HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-3-28, Page 8INSURANCE,.
4111,4103),A0ENT FOIt
TIM WNSTaitia AaatillatalOM 110a1 -
ANY, of Toronto ; also eor tbej IP Palaalleala
INSTanaliaal 00all'alaYs et .laeuatru,
Uughtudathe 1Wt OA»IAI ot morn
treal,ard the eitaTIeli xyp AS
Saiii4140 00ataaNY, ot treneen, langlaud.
eetaalieleed lean aeeeth ever 0,000,000;
claims end bouesea aeia, over $1.0,000,900,
E,00.4L NB s 401 eltapp y to re-
ax4ve at a//, Cf.nres,frota any part of the
(Jounty, ,i,totac of loca? new, ouch t1,8 ac,
calente,or any ilterostiagincidout 'what-
ever ,front. any of ouraalreeriber$ or read-
ers generally for the purpose of pubic
Ettg gxetcr
THURSDAY. MARCH 28th, 1$89
13, of Xrs. 1/10Ewep, ( tIte Bator of the Opeter Tintee,
oaserved in lest weelt'e Tnaa'a
that there w e q nth as to Who
bect giVell the moat oiat answer to the
diVisMno Shot weading calm. I never
event toread, one decimal „piece as 1
thought thet wee auite sufficient to setts-
fy the inau-so there is no use iu
wraegling or being too loatiacions over
the question now, fer 1 suppoth bY title
thee the eke i 11 coueumed. llovrever
I deu't like to see you accused of any
ertiality in publishing the wreng ensarer.
would suggest that apy one centeodipg
that lie is right, --the best avey la foe resell
one to owl ht th,e whole figures without
using algebric equetioue, Theu you can
eale the Cleric of Stephen or some other
oompetent perthe, in your oelebra.ted and
majestic little town of Exeter, who sent
the meat correct aaewer th the division of
the oak°. You will then Tnd whether
gave six solid inches to oae more than
the other.
Yours met respeotfully,
Leet Fridey evening death renieved
front this coinmunity an old resident
whose departale cells for more thea a
rasing notiee, Mrs. M °Ewen, the eule-
3ect of thie notiee wee the widow of the
late Duuce,a MeEwee, of the London roact.
She wag horn in Perthshire, Seotlaud, in
1$02 when thia coturtry.latel scaacely dawn-
ed, and at the age a $1,xuonolviigtp,teato
Cainiale, first settling r -tear Carleton
Plage, 00, a Lanark. In 1857, with her
huaband and agrowing family. of boys,
she Battled on a 'Meek ot lend. In the Co.
ofHuron ou part of which Ileusell now
stands. 'Here aha aesisted her husband
and familyin hewing mit comfortable
harries from this bloek ef solid forest.
Some years ago she retired, with bei
only cla,ugleter, to reeirle in Exeter,
fallowing members of the family survive
her: ---John, Minoan, William and Alex-
ander, of the towuehip of lay, and Peter
of MoKillop, ell well known and respect-
ed farmers, and Miss Marren of Exeter.
For many years Km. MaEsreu was a
member of the Presbyterian church. She
was a svoman of piety and "lead a quiet,
peaceable We in all godliness and hon-
esty," Modest and retiring, but a lover
of every true work of cliristitin elaerity.
"She came to ber grave in a full age :
like as a shock a corn cometh in his
Ordered clothing a specialty and a firet
olass fit guaranteed at Richard Piekaaal's.
Fresh oysters a Geo. Sanders' by the
,quert, or served up ay the plate, cooked
-or raw. Just look at our stook of con -
lectionary, and sporting goods. All fresh,
new and arab clam,
Mr. Stokes of Detroit spent the past
-week with friends in town, -The Rev.
W, W. Smyth, of New Marleet, editor of
the "Independent Maaazine" and the
author of several books of beautiful poems,
spent several days of last week with Mr,
McCallum of Exeter North. In the
morning of the I7ttt inst. he preached an
eloquent and impressive sermou in the
Presbyterian, churett.-Bevs. Meseta,
Martin ana Clement exchanged pulpits
oa Sandy morning last - r. Dennis and
Miss Baird of Parkhill spent Sunday in
town. -Miss Keats of Kippen is the guest
of Mrs. J. P. Ross. -Mise lalaggie Willis,
of Detroit, is viaiting friends in town.
Death of Oise Ballgwiii.
