HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-02-01, Page 9r
soft% Annuai rep aceQpted
at United Church meeting
of the pot year was
at the ammel meeting
Winghem UW Church
we* with the minister
Rev. Pu
Annual reports,
ging a 'successful year in the
Ch's life.
Atmore shown depicting
the congregation's life.and work
including several f
the .ice and films. of past
flower ,anniversaries and high-
lights from other years,
• Included in the list of officers.
for the year 1973 are G. W. T
secretary of Official • Board
Marvin, Streteh, clerk of session;
Ray Wales, church _treasurer;
Mrs. Jim Ward, S Y School.
?auperinten4eot; Mrs. Ed -Darer
and Mrs. Han.' Sc hipper, junior
congregation superintendents.
The Messengers, With an aver-
age membership sof 15, are learn-
ing about India; loaders •areMarrs.
Brian: Cameron and Mir Mardi
Adams. The Explorers, under the
leadership of Mrs. William Rin -
fn liar
P.O.' BOX 194
Wingbm, 'Ontario
tool, are rshoe Involved
of Itedirl; *Olt auiras ► it 14.
Nan Weelner 'end G. W.
Tiffin are representative* to
Presbytery and Conference;
Elmer Ireland is the
tion's representative
Unite Church r Men. Mrs
Underwood is
United Church Women.
Header the vi$ois • mut-
tees aet ve in the life of the
chtrch, are . DeWitt Miller.
(finance); Mr rt Albert Illatoul
(stllwardsliip); Marvin 'Streiff
-(worship, music, me bhp)
George Underwood` (Clristian.
education); Lloyd Casemore
(property); Murray Hunter (out. •
More than 35 girtaare enrolled
four gr'oupe of ` CGS'.:Super*
intende nt is .. 'G. Watcher;
leaders are •Jean Hancock, Linda
Hideout, Kae Pattison and Mardi
Adams. President of the group is
Cathy 1 ieyery.
The Wingham United' Church
has a total membership of 921, an._
increase: of seven over the :game
time last year. The Sunday'
School has a membership of 190.
There are 33 active members in
the junior choir.
nary . to fail a,
ning Organisation. ,latinsee F. sons are expected to be on
Gray, a *Strict supervisor, krSandey aseeting,”said the
SouthernOntario„ will the '''s
ventione ba,i'n*an.
Bi ghtef .H p your w in er wardrobe,
and go
• in46'w or cold *with a fresh,
bright, coiorfuf look. Just count on our
delightfully dependable dry cle zning
service ..: for spotless perfection. ras#
results, too:
Ei.d.rs, steards
ire inductedat
Suiday service
1 "of.Miidmaywerecash winner' in Winghani l %o.ns Talent Hunt
show in the town'hall at l ilttgham Thursday night, captivating the large audience and the
judges With their talent arid charm. Left to right are Kevin Gropp, Barbara Lang, Darlene
Albright, -Brenda lora .;and Bryan Cutting. They are eligible for the final show April 26,
(Staff Photo)
WROXET R --•• Rev. George
Sach inducted the new elders and
stewards • of Wroxeter United
Church at a special service Sun-
day. morning, Arthur. Gibson pre-
; seated the list. Elders are George
Gibson, Ronald, McMichael,
Bruce Montgomery; stewards,
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Fines,
Garry Chambers, Mrs: L. Tele -
bus and an d Jack Clarke:
The choir rendered the anthem,
"The Lord's My Shepherd" to the
popular tune of S. Moller, under
the direction of the organist, Mrs.
A. Edwin Martin. Miss Doreen
Riley read the psalm and first
\ Mr. Sach's . theme was ti`The
Prodigal's Two Prayers— .
`Father, forgive me' and `Father,
make us' " The; prodigal son was
.x, x�n.
1f. bl �/`y` t badbut want
e 1+� yo -•'110- a ed .eX-.
citm+ nt farther •abroad. �.
ssiaii E
r r1.�
`fir . ,
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tie savings
• you're
looking for
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VASELINE. Reg. 89c 39
RESDAN Reg. 1.89 • 99
HAIR SPRAY Giant Slat Reg. 2.9E
PROTEIN 21 1.79
Large Selection of
PAY ,„- ,v,//) C /Nf , , c` c' ,,,VfIJr s , 9 OB .4 i C% c
u 9 mow, tar 1 p.m, � i SatM ys No+
Erle our
eeriites us vin :repentance. •
oforth. Folds first
meeting of the year
The fiir st meeting of the year , cultural art. Some Indian art was
the Goforth Auxiliary of t [ems-�, on display and it was beautiful,.
byterian Church, Wingham, was.s Concerning journalism in In -
convened by Mrs. L. D. Balser, dia,it is pretty much ' controlled
assisted by Mrs. Gordon. But-; . by the government. The news-
cliffe, Mrs. James Carr, Mrst papers are mainly restricted to
Parker Campbell, Mrs. John, the cities and each paper is
Donaldson and Mrs. Garry Bate -e, read by more than 27
man. people. Only ten per cent of the
The new study book on Iiia; • people are reached by news -
was introduced. Mrs. Parker ' papers as there is a high percent -
Campbell ,read Psalm 9$ fid age of illiteracy. About 70. per
gave a meditation on Psalms• cent are reached by radio, as
The Book°of pSalms is timelc, nearly everyone has .a set.
she said, and yin it we are COM- , Geests Attend
mended to be joyful, Mrs. John "• Mrs. Donaldson introduced the
Donaldson led in prayer. guests,, M. and .Mrs. ,Jain . w
In 'al s inter-
d>s .Mrs Ba, er ler arr><Ver� from India ` two yeats
viewedtree' ictitious s .h mi It ago. -a. Jain is a physiotherapist
persona �.
