last week he announced that one of our citizens had a largo (tamer removed from, his side. Now Jirarael Vernon had no more cancer on his side than the corns - pendent had on ins mese. He had a simple, harmless growth theeize of a pullets egg, and its removal required about as ranch skill and attended by as as much difficulty and danger as the extrattion of a tooth. Yet this correspondent relates that he had a large cancer removed. Why does . not this correspondent also publishall the tooth -pulling under the heading a skillful surgical operations? It is about time the writing of. suci •absoluto rot as this was put an end. to. The nubile outside will soon come to the conelnsion that cancers Are as plentiful about here as people are. We would advise, the morrespendent in geestion to exercise a little more common sense iniature, or else put no reliance in the person Who is an:tiding him. "EDITORS SAUK STARS.' • The Interesting Views of the Late Dr, J. G. Holland. Tlse esdeaneneeefethe newel:tape!, appear ,t9._ bb leaded wit b-Propilis trete, inedleindadVer- tisements. As we east out nye over thern, it brings to mind an erticile that WastPub- lished by the late Deltjollancl in Scribner's Monthly. He ette Nevertheless, 'it is a fact that many of the 'best proprietary medicines of the day were more successful thau many physicians, and rangt of them, it should be remembeked, were at first dis- covered or used in actual medical practice. When, however, any shrewlt person, know- ing their virtue, angleicereseeing their popu- larity, secures and advertisesthem, then in the opinion of the bigoted, all virtue went out of them." Is this not absurd? This great man appreciated the real merits of popular remedies,and the absurdity of tnose that,derided them because public at- tention was called triletapetiole and the evidence ot their cures. If an ulcer is found upon one's arine and is cured by Bente dear old grandmother, out side of the code, it will be pronouncedeby the medical profession an ulaer of little im- portance. But if treated under the code, causing sleepless nights for a menth, with the scientific trearmenr, viz., plasters, washes, dosing with morphine arsenic and other vile substances given to prevent blood -poisoning or deaden pain, and yet the ulcer becomes maliguant, and, amputation is made necessary at last to save life, yet all clone oceording to tImeeisree,' of the medical code, tine ismuch more gratifying to the medical profession, and adds more dignity to that distinguished order than to be cured by tho dear old grandmother's remedy. • One of the most perplexing things of the day is the popularity of certain remedies, especially Warner's -SST -are, which we find for eitle everywhere. The physician of the highest statiding is ready to eoricede its merits and sustain the theories theproprie- tors have made -that is, that it benefits of most of the oilsuentofjl human system bee/else it assists in putting the kidneys in proper condition, theseby aiding in throw- ing off the iniparities of the blood, while othera with less honesty and pxperienee de- ride, and are willing to See their patient die nientilleally, and eccording to the code, rather than have biendd_tired by this great remedy. The discoverer comes boldly before the people with its merits, and ptoclairai them from door to door and is in env opinion • much more honorably than the physician who, perehance, ueseteeeetre a patient from sense catastrophe, and is permitted to aet bone of at arm or a fingerewhich he clo'n with great dignity, yot very soon after takes the liberty to climb the editor's back, stairs fit 2 &Moult in the morning Ur have it announted In tteeeeanserning paper that "De. SO -and -so War in attendance," thus sectiring for his benefit a bostutiful arscl free advertisement We shell le,ave it to oar rename; to say welat is the wiser and more honorable. A strong effort will be pot torward Windeor Board of Trade to induct° Mr. Hiesitn Walker 1 etteed the Walker Rail- road to Windsor. As 11 18 007 the trade of the soethern pant of, the riding goes ticross the river, whore, if the •road touched Windsoro it would be lab in Windsor. DnotnnAstoo erns DSATir 11.8.1:tr The mortality among Consuinptives 1.10,s been materially decreased of late years by the use of Stott's Emulsion of Cod Liver 011 with Hypophosphitea of /Amami& Soda. Droeebilie, Abeeess of tile Lenge, Pneureenia end Throat Affections are tom, pletcly gabiagated by A timely use a this exoelleist, pulmonic, Palatable rel Hit% Snia b,r ltDruggtsictt 60e. and