On Saturday 24th instaafter a protract -
ea illness, during which time the deceased
experienced, and endared with ehrist-
Ian fortitude--unich. suffering, there pass-
ed. to that eternal abode where suffering
is unknown, all that is immortal of Miss
Eliza J. Balkwilt, daughter of Mr. Wm.
Balawill, a farmer resident a short dis-
tance from Exeter. Deceased. had been
ailing to some time, though anticipating
nothing serious ; and what taken serioes-
ly ill it was learned that the malady
which had seized her was catarrh of the
stomach. Though very low at times,
hope was entertained of her recovery
until the last. Miss Ballawell at the
time of death was 21 years of age and
vvas just entering the sphere of woman-
hood. She was a quiet, unassuming
ehristian lady and highly respected by
her acatmintances, who deplore the loss
of an affectionate auti agreeable fend
and associate. The funeral which 'took
place yesterday was largely attended, an
evidence of the esteem in which the de-
parted and the bereaved family are held
by the peblie in general.
The station hoteti is being fitted up to
undergo inspection. by the license com-
We have now five licensed, hotels M
Exeter, but, it is reported there will be
For valves in boots and shoes just try
the big bankrupt store. Largest stock in
town. a,
The Walsh Bros,n(af' Stephen, have
leased the farm of. Paraobt. Leathern,
or a•term of years. anaa
Several marriages are on the tapis.
Clothiog to order fee ant abed- half
the regular prices at big bankrupt store.
Reedy made clothing for men Eiva boas,
at starvation prices 'at the,, big bankrupt
Another colonist train passed ever the
L. 13, & 13. railway, Tuesiey, for Manito-
ba. It was well filled with passengers.
Gents futuishinge, hats, caps ties, col-
lars, shirts, eta, at pricer, that'defy com-
petition, at the big bankrupt store.
Mr. Wm. Dearing, of tho 2ad. con., of
ltfew weeks, ive are pleased ta anuounce, is \ &
Stephen, who has beets ill for the past
Has decided ou holding a ckRAND CLEA.RING Sale, for the next Afteen. days, during
which time he will offer TREMENDOUS BARGAINS in the following lines ;
Black end Colored Dress Goods,
Bleck mid Colored Silks, ad Setin 1VIervellieux,
Ladies and Children'a Gloves and Hosiery,
Men's and Boy's hard and Soft Veit Hats,
Men'a Ordered and Ready-made Clothing,
Carpets, Curtains and all kinds of House Furnishings,
Boots & Shoo of Every Description,
Crockery, Glassware, Silverware, Clutlery, Etc.
This is a bona fide clearing sMtale, and persons wishing to secure bargains, Should not fail
n PICKA110
South -Is -era navigation has been! 'opened
and it is expected the rivers and. lakes to
the north will be open for navigation very
The dust has been flying- an Exeter
streets for some days. The watering -
cart Al be requisite very soon a the rain
much longer delays its coming.,
The largest and choicest, stoele of new
speifig dress goods b. Bxete:, at the big
baiekrupt store. Beautiful combinations
Dr. Tennent has just purchased tsvo
superior colts three years old of the "Ful-
ton" "and Tontine' strains.
Under the auctioneer's hammer, the
other day, the property of the late
Richard Pinconthe was purchased by Mr.
radt Wood, in consideration. of .41,000.
Ladies remember the great millinery
opening at Richard Pickera's 031 April
th and 10th.
According to the directions .aa 1.•• Im-
ola a notice forbidding /--•
drivers passing in and I':1w
hotel archway, at a aa'ster rate than a
walk, hae been hung up in a conspicuous
Foot Itace
A somewhat exciting footrace took
place in Exeter on Monday etvg., the con-
testants being Mr. Robt. Leathern and
Mr. Sarra SPlake. Botb these gentle-
men are not a8: locat runners and have for
some tinan been e,nxious to try conclusions.
After sonaffitle discussion a..S to WbOM
Ilia most fleet -footed, 35.r. Stanlake
challenged Mr:Leathern to a race for one
hundred yards, placing; V5 in the stake -
holder's hands to back his contention.