India, sit t
as and ` ��il �.of In
.t�i�weid dia.
mid ti m
urn that, n the - � e Pictures of very ancient build-
usic' 'Tui' b �jllh
On'WednOdaY, February 7, El-
mer Farriaih will show his slides
on Yukon and the North,' at the
UCW general meeting in 'Wrox-
s 11009 rVallitaik..ellffel1&MOM fild 4
mrd was ; + ed off{ Set temple dated' back to two
music ton ur ticu- hundred years before Christ. The
lar style of music of th ,country,' Hiniala*a mountains of • which
Was RIC1 c` Mt. Evrest is one, • were
At one tirn India was one of the' n!a jestic.bPictures of rice fields,
most affluent natioits in the world,- tea garden:fend snake charmers
and Was rich.n architecture and' gave an insight into the,�customs
Of India.. .
4: A question and answer period
disclosed many interesting facts.
Machinery to work in rice fields
is, -not wanted because people
- A time to catch up on quiet Informal get -to -gathers with close
friends and family. It's fun to gather with a few,friends for a visit.
The infonnal abnosphere allows peoPle to roller and enjoy them -
Good food ahvays helps peoPle feel at ease and any beet dish
can certainly be classified as good food.
Appetites will soar when you sem Tasty Beef Birds for dinner
before. a challenging bridge game.
11/2 pounds round steak, cut
into 6 slices, pounded thin
1 teaspoon salt
14 teaspoon pepper
dash marjoram
6 small cooking onions
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 - 20 -ounce can tomatoes or
tomato sauce
2 tablespoons horseradish
• Season meat, place an onion
on each slice, roll up, secure
with toothpicks;
• Roll in flour;
• Brown in hot oil, pour off fat;
• Add remaining ingredients,
cover, simmer 11/2 houm.
Spread seasoned beef pieces
with mixture of
Y2 cup chopped onion
14 cup grated Swiss cheese
Vs cup chopp*ed parsley -
• Roll up and secure with tooth-
• Brown in hot butter
1 cup peeled, chopped
3/4 cup dry white wine
V4 cup Mushrdon1 slices
1 bay leaf
• Cook uhtil tender, 2546
The Italians elso have en In-
tarestina wily of serving Beef
Birds— with Chicken Liver Shil-
ling. Excellent served hot or
Spread seasoned beef slices
with mixture of:
2 slices white bread soaked in
2 cups dry white wine,
pound raw chicken livers,
3/4 cup chopped onion
1/4 cup chopped celery
1/4 cup minced, parsley
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1 egg, beaten
3/4 teaspoon salt
Y4 teaspoon pepper
V2 teaspoon oregano
• Roll up and secure with tooth -
• Brown in hot oil, season to
• Add 11/2 cups beef broth,
cover, cook until tender, 1
Beef is also excellent when
used for hors d'oeuvres. Hors
d'oeuvres should never fill your
guests before a dinner, they
should just stImulete their ap-
;Mites. Try these for fun.
• Mix 3 parts cream cheese with
1 part horseradish;
• Spread mixture on sfIces • of
lean, rare beef;
• Roll up and secure with cock-
tail picks.
COLD BEEF 8711108
6 Cut Ilan. rem beef Into finger
• Selks011 with Salt, pepper and
St little lemon juice;
6 Cost Meat nanny in SOO
—Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gorbutt
have returned to their home in
Woodstock after spending ,the
past three morns with their san °
and daughter-n4aw in Florida.
--1140t!illuilosfirrod 4:onfererace
et St. Audr.w's Mme,
104"Ea ton Catalogue --
j Rev''. R. H. Annetroog spoke supero,iss<ora, who attended. a
abourt: the impor three-day co a nee at the
• the sabbath da►y' may;; w " • Via, York Hotel,-
conducted the Sunday mo.
worship in �: Ate's
terian Church, Wingham; His •
sermon ' entitled "A Day for
;t :. t nraW and was
based on be fourth. command-
ma • .
During .the Serleicesf Mr. ' Arm-
strong also administered the :,
—Corporal Alfred Caskanette.
sacrament of baptism,to two`chil-
dren. Sheryl Ann, • daughter .of
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald'. Clhorn.
and Rosemarie May, daughter of
Mr. and MIs. Kenneth Noble.,
The choir sang an anthem and
Miss Annette Oughton sang a
of the Canadian Forces,. Ottawa,
left last Thursday. for Vietnam.
His wife and family will remain
in Ottawa. Wilfred is the -son of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Caskanette.