Mr. Leathern, who was to have three
yards gad of his opponent accepted tbe
•challenge. The contestants, with a very
large crowd of spectators, repaired to a
suitable ground, where, after stripping
and preparing the course the sprinters
were soon to start. They got off nicely
and ran with the agility of young men -
not with the stiffness one might expect
of persons sixty years of age, -Mr. Lea-
• thorn slightly gaining on his opponent,
and winning by a, few feet. This did
not satisfy Mr. Stemlake, who "put up"
Leathern was noticed to fall, and he
claimed a foul, as did also the referees.
They wanted the race re -run, but no ;
Mr. Staulake was in favor of "a, prize for
every race," The stakes were again. in-
oreased. and a third e _eat took place.
Thaelitie,,Mr.-Scanlike, who unforfunate-
ly got the rongh course, had a very bad
fall, witich allowed Mr. Leathern to win
the race as he would otherwise certainly
have done. This ended the amusement,
and Mr. Leathorn was declared winner
of the rases, and pronounced. Champion.
.6..s soon as they aecovet from the sore
effects of the runtung,--they were not
properly rahbed- down -another contest
is expected.
Platel"r*. Thomas Isla Kay and family, of
LTsborne desire to return thanks to the L.
0, L. No.1071 of 1linivi1e, and Court
Star, No. 365 I. 0. F. Farquhar, for tbeir
kind letters of condolence in the event of
the death of Mrs Kea .
Change of business, -As Mr. R. Melo
is about to move to a more commodious
building, will offer for the next thirty
days at a discount, his entire stock, con-
sisting of watches, clocks, jewellery,
silverware, spectacles, etc. Give him a
call as he means 3t
The Bev. Dr. atoorridge, Canon of
Christ church eathedral, Hamilton will
preach in the Trivitt Memorial church,
Exeter, on Sunday, April 7th, in the
afternoon and evening. The Sons of Eng-
land Benefit society will attend the after-
noon service, e
Lr-• LADIES -Grand display of
IVIllbuery atour opening on "Wed
riesday, IVIarob. 27, and three fol-
a?n, Tuesttay A-pril 4th, a convention of
alloutle Perth Conservative association
1 be held at Fallarton corners. There
will likely be a good turn out.
We are sorry to announce that Mrs
Wm. Case of Exeter, While engaged in
household duties, the other ;day., acci-
dentally fell down cellar, injuring her-
self severely.
Read Messrs. Carling Bras. change of
advt. They are booming business. Ou.
this page Richard Pickard announces great
barge.= in certain lines of goods. Read.
T. A. Stewart of the banbrapt atm Las
had the front of the premises much im-
proved. The show windows have been
lowered. to the sidewalk, and now the
front presents a city like appearance.
The Brandon, Manitoba, Sim says: -
A number of young men from Ontario
came =the last two excursions. They
came expecting to get work with farmers
for the stunner. They have not been dis-
appointeda as all have secured employ-
ment at good wages.
The young man named Wilson, -who
raurdered the young lady who -was re-
turning home from church at Warwick,
one Sunday recently is reported to be in
Pennsylvanut, U. S. The 'reward for his
arrest has been increased to $1,000
The Brandom Man., Sun says that all
Western Ontario ie affected with small
pox. The Sun is in error • the disease is
confined to a very Firnall'aistact in the
vicinity- of St. Thomas. There are now.
however, 'very few eases at Fingal.
A. fine assortment of carpets and • lace
curtains at the big bankrupt stere. -25
per cent off regular prices.
Mr. Thos. Cook and family of Winebel-
sea, left on Tuseay for Nevesathm, in the
vicinity 01 81. Thomas, to reside. The
people of this neighborhood regret Mr,
Cook departure, as he has been a good
citizen and an obligixtg neighbor-. Ile has
retired from farming.
Chaaartin Searle, of Anlaurn prison, N.
Y., one of the most eloquent orators on
the continent, will lecture in Drew's hall
Tueseky erg., April and, under the
auspiceKf the Pasia-st Methodist church.
This will be a rare treat.
In Lona= on Sunday last during a
sermon by Rev. D. fT. Hunter, the
congregation several times forgot their
duty, and meaty outbursts of applause
rang out as the minister advanced points
loyal and to their liking.
Persone wishing te improve their mem-
ories or strengthen their powers of at-
tention should send to Prof. Loisette,
237 Filth Ave., N. Y" for his prospectus
post free, as advertised in another col-
umn. •
Messrs. Geo. Weekee,,Ftic)...- rat Pickard,
jr,, and John Atkinson, Ieft on Monday
last for Chicago, in quest of employment
at their severaltrades. On Tuesday Dan
Dyer, late of Zurieh, left for $t. Paul,
Minn. to seek his fortune. We -wish
them each good lack. Several of • the
neighboring farmers. left on Monday for
With this issue we commente the pub-.
lication of a new, interesting and inetruot.
ive serial, "The Deserted. Farm.' This
is one of the best stories ever 'pliblisheel,
In order thet all May have a ohancelto
read it, we will seud the Trete to any
eadeese, from now until d'an.,1890 for/Se
in advence.
The dining roan Weit as severax
other apartments of the Commereial
Reese have 'been repanered and repainted
in a very tat r• by Mr. Geo. Davis
and. hie able • r. ,Tattes Taylor.
4.,meetine of Rope, of 'the:,
Janice -St Meth edurph Was held •on
Tuesday evg, A pi egriiritne of choibe and
eratied. selection:ender I -apatite&
• 'Ir. Thorn? 8svaitoie left onibu lot mmlan:x
DAaa. Ror some years the
Wallet?, ftros. had been engaged
ltg haaineee here • until
*Of; vciolAtiti'llgohnTilowlin'tharlaretw• o
441 cohatiet the bluenoshbne
$ be Mel left the bueiteee
ano One evio to Miele] Sem ; and it
'Would. appear As though the creditors
Might 'Whistle fot settlement of their
money for another race. This time Mr.
to inspect our stock.
Pickard's old stand.
BRIEFs-'1'he'assesso4has been round.-
Sohnell has returned to his old job at
Mr. Kees'. Be has been working for Mr.
Racey of Blake.-alr Battey of Blake has
sold hie hoterto Mr. Nicholson of Dash-
wood. We hear that Mies Linfield of the
13rouson Line school intends publishing a
school paper, "The Bronson IsTews"..-Mr.
Faust our Postmaster is suffering tom the
effeets of a very severe cold. Mrs. Stein-
ba,ch,lues returned from visiting friends in
Exeter.-Mr.Holtzman undertaker was
called to attend a funeral out near the lake.
-Miss Fergerson a, former teacher of
Zurich visited the schnol on Monday last.
The childien were pleased to see another
old favorite again. --Mrs. -Deals and. Mise
D yer of Exeter, are guests of Mrs Stein-
be,ch.-.9. number of our citizens have left
for Dakota this week , Among the num-
ber were Mr. Heist and wife.
RIIXAWAY --What might have been a
serious runaway bappened at the grist
mill on Tuesday. lt appears the horses
were left outside the redll while the driver
went inside. The horses hecoining fright-
ened by the noise of the mill started off.
They were captured near F. Hess' shop.-
ANOTHEIL LIM-KER.—At the recent law
examinations held 3.t Duluth we are pleased
to learn that Mr Cressweller has been suc-
cessful and admitted to the bar. This is
another feather in Frankel hat. Mr, C.
was a teacher in the public school here
for three years and a half and proved to be
an excellent and painstaking teacher. His
many friends in this vicinitl. are pleased
to learn of this success and wish him utuch
more success in his new profession. The
only wonder is that such an honest fellow
as Frank can fit hisaealf to each a business;
but then there are limiest lawyers': '
lowing daYs.
The Old Established. ,
Mrs. D. Spicer wishes to announce to
the public that she is now prepared for
spring work. She has secured the ser-
vices of a first class trimmer and will
spare no peans to please the ladies of Exe-
ter and vicinity. Straw goods made
over in the latest styles. Also stamping
done by the instantaneous method.
Mr. Sohn Le,nkin has sold the Wood -
barn hotel to Mr. Sarni Riordan, of
Blanshard, for a handsome sum. Re
has in tarn leased the stand to Mr. Wall-
ace Brown, of St. Mary's, for a number of
years. The building into be thoroughly
renovated and greati3r improved. Spec-
ial a,rrangereerns aro to be made for the
accomodation of horsemen during the ap-
proaehing season. 1VIr. Brown takes
posaeasion on the first of May next -31
The troublesome little English speanow
must have felt that their doom -was sealed
on Saturday last. The local sports pre-
sumably, having fruitlessly scoured the
neighboring woods in quest of game
turned attention to the sparrows, as
above mentioned, and with guns in hand
marched up and down Main -sI,, killing
all that might even show their head. A
great many were killed, and in S01110
cases exceptionally good shooting was
The out at the Grand Bend, from the
river to the lake, will be made this year.