—Russell Bone of Shuter Street
is hospitalized in a London hospi-
tal. He is wished a speedy re-
covery by his Wingham friends.
—Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pletch
were weekend guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Nick O'Donohue of Mark -
—Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gaunt
of Chatham were Sunday visitors
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,
Russell Gauntof Edward Set.
—Chris Gosling of Gosling
' —Reg Armstrong of Walkerton
renewed acquaintances in town.,
on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Moffat,
Julie Ann and Kendra of Oakville
spent the weekend with. Mr. and,
Mrs. Parrish Moffat.
—Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston
and Donna of -St. Paul's visited
over the weekend with Gershom
Johnston on Catherine Street and
with Mrs. Gershon n Johnston, a
patient in the local hospital. The
former's son, David, was playing
in the hockey tournament in the
local arena where his team (Mit-
chell) won three games played
with Wingham, Durham and Sea -
forth. On Sunday the Mitchell
lads played Seaforth and in over-
time, won the game.
Officers elected at
United Church annual
WROXETER — The annual
Meeting of the United Church
was held on Wednesday evening
at the church, when all reports
were given and a good year Was
indicated. - -
Rev. George W. Sach is the
congregation's highly esteemed
minister and Mrs. Edwin Martin
is organist.
The following are the official
board: .,;chairman, Rev. George
W. Sach; charge treasurer, Mrs.
Agnes Wright.
The Wroxeter Session: (Eld-
ers) 5 year term, George Gibson,
Ron McMichael, Bruce Mont-
gomery; 4 year term, Lloyd
Townsend, Ken McMichael; 3
year term, Harvey McMichael,
Lyle Hart; 2 year term, Ken Ben-
nett, Jack McLean; 1 year term,
Arthur Gibson; chairman, Rev.
George W, Sach; clerk, Lyle
Retiring Elders: Edwin Mar-
tin, Glen McMichael, Lewis Tay-
lor (moved away).
Committee of Stewards: chair-
man, Jack Clarke; secretary,
Paul Higgins; treasurer, Mrs. J.
A. Wright; 3 year term, Mr. and
Mrs. Warren Fines, Garry
Chambers, Mrs. Michael Tele-
hus, Jack Clarke; 3 year term,
Paul Higgins, Stewart Higgins,
Mrs. Gordon Louttit, Mr. and
Mrs. Hebert Musgrove, Man
UCW Representative: Mrs.
Stanley Gallaher.
Retiring Stewards: Dick
deBoer, Catherine Edgar, Gar -
don Louttit, Gordon Kaster.
Trustee Board: George Gibson,
Harvey McMichael, W. Leslie
Sunday School Superinten-
dents: Mrs. Ron McMichael,
Bruce Montgomery.
Organist and Choir Director:
Mrs. Edwin Martin.
Caretaker: Mrs. Oliver Riley;
holiday supply and anniversary
committee: Les Douglas, Lyle
Hart; auditors: Jamea Alcorn
and Mrs. Glen McMichael.
Nominating Committee: the
mipister and retiring members of
the board.
Clerk of the Session: Chairman
of Stewards, Mrs. J. A. Wright,
Mrs. George Gibson, Arthur
Gibson„Jack Clarke.
M S committee: Mrs. Mac
Wylie, Mrs. J. H. Wylie, Mrs.
Mac Allan; manse committee:
Wright, Mrs: G. McMichael.
Ushers: Lloyd Townsend, Jack
Clarke (with power to add);
United Church Men: W. Les
Douglas; representative to Pres-
bytery and Conference: W. Les
Douglas; president of UCW: Mrs.
Treasurer: Friend:1Np Unit:
Mrs. Stewart Higgins; secretary,
Mrs, Ken Edgar.
Treasurer: Willing Workers,
Mra. Ross Sanderson; secretary,
Mrs. George (Gibson.
Leader of .ftiessengers: Mrs.
Robert Musgrove..
Secretary -treasurer of S.S. :
Mrs. Harvey Wheeler.
- BELMORE -- The ;January
meeting of the Women's °Mission:
ary'Society of r Knox Presbyterlan ,,
Church was held . at 2 p.m.:on
January 17. Thep tident, Mrs.,
George Nickel was in ch e. A.
hym�me+waaq sung;s ills caby-
igyaita'Ca mpirj Leda (Weir
loai>pere[ b rr atrwee,Derl-
The minutes of the last meeting
were read by the secretary, llfirs.
Elmer Jeffrey. Nine ladies an-
swered the roll call with sugges-
tions for 1973 programs. Pro-
grams were then planned.
The current events, featuring
articles on India proved most
interesting. Members learned of
geographical features, popula-
tion, family life, incl 'ng health
care and occupations e.
ASPRO, "Actions for Food Pro-
duction", was also discussed. -
The meeting cloyed with a
hymn and prayer by Mrs. Nickel.
outstanding 'SalesrecOrd
tie latter;: part of i'
ed' in selection from over
330 towns cross Canada.
The conference:concluded *iU
informal and instructive
. Eaton's t
:prey t
R.J. ,Butler. --Adv
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