Tenders for the excearatioa are now being
a,sked.. The cut will be an average of 20
feet deep, 3011. wide at the bottom and
80 rods in length. When completed the
projection will add very materially to the
value of the lands in that neighborhood,
and be of value to the business of Grand
Bona. MoGillivray township, the leads of
which, are to be most bend thd, refuses
to join the Other townships in this mat.
ter ; and in view of wlaich tlae township
of Stephen has entered a suit to compel
McGillivray peopleto pay their share of
the cost in connection with the cut
The Rev. Father Kealy, of Drysdale,
French settlement, Hay, preached his
farewell sermon in St. Peter's churcb on
Saturday last. The Rev. gentleman. has
been appointed to Commie pzlrish, near
Sarnia, in whieh are two appointments ;
and the Rev. Fellier =Treed, of St.
Thomas, late of Quebec, will take the
Rev. Fathet Kealy's late charge.
While we state that Father Kealy has
now many friends, of all classes, in Bay
township and will doubtless enter his
new work under similar auspices, we
might say that his roxecessor is favorably
spoken of -as baing a gentlemen of talent
-courteous arid ever or the alert in the
interests of his church. ,
Masons have commenced, work on
Mesas. Verity and Son's new foundry.
The building will be completed as soon as
possible, that accommodation can be given
their rapidly increasing bueitess. It a1.
fords us a deal of pleasute to note the ad-
vances of this firm, as their fa -emcee in
business during recent years has beer.
-pleasing to the public as it wagst be to
themselves; and were Exeter favbred with
More eitizerat of like progressive businesa
tact, we would hare One of the liveliest
towns itt Canada. This / firm employ
donble the number of ha. 3 they did
sortie time ago, and when t ,iew foundry
is completed anothealarge rani 'on will be
made to the staff. int present tal available
space is occupied. •
Two men, well dreseed mid of pilaus.
able address, hese been•playing a sharp
tridk on the farmers of `West Niesouri
Derelieeter Towirehip,s, 'rimy represent
,tbeinselyee ,it agents of vartoes, ]ewellry
• leOuees in' Toronto ana other eitiee, and
otter whet appeal& to be gelmine gola
watches at prices rangieg from $10 to $50.
If rater:aim:sect OA to the vestal. of their
ability to sell at such a low figurii,' the re-
ply' ie that the firm theyitpresented had
failed, and that the proprietor had ellow.
ea them to retain their tramples io lieu of
back salery. The genie workea nieely,
arid among the vietime are Mies Phipps,
of the 6th concession • Joseph I.Tren. of
the 3rd concessioa, and nutty allele. A.
loeel leweler place i the velue of the
watches at $1.50, the case being of ramie -
tun instead �f geld. The tamers wilt
eensti,t their_ own ietereets "by givine
thee fellews a
wide berth.
Read Parkinson's change of advt.
Spring stock complete at the big bank-
rupt store.
The weather up till to -day continued
Messrs. Mill & iVIcCall are makini large
shipments of last fall apples.
Reliable fielclattaArclen seeds of every
variety, at Richard- ickezdt.
Mr. Richard Ili:niter, of Usborne, is
the owner of a ewe, which a few days ago
dropped four Iambs.
The town of Mitchell, St. Marys and
Parkhill intend holding celebre"...I.As on
the 24th May. The celebration here will
eclipse them all,
All the laest novelties in English,
French, and Ameicen styles of millinery
will be displayed at Richard Pickard's on
April 9th and 10th.
It is the universal expreasion of all
strangers "that Exeter has the finest side-
walks of any toeva in Ontario." They
might well add "arid the cleanest towe."
On Friday last, Mr. Immel of Reading
shipped. from Eseter, a number of young
Canadian dratightstallions. Ile took them
them to Pennsylvania.
Mr. Alex, Coltpehoun and family have
arrived sefely at Douglas, lelenitobe,.
They report having had. a very pleasant
time en route.
On Saturday night the band favored
the toweepeople, maty of whom were On
the Streets, with several eelectione o
choice music.
Evety irt Eaeter and turroanding.
country is invitee to inspect, our grand
. display of millinery, on Antit aals -1 lOth
Sat Talchard Pickera'e.
The new officers of the Salvatse
have arrived. They had quite a folio
o baturday evg., and the garnet garb(
one of the ofacere attracted consulerab
Should the elements ,tot interfere, the
people of Canada thie yeer will exporimice
,one of the earliest springe ever known to
xeter Lumber Yard
The Iinderilgned wishes to inform Vh epublic in general the , he keeps
-constantly in stock -
A. large stock of Herulook alwaps on hand at mill prices. Flooring, $iding.,
dressed--ineh, inch -and -a -quarter, inch -and -a half and two inch. Sash Doors,
Blinds, Mouldings and all Finishing Materiel, Lath, &c.
SHINGLES .A. SPECIALTY. -Competition ohallenged. The best and the
largest stook, and at lowest prices. Shingles A 1.
All dressed lunaber thoroughly seasoned and ready for use. No shainkage
assured. A. call will bear out the above.
Willis Main st
Absolutely Pure.
This powd er nevervaries marvel. otpur-
ityastrongth and wholesomeness. MOTS aeon
omicale.n the ordinary kinds and cannot
be sold in. conipe talon with the multitudes of
low test, short weight, aluor phosphate
powders. Sold may in ossis.-110AL 13AR.-
ThIG-POWDEli, CC ..106 Wallstreet
Through X-mas and New
Cheap Store, Crecliton
As he is determined to clear out all
his stock of
At lessthan actual. Cost
One Door South
of Post Office
Sale to commence 1st Jan., and
continue until all is cleared out, as I
am going out of the abov e lines .
N. B. All accounts must be settled
lab January.
jr. VEIT crEstza,
Drug Store
e generatiens.
Davilizon Bros.,
Builders d Contractors
Step one door east of Persona' Ble,ok-
—B141 HAS— 1
A NEW AND 00111214ETE
Boots &
Sewed. work a speciality.
Repairing promptly attended to.
Raw Sugar
FOR $1.00.
ull stock of all kinds oi 12 Lbs
A. f
DYe- stuffs and package
hand. Willa/111S 1 e Sugar
FOR $1,00.
Exeter North.
Dyes,,:ja constantly on wb.t
PO wd-
the best
in. the thark-
et and always
fresh. Faraiiy recip-
es carefully prepared at
CentralDrug Store Exeter.
ronith Shop. Manufaeturers of Sashes, Doors I
and Blinds. Buildings eontracted for. Plans, ..
estimates and speeifieationa 1 urnished if re.
From their past experience in the building
line the guarantee satisfaction. All work
done with promptnesS and dispatch. Season-
edlumber always on hand. ,
Market Square TRE NICEST,
General Store
The undersigried would inform the pub-
lic that he has jtist reoeived his
Is.fulllitie of DreCloods, gate igs flaps, ail&
Crockery, Beets end Shoo.
Those wishing anything ha my line will
dna it to their edvantage to mill and in,
evict my goods and prices.
Highest prices paid for Bilt-
ter and Eggs and ali
kinds of produce.
3% 1* llos
-Aseertment of—
JUST IN, 8e rRjsTL
Awtby down in Price,
13read,13ans, Oakes, and all kinds of Past
ry, still Wm the lead.
Iltfl,C1411arterS for Confection.
ery at
The royal mail, passenger and freight rt'uuter
betWeen Canada and Great Britain,'
Direct eottte between the West and all the
points on the Lower St. Lawrence and Bale
de Ciluileur, else IOW un
Drswick, Nova
aeotitelnausse liclward Island, Cape 331-etOn
and. Newtoundlan d.
New end elegant buffet sleeping and ,AttY
cars VIM 031through expterre trains,
l'eseengere for Great Britain or the conti-
nent by leaving Tetonto by a p.m, train on
rehmsdey will joie otttWarcl Snail steamer at
HalilaxSaturds.Y. ,
ettperior elevater,warchotee eau dem, ae-•
eommodation at Malta% for shipment Of
grain and general neerchandiee.
'Steers of experionee have provodthe Inter -
eolonial, in oormection with steamship linos
to and free:1.14114mi, Liverpool and Glee-
gow to Gallia/Cr te be the quiekest freight
route be he eon 0 flal ads. told Ore a t B rit ain.
Iufebnatioits,s passenget and freight
rates dot be had on eppliarttioa to.
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Western Vreight &Passenger Agent
ssuessinuenso B1o0lI,Serk fit . '.Vorente
Chief Superintendenl.
aftwa,y office, 'Monetou, t,, Nov, 20, '18.